> later on sunday morning, the evolution of the queen of hip hop soul, mary j blige. >> osgood: couples in the throes of divorce typically battle over many a bone of contention. mo rocca focuses on one in particular. >> come on, buddy. >> reporter: it's the newest front in the divorce war: pet custody battles. do you think the problems of the two of you were experiencing were starting to affect baldwin in. >> definitely. >> absolutely. >> there's just no value that i could place on having him in my life. >> reporter: what's best for the pet and the owners? later on sunday morning. >> osgood: ellen barkin is an actress of strong opinions who have never been afraid to give voice. this morning you'll find her speaking her mind to erin moriarty. ♪ come with me > ellen barkin has made a name for herself playing a certain type of sexy "in your face" broad, a broad who at first was told she wasn't leading-lady material. that didn't discourage you? >> no. tenacious. i'd say really? i can't do that girl? really? not sexy? not pretty? okay. >> reporter: ellen barkin, coming up on sunday morning. >> osgood: we all want a little wiggle room in our daily lives. this morning our martha teichner has found some. >> reporter: jurassic park demonstrated the seismic properties of jello. but we'd like to show you gelatin as you've never seen it before. this is all jello? >> we've made pancakes with syrup and some eggs. >> reporter: by now you must be positively quivering with anticipation. jello, later this sunday morning. >> osgood: seth doane guides us through a world famous exhibit of art in venice. dave edelstein checks out some holiday movies. ben design has some thoughts about what is happening or what is not happening in washington. and more. but first here are the headlines for this sunday morning, the 27th of november, 2011. figures are in on retail sales from this past friday. and they show that it was the biggest black friday in history. sales were up 6.6% from last year, nearly a billion dollars higher than 2010. according to i.b.m., friday's on-line shopping sales were up nearly 25%. those three american students caught up in the unrest in egypt are safely back home this morning. here's cynthia bowers. >> reporter: late saturday night, derek sweeney arrive back in st. louis and into the arms of his loving family. >> i knew he would be home. >> reporter: sweeney was one of three american students arrested in cairo a week ago amid the growing chaos of protests gripping the city. the three were students at the american university in cairo and were accused of throwing fire bombs at egyptian security forces from a roof top near demonstrations in tahrir square. thursday an egyptian court ordered the three freed. by saturday all were flying back to their hometowns. gregory porter arrived in pennsylvania saturday afternoon. >> i'm just so thankful to be back. >> reporter: luke gates landed in indianapolis. >> i'm glad to be with my family. i want to go home and have a thanksgiving. >> reporter: upon arrival derek sweeney summed up their adventure this way. >> there's a lot of fervor for the revolution out there and for change, and i learned that probably it's better to watch on tv. >> reporter: young men caught up in an another country's complicated bid for democracy lucky to be safely home on american soil. cynthia bowers, cbs news, st. louis. >> osgood: anti-american protestors took to the streets of pakistan this morning after the funeral for 24 soldiers killed in a nato air strike on saturday. pakistan responded by expelling all u.s. personnel from a military base near the afghan border. that air base is thought to be used by the c.i.a. to launch armed dronz. the best equipped robotic space craft ever sent to explore another planet was launched from cape canaveral yesterday. the curiosity will reach mars next summer in an attempt to determine if there has ever been life on the red planet. republican presidential canned candidate newt gingrich got a key endorsement yesterday. the largest newspaper has chosen him over local favorite mitt romney. the national basketball association and its players tentatively agreed to a new labor deal yesterday after an owner-imposed lockout. if the agreement is ratified the teams will play an abbreviated 66-game schedule tipping off on christmas day. now the weather. much of the country can expect another day of unseasonably warm weather. be thankful for it. the forecast ahead promises cool november rain and then cold december air. next, does positive thinking have is the power to cure? and later, it' >> osgood: when people recover from illnesses against all odds, estimation they say that positive thinking made the difference. but that... does that constitute proof positive? turns out not even the experts entirely agree on that one. our cover story this morning is from rita braver. >> reporter: rookie agent just two years.... >> reporter: rookie new york giant mark herzlick was on top of the world last weekend starting for the very first time. >> barbara and sandy, his parents, are there. what a moment that had to be. >> reporter: but two years ago herzlick was facing a much bigger challenge than winning a football game. he was diagnosed with bone cancer. >> my doctor at the time had told me not only would i never play football again, i would probably never be able to run again. >> reporter: he had been an all american linebacker at boston college. a fierce competitor on the field and off. >> i made a goal in my mind. it was that i was going to beat the cancer and come back and play football. >> reporter: like herzlick, lance armstrong credits not only top quality medical care but also positive thinking with beating his cancer. >> you can't deny the fact that the person with a positive and optimistic attitude does a lot better. >> in 2006 i was diagnosed with anal cancer. >> reporter: a free lance writer from colorado was later diagnosed with two more serious cancers. but she has survived and is still fighting the disease. do you have any doubt that your mind set made a difference? >> i have absolutely no doubt. >> reporter: positive thinking, a can-do attitude. that's the key, according to all these people and others who faced life-threatening illnesses. but here is a surprising and disheartening fact. what you think, how you think may not make a difference. >> that's dangerous nonsense to think that you can think your way out of cancer or think your way out of heart disease. >> reporter: richard sloan has done extensive examinations of survival studies. he is a psychologist and professor of behavioral medicine at columbia university medical center. what do you say to somebody who thinks that they are the reason that they're still alive now, because of their attitude? >> i say i'm very happy for you. i'm glad you survived. but for every one of you who said you were going to fight your way out of it, there are probably dozens of people who said precisely the same thing and didn't survive. one person's anecdote doesn't make evidence. >> reporter: some of the major studies on whether mindset affects recovery was conducted by university of pennsylvania psychologist james coyne. >> first we just... we asked simply is there any relationship overall? putting biology aside, does emotion, well-being predict survival? it was as close to not at all as you can get. >> reporter: dr. coyne says the few studies that conclude