Something wrong. And president obama joins in in demanding answers. I just ask folks to sit back and think, what if this happened to somebody in your family . How would you feel . Reporter tonight, here in dc, and across the country, protests emerge in the street. Peaceful, but powerful. And were monitoring breaking news out of dallas, shots fired at a bro test against the police shootings. You are looking live at the scene. It may be a bit chaotic, there are reports that two officers have been shot. That has not yet been confirmed, but you can see its a very active scene out there. A lot of emergency vehicles, we can see outside of this shot. The sound of the shots could be heard shortly before 9 00. Heres a listen. [ gunshots witnesses reported hearing six to eight shots. We dont have confirmation yet that the Police Officers were hurt, but this is considered an active shooter scene. Our newsroom is monitoring all the developments out of dallas. We will bring them to you as they happen. And thank you for joining us. Im lesli foster. President obama says the Fatal Police Shootings of two black men in two days are not isolated incidents. The strong statement comes as thousands of people across the nation come together to demand change after the most recent incident. And falcon heights, minnesota, a Police Officer shot Philandro Castile during a traffic stop wednesday evening. The officer just shot him in his arm. His girlfriend calmly live steamed the aftermath extremed the aftermath. We have Live Team Coverage as the passionate but peaceful reaction continues. Wusa has the president. Allison talks to local families about the tough conversation they are having with their children. But we start with mola lenghi. Reporter that protest and march began on the white house tonight. It ended here on the u. S. Capitol. Hundreds and hundreds of people came out as you see right now, just some protestors left lingering around for all intensive purpose, the march and protest is over, but came out strong in light of the recent shootings, they may have happened in baton rouge, and minnesota, respectfully, but they were health in the district felt in the district tonight. Reporter the same protest. The same fight, the same demands. Much of the same because not much has changed. It seems its i cant say that ive seen enough progress, even progress at all, unfortunately, you know. One time it happens, and the news stops, and we stop talking about it. Reporter hundreds and hundreds of blacks, brown and white protestors marching from the white house to the u. S. Capitol. Im here as a white man that doesnt have to worry about this. And theres a white man that can walk back to his hotel, and not worry that somebody is going to stop me, not worry that somebody is going to pull me over because im walking. Police are getting away, literally with murder. And no one is holding them accountability. Nobody is Holding Congress accountable. Or the elected officials accountable. This is about every persons life out here. The other side would say, what about black on black crime . If youre not committing crimes or putting yourself in situations, police wont be responding. I think people know lot of crap. The is no such thing as black on black crime. Reporter shootings that have led to protests, protests that have led to marches, marches that they hope will lead to change. Reporter it was a passionate protest and march, but a peaceful one as well. No confrontations with police. Certainly, no serious ones that we saw, and we should note that police seem to be one step, or one block ahead of the protestors, shutting down streets. So they could march through peacefully, shutting down the streets to vehicle traffic so the protestors could march from the white house to the u. S. Capitol here tonight. No violence, no injuries. Ive at the u. S. Capitol, mola lenghi. Co reaction to the killings ntinued to pour in from around the country, even president obama weighed in after touching down in for a nato summit. Wusa9 has been covering this story. Garrett . Reporter the shock over the death of the two men at the hands of police has turned to anger that has boiled over. Demonstrators marching in big cities, filling philadelphias downtown streets. Chanting undeterred by rain in chicago, and determined to make a difference in dallas. At the end of the day, as the people have to be fed up and say enough is enough. Enough is enough reporter landing in poland tonight for a nato summit, president obama said the criminal Justice System has biases that must be rooted out. Hoping to give direction to the anger on american streets. This is not just a black issue, not hispanic issue. This is an American Issue that we should all care about. Echoing in baton rouge, where the governor led a Player Service for alton sterling. We need to unify, and come together. Reporter the Justice Department has agreed to investigate sterlings killing at the hands of two Police Officers tuesday. They killed my boyfriend. Reporter but they plan to monitor minnesotas state level investigation. The killing of Philandro Castile, the aftermath streamed on facebook live. In a News Conference this evening, the states governor asking and answering the most pain fill question about that incident. Would this have happened if the drivers were white . I dont think it would have. Reporter president obama argued the next question should be. What can we all do to fix this . To be concerned about these issues is not political correctionness. Its just being an american. And wanting to live up to our best and highest ideals. Reporter the president said he hopes this moment doesnt reduce down matter versus Blue Lives Matter debate. Weve seen. The core message, we as a country can do better. Reporting live, wusa9. We all need to care about it. That was his message. For many families in dc, this is not just a topic to tweet about on social media. Parents across our area are trying to figure out how to explain all of this to their children. Ellison has more on how experts say you should approach the situation. Reporter lesli, the issues hit home for a lot of family, and many people we spoke to say Police Brutality is a regular conversation at the dinner table. Are you scared of the police . Sometimes, sometimes not. I know to stay in line, and say yes, sir, no, sir. Were trying to