Quarter milliondollar pry. She is darn good. She made it to the final show. She is could win a quarter milliondollar on sunday. Nice. And that is, great. Shes good on american grit but you know it takes grit to do this Television Show we like to call. Good day philadelphia this program we like to call this broadcast we like to call good day philadelphia exactly. Does she know what you go through every day working with me. I dont think anyone knows what i go through working with you every day. Do you think you have lost years of your life working here. You said i have changed. You have change. For better or for the worst i think for the better. Shes a freakum dress. I had a freakum dress before i met you. Did you. I did. He is so shock. It is dress that you looked good in. Why are you so shocked. The name is what he likes you are focusing on the wrong part of it. That is the problem. Anyway, so lets put gigi, hoist so good on american grit , and see if she can do your show, does she have the grit to do good day fill a. That would be interesting. We will actually have her eat grits. Who made them. Mrs. K over on chestnut. So see if she can eat grits while we do a interview with her. Last night im walking down third street, coming up on walnut and there is a bunch of ive any this court yard where they have a garden. Umhmm. Historic garden. There is some ivy, roll this first clip. I took out my phone. Than call see what is behind those bars. Can you see it. It is an animal. What is that. A passum. New york city subway rat. It is a size of the new york city rat. But it is a what. Is it alive. It moves. I heard it, and then it froze, i think it was posing. What time was that. You cannot spell possum without pose. This is just at dusk. That thing is really still. I have not seen a possum. Anyone. I have not seen a possum, i swear in 25 years growing up in kansas. I have seen them splattered. On the highway or whatever. Can you hold the camera still. I think i bark at it one point and then started to bang my phone with the rail. So that was was night. That was an excitement of your night. Bye i have not seen a pos number 25 years alive. Sometimes they will hiss at you. Like a big rat. That one just posed. This morning on the side patio right here where we all go outside every day, i rolled the tape again. No way. It is on our side patio here at the station. Look at how close you got. This is why it might be sick or have rabies and get really close, look at him just looking at me. Now, people who know about animals were at fourth and market. The one i saw was at third and walnut that would be the same possum and how do you spell possum. Possum. What sit, first letter. P. Im like no. O. Hold it, possum. And do you pronounce it o possum or possum. I dont think they are the same won i dont know about the spelling you dont think that is same possum. I think so too, moving slow just like other one does. The other one, angle looked much smaller but it was covered in ivy. Yesy didnt see that long disgusting tail. They are horrifying. They are awful. You should name it. Especially if this is a thing now. Why dont we get you a graphic possum patrol im on a possum patrol. Let us tell us every morning what happened. Okay. If you know animals, possum do they come out this time of the year . I have not seen one in 25 years and now i see two, in 12 hours. Maybe a family in the city. Maybe babies. Oh, lord. That could be why shes moving slow. There you go. All right. If you would like to name it, weigh in as well. You have freakum dress assignment and possum naming assignment to day. Yes. Now again, explain what this revenge dress is. You have broken up with someone, and you want to look good the next time you might run into them. Or you just want to feel good, look good why does it have to be about them. I thought that was idea about princess di when she left charles, her wardrobe got more sophisticated and maybe more sexy. It is not just about Prince Charles but looking good for everybody. Lie good, forget him, i can do this, i dont need him kind of thing, i can get someone else. He was cheating on her back until the mid 90s. She started to wear more sleeveless, maybe more low cut , maybe little shorter dress, so as princess she had to wear long skirts and blouses and stuff like that. But after she dumped charles, she became, wearing these revenge doctorses. Especially that black want off the shoulders. Yes. Yes. You have to do that. Alex said you do it for yourself really because you can get down in the dumps and feel lonely. You have to pick yourself backup. Best way to do it. That is beyonce song. Look good, feel good. Beyonce case with the freak um dress she not only talks about if he leaves you, i can go elsewhere, right. She explains at end of the song. So, she says this is to remind him, just so he knows, and she goes out, he sees leaving out of house in her freakum dress. Sweating a little bit. See, i like