otherwise are hype, all based on bad science. >> it's disturbing at some level. attitude doesn't matter for survival. if there are some things that you can modify in your life, but cancer is not one of them. >> reporter: but what about survivors like mark herzlick, lance armstrong and even congresswoman gabrielle giffords, a gunshot victim whose husband mark kelly attributed her recovery to more than medical care. >> please continue to keep gabby's thoughts and prayers in your heart. it is really helping. >> she survived because of the path of the bullet. that's why she survived. if the bullet had hit something vital in the brain she wouldn't have survived. >> reporter: positive thinking, of course, can lead to some good things. a better mood. increased happiness. and this is key. making a patient more willing to endure the rigors of mainstream medical treatment. many of the participants in this avon race to raise money for breast cancer cure owe their lives to their determination to fight through the pain of chemo and radiation. wanda fountain. >> it's almost better medicine because if you have a good outlook, your energy is better, you feel like doing things. you don't have those sad thoughts where you're just like, you know, having your own personal pity party party and no one else is there with you. >> reporter: but author barbara who went through a grueling bout of breast cancer recented pressure to be cheerful. >> i didn't want to be told how to feel. by somebody else. >> reporter: she recovered, she says, simply through good medical treatment. but the experience made her realize just how pervasive the belief is that positive thinking causes positive results. >> if things don't go well, if you get sick or if you lose your job or fall into poverty, it must be your fault because you weren't sending the right thoughts out into the universe. >> reporter: what is wrong with that attitude? a lot of people have it? >> it's wrong because it's not true. >> reporter: her book "bright side" argues that the relentless promotion of positive thinking has undermined america. for example, she cites best selling authors who guarantee all sorts of success to those who have the right attitude. or religion. they promise prayer can make illness vanish. >> and one day when i went to go pray, the tumor wasn't there. >> reporter: is the alternative of positive thinking to be negative or pessimistic some. >> the the alternative is to try the see the world as it is more. realism i would call that. >> to me reality is in the mind of the believer. that's what reality is. >> reporter: cancer survivor lee fordson did undergo traditional medical treatment, but she is also a true believer in other solutions including belief. >> a big part of my journey was working with my mind. that was as much as anything. >> reporter: she interviewed a few dozen survivors of cancer, heart disease, m.s., all who relied on alternative treatments. sometimes exclusively. she recounted their success stories in her book. and the doctors who say, sorry, there's no evidence of that? >> there is evidence. there's evidence. >> for some individuals, i believe that we will identify hope and attitude as influencing tumor behavior. >> reporter: dr. barry boyd sees a glimmer of hope on the horizon. an oncologist and director of nutrition and cancer for the yale health system, he says that some preliminary studies show that how patients deal with stress may, just may, influence some cancer outcomes. >> there is a part of attitude that may play a role. we're still trying to understand that. working to build hope and build optimism may in some individuals change the biology of their cancer. >> reporter: but all of the medical experts we spoke to agreed on one thing. there is a danger to the relentless promotion of positive thinking as a means to ward off the inevitable. psychologist james coyne. >> i think there's a lot of pressure based on the belief that if they're positive that they'll live longer. and then the down side of that is that if they deteriorating and they ultimately die of cancer that they are somehow left being blamed. if only they had been more positive. i think that's a terrible burden for a dying person to assume. >> reporter: but there's no talking survivors like mark herzlick out of it. for them, mind really does matter. >> all i know is that for me that mental toughness and positive thinking helped immensely. >> osgood: next up, pennsylvania station. then picked up a few extra things for the baby. oh boy... i used our slate card with blueprint. we can design our own plan to avoid interest by paying off diapers and things each month. and for the bigger stuff, we can pay downalance faster to save money on interest. bigger? 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[announcer:] conocophillips. how do you know which ones to follow? the equity summary score consolidates the ratings of up to 10 independent research providers into a single score that's weighted based on how accurate they've been in the past. i'm howard spielberg of fidelity investments. the equity summary score is one more innovative reason serious investors are choosing fidelity. get 200 free trades today and explore your next investing idea. >> osgood: and now a page from our sunday morning almanac. november 27, 1910, a 101 years ago today. opening day for pennsylvania station in new york. ♪ designed by architect charles mckin, the pennsylvania railroad's brand new station covered more than nine acres. its 150-foot high waiting room was modeled on ancient rome, a soaring concourse over the underground tracks captured the spirit of the modern age in glass and steel. pen station was the first glimpse of new york for millions of arriving passengers. and it secured a place in our popular culture ♪ you leave the pennsylvania station at a quarter to 4:00 ♪ >> osgood: glenn miller orchestra celebrated in the song chattanooga choo-choo. actor pauline granger raced through it in "strangers on a train" but faced with financial trouble the pennsylvania railroad decided in the early 1960s to tear the grand old station down. and build an office tower and a new madison square garen in its place. architects and builders protested the plan but to no avail. >> if you have to, as you will in the future when they tear it down, come out of the pennsylvania station as if you were in a subway station, how degrading for the entrance to what we like to think of as the greatest city in the world. >> osgood: sdem ligs began in 1963... demolition began in 1963. after three heart-breaking years pen station was reduced to what it is today: a windowless sub terrainian remnant much its former self. on a more positive note, pen station's destruction helped to inspire the landmark's preservation movement which has saved grand central terminal and other famous structures from tampering or worse. as the "new york times" editorial put it back in 1963, they will probably be judged not by the monuments we build bi- the monuments we destroy. avand guard art in timeless venice is next. the world's airports land a plane every second. but over the next 20 years, air traffic is expected to double. the systems that track, manage and connect these flights weren't built to handle all that data. ibm is working with boeing on a next generation system to help integrate global air traffic more efficiently and in real time. making another of the world's