Whenever you talk to alexa my halo lights up. Really. Really. It is also first friday. Yes. First friday. A lot of things going on, art galleries. Maybe i will go to some galleries tonight. Okay. Cheaters, beware, forget taking off your wedding ring to pretend you are single, one jeweler has figured out a way to brand married couples. It will put an imprint that says you are married when you take the ring off. It is an imprint in your skin. Nice. I dont know about that. Great idea. How about this, pucker up, we will show you a kiss from the movie. Okay. This is one of the best. We love our dirty dancing, so cute, they go in, all, sweet love, innocent. We have a new list that ranks best movie kisses of all time. What do you think is the best. Start guessing on twitter, that might be a good idea or facebook. The award season is here, will natalie porthand got the nod for jackie. Kevin mccarthey gives his predictions for the best films the Golden Globes are on sunday night. Yes. Is that right. Yes. This is one that is the foreign press, right. Correct. Tv and movies. They sit at tables and drink champagne. It is more fun. It is a party. Yes. It is feast of the epiphany when people normally take down their christmas decorations. Many do. I will begin that because i have gotten tired of this one reindeer, looks as if it is sniffing the crouch of other reindeer and it the has for a month and i find it disconcert ing. What are you going to do about it. I will get rid of the nasty one. It is plugged in. There goes the poinsettia. Yeah, he or she is plugged in. I can get the that. This is sad. It is always sad this doesnt look good either. No, beastalty and morning television. I gave that up for lent, one dont. Okay. We have sent steve down the shore because they think they might get six more inches of snow. By the way, did i tell you, that all along i thought these were real. They are fake. You will see them next year that is why they held up so well. They are fake poinsettias. But they are good ones. Mind at home red leaves are falling off. If you have real ones they dont hold up for television in the studio. In one waters them. They wouldnt get any love. In years past we have had, real ones. They might be real upstairs , in the upstairs studios. He upstairs, the big fancy studio. Yes. Poor di. Shes in there somewhere. So we sent steve down the shore because we think we may get five or six more inches of snow. This one has potential, tomorrow, it is just track of the storm is still uncertain. Uncertain. Cone of uncertainty. We will certainly know tomorrow. Steve, exactly where are you right the now. Im on the bay. Will make you angry. And i once through away poinsettias in that set area that were in the guest area that little green room we have in the the vestibule. It was midapril. Someone got yelled at. But smelly. They were trying to pass them off as easter flowers. That is a true story. That is not fake. Wow. Someone remembers that. Fish alley, mike, sea isle, new jersey. I spent the 60s here in the summer as a kid before this became a hip, trendy place there is rock salt on the road but not much snow, for the shore. This is a working bay. The those are working, sea ships there that go out and catch fish, lobsters, clams, you name it. This doesnt mean wintertime that jersey shore closed up for business. One of the long time businesses here, mikes sea food, george, stay with me dont walk too far i want to show this place. This placings back to 1911. From coming here and knowing these people, how about this story, mike, this is true, when these two people came over here, roseina and le beck ia they were discriminated against. You cannot buy anywhere except back bay. They bought this land, for 500. My gosh. Still in the family today, you do the math, 106 years later. The grandson, mike is now in charge and he is a good day viewer. Mike, he just happens ton, coincidently in charge of the polar bear plunge, it has already taken over the jersey shore. So, we will walk in now because, to prepare you, for your plunge so you will be ready and survive the water, mike has a special treat for you. The first of all, mike, they have got banners made. They have got banners made with your name on it. Wow. Got it. And there is you, is there you, nothing but a scarves ape a hat, dont be confused with the guy from evesham and medford. Mike, hoist back there getting his deliveries because he is open on the weekend with a bucket of ice. Getting ready for you, mike getting ready for you. Now, i asked you earlier, i asked him how long he thought he would last in the ocean. Give me your first answer. I said no way. I think he will last about 30 seconds. There is no way he is staying in there 302nd. Is what your best guess, as long as it takes to get him and turn around. Im hoping he can stay in there for 30 or 402nd. Mike, how deep will you go, this is working