the song much better now. Yes. You have been with somebody for a while and put the freak um dress on. Maybe put the freakum dress on then he wouldnt be an x. Why does it to have come to that. It shows relationships can get stagnant and comfortable and you dont realize what you have. Other people like you have been witt so long, you are like ahh. Show me a super model. And another inn tans beside princess deanno and lala. Lala, yes, shes now what divorced now. No, they are not divorced. They are definitely her and carmelo. Carmelo anthony. She posted these the other day she has been looking very good. Yes. She has said they are not going to get divorced they are working through their problems they are. They have been together for years, so she was like you just dont throw that away. They have not been divorced but they are not together. He even posted a picture of her with a heart. He is showing he still cares. He want the whole thing back. He wants that whole thing back. But she went on the Wendy Williams show. Shes sits on the couch. Wendy was like i hear carmelo wants you back. She said and why wouldnt he . I said, oh. Nice. She said im his wife, why wouldnt he want this back. Yes, he does. That is just confidence. Great response. Nothing like a woman with confidence, that is for sure. Wait, hold on has anyone pulled out a freakum dress for you. Do you know, have you seen an x like yeah, shes looking good. That was a hard swallow, i watched it all. Ill keep it simple. Have you ever seen a x and she looked really good. Yeah. Well, i guarantee you she knew. Give me the next 24 hours. She knew what she was doing yeah. I will see mike tonight, let me get this dress together if you put that on before maybe i wouldnt have gonna way. That is just male perspective. Putting it on her. But i dont mean thaty just said it. I didnt mean it. Yeah. Im just trying perspective. Im trying to. Dig a hole. Dig a hole, for my bros, you know, brothers good luck getting in and out of that hole. Well. Are we done with the freak um dress now. I believe we are. We are getting tweet about the possum. Are we. Yes, did you want to hear. Our wholesome ought dense would rather talk about a possum then a freakum dress. What are they saying. Someone saying possum dont belong in the daytime someone should call animal control. Possums they are very good for nature they either that weight in tics. That is good. They are immune to rabies. So this possum probably cant have rabies. Maybe it is a pet. Yeah. They eat insects, snails, small rodents, like a clean up they survey purpose, clean up crew, hazmat. Oh, my gosh. Lets call it matt the possum for hazmat. And then some people are like please dont show possum again. Okay. We have freakum dress pictures. Thanks, brian, go get some freakum dress pictures to get me through this. This next chat will be my last chat for good day philadelphia. No. Of all days ryan found, lets punch up ryan. Blame him. He is going to take responsibility for this next chat. Aim not responsible for anything that comes out of your mouth although im very entertained to see what comes next. This was in the New York Post where we got this article the whole article was written by a therapist, a sex therapist. Yep. A woman, a guy had written in, i think he was close to 40 years old and he said that his girlfriend of four and a half years during sex calls him daddy. In the throws of passion, oh, daddy. Just like that, daddy. I only have one daddy, is my rule. You have one daddy. Is that your boyfriend. No, it is my daddy. Your father. Has anyone asked thaw call them that. Guys think it is bizarre, in one has asked me but in the conversation people are like you dont say that. Really. I have one father daddy and it is not you. But not you. I still contacted my daddy, daddy. Yes, i say dad. He is my daddy. When you say dad. Especially if i want something. That is even better. This sometimes happens. He is struggling. It takes you back at first, and then you just go with it. I found it interesting, i thought it was a submissive thing by would the man but listen to this, this expert says, it can be a safe way for powerful, strong women who have high powered jobs and stuff like that to let go, be submissive like they cant be in their jobs or every day life and show vulnerability or whatever that word is vulnerability. I was at a lounge i met this guy tom. Is this a joke. No, tom was asking questions. I call him tom foolery. But he was asking these questions about what i do for a living. Blah, blah, blah. You are one of those girls that tries to keep it all together because you have to on tv but i bet behind closed doors you are one of those girls that said daddy. I said no, im not you. I have one daddy. But you just disagree obviously. High powered woman. They have to keep it put together. You think behind closed doors those are won that are just like that. I know what the solution is like librarians and stuff