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Truckloads. Doctors are recounting the chaotic night as they received patient after patient from the florida nightclub shooting. Meanwhile we are learning new details about the investigation into the massacre. Kenneth craig has the latest developments from orlando. Reporter investigators were still on the scene of sundays shooting massacre this morning. Behind the scenes, they are also looking at unconfirmed reports from clubgoers that orlando shooter omar mateen visited the gay nightclub before he decided to open fire there. A Law Enforcement official tells cbs news that investigators have confiscated tapes from surveillance cameras located around the club. Law enforcement sources also say there is evidence he may have also researched Walt Disneyworld as the target before ultimately choosing the pulse nightclub. Mateens mateen estranged rife returned to their home in fort pierce to pick up belongings and needed a lock smith to help her get inside. There are questions about the fbis two into the 29yearold shooter. He was cleared in both cases. Fbi director james comby says they interviewed him twice during the first investigation. He said he hoped Law Enforcement would raid his apartment and assault his wife and child so he could martyr himself. Reporter the investigation continues. Dozens of victims are on a long road to recovery. Many of them were taken to the Medical Center just blocks away. I was shot about three times in my leg. Reporter survivor angel cologne recounted his harrowing experience while thanking hospital staff at a tuesday news conference. I couldnt walk at all. All i could do was lay down there while everyone was running on top of me. A sea of thousands gathered at a massive candlelight vigil in orlando last night. Where a church bell rang 49 times. One for each victim. Kenneth craig, cbs news, orlando. As kenneth said, surgeons in florida just ga the conditions of some of the victims still in the hospital. Some fighting for their lives. Wusa 9 Andrea Mccarron is live outside the hospital in orlando with that part of the story and andrea, you have more from one of the victims we just heard from who was shot several times but luckily miraculously survived. Yes, we do, andrea, and what a harrowing or deal. Angel cologne, remarkably survived after being shot five times. He said the gunman would stand over his victims and fire repeatedly. Trying to ensure they were dead. I look over and he shoots the girl next to me. And im just there lying down and i think im next, im dead. So i dont know how, but by the glory of god, he shoots towards my head but it hits my hand. And then he shoots me again and it hits the side of my p. I was just prepared to just stay there. Laying down. So he wouldnt know that i am alive. Now, a doctor here described patients not just coming in, but patients here, not just coming in by ambulance, but by the truckload, according to doctors and nurses here. And now of course, it helped that we are just a few blocks from pulse nightclub. So the victims could get treatment and care immediately. Doctors and nurses here say the trauma bay looked like a war zone. With patients in every corner. Of the 44 patients brought here, 27 are still hospitalized. Six of them still in intensive care. There are eight surgeries scheduled for later today. The doctor here said they are used to gunshot wounds, because this is a trauma center, but this, he said, was surreal. Sadly, he said he wouldnt be surprised if the death to longo and i are on top of this story. In orlando. And we will be bringing you the very latest in live reports coming up tonight, at 5 00 and 6 00 and 7 00. Until then, reporting live, from orlando, Andrea Mccarron, wusa 9. Thank you, andrea. A rally in support of the orlando victims was held at an unlikely spot this morning. The headquarters of the National Rifle association in fairfax. Peggy fox is at the rally. She has more in this live report. Peggy . Reporter well, the building is behind me, the National Headquarters of the nra, and on the 14th of every month, the coalition to stop gun violence has been holding protests here. Since the anniversary of the sandy hook massacre, in which 20 children were murdered. Today, we had about 100 people out here protesting. Many have been here every month. But many were firsttimers. They were moved by the mass shooting in orlando. During the event today, a bell 49 killed at the pulse gay nightclub were read allowed. Several members of the local Lgbtq Community were here calling for stricter gun control legislation, including a ban on the sale of assault rifles and high volume magazines. The nra is the First Organization to say oh, no, dont take this away, we need this. What do you need it for . What do you need a magazine that holds 100 bullets for . And for one person, that is not right. He could pledge his allegiance to isis from here to hell and gone. If he didnt have a gun that was capable of shooting multiple rounds at high speed, he couldnt have killed 50 people. There were also people here from the local muslim community. And we know that the shooter in orlando professed his allegiance to isis during the shooting. But some of the people here say you know, we dont care what was in his head, we