a rationale solution to an irrelevant rationale problem. Reporter kids have to talk to the kids parents have to talk to kids about Police Brutality. The officer just shot him in the arm. The large majority of officers are law abiding and goods and helpful to the citizens, including back youth. But then you have a small minority who abuse the privileges and the authority they have. You need to give your child, talk to them about how to handle the police, and how to deescalate situations. Reporter kevin has one child. Hes 12. Reporter ginger has two children. They are talking to their kids. We talk about racial justice, and he how were not quite there. It wasnt like im like, i had to be told, i was raised where you just respect the law. And stay out of their way. We havent talked about specifically, about the br never a moment that i think it would be different. Its very tough to talk about that people are targeted because of their race by the people who are supposed to protect us. They need to know, they need to have an idea of how to stay clear from it, you know, and how to address it. You just have to have, you cant go into it blindly. Your kids have to know. I dont think any of us are free until us a of us are treated equally. Reporter the doctor says the bottom line is everyone should talk to their kids about these things. He says listen to them, if they have questions, answer them, and be district. Reporting live, ellison barber. A tough conversation. Thank you. A local leader of the black lives Matter Movement led a march through the citys southeast section this evening. More than 150 protestors called for justice, awareness of what they called unjust they were escorted by the police as they marched down alabama avenue. You can see they closed off part of the street. That march started at the Congress Heights metro station, and moved towards the citys 7 7th District Police station. Lot of people who have experienced the trauma the last commendation feel they need to do, to confronts the what brings violence on to our community, and then label us the criminal. There were a few tension moments tonight. But the protest was peaceful. Northeast church held a town hall to look for Solutions Following the two police shootings. More than 50 people gathered at Plymouth Church off north capitol street. Organizers said it was important to talk about how to move forward as a community. We need to look at this and say, as a community, we need to ep just grieve. Its also important to come together as a collective, as part of the community, and begin to create the kind of organizing strategy that we need engage in from this points on. Some people said it was important to look at how situations in the past involving police have shaped the present. As you know, this is a story that has been trending all day long, and it still is. Amid all of these Controversial Police shootings, weve got other information to get to. First though, these are some of the things that youre saying. A female officer shares her age fur after the recent murders of alton sterling, and Philandro Castile. We hear from all things stood, police manage to deescalate, disarm and not kill white people every day. Iother person says, no more r more, i believe, that may be coming up. And it says sterling was a convicted felon, and shouldnt have had a gun, doesnt mean he deserved to die, but he wasnt an angle with no fault angel with no faults. We want to hear what you have to say. High ranking Navy Official who could be in trouble for waving his gun on camera. Remember the donald trump tweet with Hillary Clinton and the six pointed star . Jewish groups fire back with a message for the donald. And well be back live to dallas. Reports of two update for dallas. There are reports of two officers shot at a protest, it is one of many happening across the country, after two black men were shot and killed by police. We do not have confirmation yet on the injuries as we said earlier. Its still a very active situation. Crowds scattered earlier this evening, after they heard the shots. Well continue to stay on this, and bring you amid all these shootings, we have new video of a Deadly Police shooting right here in dc. [ shots fired ] calling it an effort to be transparent, the mayor authority iced the release of Police Body Camera video of a shooting last week in northeast. Officers confronted a man with a weapon, he refused orders to drop it. And so police shot and killed him. Sherman evans, 63 years old, the weapon was a bb gun. The shooting is under investigation. New information on a gun incident in fairfax. Sir, i have you on camera. Get in the car. A high ranking Navy Officials has been placed on administrative leave, he was caught pointing neighborhood. The other shown in the video had attended a party in the area that other neighbors described as out of control. Fairfax county police are investigating. Donald trump was on capitol hill for meetings with congressional republicans. He had breakfast with house gop members, a meeting that paul ryan called great. Trump later met with the Senate Republicans which included his former campaign rival, ted cruz. There was no discussion of any endorsement. He asked me if i would speak at the convention, and i said i would be glad to do so. Republican leaders say they are committed to working with trump to defeat Hillary Clinton and other democrats in november. Tonight, a response to trump tweeting a message that depicted Hillary Clinton next to a 6 pointed star, and against a back drop of money. The Anti Defamation League and 27 other jewish organizations are calling on political candidates to denounce racism and other forms we are pained by anti semitic epitaphs hurled at Jewish Americans on social media. A moment of good news, even though were talking about the heat . Yeah, sort of. The end is in sight. Thats good news. We have to get through yellow weather alert tomorrow, but we can make that. In fact, well talk why were issuing the yellow weather alert. Need your umbrella . That he a low, gusty winds and hail thats a low, gusty winds, low and moderate. Afternoon is the time for the yellow weather alert. Three degree guarantee, pretty good. Not quite a bullseye. We went for a high of 95, the high 93. 