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Reporting on his Facebook Page he was not well here at home, Law Enforcement went on high alert. And Michelle Miller has that. Just before rush hour this morning, new york city deployed an army of counterterrorism officers from three elite units, including its hercules team. Especially trained to protect the citys most sensitive targets and transportation hubs. New York City Police commissioner, bill bratton. To the timing of this event a loud a we will double the amount of officers available to us this morning. Reporter thousand of commuters, filed past heavily armed officers and were stopped to have their bags searched. Its comforting. Very grateful to all of them. Union station. The largest rail terminal on the west coast. Los Angeles Police chief charlie beck. We want to have a high visibility. We want to make sure that our Critical Infrastructure is safe. Reporter in chicago, police had canine units on the platform as trains arrived. And in washington, d. C. , the metro police chief consulted with the fbi this morning to make sure her officers were doing all they could to protect passengers. Mary battle and her family visiting from florida witnessed the show of force in times square. Im hoping with the extra security here this is going to be one of the safest days. Reporter scott, while there is an armed presence here in times square, above ground, the nypd announced it will be amping up patrols whose sole purpose will be to guard the citys busy underground subway station. Michelle, thank you very much. The man who runs counterterrorism and city police, Deputy Commissioner, jon miller, and a former Senior Correspondent here at cbs news. John is isis coming here . Well, isis is already here. As isis has developed as an organization, scott, what we have seen is inspired attacks. They are basically advertising through social media, called on people to attack here. We have seen arrests in those cases. Enabled attacks where they have actually chosen targets, and spoken to people directly, over, over closed social Media Channels where they have said heres the target. Go do it. What we havent seen is directed attacks. Thats what we saw in paris. Thats what just saw in brussels. And thats what we have to be prepared for, obviously. What did you learn from the tactics that were used today . I think we learned once again that you have rudimentary tactics. We are talking about fairly large bombs when you look at the damage, and assess the casualties. Basically terrorism as we see it here, explosives, we saw in paris, explosives with active shooters. Is a lowtech, lowcost, extraordinarily high impact venture. Since paris over the last four months, islamic extremists in brussels have been under withering scrutiny. Intelligence officers have been raiding their homes, tapping their phones, how can this a happen with that much scrutiny . Couple of ways. One there is an opposite argument that intelligence was pretty good. Managed to find their way just a few days again to a secret safe house. Hit that location. Actually come up with a mastermind who was not just a mastermind, planned attacks in western europe and brussels but attacks that happened in paris. Thats very good intelligence. On the other hand. A shootout. Officer wounded. Couple individuals got away. So you look at that. But i think the real scott, is that we are looking at going dark. Which is, whether it is the telegram which you featured on 60 minutes this week, which was all encrypted. Or the app, which comes out of san francisco, not russia. That is all encrypted. We are seeing not just iphones that cant be cracked, but entire Communication Systems that are designed to be impenetrable, we are seeing those become the primary tools of terrorists. Stow when you ask a question like how could they miss this . Technology is becoming a big enabler. Jon miller, Deputy Commissioner of the nypd. Jon, thank you. Great to have you with us. Four months since the isis assault on paris that killed 130. Many of those terrorists came from that same brussels neighborhood that allen pizzey showed us. Holly williams its in harris tonight. What are the connections between paris and brussels . Reporter scott, there are suspicions. At this point no confirmation the two are closely just four days ago, Salah Abdeslam, the alleged logistical planner behind the paris attacks, was finally captured in belgium. And when the Belgian Police raided an apartment last week in brussels, they found ammunition, and isis flag, and abdeslams finger prints. That raised suspicions that another attack could be imminent. But all of europe has been on alert since the paris attacks. Ow could this happen today . How could this happen today . Scott, we dont know if there were any intelligence failures. One criticism, leveled at european intelligence officials. They dont share enough information because they dont trust each other. That is a very big problem. Because within europe, you have open borders. And visafree travel between countries. Some of the men involved in the paris attacks were able to go to syria, fight, or receive training from isis, and then return home, traveling through europe, apparently the big question now, especially after todays attacks, is how many more young men may have done the same thing. Holly williams in paris for us tonight. Thank you. How did isis succeed today with police hot on their trail . Well have that next. The cbs overnight news will be right back. sounds of birds whistling music introducing new ky touch gel creme. For massage and intimacy. Every touch, gently intensified. A little touch is all it takes. Ky touch. Ylysol with hydrogen peroxide. Bleach. For a tough clean with zero percent bleach. Lysol that. cell phone rings where are you . Well the squirrels are back in the attic. Mom . Your dad wont call an exterminator. Can i call you back, mom . He says its personal this time. If youre a mom, you call at the worst time. Its what you do. If you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. Its what you do. Where are you . Its very loud there. Are you taking a zumba class . Dont even think about it. Cough if you can hear me. I took mucinex dm for my phlegmy cough. Yeah. But what about mike . It works on his cough too. Cough it works on his cough too. Lets end this. Does your carpet ever feel rough and dirty . Ugh. Dont avoid it. Resolve it. Our new formula not only cleans and freshens but also softens your carpet so its always inviting. Resolve. A carpet that welcomes you. Three years number two at the cia. Now our cbs news Senior Security contributor. Michael, in the four months since paris, the authorities have been watching these neighborhood in brussels, they have been raiding homes, tapping phones. How did isis pull this off today . Scott, i think it is a combination of two things. One, a combination of how sophisticated these guys are. The investigative report on paris showed use of throwaway phones, sophisticated document forgery, the making of bombs in europe by bombmaking experts, the ability to move money around, use of encrypted apps that, that, Intelligence Services cant read, theyre sophistica sophisticated, right. One reason. The other is the very large numbers of individuals we are dealing with here. 5,000 people went from western europe to iraq and syria to fight. Some are there. Some died. Some of them are the number is huge. Put the two things together it is a very, very challenging problem. Are you saying these guys are experts at what theyre doing . Theyre very good from my perspective. Trained in iraq and syria by pros. Where are we now in the fight against isis . So i think you have to look, scott, at what they want to do which is conduct attacks against us. What we want to do is which is stop them by degrading that capability. In the last 4 1 2 months, scott they had four victories. They brought down an airliner in sinai, an affiliate, conduct add takes in paris, direct add take, San Bernardino, an inspired attack, brussels inspired or directed. A pace of operations that al qaeda never dreamed of. The guys are doing very well in doing what they want to do. We are not degrading them what in your view should be done . Scott, two things we have to look at. One is the defensive side. Right. Al qaeda went after symbolic targets on security. You had to got through security to bring down an airliner. The guys are going after soft targets. On the near side of security the we have to push that security perimeter out. And number two we need better intelligence. On the defensive side. On the offensive side, i only know two, two ways to fundamentally degrade an, terrorist organization. One is, to remove rapidly the leadership from the battlefield. The other is to take their safe haven away. Pick up the pace on those two