Mike weiss of Washington Post wrote a column good man, mad culture. Honestly could go a long way changing player attitudes. Fletcher says he is hurt and his head is not right and needs more tests then every guy onn ev that roster will say this is a guy we look up to. Not having symptoms right now in 2011 virginia passed strict guidelines to protectli playersne from concussion whichn educators say affected brain functions. There is no helmet that we know of that prevents concussion. It does not exist. Nfl has its own web site. Nfl evolution to promote safety changes including a warning to players to never ignoregno concussion symptoms. We still have to be smart as players and protect ourselves. Back in 2009, the nfl successfullily fought back an effort on capitol hill to strip of the antitrust exemptionnt afteri complaints rose it was ignoring concussion issues and that came in the wake of a michigan study that a thousand former nfl player had higher rates of memory related illnesses causing alzheimers disease and dementia. Will . Thank you. Y news alert a military jury found fort hood injure guilty oo 13 counts of murder. Major nadal hasan could face the death penalty. That part of the sentencing phase is next week. The former army psychiatrisr is on trial for going on a shooting rampage at an army base in 2009 killing 13 people and injuring 32 others. Inju he attacked soldiers on the t base to protect taliban leaders overseas. On news edge on virginiagini where a jury recommended a sentence of 49 years for the man convicted in the 2010 murder of vanessa pham. Julio blancogarcia was found guilty of firstdegree murder last night. The 27yearold was arrested after police found dna evidence linking him to the killing. He says he was high on pcp when he stabbed the teenager and gave him and infant daughter a ride to the hospital and he says he a went nuts. A judge will sentence him laterm in no she died of asphyxia after getting in a fight with two grown children last month. The states attorney officefi says grand jury actions surrounding the death to be justified. No other details were released about the altercation. The march on washington puts the stamp on history. E got to getst this for my nephew. The post office unveil aid forever stamp to mark the stamp. It shows an oil painted image of marchers with Washington Monument as a backdrop available in post offices right now. Of thousands offi people of course are expected in the nations capitol to mark the 50th anniversary of the famous civil rights gatheringigt organized by dr. King himself. The actual anniversary is wednesday. There are a number of events leading up to that day. Fox5 John Henrehan is at the mlk memorial on National Mall o where many visitors are from distant cities. Yes. Normally at the mlk memorial and mixture of locals and outoftowners. The rain kept away the locals. The outoftowners were here. And despite rain in mediumsizez numbers and here to celebraterae the 50th anniversary of one of the most important civil rights moments in u. S. History. Despite the rain people from all over the country came to the mlk , jr. Memorial attending various events. Some come to rememberom history. E some come to dedicate themselves in an unfinished agenda and some came to express joy in the changes in american society. Me the idea cameri to my mind 50 years. He should see the connection. It is really about the children. Why is it important . Because for them to understand the history and struggles of all people. I work with children in inner city of atlanta. And the school. Education is not where it should be. It is not equal. The dollars are not put into the poorer school. And we really need. Education is a way for people to move up in our society and do better. I think health care, i havece to speak for my family because there are people within our family that need health care. And they are unable to get ii now. Thats where we fall short also. Will you see all walks of o life here. All different colors. I think dr. King is probably smiling. Everybody. You see all backgrounds coming together. I have seen the people here much. It is all backgrounds and all they are doing is talking about what he did for us, for all of us. Nuts and bolts. Big events are saturday andatur wednesday. Lets start with tomorrow. A local event tomorrow rally for d. C. Statehood starts at 9 00 in the morning at the d. C. War memorial north of independence avenue. At 9 30 they march to the Lincoln Memorial and join the bigger gathering . Bi Lincoln Memorial at 8 a. M. A prayer session and 9 a. M. To noon a program, usually entertainment and some speeches and main speakers come at 11 00 a. M. Including nancy pelosi, eric holder, and Martin Luther king and reverend al sharpton. Main speeches at the Lincoln Memorial. Rial at 12 30 stepping off from Lincoln Memorial marching down independence avenue Martin Luther king memorial tog Washington Monument where crowd will disperse. How many people will be here . E i dont know. I will ask the camera man to turn 180 degrees. 