Stay out of the rising waters. Deadly flooding swamps texas. Were just trying to rescue as many people as we can. Theres a lot of kids involved. America should own the 21st century. I believe that. What could stop us . The current president ial election just is the tip of a broader iceberg of dysfunction. Wereng goi to win, win, win, and were going to make America Great again. Youre not going to do that well in new york, okay . Thanks for the vote of confidence. New york has my back, and ive always tried to have your back. We need aol pitical revolution, and you are that revolution. The race against time to find survivors from the powerful 7. 8 earthquake in ecuador. The official death toll expected to rise. One of americas most beloved tv moms, Doris Roberts, passed away in her sleep. It will say, she never takes no for an answer. In israel, at least 21eo pple on cbs this morning. You didnt want to eat part of the bread. Whats the deal . Its awkward eating in front of them. Its good to use a fork. Just take a little off the top. Then eat as much as you want. This mornings eye opener is presented by toyota, lets places. Welcome to cbs this morning. The nations fourth largest city is struggling with deadly widespread flooding triggered by historical rainfall. More water rescues are under way in houston this morning, even as flood waters recede. Five people died yesterday in southeast texas. Nearly a foot and a half of rain reportedly fell just west of houston. More wet weather is in the forecast. Texas and nearby states face possible flash flooding through thursday. Omar villafranca is in houston where people are rushing to escape water. Reporter good morning. Some scary moments in northwest houston when rescue crews had to use boats to get residents out of an apartment complex. You can see some of the residents are here. They were able to grab basically just a few thing, some clothes they could wear today, rescue a few pets. This is also runoff from yesterdays record rainfall. The amount of rain, historic. The rescue attempts, dramatic. Streets became waterways, littered with People Holding only what they could carry in their arms, and entire neighborhoods swallowed by rising waters. We panicked. We have a 2weekold. The water keeps rising. It was unsafe for him. Its terrifying, especially if you cant swim. Reporter First Responders worked around the clock, in boats and even jet skis, saving children and seniors and pets. Bruing him through. Reporter rescuers dove into neckhigh water to save livestock from drowning. People escaped to safety any way they could. On air mattresses, in empty container bins, even inside refrigerators. Texas governor greg abbott. Please remember the easy phrase turn around, don ever seen anything like this before . Last time it got like this in this area was allison. The water line came up to here. You had about a foot of water. About a foot, yeah. Reporter this is the largest flood event to hit the houston area since Tropical Storm allison in 2001, where 23 were killed in texas alone. Engineer sanita singh drowned while flood waters overtook her car. Her husband says his heart is broken. Cancer, a heart problem, i understand. But this . Theres nothing that could be done. Its a terrible loss for me, for everybody. Reporter many schools in the houston area are closed today as cleanup gets under way, but there is more rain in the forecast. Gayle . Thats the last thing they need. Thank you very much, omar. We have breaking news from afghanistan, where dozens of people were killed in a taliban agency. It began with a suicide car bombing this morning outside the agencys compound in kabul. Gunmen then stormed in and started shooting. Security forces fought them off, leaving at least 28 dead and more than 300 others wounded. President obama today begins a weeklong trip to saudi arabia, britain, and germany. At his first stop, hell talk with saudi leaders facing trouble at home and abroad. Hell also meet with leaders of six persian gulf countries to discuss the fight against isis. The president talked with us about his Foreign Policy monday at the white house. We sat down after officials announced another 200 american troops will be sent to iraq. They will help local forces troo i to recapture a key city from isis. This is a long, hard fight, as i just said last week, but what weve seen is theyve lost territory. As we see, the iraqis willing to fight and gaining ground, lets make sure were providing them more support. Were not doing the ourselves. But when we bprovide training, when were gaining intelligence working with the coalitions we have, what weve seen is that we can continually tighten the noose. My expectation is that by the end of the year, we will have created the conditions whereby mosul will eventually fall. When you arrived in office, i think one of the early things you said to the cia director is, i want to get osama bin laden, and you did. I assume you feel the same way about baghdadi. I feel the same way about the entire isil leadership structure, which is as wicked and as destructive as any group of individuals on this planet. And do you think youll be able to get baghdadi by the end of your term . My goal is to make sure that were doing things right and weve got a plan and we execute. You take bin laden as an example. I would have liked to have gotten him the first year, but you dont have that luxury as president. Is to put and train all the pieces, intelligence, military, diplomatic, and you just keep on grinding it out. Let me turn to something thats been in the news recently, which is the 28 pages of the 9 11 report. Have you read it . You know, i have a sense of whats in there, but this has been a process which we generally deal with through the Intelligence Community and jim clapper, our director of national intelligence, has been going through to make sure that whatever it is that is released is not going to compromise some Major National security interest in the United States. There are just reams of intelligence coming through constantly. Some of them are raw and not tested. Some of them are and some of that may be in the 28 pages. Some of that may be in the 28 pages and i dont know. The point is, its important for there to be an orderly process where we evaluate this because what can end up happening is if you just dump a whole bunch of stuff out there that nobody knows exactly how credible it is, was it verified or not, they could end up creating problems. But the point is, its been a long time. Yeah, it is. A long time. That i can acknowledge. Hopefully this process will come to a head fairly soon. And what about this legislation in the congress that will allow families to sue the saudi government . And other governments in similar circumstances. This is not just a bilateral u. S. Saudi issue. This is a matter of how generally the United States approaches our interactions with other countries. If we open up the possibility that states can routinely start suing other governments, then we are also opening up the United States to being continually sued by individuals in other countries. Really interesting as the president is embarking on a trip to saudi arabia today. Yes, and the interesting thing, talking about the 28 pages, you get a sense, theres so much talk about it, that something is going to happen soon in terms of releasing that. Theres a lot of stuff in there that may not be incriminating, as some suspect, but a lot of stuff because they did a lot of investigations at that time. It has been a long time. Why now . Couldnt they have done this earlier . In our next hour, the president talks about russian president putin. You can watch the entire conversation tonight on my pbs program. The polls are open right now in new yorks crucial president ial primary. Hillary clinton and donald trump want top wi widen the gap betwe trump is expected to win most of the 95 republican delegates. We begin with major in the republican race. Hes at a Central Synagogue in midtown manhattan. Major, good morning. Reporter good morning. Light turnout