ocean, this isnt a swimming pool. We have waves, stuff, obviously. How long, how far, are you going in up to your neck. I will go up to my neck, and then that is about it. He will go up to his neck, how long to get in and out. To go up to his neck, it will take about 40 seconds. Now to prepare you, mike is going to let you lay in his sea food cooler that he sells, flounder and clams in. You can lay in this bed of ice he will let you lay in there. I know it is a lopping drive. But we get a segment, property owe, he will let you in there, you will be like Michael Jackson in your own little ice chamber. A shot of you in that ice thing, i see a great promo and money raising you will do will be spectacular. So, mike, mikes committed to this. It will be mike and mike on february 18th. Whole weekend, then you have the the big autism walk on sunday. Polar wear run walk for autism take place on sunday president weekend february 19th. How big is that for sales. One of the biggest weekend of the year foresee aisle city we have excess of 40,000 people coming down to sea isle that is you and a party of 40,000. You are committed. Mike, you made peoples weekend already going in to this weekend. Shot of you in there will be tremendous. Can i bureau Donald Trumps word, tremendous. Yes. Preserving, just in case. You know that will do wonders for your skin. Does it. Shrinkage. Let me tell but this, i dont know if i want to by one of these or not. They are wedding band being made now, that if you take it off, is there an imprint of the word marriage on your skin so celebrity jeweler name jason posted this picture of ring, with the word married on the interior, the letters, of the word, leave a temporary mark, on your finger, so jason says his wife inspired him to make it, wouldnt you know it, and she says, she wishes his wedding band would leave a mark, on him if he would take it off when he was out of town umhmm . So rings start at 1,700 and they go up from there. We can see the one of the bottom. Plane gold. It looks like it was all spark ling. You can see it right now. You can see how it leaves that i am rent. Yes. I dont know if that is uncomfortable though. I was thinking does it hurt while it is leaving the imprint. Well, just the fact that your marriage hurts. Well, that leaves the imprint on your sole. Band, handcuffs, you are trapped. I would want to it Say Something else except married. How about, you know in, love with, so and so or just, you know, the date of your marriage, just married. Property of. Yes, that is what it teams like. Screwed. All right. Lets pucker up. I want to get into this list. I have a favorite. We are counting down the top three best movie kisses of all time. This is put together by a film company. Okay. In third place came the kiss between sam and molly in ghost right before he passed over to the other side. In other word, before he dies. Yes. Here it is. Well, he is already dead. He is dead. Yeah, right. But at end of the movie, he will pass over to the the other side. That is their velasquez. He is still this is world, the spirit. Demi moore and the late patrick sway see. Remember only Whoopi Goldberg talk to him, right. That is right, yeah. He also made the list at number four and five for dirty dancing. Yes. Another film. He is a good kisser. Heres my choice and it came in number two. Okay. Here it is. You can my last ball, meat ball. You just ruin it. You are like the little scrappy tramp and wowing the lady. You lay the little trick, you get her to kiss you and then that generous moment. Is that why i like this. You are the tramp. I am the tramp. Wowing the lady. Yes. Okay. Cute and clever. That was second of all time of all time and was the one i chose. Okay. What is number one. It is a kiss between kate wins let and leo dicaprio, titanic. Jack. I went to this movie with one of my best friends named bill and we both had the day off, we were the only two in the theater. And, we did make out a little bit. You know, guys guy. We were sitting next to each other, there was a seat between us. So he is not a very emotional guy. I was weeping through the whole movie, im trying to hide it from him. I got something in my eye. At one point, i was crying so hard, i was doing the. He could hear it because the theater was empty. He is looking at me what the hell is wrong with you. So out of the blue this didnt make the list but i like this. One of my favorite movies. Whenever it is on, cast away with tom hanks, goes from the beefy to skinny on the film. Living on the Desert Island desserted island. That is what i meant to say i dont know how hot it was ,. But he was the only human. Because the fedex plane crashed, and he survived. Can we get to the kiss. So he was gone for five years. His wife, remarried the local dentist and so when they find him, he comes back and realize s, my wife, i still loved her, i stayed alive just so i could see