As president obama exits, he is delivering one last message to vladamir putin american soldiers and tanks are being sent to russias doorstep in numbers not seen since the cold war. Heres Elizabeth Palmer. Reporter vast container ships docked in germany with all the hardware for a full u. S. Combat brigade. Its now rolling further east to poland, where 4,000 american soldiers will be waiting. For almost three decades, the u. S. Has been steadily pulling military personnel and weapons out of europe, until now. But this month that process has gone into reverse. Its quite a turnaround. Last year there wasnt a single American Tank left based in europe. Now there are 87. To reassure americas nervous allies, and its also a warning to russia not to try in europe the kind of land grab that it staged in crimea when Russian Forces invaded what had been part of ukraine and seized it for the kremlin. Americas response was to beef up both its own force in europe and its support of nato. Though president elect donald trump, who has called nato obsolete, says he now wants to pursue good relations with russia. Major general timothy mcguire. How quickly could the new president , as a gesture of goodwill to russia, turn this whole thing around and pull you all out again . Im not going to speculate on what the incoming president may or may not do, but i will tell you, this is in the interests of the United States army to build readiness. Reporter meanwhile, Vladimir Putin has already implied the european buildup is pointless. Its stupid and unrealistic, he said, to think russia would attack anyone. But for the u. S. And nato allies, extra deterrence never hurts. But that deterrence comes at a price and a hefty one. Last year the bill to the u. S. For bolstering European Defense came to 3. 4 billion. Liz palmer for us tonight. Liz, thank you. We now know the identities of four of the five people who were shot to death at the airport in Fort Lauderdale on friday. They ranged in age from 57 to 84. All were either on their way to or returning from a cruise. Five others remain in the hospital. The gunman made his First Court Appearance today. He was assigned a public defender and denied bail. David begnaud is in Fort Lauderdale. Reporter with a steely stare, Esteban Santiago was escorted into a federal courtroom. Feet shackled, hands cuffed, and shaking at times. He did not explain his motive and said he only had 5 to 10 in his bank account. This video obtained by tmz appears to show santiago firing randomly at Fort Lauderdale airport on friday. Santiago shot 11 people, killing five. When he ran out of ammunition, he dropped his weapon and surrendered. A Law Enforcement source tells cbs news santiago used this nine millimeter handgun in the shooting, it is the same gun the iraq war veteran had with him when he went to an fbi office in anchorage, alaska, last november claiming his mind was being controlled by u. S. Intelligence. He said he was being forced to watch isis videos. Santiago was committed for four days to be mentally evaluated. One month later he petitioned to get the gun back from anchorage police. Without a judges order to commit him, police say they had no choice but to return it. Karen loeffler is the u. S. Attorney for the district of alaska. There is a federal law with somebody who is mentally ill, but the law requires that the person be adjudicated mentally ill. This is not somebody that would have been prohibited based on the information they had that Law Enforcement acted within the laws that they had. Reporter David Weinstein is a former federal prosecutor. Was enough done with this guy . My gut tells me that they didnt go quite enough. They should have dug a little bit deeper to find out exactly what was going on inside his head when he gave them the gun and then when he asked for it back. Reporter in court today, santiago said he spent the last few years in anchorage, alaska, working as a security guard. Scott, prosecutors say he confessed to planning this attack and apparently chose Fort Lauderdale at random. David begnaud for us in Fort Lauderdale. David, thank you. Well, in orlando, the Police Department badly shaken by the massacre at the pulse nightclub is now dealing with the pain of losing an officer today. A manhunt is under way for her there. Reporter Orlando Police officers stood at attention and saluted as the flagdraped body of Master Sergeant Debra Clayton was removed from the orlando Regional Medical center. Orlando mayor buddy dyer. Shell be missed as a mother, as a wife, as a daughter, a sister. Reporter clayton was a 17year veteran of the force. The 42yearold volunteered for Police Community events, especially when kids were involved. This morning clayton was on duty at a walmart when she confronted this man, 41yearold markieff lloyd, wanted in the murder of his pregnant girlfriend in middecember. Orlando police chief john mina. There was a short foot pursuit, and as soon as she said stop, he basically opened fire on her. Reporter the killing set off a countywide manhunt with swat teams and officers combing through neighborhoods. During the frantic search, Orange County sheriffs Deputy Norman lewis was killed when his motorcycle was struck by a van. The manhunt is now in its eleventh hour, and police are now focused on a nearby neighborhood where the suspect fled after he carjacked a vehicle from this parking lot. Scott, the reward for lloyd is now 60,000. Omar villafranca, thanks. Coming up next, first drought, now floods. The west is under siege. Cough doesnt sound so good. Take mucinex dm. Ill text you in 4 hours when your cough returns. One pill lasts 12 hours, so. Looks like im good all night some cough medicines only last 4 hours. But just one mucinex lasts 12 hours. Lets end this. Have you any wool . Eep, no sir, no sir, some nincompoop stole all my wool sweaters, smart tv and gaming system. Luckily, the Geico Insurance agency recently helped baa baa with renters insurance. Everything stolen was replaced. And the hooligan who lives down the lane was caught selling the stolen goods online. Visit geico. Com and see how easy it is to switch and save on renters insurance. Rise above joint discomfort with move free ultras triple action joint support for improved mobility and flexibility, and 20 better comfort from one tiny, mighty pill. Get move free ultra, and enjoy living well. A week of heavy snow and rain in Northern California and nevada has led to the worst flooding in a decade. Three people were killed near carter evans is in the flood zone. Reporter from the yuba river in Northern California, to the trukee river, crews are still bracing for floods in the town of wildwood east of reno with more rain headed their way. Tom whiteman lives next to the river. All these guys sandbagging along here now, you think it can hold this river in . No. If the river wants to go, it will go. Theres nothing you can do about it. Emergency workers evacuated about 400 homes in reno and schools were closed after nevada declared a state of emergency. In california, hundreds were forced to flee the flooding and cars were crushed by falling trees. Mudslides kept road crews busy on the Pacific Coast highway and terstate 80, where it took dave wood and his crew ten hours to clear the mess. This is where the mudslide was at. Its five feet deep, 80 feet wide and 1,000 feet long. Reporter california also lost one of its oldest residents. The storm toppled a famous giant sequoia carved into a living tunnel in the 1880s. The Truckee River is now slowly beginning to recede. At the height of the storm, the water here in this park where im standing was another four or five feet higher and its not necessarily over just yet. Scott, there are another two storms headed this way. Carter evans for us tonight. Carter, thank you. Coming up next, what happens when you cram all your exercise into a weekend. Mythey have to be great on themy tinside and outside. To strengthen both, she said to go pro. Go pro with crest prohealth advanced. It strengthens. Teeth inside, and is better at strengthening the outside. Than colgate total. Best checkup ever. 48 hours of protection. I dont have to reapply this. Not once its really soft and almost velvety. As you put it on. Its like reaaally soft. Try dove advance care. For softer, smoother underarms. For folks with busy schedule, exercise is often far down on the todo list, but dr. Jon lapook tells us tonighw Research Shows that you can still benefit from working out, even if its not an everyday thing. Open those hips on the squat. Reporter georgia kopani an elementary schoolteacher, spends two hours a week at her local gym working up a sweat, but the rest of the time, not so much. Its not easy because, you know, the only thing after a long day that you want to go and just sit down and rest. Reporter so she hired new York Sports Club trainer Stephen Ferguson to get her off the couch. 50 jump ropes. 