so far, where donald trump is expected to arrive and cast a ballot for himself in the next couple hours. Big question as you indicated, how many of new yorks 95 delegates will trump win tonight . His top strategists believe hell win most. By that, they mean a range of anywhere from 88 to 92. That will propel trump toward five primaries next week and keep alive his hopes to claim the republican nomination outright. Were going to start winning, winning, winning. Reporter its been almost a month since donald trump a won primary, but with a new york victory in sight, hes starting to talk like a presumptive nominee. Were going to do it on the first ballot. Were going to get to that 1237. Reporter trump expects to do well in five states voting next week, and hes well positioned to win a solid share of the 172 delegates awarded or influenced by the primary outcomes. No new yorker can vote for ted cruz, and no new yorker can vote for kasich. Reporter despite trumps bravado, kasich said trumps complaints about gop rules prove he has doubts. Were going to go to an open convention. Theyre beginning to realize that. They dont like the idea of an open convention. Reporter and trump tried even harder than ever to celebrate 9 11 heroism, but the effort fell short. I was down there, and i watched our police and our firemen down on 7 11, down at the World Trade Center right after it came down. Reporter trump also suggested he had a personal hand in cleaning up after the attacks. Everyone who helped clear the rubble, and i was there and i watched and i helped a little those people were amazing. Reporter we asked Trumps Campaign what he meant by saying he helped out a little bit at ground zero, but gayle, we never heard back. All right. Theres still time. Thank you very much, major. Hillary clinton is down playing talk of a big victory but appeared confident yesterday. The New York Post headline says the former senator is feeling the bern, shows her sweating a little bit, as her brooklyn born challenger tries to pull off another upset win. Nancy is at clintons polling place in new york. Nancy, good morning. Reporter good morning. Behind me is the Elementary School where clinton herself cast her own ballot the two times she ran for senate. Shes feeling so good about her homefield advantage that in a slip of the tongue late yesterday, she said that shes hoping that she can wrap up the nomination today. Now, mathematically, that is not quite possible, though a win in this delegaterich state certainly would help. She quickly amended herself to for granted. And she cant because Bernie Sanders is the one who has been drawing massive crowds here in new york. 15,000 here, 25,000 there, and he has shown he c close the gap before. He was ten points back in michigan, for example, just as he is here, and he ended up with a narrow win. The big difference here in new york is that clinton has virtually the entire new york power structure on her side. Shes been campaigning with both new york senators, with new york citys mayor, with the new york governor, and sanders admitted to me yesterday, that this is going to be a tough race for him. He said dont count him out, but its going to be tough. And the bigger challenge looming for him is that there are five more northeastern states that are voting next week. According to almost all of the polling thats been done, hes trailing in most of them. All right. Nancy, thank you so much. Managing editor of Bloomberg Politics is here. Good morning. You just heard nancy report that, the senator sayin yesterday she hopes to wrap up this no, mamination today. Could it be closer than expected . It could be closer than expected. Bernie sanders has, in most of these states where hes spent a lot of time on the ground and an the air with advertising, has tended to close the gap. If you look at the public polling and the private polling, it seems like shes going to win handily, whether thats in the high single digits, maybe low double digits. You never know what can happen on primary day. Suppose she wins. How quickly can she wrap it up, as they say . Well, the question is the definition of wrap it up. She wins a big victory here if she wins on a scale we think shes going to win, shell add a few extra delegates. If he were to win by a narrow margin, big, huge upset, he wouldnt gain much in terms of delegates. Shes still ahead 200 pledge delegates roughly speaking. But hes got the money and inclination to keep going. Shes going to have to fight through every primary andcu she wont wrap this up probably until the convention because shes going to need super delegates probably, almost certainly, to be the nominee. But every contest where sanders does not close the gap by an appreciable amount is another contest in which he, in fact, is falling behind in terms of what he actually has to do. The math gets harder and harder for him every time he either doesnt win a state 60 40 or he loses, as he might today. Lets look at the republicans. If all goes according to plan, donald trump is going to win huge here in new york, according to him. I like how you say that. Now you cant say the word any other way. Every time i hear it in my head, i hear Bernie Sanders voice. How is he doing when it comes to the delegates . He doesnt seem to be holding up as well as ted cruz when it comes to garnering the delegates. Ted cruz is playing the inside game really well. Donald trump seems to have found his footing again in his home state. Hes likely to win all of most of the delegates here. As your segments earlier suggested, hes got a good calendar down the line. If he continues to win big, theres a chance he could end up getting the 1237 delegates and actually get this nomination before the cleveland convention. That is his goal. John, thank you so much. Trump is complaining about it being rigged because he knows its going to be an open convention. You buy that . Could be. Okay. Thank you, john. Rescuers from around the world are traveling to ecuador to help search for victims of the countrys devastating earthquake. The death toll of at least 413 people is expected to rise. One american is among the dead. More than 2600 people are hurt, and up to 100,000 may need aid. Reporter norah, good morning. So many people are sleeping outside this morning. Families, mothers and fathers, kids. They have nowhere else to go. Their homes have been destroyed. This morning as they sleep outside, now that we see the sun, search and rescue is resu under rubble. From beneath the rubble, a sign of life. This hand belongs to a man trapped under a flattened shopping center. Firefighters pulled him out alive along with two other women on monday. They were wedged between a floor and a roof for more than 32 hours following the devastating 7. 8magnitude earthquake. I felt that she was alive, said the husband of one of the survivors. Rescuers frantically worked to free a man trapped under a collapsed hotel. As news of another survivor spread, dozens of people rushed to the scene. We spotted this woman. She looked helpless. It was her husband who was stuck. He had called her on his cell phone from underneath the rubble. Hes alive but trapped, she told us. Soon she was too overwhelmed with emotion to even speak. Moments later, firefighters p l pulled pob low out. A total of eight pablo was the only one found alive. Despair and frustration are setting in. People have waited in long lines for food. Some people here havent eaten in days. The widespread destruction has left thousands of people in need of shelter and without power. Ecuadors president says rebuilding could take years and cost this country billions of dollars. There have been more than 250 aftershocks, and they keep coming. Gayle, every time people start running, its because someone has said, hey, i see someone under the rubble, i hear them, lets go. All the rescuers head to that location. As one rescuer said, right now were focused on finding people, were focused on those who are alive. We can come back to the bodies later. Boy, all right. Thank you, david. Reporting from ecuador. Skimmers can be targeting your atm card every time you swipe it. Ahead, steps of courage in boston. Ahead, how two survivors of the Boston Marathon bombing fulfilled their pledge to make it to the finish line. Announcer this portion of cbs this morning sponsored by carrier, turn to the experts. Ol otay tal effects a skin transfoiormatn that rivals the leading Department Store moisturizer. Revives skin to fight 7 signs of aging. Wilath oouy, y age less, so you can be ageless. Olay. Ageless. Hi dad. Uh huh. Yeah. Sorry about that. Think about it there must be higher love down in the heart what do you think . And in the stars above hi ted, glad you could join us, we think youre going to like these numbers. Bring me a higher love i could rise above i thought i neededuggled cigarettes to cope. I was able to quit smoking. And then i started running. Now, i feel a lot better. announcer you can quit. For free help, call 1800quitnow. 