most critical systems smarter. that's what i'm working on. i'm an ibmer. let's build a smarter planet. when you've lost interest in everything. when you've had one too many days feeling sad or anxious... aches and pains, fatigue. when it becomes hard to ignore that you need help. that's the day you do something. depression hurts. cymbalta can help with many symptoms of depression. tell your doctor right away if your depression worsens, you have unusual changes in behavior or thoughts of suicide. antidepressants can increase these in children, teens, and young adults. cymbalta is not approved for children under 18. people taking maois or thioridazine or with uncontrolled glaucoma should not take cymbalta. taking it with nsaid pain relievers, aspirin, or blood thinners may increase bleeding risk. severe liver problems, some fatal, were reported. signs include abdominal pain and yellowing of the skin or eyes. talk with your doctor about your medicines, including those for migraine, or if you have high fever, confusion and stiff muscles, to address a possible life-threatening condition. tell your doctor about alcohol use, liver disease, and before you reduce or stop taking cymbalta. dizziness or fainting may occur upon standing. side effects include nausea, dry mouth, and constipation. is today your day? talk to your doctor... and go to for a free 30-capsule trial offer. depression hurts. cymbalta can help. >> osgood: now for some art that is quite new in a place that is very old. with seth doane we'll be painting the town. >> reporter: history seems krystalized in this ancient city. but for the last six months, venice has been a canvas of the latest contemporary art. the venice which as its name suggests happens every two years started in 1895 and is the oldest international exhibition of contemporary art in the world. even the high wasage celebrity packed venice film festival doesn't outshine the biennele which draws about 400,000 visitors between june and november. >> no place like it. >> reporter: we met 21-year-old art student william soo on his walk to work. >> there's just so many shows not only in the main few sites but all over the city. >> reporter: a student at williams college in masss mass. >> this is the central pavilion. >> reporter: he gave up a paid internship to intern here for free. >> like the olympics of art sort of. you're representing your country in a way and also you're on the world stage. >> reporter: this year 89 countries took part. it is unique because exhibitions are arranged by country in separate spaces. with each nation selecting its artists. >> this is a huge deal for an artist. >> his biography mentioned it as the first step toward being recognized as a great artist. >> reporter: the president of the bianalle. >> i call it the wind machine because every two years everything is sweeped away and new artists come in and are seen in a new light. >> reporter: at one of the main sites called the giardinni which means park in italian, visitors are transported to other worlds. at the german pa vif... pavilion once used by the nazis and defaced over the years the artists recreated a church. it was awarded the golden lion or first place among national pavilions. >> art has an incredible power to inspire critical thinking. i mean whether or not you study art or not, people who come and see all these art works will form an opinion, whether they like it, love it, hate it. >> reporter: that's certainly the case at the u.s. pavilion. where an overturned tank sits out front, a runner appears to power its squeaky treads. art critics called this a not so subtle commentary on american military might and the limits of power. inside a giant pipe organ that's actually an a.t.m. completes the exhibit, titled gloria. artists are exploring what glory means, whether it's glory of religion, glory of competition.... >> reporter: or glory of money. >> exactly. or the glory of money. >> reporter: italy's displaced in the vacant arsenal considered the oldest factory in the world where venetians built their fleets back in the 15th century. here we met students from new york's pratt institute studying for the summer in venice. >> when i was here last she still sort of had a body a little bit. >> reporter: in one installation the students are bathed in light. >> it is transfixing. >> reporter: appropriate because the theme of the entire bianalle is illumination, a play on light and the many nations exhibiting here. >> there is something mesmerizing about it. >> reporter: 30-year-old jessica is an art history grad student at pratt. >> i love looking at art on the walls but i also like to come to an event like this to be enveloped within the art work. >> reporter: in fact, art seems to envelope the entire city. rarely seen areas open their doors to the public. the italian fashion house prada took over this opulent mansion on the grand canal to show case contemporary artists. are there times that you walk through some of these exhibitions and think, what is this? is this really art? >> all the time. >> reporter: really? >> yes. you have to put questions always on what you see. don't be afraid of saying, i don't think that's art. don't be afraid but don't condemn it. >> reporter: william soo says it is about more than just pretty pictures. at the iraq pavilion where he interned, the focus is is on contaminated water. for good measure, a watering hole is part of the installation. interns from all different exhibits come here to unwind. >> when am i ever going to experience anything like this in my entire life again? i don't think so. >> reporter: art invades a city. and sparked an international conversation. >> i mean, do you think of yourself as a beautiful woman? >> no. >> osgood: coming up. >> here's what i see. >> osgood: ellen barkin on ellen barkin. and mary j blige, soul survivor. ♪ from sun-up to sundown, i'll always be around. ♪ every minute, every hour >> osgood: that's mary j blige at macy's thanksgiving day parade. not bad for a singer who in so many ways is a soul survivor. byron pitts has the sunday profile. >> reporter: mary j blige with nine grammys and six multi-platinum albums to her name has earned the title queen of hip hop soul. but to her fame she's simply mary. ♪ everyday, you've got my heart ♪ >> reporter: blige herself welcomes it but sharing the ups and downs of her life communicating and connecting with her fans. like a preacher in a pulpit. ♪ i had to go through the fire ♪ ♪ i can't get over the pain ♪ i had to break through ♪ i had to break through > her lyrics reflect her struggles, heart ache and joy. ♪ life has a way of making you ♪ ♪ sometimes when you're giving it it ♪ >> reporter: and blige again bears her soul on her latest album "my life too." ♪ you ain't got to worry about me ♪ ♪ even when nobody... >> i just want to remind everybody how far we've come. people can get down on themselves. we're not perfect. you're never going to be perfect. >> reporter: the title is a nod to her 1994 sophomore record "my life." released from blige was just 23 and figuring out her place in the world. ♪ i can't stop these tears from falling from my eyes ♪ ♪ oh, baby, i'm going down >> i thought of speaking about what i was dealing with through my music. four million women responded and said, "us, too, mary." i didn't know everyone was hurting like i was hurting. i had no idea. ♪ how could you do this to me? ♪ ♪ i was only