If you put your eye by something green. Yes. They make your eyed look green. Because you use deodorant. I did use deodorant. Yes. Look at you. Yes. You do smell good. We have tips to be a great father. We reveal the top skills, all dads need to have that moniker, you are a good dad. Now let me give you one. Lets say it christmas morning, you have given the kid a toy, that need a certain type of battery, like a d. A good dad will have every type of battery at his disposal somewhere in that house. And be able to put that complicated toy together. Together. Yes, and have it work. There is a list of 50 things you need to do to be a good dad. Pretty funny. Birth of a nation, it was, produced, it was written, it was put together back in 1915, the birth of the nation, original one, it celebrated the ku klux klan. Well, the guy who was born and raised in virginia said i will change that. I will tell the real story, of nat turner, he dit, it is birth of the nation, 2016. Will it live up to the hype . Because there is oscar buzz already. Ladies, get red irv are bra. There are things that expire. Sue serio agree. One title item, but when they tell to you to you get rid of your bra and other super advising household items. I dont care what they say i am not throwing any of them away. Bra manufacturer you neat to get new bras. This survey put together by playtex. Okay. What is longest time you have have ever kept a bra. Really a long time. I think it is embarrassing. I have drawers and drawers full of bras because there is all different sizes. Different colors. Different colors. Yes. Different tops. Yes. Straps. I will be the bra police today. I need to inspect your bras to find out if they have expired because it can be dangerous. Sure. Sure. Call it, the seven year gifting itch. There you go. According to a new survey, yet another new survey, three out of four people in long term relationships spend less honey on gifts for their partners at time as they go by. Now karen, start guessing here, how many years do you think, the price of the gift starts to go down. I think in the beginning you will want to make a good impression and you will get as good as it will get. If you get jewelry it will be right in the first couple months. You will in the get any better later. If you get thinking good it is right up front. Some guys though they build up to that jewelry thing. For some men. Giving jewelry. I have a tendency to just blow it all up front. You do. It is stupid. Two or three months in. But you have to keep building. That is the trouble with that theory. Because you you then of to keep building, and then you go broke. I have to admit, my mother she says this all the time, she says how is it now . What do you mean. Because this is best it will get. How to we get to the beginning after that is just downhill. If you dont like how it is thousand in the beginning, let it go because it will not get better. They get comfortable. Sit around in the couch. I forgot. All that kind of stuff. However it is this is beginning, i hope you like it. How long have your parents been together. Thirtytwo years. Wow. My dad used to give my mom gifts every wednesday, small things, a candy bar that she like, send her flowers, that dont happen anymore. I would rather save up for like a house or something. Think of all this, and she counted up one month all of the money he spent on the gifts. Look at all this money you are spending. You can spend this on a house or all project. So he stopped. So she talked herself right out of these gifts. It is her fault. Now i have a tendency to do a gift every month, on the date that i met you you. Like an anniversary. Yes, is what the current date were working. What . What kind of gifts. Eighteen. Eighteenth of every month. So when it comes to that are they Little Things that remind you of her or just general things, flowers. Something that is maybe needed, yeah, you have to have something special, little bit of the special meaning. You have never forgotten. Well, not in the beginning. No. At what point do you drop off. This is my first attempt at this. After awe year do you like it has been enough. We will wait and see. Every month. That is nice. What kind of gift would you give somebody. It could be boom, a big, wow, and then real small and then you go boom again and then really small. Give me a boom. What ace boom gift. A piece of jewelry. What kind . I know one gift my mom first had this conversation with me, i was in high school, yeah, getting hot in here. Hot in here. But i got the a gift and guy i was date nothing high school a high school relationship. Yes. He went to new orleans, he came back and got me a little necklace, and it was a classic bag. Owe h, geese. My mother was like, oh, no, no, to, no. She was kind of upset. Probably got it at the airport. Probably. It was ziplock. You have to go home and go in the kitchen and pull out the quart sized and put it in the ziplock. In bow or anything. No. Here you go. Do you have still have it. Do i still have the gift, it broke like two weeks