50 . Im not getting sick so often. I feel better with my body. My confidence is better. Reporter kopani is a socalled weekend warrior, cramming all her exercise into one or two workouts. A study in jama internal medicine compared workouts and found over nine years weekend warriors had a 30 lower risk of death that inactive people. Those who exercised three or more times a week had a 35 lower risk of death. Both groups got at least the recommended weekly 2. 5 hours of moderate activity or 75 minutes of vigorous activity. If youre jogging, walking where you can still have a conversation, thats moderate exercise. Reporter dr. Jordan metzl practices Sports Medicine at the hospital for special surgery in new york city. When you do nothing and then put 60 or 90 minutes of a workout together as the only thing youre doing, you certainly are at more risk for overuse injuries. Reporter so you shouldnt jump into being a warrior, you should ease into it . We prefer a gentle warrior, somebody that eases into what they do. Exercise is the most powerful, safe and effective drug across the human condition. Reporter this is good news for weekend warriors, but, scott, theres still reason to do exercise on a regular basis, which helps a number of medical problems and just plain makes you feel better. Dr. Jon lapook. Doctor, thank you. Well, hollywood stars spent the weekend exercising their right to free speech. And today donald trump exercised his. That story i crows crowing youd do anything to take care of that spot on your lawn. So why not take care of that spot on your skin . If youre a man over 50 youre in the group most likely to develop skin cancer, including melanoma, the cancer that kills 1 person every hour. Check your skin for suspicious or changing spots and ask someone you trust to check areas you cant see. Early detection can put you in a better spot. Go to spotskincancer. Org to find out what to look for. A message from the American Academy of dermatology donald trump will join Ronald Reagan as the only president s with a star on the hollywood walk of fame. Mr. Trump did not have many fans among hollywoods elite last night. Entertainment tonight cohost Kevin Frazier was there. Reporter from the Golden Globes opening moment, the president ial election shared the spotlight. This is one of the few places left where america still honors the popular vote. Reporter but it was eighttime golden globe winner meryl streep who thrust it front and center. It was that moment when the person asking to sit in the most respected seat in our country imitated a disabled reporter, someone he outranked in privilege, power, and the capacity to fight back. Reporter streep never mentioned president elect donald trump by name but was referencing when he mimicked disabled New York Times reporter Serge Kovaleski at this november 2015 campaign rally. You got to see this guy. I dont know what i said, i dont remember. Reporter this morning mr. Trump in a series of tweets called the threetime oscar winner one of the most overrated actresses in hollywood and a hillary flunky, adding, he did not mock kovaleski but showed him groveling. When the powerful use their position to mock others, we all lose. Reporter reaction from social media also poured in. Actress Alyssa Milano called streep a true inspiration while Meghan Mccain tweeted, this meryl streep speech is why trump won. But actress viola davis, who introduced streep and won a globe for fences took a more reflective position backstage. There is no way that we can have anyone in office that is not an extension of our own belief system, so then what does that say about us . Reporter weve seen celebrities take on president s in a public forum before, but, scott, this is probably the first time hollywood has seen a politician so eager to fight back. Kevin frazier, thanks. And thats the overnight news for this tuesday. For some of you, the news continues. For others, check back with us a little bit later for the morning news and be sure not to miss cbs this morning. From the Broadcast Center in new york city, im scott pelley. This is the cbs overnight news. Hi, everyone. Welcome to the overnight news. Im demarco morgan. A page whether be turned tonight in chicago as president obama delivers his farewell address to the nation. Thousands stood in line for hours in the bonechilling cold to get a tick tote the speech, which is a president ial tradition, dating back to george washington. Unlike former president s, mr. Obama will be giving his farewell address in his hometown. And he calls it a chance to say thank you for this amazing journey. But for many people, that journey is already over, and they are looking forward to the trump administration. Confirmation hearings get under way today for several of the president elects cabinet nominees. Nancy cordes has the story. Reporter two of the nomee four on wednesday and four on thursday. They have been preparing for weeks now, doing mock hearings, involving mock senators and mock protesters. The real senators are just as prepared, especially the democrats, to challenge them. Thank you. Reporter starting tomorrow, the polite meet and greets will give way to a grilling. Mr. Johnson, youre the head person on this entity, have you investigated this charge . Reporter first up, alabama senator jeff sessions, the nominee for attorney general who knows the drill. Nine others will follow this week alone, a pace thats drawn fury from democrats. There is no real chance to vet these nominees. Reporter democratic leader Chuck Schumer wants a delay. You had seven people confirmed the day president obama took office. Pthey had complied with all of the rules. These nominees have not. Reporter he says the office of government ethics has not had finances for potential conflicts of interest. The director of that office expressed great concern last week, warning that he had not received even initial draft Financial Disclosure reports for some of the nominees. Part of the challenge is that so many of mr. Trumps picks are multimillionaires, even billionaires with vast holdings. The sole billionaire nominated by mr. Obama took six months to vet. I think theyll all pass. Reporter the president elect met at trump tower today with the senates republican leader, mitch mcconnell, who said there will be no change to the schedule. Everybody will be properly vetted, as they have been in the past, and im hopeful that well get up to six or seven, particularly a National Security team in place on they one. One of president obamas final orders as commander in chief was to send a huge combat brigade to europe. The buildup is designed to deter vladamir putin from president militarily. Elizabeth palmer was at the dock when the tanks rolled off. Reporter since the end of the cold war, the United States has been steadily drawing down its military presence in europe. But here in northern germany, right now you can see thats no longer the case. In fact, its quite the opposite. All the massive hardware of a combat brigade arrived in germany over the weekend and started rolling east toward poland where 4,000 american soldiers will be waiting for it. This is the first buildup of american soldiers and weapons in europe in nearly 30 years. This impressive display of military might is designed in large part to reassure americas nervous european allies that the u. S. Military will be there, standing with them against russian aggression. Aggression and land grabs, like the 2014 when Russian Troops landed in what had been ukraine and seized it for the kremlin. Americas response has been to increase both its own force in europe and its support of nato. Though president elect donald trump has called nato obsolete and says he wants to restore good relations with russia. Major general timny mcgwire. How quickly could the new president , as a gesture of good will to russia, turn this whole thing around and pull you all out again . Im not going to speculate on what the incoming president may or may not do, but i will tell you, this is in the interests of the United States army to build readiness. Reporter the commander in chief would reverse all this, but it would make months or even years. Meanwhile, vladamir putin has already implied this buildup is pointless. Its stupid and unrealistic, he says, to think that russia would attack anyone. But the american militar extra deterrence wont hurt. Once the new combat brigade has reached its final destination in eastern europe, it will start large, Multinational Military exercises with the armies of other nato countries. Democrats in the house and Senate Introduced legislation to create an independent commission to investigate russias attempts to influence the president ial election. Retired general Michael Hayden is a former director of both the cia and the National Security agency. He discussed the issue on cbs this morning. Charlie, from the intelligence point of view, the influence on the campaign, did it affect votes, is not just not known, its unknowable through intelligence techniques. But i was quite stunned that the community at large, with high confidence judgments, the russians did this. They did this to erode confidence in our processes. They preferred to punish