her again, shes married, with two kids. When he goes to see her at the house and it is pouring rain and he says i got to go. You have ear family. And he pulls the rental car out of the driveway. She realizes, im still this love with you. Oh. But she cant do anything about it. I always knew you were alive, i knew it. Everybody said i had to let go , hade to let you go. Helen hunt, and then they make out, she gets in the car and it looks like they will drive away, but then they dont because they cant. She has obligations now. She has a husband and two children inside that house that is being rained on. Why do you have to take the movie with tragedy the it just cant work out. It makes me so sad, that if i was in love with this woman, almost five years, waiting to see her again, and then i could not be with her. She stayed with her family. You had the whole, all this history and that is your best kiss. Well, not my best because i like do you have another one or can i go to sue. No, i have another one. This isnt a kiss. No, but hold on. Okay. It is in one of my favorite movies of all time, the way we were. Robert redford split character has moved on with another woman i believe. Umhmm. And barbara streisand, who has always loved him. Sure. Well, she sees him coming out of the plaza hotel, there at the midtown manhattan. Trump plaza. Well, dont ruin it. Coming out of the plaza hotel, this is a kiss, but this made me weep too, last time they will ever see each other, heres their hug. Oh, my gosh. Then he goes into the hotel with his then i think wife. His new wife. Who is all fancy pants. Yeah. Ivy league. That movie is so good. Why couldnt they not be together. Why sit that people cant be together. Why does it have to be heart break. It is psychological analysis of your choices is very interesting im sure. That is my problem, it never works out. They didnt get along very well. They had different political views. So even though they loved each other. They came from different worlds. They just couldnt not make it work. Yes. You go into these things, thinking it will not work out. No wonder im in need of therapy. Exactly. Okay, what do you have. Me, well, i had to go with the classic, top of mine, i was trying to think back. One of things i was thinking of, nine and a half weeks but that is too much for television. No, it is not. Well, so were in the doing that one. That is one where they mixed food with sex. Do you remember. Very sexy movie, mickey roark was so hot, so sexy. By the way, basinger. Yes. Were not doing that one. But we are going to do a classic because it is top of mind. The lets go with star wars. Oh, come on. You are trembling. Im in the trembling. I happen to like nice men. Nice men. Timely. Because Carrie Fisher just pass ago way that was timely. I want to get to this. We will continue to clean up. Yes. Sue. Go ahead. Mine is different, it is not a romantic kiss but it is a meaningful kiss, and it is the kiss from the god pather parttime michael carleon and his brother, fredo. Know it was you, fredo, you broke my heart. Dont make a big deal about it i love you fredo, you break my heart. That is really interesting choice, sue. It is because you see the love that he has for his brother. And yes. He will have him killed. Well, you dont find that out until the end and then you cannot even believe it the because of that kiss. In a canoe or something. Yes. So we have it never can work out, betrayal, the love of betrayal. That is right. And then a dog. Were an Interesting Group of people. Arent we. You did a great job, now you are inside. Well, you are not inside yet. Who is your friend. I have a boo here, this is carver, at Blue Mountain resort. You guys were talking about different movie kisses. Best man i have to say taye digs, you have to start that kiss. But i think the best kiss, that is going to be on screen is right here right now, carver, come right here. This is taking longer then i expect. Yes. Yes. There you go. Is that the one you tried to pass off as a easter lily, the white one. Yes. I see it still has tags on it. I wouldnt doubt that we will try to take these back. Do you dread shopping, simply because there is a possibility that youll have to try on your clothes. I hate that. Yep. You may soon be able to pick out the clothes you want to buy, from your home. But right now the movie clueless trying to figure out what she will wear. Yes, get up, and brush my teeth, and i pick up my clothes. L, the Clothing Store at the gap you may have app, kind of like on clothe they say you you on line ,fect idea. E a big being in the dre no. You wmirrors. Hated it. I would make it ehmans. Golden globes are this yes. Which movies are going to be lala land. Mccarthey has his right on be lala land. Mccarthey has his right on target, up ra l mills big g cereals are glutenfree, be lala land. Mccarthey has his right on target, up our