Well, there is simon cowell. He said something that made melbe so mad she got up and walk. Look at that. And she leaves. Now, i think she was serious. I think she was really mad. Because he said something nasty about her marriage. Which certainly has not gone well. Okay. Well, another celebrity photo leak. This time, tiger woods, lindsay vaughn, theyre the victims. Well, how theyre fighting back, this morning. Now, hole on. Are they still together . No, no, no, but still blinking up pictures when they were together. They did one of my no nos, took a naked picture every themselves . And now it is time for all of us to see from throwing water to Water Bottles, we will show you what bloggers are putting out there this is the secret for better skin care so we will put this trend to the test. Basically, empty Water Bottles. Cupping Water Bottles on your face. It doesnt hurt. The person who doesnt have to do it always says that. Well do it on karen. First im hearing about it, excited about. This seeing this, ill let you explain what it is. Well, it is move in week at colleges all around america, Temple University, their second day, thats why quincy up there. But imagine, youre moving your kid into a dorm. And you look up, thats michelle obama. Thats barack obama theyre moving their kid into the freshman housing project. Well, it is malea, remember, she was off, now going into the freshman dorms, looks like, file video of them. She is in a dorm. Well, yes. Will have the real experience, you have to go up there and be a student like everyone he will, like every other parent, you just mention michelle, former president , they were there. And so there wasnt the regular media, sort of gave them some space, wasnt there, just to let her be a president s kid. Have we seen any picks at all . Yes, been on social media, all of the other kids on campus they wont stop themselves. I think he means will we see any picks . I dont know about that. If its on social media, why cant we get it . Didnt we get per anythings. And little green, i mean, you have to to be kind of sly about it, so taking pictures like it is across the way. Now as i remember, she took a year off, didnt she . Working for was it weinstein wasnt she in l. A. And working for weinstein in new york. In new york, yes. So thats called a gap here right . Yes. So you take a year off, then start your freshman year, a lot of people in their sophomore yee . Make any sense. Yes, makes sense. Like she registered. The president . Wow. That would be something. Quincy, did you have any famous people at your school . Temple . Yes. Do you remember a movie called fresh . It was a guy named sean nelson . A move that i came out in the early 90s . Thats pretty much the same thing as seeing barack obama. I used to see a lot of people. Really . I mean, they were all in the film schools. Oh, true. Yes. Yes. John chaney, john chaney, he went to my school. Yes . Was basketball coach at the time. Very colorful guy. Yes . But, you know, the one thing, my Temple University experience, i did not i didnt move n i didnt live on campus. I was so sad about that. You missed out. Yes. Yes, oh, did i miss out. So i lived at home, for two years. Oh,. And then i got it was to was a debate between my parent, they kick me out or i left. But i got kicked out, i would say, then i had my own apartment. So, jr. And senior year, aid gap year, as well. But i was actually in school. Having a lot of fun. Did i that, too. Ya, ya, it was a lot of withdraws, listen, im not ashamed. Im open book. A lot of withdraws one year, a lot of ih51 and 526789 let me tell but there is karen, mike, and alexment at Temple University they have a class called intellectual heritage. I dont know if it is still called that. Intellectual heritage five; you pass intellectual heritage 51, you go to 52. This is where you study like marks, and the different theories of certain philosophers. Philosophers. It was tough for me. It was very, very tough for me. Did i take this class more than once . Sure i did. Sure did you. Okay . Am i proud of it . No, i am not. But the Temple University story is the underdog. It is the guy that doesnt stay on campus, that works really hard at the radio station, that sees all of his friends have fun, pass ih51 and 521st time out, and he goes on and hes on fox 29 talking about the class of 2021. This is a success story, guys. He has his own television show. Im like ya. See . Yes, yes, yes. It was tough. But i didnt live on campus. Like this guy right here, moving in his father. How are you doing. Doing well. Im jake. Is this your first year here at terrible be . Yes. Youre moving right in. Yes. Whats your major. Undeclared trying out biology. Okay, me