later. According to this survey gift giving tends to follow a typical pattern. This years one and two that you are together partners are very generous, but then, before the end of that second year is when it starts to go, the gift value has reached its peak by the end of the second year. At the bottom of year seven where there is seven year itch, that big hoff which marilyn monroe, that is the nature of it before. Even back out again. It does coincide with the seven year itch which means you are no longer interested, affairs started to happen, divorces begin to happen. Why do people just get comfortable, what do you do to get her, if you do to keep her. That is exhaust continuing. Well, you know, it is something you are so busy, i dont know if i talked to my husband like a person, it is like, you know, whatever. When was last time you talk to him like a person. When was last time you went on a date. We have an event, i have a event, but that is it. But for him you are taking selfies and signing autographs and he is sitting at the table. It will be a licensing that it. That doesnt count as date night. I would drop this guy. He is no fun. Yes. He is fun. He is a lot of fun. I love this guy. He is great. I like had you did yesterday. I had never, but i have had so much fun yesterday, getting you back. Doing what. Dumping all over you. Do we have footage of our news director, jim driscoll of our news director hosing he down after the segment. There is jim driscoll. That is the enthusiasms director. He has wanted to do this ever since we met, probably 15 years ago. I got slime because it was 30th anniversary of the show, on nickelodeon but we didnt have any slime. So it was paint. He was smiling. We rarely see him smiling. I looked fairly clean there. You are really a bad person. Look at alex. Dumping. It was a cool picture that we put on social media yesterday. It looked like you had a hat on when it hit your head. I have never seen such enthusiasm from my coworkers. To destroy your stuff. So, then high priced jim driscoll, the news director, the boss. Hosed me down, and power washed the sidewalk i had to walk home. I live two or three blocks from the tv station. I could not get in the uber or cab. We should have tried to flag downey cab and see what they have to say. I got some weird looks. Did we have any photo of my walking off. Only the lonely outside of your clothes, on your clothes was there anything in your pants with the way you are walking. As you can tell there is a big what had have of coagulated paint in my pants. How did it get in there. You poured so much it went down my waste band. Cutest moment of yesterday was those two viewers who hugged you that you, they took it on, they hug you, they have a paint. Never wash this shirt. Like a jackson pollack painting by the time i got out of here. Researchers come up with a list of skills all dads should have, it turns out less than half of all dads say they do any of these things, the list is 50 items long. Things you should do to be deemed a good dad. You know, fixing toys, telling bad jokes, having a right battery, keeping calm during arguments, knowing how to light a tire this is fireplace, how to do a barbecue in the backyard. In my case neglect how to make a good batch of bacon. How can you tell when my dad is in town. You smell like bacon. And i come in with bacon in a bag. Little bag like your boyfriend has. Yes. Why dont you get on twitter here. I probably should have gone through those one at a time but i didnt. When it comes to, glenn holley my father because when iowaness high school, you went to mcarthur high school. We thought we were calling it i go to mack. So one day i come home, and i finished track practice and i said hey dad. I have been thinking alex. I said what. He says since you go to mack and im a your daddy cost that make me a mack daddy. Wow. I said i cannot believe you said that how embarrassing. Then he was really proud of this joke, he said i will do something. I said what will you do. He made a sweat shirt. He made a tshirt. He started going around the school and he sold this tshirt to all of the parents mack daddy, and cardinals with the m on it. He made money. Gave it back to the school for prom. But he brought money. Who came up with this idea. I dont know who did it. It wasnt my dad. So it was named after general mcarthur the school. I think so, yes. You should know so. Yes. But, yes, so he made that, only my dad can, make some money off of it. It is smart, clever. He is a mack daddy. He is a good dad. Yeah, i love him. Do you do that . Do you have the right batteries . Yes. The bad jokes are huge and my dad can live off beer, nuts and fix about anything. Putting cable in, wireless, setting autopsy all that stuff. My dad was the same way. We never hired anybody from outside the house to fix anything in our house. Of course, we were poor. He had to do everything. But he could do everything. He could fix the car. He made our furniture. Wow. We won time add termites throughout the house, he ripped out all of the wood