President asked him to shut down the fbi investigation into michael flynn. Agents were looking into the National Security advisers connection to russia and that cost him his job. Tonight, congress has asked to see the comey memo and the white house is denying the president ever made that request of comey. As for the president , he hosted the turkish president for meetings at the white house and took no questions from reporters. More breaking news. One man is fighting to survive in a dc hospital after protests broke out along dcs famous embassy road. One happened at the turkish ambassadors residence and another took place at the turkish embassy. Reporter things are quieter. Very different than a ago when a riot sent nine people to the hospital. If you are curious who started this fight, it is all a matter of who you ask. The group of protesters made up of kurdish and armanian protesters were charged. One claimed one of the president s bodyguard put her in a head lock. He held my neck and twisted my neck. Im angry because we are in the united states. They can jot gnus attack a woman or any person. It is one thing for there to be this violence in turkey, another in america. Reporter on the other side, a different story, this group, many of whom claim to be of turkish descent said they planned to be others set off the scuffle. They are attacking turkish people. We want to do it peacefully. Those who provoked were successful to be responded to. Reporter dc police said two people were arrested. John henry, wusa9. Another story breaking tonight, a shooting involving two dc police officers, this happened on joliette street in southwest washington. Officers encountered a woman with a gun there at the bald eagle rec center. She ignored their order to drop the gun and they opened fire injuring her. She later died at the hospital. New tonight, a bit shoppers at dcs union station. An everyday sight there became everything but normal for a while. Im pete muntean at union station. If you passed here through the monday evening rush you got quite a surprise from these screens. These monitors are supposed to be maps of all the shops here, instead, porn flashed up on the screens. Joanna saw it and tweeted about it at monday night. The monitor stations just started playing porn hub. That is a popular porn site. The managers say the screens were hacked and they are investigating but they refused to give me more details. The screens have only been around a few months. Pete muntean, wusa9. Also new tonight, a disturbing study on the cost of war from the government accountaty it looked at Service Members who had to leave their branch of the military because of misconduct. Between 2011 and 2015, there were over 91,000 of those. And get this, 62 of them had been diagnosed with traumatic brain injuries or ptsd in the two years before they were discharged. The study goal is to make sure the men and women still qualify for Health Benefits after they leave. This is something that might not happen if they are not honorably discharged. Deputies in Orange County virginia west of i95 south of culpeper are looking into a terrible situation tonight. A fouryearold boy got ahold of a gun and shot himself. It happened while he was at a home day care. The house is also home to a sheriffs deputy but he was not home and the gun was not the one assigned to him by the department. This deadly car crash in the Early Morning hour of monday morning claimed one of them is 23yearold daja red but you may know her as london dior. She was killed instantly. Here is her story from someone who knew her best. Her brother who was also her producer and manager. They were coming to go down to drop her off. Every time, a moment that i remember, i would be sitting this watching it. I have so much stuff for her. That is her best friend. Just joking around. It is not a walk in the park. You know. And, the only thing she really wanted to do was just kind of give back to her mom and her sister. Also like, she when she made it, she wanted to bring everybody with her. Her and her mom, best friends. Like, you would never see the relationship like that. Ever. Like, they, like, yeah, she knew that is her child and that is her mom. But, the relationship was not like mom and daughter. It was like best friends. She accomplished a lot. She was right there at the cusp of about to be out of here. And. It was taken from her. A vile racist incident has turned the campus turned off side down on the campus. This was after the first black woman was sworn in as Student Government president on au. Then there is this, that popped into my facebook messages. Someone sent me a question saying i would like to know if what i read on facebook is true about American University. It says they now have a place for africanamericans only. Now, i asked him to send me a link to the article and he did. He sent me two, in fact. First, this one, from the college fix. Com. It says American University blocks nonwhites from cafe. Designated as sanctuary for nonwhites and this one from 1776, again. Com. American university gives black students extra time on tests and a black only cafe. I reached out o the university about the stories and we talked to a young lady named kenya sumner who just graduated with a masters degree. I talked to her on the phone. Reporter a viewer sent me headlines he found online he wanted to know were true or not. There isnt to your ow cafe on campus that only caters to nonwhite student students . Absolutely not. They are both untrue to my knowledge. All right, so we can say hands down, these stories are false. No cafe only for nonwhite students. No special treatment for minority students on exams. These stories came from very white wing websites trying to take this incident and heighten their agenda. If you see something that has you wondering if it is true or not or if somebody is trying to pull a fast one, send it to us, we will verify it for you. You can find me any time on twitter and facebook. Im at adam longo tv. Or send me an email on wusa9. Com. In the district, questions about homework. Is it okay to make kids count hair weaves as a math