and your father are little concerned about that. Are we concerned about that. I tried out biology. Were good. Okay with that. Yes. Are we afraid that hell take longer than five years to graduate . Not at all. Hes very responsible. Ya, look at him, he looks responsible. Okay. All right. Well, good luck. Thank you. Have a good one. Thank you, sir. All right. See. I wasnt like that kid. No. Well i will say this. I went away to school, i moved into a dorm. And it basically was a gap year. I had never had any alcohol. But when youre 18, and in kansas, you can drink beer. Oh, really . First time i had beer really when i went away to college. Yes, that dorm life is a real experience. And by thanksgiving, i was in trouble. My mother and father came to advice the me at the dorm, and i had not washed my sheets on my bed from late august to thanksgiving. Thats really gross, mike. They came to pick pick me up thanksgiving vacation. And when the sheets got dirty, i just took them off. I was sleeping under the mattress pad. Why didnt you just wash them . That would have taken time away from drinking beer. My mother walked into my dorm room, saw me under the mattress pad, and she cried. My dad had to drive her back home. I dont know if thats common experience specially when boys go to school, why they do take gap year, theyre ready and prepared before they go. Ya. My roommate, his name was jay. I didnt know him. And about a month in it started to really smell in our room. In the just because of my sheets. He would drink a carton every milk every night before he went to bed. Yes . Then just put it in the trash. And then the extra milk in the carton. Got a little roommate life. We were both so stupid we didnt figure out what the stink was, it was his mitt being carton. Did you have any girls come to your room . All boys dorm. Still . They say, that but it is college, people still finds a way. All womens dorm coy see across the quadrangle, so i was dating this young lady, and i would sneak in her dorm. Thats why she never smelled it. Smart. Yes. My only thing to say to the College Students today, make sure you adequately say goodbye to your parent, because im still trying to liver down what happened at move in day when i moved in school. My paren driving from texas to missouri, pack everything up, get into the room, set it all up, finally time to say goodbye. Also happened to be freshman mick err going on. So my parent go oh, well drive to you that part of campus and drop you off and say goodbye there, cool, that works. So we get to the point right in front of the doors my parent get out of the car, okay, we will miss you, we love you, blah blah blah, i was like all right, bye, guys, we hugged, we say goodbye. You know, call us if you need anything, okay. I turn around, and i walk into the building. And i guess they thought i was going to turn back and like do one final wave. Nope. They say they got in the car look back and i was gone. And to this day they make me feet gill i. You didnt even look back, you didnt even stands and watch us drive off. You didnt even know if we left. So you know what i do now . Every time they come and visit me, i do dramatic goodbyes, chase after the car. I wave. I yell down the street. Mom, dad, dont leave me. Because im trying to make up for that one day that freshman year. So every time im just, i mean, if you are were anywhere near us when i say goodbye after a trip to villes, it is very dramatic. Very fun. I hysterics. Because tv commercials, when somebody goes off to college, they do, they turned around. I miss you dad. I was gone. They said it was just like they couldnt even finds me, my mom said she was trying to look, where did she go . You wanted to meet some boys at the College Dance . Why did it have to be about boys . I wanted to meet girls, excited to be there. You miss college. It was a lot of fun. And it was new, because i was coming from texas, i wanted to make friends, because i didnt know anybody there. But were you very successful in college. You got fantastic grades, your parents have told me this, became the homecoming queen at the university of miss your. I yes i was the homecoming queen. I had a lot of school spirit. So say goodbye, okay, make sure they can feel. That will because i did love them. I was sad after, you know, the party was over. Sure. Did you meet anybody at the party . Well more people on my dorm floor. Because i wanted to meet everybody, you know . Do you have boys in the dorm. Yes, we were coeds dorm. My dad was terrified. Split in half. Girls were on one part of the hall, boys on the other side. Here is the hallway. Oh, you have perfect dorm. I want the cement block. Thats should be what dorms