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And that builds communities. And a better future. For all of us. Because making something in america means so much, to so many. Weathertech. Proudly made in america. We ask that you please stand and cheer as we welcome to the mound for a ceremonial first pitch, our first jeff bowman and the actor who will portray him in the film, Jake Gyllenhaal. Wow. Thats nice. Thats quite a moment. Welcome back. Look at that. Boston marathon survivor jeff bowman and actor Jake Gyllenhaal threw out the ceremonial first pitches yesterday at the red sox game. Bowman lost both his legs in the marathon bombings three years ago. He was still able to describe one of the suspects to authorities. Gyllenhaal plays bowman in the upcoming movie call the request stronger. I just got the chills. Im so excited to see that. We will be going. Indeed. Yesterday was a good dayn boston. It was. Welcome back to cbs this morning. Coming up in this half hour, well hear from two other survivors of the bombings who reached the finish line of this years Boston Marathon yesterday. How they completed a personal journey three years in the making. Plus, a swipe of your bank card could put you at risk of fraud. Thieves are targeting you through skimming at atms. Well show you how criminals are gaining access to bank accounts. Thats ahead. Time to show you some of this mornings headlines. Politico reports on Vice President joe biden criticizing the israeli government. In a speech last night, he acknowledged, quote, overwhelming frustration with israeli policies, including expanding settlements. Biden said recent meetings with the israeli Prime Minister and the palestinian president left him discouraged over the prospects for peace. The New York Times says the Supreme Court appears to be divided on president obamas immigration plan. It heard arguments yesterday on the program to shield millions of Illegal Immigrants from deportation and allow them to work in this country. A 44 tie would leave an Appeals Court ruling in place that blocks the plan. A Supreme Court decision is expected in june. Usa today reports on the dow reaching its highest point in nearly nine months after a roller coaster ride. The dow topped 18,000 points. Mondays gains came despite falli falling oil prices. Cbs dallas ft. Worth reports on a man hunt in texas for a suspect who killed a mother of three. Surveillance video shows the suspect Wearing Police gear, roaming the hallways of a church early yesterday. The murder victim has been identified as an exercise instructor. She arrived shortly after for a fitness class. Police did not reveal yet how she died. And the Flint Journal reports on the michigan governors promise to drink flint water for 30 days. Rick snyder visited a home yesterday to talk about the water crisis. He tried to show the safety your bank account could be at risk this morning because of a scam growing in popularity. Its called atm skimming. Your bank card could be duplicated and used for purchases without your knowledge. New data show incidents of the crime have increased by more than 500 in one year. Joss elliott of our Digital Network shows us how to spot the fraud. Skimming is a growing fraud where criminals steal debit card numbers by affixing an illegal card reading device. Then hidden cameras record your pin number when you enter it on the key pad, and its done. I did research into the transactions on my bank account. I was kind of like, maybe i did go to subway. Until i saw it was in canada. Reporter matt says he used h his bank card at an harrahs resort casino during a night out in atlantic city. Just hours later her, to understood more th he found more than a dozen fraudulent charges. They told me they froze the account. Was there a sense of, i cant believe this happened to me . We made a joke that i went to atlantic city, and the only way i lost money was because it got stolen by a criminal. Reporter Software Company fico says instances of skimming rose 546 between 2014 and 2015. We monitor all of the atm networks here in the United States. Reporter t. J. Haran, Vice President of Fraud Solutions at fico says 60 of skimming incidents were recorded at atms that were not affiliated with a specific bank. In convenience store, in a gas station, organized Financial Crime rings have found out that there is some weakness here. Reporter fico says your you some hassle. We were shown how to proceed can caution. Whenever you go to an atm, i always take a look at the card slot. Maybe ill take my hand. Try wiggling it, see if theres any obvious seams where it looks like something doesnt fit. Reporter the Electronic Fund transfer act means consumers are usually not liable for funds stolen from their account through fraud such as skimming. Basically, he said somebody had gotten my number, they printed and imprinted it into a physical plastic card, and they were just using it as a point of sales swipe at all these different places. Somebody is effectively using multimillion copies. Sure. Of your card. Yeah, it was almost like i was there in canada because they had my card. Cards with microchips have become the new Industry Standard because they cannot be duplicated. Some banks rolled outew can use smartphones instead of plastic cards. Of course, contact your bank if you suspect that your card or p. I. P p. I. N. May have been compromised. Josh, i was at the atm machine the other day. A lady went like this, like trying to prevent me from seeing it. I wanted to be like, i aint looking at your thing. Thats also the hack of 50 years ago. Looking over my shoulder. Matt said he saw the crime as something of a fait accompli, this is the world in which we live. He called himself the victim of a victimless crime. People should worry about skimming, not people looking over your shoulder. I was a little offended. You tell them, gayle. Thank you very much. Im an honest person. That wasnt the language you used. I was very polite, but i was offended. Actrectress Doris Roberts i being remembered this morning for an overbearing but loving tv m. Shes best known for playing marine barone on Everybody Loves raymond. The role defined a career that lasted more than half a century. Dont let them touch you reporter Doris Roberts spent nine seasons smothering her tv son rey ay romano and taking ja at her tv daughterinlaw. Doris roberts, Everybody Loves raymond. Reporter she won four emmys for her portrayal of marie barone. Im having the best time of my life. Reporter her tv family shared their grief on the news of her passing. Ray romano said in a statement, she had an energy and a spirit that amazed me. I will miss her dearly. Patricia heaton tweeted this picture and said roberts was funny and tough and loved life, living it to the fullest. In 2005, roberts sat down and talked with entertainment raymonds series finale. Everything in life comes to an end at some point. So ive loved that ive had nine glorious years. Reporter her acting career spanned more than six decades, including film classics like barefoot in the park, the taking of pelham 123. Along with goofball comedies Like National