a baby > what blige was dealing with in frank and sometimes raw terms was the sexual abuse she experienced when she was five. at the of a family acquaintance. ♪ daddy, where were you when they were touching my body ♪ ♪ were... where were you? >> reporter: her music struck a cord and propelled her to the top of the hip cop and r and b charts. blige had arrived. but wasn't entirely comfortable with fame. i've read that the younger mary j blige could be sometimes difficult to deal with. how did you get from that person to who you are now? >> well, the younger mary j blige, i would call her... she was very unaware, ignorant, and she didn't understand at all this was for her. she didn't know how to sit down and respect the interviewer and the same stupid questions that they would ask over and over again. what you do is what you do. i can't get angry about, you know, you asking me the same stupid question. i've grown up a lot. >> reporter: are you calling my questions stupid? >> not yours. >> reporter: i'm kidding, i'm kidding. understood. understood. hoping to smooth out the rough edges, her record label sent her to an etiquette class. >> it just didn't work for me. i felt like i would be a fraud, you know, if i unlearned what i am right now. i don't know how i knew that whatever i am, which is broken and unarticulate, i didn't know that would help people because i didn't know i would grow and evolve to this. >> reporter: she also put her foot down when recording executives suggested blige change her name to mary brown. >> it's like i didn't want to get rid of anything that meant something to me. my name is all i had. that's the only thing that i can identify with and my culture. ♪ it's going to be a long, long journey ♪ >> reporter: mary jane blige was born in the bronx and raised in a rough neighborhood of yonkers. a suburb of new york city. what did yonkers do for you? >> yonkers made me strong and made me believe in myself because so many people would doubt you and not believe, you know. there were people that believed in you. but the environment was so harsh. nobody wanted you to get out. >> reporter: blige's father left the family when she was four. and her mother karin raiseded four children in a public housing project. >> when i was a kid i needed to sing because it makes me feel good about myself. it makes me feel good, period. >> reporter: really? you needed to sing. >> i needed to. i needed to because when i was having like a down day, i mean, i would come down here. right down to the pier and sing. like really loud. ♪ look at me it was just... it would just left all the oppression and depression and sadness and make me feel better. it does the same thing for me now. >> reporter: when a tape of a 17-year-old blige, recorded in a karaoke booth, made its way to music producer andre heral, he immediately signed her up. >> i was every singing thing that every little girl from the 'hood can relate to. ♪ i really want to put you on ♪ >> reporter: blige forged a new genr dubbed hip cop soul and helped pioneer the fashion trend called ghetto-fabulous. >> that was something that i was happy about because it's all i had, an identity. i didn't know who i was. if ghetto-fabulous and keeping it real and all of that was what i was, i was cool with that. until i learned that i can be more than that. and until i learned that that wasn't even my identity. that was just an experience. >> reporter: after years of drinking and cocaine use, mary j blige shed the drama in her life with the help her husband and manager. ♪ looking for someone to love me ♪ ♪ i'm looking for someone to love me ♪ >> reporter: although she and isaacs have been married for eight years blige initially had doubts about the relationship. >> even after i was married i still couldn't believe it. it was real. he really did love broke undown little old me because i just never saw myself like the woman that a man like him would want. >> reporter: explain that. because? >> because my past was just horrific. i felt ashamed about everything. dropping out of high school. me not, you know, just not being beautiful enough. i just didn't feel like i was smart enough or beautiful enough, you know, for years. ♪ when i'm looking at you and i'm walking past the mirror ♪ > but after almost two decades in the spotlight, 40-year-old mary j blige has finally made peace with her past, her present, and future. you've been in this business for a while. do you still enjoy it as much as you did when you were 17, 18, 19 years old. >> i enjoy it more now. >> reporter: more? >> yes, because now i can see it. i know what it is. when i was younger, i didn't know what the heck was going on. i was just singing for my life. i was running and hurting. the only thing was coming out was pain. so now i'm enjoying myself because i know who i am. >> reporter: who are you now? >> i'm mary jane blige. jane blige. you know, that's it. i know who i am. i am not perfect. i'm not the most beautiful woman in the world. but i'm one of them. >> osgood: ahead,.... >> here, buddy. trooper, come here. >> osgood: a tale of divorce. i was an avionics... tactical telecommunications... squad leader. i think the hardest transition as you get further into the military is... you know it's going to end one day. chase hired me to be a personal banker. i'm a business analyst... manager. i'm very proud to work for chase. when you hire a veteran, you get... great leadership... decisiveness... focus. chase knows, when you hire a veteran, you're hiring america's best. chase is proud to help 100,000 veterans find jobs at home. imagine a day when we can eat what we want and sleep soundly through the night. prevacid®24hr prevents the acid that causes frequent heartburn all day, all night. go to for a $4 coupon. for a medicare plan? you only have 10 days left. the medicare annual enrollment period ends wednesday, december 7th. call unitedhealthcare medicare solutions today. consider enrolling in a medicare advantage plan. it combines your doctor and hospital coverage and may include prescription drug coverage for as low as a zero dollar monthly premium. you only have until december 7th to enroll. call unitedhealthcare today. our friend jack here is not terribly happy right now. you know why? he's missing his master. come on. dogs love being with their families. and this is a happy dog, this jack. but by unhappy contrast, many another dog finds himself at a house divided, an unwilling bone of contention. mo rocca explains. >> reporter: it's a ritual familiar to millions of separated parents. just about every week dan dell campos drives to his ex's house to pick up and spend quality time with baldwin, their pride and joy. the 12-year-old they raised together. >> have fun with daddy, okay? are you going to be a good boy. >> reporter: that's right. baldwin is a dog. dell campos and susan had been together eight years when the hungarian pooly came into their lives. they never stopped loving baldwin, even as they fell out of love with each other. >> you could tell he always wanted us to get along. he'd look at us. and kind of try to herd us back together. >> reporter: but it was not to be. >> it's like with kids. sometimes it's better if they split than to put the kids under emotional pressure. >> reporter: do you think the problems of the two of you were experiencing were starting to affect baldwin? >> definitely. >> absolutely. i think animals