ape rebuilt interior of the house. We had a tree go bad the entire backyard and he cut it down himself. We had a sue are line burst, he dug a hole in the front yard and replaced the pipe himself. Wow. That is when men were men. That is right when men were men. I cant do one thing. I swear to you i had to call the front desk at my Apartment Building to change a sconce. Those things that cover the lights good i could not get the sconce, the frosted glass out of the thing, to get at the light bulb. So this dude had to come up, and go, was it really that simple. Of course it was. Pathetic. , well, im sure. As i think back about it, i dont know how my daughters have survived. Stop it. If you asked them right now what makes you a great dad what would you think they would say. You have money. Fun things. You are in the know, you are fun to hang out with. You guys would go and spy on their boyfriend, i love that story. I was in charge of the driving they were in charge of the treats. We got walkietalkies one time so we could cover two areas of the neighborhood and spy on their boyfriends. Yes. And we would also, it was dark, make up, you know. Camouflage. On our face and stuff. Hiding in the bushes at their houses. It is pathetic. Did the police, were they ever called. Police were called. Oh, yeah. What are you doing. Oh boy. Lets go to the movies, it will be raining most of the weekend or there is a chance of that. A friend of mine want to see this girl on the train because it is base the book. So good and so many people read it. Then i want to see this birth of the nation. It will be hard to watch some of these scenes. It was based on this movie from back in 1915 that celebrated the kkk. Young man in virginia said lets tell the other side of the story from the slaves perspective. Heres a clip. I pray you sianni sing a new song. Sing praise in the assembly of the righteous. Let it be joyful in glory. High praise of god feel mouth of the saint and two edged sword that they should do vengeance. There you go. This young man grew up in virginia where this took place actually, it probably only last 72 hours or Something Like that. So, its director writer nate parker, telling the story of nat turner and we arely he grew up, just miles from this particular battle will that took place in virginia back in the day in 1830s i guess. I heard it is phenomenal. It has been phenomenal and raving about it. Heres the trouble. Nate parker, went to Penn State University back when he was on the wrestling team he and another guy were accused of, a rape in the dorm room, but he was acquitted of that crime, but guy that was with him served time and later released there prison. Does that kind of behavior, does those accusations, those allegation was that affect you to go to a movie. Some people are protesting this movie, and they dent want any part of this. It is the way we first brought up, the fact that he was acquitted, how he responded to it and talk about the victim. He thought it was all forgotten and in the promotion of the thing he brought it up. If the woman that allege rape happened, they say, she killed herself. Yes. My gosh i was just about to Say Something totally different. Sometimes you can separate artist and creativity from the personal life and what they created and i think about people that get in trouble, aaron sorkin and is funny, great and he has those problems with drugs. We all have our different problems. Would you ever go to a woody allen film after what he did to his a cooperated doubt are. Yes. Or roman pol an ski supposedly having sex with a 13 yearold girl, banned all these years. So kevin mccarthey, our movie critic is with us by skype. My goodness. I dont know, for the love. What did you think, lets start with birth of the nation, what do you think out of of your five stars. We just lost him. I hate skype, lets not ever skype again. It is just a blazer but it is on skype, skype is stupid. We know he gave it, four and a half out of five. Four and a half out of five. There is oscar buzz on this thing but again. Well, the academy. The academy ignore it because of the allegations against it, never went to jail for this, birth of the nation. Gabriel union is in it. Yes, this was a brutal, brutal movie, because the battle was very brutal, and where nat turner and some of the other slaves go into the house of the slave owners and they kill a bunch of people with machetes. Other movie is based on a book call the girl on the train, karen, have you read it. I did, i thought it was an excellent book, gripping story, it moved quickly. She sees shes going by this house and envisions life and people live here and how they have a purchase marriage and had this relationship is like and in her own personal life and there are plot twists and turns throughout the way. So shes married to the dude, marriage starts to fall apart, and then he has an affair and woman who is having an affair with end up dead. It is a perfect couple. You envision somebody and you sit there and make up a story about that couple. Shes girl