look like. What a dorm should look like. Prison. The thing is where my room fell, no, there is the community bathroom, quite lovely, yes. Hole on. I dont think this dorm exists any more, so dent let this be an accurate except send takes, they have fancy ones now. Boys would use that . No, half the floor, so, from this door all the way to this, is all girls. One wing. And one side boys. But all on the same floor. Yes, it was like literally here is the hallway. You just keep walking five doors down, girls, the sixth door would be a bolts you keep going. Ours was that fifth door. So my dad was so upset because we were right next to the boys. And to get to the bathroom, i would have to walk in front of the guys chilling in the hallway. So you had to put a robe on every time. Yes, one of those little velcro towels . Thats going from isolation in your home to running around in a towel . So in the beginning i would open the door and look in the hallway being make sure there were no boys there, okay, i would run and go for it, by the second semester i was like hey guys, whats up, going to the bathroom, yeah. Good lords you. Got so used to it, i agree, karen, every person should have the Community Style dorm experience. Because youre forced to meet people and talk with them, and learn about them, and how they grew up t forces to you meet other people and really and your first friends are your dorm floor, and actually better the more you dont have in come on, because youre getting expose today every kinds of personality, person you didnt know, some of those first friends, you change your friends over the years, but theyre the ones you remember, like your entire life. True. We would do everything together, eat together, go to class together, because they group us by what your major was, so everybody was a journalism major. I met a guy allergic to milk. Did you know there is milling in gum . I didnt know. That will one of the things offer him, i cant have that. There is milling in gum . Yes. Wasnt milk or something in milk. Lactose intolerance . , no if he had it he would die. Oh, really . Deathly afraid. Good lord. So he couldnt have gum. And random things we would offer him, and i learned so much. Milk makes a body die. My floor was by last names, so always remember where like i was hepp, helpinghousen is the other geier. Random. You only know h people. I knew some is and js. What about you . Bunch of guys. No, it was a thing. To this day im still very good friends with two guys i met, fast, eddie crane lived at the end of the hall. Fast he haddie . Well, ya. He was always late. He was late to everything. Still to this day he is late for everything. By hours late. One of those giles. So we called him fast he had. I really he was slow then. Very slow. Like big guys and you call them tyne. I yes. Theyre giants. Slim, you snow anyway, and then there was kent nelson, architect in colorado springs. How often do you guys talk . About once every six months, maybe, something like. That will but we still get together. My roommate she lives in chicago, i havent seen near long time, but we talk every once in a while. Tohopeka . To peak a . No, dapika. Thats kind of cool name. Dapika. We can go on and on about college. It is the best time, they say l, right . The freedom . I think thats what it is, freedom, i think your parents did great job with you. Thats what you tallly want, your child, the movies failure to lawn, you want them ready to lawn. L it is time to go walk away, goodbye, you did the right thing, ready to go walk away. Theyre not innocent this. Growing up, because im only child, they would send me to camps and stuff and all of that. So i mean i had spent time away from them before. One time they sent me to like church camp in mexico. And i didnt call them once. And they were very upset. Two weeks. Church camp in mexico . Yes, where you can do missionary work, that kind of thing. And the lines for the phones were too long. So every night i go up. Not that serious. I love my parents, though, i do. I was so i got very boards dollars, i had a room nature steve, good guy, we got so board at the university of kansas. Well, it is kansas. Beautiful campus, beautiful campus. We had a chart on the wall. And we tried to poop in every building on campus. I did not expect that one. I did not think that was coming. Thats a boy thing. Real guy thing to do. Have you, checked out the stalls up at bailey hall . Hey, did you get the fields house yet . No. And then we had a list of every building on campus. And we had to poo in everyone of them before the end of the year. Thats what you did with your time . Thats why i had no girlfriend. Wow. I have nothing to say to that. I