they then shifted as the campaign went on and became a bit more successful, that they began to prefer president elect trump, and then all three major agencies, although only one with moderate confidence, the other two high confidence, concluded they were actually moving in the direction to help him win. Thats a stunning summary. Okay. So do you think the United States should have reacted aggressively earlier . Yes, we should have. And look, the members of congress were briefed around october when that first public report came out, and based upon public reporting, charlie, it was the republican leader of the senate that refused to join consensus. And without bipartisan consensus to push back, president obama, in essence, kept his powder dry. I think that was an incorrect decision, but i understand it. Put this in context for us. Theres a great piece in the deal . Trump supporters who voted for him said people complaining are sore losers, that its not a big deal because everybody does it. Can you put this in context on why this matters and why this is a big deal . Sure. After the formal briefing, the statement from the Trump Campaign kind of pushed this into, you know, weve got a really big cyber problem box and talked about the russians and the chinese and nonstate actors and so on. I totally agree, weve got a cyber problem over here. But this was not, at its heart, a cyber problem. This was a russia problem. This was not an isolated incident from the russian federation. What i did not get from the Transition Team was a seriousness or an acceptance that we do indeed have a problem overall with the pattern of russia behavior. We just pushed it over here into the wellknown cyber thing, and im going to appoint a committee and in tell you what were going do about cyber. I want to know, what are we going to do about russia . Triple action joint support ras for improved mobility and flexibility, and 20 better comfort from one tiny, mighty pill. Get move free ultra, and enjoy living well. The u. S. Military has been using drones to hunt and kill enemies for years now. They can be operated from miles away or from the other side of the world. But the newest generation of drones wont need an operator at all. Theyll use Artificial Intelligence to locate targets and call in weapons. Theyll be in the air, on the ground, and at sea. David martin reports for 60 minutes. Reporter this swarm over the california desert is like nothing the u. S. Military has ever fielded before. Each of those tiny drones is flying itself. Humans on the ground have given them a mission to patrol a threesquare mile area. But the drones are figuring out for themselves how to do it. They are operating and the pentagons dr. Will roper says what youre seeing is a glimpse into the future of combat. It opens up a completely different level of warfare, a different level of maneuver. On my count reporter the drone is called perdix, an unlikely name for an unlikely revolution. Roper, head of a once secret pentagon Organization Called the strategic capabilities office, remembers the first time he saw perdix, which is named after a bird found in greek mythology. Its about as big as my hand, and i said really, this is what you want me to get excited about . It looks like a toy. Reporter it flies too fast and too high to follow. So 60 minutes brought specialized highspeed cameras to the china lake weapons station in california to capture it in flight. Developed by 20 and 30 somethings from lincoln labs, its designed to operate as a team. Which you can see when you follow this on a computer screen. Weve given them a mission, which is fly down the road. And theyre talking to each other . They are. By what . So theyve got radios on and each telling each other not just what theyre doing but where they are in space. How frequently are they talking to each other back and forth . Many times a second when theyre first sorting out. It looks helterskelter. You want them to converge to a good enough solution. Its faster than a human would sort it out. Reporter cheap and expendable, it tries to make a soft landing. But its no great loss if it crashes into the ground. It can be used as decoys to confuse enemy air defenses or equipped with electronic this looks like it has a camera. As a swarm of miniature spy planes fitted with cell phone cameras that can hunt down terrorists. There are several different roads, you can tell them search all the roads and tell them what to search for. Let them sort out the best way to do it. Reporter the pentagon is spending 3 billion a year on Autonomous Systems, many of them much more sophisticated than a swarm of perdix. This fair of air and ground robots runs on Artificial Intelligence. Im going to say start the reconnaissance. Reporter theyre searching a mock village for a suspected terrorist. The ground robots are continuing on its mission while the arrow bot is searching on its own. Reporter the robots are slow and cumbersome, but theyre just test beds for Cutting Edge Software for machines that can foot patrol. I would want to use a system like this to move in advance of me to give me Early Warning of enemy in the area. Reporter this time im the target. The computer already knows what i look like, so now well see if it can match what is stored in its memory with the real thing as i move around this make believe village. The robots Artificial Intelligence had done its homework the night before, learning what i looked like. We were able to get every picture of every story youve ever been in. How many pictures of me are there out there . When we ran this through, we have about 50,000 different pictures of you that we were able to get. Had we had more time, we probably could have done a better job. So because youve to the 50,000 images of me, how certain would you be . Very. Now its looking at me. It recognized you instantly. So what we reported today on our scores were about a 1 in 10,000 chance of being wrong. Reporter while the robot was searching for me inside an auditorium in quantico, virginia this will give us a technological advantage. Reporter Lieutenant Commander rollie weather was watching from a boat. I was turning over control of the weapons system to the Autonomous Systems that youve seen on the floor today. Reporter had he given permission to shoot, the missile would have struck my location using coordinates given to it by the robots. They were controlling a remote weapons system, with me supervising. Reporter it will be about three years before these robots are ready for the battlefield. By then, they will look considerably different. Will those robots, when they reach the battlefield, will we are looking into that. We have looking into defensive capability for a robot, armed robots. Shoot back . Correct. Reporter this pentagon directive states Autonomous Systems shall be designed to allow commanders and operators to exercise appropriate levels of human judgment over the use of force. What that means, says general paul selva, vice chairman of the joint chiefs of staff and the militarys man in charge of autonomy, is that life and death decisions will only be made by humans. Even though machines can do it faster, and in some cases better. Are machines better at facial recognition . All the research ive seen says machines got better at Image Recognition than humans. Can a disguise defeat machine recognition is if you think about the proportions of a human body, there are several that are the example i will use is the distance between your pupils. It is very likely unique to you and a handful of other humans. A disguise cannot move your eyes. So a ski mask doesnt help . Not if your eyes are visible. If you have to see, you cant change that proportion. So if the machine is better, why not let it make the decision . This goes to the ethics of the question of whether or not you allow a machine to take a human life without the intervention of a human. Do you know where this is headed . I dont. Reporter virtually any military vehicle has the potential to become autonomous. The navy has begun testing sea hunter, an autonomous ship to track submarines. When you no longer have to make room for a crew, you can buy a lot of them. These for the price of one warship. I heard somebody describe this as looking like an overgrown polynesian war canoe. Why does it look like it does . To go across the Pacific Ocean without refueling, this was the best thing we could come up with. What is its range . We can go about 10,000 nautical miles on a tank of gas. 14,000 gallons. Reporter sea hunter is at least two years away from being ready to steam across the pacific on its own. It has to learn how to follow the rules of the road to avoid collisions with other ships. When we went aboard, it had only been operating autonomously for a few weeks, and there was still a human crew just in case. When testing is done, this pilot house will come off and the crew will be standing on the peer waving goodbye. From then on, this will be a ghost ship commanded b Computers Running 50 million lines of software code. And