43 of the last 45, so i lowered the temp for tomorrow. Live look outside. Its still 85 better to exercise in the morning, winds northwest at 11. Yellow weather alert. I think for friday night activities, the storms will be gone. It will be muggy again. 90s on through saturday, less humid on saturday. More storms ons saturday. The cold front moves through on saturday, nice and just warm on sunday, and not humid. A nice july day. Okay, futurecast for the heat index. Really, in the morning, 82 downtown. 70s in the bushes. 75 in gaithersburg, 76 in silver string. These are forecast of heat index. By noon, boom back in the 90s already, 96 downtown, 98 in fredericksburg, 6 00 p. M. , upper 90s, less to the north and west, 93 for heat index in hagerstown. This is 6 00 p. M. , but maybe 100 in culpeper, and in exss good news tomorrow night, storm subside. Bad nurse, its going to news, its going to feel like its going to be in the 80s. Okay this is our regular futurecast with actual temperatures and precipitation. By noon, showers starting to fire. Hagerstown and martinsburg, along i81, morning commute is dry, but by 3 00, showers trying to get better organized, almost a line of showers and storms developing. This is martinsburg, down to manassas. It rolls through about 4, 5 00 in the afternoon, and by 5 30, most of the storms into Prince George county. With some stragglers to the another, but by 7 00, storms will be gone across the board, but yet another muggy night. Day planner, upper 70s to start, upper 80s by 11 00, and 90 by 1 00 p. M. Next three days, saturday not sunday, very nice, upper 80s, less humid. Well call that pleasant. Monday is pleasant, too, upper 80s, and even tuesday and wednesday okay, and maybe mid 90s by next thursday. So once we get through tomorrow afternoon, were fine. All right that sounds good. Its official, we officially are just not ever getting never getting the katy campaign. Kd campaign. Whats the process been for him . Still got the wow. These are awesome this is my dream car. Yeah, i like this. Ive been waiting to get in this. Real people have a lot to say about the awardwinning vehicles hevy 20 sales event. Wow the design is great. I love it. Number one in my book. Thats awesome if you could get 20 cash back on this vehicle, what would you do . I think im going to drive it through that wall and take it. During the chevy 20 sales event, get cash back for 20 of the msrp on many chevy models. Thats over 10,000 cash back on this chevy silverado. 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When the curly ws head to the big apple, you never know whats going to happen, but as the nats head into the allstar break, over halfway through the season, every game against the champs is crucial. Nats fans, there are some in enemy territory. Game tied changes that. Bryce bombed to straightaway center field, making it 21. Telling the nats fans to shush be quiet. Florez with a mammoth , shopa three run homer. Mets out slug the nats, winning 97. You can watch the second game against the rivals right here on wusa9, first pitch at 7 10. Bryce harper is in the home run derby, and trumbo ready to take some swings, he is the top seed for the derby. He will face corey seger. Kevin durant has been praises and criticized for his decision to leave Oklahoma City for the golden state. Today, durant joined his new head coach on a nice private plane. Officially introduced as a member of the golden at stage to a room full the media, and you can hear happy fans. Kd said he was nervous, but seemed ready for the next chapter, joining curry, thompson and green. Its been hectic. Lot of attention that comes with being in this position, and i know that. And when he met these guys, i felt as comfortable as i ever felt. It was organic, authentic, and rare. A feelings i couldnt ignore. I made a decision to come and play for these guys, and i feel great and excited about this this is from. Cfl game between hamilton and winnipeg. A 51yard field goal tempt but the kick failed attempt, but the kick failed right. Remember how fast he was . He is a speed demon. Former washington redskin. Hes 121 yards all the way for the touchdown. May not have the burgundy and gold, but he still fios is not cable. Were wired differently. So we wired the wagners house with 100 meg internet. Which means that in the time it takes mrs. Wagners car to arrive for the airport, she can use fios to download the movie up in the air to watch while shes. Up in the air. Thats the power of fiber optics. And right now you can get 100 meg internet with equal upload and download speeds, tv and phone for just 69. 99 per month online. Cable cant offer internet speeds this fast at a price this good. Only fios can. We have one last update on the breaking news, and we have confirmation on the shootings in dallas, texas. The Associated Press is reporting that one officer was killed, three were injured, that is a new number. Three injuries as we told you this is an evolving story. Were looking live at the scene. The cameras are moving. Theres a lot going on, its still very active and chaotic, police are searching for a suspect, or suspects with rifles in a parking garage. So watch wake up washington for the latest, and if yo down downloaded the wusa9 app, now is the time to do it. Last look at the forecast, its going to be hot, hot, hot. Well a yellow alert, not for the heat, but there could be some hefty storm. Saturday, storms possible. Sunday and monday, well feel a couple nice days with highs in the upper 80s. All right, its been a very long night, but thank you for joining us. Hang in there. Well see you tomorrow, unexpected extra steps to raise healthy chickens with no antibiotics ever. Like putting oregano in their water. It has natural antioxidants that keep our chickens healthy. And we dont have to use antibiotics in their diet. More like oregayes, am i right . Oregano, just one more way we bring you chickens raised with no antibiotics ever. Its not the easy way. Its the perdue way. Captioning sponsored by cbs coughing laughter guys, what are you doing . The shows about to start. coughing stephen oooh that smells good. I know, especially because of how stoned i am. Tonight, stephen welcomes seth rogan, krysten ritter, and a musical performance by wolf parade. Featuring jon batiste and stay human. And now its time for the late show with Stephen Colbert cheers and applause

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