dont think do girls my husband did something, big runner so always finds the best public rest rooms, oh, my gosh there is hotel, because hotel bathrooms, as you do, are the greatest because clean, sort of anonymous, get in, get out. Oh, the best new bathroom, new wawa, fabulous. The best one, we do our shows on the road, in delaware. Remember the one that nice hotel in delaware. Whats it called . The dew point . Yes. They have marble bathrooms. And then the stalls, the door goes all the way down to the floor. There is no space. Thats the best. Like complete lockdown once youre in there. Thats the best. Nobody can see your feet. Yes. Yes, your pant down around your ankles, stuff like that. But, i lost to steve, he poo in more building than did i. Whats the prize . I dont remember. But he lost because he poo in hoch auditorium, then it burned down before i could burn in it. Poo in it. I cant believe this is the thing. College age boys. Just shows you. I think it was viet nam protest or something one of the buildings burned down. Can we get that 20 minute back . Right. Im so sorry everyone. We had huge storms right before the stores were rolling in, show ive been walking. Oh, you watch americas got talent . I do. Some of them so much fun to see. Youre the one. I still love simon cowell. And i think it is gooden ample, the judging panel, something you can watch with my kids. So all in bed, watching it. What was the drama. With mel b. And comment that simon said, so i want to see what people think about it, because i actually, i dont know if i think it was that bad for the way she reacted. Well, she has a lot of issues, though. She had an issue with her husband. Yep. And it was fighting oring . Accusations he abused her. Theyre broken up you. Was she married to eddie murphy . I know they had a child together. Mel b had a child with eddie murphy. I think so. But i dont think theyre ever knowledged. He always makes me second guess my knowledge. Thank you, crystal. I dont know if they were married. Anyway. She is sensitive about the trouble she has had in her marriage. Because still going through it, going through the proceedings and things. So dont joke about it. Simon cowell did. I can imagine this would be like mel bs wedding night, a lot of antics. Oh. Not much promise or delivery. Mel b is out. So what did he say . It is like your wedding night, a lot of build up and no basically no pay off. Like a lot of anticipation, but no, whatever. So clearly i just think that simon is making a joke, and woe have said that about anybody. Like it could have been me, you, anybody sitting next to i and i dont know, to me sort of like it seemed to be like she was doing real housewife, oh, fake outrage, throwing the water. So maybe trying to get attention . Playing for now that i saw it again, it does look like she is not real that i mad. She had huge smile on her face, one of those coy understanded how she would be sensitive, but that looked like fake drama to mement like flipped the table over. Shows do, that people can talk about them, get in the news . Sure. Weve never kreen agent dollars fake drama . Maybe we should. We do almost every day. We do have fake drama . Sometimes. I pretends like im upset. Is that it. If youre upset are you normally, whether you get mad at me are you really mad . I got mad at you yesterday. Did you . On the show during the commercial break, she got mad at me. I dont say it like that. But you normally get over it. I was more annoyed. Very annoyed. Yes. Tell everybody what you were doing. I was trying to help him, about to do a story, based on something that happened in usocial media. So trying to show him the post so he can know and be informed so we could talk about it. Every time she tried to tell me i would turn over to karen and pretend i was talking. He would ignore me. Im like im trying to help you here, and i just let it g yes, quite a moment. Then it was fine. After it happened. We are like a married couple. What am i supposed to say next . We a now each other and there is no sex. Ya, thats what you say. Lets change that. Lets not. Lets stop annoying each other. Thank you. God, you two. Celebrity wedding singers, the chain smokers, did you hear this . The chain smokers, one of the most popular bands in the world, they were at a wedding in philadelphia. No. That he that just blows away, my soul cruisers thing. Chain smokers in. They popped up at a wedding reception, we have picks to prove it. Back to school, fox 29 and our partners, were checking the School Supplies for deserving students. And even student hasnt are not deserving. All kids that need the School Supplies. Come on out on friday. Where . We will go over to clemens on