these lifelines will have to come off, too, since theres no need with no humans on board. It has a top speed of 26 knots and a tight turning radius to track diesel powered submarines for weeks at a time. Many countries have diesel submarines. China has them. Russia . Russia has them. North korea . Yes. I think i get the picture. Reporter but of everything we saw, tiny perdix is close to being ready to go operationally. Will roper and his team of desert rats are about to fly 100 drones. This is one of the most exciting things going on right now in the pentagon. Reporter the swarm would be more than three times larger than anything roper has done before, and also because 60 minutes is here to record the outcome for all to see. You can see the full report on our website, cbsnews. Com. The overnight news will be right back. These numbers are off the charts. This . Sir whats the status . Theres a meteor hurtling towards earth. How long until impact . Less than a minute. What do you want to do, sir . Listen carefully. If we all switch to geico we could save 15 or more on Car Insurance. I like the sound of that. Geico. Because saving fifteen percent or more on Car Insurance is always a great answer. Cough doesnt sound so good. Take mucinex dm. Ill text you in 4 hours when your cough returns. One pill lasts 12 hours, so. Looks like im good all night some cough medicines only last 4 hours. But just one mucinex lasts 12 hours. Lets end this. President elect donald trump has been loudly critical of the Ford Motor Company for building cars in mexico. Ford points out that most of the cars they make in mexico are also sold in mexico. Kris van cleave sat down with bill ford, at the north American International auto show in detroit. Reporter as executive chairman of Ford Motor Company, bill ford is among the few who talked directly with president elect donald trump on a regular basis. Do you have any concerns about a Trump Presidency . Any time theres a transition, theres a lot of unknowns. But im encouraged by the dialogue weve had. Reporter last week ford scrapped plans for a new factory in mexico to invest in an existing michigan plant. General motors and toyota took a beating from trump who threatened make in the usa or pay big border tax. Do you have concerns about that or do you think thats just blustery talk . Well, well see. I think nobody wants to start a trade war. When i went to see him this summer, i said weve been in mexico for over 100 years, long before nafta. All the way back to my great build and sell around the world. Reporter this morning, ford and mark fields will lay out from ouren stad point, any Good Business has to have one foot in today, one foot in tomorrow. Were looking at the societal trend of more congestion in cities and asking what does that mean for our business . As we expand to an auto and mobility company, it starts with our vision. Doesnt that mean making fewer cars . Maybe, maybe not. It will be different kinds of cars, thats for sure. And youre still going to need to move people and move things. Re ha orve wo k tbe done by vehicles. The cbs overnight news wi hailey is one of 7 million children with asthma whose parents have to worry about when the next attack will strike. Today more kids suffer from asthma than from any other chronic disease. In emergency rooms, one fourth of all visits are due to asthma attacks. Most asthma attacks are caused by allergic reactions to allergens. Things like pollen, dust and even household pests can trigger asthma. Estimates show than more than 25 percent of americans are allergic to the german cockroach. In children, pests, asthma and allergies are a bad combination that can result in twice as many asthmarelated medical visits. Allergens left behind from mice and cockroaches, are common causes of asthma attacks. 82 of u. S. Households contain allergens left by mice. And cockroaches are found in up to 98 of urban homes. Learn how to protect your family at pestworld. Org. It is said music is the universal language, for fruit. Seth doane is in italy, where one vineyard is piping in mozart for benefit of the grapes. Reporter row after row of grapes cover the hills in tuscany. Famed brunello wine is made here. But o bit different. Just listen. The grapes here are serenaded all day, every day, by classical music. He started pumping mozart into a section of his vineyard. He found the vines closer to the music grew bigger and toward the source of the sound. This is his son, and another winemaker who sounds more like a scientist. The grapes closer to the speaker have the highest sugar contempt, so we believe in this idea. Reporter it wasnt long before this idea piqued the interest of scientists and turned this vineyard into a laboratory. When you first heard about this guy growing grapes and playing music, what did you think . That he was another crazy guy. Reporter stefano at the university of florence is a plant scientist. These vines like mozart . Its very difficult to say plants like classical music. Perceive sounds. Reporter he theorizes the vines may grow towards the speakers because frequencies resemble those of running water. They figure the music confuses harmful bugs and it scares away birds and other creatures who feed on grapes. Hes proud of the research, not to mention their wines. As for the idea that these vines are reacting simply to sound vibrations, not specifically mozart, well, this is italy. I prefer the music. Sorry, but im very romantic. Reporter seth doane, cbs news, italy. Thats the overnight news for this tuesday. For some of you, the news continues. For others, check back with us a little later for the morning news and cbs this morning. From the Broadcast Center in new york center, im demarcoga heading for the hill. The trump cabinet prepares for a confirmation showdown in the senate. I think theyll all pass. And what about hiring a soninlaw as a top adviser . Well, well talk about that on wednesday. Also tonight, u. S. Tanks rollo intangermy. President obamas parting shot at putin. In florida, the manhunt for a cop killer. If you are assisting markieff lloyd evade capture, you will be criminally charged. And the airport massacre suspect speaks in t. Cour plus the future leader of the free world versus a holder of the Golden Globes. When the powerful use their position to bully others, we all lose. This is the cbs overnight news. The soninlaw also rises. President elect trump named his only soninlaw, Jared Kushner, to be a senior white house adviser. Hell focus on trade negotiations and the middle east. Kushner does not need senate confirmation, but questions might be raised about whether a federal antinepotism law applies to him. We have more now from jan crawford. Jared is a very successful real estate person, but i actually think he likes politics more than he likes real estate. Ill tell you. And hes very good at politics. Reporter throughout the campaign, Jared Kushner was one of mr. Trumps most trusted confidantes. Jared is a great guy. Reporter the harvard educated kushner is credited with expanding the campaigns highly effective digital operation and supporting the selection of Vice President elect mike pence. During the transition, when mr. Trump sat down with president rose garden with white house chief of staff dennis mcdonough. His move to the west wing may be complicated by an antinepotism law Congress Passed in 1967 after president john f. Kennedy appointed his Brother Robert to a cabinet position as attorney general. But when president clinton put his wife in charge of the Health Care Task force, a d. C. Judge ruled the law did not apply to white house staff jobs. Trump adviser kellyanne conway. This came about with family members serving on the cabinet. But the president has discretion to choose a staff of his liking. Reporter the 35yearold real estate mogul assumed the reins of his Family Business in 2008 and married ivanka trump a year later. They have three children. Notoriously camera shy, one of the few times weve heard from him comes from his wifes i always tell ivanka, dont worry about the things you cant control, just worry about how you react to the circumstances and situations at hand. Reporter the antinepotism law rarely has been tested. If someone were to sue, it appears the penalty would be to lose a government salary, but, scott, the Transition Team announced kushner would not be taking a salary. He also will divest many of his assets. And kushner turns 36 tomorrow. Jan crawford, thanks very much. Ten nominees for the trump cabinet are scheduled to have hearings before the senate this week. Including secretaries of state and defense and attorney general. Nancy cordes is in heavy traffic on capitol hill. Nancy . Reporter youll need your running shoes, scott, because two of those nominees go before the senate on tuesday. Four of them on wednesday. Another four on thursday. They have been preparing for weeks now, doing mock hearings involving mock senators and even mock protesters while the real senators are just as prepared, especially the democrats, to challenge