things. Michael morrell, former number two at the cia. Thank you. The fbi took immediate action after at take tuesday. Well have that next. The fbi took immediate action after the attacks today. Well hahave tt next. Late today the federal government said there is no specific credible intelligence of any plots against the United States. But Homeland Security correspondent jeff pegues reports that Law Enforcement is very concerned about what it doesnt know. Within hours of the attacks in brussels up surveillance of potential terrorism suspects in the United States. Diego rodriguez assistant director of the fbi. We are going to ramp up on awful our seb all of our subjects. Officials are concerned about potential for isis sympathizers to plot attacks in the u. S. There was a similar fear after the paris attacks in november. A former white house counterterrorism official. The concern is could there be copycats in the u. S. You always need to be worried about copycats. Because there is an old saying terrorists are not innovators theyre immay toitators. Reporter more than one third of isis linked terror plots have been aimed at the United States or interests overseas. U. S. Officials also 30,000 foreign fighters have traveled to syria and iraq to join isis. Including around 150 from the u. S. One intelligence Consulting Group believes about 40 have returned. Those are the ones u. S. Law enforcement officials are aware of. Where are you from . The United States. Reporter just last week, american, Mohammad Jamal khweis surrendered to Kurdish Forces in northern iraq. He traveled from the washington, d. C. Region to syria to join isis. And he was not known to the fbi. What you are seeing right now is, we are shaking every known bush. You are going to have a number that wont necessarily be on anyones radar screen. Thats something we need to be cognizant of. Reporter the couple behind decembers San Bernardino attack was not on the fbi radar either. Scott, today, Homeland Security sent a bulletin to Law Enforcement agency as cross the country warning of the potential threats from isis. Jeff pegues in the newsroom. Jeff, thank you very much. The cbs overnight news will be right back. President obama left cuba tonight for argentina. He was in havana when he got word of the attacks in brussels. And did not allow the terrorists to change his travel plans. Margaret brennan is with the president. Reporter in a secure call early this morning, president obama was briefed on the bombings. We will do whatever is necessary to support our friend and ally belgium in bringing to justice those responsible. Reporter at his keynote address and cuban leader raul castro looking on the president quickly turned back to his historic trip. I have come here to bury the last remnant of the cold war in the americas. He touted benefits of democracy to a still authoritarian country and pointed to americas president ial campaign as proof that anything is possible. You have two cuban americans in the against the legacy of a black man who is president , arguing theyre the best person to beat the democratic nominee who will either be a woman or a democratic socialist. Who would have believed that back in 1959 . Reporter later the president and first family joined castro at a baseball game between the Tampa Bay Rays and the Cuban National team. We condemn the acts of terrorism in belgium. For this we request a minute of silence. Reporter after a moment of silence for the victims in belgium, the mood lightened. The two leaders did the wave and cheered a play at the plate. President obama told espn that changing his schedule would have let the terrorists win. What they can do is scare, and make people afraid. And disrupt our daily lives. And divide us. And as long as we dont allow that to happen, we are going to be reporter white house officials believe that terrorism is a persistent threat but one that they can manage. And scott, the president feels strongly that it shouldnt dominate the u. S. Agenda. Margaret brennan covering the historic trip to havana. Margaret, thank you. In brussels this 22nd of march there was no separation between day and night. This evening, candles do what the sun could not, cut through the darkness that has fallen over this city. And in light, the world shows its unity against the terrorists. The colors of belgium bathe the eiffel tower in paris, the brandenberg gate in berlin, the trevi fountain in rome, and in washington this night, light shines on the most powerful symbol of freedom in the world. As america honors the fallen. Thats the cbs overnight news for this wednesday. For some of you the news continues. For others check back with us a news and cbs this morning. From the Broadcast Center in new york city, im scott pelley. Welcome to the overnight news. Europe on high alert and dragnet under way after the terror attacks in belgium. Bombs went off at an airport in the capital also at a busy train station. At least 31 people were killed. About 200 others hurt. The Islamic State is claiming responsibility and threatening more attacks. Our cbs News Coverage begins with Charlie Dagata at the brussels airport. Through the dust and chaos there was no mistaking what happened. A massive blast, blew windows out and Ceiling Tiles and passengers fled. A young woman, cried for her mother. And a man shouted. Soldiers. There were no soldiers to come to their rescue. Streamed outside looking for help. Some of the injured were wheeled out on luggage carts. All the luggage stays here all the luggage tays here reporter the area outside the airport, a tangle of injured bodies. Those who came to help were quickly overwhelmed. After the first explosion in the departure area, a second one followed. It was very loud, yes. It was not something that fell on the ground or Something Like that. It was you felt kind of a shock. For everyone it was a terrible thing. The explosions were right in front of me, this woman said. Look around. Reporter isis claimed attacks today warning of more dark days ahead. Belgian Police Released this photograph of three suspects. Look at the two on the left, casually pushing luggage which officials believe were loaded with explosives. Theyre wearing only one glove each, possibly to conceal a detonator. Both men were killed in the attacks. The third man, in the hat, has vanished. According to police, he left his luggage and is on the run. Another bomb was found which police detonated by a controlled explosion. This afternoon, Security Forces conducted raid in the brussels neighborhood of shaerbeek and found two more explosive devices containing nails as well as chemicals. And an isis flag. One of the doctors who dealt with the worst of the injuries said he hadnt seen any bullet wounds. Only injuries caused by the blasts. The attacks ingi caught in a Dramatic Police shootout in brussels. One of the ten paris attackers, abdeslam was the only one to survive the Police Dragnet and evade capture for four months. After his arrest, abdeslam had promised new attacks, heightening fears among Security Forces, that the militants reach into europe is deeper and larger than they knew. Now, Counterterror Police are conducting further raid tonight, scott. They launched a massive manhunt to find the missing third suspect. After raid in brussels uncovered two more bombs today, police fear militants may have been planning even further attacks. Moments after, passengers fled to safety. Smoke billowed from the entrance as days commuters streamed out. The explosion went off barely an hour after the airport attack. The mangled rem were graphic evidence of why there were so many horrific casualties. Sometreated in the street. Many had what appeared to be serious head injuries. Emmanuel batiot arrived in the aftermath. You see it, you cannot imagine when you see people yelling. Like, they were like they are going to die or and you dont know, you feel like you are raging. Lachlan carmichael was on another train in the tunnel. We received a blast of air. And the train stopped. And we had the we had the normal recording announcements. We have just had an incident on the line. Passengers told me inside they felt very nervous and very worried. Reporter police and soldiers flooded the area. The station is only 400 yard from the European Parliament building. The area is considered among the most secure in the belgian capital. This is a city that lives with a major terrorist in its midth. It eminates from here, the suburb of molembeek. Many of the terrorists plotted the paris attacks in the neighborhood. In the wake of the bombing, the authorities asked people to move around the city as little as possible. That has now been lifted, but the Belgian Crisis Center warned that the threat of more attacks is real and serious. Stephanie is now missing. My husband called, the american embassy, and theyre