lampoons christmas vacation and grandmas boy. But it was on television where she made her mark. Elsewhere, and with Pierce Brosnan before he became bond, james bond. But she will always be remembered as marie, the meddling mom you couldnt help but love. When i go, if theres a tombstone, it will say, she doesnt give in, she doesnt give up a for an answer. I love that. Oh, i know. Tyler perry tweeted this morning, thank god for 90 years of Doris Roberts on this planet. She was in one of his maw vees. If you live until 90 and you die in your sleep, thats a nice way to go. Its a blessing. Such a great show. Yes, indeed. She will be missed. Defiance goes the distance. Survivors of the Boston Marathon bombing turn their injuries into motivation to complete the race. Im really emotional because i think of all the different definitions that this finish line has held. Its pretty awesome. Up next, the stories of the survivors who raced with artificial legs and natural bravery. And if you are heading out the door, you can watch us live through the cbs all access app on your digital devices. Some incredible stories ahead. Plus, more from charlies interview with president obama. We will be right back. That gives you better taste and better nutrition in so many varieties. Classic. Cage free. And organic. Only egglands best. Better taste. Better nutrition. Better eggs. 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The celebrations yesterday also included a pair of american runners. President obama tweeted his congratulations to congratulations to adriann adrianne haslet and Patrick Downes. Reporter good morning. There were no records set here yesterday on marathon monday, but there were a number of shared milestones. For the first year, two victims of the bombings ran on prosthetic limbs and finished the race that changed their lives forever. Ladies and gentlemen, Patrick Downes crossing the finish line. Reporter Patrick Downes finished and ran straight into the arms of his wife jessica. Theres his wife jess hugging nearly to the minute when both were wounded in the bombings three years earlier. How are you . Reporter when we first met the cupping, they were newlyweds recovering in the hospital, after losing their left legs. When you were lying in that hospital bed three years ago, could you imagine this ever happening . Running a marathon . No. Even when i started to run about a year ago, people suggested it, i thought they were ludicrous. Reporter a jog down a hospital corridor turned into a run around the block, then a 5k. Soon, downes began to believe he could run the marathon. So why are you doing it . Im doing it because i can do it. So many of our friends who werent as fortunate as i was to have a relatively healthy body wished that they had the opportunity to run a marathon. She is a role model. Reporter bombing survivor adrianne haslet also ran in mondays marathon. Despite never running so much as a mile, she vowed to complete 26. 2 of them after losing a portion of her left leg. My friends and family will tell you im very stubborn. I will too. Reporter she shared the source of her determination last month with norah odonnell. I believe if you set your mind to something, you can do it. I thank my parents for raising me that way. But you do believe you control your life by how you react to things that happen to you. Absolutely. Absolutely i do. You cant control what happens in your life, but you can control how you handle it. Reporter since the bombings, they have personified boston strong. Please give a warm welcome to adrianne haslet. Reporter rallying supporters in the city and beyond. But it was here at the finish line where they each were able to savor this personal goal. When did you know you were going to finish . When i turned down there. Coming on to boylston . I figured even if broke, i could crawl the rest of the way. Reporter while patrick crossed the finish line first under the afternoon sun, adriannes victory was just auz brought. Im really emotional. I think of all the different definitions that the finish line has held. Its pretty awesome. Reporter theyre pulling up the finish line until next year. Adrianne crossed this finish line in 10 hours and 40 minutes, but she did so with a lot of heart and a lot of support. Not only from president obama. There was also a facebook posting in her support by patriots quarterback tom brady. Gayle . Thats so nice. Thank you, don. Go, patrick. Go, adrianne. I love patrick saying, i did it because i can. I love adrianne. It started with a you can what around the block. Dangerous predator ahead. Why a woman climbed for the past 27 days, four men have outlasted authorities by making their getaway in a prius. This game ends now. To catch a prius, youve gotta be a prius. Whats that . Oh, man. Toyota. Lets go places. Youthats why you drink ensure. Sidelined. With 9 grams of protein and 26 vitamins and minerals. For the strength and energy to get back to doing. What you love. Ensure. Always be you. Sfx leaf blowers the yardleys. Dad sorry. Spring is on. Start your trugreen lawn plan today. Trugreen. 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Symbicort may increase your risk of lung infections, osteoporosis, and some eye problems. You should tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high Blood Pressure before taking it. Symbicort could mean a day with better breathing. Watch out, piggies children giggle symbicort. Breathe better starting within 5 minutes. Call or go online to learn more about a free trial offer. If you cant afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. At safelite,oh nonow how busy your life can be. This mom didnt have time to worry about a cracked windshield. So she scheduled at safelite. Com and with safelites exclusive on my way text she knew exactly when id be there. So she didnt miss a single shot. cheering crowd i replaced her windshield. We won nice thats another safelite advantage. Thank you so much team sing safelite repair, safelite replace. When youre getting paid to get healthier, nothing can stop you. Reach your spring weight goal with new smartpoints and Weight Watchers will pay you up to a hundred dollars. Join now for free. Or control worth celebrating. It is tuesday, april 19th, 2016. Welcome back to cbs this morning. There is more real news ahead, including more of charlies interview with president obama. What the president said to russias leader during a phone call yesterday. But first, heres todays eye opener at 8 00. Scary moments in northwest houston, when rescuers are to use boats to get restsiden out of. You get a sense theres so much talk about it, that something is going to happen so. Big question, how many of new yorks 95 delegates will trump win tonight . His top strategists believe hell win most. Shes feeling so good about her homefield advantage that in a slip of the tongue, she said nomination today. It seems likehe ss going to win handily, whether thats in the high single digits, maybe the low double digits. But you never know what can happen on primary day. Theyre still finding people alive buried underneath rubble. Criminals steal debit card numbers by affixing an illegal card reading device to an atm. Hidden cameras record your p. I. N. Number when you enter it on the key pad, and its done. There were no recordset s yesterday here on marathon monday, but there were a number of shared milestones. Did you see the video that johnny depp and his wife amber heard made to placate the Australian Government . Australia is a wonderful island with a treasuretrove of unique plants, animals, and people. It has to be protected. From the heart, totally convincing apology, until you zoom the picture out. Its funny. A lot of people were talking about that apology, that it looked a little odd. Im charlie rose with gayle king and norah odonnell. Texas faces new flood risks on top of the misery delivered by yesterdays historic rainfall. The houston chronicles headline says in a flash in reference to the waters that killed five people. There were more than 1200 water rescues in texas, and it continues this morning. Some floated to safety in empty rubbermaid container bins or air mattresses, and even inside refrigerators. Flood watches have been issued today from texas to louisiana and all the way up to missouri. New yorkers are vote toing today in the states important primary contest. Theyll decide 342 republican and democratic delegates. Moments ago, Hillary Clinton and bill clinton cast their votes. Hillary clinton and donald trump are favored in their home state. In again criticized the gop nominating process, but trump is confident he will win the nomination outright. Please, please, we dont want any more business, were doing too much business. Were making too much money. No matter what you do, we dont want to win anymore. Im going to say, sorry, were going to keep winning. Were going to win, win, win, and were going to make America Great again. America first, folks. America first. 