them. Thank you. Reporter starting tomorrow, the polite meet and greets will give way to a grilling. Mr. Johnson, youre the head person on this entity, have you investigated this charge . Reporter first up, alabama senator jeff sessions, the nominee for attorney general who knows the drill. Nine others will follow this week alone, a pace thats drawn fury from democrats. There is no real chance to vet these nominees. Reporter democratic leader Chuck Schumer wants a delay. You had seven people confirmed the day president obama took office. All the papers were in, and they had complied with all of the rules. These nominees have not. Reporter he says the office of government ethics has not had time to examine each nominees finances for potential conflicts of interest. The director of that office expressed great concern last week, warning that he had not received even initial draft Financial Disclosure reports for some of the nominees. Part of the challenge is that so multimillionaires, even billionaires with vast holdings. The sole billionaire nominated by mr. Obama took six months to vet. I think theyll all pass. Reporter the president elect met at trump tower today with the senates republican leader, mitch mcconnell, who said there will be no change to the schedule. Everybody will be properly vetted, as they have been in the past, and im hopeful that well get up to six or seven, particularly a National Security team in place on day one. Reporter back in 2009, mcconnell was the one who was angry about the pace of confirmation hearings. The shoe was on the other foot back then. He sent a letter to Democratic Leaders expressing his dismay. Well, scott, today schumer took that letter, he just crossed out the name at the top, put in mitch and sent it right back to him. Short memories in politics. Nancy cordes on capitol hill. Nancy, thank you. Mr. Trump may be facing an early showdown with members of his own party. Late today leading republicans introduce Bipartisan Legislation to impose sanctions on russia for meddling in the u. S. Election. Mr. Trump has tried to downplay russias involvement. Democrats, of course, are still debating how they lost. Today cbs this morning cohost charlie rose put the question to obamas chief of staff, dennis mcdonough. I think people feel right now that its that basic bargain, that you play by the rules, you work hard, youre going to get a shot. They feel like the odds are stacked. The deck is stacked against them. I think thats what informed a lot of the voting in the fall. Reporter but you have been in power for eight years. Yes. Reporter you had the capacity. Yes. Reporter the bully pulpit. Yes. Reporter the megaphone. Yes. Reporter to say to them, thats not true. We are not here to only communicate with the American People. Were here to change things. If you were to stack up, charlie, the fact that we just last friday had the 72nd month in a row of job growth, we changed the health care system, 23 Million People have health care. We changed the way we conduct foreign affairs. We changed the way wall street did business. We feel like we made a lot of changes. Nevertheless, the American People still dont feel that. President obama will deliver a farewell address from chicago tomorrow evening and cbs news will bring that to you at 9 00 eastern time. We will also bring you the inauguration of donald trump, as our 45th president. All day coverage begins on friday, january 20th, on cbs this morning. The cbs overnight news will be right back. As president obama exits, he is delivering one last message to vladamir putin american soldiers and tanks are being sent to russias doorstep in numbers not seen since the cold war. Heres Elizabeth Palmer. Reporter vast container ships docked in germany with all the hardware for a full u. S. Combat brigade. Its now rolling further east to poland, where 4,000 american soldiers will be waiting. For almost three decades, the u. S. Has been steadily pulling military personnel and weapons out of europe, until now. But this month that process has gone into reverse. Its quite a turnaround. Last year there wasnt a single American Tank left based in europe. Now there are 87. This muscle flexing is designed to reassure americas nervous allies, and its also a warning to russia not to try in europe the kind of land grab that it staged in crimea when Russian Forces invaded what had been part of ukraine and seized it for the kremlin. Americas response was to beef up both its own force in europe and its support of nato. Though president elect donald trump, who has called nato obsolete, says he now wants to pursue good relations with russia. Major general timothy mcguire. How quickly could the new president , as a gesture of goodwill to russia, turn this whole thing around and pull you all out again . Im not going to speculate on what the incoming president may or may not do, b7cut i will te you, this is in the interests of the United States army to build readiness. Reporter meanwhile, Vladimir Putin has already implied the european buildup is tl its stupid and unrealistic, he said, to think russia would attack anyone. But for the u. S. And nato allies, extra deterrence never hurts. But that deterrence comes at a price and a hefty one. Last year the bill to the u. S. For bolstering European Defense came to 3. 4 billion. Liz palmer for us tonight. Liz, thank you. We now know the identities of four of the five people who were shot to death at the airport in Fort Lauderdale on friday. They ranged in age from 57 to 84. All were either on their way to or returning from a cruise. Five others remain in the hospital. The gunman made his First Court Appearance today. He was assigned a public defender and denied bail. David begnaud is in Fort Lauderdale. Reporter with a steely stare, Esteban Santiago was escorted into a federal courtroom. Feet shackled, hands cuffed, and shaking at times. He did not explain his motive and said he only had 5 to 10 in his bank account. This video obtained by tmz appears to show santiago firing randomly at Fort Lauderdale airport on friday. Santiago shot 11 people, killing five. When he ran out of ammunition, he dropped his weapon and surrendered. A Law Enforcement source tells cbs news santiago used this nine millimeter handgun in the shooting, it is the same gun the iraq war veteran had with him when he went to an fbi office in anchorage, alaska, last november claiming his mind was being controlled by u. S. Intelligence. He said he was being forced to watch isis videos. Santiago was committed for four days to be mentally evaluated. One month later he petitioned to get the gun back from anchorage police. Without a judges order to commit him, police say they had no choice but to return it. Karen loeffler is the u. S. Attorney for the district of alaska. There is a federal law with somebody who is mentally ill, but the law requires that the person be adjudicated mentally ill. This is not somebody that would have been prohibited based on the information they had that Law Enforcement acted within the laws that they had. Reporter David Weinstein is a former federal prosecutor. Was enough done with this guy . My gut tells me that they didnt do quite enough. They should have dug a little bit deeper to find out exactly what was going on inside his head when he gave them the gun and then when he asked for it back. Reporter in court today, santiago said he spent the last few years in anchorage, alaska, working as a security guard. Scott, prosecutors say he confessed to planning this attack and apparently chose Fort Lauderdale at random. David begnaud for us in Fort Lauderdale. David, thank you. Well, in orlando, the Police Department badly shaken by the massacre at the pulse nightclub is now dealing with the pain of losing an officer today. A manhunt is under way for her there. Reporter Orlando Police officers stood at attention and saluted as the flagdraped body of Master Sergeant Debra Clayton was removed from the orlando Regional Medical center. Orlando mayor buddy dyer. Shell be missed as a mother, as a wife, as a daughter, a sister. Reporter clayton was a 17year veteran of the force. The 42yearold volunteered for Police Community events, especially when kids were involved. This morning clayton was on duty at a walmart when she confronted this man, 41yearold markieff lloyd, wanted in the murder of his pregnant girlfriend in middecember. Orlando police chief john mina. There was a short foot pursuit, and as soon as she said stop, he basically opened fire on her. Reporter the killing set off a countywide manhunt with s. W. A. T. Teams and officers combing through neighborhoods. During the frantic search, Orange County sheriffs Deputy Norman lewis was killed when his motorcycle was struck by a van. The manhunt is now in its eleventh hour, and police are now focused on a nearby neighborhood where the suspect fled after he carjacked a vehicle from this parking lot. Scott, the reward for lloyd is now 60,000. Omar villafranca, thanks. Coming up next, first drought, now floods. The west is under siege. Without getting