Wow. Come on over here. Come on. You watched the game, right. Yes. Were you flipping out. We were. That was the greatest game. The final shot. Yes. I have never had so much fun. We have been around for four years. Well, she has been around eight years. My name is kristin from baltimore. Charlotte from new york. Gabby from new york. Jack friday new jersey. Im amanda from chicago. Who is that one behind you. Alycia from new york. Cristina from new jersey. Maddie from chicago. Is anybody from philadelphia. No. It is such a great school they come in from all over the world. Where are you heading tomorrow, you are not in houston for a reason. We are heading today tone a florida for the Division One National championship for dance. Congratulation is we could have two villanova national champions. Lets hope. Are you competitive. Yes. Do you have a shot. I think so. So, we definitely will go in with high hopes. Congratulations. Now go get them. Yes. Thanks so much for coming in. Always eager to show the young ladies out. Thanks, keith, thank you, ladies. All right. All right. Lets talk about sibling rivalry do parents really like one child better. Oh, no. The research saying absolutely, we like one over the other. Absolutely and do we have another surprise guest this morning. Oh, yeah. Who is going to come out from behind the door, we will give you a a hypothesis, someone has got to call 911 for this one. Hey, quincy. Nova, nova, nova. These people here, they are looking for championship shirt. I have mine. Do you have yours. Wow. Great gear out there this morning. So, there was a mom in houston last night who had to wear a double shirt, half north caroline, half villanova. Right. Two sons with very different emotion this is morning and one mom, who has to deal with both of them. Arcidiacono to jenkins for the win. Yes. Wouldnt you know one of those sons turnout to be the hero, gaining attention all over the country. Villanovas Chris Jenkins hit that game winning the shot, his brother nate, watches with his North Carolina teammates. Their dreams of winning it all, ruined on i last second shot, by his brother. Yes. He watch his brother celebrate a national championship. Think about this now as a mom and a dad. So they are half brothers. They consider themselves brothers. We will show a photo of them together after North Carolina won elite eight and picture going around seeing them two together and brits family put jenkins in when he was 12. Nates parent are now legal guardian. We have asked melony brbit what it is like seeing one sun hit the game winning shot and other dealing with the crushing loss. It was tough to watch the game. That is why i walk the concourse. I knew it would be a emotional game. I knew someone was going to win and someone was going to lose. Will chris be the kind of guy that he will remind nate of hot champion was and he will hold to those bragging rights issue. He will hold them to them. Not today, tomorrow, he will let nate get over it for a while but that phone call is coming. Arcidiacono. Woman on the left in that hot shot is chriss biological mother. So, melony brit said she didnt see chriss shot live but watch it on a machine for, tr screen on the concourse. She didnt see one minute of the game because she was too stressed out bit. I can only imagine. Would i dot same thing. She knew going in, one of her sons was going to lose and then what do you do. You want to celebrate with the one who won but you have to console you dont want to put in any other face because you are spriting and so excited for one sun. Yes, no. Yes. No. So it is just difficult. Very difficult. But he said, chris did say if nate has won he would have been talking smack. Give it a couple days, let the wound heel and then you can start going back and forth. That is what brothers do they taunt each other. So when you see nate coming out of the locker room, probably waiting, what do you say. Great game. I guess great game. You tried your best. It was a great game up until very end we thought it would go in overtime. Does it get any better than that watching a basketball game. So close to go into overtime. Oh, man, my stomach was hurting. My favorite part was the fact everybody was asking Chris Jenkins taking that shot, were you nervous at all. It was down to less than a second. He said no, they always go in. He wouldnt put it up if he didnt think would it go in. His coach says he takes those long shots, earlier in the game, which i hate. Milky way in the control room do you have pictures ready to go. Okay, lets do it. People are sending in pictures of how excited they were. We are thrilled for both nephew winning championship. They also piece of the net and they have tonight their hats. That is right. And then she was so happy that she was crying. What is going on with our friend trace hoy watches the show all the time. That is cute. As you know it is our 20th birthday. We will celebrate this all month long. We are looking back at good day memories. Probably all the way up to april the 29th. Do you want to see another one. This has to do with food. Is there a dude that use to host this show, scott ingram he did it the for a while. It was thanksgiving day. Thanksgiving day. And he was working with Kerrilee Hall death and they were anchoring the show. We dont take off on holidays and he was trying something new for thanksgiving. A