the train and train slow down every day at this same time and she sees this house and she envisions this couple and had they think ape it looks so perfect. You you never necessity what happened in peoples lives and whatever other stuff you got to. She sees a would hand out window of the train. Yes. Dont give it away. I want to read the book. Yes. Filled with tension apparently. Girl on the train. Now kevin our movie critic gave it three and a half out of five stars. Still pretty darn good. On a girl barometer it would be five out of five. On the girl scale. Every female in my life wants to see this stinking movie and im trying get out of going. Anyway lets get back the two hose important story of the day, it is time to turn in your bras. Im willing to be part of this to help you, the viewer of good day philadelphia. So generous. Apparently this expiration on food your bra also has a Expiration Date ill tell you why, okay. This is ground breaking. Expiration dates play a big part in man we eat. Other items have Expiration Dates as well, including bras. I dont believe this, no, no. All right. Ladies, did you know your bra does have a date, it expires. To it doesnt. Your lingerie should never celebrate a birthday and should be replaced, regularly, okay. Wait, they actually say, every eight months. Oh, come on. Does your bra have a birthday. Can you possibly, they are so expensive. If you getting a basic bra. I never bought a bra how much is a bra today. Depend where you get it. Lets say you go to marshals and get a bra. It might be 20 bucks but basic bra, but Victoria Secret will be at least 40. Yes. If not 50. That is your basic Victoria Secret, super high end, and, you know, i think that is really expensive. Is there a store over on 17th that im too frayed to get into. Is it core, 17th and sansom, you know, eur is that high end licensing ray. Bob would know. That means heart, probably. Probably, yes. A word for heart. It is above the hot dog place. Hot dogs later on and we will check it out. What is it called . Do you have a picture of it . It is an intimate apparel lingerie boutique. It is called what . Heart. Just go for hot dogs today we will go for a walk. And then there is a lobster place, right next door as well right next to the. Yes. Walked by it a thousand times. I have walked up the steps a couple times, it is so intimate, im afraid to go in. You walk up to the door and you look in. If it is 2 00 a. M. Some places like that down on south street but it is fun to go into and it is almost towards the city. Yes. Well, you know, a lot of things, maybe things have changed, but they should have a funky stores and they have all this leather stuff and skype and things. So you shop on south street for the underies. E rog news zone that store. I have not been in these places for a while but curiosity, especially. Road trip. Especially if you are. What are you going to say. Change your hair brushes and nail files too. Yeah, that is true. If you are please tweet me i want to know if you are changing your bras are every eight months. What is longest you have ever had a bra. From high school. Yes. It has been a while. Dont you say anything. Anyway. We will turn philadelphia and Delaware Valley this is country known as germany, what do you say. We have two october fests this weekend. Lets talk about both of them because they are both really good, parade, there is one over at 23rd street armory they will turn it this to basically, munich. Are you. Newspapers know the real story on pat toomey. On background checks for gun buyers. Toomey has shown the courage few others have. Toomey steps up on checks. Toomey is on the right side. State leaders should follow toomey lead. No wonder leading Pennsylvania Police organizations endorse pat toomey as best to protect our families. Independence usa pac is responsible for the content of this advertising. Well there is a lot going on this weekend, just asks g our weekend plans, and the 23rd street armory celebrating their first october fest, karen . This sunday also the germanamerican tube inch parade. So we got mike and bob outside. I dont know what were doing. Are we doing the polka or the german dance . Okay. So the whole street, turned fourth and market here into germany. So we have two festivals this week, right . Two festivals. Go right. You get over there. Jim swartz, thank you for coming out this morning. Glad to be here. Tell us about it, first of all it is not tube end . Stoiben. He was general, came to the valley forge in 1778 to help train the troops, he was instrumental in winning the revolution. Okay. Although our parade is in honor, it is actually for all german americans, and all of the great things that the germans have done throughout the centuries. My grandmother and grad father went to germany back when i was young, they brought me back a pair of the pant, what are they called . Lada hose,. Leather pant. The ladies are wearing adorned l, durndle. It is considered bovarian, the music that you hear from bo vare ya. How about these ladies here with