ripped off. You could start your search at the allnew carfax. Com that might help. Show me the carfax. Now the car you want and the history you need are easy to find. Show me used trucks with one owner. Pretty cool. [laughs] ah. Ahem. Show me the carfax. Start your used car search and get free carfax reports at the allnew carfax. Com. Its so delicious. I cant believe it has 40 fewer calories than butter. I cant believe its made with real, simple ingredients. I cant believe were on a whale. I cant believe my role isnt bigger. Oh, its real. Real ingredients. Unbelievable taste. Go ahead, enjoy. Imy bargain detergentgh a couldnt keep up. Isaster. Unbelievable taste. So, i switched to tide pods. Theyre super concentrated, so i get a better clean. Tide. Number one rated. Its got to be tide if you then youll know howuth, uncomfortable it can be. Can also lead to tooth decay and bad breath . Well, there is biotene, specially formulated with moisturizers and lubricants. Biotene can provide soothing relief and it helps keep your mouth healthy too. Biotene, for people who suffer from a dry mouth. Rise above joint discomfort with move free ultras triple action joint support for improved mobility and flexibility, and 20 better comfort from one tiny, mighty pill. Get move free ultra, and enjoy living well. A week of heavy snow and rain in Northern California and nevada has led to the worst flooding in a decade. Three people were killed near san francisco. Carter evans is in the flood zone. Reporter from he yuba river in Northern California, to the truk yes river in nevada, storm water poured downstream. Crews are still bracing for floods in the town of wildwood east of reno with more rain headed their way. Tom whiteman lives next to the river. All these guys sandbagging along here now, you think it can hold this river in . No. If the river wants to go, it will go. Theres nothing you can do about it. Emergency workers evacuated about 400 homes in reno and schools were closed after nevada declared a state of emergency. In california, hundreds were forced to flee the flooding and cars were crushed by falling trees. Mudslides kept road crews busy on the Pacific Coast highway and interstate 80, where it took dave wood and his crew ten hours to clear the mess. This is where the mudslide was at. Its five feet deep, 80 feet wide and 1,000 feet long. Reporter california also lost one of its oldest residents. The storm toppled a famous giant sequoia carved into a living tunnel in the 1880s. The Truckee River is now slowly beginning to recede. At the height of the storm, the water here in this park where im standing was another four or five feet higher and its not necessarily over just yet. Scott, there are another two storms headed this way. Carter evans for us tonight. Carter, thank you. Coming up next, what happens when you cram all your exercise into a weekend. For folks with busy schedule, exercise is often far down on the todo list, but dr. Jon lapook tells us tonight new Research Shows that you can il even if its not an everyday thing. Open those hips on the squat. Reporter georgia kopani an elementary schoolteacher, spends two hours a week at her local gym working up a sweat, but the rest of the time, not so much. Its not easy because, you know, the only thing after a long day that you want to go and just sit down and rest. Reporter so she hired new York Sports Club trainer Stephen Ferguson to get her off the couch. 50 jump ropes. 50 . Im not getting sick so often. I feel better with my body. My confidence is better. Reporter kopani is a socalled weekend warrior, cramming all her exercise into one or two monster workouts. A study in jama internal medicine compared workouts and found over nine years weekend warriors had a 30 lower risk of death that inactive people. Those who exercised three or more times a week had a 35 lower risk of death. Both groups got at least the recommended weekly 2. 5 hours of moderate activity or 75 minutes of vigorous activity. If youre jogging, walking where you can still have a conversation, thats moderate exercise. Reporter dr. Jordan metzl practices Sports Medicine at the hospital for special surgery in new york city. When you do nothing and then put 60 or 90 minutes of a workout together as the only thing youre doing, you certainly are at more risk for overuse injuries. Reporter so you shouldnt jump into being a warrior, you should ease into it . We prefer a gentle warrior, somebody that eases into what they do. Exercise is the most powerful, safe and effective drug across the human condition. Reporter this is good news for weekend warriors, but, scott, theres still reason to do exercise on a regular basis, which helps a number of medical problems and just plain makes you feel better. Dr. Jon lapook. Doctor, thank you. Well, hollywood stars spent the weekend exercising their right toe and today donald trump exercised his. That sto donald trump will join Ronald Reagan as the only president s with a star on the hollywood walk of fame. Mr. Trump did not have many fans among hollywoods elite last night. Entertainment tonight cohost Kevin Frazier was there. Reporter from the Golden Globes opening moment, the president ial election shared the spotlight. This is one of the few places left where america still honors the popular vote. Reporter but it was eighttime golden globe winner meryl streep who thrust it front and center. It was that moment when the person asking to sit in the most respected seat in our country imitated a disabled reporter, someone he outranked in privilege, power, and the capacity to fight back. Reporter streep never mentioned president elect donald trump by name but was referencing when he mimicked disabled New York Times reporter Serge Kovaleski at this november 2015 campaign rally. You got to see this guy. I dont know what i said, i dont remember. Reporter this morning mr. Trump in a series of tweets called the threetime oscar winner one of the most overrated actresses in hollywood and a hillary flunky, adding, he did not mock kovaleski but showed him groveling. When the powerful use their position to mock others, we all lose. R social media also poured in. Actress Alyssa Milano called streep a true inspiration while Meghan Mccain tweeted, this meryl streep speech is why trump won. But actress viola davis, who introduced streep and won a globe for fences took a more reflective position backstage. There is no way that we can have anyone in office that is not an extension of our own belief system, so then what does that say about us . Reporter weve seen celebrities take on president s in a public forum before, but, scott, this is probably the first time hollywood has seen a politician so eager to fight back. Kevin frazier, thanks. And thats the overnight news for this tuesday. For some of you, the news continues. For others, check back with us a little bit later for the morning news and be sure not to miss cbs this morning. From the Broadcast Center in new york city, im scott pelley. This is the cbs overnight news. Hi, everyone. Welcome to the overnight news. Im demarco morgan. A page will be turned tonight in chicago as president obama delivers his farewell address to the nation. Thousands stood in line for hours in the bonechilling cold to get a ticket to the speech, which is a president ial tradition, dating back to george washington. Unlike former president s, mr. Obama will be giving his farewell address in his hometown. And he calls it a chance to say thank you for this amazing journey. But for many people, that journey is already over, and they are looking forward to the trump administration. Confirmation hearings get under way today for several of the president elects cabinet nominees. Nancy cordes has the story. Reporter two of the nominees go before the senate on tuesday, they have been preparing for weeks now, doing mock hearings, involving mock senators and mock protesters. While the real senators are just as prepared, especially the democrats, to challenge them. Thank you. Reporter starting tomorrow, the polite meet and greets will give way to a grilling. Mr. Johnson, youre the head person on this entity, have you investigated this charge . Reporter first up, alabama senator jeff sessions, the nominee for attorney general who knows the drill. Nine others will follow this week alone, a pace thats drawn fury from democrats. There is no real chance to vet these nominees. Reporter democratic leader Chuck Schumer wants a delay. You had seven people confirmed the day president obama took office. All the papers were in, and they had complied with all of the rules. These nominees have not. Reporter he says the office of government ethics has not had fime to examine each nominees of interest. The director of that office expressed great concern last week, warning that he had not received even initial draft Financial Disclosure reports for some of the nominees. Part of the challenge is that so many of mr. Trumps picks are multimillionaires, even billionaires with vast holdings. The sole billionaire nominated by mr. Obama took six months