cereal. General mills big g cereals hear you. Thand no way to high fructosee aicorn syrup. N feel good the goldenback, everybody. Globes . An american accolade best toyed by the 93 members of the Hollywood Press Association recognizing excellen domestic and foreign. Whats going to happen this sunday, so this is what we do every year,ev film kit lick tell us who should win certain categories, who will win. Lets start with kevin. Best Motion Picture drama here we, are the lion, manchester by the sea, moonlight, ha will . Reporter first of all good morning to you, mike, happy new year to youll win this cate, definately moonlight in my opinion, thats one of year, it has six goal end globe incredible movies directed by barry jenkins, i also think this should win, as is masterfu, important film, beautiful move that i i think everybody should film. Who should win best director, who should win and who win . Reporter i think best director will go to damian madea movie called la will lands, one of the most impressive whip last, this guy, 31 years old, making films i feel like film makers wouldnt be making until way later this their career. I. This lala land one of the best and strongest films in a long time. Best Motion Picture musical or commodore, the nominees, 20th century woman, dead pool, Florence Foster jenkins, lala land, thin street, who will win . Report will win will be lala land. Notice here the goal end globes, dif eat up between musical comedy and drama. Has the momentum right now this this category, though, i really, really want a surprise it is my number three of the year, no question, dead pool my number one i put dead pool, because i think it is a Film Production behind a 11 year passion project, it has everything you want in the move fry action to comedy to drama really hoping for surprise, by the way dead pool oddly enough has a chance to get two, three Oscar Nominations when the nominations come out on january 24th so hoping for bit of surprise win there. Best actor drama nominees, casey, joel, andrew, morton son, danzel washington. Who will win . This is a lock. Absolute lock, next question, casey delivers one of the best performances ive seen in a long time, manchester by the sea, beautiful movie. I think he really does a great job with internal quality as a character. It is a harder to internally or externally, very internal in the movie. Personally dow think danzel washington delivers the best performance of the year, in fences, my should win. But i really think that casey has the momentum and will take home the leading actor award Golden Globes. Best actor, musical or comedy, nominee, colin ferrell, ryan gosling, hugh grant, jonah hill. Good movie. And Ryan Reynolds. All right, which one of those doesnt fit . I think Ryan Reynolds, thats the beauty of this awards show, Ryan Reynolds is nominated for a golden globe for best actor, and i love that so much. I do think when it comes down to it, in the typical awards fashion, i think that ryan gosling will win it for lal land. He is phenominal, played his own bee pan owe, but hoping for Ryan Reynolds surprise for dead pool, really am. Best actress drama, amy adams, Jessica Chase tape, isabel, roost nag a and natalie portman. Who will win . Natalie portman, no question, the will win, should win, she plays jacky, she has the momentum, she will win this award, will win the oscar, as well, for best actress, thats really just a lock. Best actress musical or comedy annette benning, lilly collins, phil collins daughter, haley steinfeld, emma stone or meryl streep . If meryl streep wins this ill jump off the build being. Who will win . You know, mike, i was sitting at a table the other day with lili colins, i had to refrain from seeing the studio, really just wanted to sing it so bad. But yes, this category, i agree, emma stone for lal. Land win will and should win this cat gore. I okay, whats your best film of the year, the one you love most . Dead pool. No question whatsoever, dead pool is the best movie of the year. Everyone has to see it, not for kids, very rrated but awesome. Is there a lot of sex in it . There is actually a huge one year sex man taj, mike, if you want to watch that. There is a massive sex montage in the film t lasts one year, and it is all the holidays. It is really fun. Kevin, on that note, thank you. We appreciate it. You asked. You asked me. You asked me. You know, ive noticed that people, very annoying, on instagram have shown all the pictures, the best pictures of their year. Like it is 12 frames. Yes. I think im going to do that. Like the best sex highlights, the 12 of the year, 2016. Have 12. Man taj. It was all the same night. And it involves only me. Okay. Showing off her rock. Serena williams is sharing a photo of her engagement ring. And were going to show it to you, because thats what we do. Fios is not cable. Were wired differently. That means incredibly fast 150 meg internet. So in the 3. 