assignment . An upset mother posted that question to facebook and got thousands of reactions. Reporter here is the photo of the assignment and the mom. Upon reading the question understood beneath the picture, i realized they were asking about hairband. S. Reporter it asks you to count the bundles in each group. Im on my cell phone, inside the store called super beauty in landover maryland. These are hair bundles. This is what it looks like. They are Hair Extensions or weaves all kinds of women use, especially africanamerican women. Aria is a Quest Academy first grade wore got the assignment. The goal is to connect with this sevenyearold. Did you know what it was when you saw it . No. Reporter this is why mom was so offended. Not everyone bashed the assignment online. Here are some of the comments. The school sent out a letter says that is not enough. She is not mad at the teacher. Have a lot of locations in the area and i was told off first grade classed received it. They are looking into it. Reporter in the meantime, there is the sevenyearolds suggestion. Reprint the paper with toys on them. A lot to learn from toys. A popular arlington neighborhood is bucking the friend, a target store is coming to glee road and wilson boulevard in boston. It is going to occupy the ground floor of a 12 Story Building and bring your appetite. It will have a Grocery Store with fresh produce. Opening is 2021. One congressman says if it looks like a duck, talks like a duck, it must be government waste. Others say it is adorable. Plus, a teenage boy who walked away from this. Oh, look at that accident. A hit and run caught on tape. Heat rolls in tomorrow. Record highs are in jeopardy. Record high at national, 92, record high baltimore, 93. We will give you odds on which records fall and how long the heat will last. We have big changes in the forecast. And do you have a hard time talking to your teenager . If i could change one thing in my life. I guess. I would wanttous have more money. Just be honest. Speak from your heart. We are sitting down with parents an teens as the a candid conversation between parents and teenagers, part of a series called if parents only knew. What stressing teens out may be far different than when you and i grow up. Watch as they open up about things that may not always be easy to talk about. Have a seat, open the envelope. There will be cards with questions. Answer them as honestly and openly as you can. Explain three things that stress me out the most. Basically, anything to do with grades. Trying to keep my grades up so that my gps can be high my gpa can be high enough for an exceptional college. Yall are always on my case for bad grades. We feel like you are not putting the effort into it. You are not pushing yourself. Is that correct . Yeah. We want to use the word yeah. [ laughter ] use good grammar. Lets go to the next question. If i could change one thing in my life. I guess. I would want us to money. Be honest, speak from your heart. As far as going to college, if we had more money, then, it wouldnt just be so stressful. You know . Social media nowadays allows people to say anything they want anonymously. Like, people who make a fake account and they will say all this negative and hate toward me. But in my face, they never would have done this. This is a big deal for kids and they really have a hard time escaping from it. For many adolescents, carrying this around in their backpack is like carrying around the entire high School Population on their backs. If i could change one thing in my life, i would change my surroundings. What do you mean by changing your surroundings . You know, everybody getting shot and killed and stuff. What worries me . What worries me is that my i just become completely lonely. Be completely alone. That worries you . Yeah. That took my breath away. At times teenagers feel very disconnected. Parents should try to get a feel of when a teenager is feeling helpless and hopeless. That expert offers more advice on how to find real signs of trouble with your teenager. You will find that information on our special assignment app and website. Johnny walsh, is asking his parents for a new bike. His old one got tboned by an suv. And, we should probably mention that johnny was riding it at the time. You got to see this video. That is johnny cruising the sidewalk in holiday floridament it runs right into him. I have seen him hit the truck and saw him turn. He looked right at me and i looked at him and and it was too late and i got hit. Our boy got right up and shook the whole thing off. See the right car go speeding by . He got the tag number. Police tracked down the owner of that suv. But, they are still looking for the creep who was behind the wheel. The architect of the capitol installed something new. One thinks it is a waste of money, others are delighted. What is it . Take a look. It is a duck ramp. At the capital reflecting pool. How cute. Lets listen to these little guys again. [ quacking and peeping ] with a sign that says dont feed the ducks. Ducks have long called the fountain home, but it will be easier for them to get in and out. Government waste or adorable . A couple of pieces of wood . I think we ca like 2,000, then we have a problem. Yes, we do. If they have a 300 ham tore put it together, we have a problem. We almost had a problem with the three degrees. The winds stayed more southerly. Keeps temperatures down. So, i went for a high of 82, almost raised it to 83. Good thing i did not. 79 was the high. I will go 92 tomorrow. It was 81 in dolus. Winds should turn more southwesterly tomorrow. We will go 92. Still 67. Humidity 66 . Dew points in the 50s. Open up a little further, we are all set. Bus stop temperatures 57 to 78. Yes, that is 6 00 a. M. To 9 00 a. M. Covering the entire metro area. Hot wednesday, hot thursday. Records are possible. Next good chance of storms on friday. Although i just saw new information that actually, it may move friday. Weekend however, it is looking cooler. And, mainly dry now as the front stays south of us. And stays south of us for the entire weekend. So, highs. Forecast 92 tomorrow. 