looking for her too. Did you receive some information . I havent gotten any information. Reporter the injured include two missionaries from utah, 66yearold, richard norby, joseph empy, 20. Mason wells, 19. All three are recovering from their injuries. Friend tell us wells was also at the Boston Marathon bombing and last years paris attack. A u. S. Air force lieutenant colonel, wife and four kids were also injured. Were told some were seriously hurt. This man, seb bellin is a belgian businessman who once played College Basketball for Oakland University in michigan. His father spoke to his son in the hospital. Well, he saw people dying. He saw people dead. And people dying. So, thats im sure that will stay with him for the rest of his life. Reporter and then there are the near misses. The three students from Quinnipiac University in connecticut are studying abroad. They were at the airport traveling for spring break. Kate duffy spoke to us by phone. A huge ball of fire and it was like 50 feet from us. It was absolutely insane. Professional basketball fans will be relieved to hear while former nba all star Dikembe Mutuombo was in the airport at the time of the bombing he is reporting on his Facebook Page he was unharmed. Jim axelrod, thank you. Four days ago, Salah Abdeslam, the alleged logistical planner behind the paris attacks was finally captured in belgium. When the Belgium Police raided an apartment last week in brussels, they found ammunition, an isis flag, and abdeslams fingerprints. That raised suspicions that another attack could be imminent. We dont know if there were any intelligence failures. Certainly one criticism that is leveled at european intelligence officials is that they dont share enough information because they dont trust each other. That is a very big problem. Because within europe you have open borders and visafree travel between countries. Some of the men involved in the paris attacks were able to go to syria, fight or receive training from isis, and then return home, traveling through europe, apparently after todays attacks is how many more young men may have done the same thing. 7 a month, ridx helps break down waste. Avoid a septic disaster with ridx. And to keep thosew they fdarks from fading. Theres woolite darks. Its free of harsh ingredients, keeping dark clothes looking like new for 30 washes so your love for dark clothes will never fade. Woolite darks. My son and i used to watch the red carpet shows on tv now, im walking them. Life is unpredictable one thing i need to be predictable is to be flake free. 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Reporter not anymore, he made a uturn in the country foreign policy. In a flash, argentina has become proamerican. Macri and Vice President biden were all smiles at the World Economic forum in january. When macri went seeking closer ties with the west and foreign investment. He brought one of the men he defeted in the election with him, which impressed the Vice President. I want the American Press to observe something. The new president brought along the leader of the opposition with him. Thats what we got to do at home. I really believe the 21st century demand that we have to be open and not put in any more ideological differences in front of the best solutions. Reporter he is a pragmatist. Trained as an engineer. Macri started off an outsider argentina politics. The son of one of the wealthiest men in the country and worked at first in the family real estate and construction business. Once making a deal with that other scion of a real estate empire. I heard that you actually have a relationship with donald trump . It is a long story, long away. Reporter it was more than 30 years ago. Macri told us his father invested in a Real Estate Venture in new york city but ran into problems and asked him to arrange a sale. We are going to go forward. To donald trump. It was a very unique moment for me. I was only 24 years old. Reporter you negotiated with the guy who says he is the best negotiator in the world, yeah . He thinks that, i am not so sure. Did he win . We were in a weak position. He was local, having the support of all the banks. I could say that we tied. Reporter now at 57, he is happily married to Fashion Designer julianna watching them play with their 4yearold daughter, you cant help but think of the kennedys and camelot. The comparison has been made in argentina. When macri ran for president , no one thought he would win. Partly because of his image as a wealthy businessman, unable to connect with the people. But that image was softened by campaigning with his wife and young daughter at his side. And by their openness about their relationship. I never imagine i was going to end with him and when i have the opportunity to, to meet him i fall completely in love. That was seven years ago. He had already been married twice and had older children as did she. My best friend, i told him i am going to marry again. No, come on. You cant do it. You have just finished a thlation two months ago. I want to be with her the rest of my life. I am sure that this is the correct decision. Reporter at their wedding the following year, macri revealed a hidden talent. I am a great singer. Reporter a great singer. He set out to prove it at their wedding party. He dressed up as his favorite rock star, Freddie Mercury, of the band queen, complete with a fake mustache, and started serenading julianna. It almost killed him. In the moment i was breathing to sing the, the up part of somebody to love, i swallowed my mustache. Swallowed the mustache. He started choking on the Freddie Mercury mustache. It end up here. Didnt go down. Spent like 20 minutes. Thinking that i was going to die. I couldnt breathe. It was funny, but, a moment. You have had a couple of brushes with death actually. No, no, this wasui the other one happened when he was 32. He was grabbed off the street and kidnapped. Reporter is it true when they kidnapped you they put you in a coffin . Yes, to take me to the place. And then in another a bigger coffin, it was a box. He was held for 14 days. Reporter did you think that you would never live through that . You keep thinking, because, you are trapped there with nothing to do. So, you think i am going to die. I am not going to die. Because the in many cases, the group of kidnappers kill the victims. Reporter but he was released after his father paid a 6 million ransom. The incident changed the trajectory of macris life dramatically. It persuaded him to leave his fathers business and set out on his own. First he became president of one of argentinas most popular boca juniors. He then tried his hand at politics. He created his own third party, and eventually ran for mayor of buenes aires. On his second attempt, he won. Thats when a whole new macri emerged. Dancing has become a macri trademark. You are known for this. You know, dancing is, it is another way of communicating, no . Reporter you know i have heard it said, no offense, dad dancing . Older man dancing . No, no. I have heard that. You have to watch it. You have to watch my, my, my, my performance. Because it is, it is, advanced dancing. It is so innovating steps, i am doing them. First i amng reporter macri got to live out two dreams in december when he danced on the balcony of the president ial palace at his inauguration after a close, hardfought elect, that left the country bitterly divided. Even the transition was contentious. Breaking tradition, the outgoing president , Christina Kirshner refused to attend the swearing in. She had been a charismatic leader in the style of the popular eva peron who shared the spotlight with her husband, president juan peron whose legend went all the way to broadway. Dont cry for me argentina the party has dominated politics on and off for the last 70 years. Kirshner was a peronist whose policies, subsidies on electricity, high taxes on agricultural exports, bureaucracy, and currency controls, all in combination cripple the argentina economy. She left an economy that has not been growing for four years now. A stagnant economy. Alfonzo pratt guy is the minister of finance. High inflation. Eight years in a row, more than 25 inflations. Stig n fiscal deficit. Running out of reserves. Reporter what you walked into . Absolutely. Making matters worse, the Government Bureau of statistics indec had been minimizing the problems. National statistics institute, an institute that was basically look to us and to the rest of the world. They werent issuing wrong numbers. Reporter fake numbers. Phony numbers. Just made up statistics. Exactly. What the president wanted. It wasnt real. Thats not the way. Not the way. If you have a problem you have to recognize it and solve it. Thats my commitment. No . You can see the full report on our website, cbs news. Com. The overnight news will be right