[ sirens ] reporter lights and sirens going they Left University boulevard here. Thats Montgomery County Police Chasing a car down university boulevard. They say around 9 30 tonight two men were shot. They say that the victims had invited the suspect into their home. Everyone knew each other and they got into an argument. Thats when the bullets started flying. We checked with police just a little while ago and they dont have updated information on one of the suspects, but they do believe that one of them doesnt have life threatening injuries. That person will be fine. Theyre still going to get more information on the other one, but still a very active scene behind me, this information just coming in as were working this story out here. We got the crime tape up. The cops are outer talking to witnesses and we hope out, talking to witnesses and we hope to have more for you live later on. Now at 11 00 a video that shows the sheriffs deputies interaction that ended with the death of a woman in a Fairfax County jail. 37yearold natosha mckenna was naked v cin shackles. She died after being tasered. Tonight mckennas family is talking about what theyve seen. Our mola lenghi is live now with what theyre saying about those images of her final moments. Mola . Reporter well, bruce, the family said they never thought the officers actions were justified to begin with and that this 40 minute video that was just released they say only proves in showing the struggle, showing the officers in these hazmat suits after they say that mckenna was smearing feces all over her cell and ultimately showing mckenna being hit with the officers stun guns four times. Now a warning that some viewers may find this video graphic. Seven months after natosha mckenna died in Police Custody at the Fairfax County Detention Center my belly hurts of. Reporter her family finally got to see what happened. Mckennas cousin wanted to talk but did not want to be identified on camera. To have seven months later go through it like shes dying all over again. Reporter the video released by the Fairfax County Sheriffs Office shows five people in biohazard suits approaching mckennas cell. She comes out naked. A struggle begins between mckenna and the officers. If you continue to sist, were going to use the taser on you. Do you understand what that means . Reporter mckenna was then put in a restraint clair. Still struggling officers hit her with a stun gun four times. If you have a person shackled in handcuffs and you still tased them . For what purpose . Theyre already being restrained. Reporter Commonwealth Attorney ray morrogh defended the officers actions saying mckenna displayed superhuman strength. He said her physical exertion and mental condition led to her death, not the stun guns. Theyre justifying practically murders someone. Using a taser to punish someone for not following an order is different than using a taser to protect your own life. Reporter pete early sits on an Ad Hoc Commission with recommending ways police can be more transparent. Hes an author about the problem in the prison system and the Mental Health situation. Earlier he watched the video expecting to see that superhuman strength morrogh described. I did not see that. I saw a woman with schizophrenia walk voluntarily out of a cell handcuffed taken immediately to the floor. A person is on the ground. You have men on top of her. And you want to blame the victim. You cant blame her for her own death. Reporter Fairfax County sheriff Stacy Kincaid defends her officers as well as the medical response to mckenna. She calls this incident a terrible tragedy. Live in Fairfax County im mola lenghi for wusa9. Thank you, mola. Crowds erupted into cheers outside a baltimore courthouse today when they heard the news that the six officers charged in the freddie gray case will be tried in baltimore. The trial stays here the trial stays here the trial stays here a judge denied a defense request to move the trial. He said he was confident the court could seat impartial juries. Freddie gray died last april after suffering a spinal cord injury while in Police Custody. The six officers charged in the case will face separate trials. Charges range from misconduct to Second Degree murder. In a Montgomery Village a quick thanking citizen helped a mother locate her missing daughter. It started this morning when 39 yearold jason kelly abducted his daughter 15monthold Farah Eva Muhammed from her mothers residence. Authorities issued an amber alert. They say a citizen saw that alert, then spotted the car that kelly was driving. Officers pulled them over and found little farah safe inside. Shes been reunited with her mother. You may have seen a few storms pop up tonight, but you may have really noticed that cooler air coming in. We understand some more changes are on the way. Lets bring in chief meteorologist topper shutt for a look at whats ahead as we head into the weekend. Kind of refreshing. Its fall after labor day. We kind of flip the switch here. Were looking at a little leftover activity primarily d. C. South, also into calvert county, st. Marys county all light activity in shades of green. This will be out of here in the next hour and partial clearing skies overnight, a fabulous friday. By 6 a. M. , in fact, 61 in hagerstown, 59 well north and west of romney and cumberland. By 9 00 in the morning were still in the 60s in the suburbs and low 70s downtown and by noon perfect day to take lunch out, 80 downtown, upper 70s in the burbs. Well come back. We had to issue a yellow weather alert for one of the weekend days. Well tell you which one and have the 3degree guarantee. A developing story tonight, a popular new d. C. Restaurant forced to close its doors by the Health Department amid complaints of diners coming down with a salmonellalike illness. Our partners at the Washington Post first reported diners at city center fig and olive were getting sick. Garrett haake is