the sashes . Our corn flour court. She is the queen, a list a shultz, alyssa rider, a and kristins birthday. It is crane continues birthday. The corn flower princess birthday. The 46th annual parade. Second year were in rocklidge, weve had great relationship with rocklidge and fox chase so far. This is the second year weve been there, second year on fox. Thats the thing, in rocklidge, fos chase, starts outside the tavern huntingdon pike, march down to church road, down to loney avenue, out to oxford avenue. We have participation with the brail house, and us a tree and village restaurant and brean, plenty to do, plenty to eat, plenty to see at the parade. Hope to see you sunday october 9th in rocklidge. If you need parade director i have one right here for you, mike. Okay, good. We have another one. Just one october fits this weekend, tonight, tomorrow, and i think sunday, we have an october fest, good to see you, man, jeremy, good to see you again. Where are we doing this, 23rd street armory . The whole weekend, starts tonight. I am guessing on 23rd street . It is on 23rd street. Armory . It is. A big space watch are you basically doing, taking your restaurant with you . Brail house schmidts. On south street. Seventeenth and south street. Youll turn the huge armory into october fest . Making it look like a big tenter in munich. So plenty of music as youll hear behind me here. Describe some of the food. We have a lot of pretzels obviously, brat worse, spite i brat wurst, roast pork, soar crowd, salami, ham, bay aryan cheese spread, butter, rye bread, soar cheese. Okay. So you did mention beer. Yes. Whats your name, sir . My name is burt from hatboro beverages, warminster, pennsylvania. Pardon you. It is my bell. Who are you . Cheryle stilts. Whats her name . Common in here, vanessa. Vanessa, i notice your hat, we have the same hat. Yes. Shall we tap this thing . Flower crown. Oh, flower crown. This is like instagram. Okay, so you will do the honors . Always ceremonial tapping of the keg. Lets do it. And well do it right now, compliment of house bra from munich. We have a thing, which i will say right now. speaking german. God bless you. Which means that the keg is tapped. The keg is tapped. Ladies and gentlemen. So in other words the weekends has gun, bob. Happy hour. Happy hour at 9 30 in the morning. Okay, we see you tonight. So it is tonight. Yep, tonight. And on sunday. What time should i get there tonight . 7 00. 7 00 saturday, too . And 7 00 sunday . All day sunday. Oh, all day sunday. 12 00 to 10 00. Twentythird street armory just off market street. Yes. Okay. Thanks for having us. We have plans. We have plans. Enjoy. It is not for mike, it is not an instagram filter, it is a snap chat filter. Well work on that. A will the of things to check out. I love that. This one, some people sick of the whole Pumpkin Spice trend. Im kind of intreagued by this. It is interesting. How would you like Pumpkin Spice nails . Not just talking orange nails, okay . It will taste like pumpkin, too. How tall are you . How do we measure greatness in america . The height of our skyscrapers . The size of our Bank Accounts . No. Its measured by what we do for our children. The values we pass on. Ive spent my life fighting for kids and families and it will be my mission to build a country where our children can rise as high as their dreams and hard work take them. That means good schools for every child in every zip code. College that leads to opportunities. Not debt. And an economy where every Young American can find a job that lets them start a family of their own. We face big challenges, but we can solve them the same way families do. Working together. Respecting one another. And never giving up. I want our success to be measured by theirs. Im Hillary Clinton and i approve this message. vo when it comes to your favorite Pennsylvania Lottery pick games, its smart to add the new wild ball to your game. Sally plays 1 2 3, just like she does every day. But today she adds wild ball. Because sally chose to get extra chances to win by playing wild ball, sally yah vo she can now replace the number 4 with tonights wild ball, number 3. Making her a winner sally thanks, wild ball vo dont change the way you play, change the way you win learn more at palottery. Com. Please join us this sunday for our first walk altzheimer areas event, this sunday walk on the boardwalk in atlantic city, then the next walk saturday october 15th in wilmington, final walk is in philadelphia, on saturday, november 12th. So, we hope to see you there. So, do you watch the show battle box . Because it is pretty exciting actually. Oh, well then oh, okay. All right i then. So, we will talk about battle box in a little bit. Yes. Right now we will tom p about Pumpkin Spice. You know how this is in the fall, everyone lovers Pumpkin Spice, you have the coffee, candles, the bread it goes on and on and on. Well now what about nail art . I think this is so interesting. So you can get it, not just color, so not just that pumpkin color. Fast incorporating, both