back. Ance capsules burst to release extra freshness all day. Motionsense. Protection to keep you moving. Degree. It wont let you down. You cant breathed. Through your nose. Suddenly, youre a mouthbreather. A mouthbreather how can anyone sleep like that . Well, just put on a breathe right strip and pow it instantly opens your nose up to 38 more than Cold Medicine alone. So you can breathe and sleep. Shut your mouth and say goodnight mouthbreathers. sound of music histling introducing new ky touch gel creme. For massage and intimacy. Every touch, gently intensified. A little touch is all it takes. Ky touch. More than 100 accidents blamed on a high tech gearshift. Standard equipment on nearly 1 million vehicles here in the United States. The government is investigating and so is kris van cleave. Reporter gary titus leased a new electronic transition that changed the feel of shifting gears maybe too much. If i dont hit it just right and get night drive i could get into an accident because of that. Reporter the new shifter is a monostable electronic gearshift or eshift. It lacks the typical grooves and sensation of moving the car into park, drive or reverse. That lack of familiarity, nearly resulted in a serious injury. I got out of the jeep. Thought it was in park. It was in reverse still. As i walked back toward the garage. I noticed the car was moving a little bit. I didnt want to ruin the car, after having it for a few months. Got between the car and garage. I was able to yell for my son and stop the car. Reporter titus isnt the own one confused. Hundred filed complaints saying their vehicle rolled away after thinking it was in park. National Highway Traffic Safety Association is investigating, 850,00 and 2015 grand cherokees equipped with eshift. Government investigators found it is not intuitive and provide poor tactile and visual feed become to the driver increasing potential for unintended gear selection. The investigation claims reports of 121 accidents resulting in several people being hospitalized. These new technologies coming in the cars are creating all kind of new problems. Sean cane, president of Safety Research and strategies wants stricter safety standard for Technology Added to vehicles. You get into a car today if you havent been in it. Hard to understand how to start it, shift it, seeing all different control systems. Thats creating problems for consumers. New ways people are going to get killed and injured as a result of poor design. We drove a 2014 grand cherokee at Consumer Reports test track in connecticut. Here because there is also not, like i pushed all way forward. Doesnt mean iened up in park. It is confusing and it doesnt have any safety mek nimz. A deputy auto editor. What we would look to see, there is a fail safe. End of the day you dont have a problem where the car is going to launch forward. Roll back and move some way that the consume r is not expecting it. The Fiat Chrysler shifter lacks a fail safe. Lacks a fail safe if you leave it in drive or neutral. Open the door or press the button to turn off the vehicle it stays in the mode doesnt go directly to park. Bmw and mercedes added the fail safe after adding similar transmission technology. Shifted because i turned off the car. If you open up the door it goes to park. Reporter thats the safety feature. Jeep drivers do get a warning on the dashboard. Fiat chrysler is cooperating fully with the on going investigation. As of 2the 2016 year they changd the vehicles. The cbs overnight news will be right back. On this 100th anniversary of the National Park service we have been taking you to National Treasures you may not get a chance to see. This morning, Connor Knighten visits the everglade National Park. Reporter they call it the river of grass. And to truly get your feet wet exploring the everglade, youed into to actually get your feet wet. You cant really understand it just by driving by. Like you can if you are standing in it. Ranger allen scott has been exploring the over 1. 5 million acres of south floridas everglade National Park for 20plus years. The trees have lost their leaves. But i am noticing the little ones are starting to leaf out. The first National Park set aside by National Park what is alive, the plants, animals and habitats. Reporter the different variety of plant and animal life found in the park are staggering. With over 1,000 species of seed bearing plants. And more than 400 species of bird. Everglade is an International Biosphere reserve. Some species like the endangered florida panther are hardly ever seen. And some, like the lovely mosquito can be all too common. If i slap one on my wrist am i going to got a fine from the park service. Yes, you are. Give me 1 every time you do that. Reporter you dont need to track deep into the habitat to find the everglades most famous inhabitant. Just drive down one of the park road. You are bound to spot one. The american alligator can be found throughout the everglades. In the water and on the trails. But, keep an eye out, and you and that combination is especially rare. There is no place else in the world where crocodiles and alligators overlap. Florida with salt and fresh watt r is just warm enough for crocodiles and just cool enough for alligators. Thanks to conservation efforts in the park, the once endangered american crocodile has been downgraded to threatened in florida. Back wheneverglade was established in 1947 the idea of creating a National Park to protect plants and animals may have seemed revolutionary. But today, the habitat still has a lot to offer people. Here in everglade National Park, go 50 miles from anybody and be in true wilderness alone. And listen and feel what it feels look to be in nature. Thats the cbs overnight news for this wednesday. For some of you the news continues. Fohe later for the morning news and cbs this morning. From the bcaroadst center in new york city. Terror in brussels. Bombers attack the airport. Everyone was in panic. We had to run. And a subway station. Dozens are killed, hundreds wounded including americans. This is yet another reminder that the world must unite. Isis claims responsibility. We cannot let them succeed. And america goes on alert. I would close up our borders. This is war, this is not an isolated incident. Announcer this is the cbs overnight news. We begin this morning with the breaking news from brussels where the toll continues to rise in the terror attacks at the airport and a subway station. These are the latest numbers of the dead and the wnd americans. Isis claimed responsibility and warned that there will be more dark days ahead. Officials believe that the two men on the left of this picture were suicide bombers who attacked the airport. But a search is on for the third man, the man on the right. We have extensive coverage tonight. First to Charlie Dagata at the airport where 11 died. Reporter even through the dust and the chaos, there was no mistaking what had happened. A massive blast blew windows out, Ceiling Tiles collapsed as passengers fled in panic. A young woman, cried for her mother. And a man shouted. Soldiers. There were no soldiers to come to their rescue. In the confusion, the survivors streamed outside looking for help. Some of the injured were wheeled out on luggage carts. All the luggage stays here all the luggage stays here reporter the area outside the airport, a tangle of injured bodies. Those who came to help were quickly overwhelmed. After the first explosion in the departure area, a second one followed. It was very loud, yes. It was not something that fell on the ground or Something Like that. It was you felt kind of a shock. Reporter isis claimed responsibility quickly for the attacks today warning of more dark days ahead. Belgian Police Released this photograph of three suspects. Look at the o officials believe were loaded with explosives. Theyre wearing only one glove each, possibly to conceal a detonator. Both men were killed in the attacks. The third man, in the hat, has vanished. According to police, he left his luggage and is on the run. Another bomb was found which police detonated by a controlled explosion. This afternoon, Security Forces conducted raid in the brussels neighborhood of shaerbeek and found two more explosive devices containing nails as well as chemicals. And an isis flag. One of the doctors who dealt with the worst of the injuries said he hadnt seen any bullet wounds. Only injuries caused by the blasts. The attacks in belgium come four days after Salah Abdeslam was caught in a Dramatic Police shootout in brussels. One of the ten paris attackers, abdeslam was the only one to survive the Police Dragnet and evade capture for four months. After his arrest, abdeslam had promised new attacks, heightening fears among Security Forces, that the militants reach into europe is deeper and larger than they