live down at is he center. Do we know yet the at city center. Do we know yet the source of the sickness yet . Reporter we dont know. Tonight every table is empty as management tries to figure out if something inside that restaurant is making people sick. Restaurant employees turned away would be diners tonight at fig and olive. Signs near the to were explained why. The restaurant had been near the door explained why. The restaurant had been closed by the Health Department. The Washington Post broke ther to this afternoon. They reported the story this afternoon. They reported four diners hospitalized with salmonella after eating or drinking at fig and olive. A sibling Memorial Hospital person told wusa9 they had three salmonella patients this weekend but referred questions about where they picked up the bacteria to the Health Department. Other diners have since come forward in the post Comment Section to say they, too got sick after eating at fig and olive. I ate there saturday night and starting sunday night i was sick as a dog one commenter wrote. Another said she and her husband ate at fig and olive on sunday night and by Tuesday Morning her husband was suffering from vomiting coupled with diarrhea. Most people recover from salmonella without treatment, but a recent outbreak traced to cucumbers sold in other states has killed two people raising concern across the country about the foodborne bacteria. Back here a spokesperson for the restaurant says their management is working with the department of health and with thirdparty consultants to try and investigate exactly what is going on here, no word yet on what that investigation has uncovered or when the restaurant might reopen. Reporting live at city Center Garrett haake, wusa9. New tonight Arlington County police are looking for the driver who ran over a toddler and maybe you can help tonight. Police hope somebody recognizes this car, gives them a call. They say the driver ran over the child back on august 30th in a mcdonalds parking lot on columbia pike. Surveillance video shows the driver stopping just long enough to let the 2yearolds family pull him out from underneath that car. The child survived. The car is described only as a four door silver cadillac. Andy parker lost his daughter to a mad man with a gun and today he came to capital hill determined to take on the gun lobby and congress for tougher gun control. We can, we must and we will [ cheering and applause ] parker is the father of roanoke reporter Alison Parker who was shot to death on live tv. Hundreds joined him on a rally on capitol hill to ask congress for expanded background checks. A new multimillion dollar pledge tonight to test thousands of rape test kits. The forgotten 70,000 untested Sexual Assault kits nationwide has some 79 million to start the project. The commissioner of the commission are of the new York Police Department has personally commissioner of the new York Police Department has personally apologized. James blake matched a photo of one of the suspects. An informant pointed the finger at blake yesterday outside a machine hatten hotel which led to the a Manhattan Hotel which led to the arrest. A woman fought her way out of sex trafficking into the spotlight at lincoln center. I dont think hes read the bible, hes built in the bible. I not in the bible. I dont think he reads books when hes not in them. The latest on the war of word over who is more religious. If youre looking for a way to clearly communicate your feelings about we have some breaking science news this morning. We brought you the first report when sciences released information on a new humanlike species discovered in south africa. Now all eyes are on the weekend weather. Its going to be an up and down weekend after a beautiful friday. Join us tomorrow morning. Lets get back to the breaking news we told you about at the top of the broadcast. A manhunt for a suspect in a double shooting, it all started in Montgomery County, but the search is reaching well into other areas at this hour that, search for a suspect still on, our Debra Alfarone live at the scene. Debra. Reporter yeah, bruce, were here on university boulevard east. You can see theres quite a crime scene behind me. What were hearing is that two people were actually shot around 9 30 tonight. You can see the crime scene here, but a little while ago we showed you some video of all these police cars taking off down university boulevard. We just caught up with moments ago a Police Captain here and this is what he had to say. Sorry, we thought that we had that soundbite. We spoke to the captain and he was talking to us about how this suspect had actually someone they thought was a suspect took off down university boulevard. A bunch of police cars took off after this person. They got on 495. They took it to 95 and then they got off in Howard County and they lost the person. They are not sure if that is the suspect that theyre looking for at this point, but they say that that person matched the description. Now we just found out about the two men. What had happened is that those suspects had actually im sorry, those victims had actually invited the suspect into their home. They got into an argument and then that shooting happened. Were finding out at this hour that one of the those people were actually treated on the scene. The other person had a gunshot wound to his abdomen. We are still trying to get some more information on his condition tonight, but that is the very latest from here in takoma park, Debra Alfarone, wusa9. Thank you, deb. You can call it the superbowl for playwrights having your very own production at the Kennedy Center, but what makes that success much sweeter for one woman is the hell to heaven real life struggle behind it. Debra alfarone brought us this story before she went out on breaking news. I had come to the reality that i was going to die. Reporter Stacy Jewell Lewis has never set foot