care about what was and that is something we can do something about. By stricter gun laws. Reporting live, in fairfax, peggy fox, wusa 9. Peggy, thank you. Members of congress couldnt find agreement on a moment of silence for the orlando shooting victims. Several democrats walked out in protest during yesterdays moment of silence ceremony. When it was over, some members shouted as speaker paul ryan, demanding a vote on tougher gun laws. The title of the bill. High performance [gavel pounding ] order, order. House democrats if you couldnt tell, were hollering where is the bill. And moments of silence following Mass Shootings are a symbol for inaction in congress. The coverage of the events in orlando here continues throughout the day. You can check for updates any time right on your phone by Pennsylvania Police have captured a suspect wanted for the shooting death of three men in west virginia. 32yearold eric shut is accused of opening fire in rural Morgan County west virginia. He was taken into custody in chester county, pennsylvania. In a facebook post, he claims the shooting was an act of self defense. Local police say the violence stems from an argument over firewood. Another deadly act of terrorism inside france. An isis sympathizer stabbed and killed a Police Commander and his wife, in suburban paris. The frenchman was once convinced to recruit jihad fighters recorded the brutal attack and posted it on facebook. After a long standoff, police stormed the house and killed the 25yearold suspect. The couples 3yearold son was not hurt. France has been on high alert as it holds sporting event, the monthlong European Championship soccer tournament. The Washington Post joins a long list of media organizations that have had their press credentials pulled by donald trump. His campaign pointed to a headline which read, donald trump suggests president obama was involved with orlandos shooting. The businessman called the paper phony. And dishonest. Buzz feed, politico, and the Huffington Post are among the other Media Outlets that have been blocked by trump in recent months. The huntington post tweeted yesterday, welcome to the club. Turning now to campaign 2016, voting is under way in the district which is hoeing the countrys holding the countrys final president ial primary of the year. While the outcome is assured, there are meaningful city contests. Delia goncalves picks up our election coverage. Reporter as one volunteer put it, the gloves are coming off. In a hotlycontested race between dcs exmayor vince gray, and his former pre, that is great. An Yvette Alexander Campaign Worker did not bite his tongue heckling gray outside the polling place. I hope you send him some money when he gets sentenced to jail in july. Cleared from the federal investigation, that some say cost his reelection, gray is running against his former protege, incumbent council membery Yvette Alexander recently endorsed by the Washington Post. Someone calls your office day after day and you say you do something and you dont, that bother me. Do you think you deserve another shot . Absolutely. No question about it. Look at my record. I like this guy. And what he will offer to the neighborhood. But i think he brought it here. So it has been his baby. So i think he is going to take it back under his wing. Violence is a big issue now. And another race to watch east of the river, la ruby may is seeking to finish the job she started when elected to replace the late marion berry on the ward eight council seat. Her campaign, though, has been after the firing of a Campaign Worker caught on camera, trying to commit voter fraud. Activist trayonwhite is hoping to get over the hump. He lost to may by 100 points in that special election. 300,000 voters are eligible to cast ballots in todays election throughout the city. Polls close at 8 00 p. M. In southeast, delia goncalves, wusa 9. For the latest on the local races in the district and virginia congressional primaries, log on to our wusa 9 mobile app. Hillary clinton and Bernie Sanders are scheduled to have a face to face meeting in washington this evening. The vermont senator says he wants to learn more about what kind of platform secretary clinton will be supporting. Sanders Whose Campaign has shown signs of winding down has pledged to do everything he can to help defeat donald trump. Tracking metro, and how it is going to pay for the year long maintenance surge. The federal Transit Administration will now metro to use 20 million federal dollars in capital reserve funds for safe track. According to metro general manager paul weederfeld, that 20 million is about onethird of what is needed to restore the tracks, to where they need to be. Still ahead on wusa 9 news, ball of fire. Residents of Los Angeles County wake up to a massive factory fire. Details just ahead. Plus, a piece of las vegas history comes crashing down in the heat. The tallest tower of the historic rivera hotel and casino on the Las Vegas Strip was imploded this morning. The 60yearold property famous for the mobster past closed monaco tower is the first of two scheduled implosions for the rivera. The land will be used as extra space for the expanding Las Vegas Convention center. Further west, residents of Los Angeles County say it felt like an earthquake. Flames