tofurkey, bunch of bird all milk together in one carcus. He didnt like it. All right. So, scott, you thought you were going to getaway without trying this. Look at that, as it turns out, there is some for all of us. Yes. You got to try some, a little bite. That is yours. Geese, all right. Let me try this. Are you going to eat this on the bagel thing. We have an emergency crew outside. It doesnt look good news. It taste way better then it looks. It is not bad. That is very good. It is okay right now i have not digest ted. Do you like it. No. It does get worse actually. In fairness to this product, i microwaved this product. It could be done much better. I think this was in the forest a little bit too long. Looking for a trash can right there. They wanted to do this tofurkey segment and it came in a day before. Yes. It is tofu that taste like turkey. They hold it in the shape of the turkey. So you are a vegetarian on thanksgiving. And then it wasnt put in the refrigerator. Yes. Well, okay, that is a nice moment. Have you ever thought about how the favorite is in your family. Forget what your mom and dad have told you you, it turns out parents according to research, do prefer one child over the other. Ho, ho. One study found what many suspected all along parent definitely have have a favorite child. They followed 400 families if which a pair of siblings was more than four years of each other. Research which was public in the journal of family psychology revealed that 74 percent of mothers and 70 percent of fathers reported preferential treatment toward one child. None of the parents would tell which child they preferred. They just said we prefer one over the over. It is first born. It is the baby. Yes. So see in my family we call my brother because there was three girls and then my brother. We called him the golden child because he could do know wrong. Because he is one boy. Because he was the one boy and the baby. It is double. His older sisters contributed, to that. That is true. Who was the favorite in your family. Six kids in my family, tom was number one. He was first born. He is the golden child. And then girl, girl, girl, girl, me and then i became the favorite. Because you are the baby boy. And then there was a girl after me good she wasnt the favorite. How did you become the favorite. I dont know. I really didnt to have do anything around the house. My mom made my bed. My sisters did the dishes and stuff like. That my only job was to take out a trash. I like it. I like taking out the trash. Those were the days men and women had different jobs. It was pretty well defined back then. I can say that i am the favorite in my family. Yeah. Why . Because im the only child. Only one. Yes, exactly. I tell my daughter you are my favorite daughter. Shes like im the only child. Never mind good looks or being rich, the perfect catch is now older and divorced with children. My, how things have change in the world. Really. I like it. 500 unmarried woman, in the United States, were surveyed and it turns out they are happier marrying divorced men hoff children. They dont mine if the man is una tracktive and much older then them. What . Difficult this research. They are also more likely to marry men who earn much more than they do. There we go. Gold digger. One theory, they think men hoff married before, can commit, to long term relationships which makes no sense. That surprises the heck out of of me. Divorced men can commit. That is what women would prefer, when they have children which means that the exwife is always going to be in your life. You guys are missing the most important part. They make more money. That is what it is. What does your dad say. Alex, he said, sometimes i say things i dont get the background. He said, you see someone like a millionaire, billion air and you are like with, how did he get here. That kind of thing. Well, you know how. Well, i a said that one day to my dad. Look at his wife. Shes beautiful. My dad goes alex, there is to such thing as a ugly rich man. Yes. Welshing get to the point. No such thing as a ugly rich man. That money will change everything up. How about our former boss rupert murdock. With jerry hall, mick jaggers x. Shes 59. He is 84. But they are happy, happy, happy. And he is rich. Im sure she thinks he is the most handsome man in the world. And it is funny, he is a tin ge of green good money. Mike never gets my joke. I thought you were going bold or something, ims so old. No, no. Money. Dollar bills. You know, i like this kristin bell. I do too. She says that she loves being a mother. What is the show that she a has veronica mars. Boom. Very good show. She wishes she was more prepared for mornings with her two young daughters who are 15 months and she has a threeyear old. Here she is. I mean i love it. I love them. You know where we could do better . Why does everyone wake up screaming . Why dont they tell you that, they will wake up screaming. For like four years. You wake up, the moment you wake up you are in a horror movie because everyone in the house is screaming bloody murder. They dont get up and make your coffee, like i kind of thought maybe they would, or at least when they get old ever, right and they dont, they wake up screaming and screaming it is a a mow mothes. It is so much fun. Kristin says that despite her noisy mornings and lack of fresh coffee mother hood