95 republican delegates are at stake in new york. Anything above 90 would be a big night for trump. It could also be a springboard for next tuesdays primaries where 172 delegates are at stake. There are calls this morning to restart syrian peace talks. New video shows what activists say are air strikes by syrias government. It is new evidence that a ceasefire brokered by the crumbling. The oppositions leaders said they cannot negotiate while people are suffering and syrias president stays in power. President obama and russian president Vladimir Putin spoke on the phone yesterday about the crisis. We interviewed the president at the white house just after he talked with putin. Is there a coming together in terms of ideas about peace and a ceasefire and who can do what to make syria a better place . My call today to him was to indicate that were starting to see it fray more rapidly. And if the United States and russia are not in sync about maintaining it and getting a political track and transition moving, then we could be back in a situation we were in three, four weeks ago. And that would serve neither of our interests. But i think theyre also very much committed to the structure of the syrian state, which in theory we dont object to either. Where we have continually butted heads, and this has been true for six years now, is his insistence that he cannot back unilaterally the removal of assad. Thats a decision that assad and the syrians have to make. The Obama Doctrine. What is the Obama Doctrine . Ive always shied away from labeling my Foreign Policy. What i believe is that the United States, as the worlds singular superpower, has an obligation in all areas of the world where theres war and mayhem, to try to be a positive force. But that does not mean we should be deploying troops everywhere, where a crisis is taking place. We have to be judicious about how we use military power. When you stay dont do stupid stuff and when you said id like to be judged by what i didnt do, some say that in fact youre putting too much emphasis on what we dont do and not enough emphasis on the choices we might have to do. Ive heard this argument. Look, charlie, when we sat down together back in 2009 when i first came into office, we were still in the midst of two active wars. Since that time, weve been able to wind down act i have combat in those two theaters. Those countries are by no means in great shape. Al qaeda at the core has been dismantl dismantled. Bin laden is dead. Isil is losing territory. So ive shown no hesitance to use our military where necessary to protect american lives, american interests. Let me focus on the redline decision you made. Many look at that and say because you did not and went over the opposition o advisers, which is what a president is expected to do, make the hard choices, that what we have today, in part because of that decision, we have devastated state. We have had close to 500,000 people die. I think theres no doubt that there are many in the middle east who would have preferred me taking a shot at assad. But the reason is not because of some abstract notions of red lines. Assad is a horrible leader, a horrible dictator who has shattered his country. It continues to be our position that we need to get him out of there. You have said more than one time that were the strongest military, we have the best economy. Youve mentioned the culture. America should own the 21st century, your words. What could stop us . A couple things could stop us. Number one is if our political system continues to be dysfunctional. Its fascinati which the single most important question im asked these days from other World Leaders is, whats going on with your electio elections . The current president ial election is just the tip of a broader iceberg of dysfunction that weve seen. Can i tell you how many people that i talk to before i did this interview and the question of what has he learned and what is his advice for his successor came up all the time. Right. And so one of the things that ive learned is that the big breakthroughs are typically the result of just a lot of grunt work. Theres a lot of blocking and tackling. What is important is making sure you have an organization that has integrity, that is clear about its mission. I love when he really gets personal about how he feels about things. That took place about 20 minutes in. Ive been reading through the transcript. I keep highlighting every word. Were going to see more of this interview, right . All of it tonight on my pbs program. All right. Then ill go see him in germany over the weekend and do part two. Theres more to discuss. I guess this means you passed your security clearance. Thats good. And gayle, you know charlie doesnt just go for one interview. He says, id like a two for, please. Its an exclusive times two. I like it im the luckiest man in the world. Looking forward to it. Very good interview. More to see tonight. All right. Federal officials have reportedly launched a criminal investigation into Blood Testing Company theranos. The wall street journal reports on the front page that the Justice Department and the securities and Exchange Commission are looking into whether the biotech startup misled investors, partners, or Government Officials about its testing technology. Theranos, led by founder and ceo elizabeth holmes, promised fast, cheap, and accurate blood tests using drops of blood instead of viles. Last month we spoke with wall street journal Investigative Reporter who first broke the news of the companys problems. So did they overpromise and underdeliver . P i think its more than overhyping or overpromising. I think in this case, its a company that may have gone live too soon with a medical technology, with blood tests that it wasnt yet sure or outside parties hadnt yet validated as accurate. Youre talking about blood tests that patients and doctors rely on for very Important Health decisions. And i think now regulators are waking up to the situation and making the company validate its data and get its lab up to snuff. In a memo to partners yesterday, a theranos spokesman said, quote, the Company Continues to work closely with regulators and is cooperating with all investigations. Fascinating story. Whatever happens at theranos, somebody is going to get to the point where they want it to be, which is the idea of having an easier way of taking blood and an easier way and a faster way of analyzing it. Because thats a crucial medical diagnostic. Of course, as we all know. Thats how we get tested for all of our ailments. Blood testing, indeed. A lot of other companies are in fact trying to be where they say they want to be. Theres more to come on this video shows a visitor to the toronto zoo taking a big risk all for a fallen baseball cap. The woman climbed over a fence saturday into part of the tiger enclosure. Yikes. She caught the attention of a tiger who then lunged at her from behind a second fence. The unidentified woman made it out unharmed, but another visitor can be heard calling her a moron. The zoo is investigating. Look at that tiger back and forth. She gets the tiger all riled up. The guy that