sparked an explosion, and explosions rocked a Plastics Factory in the town of maywood, california. More than 100 crews battled the three alarm fire. Power was knocked out to the thousands of neighbors. Investigators are still trying to determine what sparked the fire. Coming up, on wusa 9 news, what is old is new again. At the watergate hotel. We will check out the multimillion dollar renovation. Vo for dominion, part of delivering Affordable Energy includes supporting those in our community who need help. Our Energyshare Program does just that, assisting with bill pay and providing free, energysaving upgrades. Its helping neighbors. Stand by me you are looking at a live picture of the president ial podium there. This is at the Treasury Department where president obama convened his National Security council this morning. He received an update on the investigation into the attack in orlando florida. And now, he is getting ready to let us know what he has learned. I just met with my National Security council, as part of our regular effort to review and intensify our campaign to destroy the terrorist group isil. Our meeting was planned before the terrible attack in orlando. But obviously, that tragedy, the awful loss of life, shaped much of our work today. In all of our efforts, foremost in our minds is the loss and the grief of the people of orlando, those who died, those who are stilrecovering, and the families who have seen their loved ones harmed. The friends of ours who are lesbian and gay and bisexual and transgender who were targeted, i want to remind them that they are not alone. The American People and our allies and friends all over the world stand with you. And are thinking about you. And are praying for you. As director comey has said, we currently do not have any information to indicate that a Foreign Terrorist Group directed the attack in orlando. It it is increasingly clear, however, that the killer took in extremist information and propaganda over the internet. He appears to have been angry and disturbed unstable young man who became radicalized. As we know all too well, terrorist groups like isil have called on people around the world and here in the United States to attack innocent civilians. Their propaganda, their videos, their postings, are pervasive, and more easily accessible than we want. This individual appears to have absorbed some of that. And during his killing spree, the shooter in orlando pledged allegiance to isil. As ive said before, these lone actors or small cells of terrorists are very hard to detect and very hard to prevent. But across our government, at every level, federal, state, and local, military and civilian, we are doing everything in our power to stop we work to succeed 100 of the time. An attacker as we saw in orlando only has to succeed once. Our extraordinary personnel, our intelligence, our military, our homeland security, our Law Enforcement, from prevented many attacks an saved many lives and we can never thank them enough. But we are all sobered by the fact that despite the extraordinary hard work, Something Like orlando can occur. And in our meeting today, director comey updated us on the investigation in orlando. Secretary johnson reviewed the measures we continue to take on behalf of our homeland security. Secretary carter and the chairman reviewed the military campaign against isil. And i want to thank secretary lou and his team here at treasury for hosting us and for their tireless efforts to cut off the money that isil relies on to fund at the outset i want to reiterate our objective in this fight. Our mission is to destroy isil. And since i last updated the American People on our campaign two months ago, we have seen that this continues to be a difficult fight, but we are making significant progress. Over the past two months, i have authorized a series of steps to ratchet up our fight against isil. Additional u. S. Personnel including u. S. Special forces in syria to assist local forces battling isil there. Additional advisors to work more closely with Iraqi Security forces and additional assets including attack helicopters. And Additional Support for local forces in northern iraq. Our aircraft continue to launch from the uss harry truman. Now in the mediterranean. Our b52 bombers are hitting isil with precision strikes. Targets are being identified and hit even more quickly. This campaign at this stage is firing on all cylinders. And as a result, isil is under more pressure than ever before. Isil continues to lose key leaders. This includes salmon alsha heeb the military Senior Leader in mosul. And elsadani who plotted exterior attacks and malib in the Anbar Province malear alhalari the top isil commander in fallujah. So far we have taken out more than 120 top isil leaders and comeafers. Our message is clear commanders. Our message is clear, if you target america and our allies, you will not be safe. You will never be safe. Isil continues to lose ground in iraq. In the past two months, local forces in iraq with Coalition Support have liberated the town of rutba and have pushed up the Euphrates River valley and breaking up the siege of a city there. And iraqi forces have surrounded fallujah and have begun to move into the city. Meanwhile, in the north, Iraqi Forces Continue