like that. They take classes off and buns down. They take their little skirt on and blouse and fold it neatly over the chair and then they go, haa. I know what the solution is what is it. You dont like to call people daddy because you have one daddy. They came up with the term daddy and that way it is not daddy. Could you go that far. No, because it is the same thing. You just changed the letter from the beginning. Yes. No. Keith, stop it. Keiths so in a prep eighth today. Ridiculous. What is point of this . That, it is, and sex therapist says it is absolutely natural role playing, in fact, your relationship if you both agree to go ahead and do this it can make your relationship even stronger. Was the therapist a man. A woman. Im sure you will pull out this research whenever you need it. No actually studies show this has been beneficial. Yes. What would you like to call me. I prefer, daddy. No, i did have a tattoo on my back, the research, it is all there. Just read the back. It is okay, look. All right. Congratulations you survived that. Well, what he dont know yet. I live alone. I have to go to the Grocery Store. That is why my refrigerator is empty. Completely. But new Research Shows that men are making the trip to the Grocery Store more than ever before. This was in Mens Health Magazine the one that has the guy with the abs in it every month. They survey and they found 84 percent of guys that they talked to do the grocery duties in their household. How about that. Umhmm. 19 percent increase from two years ago. In turn stores are adjusting their Marketing Strategies so it focuses on mens shopping habits. For instance, get this, men tend to buy more pricey cuts of meat. I can see that. Meat is important to us. Were aware. Men are more likely to buy what catches their eye. Yeah, you guys are very visual creatures. It is displays and move right over to it, wow, what is this. Yes. And i have noticed in my life im not, i dont look at the price much. The price, i got it. Supermarkets are adding more special displayness their stores rethinking organization what they put in certain aisles for men. I was on the phone with quincy once and he was in the Grocery Store. Instead of buying groceries he talk to 9 million people. Hold on, hold on, talking to 9 million people, trying to buy five things that i told him to get. Every where he goes. I have seen you on instagram complaining about all of the trips you have to take to the Grocery Store for ivy, your wife. I always go to the Grocery Store, first of all i used to work in the Grocery Store. I necessity trick that is they do. Stay away from the end of the aisles because that is what they try to get you with the chips, soda, this, that, two for nine, you have to stay away from that. I go to the Grocery Store because when me wife goes to the Grocery Store it is her time to think about maybe we can get this for this. Better cook then me. I know what i will get, i will get fish, i will get this, rice, beans, and im in and out. So i think, guys going to the Grocery Store we know what we went because in my household, my wife can cook better than me and start thinking of other things. Do you take a grocery list. Yes, you need a list, you have to stay focused. Thinks why you have to know exactly what you are doing, go in with a plan. You cant go in there you wake up, then when i mean wake up day dreaming and you have all this stuff that you dont need 600 worth of stuff. You come back home and shes not calling you daddy, shes calling you some other word, four letter word, you dont want that. Jen who does Grocery Shopping at your house. Take a big fat guess. Jen. Of course, i do it. Now lauren, i have to say, you have been the smartest person on the panel for one reason, you said when quincy goes shopping he is buying things that ivy told him to buy. Not always. That is the key here. Sure, sure you people have been seen in Grocery Stores day dreaming, looking like a fool, buying Barbecue Sauce when it is tuesday and you are eating pasta but you have been sent there typically by a woman this whole idea that 84 percent of you clowns just happen to be Grocery Shopping, all of a sudden because it is 2017, you are changing a diaper every six months too, halleluiah. This is not true. This is in the true. It is all true, true, true. One time lauren called me on the phone, i had to go get specific things for my wife. Now other times i go to the store because im quicker. I go in, get what i need to get and he get out of there. For you, do you buy baby stuff. Yes. Do you get anything. Those kid are older they dont need much. All they need is what im buying them. While he was there ivy text ed oh, dont forget, whatever. She doesnt make a list. I make a list. One time you talked to me lauren i was going home can you stop here and get x, y and z and that turned into a, b, c defg. I was than the trying to throw made me do it. Im more organize when i go to the Grocery