0 de theres a festival scheduledd for the field joining the Martin Luther king memorial and rain or lack of publicity and theres almost no one here. So, who knows how many peoply will show up for tomorrow or wednesday. Live on the mall, John Henrehan fox5 news. Thank you, john. We would like to stay with you for coverage of the march. Visit my web site at myfoxdc. Com for a schedule of events. Helpful links and stories we have covered leading up to the t event. More now on the breaking news we have been following tonight. The National Zoo Giant Panda mei xiang gave fourth a cub. Here is thega picture. The National Zoo Tweeted out of the cub moments ago about thes g size of a stick of butter as they say and if i can quote my producer meredith. She said oh, my god. You cant see it from your Vantage Point but im sure a lot of excitement tonight. Theres been so much excitement. Nt mei xiangs water broke at 3 36. This cub was in such a hurry to get here it could take initially 1 to 10 hours to have a baby panda cub. They came into the world at 5 32. They heard the cub vocalize Excellent First signs of a babys cry and mei xiang picked up the cub which is an excellenn sign. All the visiters and great v news. Is and ann hilton and Christina Hilton came to zoo on thehe perfect day. Perf no idea. You are from tennessee. You are from west virginia. Baby cub born today. T how memorable will this tripping. Great news. G you have lilian drew here. Nine months old. You know how exciting it isit to be a new mom. W it is a great feeling. I am very happy for the zoo. Were you the one who picked the day . Who got the lucky day. Her aunt did. We are thrilled. We you went a by the panda house earlier and it was closed. Were you disappointed . We were. We knew there was a chance that she was nesting but never dreamed it would happen today. It is exciting . You picked a perfect day. Excellent timing on yourle part. Nt they canhelling ladies go on the web cam and follow cubs progress from day one on. O thank you very much for being with us. We appreciate it. Enjoy your visit. I just got an update from the national zoo. Officials tell me zookeeperszook wont know the sex of cub until they get in and take a close look at it. They are pleased of positive signs they have seen so far hearing the first cry and cuddling the little cub is excellent. This is mei xiangs first cub. Of course you know he wasw described as a butter stick when he was born in 2005. He is well and in china. Everyone is hoping this little cub will do as well. Back to you in the studio. Audrey you are on fire. Panda born at the zoo, sharks caught in the pott a few days ago, whats up with that. Having trouble hearing him. We have static out here. Sta i want to tell you crowd is building and everybody is hopins to get a peek. I told them get to your computer and see it on web cam. Thats the best Vantage Point. Fair enough.  the news continues after this.  welcome to. Dozens of wildfires burning across the u. S. One in california is several times bigger than one of the states famous cities. Es. Dominic is in groveland, california with more tonight. The rim fire burned out of control in northern californian more than 3 times size of san francisco. Fire shooting up into the air charring trees, creating thick plumes of smoke. In danger. Trees going up as if a flame thrower hit them. Flames spreading to yosemito National Park near lake eleanor. It is open for now as tourists flee the air. Get to the top of tree. Fire truck after fire truck and crews battle the blaze. Hundreds of on homes evacuated. Several structures are destroyed. Whats your level of concern at o this point. 1 to 10, i would say 9. It calls for low temperatures and mild humidity. Ity. Wind will play a factor. Californias governor declared a state of emergency thursday and local residents are remaining on edge. Every time you see whitee smoke we know water is startings to hi the fire and it is working. But a i will further theres more fire. The cost of fighting the rim fire is over 5 million. Over and the u. S. Forest service. Has spents. A billion dollars fighting wildfires this year. In groveland, california foxn news. D, ahead, a group of trees disappear below surface and mor amazing video after the forecast.   hey, its meme, progressive insurance. You know, from our 4,000 television commercials. Yep, there i am with flo. Hoohoo watch it [chuckles] anyhoo, 3 Million People switched to me last year, saving an average of 475. [sigh] it feels good to help people save. With great discounts like safe driver, multicar, and multipolicy. So call me today. Youll be glad you did. Cannonbox [splash ] birth of a panda is a hardof act to a follow. Dont even try. I learned it last time what was the last little baby pandas name butter stick. Tien. 2005. I love these things in our ear. You answers just come to you. Well, let me set it up for you. This is a big deal. So many visitors coming to the nations capitol we are hopingpi for a good weekend and sounds like it. Looks good. Here is whats going on now. N looking bad or better this evening. Stubborn rain pretty much on and off all day long. Thats getting out of here. R. I want to start. You can see the picture there. If the tower capra was pushed around to the other direction looking north and west you who see sunshine and blue sky. Spotty showers around at 7 00 south and east of town. Partly cloudy. It looks like improving conditions through evening andvi through the overnight, too. Too. Look at the rain moving on. Anything later on is east and southeast of us. Drier air is coming in. Comi temperatures right now weig have notht warmed up much today with showers and clouds. It is 75 now. W. Gaithersburg dropping to 68 degrees. Baltimore 70 and quantico 74. To southwest culpeper 77 and nice for winchester and temperature of 70 degrees. F here is your weekend forecast. 