park come between 8 00 and one. Bring School Supplies, well cut the ad mission price for you down to 10, winwin for everybody. See you friday. Every year south jersey sends more and more tax money to trenton, but gets less and less back thanks to Steve Sweeney and chris christie. Heres the sweeneychristie record eight years of underfunded schools. Huge tax breaks for themselves and their rich friends while we pay more. And homestead rebate funding for seniors cut in half next year. Dont believe the fake news from his wealthy donors. Steve sweeney stands with chris christie, not with south jersey. So one lucky philly couple got semiprivate performance of a lifetime. It was impromptu. From the chain smokers, the chain smokers were in philly at wedding reception. Can you believe that . The wedding reception, beautiful. Rittenhouse square. Over the weekends. So this is from harry roberts, and new wife, morgan. So they originally hired 18 piece bands to perform at their wedding, right. Yes. But, turns out, harry is a long time friends, of one of the chain smokers members, andrew, andrew taggart, and he asked the musician to hit the stage, too. Wow. Look at that. So during the three song set the bride and the groom joined in the band, so they got to sing with the chain smokers, can you believe that . So he was already at the wedding, that now makes sense. True. Already there as a guest at the wedding. Then popped up, lets just sing some of our hit. We never get over that. I think i know that band, all stars . Is it the la stars . Yes, theyre pretty popular around here, wedding bands. All right. Lets talk about this, what are the three things ive advised people never to do . Sing the National Anthem at a sporting event. Throw out the first pitch. Throw out the first pitch at supporting event. And do not take naked pictures of yourself. Even if youre in love with someone and share them. Tiger woods was dating lindsey vonn. They took make pictures every themselves. And they got leaked. The photos got leaked. So we have an attorney coming in here, see what they can do about that. And how do i see them . Testing. Ment. Testing. Testing. All right. Lets get into this now because this is kind of weird. Ill explain in a second. Lindsey vonn, lindsey vonn was an olympic snow skier. Yes. Shes prepping for a legal battle, after nude photos of her, she, is it she. She, her . Whatever. Lindsey. Yes. And the guy that she used to date tiger wood, they have been leaked on line. Now how many times have we told people dont do that . Our attorney lisa is here. Everybody will do it anyway yes. Lisa. As your father, i do not want you ever to do that. You cannot be taking naked pictures. You have to be careful. You dont want to send them out. You have to be careful if you are keeping them in the cloud. You have to be careful. People will take them regardless. Now look at me, lisa. Are you telling me you have not taken one. Exactly. So, are they in the picture together, tiger and lindsey. I think there is a couple different pictures floating around and that is part of the problem. It is not just tiger and lindsey there are a couple or celebrities that were part of the hack, catherine mcfee, miley cyrus. It is only in their phones they are sharing them with each other. They are on the cloud. That is what happened back i think 2014 2015 there was a big Celebrity News photo hack, jennifer lawrence. I remember that. Scarlet johansen and part of the issue is that these hackers were actualy guessing answers to the security questions to get in the celebritys icloud. Then they had access to everything. Everything. They said they will fight it. How can you fight this. They are out there. Now that they are already out there, part of the problem is that once they are out there what are you supposed to do there is digital millennium copy right act so digital websites cant share them but they are there. You want to make sure you are pro active. Secure your icloud with the pass word you change every three months. Make sure you are not giving out your cell phone number to anybody. That is another big problem, basically like your Social Security number now. People are identifying you with your cell phone number. So when you get a spam text message or spam email message dont click on any links, dont accept those messages. Could you delete the thing i sent you last night. Im not responding to that. There are some other things we want to ask you about. Did you hear about the cherry hill bride, shes suing American Airlines because she was going to her wedding. She was headed to jamaica. Yes. She had her Wedding Dress and she had to give it to the Flight Attendant too big, and overhead compartment. After