Store. This is the truth. You cannot even send him to the store because recently i sent Steve Fredrick everyones favorite guy to the store. I said get melon for landry. This is how i know he never goes. He bought cantaloupe. Girlfriend only like the green melon. And if you were shopping you would know shes a green melon girl. The honey due. That is a good point. I would have gotten cantaloupe too. Yes you tripped him up. 84 percent of the dude where is interviewed by mens health. Who read mens health, the guys mens health because it is is in the bathroom because guys get mens health in the mail. You need better communication in your marriage , you need to tell him , different between honey due and green due or whatever the dues you are doing. Mountain due it is all good quincy has all of the answer is there is another reason too, my friends were out and said that is new place to meet people, Grocery Store on a sunday afternoon or evening. Two places that have work over the years, Grocery Stores and bed, bath and beyond. Really. Yeah you can judge a person by their grocery cart too. Healthy or not. Cheetos. Doritos. Do you eat like ill stop at grapes first, were moving on. Marshawn lynch is not, he doesnt talk to the media very often except when he wants to ask them out on the date which did he to fox 29 former employee colleen wolf would you like to see that exchange. I will. Here it is as well. Fios is not cable. Were a 100 fiber optic network. And with the new fios gigabit connection. You get our fastest. Internet ever. With download speeds up to 940 megs 20 times faster than most people have. Switch to fios gigabit connection with tv and phone for 79. 99 a month online for the first year. Plus hbo for one year and multiroom dvr service for two years, all with a twoyear agreement. And switching has never been easier. Get out of your contract with up to a 500 credit to help cover your early termination fee. Go to fiosgigabit. Com super protip buy your veggveggies prechopped. Nce. Uber protip buy delicious produce you dont need to chop at all. Boom. Summer made easy at amazing prices. Only at giant. We necessity who Marshawn Lynch is he played for Seattle Seahawks and he hates to talk to the media except when he find an attractive reporter colleen wolf, remember colleen used to work here in the sports department. Marshawn lynch, crashed her Live Television segment, she works for nfl network by the way. Umhmm. We can talk burr soul Food Restaurant thaw bought. See you aint tell me that, all getting into my business now. Yes. I aint in the business just yet. Too early, jumped the gun. Big mouth, bass, baby. I like soul food so when i saw that he has a soul food place. That is my first date. Money. I am sorry. That is very nice. Thank you. Very nice. So we will not be dating no were going on the date to the soul Food Restaurant. Yes. I will charge you a little extra, though just because. Well, she is adorable. Did he said shes built like a big mouth bass. Yes. That is funny. Well, that is the war thing you can hear. What you are married. You asked somebody out, can i bring my husband. That is smoothes way to let you know though. Yes. Sure thing make it a group. Is she still married to john gonzales. He is a nice guy. They need to write a book because werent they Long Distance she was in l. A. And he was in philly for more than a year. More than a year, yeah. They made it work. Then he came to his senses and moved out there. Geese. They live in santa monday cars , it is nice. What . You say have you been to their house. No. Oh, i want to you meet this woman. Shes on american grit. The finally, for quarter milliondollar is sunday her name is gigi. She grew up in glassboro. Will she win a quarter milliondollar . Sunday. Producer of the quincy show , tom louder, he got me two tickets to earth wind and fire tonight. Oh, whats the occasion. Were lovers. Earth wind and fire in philly tonight going to be 8 00 p. M. At the Wells Fargo Center nicely done. Oh, it will be fun. Oh, ya, great time. Who are you bringing . That has not been determined. Laurens clearing her throat. Lauren johnson, do you have tomorrow off . No. Well, you dont either, do you . No, but i dont have to go to bed as early as she does. What time do you have to be in bed . 7 00. 