called her a moron said, listen, youre setting a bad example for all the children here. What are you thinking . Its a hat. That somebody else could get. Crazy. Now we have this incredible story. A sperm donor thought to be a genius who allegedly fathered at least three dozen children is revealed to be mentally ill. Well find out whether parents have a case i a battle between surfers. The accusations that a gang is controlling a california beach and why the critics say police are not doing enough. Youre watching cbs this morning. Well be right back. I dont want to live with the uncertainties of hep c. Or wonder whether i should seek treatment. I am ready. Because today theres harvoni. A revolutionary treatment for the most common type of chronic hepatitis c. Harvoni is proven to cure up to 99 of patients whove had no prior treatment. Its the one and only cure thats one pill, once a day for 12 weeks. Certain patients. Can be cured with just 8 weeks of harvoni. With harvoni, theres no interferon and there are no complex regimens. Tell your doctor if you have other liver or kidney problems, hiv, or other medical conditions, and about all the medicines you take including herbal supplements. Taking amiodarone with harvoni may cause common side effects of harvoni may include tiredness, headache and weakness. I am ready to put hep c behind me. I am ready to be cured. Are you ready . Ask your hep c specialist if harvoni is right for you. Dogs sure can be messy. But with nexgard, their flea and tick killer doesnt have to be. Nexgard, the vets 1 choice for dogs, is a delicious, beefflavored chew that kills both fleas and ticks. So its easy to give, easy to take. Reported side effects include vomiting, itching, diarrhea, lethargy and lack of appetite. Use with caution in dogs with a history of seizures. Why mess around . For powerful flea and tick protection, ask your vet about nexgard. The 1 choice of vets for their dogs and yours. Hi dad. Uh huh. Yeah. Sorry about that. Think about it there must be higher love down in the heart hi ted, glad you could join us, we think youre going to like these numbers. Bring me a higher love i could rise above bring me a higher love sperm donors lies are sparking fears this morning among parents of his biological children. A lawsuit filed yesterday in california argues the georgia sperm bank misled couples ant their donor. He allegedly fathered at least 36 children. Cbs news legal expert is here. Good morning. First, what does the lawsuit allege . What the lawsuit is alleging in many, many counts is really to say that what you thought you were getting, you were not getting. You have xytex putting the profile online. This donor was supposed to be someone who had a genius iq of 160, read lots of books, played the drums, was perfectly physically healthy, well educated, and represented by someone at the plaintiffs, that he was quote unquote, the perfect donor. So they move these plaintiffs and others toward this donor. What was he really . He was schizophrenic. He was a criminal. He was a felon who had been convicted. He had not been to college to go on and get further degrees. But is there no checking to see that people represent themselves accurately . No. Anybody can walk in and say, look, im charlie rose smart, or im 62. Theres nobody that checks . No. Lets look at what these plaintiffs really want. What theyre looking for is exactly that. There is no verification. Someone comes in, he did a 30minute interview, filled out a form, checked all the boxes that he was just fine. We know he checked them off with forethought because he did say they was color blind. Its not like he just checked all no its not only no verification of personal information, how much did it cost to go call the university and see if he was enrolled there . How much does it cost to do a background check for criminal history . Very, very little money at all. And ultimately, you could get reports and a release from doctors to find out about medical conditions. Theyve said theyll vigorously defend themselves. In this case, the donor underwent a standard medical exam. We stand by the process we followed. Well, well see if that continues to play out. Well, part of the problem is that although the defense is correct that they probably could have never found out about his Mental Illness but for the criminal case where he was found competent to stand trial but they found out that he was mentally ill. The call to action is fraud, misrepresentation . All those things. Fraud, misrepresentation, negligence, unfair practices. E california, california recognizes wrongful birth. Another couple brought by nancy hirsch, a great lawyer in georgia, no wrongful birth there. Thank you. Keep us posted on this. Interesting story. Coming up next, what happened when construction workers go to battle in their bulldozers. Youre watching cbs this morning. Look at that visual. Boys in trucks. Doctors recommend taking. Nondrowsy claritin every day of your allergy season. Claritin provides powerful, nondrowsy 24 hour relief. For fewer interruptions from the Amazing Things you do every day. Live claritin clear. Welcome, welcome et you today im going to show you the allnew 2016 chevy cruze and ask you what you think. But heres the catch. You can only answer in emojis. What emoji would you use to describe the design . sfx message sent i think its sexy. Mmmmmm . It has available builtin 4g lte wifi sfx message sent rock on. Thats excellent. We got wifi. This car gets an epa estimated 40 mpg highway. Its magical hello . n presents the yardleys. Oh, pizza is here oh yeah, come on in [claps] woah lose the sneakers pal. Kind of a thing. Spring is on. Start your trugreen lawn plan today. Trugreen. Live life outside. I my mom wants to understand, but she just cant see it. So excedrin worked with me to show my mom what i experience during a migraine. Excedrin relieves my pain and symptoms. But their dedication to migraine sufferers doesnt stop there. Oh my god. Im so sorry, honey, that you go through this. Now i finally feel understood. Experience more stories at excedrin. Com how to flatten your stomach without dieting. Ahead, a top gastroenter hush my darling. Dont fear my darling. The lion sleeps tonight. [snoring. ] hush my darling. [snoring. ] dont fear my darling. The lion sleeps tonight. [snoring. ] take the roar out of snore. Yet another innovation only at a sleep number store. Oh, its not good to eat a big meal before a fitting. Get a bit bloated. Not me. Physically i dont bloat. Its a gift. I remember that scene. I remember that scene. Greatest movie. Still makes you laugh. Some of us are not as lucky as Melissa Mccarthys character. A leading gastroenterologist is in our toyota greenroom to show us how her new book the bloat cure can help you find relief. Also this half hour, surfers are accused of bullying at a california beach. Ahead, the undercover video raising questions about what some consider a longrunning wave bloating, its time to show you some of the mornings headlines from around the globe. The Winston Salem journal reports on two more bands cancelling shows in North Carolina to protest its new law on transgender rights. Pearl jam canceled its concert in raleigh tomorrow. The group called the state law a despicable piece of legislation. And the rock band boston said it regrets cancelling upcoming shows but, quote, human rights are more important. Variety reports on a classaction lawsuit against kanye west and the streaming service tidal. The suit claims the rapper deceived the fans when he tweeted in february that his new album would only be able on tidal. About six weeks later, it was released on apple and other services. The law seeks to reimburse subscriber fees. The New York Daily News reports on a newly surfaced 2005 interview with Facebook Ceo Mark Zuckerberg as he sipped a beer from a red solo cup. He spoke about his original goals for the i think facebook is an online directory for colleges and its kind of interactive. If i want to look you up or get information about you, i just go to facebook and type