7 seconds it takes gary watson to beat the local sled jump record. Fly, gary, fly. His friend can download 13 versions of the perfect song. His sister can live stream it. While his mom downloads how to set a dislocated shoulder. Get 150 meg internet, tv and phone for just 79. 99 per month online for the first year. Hurry offer ends january 21st. Only from fios. A milestone, the fourth time in a row, first artist. So ticket go on sale friday for billy joel, to per former at Citizens Bank park in september oh, so it is next friday, next friday, tickets go on sale. Shes like our saint, but like, you know . One lonely woman. Hey, why didnt we have simone bison the show todayy . Want some answers, megyn kelly, megyn kelly, no, megan wilky . You dont have an answer . She is busy. Busy . Yes, she has. What happened to your sweater . Hottest trend. What do they call that . Sexy. It is called the cold how older. Thank you, sue serio. She gives me the cold shoulder. Often. Simone biles, you want to meet her, she will be at the free library in center city, promoting new book, courage to soar body in motion, a life in balance, encourage to soar. Simone talks about the trials from childhood to becoming a olympic star. People have shame her. The event start at 7 30 tonight. And it is free, open to the public, i think there will be huge, huge line, a lot of young girls would like to meet her. You bet. She is just a lovely person, too. Serena williams, got engaged as you know in rome. So many of just been really cheering for her, cant wait to seat ring, i havent seen it, but we will. And it is supposed to be huge. Oh,. This finger. Whatever finger. Have we seen the ring . Lets see it. Will make great looking couple. Looks pretty large from here. I want to zoom in and see it, too. Big enough we can see it from here, not typical, we would see it on the tiny monitors. Look how cute they are, in the white matching black and white. Yes. Think look happen. I there it is. Okay. Thats great. Looks like it is the size of a quarter. Lilt errly goes from way over top, like her one side, almost from like the bottom of her hand to her knuckle. Thats pretty huge. Good for her. I like her a lot. Ive met her a few times. Well, im happy shes happen. I did you ever try to date her . No. All right. I made a little bit after attempt. I would think. She had put out a clothing line, lovely woman. All right, alex. This is it. Lets see what you can do. Im back on the tease. Im back on the skis. So last time i did a little hill. This time im ready to go bigger. Look at this hill. It is a lot bigger than last time. Oh, look at jen. What a showoff. Look at her go. Im going to see if i can be be jenment look how long this mountain is, mike and karen. Im ready. Im feeling confident. Lets do this. Everything natures promise is so wholesome. And it doesnt take the whole paycheck. Giants exclusive natures promise. Eat well for less. My giant. Where things come from . How they get here . What theyre packed in . Its a lot of stuff. And these things add up. Thats why we recycle. [vo ]its nice to know that raymour and flanigan is proud to be a leading recycler 17 Million Pounds of recyclable materials every year. Turned from trash into treasure. So in the future, we will all have a more beautiful world. Trying to make me eat my greens . Low. No, just trying to ve you some green. Whaaat . thousands of blue tags. Thousands of low prices. My giant. Clearing the coast of new england at the moment, this is the area of energy, that were watching now. Storm number two, and this is the deal. Now weve gone from winter storm watch, probably gone off to warning for sussex, cape may counties. And weve got new more counties included, update the graphic for you, but im going to show you real quick, look at modem one, moves it further north, to up dover, delaware, model two, real quick, wait a minute, wait, wait, okay . Is the cliff hilly . Yes, so i think the truth usually lies somewhere inbetween. When would this start . This would happen, the start, in the late morning tomorrow, or midmorning. Okay. And last through the early afternoon. But it is still a lot of uncertainty with this. Because you saw where it is now. Sure. Gulf i know what you are saying. Alexa, how do you fix a compounds fracture . Just kidding. Alexa, stop. So, alex . Sorry. Alex, alexa, quiet. Lets get to alex because she is actually going to go down a hill. You might have to choose. It is all you, alex, here we go. Big finish. Okay . Can you hear me . Yes. All right. All right, so, im a little nervous, because i dont know how to stop really. But im going to figure it out when i get down. Jen is up here too. I guess on the count of three. Oh, were going. Easy peasy. Redsy . Here we go. Okay . Okay. All right, not so bad. You look great. Youre doing it, youre making it look east. I youre doing it. Here