smells like pumpkin, and they say it tastes like it, because scientists are putting in actual powdered spice into these custom nail designs. So they sprinkle right in like that, like into the wet lacquer, and then they dust it off. Oh, texture, fascinated by this, havent seen this part. So then after it is set, the finish look is a perfect fall color and texture, so also slight scent of pumpkin pie. Sometimes looking at it, doing it, because they have this thing, thats called sand, sand nail polish, too, kind of like sandy so it has that texture, but they put clear nail polish over it, so kind of smooth. And that way youre not just like i think i have to see it. If they were doing it i thought almost like leaves ankles did i not think that was good look. One of the things i like about nail polish, it is shiny. I dont think i want leaves. Clear nail polish, then shine. I because top coat . We do have that, you get that one, let us glow let us see thousand goes. I want to see it in real live. We have a picture of the santa we were talking about, so well show that. See that one . Thats something that still feels kind of rough. Still bumpy. Looks cool. For summer might be little awesome. I wonder if it gets irritating after couple of days. But looks cool. Use it to get the dead skin off your feet. Look at you. Im sunburned. Oh, mosquito bites . All of that, oh, mosquito bites, that would be amazing, yes. Okay, so, well see what nails come back with then. So talking battle box a second ago. Jen is with some robots right now. Oh, we have a festival, amazing thing happening. Okay, it is pretty cool, at the franklin institute, and basically a robot is currently beating me. At tictactoe. These arent arent the slow board ones, safety robot. Come on back, show this amazing exhibit that opens tomorrow. Totally going to beat you, robot. Planned parenthood. I would support legislation in pennsylvania that would ban abortion and i would suggest we have penalties for doctors who perform them. Would you put people in jail for performing abortions . At some point doctors performing abortions i think would be subject to that sort of penalty. Dscc is responsible for the content of this advertising. When i was one year old, i was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer on my spinal chord. But i spent my whole life fighting back. So you can imagine what i thought when i saw donald trump say. I dont know what i said, ah, i dont remember that reporter he is talking about suffers from a chronic condition that impairs movement of his arms. I dont want a president who makes fun of me. I want a president who inspires me, and thats not donald trump. Priorities usa action is responsible for the content of this advertising. Soup nazi from seinfeld. movie clip . Excuse me, i think you forgot my bread. Bread, 2 extra. The guy in front of me got free bread. You want bread . Yes please. 3. No soup for you. No soup for you. So the guy that plays the soup nazi on seinfeld is in philadelphia, and hes going to be on the show tomorrow. Hes going to be on the show tomorrow, giving out soup, we will be giving out soup in case you feel like coming down to fourth and market street. I may come in. I actually met him. His real name larry thomas, larry thomas. So larry is on the show tomorrow if you want to met him at fourth and market tomorrow on good day philadelphia. Okay, if you need something for your kids to do this weekend, and they like robot, we have the perfect solution for you. Going to be at the franklin institute, the guys, robot revolution, jen, taking on 40 robots. Pretty cool, 30 of the 40 robots are interactive. Good morning. I have to tell you we were worried this would be like a boring robot situation, but absolutely. You tell them to do a head stand, and goodness he basically does a head stand. Okay. So this is robot revolution, it is a new exhibit opens tomorrow and the two dudes from battle box will be here to help you open it up. Right . Great day tomorrow, we open up this exhibit, battle box, 40 different feels competing being cage set up. Seventy different robots taking on each other, one of the many things were doing opening day. Free give aways, whole bunch of hands on things people can do. Then come see this great exhibition. So, only going to be able to show people little bit of what happened. This feels a little bit i have to say like battle box. They show them in the tv show like ticket g stuff, literally your robot garage, where people can see things get fixed. Exactly right. As people are walking through the exhibition, technicians showing them what to do outside they can build their own robots here. Love this. Kind of like medical area how robot help us for all kind of ways. Look at it, it is like robot baby seal for kids that are in the hospital that need little extra love. Thats right, kids, adults, perot, really works very well. With the patient, gives them some satisfaction and stimulation throughout. Everything from rhumba to a drone. And you even have the car that will drive itself, the