knew. Conducting further raid tonight, scott. They launched a massive manhunt to find the missing third suspect. After raid in brussels uncovered two more bombs today, police fear militants may have been planning even further attacks. Charlie dagata at the airport tonight. Charlie, thank you. So why brussels . Well there are several possible reasons. Its the capital of the european union. Its home to the nato alliance. And it has its own population of islamist extremists. Today at least 20 of the dead were killed in the subway station that serves the European Parliament. And allen pizzey is there. Minutes after an explosion ripped apart a rush hour subway train in central brussels, passengers scrambled to safety in near pitchdark. Smoke billowed from the station entrance as commuters streamed out. The explosion let off barely an hour after the airport attack. Mangled remains of the cars were graphic evidence of why there were so many horrific casualties. Some had to be treated in the street. Many had what appeared to be serious head injuries. Emmanuel batiot arrived in the aftermath. You see it, you cannot imagine when you see people yelling. Like, they were like they are going to die or and you dont know, you feel like you are raging. And we have the the normal recording announcements. We have just had an incident on the line. Passengers told me inside they felt nervous and worried. Reporter police and soldiers flooded the area. The station is only 400 yard from the European Parliament building. The area is considered among the most secure in the belgian capital. This is a city that lives with a may your terrorist threat in its midst. It eminates from here, the suburb of molek of molembeek. In the wake of todays bombings, the authorities asked people to move around the city as little as possible. That has now been lifted, scott. But the belgian Christmas Center warned that the threat of more attacks is real and serious. Allen pizzey in brussels. Allen, thank you. We know of no americans killed today. But several were wounded. And jim axlerod has the latest. Reporter Carolyn Moore from kentucky was with her daughter stephanie airport. Stephanie is now missing. Theyre looking for her. Did you receive some information from i havent gotten any information. Reporter the injured include three missionaries from utah, 66yearold richard norby, joseph empy, 20. Mason wells, 19. All three are recovering from their injuries. Friend tell us wells was also at the Boston Marathon bombing and last years paris attack. A u. S. Air force lieutenant colonel, wife and four kids were also injured. Were told some were seriously hurt. This man, seb bellin is a belgian businessman who once played College Basketball for Oakland University in michigan. His father spoke to his son in the hospital. Well, he saw people dying. He saw people dead. And people dying. So, thats im sure that will stay with him for the rest of his life. Reporter and then there are the near misses. The three students from Quinnipiac University in connecticut are studying abroad. They were at the airport traveling for spring break. Kate duffy spoke to us by phone. A huge ball of fire and it was like 50 feet from us. It was absolutely insane. Professional basketball fans will be relieved to hear while former nba all star Dikembe Mutuombo was in the airport at the time of the bombing he is reporting on his Facebook Page he was not injured. Jim axelrod, tha i just need a second. Is your weight holding you back . [male narrator] are everyday tasks getting harder and harder to do . Did you see this . Hm . Your cousins in the hospital from a heart attack. Really . [narrator] Health Risks Associated with excess weight or obesity can be serious. But you can do something about it. I know youre worried. I found this. [narrator] take the your weight matters challenge. Visit your weight matters dot org where youll find free resources to help you take control. You can start improving your life right away. Download the free toolkit to prepa you to speak with a Healthcare Provider about your weight and health. Your weight does matter. Accept the challenge and take charge today. Well here at home, Law Enforcement went on high alert. And Michelle Miller has that. Reporter just before rush hour this morning, new york city deployed an army of counterterrorism officers from three elite units, including its hercules team. Especially trained to protect the citys most sensitive targets and transportation hubs. New York City Police commissioner, bill bratton. To the timing of this event a allowed us to have tours of duty on the units, and we will double the amount of officers available to us this morning. Reporter thousand of commuters, filed past heavily armed officers and were stopped to have their bags searched. Its comforting. Very grateful to all of them. Reporter in los angeles, union station. The largest rail terminal on the west coast. Los Angeles Police chief charlie beck. We want to have a high visibility. We want to make sure that our Critical Infrastructure is safe. Reporter in chicago, police had canine units on the platform as trains arrived. And in washington, d. C. , the metro police chief consulted with the fbi this morning to make sure her officers were doing all they could to protect passengers. Mary battle and her family visiting from florida witnessed the show of force in times square. Im hoping with the extra security here this is going to be one of the safest days. Reporter scott, while there is an armed presence here in times square, above ground, the nypd announced it will be amping up patrols whose sole purpose will be to guard the citys busy underground subway station. Michelle, thank you very much. The man who runs counterterrorism and intelligence for the new york p commissioner, jon miller, and a former Senior Correspondent here at cbs news. John is isis coming here . Well, isis is already here. As isis has developed as an organization, scott, what we have seen is inspired attacks. They are basically advertising through social media, called on people to attack here. We have seen arrests in those cases. Enabled attacks where they have actually chosen targets, and spoken to people directly, over, over closed social Media Channels where they have said heres the target. Go do it. What we havent seen is directed attacks. Thats what we saw in paris. Thats what just saw in brussels. And thats what we have to be prepared for, obviously. What did you learn from the tactics that were used today . I think we learned once again that you have rudimentary tactics. We are talking about fairly damage, and assess the casualties. Basically terrorism as we see it here, explosives, we saw in paris, explosives with active shooters. Is a lowtech, lowcost, extraordinarily high impact venture. Since paris over the last four months, islamic extremists in brussels have been under withering scrutiny. Intelligence officers have been raiding their homes, tapping their phones, how can this a happen with that much scrutiny . Couple of ways. One there is an opposite argument that intelligence was pretty good. Managed to find their way just a few days again to a secret safe house. Hit that location. Actually come up with a mastermind who was not just a mastermind, planned attacks in western europe and brussels but attacks that happened in paris. Thats very good intelligence. On the other hand. A shootout. Officer wounded. Couple individuals got away. So you look at that. But i think the real point here, scott, is that we are looking at going dark. Which is, whether it is the telegram which you featured on 60 minutes this week, which was all encrypted. Or the app, which comes out of san francisco, not russia. That is all encrypted. We areeeing not just iphones abdeslam, the alleged logistical planner behind the paris attacks, was finally captured in belgium. And when the Belgian Police raided an apartment last week in brussels, they found ammunition, and isis flag, and abdeslams finger prints. That raised suspicions that another attack could be imminent. But all of europe has been on alert since the paris attacks. Ow could this happen today . How could this happen today . Scott, we dont know if there were any intelligence failures. One criticism, leveled at european intelligence officials. They dont share enough information because they dont trust each other. That is a very big problem. Because within europe, you have open borders. And visafree travel between countries. Some of the men involved in the paris attacks were able to go to syria, fight, or receive training from isis, and then return home, traveling through europe, apparently unnoticed. The big question now, especially after todays attacks, is how many more young men may have done the same thing. Holly williams in paris for us tonight. Thank you. How did isis succeed today