has made her more comfortable with mother hood . What . Probably with other mothers. Huh. When she gets advice i have no idea what she means. I will tell you one thing it makes you less judgmental of other mothers because you go through it yourself. Minute you get on the airplane with the child you relate to every other time were you irritated with somebody, yes. Getting a a lot of tweet about the favorite sin blink. She says i have nine children. I have no favorites. Just a bit more stern with the older ones. Mercedes said it depend on my mood. I have two girls. They are equally a pain. Eli says im the baby, im the only boy. Im golden. Yes. Jessica says, anyone fool you, we all have a favorite. Jessica, why dont you name that favorite then. Um, um, um. Yes. So what are the best places to watch the game last night was in the pennsylvania sill beyond on the campus have of villanova university. Quincy decided that is where he would go a and i think by him early is. What a great time. Heres the end. Quincy, you had strangers hugging and kissing you. Know of, know of, nova. I have to get in the middle of the action, mike. It was insane last night. I have the shirt. It it was so hard for me to fight through the mess. Is what your name. Ana you are a senior. What does this mean for you. It is incredible. The last night, all day i was completely nervous, because this is, a a lot for me. I wanted my team to win. We did it. And when they won, when that buzzer beater sounded it was crazy. Nice. You have some shirts right here. Yes, i have one, to i have the white one and then i got that one. Right, okay good are these for you or friends. For me. I dont have a lot of gear. Congratulations. Two law students. You guys, where were you watching the game. We were watching at flip and baileys, pretty much the Law School Bar and we were all going crazy there. You guys were telling me some of your friend actually have friend on the basketball teams. One of our classmates has a brother on the team. We just get there, we were there four hours early. It was insanity. Nobody else could get in. Law students right here. We have a sophomore here. Where were you watching the game, how did it feel. I was in the pavilion. It was amazing. Everybody was going off. It was so much fun. It was amazing. What did you buy. I bought same thing as her. How did you get up this early. There is no class. I got up because i wanted a tshirt before they sold out, so yeah. Know of, nova pride in here. Guys, it is really hard for me to find some actual students but i found some students, a guy with some shirts. I will keep this foam thing right now. Back to you. Would it be to much to put on the villanova shirt. No, it is all philadelphia. It is all philadelphia i dont want to hear people talking about this mess we cannot root for those. It is all philadelphia if you can watch good day philadelphia, were a fan of you, that is how i feel. Yes. Love you, man. Lets play another winning song in honor of our champions there. For the win, yes. Were beating the drum forville know of all week. We have drums and you dont to have go to washington to see Cherry Blossoms. No way. The Cherry Blossom festival is in town. Katie mcginty knowshool, get the routine. By. Her dad was a philly cop. Mom worked in a restaurant. Then, hard work opened doors. Now its not quite enough. But mcgintys working to change that, helping create thousands of new jobs. Shell always stand up for manufacturing, higher wages, and equal pay for women so opportunity never gets out of reach. Katie mcginty for senate. Women voters responsible for the content of this advertising. So jane put up a v for villanova. Good job. Use rooting on know of nation. Everybody else was too. Send us your picks how you are celebrating novas win on facebook, twit error instagram philly. I think we need to play another winning song. Lets do it. Another one by the the dust i like that one. Unc, yes. Did you say send in a picture. There is a picture. All right, look, ladies. Look at mike. Oh, yeah. That will get me some luck. Good luck in florida. Thank you, ladies. I have seen this drumming group from japan in honor of the Cherry Blossom festival, they are so good. They are so loud. They are so bob. Exactly, yes, good morning everybody. With me is the toma gowa drum group all the way from japan. There is only one that speaks english. They have a translator here. They are in town for the philadelphia Cherry Blossom festival. Who knew that philadelphia a, had a Cherry Blossom festival. You dont have to go to washington d. C. To see the Cherry Blossoms. They are blooming early this year, with me is aaron, and first of all, where can they see Cherry Blossoms in philadelphia there is Cherry Blossoms all through Fairmount Park but best places to go are a long the schuylkill river, west river drive or kelly drive and out by the fair mount park Horticultural Center at man music center the drum group is in town. They come back every year to celebrate. These guys are from tomagowa university in tokyo. They do a tour of various varieties every year. Last night i believe they were at another sin us and tonight they are going out to half for. They are going to haverford. Are you ready to drum, are you ready guys, do it. Yeah, yeah. It is so cold out we need to be reminded it is spring. Yes, good point. Well, lets get to lauren