technology from that, but i have to say i love. This so this is basically the world cup robot, right . So plane what is this . Robo cup. Robo Cup International competition where robots play soccer against themselves. Program robots . Robots have to do all of the decisions on their own. Student from pen . Student from all over the world, our team from beijing, china usually place top 30. You have teams from the usa, carnegie melon, mit, u pen, all over europe, really, south america, africa, you name it. So what you said is we can steel the ball from the dudes there, the fake dudes tees them with the ball, i dropped the ball. Do you want to drop the ball . It bears repeating this will be open until 2017. But i said to you off camera, some of the best exhibit here are the ones the kids can get involved in. Certainly one of them. Emerse i have, something for everybody to do, no matter what your age is, you can play tictactoe, you can see how rubiks cubes are done, participate in that. You can play blackjack. Manufacturing, healthcare, hilarious, literally going into the lion cage there, right . So basically im now going to be messing with the robots. Come here, little robot. Okay . Ready, look, they know where it is. This is hilarious. Look. So wait. Literally go way over here. Look at my ball. Look at my ball. Basically like having a french fries at the beach with a seagull, right . Like they can smell it. Really cool. It is cool to like school like this. Mad science. Cool. Karen hepp do you have get your boys over there. You bet. You promised me this all week, bruno mars has new music video out. Are you finally going show this . Yes, i will show it to you. Lets just get a break. Get ourselves together. Then ill show it to you. Are you kidding me . I spent many years as a Nuclear Missile launch officer. If the president gave the order we had to launch the missiles, that would be it. I prayed that call would never come. [ radio chatter ] self control may be all that keeps these missiles from firing. [ sirens blearing ] i would bomb the [ beep] out of them. I want to be unpredictable. I love war. The thought of donald trump with Nuclear Weapons scares me to death. It should scare everyone. Im Hillary Clinton and i approve this message. Quincy here, before we get into your show, alex says now she does not have bruno mars tape. I am hoping do you. I dont have it. Well, somebody, the control room, do we have bruno mars . What makes you think i didnt have it . I got you. It is called 24k magic, all right . First solo in four years. Hes the man. Hes so talented he can go in and out. I cant when is he coming to filly . Thats what we need to know. I love bruno mars, i love to see him in concert. Yes. New albumn coming out . I hope so. It is also called his new albumn coming out 24k magic. Like 24 karat golds. Comes out november 18th. It has some racey bits, we didnt actually get to play racey bits . Oh, youre a race i bit, karen . Oh. The weekend. We can talk about racey bits. Uhhuh. Hey, ben afleck appeared on the tonight show with jimmy fallon last night, the two acted in the scenes, that he wrote. Well, here is the thing. He has this new movie out supposed to be really good, called the account and the. What do you want to be when you grow up . Either an astronaut or an account and the. I really want to wear an astronaut helmet but i also want to use a calculator. Thats a tough decision. I know. Wait. I got it. Got what . You should and accountant who wears an astronaut helmet. Seriously . Ya. The little girl grows up and becomes an astronaut accountant and the little boy gross up and becomes an account and the astronaut. They bump into each other on the moon. So, anyway, what i meant to tell you was the account and the who is pretty racey film, it is very adult, so they had children write a script for an account and the. Oh, i see. It is all about kids stuff. Coming to philadelphia this weekend. Yes. Youre missing the main part, coming for free. For free . For free. Where . Big festival thats going on, the neighborhood street festival. The festival returns to West Philadelphia tomorrow after a six year hiatus. So, common will headline the fest for it big return, performers, and free food. Health screenings, Community Resource tables, give aways, craft and food vendors, childrens zoo zone and karen hepp . Between 12 00 and eight tomorrow in west philly. Big area over there. You can find it. You know what . I guarantee you i will be at that, and also be in the set, in the studio, for the q show. One of my favorite people of all time george clinton. Yes. Parliament funk adel i can will be here, head, at 12 00 noon. I cant wait. See you, have a great day. Amazing. George clinton has not been up at noon in 35 years. Were praying. Come on, george. Please, show up. Announcer live from new york city, its the Wendy Williams show. [ cheers and applause ] announcer now, heres wendy [ cheers and applause ] so funny. Yes. Uhhuh. Hello, everyone. [ cheers and applause ]

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