92doulus. The record at national is 92. I think we have a 70 chance of busting the record. Temps, 92. Wednesday, thursday, temperatures will fall. And i think for the most part, it will be dry. Some showers may be possible south of town on saturday. But, lets talk about tomorrow. Clear skies, comfortable, 65 downtown to start. Some 50s. 59 in gathersburg. It will be 58 in martinsburg. 72 in romney. And by lunchtime, yeah, we are knocking on the door of 90. It will be fredericksburg. Tomorrow evening 92 downtown. 93 in fredericksburg. Ian cumberland and romney will be around 90. Lit be 90 just about everywhere. By 10 00, 24 hours from now, a few clouds rolling in. It stays dry, but it traps the heat. So, this time tomorrow night, we are still 82 downtown. And, 79 in gathersburg. It will be a real summer night tomorrow night. All right, on the day planner, 60s to start. Downtown, full sun. Not a cloud in the sky. 82 by 11 00. Almost 90 by 1 00 p. M. Isolated storm possible thursday. Primarily along the blue ridge. A little better chance of afternoon storms on friday, 88. Next seven days. Well, saturday and sunday, we will keep just a slight chance of a shower on saturday. Isolated storm on sunday. But 81. Better chance for storms on monday. The front returns an we are clearing out on tuesday. Nice, highs around 80. Not bad bro. Time for lunacy. The Comment Section for this story is on fire. There is is a trend in the relationship wormed. Believe it or not, it is called saligamy. People are skipping the hunt for the one and getting married to themselves. Did they meet on me harmony . Good question. David is not a fan. He wonders is this the upgraded old cat lady . And David Johnson is with you buddy and said i thought the girl who married the burrito was disturbing. People out there got problems. I dont know what the do about this. You got something to say about this . Go ahead, hop on facebook and you know what . Have at it. No sign of soligamy tonight. His guest is a big fan of marriage. He has had two. Hey everybody. Stephen colbert. Join me on the late show tonight. I will be talking with brad pitt. Brad . Yes . Want to do pushu okay, so, the late show with Stephen Colbert is on deck right after we wrap up. Getting their cardio is. Know who else did . Stephen strassburg. He is trying to avenge the city of pittsburgh. The sunll come out for people with Heart Failure, tomorrow is not a given. But entresto is a medicine that helps make more tomorrows possible. Tomorrow, tomorrow. I love ya, tomorrow in the largest Heart Failure study ever, entresto helped more people stay alive and out of the hospital than a leading Heart Failure medicine. Women who are pregnant dont take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren. If youve had angioedema while taking an ace or arb medicine, dont take entresto. The most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure. Kidney problems, or high potassium in your blood. Tomorrow, tomorrow i love ya, tomorrow ask your heart doctor about entresto. And help make tomorrow possible. Youre only a day away. Now, wusa9 game on sports brought to you by xfinity. It mass been a disappointing week for dc sports fan. You are just rubbing your eyes all over the place. The cats, nope. The wizards, last night, in boston, game seven, nope, dont look now, the nats are the best team in the National League in baseball. And looking totake some sweet vengeance for the city of pittsburgh, take a look here, adam zimmerman. He is going to shoot one to the opposite field. Score two runs. Now, 31 in the to third. Lets skip ahead to the bottom of the 7th inning, bases loaded for pittsburgh. A chance to get out with a double play, then zimmerman threw it away. Two runs are going to score on this one. This is after strasburg had come out, the bullpen just looking to blow it but they didnt. And then bryce harper in the 9th inning just drilled it to right field. He just signed that new contract and he has money. Stephen strasburg gets the win. He is 41 on the season now and the nats win 84. Pretty good game out in pittsburgh. Taking it to the pittsburgh fans giving us to us all last week. Finally, we have a Little Something to give back. They are giving us something to cheer about. He narrator the time is always right to do what is right. Ralph northam. Army doctor during the gulf war. Volunteer director of a pediatric hospice. Progressive democrat. In the senate, he passed the smoking ban in restaurants, stopped the transvaginal ultrasound antichoice law, as lieutenant governor, dr. Northam is fighting to expand access to affordable healthcare. Ralph northam believes in making progress every day. And he wont let donald trump stop us. You are on a roll. Yeah, pretty nice week. It will be a little hot for low 80s tomorrow and thursday, a couple of storms friday. I might take the showers out of saturday and sunday tomorrow. We will let it go to isolated showers saturday and sunday. Much improved. More storms as you head back to work, very nice tuesday. You can take them away. You can be a taker in this case. Ill be a taker tomorrow. Okay. I will slowly improve the forecast. Well done. Thats it for us tonight. We have the late show with Stephen Colbert on the way next. Thanks for staying up with us. We will see you tomorrow. Did you know 90 of couples disagree on mattress firmness . Enter sleep number she likes the bed soft. Hes more hardcore. You can both adjust the bed for the best sleep of your life. Save 700 on the temperature balancing i8 bed. For years, fios has been promising fast internet to small businesses. But for many businesses, its out of reach. Why promise something you cant deliver . Comcast business is different. We deliver superfast internet with speeds of 250 megabits per second across our entire network, to more companies, in more locations, than fios. We do business where you do business. Youre not taking these. Hey, hey, hey youre not taking those. Whoa, whoa youre not taking that. Come with me. Youre not taking that. Youre not taking that. Youre not taking that. Mom, im taking the subaru. 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