7 00. The concert setter not even on until 8 00. Geez. Yes, so it is not going to work. All right, the Season Finale, you readily . The Season Finale of american grit is this sunday, you know wwe superstar john cena host this is competition, here it is. Physical. Personal. What you were feeling. Here to face their fears, find their grit. Finds him and his military elite. When you choose to way it down when you choose to win. Stepping up . The finale is for quarter Million Dollars, and it is sunday here on fox, two hour special, and back in june, jenn fred challenged new jersey native, gg. If you watch the show, you know her. They were planning, and they put their arms in icy water, and stuff like that. Oh what is it going to be . Are you going to win . Come on, dont you drop. Come on. Looks really strong. Okay, so i kept calling her shiny pants, shiny pants is live in the studio again. Hi, gigi. Before we again to the ends of this, tell everybody about who you were, where were you born. I was born in new jersey. Is that are you lying to me . Thats all i can tell you. Then you hopped around . I dont remember where i was born. Where did you go to high school . I went to pitman high school. Then glassboro, you went to rowan. I lived in glassboro, okay. Break it down. Home schooled, kent err garden, went to Gloucester County christian school. Okay. Then halfway through seventh grade i went to pitman high school. And then i tried to go to college, after three and a half rowan university. What did you measure in for . Radio, it. V and phil graham what made you leave college there, three days . My gosh, i literally when i say three and a half im so done, three and a half. Sitting in my class, halfway through the day, halfway through my class just like out because youre so active. I never look back, never look back. Just like you nowak maybe i should just go find my grip somewhere. Had you work four days would you have been eligible to work at fox 29. Has to be four days. Four days. I think what i did learn not in college, earlier in school, is rounds willing, you can rounds that. 5 to one. And we can make that four days had you worked five days you could be general manager of this tv station. General man manager . Yes. So, it is sunday. Sunday. Two hour finale. Two hours. And youre down to what like six, seven people left . Six people. Six are left . Yes. The winner, quarter after Million Dollars. Quarter after Million Dollars. What would you do with the money if you win . Well, i need a place. I need a car. I had to give my chihuahua away when got evicted so probably get another chihuahua who knows, maybe open an eye lash store. Maybe buy some pants . Some pants. I dont think i want to bucaramanga pant. I think i like these, this is a supreme court. It is short in the front, skirt in the frontment fashion statement. Yes . Heres what ive been wondering, though, youre on the show american grit. And sorry, im always hungry, grit, have you ever had grits . I have not. Well, you have now, so let s put her through the good day philadelphia american grit test. So as alex interviews you i dont know if i like the way that looks. Yes, theyve been sitting for a little bit. Well, now sitting for five days, looks like. Is there a close up . Yes, i dont thats been sitting longer than you went to glassboro. But will feel grit, man. So if i eat this do i win a quarter Million Dollars . New york you win a quarter. Really. Thats about all we can afford here. Youre good on that she. Alex goes through this, the stress of good day philadelphia every day. She has grit. Do you have grit enough to be on good day . At least one bite. Ill try and distract you. I wouldnt smell it. I would rather have gator shakes. Naked. Oh, well. So, ill start interviewing you then. What is all of this stuff . This is what i have to deal with my distracting job. What made you decide to do american grit . Well, i just got evicted, i lost my job, i had a lot of bad things happening, i moved into my coworkers basement, and i saw going on american grit as an opportunity to get a life, to go on adventure, to mean john cena, he is amazing, and to get some leadership because i moved out of the area. I dont really have a lot of people to look up to. So having on a team was what about are you an outdoors girl . There is crawling through the mud hell no. Hell, no. But whatever im doing in life wasnt working so i needed to try something. Well, i figure ive been watching this. I hope you win. Yes . That would be great. It would be. It would be. You know what, i hope so too. You have such a great personality. And you made it so far. Top six, thats amazing. Im very excited. There are a lot of people on social media oh, i give gee gee, shes out of here, guess what . Im still there fighting for my little life. So you proved them wrong. Look that the. Now, take a bite. You havent had a bite yet. Just slide it over. Here we go. Okay . What is this . No, grits what is this . Oh, no. Oh, the grits are good. You need fresh grits. Some butter, a lot of butter. Those grit look like im not an animal, geez, oh , my gosh. Good luck. We will be watching sunday. We will. You promisee. Yes, i actually a. M. Watching. Good to meet you. Thank you. Great to meet you, all very much, you guys. Yes. And lets update what you will do with the money, because youre going to win, right . I hope so. Cant tell you. Congratulations. Youre adorable. Thank you. I like to think so. Thats great. Thats confidence going to win this whole thing, american grit. Richard curtis, did he move . Hes in richboro. Welshing named after Richard Curtis richboro. Yes. Center of the art, if youre like my kid, probably boarded, need something to do at this point. They have one of the coolest summer camps around. You like getting your hands dirty, this is it. Well show you guys how to do it coming up. Dude, you were right, these wait. What . The gold fish, man you said i should buy some. No i said you should buy gold fish, the new scratchoff from the pennsylvania lottery. With top prizes of 25,000. Ooohh. Are there really. . 