back onto the southeast d. C. Street where she was stolen six years ago until now. I missed the bus of. Reporter at 19 years old she decided to walk. Then a man roughly in his 70s offered her a ride. Are you sure you want to walk that way by yourself . Reporter she took it. By the time i had actually time to react, the pimp who paid him to pick up young girls who would feel safe riding in his car was waiting to me. Reporter and like that the teen that was aspiring to be an actress one day was sold into sex slavery. You are so vulnerable and you feel so helpless and eventually it just starts this process of dependence upon the very person that just harmed you. Reporter for a year and a half she was their prisoner. Every day can people like a year can feel like a year. Reporter one day her captor beat her close to death. Stacy prayed and somehow managed to escape. Your past doesnt define you and nor so long it did define me for so long it did define me, but not today. Reporter stacy went to college, had a career, got married, but the shame continued. She began writing. It led to open mics, speaking engagements. The streets out here will kill you and so will i. Reporter and eventually a play chronicling her journey. I dont think words can describe exactly what it felt like walking into the Kennedy Center. Reporter yes. Stacys journey is now going to shine bright under the lights of the Kennedy Center stage. The purpose behind being where i am today is to show others that they can make it out that, they can be free and that they can move forward and that they can have a destiny. Reporter at the Kennedy Center Debra Alfarone, wusa9. Looking back stacy says when she was trafficked, she was vulnerable not just by being on the street at the wrong time but by having low selfesteem and lack of hope for her future. Her play seven layers captive will debut october 70. Bruce . Turning to campaign october 10th. Bruce . Turning to campaign 2016, are we watching a race for the white house or an episode of game of thrones . Hard to tell with all the backstabbing going on with the republican candidates and the target is frontrunner donald trump. Heres louisiana governor bobby jindal talking about trump just a few hours ago. Hes a narcissist, an ego maniac, not a serious candidate. Fellow candidate dr. Ben carson questioned trumps Christian Faith just yesterday. Thats a very big part of who i am, humility and a fear of the lord. I dont get that impression with him. Today two other candidates, jeb bush and scott walker, blasted trump for comments he made about yet another candidate, carly fiorina. He told Rolling Stone look at that face. Would anyone vote for that . Trump later said he was only referring to her persona and not her looks. Youll definitely want to stay tuned for Stephen Colberts late show tonight because his guest is vb joe biden. Biden gave an emotional interview on a variety of topics talking about his family, faith and recent loss of his son beau and whether hell run for president is what has people talking. Biden said hed be lying if he knew he was there at making a decision. The late show is on right after this newscast. Pope francis arrives in d. C. In but 12 days and were learning more about the intense security that will be put in place. Compare it to a president ial inauguration. May even be bigger. The pope will be here september 22nd, 23rd and 24th. The white house, u. S. Capitol building and the basilica are his steps and you can expect detours and closed roads wherever he goes. In fact, massachusetts avenue will be shut down for the entire threeday visit. Commuters that are moving from northwest d. C. And suburban maryland, they need to take special note of alternative routes. The mayor and metro say theyre well prepared to deal with this afternoon, but a lot of commuters we spoke with this event, but a lot of commuters we spoke with gave some advice. If you can work from home that week do, it. If you have vacation time, take it. Check out these new emojis for the popes visit. There are 14 animations of his holiness. They feature landmarks from all the cities, the lincoln memorial, the reflecting pool, a cheesecake cheesesteak rather for philly. They were designed by the globe Catholic Network good is Winning Campaign and youll even find the pontiff. Hes crowd surfing right there. Good stuff. Dont forget a good place to walk. The weather forecast, first things first, 3degree guarantee. I was a little worried about this and for good reason, okay . I thought we were in good shape. Went 80 yesterday, it was 80 at midnight, 84 tonight, 79 at dulles but 84 downtown. The first blemish on september. Lets start with a live look outside, our live michael and son weather cam, were down to 70, dew points in the low 60s now, winds north, northwest at 15, cooler drier air moving in setting the stage for a finance task friday. Bus stop temperatures in the 60 a fantastic friday. Bus stop temperatures in th 60s, gorgeous friday, pleasantly warm, low humidity, good layer day. Yellow weather alert for saturday for thunderstorms primarily in the afternoon in the metro area, but points west out toward winchester and manassas could get there late warning. Weve not issued a yellow weather alert for the redskins game, but it will be cool with showers. 