to vet. I think theyll all pass. Reporter the president elect met at trump tower today with the senates republican leader, mitch mcconnell, who said there will be no change to the schedule. Everybody will be properly vetted, as they have been in the past, and im hopeful that well get up to six or seven, particularly a National Security team in place on day one. One of president obamas final orders as commander in chief was to send a huge combat brigade to europe. Tanks and other weapons landed in germany on their way to poland and eastern europe. The buildup is designed to deter vladamir putin from Elizabeth Palmer was at the dock when the tanks rolled off. Reporter since the end of the cold war, the United States has been steadily drawing down its military presence in europe. But here in northern germany, right now you can see thats no longer the case. In fact, its quite the opposite. All the massive hardware of a combat brigade arrived in germany over the weekend and started rolling east toward poland where 4,000 american soldiers will be waiting for it. This is the first buildup of american soldiers and weapons in europe in nearly 30 years. This impressive display of military might is designed in large part to reassure americas nervous european allies that the u. S. Military will be there, standing with them against russian aggression. Aggression and land grabs, like the 2014 invasion of crimea, when Russian Troops landed in what had been ukraine and seized it for the kremlin. Americas response has been to increase both its own force in europe and its support of nato. Though president elect donald trump has called nato obsolete and says he wants to restore good relations with russia. Major general timothy mcgwire. How quickly could the new president , as a gesture of good will to russia, turn this whole thing around and pull you all out again . Im not going to speculate on what the incoming president may or may not do, but i will tell you, this is in the interests of the United States army to build readiness. Reporter the commander in chief could reverse all this, but it would make months or even years. Meanwhile, vladamir putin has already implied this buildup is pointless. Its stupid and unrealistic, he says, to think that russia would attack anyone. But the American Military and its nato allies believe a little extra deterrence wont hurt. Once the new combat brigade has reached its final destination in eastern europe, it will start large, Multinational Military exercises with the armies of other nato countries. Democrats in the house and Senate Introduced legislation to create an independent commission to investigate russias attempts to influence the president ial election. Retired general Michael Hayden is a former director of both the cia and the National Security agency. He discussed the issue on cbs this morning. Charlie, from the intelligence point of view, the influence on the campaign, did it affect votes, is not just not known, its unknowable through intelligence techniques. But i was quite stunned that the community at large, with high confidence judgments, the russians did this. They did this to erode confidence in our processes. They preferred to punish secretary clinton. They then shifted as the campaign went on and became a bit more successful, that they began to prefer president elect trump, and then all three major agencies, although only one with moderate confidence, the other two high confidence, concluded they were actually moving in the direction to help him win. Thats a stunning summary. Okay. So do you think the United States should have reacted aggressively earlier . Yes, we should have. And look, the members of congress were briefed around october when that first public report came out, and based upon public reporting, charlie, it was the republican leader of the senate that refused to join consensus. And without bipartisan consensus to push back, president obama, in essence, kept his powder dry. I think that was an incorrect decision, but i understand it. Put this in context for us. Theres a great piece in the New York Times yesterday from people who said whats the big deal . Him said people complaining are sore losers, that its not a big deal because everybody does it. Can you put this in context on why this matters and why this is a big deal . Sure. After the formal briefing, the statement from the Trump Campaign kind of pushed this into, you know, weve got a really big cyber problem box and talked about the russians and the chinese and nonstate actors and so on. I totally agree, weve got a cyber problem over here. But this was not, at its heart, a cyber problem. This was a russia problem. This was not an isolated incident from the russian federation. What i did not get from the Transition Team was a seriousness or an acceptance that we do indeed have a problem overall with the pattern of russia behavior. We just pushed it over here into the wellknown cyber thing, and im going to appoint a committee and in 90 days, im going to tell you what were going do about cyber. I want to know, what are we going to do about russia . I checked, everythings there. Wait a minute. Hey. Hold on, i can explain. You better have a good answer. Switch to geico and you could save a ton of money on your Car Insurance. Why didnt you say so in the first place . I thought yous was wearing a wire. Haha, what . Why would i wear a wire . Geico. Because saving fifteen percent or more on Car Insurance is always a great answer. Rise above joint discomfort with move free ultras triple action joint support for improved mobility and flexibility, and 20 better comfort from one tiny, mighty pill. Get move free ultra, and enjoy living well. The u. S. Military has been using drones to hunt and kill enemies for years now. They can be operated from miles away or from the other side of the world. But the newest generation of drones wont need an operator at all. Theyll use Artificial Intelligence to locate targets and call in weapons. Theyll be in the air, on the ground, and at sea. David martin reports for 60 minutes. Reporter this swarm over the california desert is like nothing the u. S. Military has ever fielded before. Each of those tiny drones is flying itself. Humans on the ground have given them a mission to patrol a threesquare mile area. But the drones are figuring out for themselves how to do it. They are operating autonomously, and the pentagons dr. Will roper says what youre seeing is a glimpse into the future of combat. It opens up a completely different level of warfare, a completely different level of maneuver. On my count reporter the drone is called perdix, an unlikely name for an unlikely engine of revolution. Roper, head of a once secret pentagon Organization Called the strategic capabilities office, remembers the first time he saw perdix, which is named after a bird found in greek mythology. I held it up in my hand. Its about as big as my hand, and i said really, this is what you want me to get excited about . It looks like a toy. Reporter perdix flies too fast and too high to follow. So 60 minutes brought specialized highspeed cameras to the china lake weapons station in california to capture it in flight. Developed by 20 and 30 somethings from lincoln labs, perdix is designed to operate as a team, which you can see when you follow this group of eight on a computer screen. Weve given them a mission, which is as a team go fly down the road. So they allocate that amongst the individual perdix. And theyre talking to each other . They are. By what . So theyve got radios on and each telling each other not just what theyre doing but where they are in space. How frequently are they talking to each other back and forth . Many times a second when theyre first sorting out. It looks helterskelter. You want them to converge to a good enough solution. And go ahead and get on with it. Its faster than a human would sort it out. Reporter cheap and expendable, it tries to make a soft landing. But its no great loss if it crashes into the ground. Perdix can be used as decoys to confuse enemy air defenses or equipped with electronic transmitters to jam their radar. This looik as a swarm of miniature spy planes fitted with cell phone cameras that can hunt down fleeing terrorists. There are several different roads they could have gone down and you dont know which one to search. You can tell them go search all the roads and tell them what to search for. Let them sort out the best way to do it. Reporter the pentagon is spending 3 billion a year on Autonomous Systems, many of them much more sophisticated than a swarm of perdix. This pair of air and ground robots runs on Artificial Intelligence. Im going to say start the reconnaissance. Reporter theyre searching a mock village for a suspected terrorist. Reporting back to marine captain jim panero and his tablet. The ground robots are continuing on its mission while the arrow bot is searching on its own. Reporter the robots are slow and cumbersome, but theyre just test beds for cutting edge Computer Software which could power more