in your name and it brings me up hopefully all the information id care to know about you or a good amount of information id want to know about you. Sounds like a Good Business idea to me. Red solo cup. I love that. The video also shows facebook employees in a laidback work environment. A 21yearold zuckerberg said his main idea was to create a really cool college directory. He did that and more. 25 billion later. Mission accomplished indeed. Time reports on plans for president obama and the first lady to dine with british royalty. The obamas will travel to u. K. This week. Theyll have dinner friday with prince william, his wife, the duchess of cambridge, and prince harry at kensington palace. Reports on ed that dinosaurs were dying off long before a massive asteroid slammed into the earth. Scientists say species were in decline for at least 40 million years before the asteroid hit. They likely would have become extinct on their own, but researchers say theres no doubt the asteroid just finished them off. Britain guardian reports on the russian president s spokesman declaring four times as much income as his boss. A document issued by the kremlin said Vladimir Putin earned the equivalent of about 130,000 in 2015. His spokesman declared an income of more than 550,000. He says his income ballooned because of inheritance. Usa today shows us a tennis ball boys impressive recovery after face planting into a wall. He grabs two balls at the barcelona open but then stumbles as he jogs back. You saw him fall to his knees, slam into the wall. But he popped back up. Recovered quickly. You saw the player turn to look but see the ball boy is standing there as happened. Thats so great. Hes standing there. You know hes in pain. Still standing there saying, ive got a job to do. Thats right. Good for him. I hope hes all right. And the telegraph in london reports. On how a competition for business led to a bulldozer battle in china. Video taken last weekend shows two construction workers using their machinery as weapons in the fight. Other bulldozers entered the fray. At least two flipped over. A Government Official says the operators work for rival companies. Not sure what theyre mad about. Tony nominations are two weeks away, but this morning the blockbuster musical hamilton is celebrating a Pulitzer Prize for drama. Columbia universitys independent prize board called the show a landmark american musical. Lin Manuel Miranda joined us the battles that hamilton and jefferson had that really created our twoparty system are the battles were still having. What is the size of government and the role of government in our daily life. Were always going to be having those fights. Theyre a part of the fabric of our creation. So you dont have to update the language that much when youre having hamilton and jefferson fight about it. Other pulitzer highlights, Los Angeles Times won for breaking News Coverage of the San Bernardino terror attack. The New York Times for breaking news photography for the refugee crisis. Bravo to lin Manuel Miranda again. Good to see for him. Many people say they feel bloated at one time or another. Weve all been there. From overeating to choosing the wrong foods. Or some hidden cause. Some of us suffer unintended consequences. In her new the bloat cure 101. She writes, quote, ive helped deflate thousands of women and get them comfortably back into their skinny jeans. Shes a gastroenterologist at Georgetown University hospital in washington. She joins us once again at the table. Hello. Good to see you again. Great to be here. After reading your book, i felt like one big old bloat ball. Everything causes bloat, according to this book. Or a lot of stuff causes bloat. You call it an epidemic in this country. Were seeing a virtual epidemic of bloating because all the things we do on a daily basis that conspire to bloat us that we dont know about. Well, one of the things that struck me, you said even bacon causes bloat. I thought you, norah, at that part. Bacon does not cause bloat in norah odonnell. But give us some of the highlights about what causes bloat. You had a very wide list of things. So lets talk about some of the anatomical differences between man and woman. Women have a longer colon than men, about ten but it leads to a lot of twists and turns where gas can get trapped it. Makes it harder for the products of digestion to get to the finish line. Thats one reason anatomically. The other reason is hormonal. Men have higher levels of testosterone, which means a tighter, firmer abdominal wall that holds everything in. We have have to go to the store and buy spanx. One of your many other talents, a builtin spanx. I was also surprised to learn some of the drugs we take can add to bloat. These drugs have been in the news a lot with heart problems, kidney disease, and now bloat. Acid suppressing drugs work very effectively, which is why theyre helpful for heartburn, but they also turn the ph of the stomach from acidic into alkali and turn it from an unfriendly place for gut bacteria to a friendly, hospitable environment for gut bact overgrow in the stomach. When gut bacteria multiply and overgrow, they bring a lot of gas. What is bloat exactly . Its excessive gas, air, in the digestive tract. Also, some antidepressants cause bloat. Absolutely. They can slow down movement of things through the digestive tract and lead to a lot of backup. So healthy vegetables like broccoli, kale, cabbage come with a lot of potent cancerfighting compounds. Again, theyre healthy and also indie jestable plant fiber, which is great, but they also have a carbohydrate we cant digest. So that ends up getting fermented by bacteria in the colon. Lots of methane and hydrogen gas. The solution is when youre eating those vegetables, what . Add lemon juice to stimulate enzymes. Also, cook them with a sea vegetable that you can get at the health food store. Whats t so glad you asked. The first thing is that bloating ebbs and flows. In the morning, youre flat as a pancake. By the end of the day, youre popping out of your pants. Theres a natural rhythm. You unbutton your pants. But theres a simple foolproof way to tell the difference. It involves a tape measure. Take a tape measure and measure your waist, which is actually between the belly button and the end of the rib cage. If you lean to the side, its where that natural crease is. You measure your waist. You measure in the morning and measure at night over a few days. If youre bloated, theres a lot of variation in that measurement. If its belly fat, it doesnt change by much. Its really important to know that because theres another important measurement you can do with your tape measure. That is called the weight to height ratio. Take a tape measure and measu what is it, 19 . No, no, 27. Im about 57. Thats about 67 inches. The waist to height ratio, if that number is more than half, if your Waist Measurement is more than half your height, that could be a sign that you have something called metabolic syndrome, which is a major risk factor for some serious diseases. Cancer, heart disease, stroke. Knowing that is what we call the index essential obesity. Get a tape measure. Thank you. Thank you so much. So great. The bloat cure goes on sale today. Are surfers acting like outlaws . Up next, claims of threats and violence may go back decades. See how one of the kids he came here from rocky married 27 years. Raised 6 kids. Including 5 boys. He had grandpa move in with us. Glenn we loved having him as part of the family. Its what you do. Kids in congress, dad will protect president obamas legacy. Hell fight for jobs and protect Social Security and medicare. Glenn ivey will never quit on you; and we should know, were his kids. Glenn im glenn ivey and i approve this message. Ill take on the republicans for all of us. Tension this morning at a highly desirable piece of surfing real estate south of los angeles. A new lawsuit claims a group of local surfers is harassing outsiders who try to ride the waves. The area is officially open to the public, but stories of confrontations