internalize things. they think they're a lot more sensitive than people think. >> do you want to see the kids? there they are. hi! >> reporter: there's little doubt baldwin is empathetic. when he's not at either of his homes he works with kids as a they're me dog in l.a. county usc's hospital pediatric wing. julia is 19 years old. >> hi. do you want to stay? >> reporter: the quandary for susan and dan is how to leave each other without either leaving baldwin? the solution? >> he's a good pooch. >> reporter: shared custody. baldwin lives with susan. dan gets visitation. did you sit baldwin down and talk to him once you had decided to separate? >> i always do, yeah. i talk to my animals. >> reporter: dan, were you there? >> oh, yeah. >> reporter: what did you say? >> i would just say like, you know, i'll always be around. don't worry. it's not forever. i mean i'm going to be seeing you. we're going to be having fun. he would get this look like he kind of understood what was going on. on his level i believe he did. >> reporter: it was a family discussion. >> um-hum. >> reporter: baldwin is one lucky dog. pet custody battles with lawyers are up 23% in the last decade. these aren't just dog fights. the fur is flying over felines, horses, even parrots. it's all cat nip to the hollywood press and drew barrymore litigating for her dog. and remember war of the roses? >> if you don't get out of here now, you have no idea how far i'll go. >> nobody who makes patee this good can be all bad. >> it depends. on what the patee is made of. woof. >> people will kill the pet rather than have the spouse get it. >> reporter: are you serious? >> i've had one case where they put a kitten in a dishwasher. >> reporter: new york city divorce lawyer. have you seen people fight more over the custody of pets than their own kids? >> well, children particularly in a marriage, if there is no children, that pet a rights and meanings to these people. you see it worse than children. >> reporter: what do you think it says about society at large? >> it says that people get attached to animals and they're part of our world. we're part of their world. and there's a magic bond between the two of them. >> reporter: catherine bentley has that special tie to ten-year-old trooper. >> can i have a hug? >> there's that bond, that maternal bond. for those of us who don't have children, i feel it quite strongly with trooper. i would take a bullet for my dog. >> reporter: catherine was married when she and her husband adopted trooper. while divorcing five years later, she and her soon-to-be ex signed a separation agreement providing for joint custody. >> it worked out well. until last year. >> reporter: that's when catherine decided to leave colorado for a job in washington d.c. she hired a lawyer to rewrite the deal and gain sole custody. >> it ended up recreating our divorce process all over again. it was miserable. >> reporter: but worth every penny, she says. >> i think some people would balk at what i'm going to say but i think it's important as your managing your children's custody. there's just no value that i could place on having trooper in my life. >> reporter: and little value in the eyes of a divorce court. the law in most places treats pets as property, not as living creatures. what's best for the pet is not even considered. animal advocates, like new jersey dog trainer bob brandon, want that changed. >> this is an emotional creature that's part of my life. to treat him like he's a table or a lamp or a set of golf clubs or whatever, it's ridiculous. the animal is an animal. it's an individual and has a personality. >> reporter: but even in the happiest of break-ups, sadness lingers. >> are there moments where you feel a little guilt and you feel like a dead beat dad? >> just when he drives away. if i drop him off or she drives away and he's giving me that look. >> i'm really attached to this dog so when he gets him, it is really hard for me. >> reporter: but not as hard as it could have been. in a way, do you think he's sort of getting the best of both worlds? >> i think so. >> in this case i definitely think so. >> i think all three of us are getting the best of both worlds. do you want an ice cream cone? >> osgood: ahead, we're talking >> osgood: like clock work the holiday movie season is underway. our david edelstein has seen two of the very first out of the gate. >> reporter: who would have thought it? in this 2011 holiday we'd be talking so much about movies with no talking. both hugo and the artist hark back to those days when imagery was unfettered by the spoken word. when only the eyes had it. to be clear martin scorsese's hugo isn't silent. it merely comes to center on one of the pioneers of film fantasy. the frenchman george, a magician who in the first years of the 20th century began to film stage shows. and then he moved on to make deliriously surreal shorts like "a trip to the moon." which looms large in hugo. and scorsese packs in other primitive curiositys like the footage of a train pulling up that reportedly make people sleek and head for the exits. hugo would have given them coronarys. >> that adventure. >> reporter: scorsese crafts a gargantuan train set of a movie. in which he and his 3-d camera whiz around and show up all the expensive toys and wax leer cal within the film itself on the magic of movies. >> what does he do? >> he's a wind-up figure. like a music box. >> reporter: actually, the story of the orphan hugo who lives behind the station walls pretty much stops dead for movies 101. the rest of the time scorsese is so hell bent on bedazzling us that the prevailing emotion is technological exuberance rather than a child's longing for human contact. for all its amazement hugo feels like a film about magic instead of... well, a magical film. michelle the artist is virtually silent and in black-and-white. but its subject is the arrival of sound. and how the douglas fairbanks- like hero announces he's too much of an artist to speak. it's a charming doodle. a goof on the vocabulary of cinema. packed with things that seem to spring from the collective unconscious of movie goers. but it goes on way too long. most of it is centering on the hero's alcoholism and bankruptcy and the rise of his protege played by the delectable co-star. so, if hugo and the artist are hits, will silents come back? not hardly. but it's fun to go back to the dawn of a medium we so take for granted and rediscover our sense of wonder. to see it with new eyes and our ears in check. >> osgood: ahead, it's jello. really. >> osgood: to the mail now. helen osborne of california tells us that she and her husband have been watching sunday morning for years but she makes clear that they do not like some of our recent interviews with pop music stars like the red hot chili peppers. their bands are too noisy, she writes, and we do not like the shirtless tattooed artists jumping on the stage. mrs. osborne, all we can do is point out that next week we'll be talking to the great harry belafonte. we'll ask him to button up that shirt just a bit. and the battle over noise made by leaf blowers in some upscale communities. the rest of us have to work hard at keeping up our declining property values he tells us. this insignificant dispute isn't worth all the hot air. and finally there was ben stein's recent piece to keep the post office in business. that drew this accolade from marty erickson of