agile machines. Ones that could act as advanced scouts for a foot patrol. I would want to use a system like this to move in advance of me to give me Early Warning of enemy in the area. Reporter this time im the target. The computer already knows what i look like, so now well see if it can match what is stored in its memory with the real thing as i move around this make believe village. The robots Artificial Intelligence had done its homework the night before, learning what i looked like. We were able to get every picture of every story youve ever been in. How many pictures of me are there out there . When we ran this through, we have about 50,000 different pictures of you that we were able to get. Had we had more time, we probably could have done a better job. So because youve to the 50,000 images of me, how certain would you be . Very. Now its looking at me. It recognized you instantly. So what we reported today on our scores were about a 1 in 10,000 chance of being wrong. Reporter while the robot was searching for me inside an auditorium at the Marine Corps Base in quantico, virginia this will give us a technological advantage. Reporter Lieutenant Commander rollie wicks was watching from a boat in the river. I was turning over control of the weapons system to the Autonomous Systems that youve seen on the floor today. Reporter had he given permission to shoot, the missile would have struck my location using coordinates given to it by the robots. They were controlling a remote weapons system, they were controlling where that weapons system was pointing with me supervising. Reporter it will be about three years before these robots are ready for the battlefield. By then, they will look considerably different. Will those robots, when they reach the battlefield, will they be able to defend themselves . We are looking into that. We are looking into defensive capability for a robot, armed robots. Shoot back . Correct. Reporter this pentagon directive states Autonomous Systems shall be designed to allow commanders and operators to exercise appropriate levels of human judgment over the use of force. What that means, says general paul selva, vice chairman of the joint chiefs of staff and the militarys man in charge of autonomy, is that life and death decisions will only be made by humans. Even though machines can do it faster, and in some cases better. Are machines better at facial recognition . All the research ive seen says about five years ago, machines actually got better at Image Recognition than humans. Can a disguise defeat machine recognition . If you think about the proportions of a human body, there are several that are discrete and difficult to hide. The example i will distance between your pupils. It is very likely unique to you and a handful of other humans. A disguise cannot move your eyes. So if i have a ski mask on, that doesnt help . Not if your eyes are visible. If you have to see, you cant change that proportion. So if the machine is better, why not let it make the decision . This goes to the ethics of the question of whether or not you allow a machine to take a human life without the intervention of a human. Do you know where this is headed . I dont. Reporter virtually any military vehicle has the potential to become autonomous. The navy has begun testing sea hunter, an autonomous ship to track submarines. Program manager Scott Littlefield says when you no longer have to make room for a crew, you can afford to buy a lot of them. You can buy 50 or 100 of these for the price ne i heard somebody describe this as looking like an overgrown polynesian war canoe. Why does it look like it does . To be able to go across the Pacific Ocean without refueling, this hull form was the best thing we could come up with. What is its range . We can go about 10,000 nautical miles on a tank of gas. 14,000 gallons. Reporter sea hunter is at least two years away from being ready to steam across the pacific on its own. Among other things, it has to learn how to follow the rules of the road to avoid collisions with other ships. When we went aboard, it had only been operating autonomously for a few weeks, and there was still a human crew just in case. When testing is done, this pilot house will come off and the crew will be standing on the peer waving goodbye. From then on, this will be a ghost ship commanded by 36 Computers Running 50 million lines of software code. Come off, too, since theres no need for them with no humans on board. It has a top speed of 26 knots and a tight turning radius to enable it to use its sonar to track diesel powered submarines for weeks at a time. Many countries have diesel submarines. Thats the most common kind of submarine out there. China . China has them. Russia . Russia has them. Iran . Iran has them. North korea . Yes. I think i get the picture. Yeah. Reporter but of everything we saw, tiny perdix is closest to being ready to go operationally. If it passes its final exam. They are attempting to fly the largest autonomous swarm ever. 100 perdix drones. This is one of the most riskiest and exciting things going on in the pentagon. Reporter risky because the swarm would be more thath than anything roper has done before, and also because 60 minutes is here to record the outcome for all to see. You can see the full report on our website, cbsnews. Com. The overnight news will be right back. Cough doesnt sound so good. Take mucinex dm. Ill text you in 4 hours when your cough returns. One pill lasts 12 hours, so. Looks like im good all night some cough medicines only last 4 hours. But just one mucinex lasts 12 hours. Lets end this. President elect donald trump has been loudly critical of the Ford Motor Company for building cars in mexico. Ford points out that most of the cars they make in mexico are also sold in mexico. Kris van cleave sat down with bill ford, executive chairman and great grandson of henry ford at the north American International aut show in detroit. Reporter as executive chairman of Ford Motor Company, bill ford is among the few who talk directly with president elect donald trump on a regular basis. Do you have any concerns about a Trump Presidency . Any time theres a transition, theres a lot of unknowns. But im encouraged by the dialogue weve had. Reporter last week ford scrapped plans for a new factory in mexico to invest in an existing michigan plant and add 700 jobs. Competitors General Motors and toyota took a beating from trump on twitter who threatened, make in the usa or pay big border tax. Do you have concerns about that or do you think thats just blustery talk . Well, well see. I think nobody wants to start a trade war. When i went to see him this summer, one of the things i pointed out is weve been in mexico for over 100 years, long before nafta. All the way back to my great grandfather. Part of his beliefwe reporter this morning, ford and company ceo mark field also lay out a dynamic new vision for addressing gridlock in the increasingly crowded cities of tomorrow and how that will change ford into a carmaker and mobility company. A mix of smart technologies, electric and selfdriving cars, ride hailing apps and car shares. Youre laying out a vision that is not as car sen trick as people might think from the Ford Motor Company. From our standpoint, any Good Business has to have one foot in today, one foot in tomorrow. Were looking at the societal trend of more congestion in cities and asking what does that mean for our business . As we expand to an auto and mobility company, it starts with cities. Thats why were laying out our vision. Doesnt that mean making fewer cars . Maybe, maybe not. I think thats all tbd. It will be different kinds of cars, thats for sure. And youre still going to need to move people and move things. Youre still going to have to have work to be done by vehicles. Willhe cbs overt nigh news be right back. A promise that hit the beaches of normandy. A covenant that split the skies over berlin. A vow that captured iwo jima. A promise was made. A solemn oath that liberated seoul. A sacred trust that defended khe sanh. A pact that dug in in da nang. A contract that weathered tet. A promise was made. A pledge that stormed the desert in iraq. A bond that patrolled doortodoor in fallujah. An iou that braved ieds in kandahar. A promise was made. To americas veterans. A promise we all must keep. Dav fights for all veterans and their families so they get the health care, financial benefits and support they earned. If youre a veteran who needs help, or youd like to help us keep the promise, visit dav. Org. Its tuesday, january 10th, went 17, this is the cbs morning news. This morning confirmation hearings get underway for two of president elect trumps cabinet picks. What democrats say will keep them from casting a vote. Tragedy strikes twice in just hours for orlando law enforce meant when a deputy is killed in a crash during a manhunt for a cop killer. Severe storms take toll on a west coast icon toppling californias drivethrough sequoias. And the tide has turned

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