to push up the tigris river valley, making gains around notmor and now preparing to tighten the noose around isil in mosul. All told, isil lost half of the territory it once controlled in iraq and it will lose more. Isil continues to lose ground in syria as well. Assisted by our special tration operations forces, the coalition of local forces is pressuring the key town of monditch, which means the noose is tightening around isil in raka as well. And in short, our Coalition Continues to be on offense. Isil is on defense. And it has now been a full year since isil has been able to mount a major successful offensive operation in either syria or iraq. As isil continues to lose the money that is its life blood. As a result of our strikes, against otherwise Oil Infrastructure and supply lines, we believe that we have cut isils revenue from oil by millions of dollars per month. And destroying the storage sites where they keep their cash, we have deprived isil of many millions more. Thanks to the great work of secretary lou and many others here today, and working with nations and Financial Institutions around the world, isil is now effectively cut off from the International Financial system. Cutting off isils money may not be as dramatic as military strikes but it is critically important. And we are seeing the results. Isils cash reserves are down. It has had to cut salaries for its fighters. Its resorting to more extortion of those trapped in its grip. And by isils own admission, some of its own leaders have been caught stealing cash and gold. Once again, isils true nature has been revealed. These are not religious thieves. And continuing to push on this front, i want to mention that it is critical for our friends in the senate to confirm adam zuman, my nominee for undersecretary of terrorism and financial intelligence. Adam has served in democratic and republican administrations,nd everyone agrees he is imminently qualified. He has been working on these kinds of issues for years. It is now more than a year since i nominated him. More than 420 days and he still has not been given a full vote. There is no good reason for it. It is inexcusable. So it is time for the senate to do its job, and put our National Security first, and have a vote on adam, that can lead our financial fight against isil and help keep our country safe. Isils ranks are shrinking as well. Their morale as one defender, as one defector said, isil is not bringing islam to the world, and people need to know that. Thanks to international efforts, the flow of foreign fighters, including from america, to syria, and iraq has plummeted. In fact our Intelligence Community now assesses that the ranks of isil fighters has been reduced to the lowest levels in more than 2 1 2 years. Even as we continue to destroy isil militarily, we are addressing Larger Forces that have allowed these terrorists to gain traction in parts of the world. With regard to iraq, helping iraqis stabilize liberated communities and promote inclusive governance, so isil cannot return. With regard to syria, it means our continued support for the fragile cessation of hostilities there. The cessation of hostilities has not stopped all or even most of the hardship on syrian people. The hardship on civilians. And the assad regime has been the principal culprit in violating the cessation of hostilities. El nusra, which is al qaedas affiliate in syria, they also continue to terrorize syrians. But as fragile and incomplete as the cessation is, it has saved lives, and it it has allowed the delivery lifesavid the syrians who are in desperate need. And as difficult as it is, we will continue to push for a political process that can end the civil war and result in a transition away from assad. Beyond syrian and iraq, isils also losing ground in libya. Forces of the libyan unity government are going after isil in their stronghold in sert and will continue to assist the new Libyan Government as it works to secure its country. Lastly, here at home, if we really want to help Law Enforcement protect americans from homegrown extremists, the kind of tragedies that occurred at San Bernardino and that now have occurred in orlando, there is a meaningful way to do that. We have to make it harder for people who want to kill americans to get their hands on weapons of war that let them kill dozens of innocents. It is absolutely true, we cannot prevent every tragedy. But we know that consistent with the second amendment, there are common sense steps that could reduce gun violence and could reduce the lethality of somebody harm. We should give a. T. F. The resources they need to enforce the gun laws that we already have. People with possible ties to terrorism who arent allowed on a plane should not be allowed to buy a gun. Im not talking about actually being tough on terrorism. Actually be tough on terrorism. Stop making it easy for terrorists to buy assault weapons. Reinstate thessault weapons ban. Make it harder for terrorists to use these weapons to kill us. Otherwise, despite extraordinary efforts across our government we local Law Enforcement, by our intelligence agencies, by our military, despite all the sacrifices that folks make, these kinds of events are going to keep on

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