because we have another surprise guess guest. Im in the eighth grade honor class at salvation academy. They have a grammy Award Winning artist coming in the class. He has already been inside, talking, he will be teaching next. We will interview the surprise guest waiting behind the door. We buy any car dot com we buy any car dot com we buy any car dot com any any any any did you know trading in your car at a dealer could cost you money . A recent study found consumers who trade in their car pay an average of 990 dollars more. So dont trade in. Sell it. To we buy any car. Learn more and get your free online valuation now at we buy any car dot com find out how much your car is worth at webuyanycar. Com introducing oikos crunch. Greek nonfat yogurt with delicious crunchy toppings like chocolate and Peanut Butter chips. Crunched it new oikos crunch. Be unstoppable. Bob, we have breaking news . Welcome back, will the 30, skyfox over the scene of School Bus Accident in vineland, new jersey. This along garden and northeast avenue. Looks like you see the school bus there off the roadway and into what would be, i guess, the woods offer to the side there. Now, we dont have any reports, if there were any kids on the bus, if there were any injuries, we have no information yet. So hopefully with it being 9 30, the kids were already dropped off at school and hopefully that would be an empty school bus, but also trying to see if chop kerr pull back out here, we see any activity, or any police or emergency crews, again, this is in vineland, just happened within the last half hour. You see some folks there, looks like maybe off after driveway, again, this is garden and northeast avenue in vineland. Oh, hold on. There you go. That looks like another vehicle that was involved in the accident. Okay, were hearing there there are some minor injuries on the bus. Looks like the bus got rearended . Yes, more serious injuries to those that are in the vehicle there. You can see that glass all, yes, windshield. My guess is maybe that bus, that car may have rearended the back of the bus is what it looks like. Looks like the bus didnt quite hit the tree though . No, i wonder if the bus got hit from behind, maybe pulled off to the side. You know, if we go. Go back to the bus for a second, there was a driveway there. So i wonder if maybe the bus, you know how they stop to pick the kids up, could have been stopping to pick someone up, then that car rearended them. You got the sun glare there, and we have no snow showers all morning long, coming through, so well keep our fingers crossed say a prayer for that far was injured, and well come back if we get any more information. All right, just keep your fingers crossed everybody. 9 32, as you know, because weve told you, 6,000 times, it is our 20th birthday. Yes, it is, and weve been having surprise guests. And we do every day, a surprise guess, some famous, maybe not so famous, every day. I think this next one is pretty famous. I would say so. Who is knocking on the door . I hear the doorbell. Here we go. Ready or not, here i come you cant hide. Foundation academy, thank you so much for coming by. By trenton academy. I heard you talking to the kids, you are from new jersey by way of haiti. You came here when you why nine years old, right . Yes, i came to america when was ten years old. Ten years old. Got your start in music in the church . Yes, a church boy, pk, shout the to all of you pks out there tell me whats your message to the kids . I know you are teaching music, theory, other thing. Whats your message to these children today . When i started the fugi, never was trying to be famous, i still consider myself a choir director. And, you know, putting lauren in the forefront, i love people with incredible talent, so my message to the kids today is if you want to be within the industry, it is so vast, like you could either do broadway, contemporary, but you have to have a passion for what you do. When you walked in the classroom, when you walk in here, they were playing your song. How did you feel . I mean, felt great. It was incredible to hear it, and or chest station forum, with violins, the upright base, the drums, cellos, incredible feeling. And great teacher, too. I know ill let you play with them, i know a dream come true for all of them, real quickly, did i read something about the fugis getting back together, some type of reuniting . I mean, there is a slogan that says anything can happen. So anything can happen. Well leave it at that. Well let you play with the kids, thank you so much for coming by. Im jam out with them. All right, lets do it. Before you guys start playing, let me ask you, how cool is this . This is really cool. You never expect to see a famous person or celebrity come into your classroom and just play with you. A grammy Award Winning celebrity, right . Yes. You want to hit a note real quick before the whole group does . Lets go. Lead them out. Theyll never forget this. Nope. No woman no cry. The theme song to my life. But you have woman, youre engaged. Thats why im crying. Oh, okay. Folks on twitter said could you please, because i have to go to bed after the game, over at midnight. Right. And the Network Always plays that one shining moment. Oh, dont get me started. And it makes me cry. Im looking at the young men crying and falling down and playing basketball. For some