the flight was over she went to get her dress and it was red wine spilled on it. There wasnt room in the hang up area, you will to have put it up in the overhead. Yes. Her steward essayed she didnt want her hanging it in that compartment, it was only for Flight Attendants. What . It sounds like a nasty confrontation. They are still doing fact finding but this woman is claiming and suing for almost a milliondollar for emotional damage, distress, destruction of property, she is saying Flight Attendant maliciously destroyed her Wedding Dress. By pouring wine on it. Exactly. Wasnt it wrapped up in plastic or something. Completely destroyed she said. How do you prove that in court. It will be very, very difficult. Shes suing airline, shes not personally suing the Flight Attendant so they could be liable for hiring this woman as an employee. We have seen lawsuits in the pennsylvania where people are suing Flight Attendants for being nasty, malicious on the plane but looking at real details whether they are responsible for damage of property usually airlines write that off. Real issue is whether someone maliciously destroyed her property. You can see, photographs and things, it was her wedding it is huge moment in your life so could she get more money then a who bag out of this. She definitely could. She can certainly proof there was, you know, different issues with her family, everybody experienced so much pain and distress from this. People have proven thaw can get this kind of damage relief for destruction of the actual property. Im all for this woman because she lives in cherry hill she might be watching. If you know her wed like her to come in the studio and have her explain her side of the story but a milliondollar it sounds like she comes from a family have lawyers so everybody is really rooting for her. It is an emotional story. It is her wedding day. Youre stressed where do you get a new dress you are stressed. There are shows for women finding that Wedding Dress for that big day. I know, i know. You guys put so much importance day of the wedding day. So Everything Else is downhill from when you are 25 or 30. Do we have time to dot other or not. I heard about this massage therapist. Yoga teacher. Yoga teacher. The boss of the company that hired her, it is a guy and he said, well, to his wife , this woman is really attractive. I want to tell you i hired a Yoga Instructor that is really attractive. The wife got upset. He fired her because shes too cute. He did, he fired her. Woman are getting employment angles in the news. It is really bad. But firing someone for being too cuties an issue here because we dont know whether she was fired for being too cute or whether there were issues with how she was performing in her job. This lawsuit has come up many times most famously couple years ago in iowa the Supreme Court held that a dental high again advertise was rightfully fired. She said she was too beautiful owner says well, you make my wife uncomfortable and that is why we have to let you go. That looks like a similar case here he is saying your wife will think you are too cute. You will make her feel insecure. His word that he says to her that is problem. He is firing her because shes a woman. Exactly. If she was a man it wouldnt be a issue. That is why this case is so hard to proof. Looking for federal protections under title seven you are project for gender, race, all these different qualifications. Your appearance is not protected. Employers can say i need to you obey these rules in the work place. Think about restaurant, you dont want facial hair, things like. That what you have to do is distinctly separate issues and say nope, i was being discriminated against because of my gender and because of my race. That is ridiculous. Come on. Hard to be a beautiful lady well. You must have it very hard, very tough. Thank you. Power ball ticket for tonight. Thank you so much. If you win just do what you think is right. Thank you. Shes a lawyer what do you think. So lets put up a picture of the bottle, you put them on your face, lisa do you want to stay and do this and it becomes a suction cup to get pimples and black head off your face. You know what im sticking around for that. We can do it to you if you want. Umhmm dude, you were right, these wait. What . The gold fish, man you said i should buy some. No i said you should buy gold fish, the new scratchoff from the pennsylvania lottery. With top prizes of 25,000. Ooohh. Are there really. . 