25,000 of them . Yeah. Want more changes to win . Go to palottery. Com and enter your nonwinning tickets for the gold fish secondchance drawing with 10,000 prizes. Tyler park center for the arts. Were out here because guess what it is summer. We are tired of being outside the heat. So we came to the barn, because tracey, you are going to show me how to do. This you run the camp here. What do i do first . This thing is already spinning Avenue Little foot gas pedal down here. What am i doing here . Youll take off put your hands straight through the clay lick there is push down into the center of the clay making a donut. So anybody can come out here these camps, right . Absolutely. Olds, young, adult, little kid, doesnt matter . Absolutely. Im making some serious progress. So im not an experienced ceramics man here. Youre doing great. Whats the key . Is it strong hands . Is it rhythm . The key is all position. So you want to lock your elbows down here on your legs just like this, sing your thumbs down into the center of the clay like the donut, then pull your thumbs back into your hands like this. Okay, so, obvious open up your pot. And i would slow your wheel down little bit. Im going little fast here, im excited. Im getting, looking around, and im seeing you guys, youre all doing so well. How old is everybody . Im 12. So we have 12 right here. What got new the ceramics . My mom is always like doing pottery stuff. Yes . So she brought me here one day, and i started doing camps so is this your favorite summer camp to kind of hang out with . Yes. You like doing the handson stuff. We get younger we will go around here. How old is the other side here eleven. Youre 11 years old. And you love pottery, as well . Is this your first time doing this . Yes. Lets go even younger, because were going with the youngest classmatement look at this pot over here. Eight years old you are, right do you love this camp . Yes. What do we have coming up . If anybody want to sign up, classes officially begin in september, right . We can you can sign up on line Tyler Park Center of the arts. Get your rosters in now, because the classes you said fill up really fast. I just want to say, look at this pot. It is, i would say, is beautiful, as what jen will show us her ponytails are looking like. So, jen, how are you ponytails doing over here from one creative person to another . Not just about the pony, you have to have the perfect pony. Look we go from here, to the perfect pony. Come on back. Blank the inlaws have moved in with us. And, our Adult Children are here. So, we save by using tide. Which means we use less. Three generations of clothes cleaned in one wash. Those are moms. Anybody seen my pants . Nothing cleans better. Put those on dad its got to be tide. A lot going on the boardwalk in wildwood. Can you stay out there all day finds out whether we see the weather in 15 seconds. 9 47, i would like to you meet kira. And cure is from mt. Laurel , new jersey, won a chance at a benefit to be on tv. Yes. Kira, you love crafts, dont you . Yes, dow. And whats your favorite craft . Like i made this confetti mason jar. She likes to work with mason jars. So much so, that youve got your own website. Yes. Whats your website so we can plug it . Craft kings. Weebly. Com. We zoom in, show you where you live, you live in mt. Laurel, right back of had your head, just come over, see . Now well look at the seven day forecast, ill step out and youll dot weather, ready . See, i know, all backward, isnt it . Whats the High Temperature going to be today, kira . Ninetyone. What about tomorrow . Ninety. And what about the next day , thursday . Eightyeight. Right . And friday, what are we going to get friday . Little rain maybe . Yes, little rain. I hate when that happens. What about saturday morning . Rain . Little bit. High temperature of . Eightythree. And what about sunday and monday . Sunday, sunday is 83 and monday is 83, again. Yeah. Kira applause . Take a bow. And thank you very much. Thanks for being on good day. Did you a great job. Yahoo. Great. Craft king. We. Bly. Com. So cute. Talking about different hair sometimes all morning, we showed good haircuts for guys, then for women, like a nice medium hair lent cut. Now, what about ponytails . It is summer. It is hot. Like Ariana Grande, known for her high ponytails, she can always rock a ponytail. Jlo also can rock some good ponytails. Queen of the ponytail. So we want to find out how can we rock the ponytail, jen . I