reason it makes me cry. Do you want to see it again . Yes, please. Lets play it after the break. This is a vanilla bean. I see vanilla specks. A little crushed vanilla bean. Twenty hundred vanilla specks. Breyers has fresh cream, sugar and milk. Breyers natural vanilla. Milk and fresh cream. And only sustainably farmed vanilla. Heres my ice cream dance. Ever spin on your head . Yeah. Once. Breyers. The good vanilla. Were proud to announce that our milk and cream come from cows not treated with artificial growth hormones. When you want itchy, watery eyes and sneezes out of the picture, you go to walgreens for flonase allergy relief over the counter in full prescription strength. With walgreens right around the corner, its easy to get more complete relief in a flash. Hows that for picture perfect . Well. Perfect might be a slight exaggeration. Swing by walgreens for flonase that helps block six allergic substances, not just one. Walgreens. At the corner of happy and healthy. Katie mcginty for u. S. Senate, calling her a champion for working families. The 9th of 10 kids, her dads Union Pension and Social Security made all the difference. In pennsylvania, mcginty helped implement obamacare and expand coverage. Trump and toomey have attacked obamacare and Social Security. To fight back, president obama wants mcginty in the senate to protect women, families and seniors. Vote in the democratic primary, april 26th. Mcginty im Katie Mcginty and i approve this message. It is exactly 9 40 on this tuesday, the day after the big win last night. Villanova national champions, so alex, tell me about the pole youre taking on twitter . Well, we started tweeting, oh, great for philly. Some people saying well technically villanova is not in philly. All of this talk about the parade. Where should the parade be, in philly, not if phily . I asked everybody should the city of philadelphia pay for the villanova championship parade . Apparently, 69 say yes. And 31 say no. Its not philly. So, overall, people are saying, i know a loft people on twitter no, no, no. Overall. What did they do in 1985 . They had at least, ive seen pictures of a celebration at jfk plaza. Like a rally or something . So thats in the sit. I yes. See, i got word, from pretty good source, about an hour and a half ago, that the Police Officers of philadelphia are prepping for the parade. I dont know the day. What day would you like to have it . Did they say where . No. We should do it on but they were philadelphia Police Officers, not radnor. I see. Okay . Here we go. So one of the best things about march madness is after the final game, they do a montage, and think try to cram almost every team into it that played, you know, the 68 team, whatever, and they set to to luther vandrose. And here it is, they call it one shining moment. Oh. Thats not it. Im sorry. Well fix that. And play that by the end of the show. 9 42. By the way the players got to see that in the arlene, a sometimes they just play it on the network, but oh, no, no. They have it up. So, anyway, couple of things i want to remind you of. On april 29th, because this is our birthday. Yes. Well have this big blow out party. We thought how do we thank the viewers for watching us for 20 years . You know snow. Well party at sugarhouse casino. You say you better rsvp on fox29. Com. Make sure to do. That you dont want it is free yes go, to fox29. Com. I think we should play another winning song. Lets do it. Dont stop believing aint no stopping us now no stopping them in the march madness tournament all the way. There should be a re mix, it should be were number one. You cant get higher than this. No, lets get to los angeles, last week for american idol, thats why jenn fred is out there. Everyone keeps asking, are you bummed you are not on the main line this morning . Are you bumm you are not in philadelphia . Of course im bummed. But we have a lot of work to do out here in los angeles, check it out, mike, can you believe this, alex, that more than a Million People have stood on line to audition for these judges, over the years. Thats right. Theyve woken up, taken a shower, not all of them, and theyve gone and said im the guy. Im the one that deserves to be the american idol. Now, even if they didnt win, most of the people were talking to have, it has lost the launch cashier for so many people who have have been unknown. I look at what that platform has done, you know, for me, and for a ton of other people who have gone through the process. Avenue career doing something i have to do. I have idol to thank for. That will we gave it a shot, 16, 17, idol casino of i got through the in, now i get to live my dreams, making country music. All of these people in the top five, they all have career, whether they are on broadway, whether touring around the United States or even the world, by themselves, or with other artists, theyre making it happen and all of them credit this show, the producers, the plan, the people that made this work. So, how does it work tonight . Webs and thursday . Ninety minute of looking back, you know she bang will be part of t you know that fantasia will be part of it. So, a lot of people excited about that, then of course wednesday, youre going to see what the last three final three look like, and then obviously thursday. Now, mike . Alex . You know that i have been talking to all of the crew, by