we go. Here comes the big part of the hill. Here we go. It is okay. All right. Okay, here goes, here goes. Im still up. Im still up. Yeah nicely done. She did not fall the entire morning. Someone said i was doing the opposite of downward facing dog earlier. At least im still upright. But his is really great. Because aid great time here. Blue mountain resort. This is a big day, why is it a big day, melissa . Participating in the Worlds Largest lesson later on this afternoon, the entire country is doing it, including canada, too. So starting at 10 00 in the west, 1 00 here, were getting a bunch of people out on the school hill. Everybody will start taking a lesson, hoping to break a record. Were going to break a record. See, im not the only one out here. Jen, amazing. She makes it look so easy. Not that easy, guys, it is not. You know, my kids last night were like, you know, we want you to try skiing again, because they miss me on skis. Yes. But they said dont hurt anything because we want to go snow boarding sunday. So it is scary. And youre starting on more damp hill than most people. High five. One of the things we were talking about off camera, Blue Mountain one of the reasons were here and trying to get you hook, they have this three lesson deal. You come one day and you want more, and most ski areas just have one day lesson deal watch are you guys doing . First season we introduced what we were calling a beginner shred pack. You get three lessons, and it comes with your rentals and everything. So you come in, take three different lessons. And just enjoy yourself and learn a little bit better on the snow, and then by the time youre finished, instructor thinks you did well enough, they graduate you, and you get a season pass to use after february what . Sounds good to me. Mike, i dont know if you guys played this yet. Mike, ready . Mike just fell down. Oh, no wipe out the ski instructor. I hear we have go pro video. Have we played the go pro video . Playing it right now. Okay . Whats it look like . Your a not going to like it. Seriously . Really . I think it is really cool. So whats that strapped to, your belly . The skis . Seriously, mike . Ya, youre going to be real thrilled. Youve done better than i thought you were going to do, ready for snow boarding . I guess snow board something next. I think im good. You did great job. Really . Nicely done, alex. Thank you okay. So it has been a fun morning up there. We put together a little montage, we will show that to you, first lottery numbers and then some more show. Look at it coming down. People taking friday off. Because theyre ready for the weekend. Are you ready for the weekend you know, there is something i forgot to ask. At he can holly, thats after your first day on the slopes, do you think youll take this up as a hobby, will you do it again . Yes, yes, and yes. Im a big fan. I keep asking, are there bigger hills . Theyre like youre not ready, honey. But im excited. I think i want to take this up. You can totally do it. All of these areas less than 2 miles away, the pocono mountains has amazing stuff to do. By the way it gets children three years to get to polls. Now youre ready for the polls. Ii know how you will take that, mike. When you ski with your girlfriends, one person leads, ill let you lead. I admit, big thing, because im from texas, im not that cold. I guess because i am moving so much. Im fine. I dont need to go inside at all which i am very happy about. That was one of my big worries. Remember, youre sweaty underneath, right . Im sure i stink, im sure. And my hair is messed up if you ask. It wont be pretty once i get out of this thing. So one last time, go with my polls. Got my polls now and im excited about that. Okay . Ready . Go. Lets see it. Okay. Oh, yeah. Oh, wait. Oh, wait. Oh, wait, wait, wait look at that thank god there are fences. laughing . Yes, i have snot coming out of my nose, too, move over, viola davis. Great job. Hope you had fun. And have a good trip back. Thank you so much. High five. My instructor. Well see you tomorrow on good day philadelphia, starting at 7 00. Right . Specially with the storm thats also changing and have the latest. Go, alex, go. Alex holley in honor of your first ski attempt, alex, ive paid tribute to you. I wrote your name in the snow. You didnt use gloves . I didnt use my hands. Oh,. I cant see this right now. Im very glad. You do not want to see this. I toll her i only wanted her to wear one layer of socks. She already violated one of my rules. I have. Im a rule breaker, okay . You have to buckle everything. Listen, mike. I dont know what youre saying but i know youre talking smack. Its the Wendy Williams show. How you doin. We do not judge, but were judging. [ cheers and applause ] now, heres wendy [ cheers and applause ] wendy whew it is my pleasure to entertain you for the next hour. Thank you very much for coming to the show