with police hot on their trail . Well have that next. The cbs overnight news will be right back. Olay luminous illuminates skin with pearl optics science. Your concert style might show your age, yourn skinever will. With olay you age less, so youre ageless. Olay. Ageless. sound of music histling introducing new ky touch gel creme. For massage and intimacy. Every touch, gently intensified. A little touch is all it takes. Ky touch. Ii cant believe its made with real, simple ingredients. Ter. I cant believe. Were on a whale. I cant believe my role isnt bigger. Real ingredients. Unbelievable taste. Enjoy i cant believe its not butter geico motorcycle, Michael Morrell was for three years number two at the cia. Now our cbs news Senior Security contributor. Michael, in the four months since paris, the authorities have been watching these neighborhood in brussels, they have been raiding homes, tapping phones. How did isis pull this off today . Scott, i think it is a combination of two things. One, a combination of how sophisticated these guys are. The investigative report on paris showed use of throwaway phones, sophisticated document forgery, the making of bombs in europe by bombmaking experts, the ability to move money around, use of encrypted apps that, that, Intelligence Services cant read, theyre sophisticated, right. One reason. The other is the very large numbers of individuals we are dealing with here. 5,000 people went from western europe to iraq and syria to fight. Some are there. Some died. Some of them are coming home. The number is huge. Put the two things together it is a very, very challenging problem. Are you saying these guys are experts at what theyre doing . Theyre very good from my perspective. Trained in iraq and syria by pros. Where re we now in the fight against isis . So i think you have to look, scott, at what they want to do which is conduct attacks against us. What we want to do is which is stop them by degrading that capability. In the last 4 1 2 months, scott they had four victories. They brought down an airliner in sinai, an affiliate, conduct add takes in paris, direct add take, San Bernardino, an inspired attack, brussels inspired or directed. A pace of operations that al qaeda never dreamed of. The guys are doing very well in doing what they want to do. We are not degrading them what in your view should be done . Scott, two things we have to look at. One is the defensive side. Right. Al qaeda went after symbolic targets on the far side of you had to got through security to bring down an airliner. The guys are going after soft targets. On the near side of security the we have to push that security perimeter out. And number two we need better intelligence. On the defensive side. On the offensive side, i only know two, two ways to fundamentally degrade an, terrorist organization. One is, to remove rapidly the leadership from the battlefield. The other is to take their safe haven away. Pick up the pace on those two things. Michael morrell, former number two at the cia. Thank you. The fbi took immediate action after the attacks. Well have that next. Late today the federal government said there is no specific credible intelligence of any plots against the United States. But Homeland Security correspondent jeff pegues reports that Law Enforcement is very concerned about what it doesnt know. Within hours of the attacks in brussels the fbi stepped up surveillance of potential terrorism suspects in the United States. Diego rodriguez assistant director of the fbi. We are going to ramp up on all of our subjects here. 24 7, surveillance and cover them just in the event that there is some type of connection. Reporter officials are concerned about potential for isis sympathizers to plot attacks in the u. S. There was a similar fear after the paris attacks in november. Frank salupa, is a former white house counterterrorism official. Reporter the concern is could there be copycats in the u. S. . You always need to be worried about copycats. Because there is an old saying terrorists are not innovators theyre imitators. Reporter according to this report by the Homeland Security committee, more than one third of isis linked terror plots have been aimed at the United States or interests overseas. U. S. Officials also estimate 30,000 forei f traveled to syria and iraq to join isis. Including around 150 from the u. S. One intelligence Consulting Group believes about 40 have returned. Those are the ones u. S. Law enforcement officials are aware of. Where are you from . The United States. Reporter just last week, american Mohammad Jamal khweis surrendered to Kurdish Forces in northern iraq. He traveled from the washington, d. C. Region to syria to join isis. And he was not known to the fbi. What you are seeing right now is, we are shaking every known bush. You are going to have a number that wont necessarily be on anyones radar screen. Thats something we need to be cognizant of. Reporter the couple behind decembers San Bernardino attack was not on the fbi radar either. Scott, today, Homeland Security sent a bulletin to Law Enforcement agency as cross the country warning of the potential threats from isis. Jeff pegues in the washington newsroom right back. President obama left cuba tonight for argentina. He was in havana when he got word of the attacks in brussels. And did not allow the terrorists to change his travel plans. Margaret brennan is with the president. Reporter in a secure call early this morning, president obama was briefed on the bombings. We will do whatever is necessary to support our friend and ally belgium in bringing to justice those responsible. Reporter at his keynote address and cuban leader raul castro looking on the president quickly turned back to his historic trip. I have come here to bury the last remnant of the cold war in the americas. He touted benefits of democracy to a still authoritarian country and pointed to americas president ial campaign as proof that anything is possible. You have two cuban americans in the repca man who is president , arguing theyre the best person to beat the democratic nominee who will either be a woman or a democratic socialist. Who would have believed that back in 1959 . Reporter later the president and first family joined castro at a baseball game between the Tampa Bay Rays and the Cuban National team. We condemn the acts of terrorism in belgium. For this we request a minute of silence. Reporter after a moment of silence for the victims in belgium, the mood lightened. The two leaders did the wave and cheered a play at the plate. President obama told espn that changing his schedule would have let the terrorists win. What they can do is scare, and make people afraid. And disrupt our daily lives. And divide us. And as long as we dont allow that to happen, we are going to be okay. Reporter white house officials believe that terrorism is a persistent threat but one that they can manage. And scott, the president feels strongly that it shouldnt dominate the u. S. Agenda. Margaret brennan covering the historic trip to havana. Margaret, thank you. In brussels this 22d of march there was no separation between day and night. This evening, candles do what the sun could not, cut through the darkness that has fallen over this city. And in light, the world shows its unity against the terrorists. The colors of belgium bathe the eiffel tower in paris, the brandenberg gate in berlin, the trevi fountain in rome, and in washington this night, light shines on the most powerful symbol of freedom in the world. As america honors the fallen. Thats the cbs overnight news for this wednesday. For some of you the news continues. For others check back with us a little bit later for the morning news and cbs this morning. From the Broadcast Center in new york city, im scott pelley. Welcome to the overnight news. Europe on high alert and dragnet under way after the terror attacks in belgium. Bombs went off at an airport in the capital also at a busy train station. At least 31 people were killed. About 200 others hurt. The Islamic State is claiming responsibility and threatening more attacks. Our cbs News Coverage begins with Charlie Dagata at the brussels airport. Through the dust and chaos there was no mistaking what happened. A massive blast, blew windows out and Ceiling Tiles and passengers fled. A young woman, cried for her mother. And a man shouted. Soldiers. There were no soldiers to come to their rescue. In the confusion, the survivors streamed outside looking for help. Some of the injured were wheeled out on luggage carts. All the luggage stays here all the luggage stays here reporter the area outside the airport, a tangle of injured bodies. Those who came to help were quickly overwhelmed. After the first explosion in the departure area, a second one followed. It was very loud, yes. It was not something that