the way, just beginning to september. Thats why we look a little, you know, bare bones here, but we will have big red carpet tomorrow morning. Number one question for you, mike jerrick, is this will simon cowell show up . Is simon going to be here . Is he going to be part of the fun . I say he has to be. I would think he would. But it is a big controversy here. No one really knows whats up. We dont know what will happen. I mean, you can expect paula and randy, and jlo, obviously, and maybe even ellen. But the big, the big mama question for this mama, is simon coming . There is only one person i want to see, brian suckelman. He better show up. Here is a fact, ready . Brian dunk he willmans cousin is the guy that chops the wood where my inlaws have a ski house. So, just follow me. When Brian Dunkelman and Ryan Seacrest were the first hoses and he looks just like the wood guy, right . Jack, my fatherinlaw, is like, is that the wood guy on that tv channel with jen . Dollars wood guy. Do we have to worry about wood . It is july, remember . Jack, the wood guy, like you cant be the wood guy and on the show. We sent her 3,000 miles for that report. Well see you tomorrow, jen. Winning shot, winning shot. One of the networks had Charles Barkley and kenny smith at a table just like this, at the corner of the arena, and the game is going on behind them. Getting ready to do their report, right . Remember kenny smith, bald guy with white suit on, he went to North Carolina. Went in to auburn, he is not on tv, just somebody shooting with the cell phone. Charles reaction. That is great. Poor kenny. Hes so sad. And charles. Oh. Looks like hes prays dancing or something. Most people went in a different direction. Thats so great. Thats the thing. If you watch all of the video, show the villanova student in the pavilion, like when the ball goes up in the air, everyones hands go up first, and they pause, and then they start, just like ahh h. Mass energy. Yes. It is really breathtaking. 9 50 now, how do you say charlenes last name . Opens up about aging. Why she is comparing the women to flowers, and then to booze. She is aging okay. She might be all right. Ive been a turkey farmer my whole life. And i raise turkey for shady brook farms®. We dont use growthpromoting antibiotics, thats just the way things should be done. Thats important to me. My name is glenn, and im an independent turkey farmer. female announcer shady brook farms®. No growthpromoting antibiotics, just honest, simple turkey. I got the discounts that you need safe driver accidentfree everybody put your flaps in the air for me thats a good song, i could watch this all day you. Only get one shot, that was the buzzer beater shot t went in, babe. I six seconds left. Incredible. By the way, congratulations, i guess, are in order, for a baffeling thing this happened. Rob kardashian, and black china are engaged. What . So black china posted picture on instagram, look at that huge ring, hold on, yes, there we go. Look at that. And he instagram a picture of her wearing the ring, and holding a stack of money. Oh, how charming. And you know, she used to be engaged to tyga, they have a child together, then tyga is Kylie Jenners boyfriends, and kylie and rob are brother and sister, as everyone is saying does that like her son, tyga also the uncle of her son if kylie was to marry i think that pile of money says it all. How does rob make money. He has a line, and hes talking about doing reality show with black china so there will be money coming in there. Hey, lets talk about cheryle fancy, mike. Where did i go wrong . Charlie, whats your last name. Seron. Filing back against sexist people and their views against aging women. On the cover of the may edition every british gq magazine. She talks about how for a long time women have accepted the saying that ladies wilt while men age like fine wine. She sure likes she is wilting. Forty years old, said comment used to affect her, but now fighting back, because society is unfair, how a lady is supposed to look other age of 40. Well, she right. But, all i can say is her words are right, but his picture doesnt help us do our report. She doesnt even know how to sit in a chair . Thats true. Good point. Is she all right . Has she fallen in a. Maybe she is stretching her legs . Thats what it, doing exercises, as she ages well. Like the backward bike or something . Oh, thats it. Bike thing, bike peddling . In heals . Never mind. Was this a fun day or what . It was. I got maybe three hours of sleep, after watching that. But it was worth it. I laid down for an hour. Here is a idea. Lets look at the final shot, from about ten different angles. The buzzer beater . Buzzer beater. Can never look at it enough. Way to go november a well see you tomorrow. It is a thrill. It is humbling. You feel so fortunate to be with these guys, youre very blessed when this happens. Cats win it all, 31 years later, villanova, king of basketball once again. Live from new york city, its the Wendy Williams show. Wendy how you doin . The kids have come to play today. You wont believe what im about to tell you. All due respect, have several seats. My girls are always turned out. I give it to you straight, no chaser. Now, heres wendy [ cheers and applause ] wendy yes yes thank you for watching our show today. Say hello to my

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