go back decades. Carter evans shows us the undercover video adding to the outrage. You guys lost or something . Reporter this is the welcome two british reporters from the Guardian Newspaper got when they tried to surf here last may. If you reporter its known for its breathtaking views and an infamous group of local surfers known as the bay boys, who fiercely protect their precious surf spot. The reason theres a lot of space is because we keep it like that. We hassle people. Why are they so territorial . Reporter the woman who took this video of a surfer getting punched thats just how it is over here. Reporter turned it over to police last october, and these were not isolated incidents. I was ran over in the water. I was injured. Reporter cory spencer is not just a surfer, hes a police officer. I finally got up the courage after, you know, 32 years of surfing to come and surf here. The rumors came alive. Its time to end this gang mentality here. So it this a gang . This is a gang. They do meet all the definitions. Theres no denying that. And youre a cop, so youd know. I do know. I worked southcentral. Reporter spencer and this video are now at the center of a lawsuit seeking an injunction against the bay boys. It would fine them for preventing access to a public beach. This beach has been stolen from the public. Reporter this attorney represents spencer and another surfer suing the bay boys. Do you think youll be able to prove that this is gang . I already have the evidence. Rarely do lawyers have evidence like the tape from the two british guys. Reporter and he also has video from more than 20 years ago when a local news station captured this on camera. You wont surf here again. Reporter since then, the lawnmower claims local police have done little to stop the problem. We know all of them. Reporter the guardian video shows the response they got from the police after their encounter. If you feel uncomfortable you know, then dont do it. They told cbs this morning that their Police Department takes seriously its Public Safety mission and has and will continue to monitor and enforce the laws in lunada bay. When we took our cameras there, a local officer stopped by with some advice. We cant send offers down there all the time, but if something happens, you have a cell phone too. I would never tell somebody, you know, you might have to protect yourself or you might get hurt. I would try to go take care of the problem so you dont. Thats what were supposed to do, right . Reporter we tried to contact the defendants in the lawsuit. None of them wanted to talk. But many who live near lunada bay say the lawsuit is blowing everything out of proportion. Is it a gang . Its not a gang. Its not a gang. You have a couple of bad apples out here causing trouble. Get rid of the few bad apples. Not a few. Theres easily 40 bad apples. And probabor reporter we watched as one of the eight defendants currently named in the suit was served with court papers. They plan to add more defendants to the suit in coming weeks and is seeking classaction status, a powerful legal tool he hopes will break up the bay boys for good. For cbs this morning, carter evans, los angeles. Hope they can figure it out. It is a public beach. You think of surfer people as such mellow people. Welcoming. A little different there. Theyll fix it. Coming up next, see what happens when destiny intervenes to stop a giant trash incinerator. Were talking about 20yearold destiny wattford. She just received a prestigious environmental prize. Youre watching cbs this morning. Guess which airline added more nonstop straightshot flights hey, d. C. , heres a hint. Did ya catch it . No . Heres another. Their colors are yellow, red, and blue, and they save you tons of green. Still nothing . Thats okay. Just go to southwest. Com for the answer. On this airline, everybody wins. Sfx clap, clap, ding the nra and its Campaign Cash are what stands between us and gun reform. Chris van hollen met with nra lobbyists to craft a loophole that would let the nra skirt a new Campaign Finance law and block gun control. But democrat donnaar edwds said no to the nra loophole and stood up to the gun lobby. And she would ban assault weapons. Democrat donna edwards, marylands next senator. Working for us pac is responsible for the content of this advertising. That sound, thats a standing ovation in San Francisco last night for 20yearold. She was awarded one of the worlds most prestigious environmental prizes. She launched a campaign to block a massive trash incinerator from being built near her baltimore home. Research shows that the air pollution kills more people in baltimore than any other big city in this country. That is surprising. The incinerator would have released more than 1200 pounds of lead and mercury every year. Good for them. In baltimore, all the issues we face from housing and Police Brutality to environment injustice, this prize is for all of us. You can learn more about her crusade on tonights cbs evening destiny is one of five kids, a debater. That does it im Chris Van Hollen, and i approve this message. Narrator an attack ad from the campaign for donna edwards. So untrue. So outrageous that president obama said, pull it down. The Obama White House called the ad on Chris Van Hollen and the nra misleading. The sun says van hollen and president obama have the exact same position. The post praised van hollen as a leading champion on gun safety, and condemned the edwards ads that mislead voters. Donna edwards. Will she say anything to win an election . But sierra club chooses jamie raskin for congress they all talk about climate change. Because only raskin wrote laws to reduce our Carbon Footprint and is leading the fight against fracking in maryland. Raskin im jamie raskin, and i approve this message. Theres a hot new deal on Mcdonalds Mcpick 2 menu lemme get a mcpick 2. Now pick any two of your favorite classics for just 5 bucks. Mix n match. Share n savor. 2 for 5. Name your flavor choose any 2 iconic tastes, c made with 100 beef, a flaky filetofish, seared quarter pounder with cheese or crispy 10piece chicken mcnuggets for just 5 bucks. Hurry in for an amazing 2 for 5 deal on the mcdonalds tastes you love. Bada ba ba ba we speak with margo martin nell. We visit a local prosthetic maker for all annals around the world. Its tuesday, april 19th. This is great day washington. Thanks for joining us. Look at that. Its tuesday already. Im chris leary. Im markette sheppard. We are your hosts of great day are you looking for a great vacation. You are thinking i can get away. I need to get way. Its travel tuesday d. We have great places to go. Dream vacation spots and the dollar is strong there so this may be the cheapest time to go in the past 10 years. We will get a menu from italy. They will take us to italy through our mouths. They are going next month. They will be be in the great day will be in the great day washington kitchen. Mothers day is coming up. If you have a great mom you would like to recognize, we have the perfect way for you to do that on great day washington. Your great mom could win a makeover live on our mothers day special show which is coming up friday, may 6th. Here is what you need to do. To enter, post a picture or a short video with the reason why your mom deserves a makeover to instagram. Use the great mom and thats it. Your great mom, she could be one of three lucky ladies to get a full makeover live on the show. Just make sure your instagram profile is public. If its private we cant see your entry. Good luck. I have a picture of me and my mom and my sister when i was a baby. I was like eight months old. That is on my instagram. The first thing, look how fashionable i was. I have on this cute everybody is in white. I am the only one in red. Story of my life. Is your sister a mom. Yes, everybody in the picture on my instagram is a mom now. This one was rocking the red way back then. Caps one game 3 against the flyers last night. 0 chief kin scored twice. Caps move on. One glam

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