appleton, wisconsin. "thank you for your editorial about letter-writing. surely you will hear from many people who appreciate the sentiments expressed in your piece." indeed we did all written by hand. if you'd like to mail us a hand-written letter, you can address it to cbs news sunday morning box o, new york, new york, 100019. or if you prefer, you can email us by typing... >> you can talk about your first marriage. you can talk about your second. >> osgood: coming up the lives and lives of lel ellen barkin. they've been committed to putting clients first. helping generations through tough times. good times. never taking a bailout. there when you need them. helping millions of americans over the centuries. the strength of a global financial leader. the heart of a one-to-one relationship. together for your future. ♪ i've been so looking forward to this. when my asthma symptoms returned, my doctor prescribed dulera to help prevent them. [ male announcer ] dulera is for patients 12 and older whose asthma is not well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. dulera will not replace a rescue inhaler for sudden symptoms. dulera helps significantly improve lung function. this was shown over a 6 month clinical study. dulera contains formoterol, which increases the risk of death from asthma problems and may increase the risk of hospitalization in children and adolescents. dulera is not for people whose asthma is well controlled with a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. once your asthma is well controlled your doctor will decide if you can stop dulera and prescribe a different asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. do not take dulera more than prescribed. see your doctor if your asthma does not improve or gets worse. ask your doctor if dulera can help you breathe easier. ♪ >> you make coffee and come in here. what are you? >> wonder woman. >> what do you wonder about? >> i wonder how we made it through last night in one piece. >> it's sunday morning on cbs. and here again is charles osgood. >> osgood: that's ellen barkin with al pacino in the 1989 movie "sea of love." it turns out that the real-life ellen barkin has an opinion on just about everything including herself as erin moriarty of "48 hours" discovered during a recent round of questions and answers. >> reporter: it's out of a current issue. new york magazine. there is this incredible picture of you which is just a beautiful picture. >> thank you. >> reporter: of you. >> thank you. that looks like me. >> reporter: when you look at that, i mean, do you think of yourself as a beautiful woman? >> no. here's what i see. i see that she's got like a nose that hangs down on one end and has like a ball like a carl malden. you know, the eyelids are too heavy and could probably use a little something. >> reporter: how would you describe how you look. >> well, i would say it's not for everyone. as the jews say. that's what i would say. >> reporter: okay. so maybe the individual features, the cringealing eyes, the crooked nose and mouth are a little unconventional. ♪ come with me ♪ my love > but put them altogether and you get one hot actor. >> i believe in animal attraction. i believe in love at first sight. i believe in this. >> reporter: as soon as. >> as soon as someone tells me i can't do something. i think, obviously i can do that. and i will do that. >> reporter: ellen barkin and i sat down at an exhibition of classic movie posters featuring classic faces at new york's lincoln center. our first topic: the face barkin presents to the public as part of her latest passion: twitter. >> there is something thaten rages me about every ten minutes about the world i live in now. so i think, oh, this has really got me angry. i'm going to tweet it. >> reporter: she tweets under her own name. oh, does she tweet. dozens of posts a day demonstrating that her tough persona is no act. there are an awful lot of f- words in your tweets. >> right. >> reporter: so people wonder could that really be ellen barkin. >> if you had dinner with me i don't think you could doubt that it could be me. >> reporter: the rough language, the "in your face" attitude, barkin says.... >> that was a good.... >> reporter:... is just part of being a born and bred new yorker. >> you know, some people would not want to be able to walking out in a city and have people recognize you. that doesn't make you uncomfortable at times? >> here in new york, i don't, you know, i'm not brad pit. >> reporter: ellen barkin grew up in the south bronx and queens. after high school she moved into her first manhattan apartment. where is it? >> see right where that air conditioner is. >> reporter: she was in her mid 20s before her first auditions led to work in the theater. you were a bit of a late bloomer, weren't you? >> i was, yeah, all around. >> reporter: but why were you afraid to go to auditions? >> i think so, yeah. i mean, i just felt... it was partly just fear. and then i think the other part was that i was very committed to learning my job. ♪ >> i found my james brown record filed under the j's. >> reporter: her first big bram in "diner," a seminal '80s movie. >> he's in the rock'n'roll section instead of the r and b section. how can you do that? >> it's too complicated. see, every time i pull out a record there's this whole procedure i have to go through. i just want to hear the music. that's all. >> reporter: it was directed by barry levinson, h. now remember that name. it will be important later. but back then barkin says other film makers weren't quite ready for her. >> they'd be, no, no, she can't be the girl. she's not pretty. she can't be who? they'd say terrible things to you. >> reporter: that didn't discourage you? >> no. tenacious. i'd say, really? i can't do that girl? really? not sexy? not pretty? okay. maybe i can't get through the pretty thing but it was a rebelliousness. ♪ come with me ♪ my love > her tenacity paid off iny unforgettable opposite al pacino in "sea of love." >> i have done some separate, foolish things come 3:00 in the morning. >> you mean like being here with me? >> i only got the part because every girl in hollywood turned that part down. so they were desperate so they said, okay, let's get that, you know, not so pretty one and see if maybe we can make it work. >> reporter: it did work. >> i wonder how we made it through last night in one piece. >> i'm going to have to be air lifted to the standing position. >> reporter: and opened the way for a career that spans more than 40 movies. on the set of fiesta, she met irish actor gabriel byrne. they married and had two children. they ended the marriage in 1999 but not the friendship. >> we've had this great relationship with him. i would say we're very good friends. confidants. >> reporter: but her second marriage to billionaire businessman ron perelman did not end quite so amicably. there was a nasty and very public divorce five years later. you can talk about your first marriage. >> um-hum. >> reporter: can't talk about your second at all? marriage or divorce? >> no, i don't. >> reporter: because you have a confidentiality agreement. >> obviously. >> reporter: is it accurate at least to say that was a very tough ending to a marriage? >> i would say that was just an extremely difficult time for me and, and, and, and everybody around me. >> reporter: when the legal dust-up had settled, barkin walked away with a reported $20 million settlement. and banked another $20 million when she famously auctioned off 100 pieces of jewelry given to her by perelman. >> $10,000. thank you mad al. >> reporter: the auction is widely believed to have inspired this scene in sex in the city. >> and now she was getting the ultimate break-up revenge. an embarrassing and very public auction of all the jewelry he had given her when they were happy. >> reporter: barkin had largely put her career on hold during her marriage to perelman. once it was over, she was free to show her full range. and she did. >> let me let you in on a little secret, doctor. you can have it. >> reporter: she took the role of a wheelchair bound doctor in the revival of "the normal heart." and won her first tony. >> there are no tomorrows, mr. pep ridge. >> reporter: she smoldered at the blonde bombshell in oceans 13. >> take dylan. i'll take both your kids. what else did you leave out. >> reporter: in her new movie which she also produced, she plays the mother just about at the end of her rope. >> i just don't have the energy to move on. as a family. >> reporter: that film, "another happy day," comes 30 years after her breakout role in diner. >> did he die of drinking? >> no, of course not. >> reporter: and happens to be written and directed by another levinson. not barry. but his 26-year-old son sam. >> i honestly feel that just the playing of this role has helped me as an actor more than anything i've ever done. >> reporter: barkin loves to talk about the new movie until i went one question too far and asked about the widely reported story that she's also involved romantically with sam levinson. are you going to kill me if i ask you about that story about that you are in fact now dating.... >> i'm not going to discuss that. >> reporter: you're not going to discuss it. are you going to deny it? >> i'm not going to discuss it. >> reporter: okay. what she has never been afraid to discuss is her age and why not? at age 57, barkin's career is in high gear. >> i just want to thank you all. >> reporter: it would seem that even as she approaches 60, hollywood has grown very accustomed to that face. >> i don't like the wrinkles and i don't like saying the age thing. but some of the wrinkles i like. i like these, you know. there's a lot to do. i like this third act. so far. join coca-cola and world wildlife fund. to help to protect it. so the polar bear always has a place to call home. to donate and help create a safe refuge for the polar bear look for white coke cans and caps. vietnam, 1967. i got mine in iraq, 2003. u.s.a.a. auto insurance is often handed down from generation to generation, because it offers a superior level of protection and because u.s.a.a.'s commitment to serve the military, veterans, and their families is without equal. begin your legacy. get an auto insurance quote. u.s.a.a. we know what it means to serve. hey babe... oh, hi honey! so i went to the doctor today, then picked up a few extra things for the baby. oh boy... i used our slate card with blueprint. we can design our own plan to avoid interest by paying off diapers and things each month. and for the bigger stuff, we can pay downalance faster to save money on interest. bigger? bigger. chase slate with blueprint helps you save money on life's little surprises. trip...lets... start your path to saving today, call 855-get-slate. can an irrational fear shed light on a real-life concern? ben stein certainly seems to think so. >> reporter: a few weeks ago a close friend came to me and wanted advice about putting iron bars in front of his windows. i asked him why he needed bars on his windows in beverly hills in the first place. so the zombies try to come into my house, i can keep them out, he said. you just need the right kind of iron. my friend is a bit scattered so he never quite finished the conversation chts but here's the amazing part. when i tell other friends about this, they say things like, "what kind of iron bars did he get? or what did he do to make the zombies mad at him? no one except my sensible wife said, "what's he talking about? zombies in walking dead? there is no such thing. that's not real." my wife is in the minority at least in my crowd. the internet is jammed with stories and survival guides about how to deal with zombie attacks. my son reads them avidly. where did this belief in zombies suddenly come from exploding and growing upon the nation? i think i know. the first branch of the united states government, the most important deliberative body on the planet, the united states congress, they are the inspiration for the zombie craze. obviously no one but a mad man would really think that iron bars could keep a member of congress out of a tax payer's home. that's not what this story is about. it's about the congressional walking dead. they get elected. they might look as if they're alive, might look as if they respond to stimuli like living people. but they're actually in another realm. where crises present themselves and the zombies just stagger past them accomplishing little or nothing. the debt crisis doesn't get resolved on time. so what? time doesn't mean a lot to a zombie. again, i don't really want to talk about bars and senators in the same breath but maybe they need a little something a little pick me up, just something that would give them a zap so they actually get something done about the deficit or mortgages or jobs. but i'm not sure you can wake them up because they're not sleeping. they're, well, not quite in the land of the living. and they keep coming at us and getting closer and closer. i'm scared. (screaming) >> osgood: next, hope you saved room. early stages of cancer, and it's something that we're extremely proud of. you see someone who is saved because of this technology, you know that the things that you do in your life matter. if i did have an opportunity to meet a cancer survivor, i'm sure i could take something positive away from that. [ jocelyn ] my name is jocelyn. and i'm a cancer survivor. [ woman ] i had cancer. i have no evidence of disease now. [ woman #2 ] i would love to meet the people that made the machines. i had such an amazing group of doctors and nurses, it would just make such a complete picture of why i'm sitting here today. ♪ [ man ] from the moment we walk in the front door, just to see me -- not as a cancer patient, but as a person that had been helped by their work, i was just blown away. life's been good to me. i feel like one of the luckiest guys in the world. ♪ ♪ you're singing with a broken string ♪ ♪ tell me what you really mean ♪ do you know what you want? ♪ while beating up on yesterday ♪ ♪ i was on my rollerblades, rolling on ♪ [ female announcer ] the newest member of the prius family has the space of a small suv. and more ways to connect to your world. the all-new prius v from toyota. more prius. more possibilities. ♪ do you know? as our ocean spray cranberries, which is why we're declaring it the unofficial official fruit of the holidays. the fig's going to be so bummed. [ chuckles ] for holiday tips and recipes, go to the only thing better than our tasty, good-for-you products is when they're on special. here's this week's grower's special. find ocean spray on sale at your local store. and for thanksgiving recipes, visit behold a green salad, as this jello mold is known in parts of the midwest. jello provides cooks with plenty of wiggle room while providing