25,000 of them . Yeah. Want more changes to win . Go to palottery. Com and enter your nonwinning tickets for the gold fish secondchance drawing with 10,000 prizes. So, this is apparently the latest beauty craze, thanks for sticking around with this blogger says, beauty blogger, all creative ways to put on make up, fix your face and get your skin cleaned. She says this is way to get fresh skin. Her name is mercedes. She posted this video on instagram. Shes squeezing two plastic bottles on her cheeks and moving them around her face. It increases circulation and firmness but dermatologists say it could be harmful for your skin. They say suctioning can cause swelling, excess fluid accumulation around your eyes and cheeks. Really. Well, her name is mercedes benz. That is a fake name. Do you think. It sound like it. Okay. So look at that look. Yes. Move it around. It is suction. There is not enough suction it is like getting a dermabrasion. I kind of like it. I kind of like the feel of it. It feels wet though it is not doing anything. I can feel it suctioning. Yes. You have to squeeze it,. It doesnt stay on. No. She made it look reallies i in the video. Once it sucks you cant take ate way or move it. My skinnies inside the bottle. Mike is good. That is you why look like you are 21. I love you, lisa. Dermatologists say we shouldnt do it. Look at that. Way to go. Yes. That is awesome. I will do this at morgans pier tonight. Hello, ladies. Yes. Im sure that will get their number for sure. Look, look, do you see. It is in there. Okay. Thank you. Are you stayed around for that i dont know. Im glad i got to see mike do it. Yes. So, it is move in day for a lot of colleges and universities but we are focusing on temple. That is right. Hi there, quincy. Guys, i never moved in here at Temple University. I will move in with jill, her first time moving in the college dorm when we come back coming up next. Its time for the biggest sale of the year with the new sleep number 360 smart bed. It senses your every move and automatically adjusts on both sides to keep you effortlessly comfortable. And snoring. Does your bed do that . The new 360 smart bed is part of our biggest sale of the year where all beds are on sale. And right now save 50 on the labor Day Limited Edition bed. Plus free home delivery. Ends saturday what happened. I will tell new 15 seconds with scott williams. Mike got dumped, right. Is that the store i. Yes. Cloud giving way to sunshine throughout the daytoday, 84 center city. Lower 80s down the shore. Eightyone for lehigh valley. Looking good for the air showdown the shore in Atlantic City mixture of sun and cloud. Upper 70s to 80s north and west. What about some baseball later on first pitch 7 05 upper 70s , comfortable compared to yesterday when it was hot, humid with high temperatures in the 90s at the bank. As far as temperatures overnight tonight look at this lower 50s mount pocono. Mid 60s in center city. Low 60s for Atlantic City. Temperatures lower 80s, look at the weekend a fall preview high temperatures, in the upper 70s for weekend and early next week, back over to you. So i say i put my foot down and said too young for us to be dating. I put my foot down. For how long. A year later we broke up. Lets go back to Temple University inside of a dorm, an experience quincy has never had even though he graduated from temple. So this is special. Here we go. Im so nervous, guys. Im totally nervous. This is jill. How are you feeling. Good, thanks. You are a freshman at Temple University. Yesy stopped you and i wanted you to experience this with you. You have never walk through this door. Nope you dont know who is, you know your roommate but this is bigger, this is bigger then the mcgregor may weather fight, anticipation is what your major. Undeclared. Are you scared if you will like your roommate. Not really, i know that we will get along but i hope we all, mesh together. I have never seen it on campus. This moment we are sharing together. Both of ours. Lets knock on the door and lets move in. Okay. My gosh. You know when you, when you walk from this door you turn from freshman, to High School Senior to College Freshman are you ready. Im ready. Lets go. Coming in. Cool. All right. We have one more door, this is your room right here. Lets knock on your door to meet your roommate. Lets do it. Lets do it. Hey. Lets leave this right here jared, what is your name. Rachel. Rachel. Meet jill. Hi, jill. Look at this. My gosh. Is what your major. Undeclared. What about you. Biology you are a biology major from the area. Yes. Do you think you will get along. I think so. Now one thing i would like to say, i dont want to cause any turmoil but you picked this bed. Jill likes to sleep on this side. It is fine. Quite okay you guys will be friends. We will work it out. One quick question what do you like degrees to be here in your room. Warm. Are you warm. Im a warm person. What