fell on the ground or Something Like that. It was you felt kind of a shock. For everyone it was a terrible thing. The explosions were right in front of me, this woman said. Look around. Reporter isis claimed responsibility quickly for the attacks today warning of more dark days ahead. Belgian Police Released this photograph of three suspects. Look at the two on the left, casually pushing luggage which officials believe were loaded with explosives. Theyre wearing only one glove each, possibly to conceal a detonator. Both men were killed in the attacks. The third man, in the hat, has vanished. According to police, he left his luggage and is on the run. Another bomb was found which police detonated by a controlled explosion. This afternoon, Security Forces conducted raid in the brussels neighborhood of shaerbeek and found two more explosive devices containing nails as well as chemicas. And an isis flag. One of the doctors who dealt with the worst of the injuries said he hadnt seen any bullet wounds. Only injuries caused by the days after Salah Abdeslam was caught in a Dramatic Police shootout in brussels. One of the ten paris attackers, abdeslam was the only one to survive the Police Dragnet and evade capture for four months. After his arrest, abdeslam had promised new attacks, heightening fears among Security Forces, that the militants reach into europe is deeper and larger than they knew. Now, Counterterror Police are conducting further raid tonight, scott. They launched a massive manhunt to find the missing third suspect. After raid in brussels uncovered two more bombs today, police fear militants may have been planning even further attacks. Minutes after an explosion ripped apart a rush hour subway train in central brussels, passenger passengers fled to safety in pitchdark. Smoke billowed from the entrance as days commuters streamed out. The explosion went off barely an hour after the airport attack. The mangled remains of the cars were graphic evidence of why there were so many horrific casualties. Some had to be treated in the street. Many had what appeared to be serious head injuries. Emmanuel batiot arrived in the aftermath. You see it, you cannot imagine when you see people yelling. Like, they were like they are going to die or and you dont know, you feel like you are raging. Lachlan carmichael was on another train in the tunnel. We received a blast of air. And the train stopped. And we had the we had the normal recording announcements. We have just had an incident on the line. Passengers told me inside they felt very nervous and very worried. Reporter police and soldiers flooded the area. The station is only 400 yard from the European Parliament building. The area is considered among the most secure in the belgian capital. This is a city that lives with a major terrorist threat in its midst. It eminates from here, the suburb of molembeek. Known to have sent at least 30 foreign fighters to syria. Many of the terrorists plotted the paris attacks in the neighborhood. In the wake of the bombing, the authorities asked people to move around the city as little as possible. That has now been lifted, but the Belgian Crisis Center warned that the threat of more attacks is real and serious. She was with her daughter stephanie, when the bombs exploded at the airport. Stephanie is now missing. [ indiscernible ] my husband called, the american embassy, and theyre looking for her too. Did you receive some information . I havent gotten any information. Reporter the injured include three mormon missionaries from utah, 66yearold, richard norby, joseph empy, 20. Mason wells, 19. All three are recovering from their injuries. Friends tell us wells was also at the Boston Marathon bombing and last years paris attack. A u. S. Air force lieutenant colonel, wife and four kids were also injured. Were told some were seriously hurt. This man, seb bellin is a belgian businessman who once played College Basketball for Oakland University in michigan. His father spoke to his son in the hospital. Well, he saw people dying. He saw people dead. And people dying. So, thats im sure that will stay with him for the rest of his life. Reporter and then there are the near misses. The three students from Quinnipiac University in connecticut are studying abroad. They were at the airport traveling for spring break. Kate dffy spoke to us by phone. A huge ball of fire and it was like 50 feet from us. It was absolutely insane. Professional basketball fans will be relieved to hear while former nba all star Dikembe Mutuombo was in the airport at reporting on his Facebook Page he was unharmed. Jim axelrod, thank you. Four days ago, Salah Abdeslam, the alleged logistical planner behind the paris attacks was finally captured in belgium. When the Belgium Police raided an apartment last week in brussels, they found ammunition, an isis flag, and abdeslams fingerprints. That raised suspicions that another attack could be imminent. We dont know if there were any intelligence failures. Certainly one criticism that is leveled at european intelligence officials is that they dont share enough information because they dont trust each other. That is a very big problem. Because within europe you have open borders and visafree travel between countries. Some of the men involved in the paris attacks were able to go to syria, fight or receive training from isis, and then return home, traveling through europe, apparently unnoticed. The big question now, especially after todays attacks is how many more young men may have done the same thing. Is that ice cream . No, its, uh breyers gelato indulgences. It looks like ice cream. Its not. Can i have some . You really wouldnt like it. Its got caramel and crunchy stuff. I like caramel and crunchy stuff. Its not for kids. Im a grownup. Breyers gelato indulgences. Creamy gelato, rich caramel, topped with crunchy curls its way beyond ice cream. 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Obama will be guests of honor at a state dinner hosted by argentinas new president. Lesley stahl has his story for 60 minutes. We met Mauricio Macri in argentinas version of the white house, the pink house, called casa rosara. He took over a country ruled for eight years by a left wing populist, who allied argentina with antiamerican regimes, iran, venezuela and cuba. Here argenti h almost a bloc that takes almost all of south america, left leaning. Not any more. That was, but not any more. Reporter not anymore, he made a uturn in the country foreign policy. In a flash, argentina has become proamerican. Macri and Vice President biden were all smiles at the World Economic forum in january. When macri went seeking closer ties with the west and foreign investment. He brought one of the men he defeted in the election with him, which impressed the Vice President. I want the American Press to observe something. The new president brought along the leader of the opposition with him. Thats what we got to do at home. I really believe the 21st century demand that we have to be open and not put in any more ideological differences in front of the best solutions. Reporter he is a pragmatist. Trained as an engineer. Macri started off an outsider in argentina politics. The son of one of the wealthiest men in the country and worked at first in the family real estate and construction business. Once making a deal with that other scion of a real estate empire. I heard that you actually have a relationship with donald trump . It is a long story, long away. Reporter it was more than 30 years ago. Macri told us his father invested in a Real Estate Venture in new york city but ran into problems and asked him to arrange a sale. We are going to go forward. To donald trump. It was a very unique moment for me. I was only 24 years old. Reporter you negotiated with the guy who says he is the best negotiator in the world, yeah . He thinks that, i am not so sure. Did he win . We were in a weak position. He was local, having the support of all the banks. I could say that we tied. Reporter now at 57, he is happily married to Fashion Designer julianna owata. Watching them play with their 4yearold daughter, you cant help but think of the kennedys and camelot. The comparison has been made in argentina. When macri ran for president , no one thought he would win. Partly because of his image as a wealthy businessman, unable to connect with the people. But that image was softened by campaigning with his wife and young daughter at his side. And by their openness about their relationship. I never imagine i was going to end with him and when i have the opportunity to, to meet him i fall completely in love. That was seven years ago. He had already been married twice and had older children as did she. My best friend, i told him i am going to marry again. No, come on. You cant do it. You have just finished a relation two months