those with plenty of room to reminisce. martha teichner takes a taste. >> reporter: if you stair at jello long enough, you might even see your childhood through it. or a hospital lunch tray. however old you are, it's suspended your memories, good or bad, in sparkling color. name another food which does that. >> welcome to the jello museum. the history of jello begins here in leroy in 1897. >> reporter: that's leroy new york where a carpenter named pearl wait who also made his own cough syrup and laxative tea invented the fruit-flavored gelatin dessert in 1897. >> it's his wife may that actually names it jello. >> reporter: but as you'll learn at the jello museum in leroy, nobody bought it. so this man a patent medicine manufacturer named orator f.woodward stepped in. >> he goes to mr. wait and offers him $450 for the exclusive rights to jello. which he gets. >> reporter: woodward dispatched salesmen who handed out jello recipe books and free samples to teach housewives what to do with the stuff. before jello in europe and the united states, molded salads and desserts were for the rich with servants who spent hours and hours boiling colonel general out of bones and other animal parts. >> that's basically what jello is. >> reporter: lynn is curator of the jello museum. >> the collagen is extracted from animal hides. it's the part of the animal hide they can't use for making leather sofas. >> reporter: it's not made out of.... >> no. the jello company from the very beginning says no horses' hooves, no cattle hooves, no. >> reporter: from the very beginning the jello company understood advertising. a jello girl was introduced in 1904. the company hired major artists, people like norman rockwell and maxfield parish. the trick for them was to get the jello to look transparent. >> each decade of jello advertising reflects american culture. >> j-e-l-l-o. >> reporter: jack benny pitched jello to adults on the radio in the 1930s. by then the company was owned by general foods, now part of craft. >> and i have this friend.... >> reporter: and then in the 1970s came bill cosby. >> fun with jello gelatin jigglers. >> reporter: pitching jello to kids on tv. >> my compliments to the chef. >> reporter: today approximately 420 million boxes of jello are sold in the united states every year, and a billion jello cups. so it's no wonder somebody had the bright idea that with its unique properties, jello would make a fine art form. >> we really wanted the audience to really kind of respect this medium. it's very sophisticated material. >> reporter: right. michelle zatta is a lighting designer, nadia works for a human rights group on afghanistan policy. >> it wasn't sort of a tongue in cheek, let's make some funny jellos. >> reporter: well, what they organized is a gelatin design event held for the last three years in a brooklyn artists' studio. so this is all jello. >> this is jello. >> we've made pancakes with syrup. smoky bacon. some eggs. little fruit cocktail. >> the concept was i wanted to do an alcoholic jello shot. and i thought what better vehicle than a bullet? >> reporter: this is jello. >> that's awesome. >> reporter: they never dreamed of in leroy. >> martha, tell us what happened. water and gelatin. >> reporter: so is this. avant-garde jello from innovative spanish chef jose andre us. here at mini-bar, his restaurant and laboratory in washington. >> you're going to be able to control water in the palm of your hand. >> reporter: he sounds like a chemist. but what he shows us looks like magic. >> in this case we're going to be using something we call sodium... like a salt of sea weed. >> reporter: gelatin made out of sea weed has been used in asia for centuries. here it's being used to coat a spoonful of colored water. so it forms into a sphere. that's amazing. >> i want to put it here on the glass. you have it in front of your eyes. watch what happens. >> reporter: ever hear of hot gelatin? this is agar-agar. it's very dense. >> with agar-agar we can heat the gelatin. >> reporter: whoate enough to use to make shark fin soup minus the shark. >> it's a kind of cartilage that forms the shark soup. >> reporter: you've never heard of gelatin ravoli? here it is filled with a rich parmesan cream. >> through the power of gelatin. it's really bringing a new philosophy in how to understand ingredients and the possibilities that we have in our hands. >> reporter: i'll drink to that. champagne. with little bubbles of black currant lick you're in the bubbly. >> little gelatin balls. liquid inside that will be exploding in your mouth. >> reporter: oh, that sounds fun. oh, the power of gelatin. >> j-e-l-l-o. >> osgood: as for me i'm sort of par shall to raspberry. now we check in with bob schieffer in washington for a look at bhas ahead on "face the nation." >> schieffer: it's our annual books and authors shof. we have some good ones. kathryn stockett, financial writer michael lewis, condoleezza rice and walter isaacson. >> osgood: bob schieffer in washington. next week here on sunday morning. >> people look for a movie star or a mega star. >> reporter: that's how it should be. lee cowan talks with actress char lease they are on. what do you mean? 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[ male announcer ] medicare open enrollment ends soon. call 1-800-medicare or visit to learn more. >> this sunday morning moment of nature is sponsored by... >> osgood: we leave you this sunday morning in light snow near the sierra nevada mountains by lake tahoe in california. >> osgood: i'm charles osgood. please join us again next sunday morning. until then, i'll see you on the radio. do you have an irregular heartbeat called atrial fibrillation, or afib, that's not caused by a heart valve problem? are you taking warfarin to reduce your risk of stroke caused by a clot? you should know about pradaxa. an important study showed that pradaxa 150mg reduced stroke risk 35% more than warfarin. and with pradaxa, there's no need for those regular blood tests. pradaxa is progress. pradaxa can cause serious, sometimes fatal, bleeding. don't take pradaxa if you have abnormal bleeding, and seek immediate medical care for unexpected signs of bleeding like unusual bruising. pradaxa may increase your bleeding risk if you're 75 or older, have kidney problems or a bleeding condition, like stomach ulcers. or if you take aspirin products, nsaids, or blood thinners. tell your doctor about all medicines you take, any planned medical or dental procedures, and don't stop taking pradaxa without your doctors approval, as stopping may increase your stroke risk. other side effects include indigestion,stomach pain, upset, or burning. if you have afib not caused by a heart valve problem, ask your doctor if pradaxa can reduce your risk of a stroke. for more information or help paying for pradaxa, visit captioning made possible by johnson & johnson, where quality products for the american family have been a tradition for generations captioned by media access group at wgbh >> schieffer: today on "face the nation" our annual thanksgiving weekend, books and authors show. what a group we've brought together. kathryn stockett, author of the help, the book about race in the jim crow south that has topped the best seller list since 2009 and led to the hit movie. former secretary of state condoleezza rises, whose memoir "no higher honor" tells

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