6 a. M. Low 60s, upper 50s north and west of town. By 9 00, 8 30 were still in the 60s but beautiful, sunshine, 1 00 gorgeous, 82 downtown, low 80s. In fact, even 80 in cumberland and romney and by 4 30 were looking at temperatures in the mid80s to low 80s in the suburbs and in the evening its going to get cool quickly tomorrow night, a sweater a good idea, 68 in gaithersburg, 66 in frederick, 65 damascus by 10 00 tomorrow night. Im going to advance this and stop it at 11 00 saturday. You can see showers already in leesburg and manassas. So get your chores done early on saturday morning. Looks like the second half of the terps game could be on the wet side. Day planner, 70s across the board, 82 by 1 00. Now were looking at showers and storms on saturday, 81. Theres your yellow weather alert day, lingering showers sunday, cool, only 75. Next seven days. Monday beautiful, near 80, gorgeous on tuesday, wednesday and thursday. Sunshine, nats come back we thought wed be ready. But demand for our cocktail bitters was huge. I could feel our deadlines racing towards us. We didnt need a loan. We needed shortterm funding. Fast. Our amex helped us fill the orders. Just like that. You cant predict it, but you can be ready. Another step on the journey. Will you be ready when growth presents itself . Realize your buying power at open. Com. Its ford suv season. Now just sign go. With zero down. Zero due at signing. And zero first months payment. Hassle free. Choose from ford escape, edge, explorer and expedition. Every suv. Ford makes it easier for you to be unstoppable, during suv season. Now get a ford escape with zero down, zero due at signing and zero first months payment, during fords suv sign go event. Only at your local ford dealer. With sleep number, now theres an adjustment for that. Only at a sleep number store. Dont miss the final days of the biggest sale of the year with the c2 Queen Mattress just 599. 99. Ends sunday know better sleep with sleep number. Without the internet i would probably be like a c student. Internet essentials from comcast has brought lowcost high Speed Internet into the homes of hundreds of thousands of lowincome families. It lets students do homework and study at home. So far more than two Million People across america have benefitted. Internet essentials is going to transform the lives of families. I see myself as maybe an entrepreneur. Internet essentials from comcast. Helping to bridge the digital divide. Now wusa9 game on sports with dave owens brought to you by xfinity. Football universe going to be looking at kirk cousins sunday, but its a good chance, guys, the game will be won and lost on the other side of the rock of skins defenders call themselves capital punishment, okay. Well see. Im going to have my you dont believe them. Im going to have my eye on the corner back, though, in particular, dangelo hall. He returns to real games for the First Time Since tearing his achilles in week three last year, slowly making his way back. This is his first real game test. Good matchup for him because miamis receivers dont scare anybody, but can hall go the distance . Thats the question. This will be the first four quarter game that hes played in a while. Hopefully it holds up and he holds up mentally, but we feel confident that hes going to be fine. Hes a bug part of our success on defense big part of our success on defense. Well see. Were excited to announce starting this sunday well air a special edition of game on previewing everything burgundy and gold before their showdown with miami. Game on live every sunday morning starting at 11 30 right before nfl today. New era beginning on sixth street in northwest, Howard University had been operating with an interim athletic director, no more. The school tapping kerry davis as its next a. D. Davis visited 9 sports studios today. Hes a former executive at hbo sports and while hes never been an a. D. Hes got plenty of connections and hes got two ivy league eedegrs. Old also has a deep appreciation of hu tradition. The people i looked up to, thurgood marshall, vernon jordan, even on the creative side people like billy eckstein, when i started thinking about the tradition of this school, i knew that this might be someplace that i can make an impact and make a difference. See the entire interview on the wusa9 app. Finally tonight its the nfl, so why not do a little throwback thursday, Bruce Johnson and the jerry curl . I never ever had a jerry curl. Lets begin with the fleeting memory of rg3. Listen, guys, i was in the Building Four years ago when griffin electrified the bayou with this new zone. Two touchdowns, ran for 42 more. They shocked the world, wow. Talk about memories fading away. Finally heres a throwback of kirk cousins, the guy taking his place at michigan state. This is where he earned the nickname never say die kirk or comeback kirk. Remember this hail mary against wisconsin his senior year, skins fans hoping its a harbinger of things to come. So there you go. Throwback thursday for you. Detroit right youre from . What did irans Supreme Leader get in the nuclear deal . To start with, 100 billion. They keep their Nuclear Facilities and ballistic missiles. There wont be surprise anytimeanywhere inspections. And after ten years, restrictions are lifted and iran could build a Nuclear Weapon in two months. Congress should reject a bad deal. We need a better deal. The artificial heart, this ielectric guitarsdoers, and rockets to the moon. Its the story of america land of the doers. Doin it. Did it. Done. Doers built this country. The dams and the railroads. John henry was a steel drivin man hmm, catchy. They built the golden gates and the empire states. And all this doin takes energy no matter whos doin. Theres all kinds of doin up in here. Or what theyre doin. What the hecks he doin . Energy got us here. And its our job to make sure theres enough to keep doers doin the stuff doers do. To keep us all doin what we do. Its ford suv season. Now just sign go. With zero down. Zero due at signing. And zero first months payment. Hassle free. Choose from ford escape, edge, explorer and expedition. Every suv. Ford makes it easier for you to be unstoppable, during suv season. Now get a ford escape with zero down, zero due at signing and zero first months payment, during fords suv sign go event. Only at your local ford dealer. cheers and applause is. Stephen hey cheers and applause stephen, stephen, Stephen Stephen thank you very much, everybody, thank you so much. Stephen, stephen, ste

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