we will do this is our new reality show we will check back in with them in november to see how they are. Look at this, Temple University. I never got to do this. I never got to do this, guys. Quincy, that is why you have to arrive you have to be first person in the room to pick what side. Especially if they are bunk bed too. Absolutely, guys. I met a guy and never before, walk in there. Hello, rachel. Yes. We have sky fox over whether it man, new jersey. Look at this there is a car, it looks like an suv or a van, jammed in the side of the house. This is lets get cross streets here ferry and cedar in woodly n, and it looks like an area where you might park a car, can you drop lower third because i think there is a driveway there. It appears it is a paved area where you park and maybe hit the wrong pedal and gun it and just continued to go. Yeahy dont know, only details we have, in fact in detail except intersection ferry at cedar. Okay, isnt that crazy. That is crazy. Do you see where Fire Fighters are standing it looks like a place you pull your car in through there. It doesnt look like much damage to the house. But the car. Heres an odd thing that has come out of last weekends violence in charlottesville, swapping a confederate statue with misty elliott . What . Why thousands of signed a petition to replace a monument with misty elliott. Remind you of this because we want to you join news our partners as we collect School Supplies for deserving students. So here is what you can do bring five new School Supplies to clementon park and splash world this friday between 8 00. Bob kelly will be there receive admission for ten dollars by donating. Join us this friday and bob kelly. We will pick two more power ball numbers after the break. Fios is not cable. Were a 100 fiber optic network. And with the new fios gigabit connection. You get our Fastest Internet ever. With download speeds up to 940 megs 20 times faster than most people have. Switch to fios gigabit connection with tv and phone for 79. 99 a month online for the first year. Plus hbo for one year and multiroom dvr service for two years, all with a twoyear agreement. And switching has never been easier. Get out of you contract with up to a 500 credit to help cover your early termination fee. Go to fiosgigabit. Com lesss get to this story here and see if you believe it , swapping confederate statue with misty elliott. So, this is down in virginia. Misty elliott is from virginia she is. As i remember. So this would be in port smith, misty elliotts hometown there is a petition with 30,000 signatures, details, she came from Humble Beginnings to become a platinum recording artists and sold millions and millions and millions of cds, misty responded ton twitter by saying i dont know what to say, just to see this warms my heart and so hum blink to me. Really. So they take down Robert E Lee Statue and replace it with misty elliott. Hometown girl. It is kind of weird because shes still alive. You honor people from the pennsylvania, that would make sense to me. Someone legend whole body of work. You would have to be dead before you get a statue. You dont have to be there is no rules about what you want to do but typically people are. Jerry lewis mentioned this he said wow like to hear what people had to say to him before he is dead. So i really we have talk about this before, have funerals while people are still alive. Hear of the nice things. Yes. Have a birthday speech or something. That is what i mean. Yes. Birthday parties. We will do your next milestone. That is right, it is called a birthday party. Power ball is tonight, right here on fox at 11 00. We are picking good day philadelphia numbers. It is silly because like a thousand of us play the same numbers we will to have split. They are asking lets get these numbers. They want to do it. Karen will be the last of the five, one through 69. Yes. We have a lot of double digits. So 38. Could you hold that up for a second. Then the power ball is one through 26. Let me hold it, and you do it. Power ball. Good Single Digits. Who put them on post it notes. Bob kelly. We have 30 seconds. Good Single Digits lucky number seven. Wow. So seven is the power ball. That is a good one. There you go, so if you play it, hit me up and let me know you did play those number fiftyeight, eight, 65, 43, 38 thirtys, 40s, 50s, 60s and Single Digits. Good luck everybody. See you tomorrow. Announcer live from new york city, its the Wendy Williams show. [ cheers and applause ] announcer now, heres wendy [ cheers and applause ] uhhuh. Wendy thank you so much for choosing us. My cohost, my studio audience. [ cheers and applause ]

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