83 tomorrow. Cooler and less humid air coming in and looks good and go possibility we could have a few clouds. I will show you why in a second. Sunday looks gorgeous with t sunny skies. Temperatures in the lower 80s. Low humidity. Dity real, real good. Here is the set up. He you can see to the north andr west of us. F look how quickly we clear. Mostly all of pennsylvania is clear. The line of clouds and showerses is pushing farther to the south into southeast. Here is futurecast. Tonight at 8 00 we quickly clear through the area. Overnight tonight we have clearing skies. Cl tomorrow morning we wake up to good amounts of sunshine. Temperatures in the 60s,s, too. I suspect early tomorrow morning fairly chilly out there in northern and western suburbs. Here is tomorrow at 2 00. I want you to see we will have a little flow coming from the east and northeast. It allows marine layer to comeoo across. We are showing some showers here. S it looks like this isis probably a little overdone. Over if we get anything, thehi showers i am talking about will be to the shore, Eastern Shore s and cloud cover, too. Too this looks brief. It will move on quickly and good tomorrow evening and beautifulil on sunday. High pressure just takes control up and down the eastern seaboare and great. 65 and clearing skies. 50s in the northern and western suburbs. Get ready for that. T. Mild temperatures tomorrowe only in themp low 80s for about everybody. A couple of maces in the m middle 80s for highs and starting off with lots of sunshine. A little bit of cloud cover possible in the early to late afternoon. It wont be a big deal at all. Sunday is about perfect in august. 84. Low humidity and sunshine. Nshi nice. Temperatures jumping in the n mid to upper 80s. You use the word on 7day that we are thinking nice. G nice. Indeed. Keep it simple. Ple. Thank you, gary. Here is the story we are promising. Amazing video out of louisiana. Check this out. A group of trees swallowed uu by a sinkhole in a assumption parish. Unbelievable. Watch this. Incredible. The trees vanish into the water. This is happening on and off about a year now ever since sale dome collapsed. Do trees dont usually go down like this. Still ahead on the 6. The annual tradition marking the return of football season. skins welcome luncheon and dressed to the nines lindsey with sports edge. Good evening. Im lipsy murphy. Nfc east champions were honored in welcome home luncheon. Eon. 52 years the team celebrated the end of one season and beginning of another as the team anxiously awaits the september kick off against the eagles. Eag auctioneers did a good job. I would have given them 10 granh but the nfl took it from me this week. A comedian as always Robert Griffin iii making light of his 10,000 fine for apparel violation. Recipient of offensive player on the yearsi award. Kicker had special teams player and wide receiver josh morgan r Community Service awarecd winne. Fans and players were treated to a lunch and awards presentation and auction thatd raised tens of thousands ofnd dollars and a few words from redskins brass, dan snyder and Mike Shanahan after finishing so6. Expectations this year ares ye higher than ever. More in sight. I am anxious to get out there myself. Anxious to get the ball rollingl and we have special teams and we say it every year you have seen it last year. R. Getting ready to make that great push we feel we are capable ofof doing. As the preseason wipes down keep an eye on running backs competition. Alfred morris solidified his spot as a starter. Who is the third down back. How many running backs will they keep. Final competition comes down to keland williams and Chris Thompson and juwan jamison. And asking young how they ary stacking up, thats a tough question. It is crazy back there, man. You have guys back there and you know what with you will geti out of them but two craft guys, they are fast and williams running the ball really well. They might not keep ay mi fullback and go with six runningbacks. And everybody is contributins and doing well. You have to make them stand out. Tonight, the nationals beginn a threegame series in kansas city against the royals withoutr two players. David dejesus was picked up off waivers by rays and back up catcher suzuki acquired last august from as traded to oakland for dakota back us and cash. Suzuki will join as in baltimore against os and caps announced signing of mikhail to a one year deal. Y will . Thank you, lindsey. Another look of picture ofur the day a panda born at the th national zoo. 5 30 this evening. Can you see the baby about size of a stick of butter. We will say it for weeks to come. Go to myfoxdc. Com for a look at the photo and live panda cam. Goodbye.  today on tmz chris brown, he is horrible. He called the d. A. A racist. The judge ruled that chris brown submitted bogus Community Service reports. He responded to this, did n six months Community Service with police. What n word . Im not going to say it. Keep it real. Brian wrote out the n word here, so we know. Kanye was on kris jenners show. We just finally got to see a picture of the baby. Its a good l

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