ago. The lady of my life. I want to be with her the rest of my life. I am sure that this is the correct decision. Reporter at their wedding the following year, macri revealed a hidden talent. I am a great singer. Reporter a great singer. He set out to prove it at their wedding party. He dressed up as his favorite rock star, Freddie Mercury, of the band queen, complete with a fake mustache, and started serenading julianna. It almost killed him. In the moment i was breathing to sing the, the up part of somebody to love, i swallowed my mustache. Swallowed the mustache. He started choking on the Freddie Mercury mustache. It end up here. Didnt go down. Spent like 20 minutes. Thinking that i was going to die. I couldnt breathe. It was funny, but, a moment. You have had a couple of brushes with death actually. No, no, this was quite funny. The other one wasnt so funny. The other one happened when he was 32. He was grabbed off the street and kidnapped. Reporter is it true when they kidnapped you they put you in a coffin . Yes, to take me to the place. And then in another a bigger coffin, it was a box. He was held for 14 days. Reporter did you think that you would never live through that . You keep thinking, because, you are trapped there with nothing to do. So, you think i am going to die. I am not going to die. Because the in many cases, the group of kidnappers kill the victims. Reporter but he was released after his father paid a 6 million ransom. The incident changed the trajectory of macris life dramatically. It persuaded him to leave his fathers business and set out on his own. First he became president of one of argentinas most popular soccer teams. Boca juniors. He then tried his hand at politics. He created his own third party, and eventually ran for mayor of buenes aires. On his second attempt, he won. Thats when a whole new macri emerged. Dancing has become a macri trademark. You are known for this. You know, dancing is, it is another way of communicating, no . Reporter you know i have heard it said, no offense, dad dancing . Older man dancing . No, no. I have heard that. You have to watch it. You have to watch my, my, my, my performance. Because it is, it is, advanced dancing. It is so innovating steps, i am doing them. First i am doing them. Then i perform them. Reporter macri got to live out two dreams in december when he danced on the balcony of the president ial palace at his inauguration after a close, hardfought elect, that left the country bitterly divided. Even the transition was contentious. Breaking tradition, the outgoing president , Christina Kirshner refused to attend the swearing in. She had been a charismatic leader in the style of the popular eva peron who shared the spotlight with her husband, president juan peron whose legend went all the way to broadway. Dont cry for me argentina the party has dominated politics on and off for the last 70 years. Kirshner was a peronist whose policies, subsidies on electricity, high taxes on regulations, a bloated bureaucracy, and currency controls, all in combination cripple the argentina economy. She left an economy that has not been growing for four years now. A stagnant economy. Alfonzo pratt guy is the minister of finance. High inflation. Eight years in a row, more than 25 inflations. Fiscal deficit. Running out of reserves. Reporter what you walked into . Absolutely. Making matters worse, the Government Bureau of statistics indec had been minimizing the problems. National statistics institute, an institute that was basically look to us and to the rest of the world. They werent issuing wrong numbers. Reporter fake numbers. Phony numbers. Just made up statistics. Exactly. What the president wanted. It wasnt real. Thatt if you have a problem you have to recognize it and solve it. Thats my commitment. No . You can see the full report on our website, cbs news. Com. 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Ylysol with hydrogen peroxide. Bleach. For a tough clean with zero percent bleach. More than 100 accidents blamed on a high tech gearshift. Standard equipment on nearly 1 million vehicles here in the United States. The government is investigating and so is kris van cleave. R 2014 Jeep Grand Cherokee with a new electronic transition that changed the feel of shifting gears maybe too much. If i dont hit it just right and get night drive i could get into an accident because of that. Reporter the new shifter is a monostable electronic gearshift or eshift. It lacks the typical grooves and sensation of moving the car into park, drive or reverse. That lack of familiarity, nearly resulted in a serious injury. I got out of the jeep. Thought it was in park. It was in reverse still. As i walked back toward the garage. I noticed the car was moving a little bit. I didnt want to ruin the car, after having it for a few months. I was able to yell for my son and stop the car. Reporter titus isnt the own one confused. Hundred filed complaints saying their vehicle rolled away after thinking it was in park. National Highway Traffic Safety Association is investigating, 850,000 vehicles, most are 2014 and 2015 grand cherokees equipped with eshift. Government investigators found it is not intuitive and provide poor tactile and visual feed become to the driver increasing potential for unintended gear selection. The investigation claims reports of 121 accidents resulting in several people being hospitalized. These new technologies coming in the cars are creating all kind of new problems. Sean cane, president of Safety Research and strategies wants stricter safety standard for Technology Added to vehicles. You get into a car today if you havent been in it. Hard to understand how to start it, shift it, seeing all different control systems. Thats creating problems for consumers. New ways people are going to get killed of poor design. We drove a 2014 grand cherokee at Consumer Reports test track in connecticut. Here because there is also not, like i pushed all way forward. It is confusing and odd. It doesnt have any safety mek nimz. A deputy auto editor. What we would look to see, there is a fail safe. End of the day you dont have a problem where the car is going to launch forward. Roll back and move some way that the consume r is not expecting it. The Fiat Chrysler shifter lacks a fail safe. Lacks a fail safe if you leave it in drive or neutral. Open the door or press the button to turn off the vehicle it stays in the mode doesnt go directly to park. Bmw and mercedes added the fail safe after adding similar transmission technology. Shifted because i turned off the car. If you open up the door it goes to park. Reporter thats the safety feature. Jeep drivers do get a warning on the dashboard. Fiat chrysler is cooperating fully with the on going investigation. As of the 2016 year they changed the vehicles. But has not recalled any existing models. Auto maker says it was d reasons. The cbs overnight news will be right back. But why should i get tested for colon cancer . I dont have any symptoms. [female announcer] Colorectal Cancer is the 2nd leading Cancer Killer in the u. S. And it doesnt always cause symptoms, but im only 53. Im too young. [announcer] screening should begin at 50. But. That test. [announcer] there are several kinds of screening tests for Colorectal Cancer. Ask your doctor which is right for you. Ive been screened. And it turned out i had polyps. And the doctor removed them before they had a chance if youre 50 or older, get screened. The unexpected happens at night. The truck flipped. The vehicle landed on me. I realized. I cant move my legs. Im looking for one person one contact that can help me. When john arrived at the va, there was someone, stephen bush of paralyzed veterans of america. He helped john with his claim and became his advocate to get him back into life. When i approach someone thats newly injured i want them to feel comfortable that theyre not alone. For over 65 years, paralyzed veterans of america, through their National Service officers, has helped hundreds of thousands of veterans get the care and benefits theyve earned. And their service is free toas and their families. If you need help with a claim, or just navigating the system, contact us at pva dot org. Paralyzed veterans of america. Its wednesday, march 23rd, 2016. This is the cbs morning news. The hunt for a terrorist. Belgium and the rest of europe on alert after tuesdays bombings in brussels. This morning, the search is on for this man believed to be one of the bombers who carried out the attacks. We should not be allowing anyone to come to this country that wane cnot vet to make sure that they are not radical islamic terrorism. The last thing we need, my friends, are leaders who incite more fear. And terror becomes the focus on the campaign trail, as voters

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