have to say here with rosa, good morning, because you have been doing training for fashion week, youll be working with kelly osbornes hairdresser. Yes. So, talk to us about, first of all, doing the Ariana Grande. Yes. You say it needs to go where . A little bit higher, like trying to do that Ariana Grande ponytail, you want to kind of focus on right above the ear. Like coming up little higher. Doing it yourself just lean your head down a little bit, and try to go a little higher, because by the time you wrap your ponytail it will drop back a little bit. And you say he can tension are everywhere so youll give her some . Dont be afraid to accessories, i have the little clips, more common that people tends to go to. Okay . So i would wrap this around , the hair, literally wrap it. Nothing too fancy. And youve never had anything in your hair before. And youre excited for this . I am. Take a bobby pin. Like grab some of the grip part. Just put it right into that ponytail. Do you think thats one of the things were doing long, relying on elastic as opposed to using a bobby pin just in a regular ponytail . Yes. You can totally use the bobby pin. I think we tends to put either the wrong bands on, like ones with little grips on the sides arent the best, and like so something thats a little bit more nongrip elastic works so much more better. Then just take appears of like im doing it a little messy because Ariana Grande look is more messy. But take look some of the longer pieces of the hair and just like also bobby pin the end of it in there so you wrap the ponytail bond. Yes. You snow. Do you think thats whats new, too, you want it to look like a ponytail but also a style . Exactly. Little more distressed but on purpose. You know . Looking for that balance of that ponytail when you look in the mirror, something too severe here, too messy here, almost looks too distorted so to get that puff or tees look, pull at that a little bit. Let some of the natural hair kind of come right out. Girl. Almost like going like that and pulling it out. Awesome, i love it, happy everything, i hope youre going on a date later. I do too. Bob kelly, ponytails are useful for camp but this is like a stylist ponytail. Oh, im styling all right. You got it everybody. It is camp kelly, it is halloween, and in august. Im here at the George School, i cant move. They said stand here. Wait until you she joint. Were live from the second year in a row best camp in bucks county where we come right back. Fios is not cable. Were a 100 fiber optic network. And with the new fios gigabit connection. You get our Fastest Internet ever. With download speeds up to 940 megs 20 times faster than most people have. Switch to fios gigabit connection with tv and phone for 79. 99 a month online for the first year. Plus hbo for one year and multiroom dvr service for two years, all with a twoyear agreement. And switching has never been easier. Get out of you contract with up to a 500 credit to help cover your early termination fee. Go to fiosgigabit. Com hey everybody im coming to you live from the George School here in bucks county. Waited for the second year in a row, the best camps in bucks county. Common, girls, you can do it, this is the big a, where theyre testing, i toll them all jelly donuts for all of them if they dont drop me here. Just one of the cool fun activities they have at the camp. One of the other cool thing i thought, oh, what do we have here, the slingshot . These gentlemen will try to hit the target. The other guys will try to catch it. Lets see. Can we get it . You guys have been here how many years . Oh, gosh well over 30 years it is a eight week program. Eight week program, meet all summer long, 9 00 a. M. To 3 00 p. M. We have tons of activities for the kids, do kayaking, ropes, zip line, do events like this. You get it . And then over here, it is eight weeks, they can pick what four weeks out of the eight . Four weeks and any combination. We try to make it particularly good for our parents who have vacations, if they need to do six weeks we let them do six weeks. Up here 413 in newtown, off 413 in new on . 413 and 332 the bypass, on the corner. Why dont you start on back down there. Check out this gigantic slip and slide. This has to be the highlight of the summer . Absolutely, 100foot slip and slide, go whipping down here, that is blast. Should i come down the slide . Yeah lets do it, come on, hole on, somebody hold this. Okay, here you go, hon, holds that. Okay . You ready . On the count of three, here oh, man. Count of three. Ready, one, two, three. Watch your sacroiliac. Yeah oh, my goodness. Yeah thats now he doesnt have to shower. Thats good. But lets watch him get up. Watch this. laughing . Here you go. Oh, hes good. I never could have gotten up. He drove me from margate to the station and back to newtown. Wow. He get paid by the mile. Yes. Hour and 45 minute total. 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