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Look at that. Lovely. My outfit is on backward. You didnt even notice. You did not know. You are not used to having boobs. Not really. I do have to get to the the gym though. Nothing is fitting anymore. What a feud exploded over the weekend. Dolce and gabbana those are two dudes right they are both designers. They are lovers. Umhmm. What the designers said that had elton john and other celebrities so upset that they were burning their clothing. It is kiss seen around the world, everyone is talking about the smooch between ashley judd and dick vitale. Umhmm. Why it is leaving a bad taste in some peoples mouth. It looks like shes trying to backup. A little bit. Get this march the most popular in month for the the break up but one person you will call as soon as it happens when your relationship takes a turn for worse and not your mom it is the go to person that you pick up the phone and dial. I never called my mom when i would break up with people. That is true. It is starting to warm up. We will see a lot of break ups happening soon. Is that right. Cupping season. Only during cold months. You cup them for the the season. Somebody to be close too. Yes. When it gets warm. Fifty shades of gray cupping. Not that kind of cupping. In. All right. I think texting is hurting my love life. Match. Com survey revealed that texts, that annoy men and women the the most, so you may be text going on to your lover that is just annoying the heck out of him. Men said their top three pet peeves were typos and improper grammar. One word answers. What . And also getting texts at work. The as for with men their three having too many typos, asking too many personal questions via text. And also responding with short answers. Yes. Both men and women also say they hate when people type in all caps. Dont do it. One other things mentioned some people expect responses right away. Waiting, you know how it goes. They go and they respond six hours later. They say that can be a turn off. I will tell you what ace anything. They send a text and dont respond until the next day. Yes. Make you so mad. It is so simple you know you are looking at their phone. So, to really think you didnt look at it the for rest of the day and now just responding. You know you looked and decided not to respond and you forgot in that are defense you can be doing something when you check it and you put your phone down and you completely forget until they call you out. That means you forgot about me which i still dont like. Im just saying, there is no great way for that. If your day is going on dont you want them to be thinking but you. Twentyfour hours a day. Not 24 hours. Some point in your day im thinking but. The it would be nice if you think about me enough to respond. Okay. Good lord. Im performing brain surgery but i have to textual exback. Really mike. Dating someone in a serious relationship there is no excuse for an entire day to go by. It the is just a casual friend. No big deal. If you busy i totally get that but you can text and say you are busy i do judge. Instead of your and youre and it couples out. Where are you wear. Yes. Putting an at the the end of it, where are you at. What about the person that never loses punks ways and keeps something going. If you have to scroll through to read the message dont send it. True. Heres another one when i text you you immediately call me back. Now, you are busted because you know the the the the phonies in your hand. I dont want to talk, that is why im texting. Yes. It doesnt mean you are available to talk you could text someone right now. You know what i use im in the studio he. At all times of the day. It could be at the 11 00 i had to tape something im in the studio. He never picks up phone for me. I will call and call. He will not pick up. He is more of a texter. It is one, boom okay yes. Ill show you one from yesterday. One word answers. It is very short and crisp. I have to admit im so lazy instead of writing out okay i just put k. I dont like that. It depend. If were meeting up, k is okay but if im trying to get work done. Just k. They do that when they are mad. Or they try to be short because they are upset. I did one yesterday where we were meeting at a restaurant. The 18th and chestnut. I simply said, yes. Just the y. You are getting shorter and shorter why. That is not the how you spell why. Yes. Why not. Just a letter why why not. Yes. I will text that to you next time. Talking about punctuation and text i dont do. That i judge us do the the three dots. Yes. Im always texting that. Of course, you dont to have get the punks ways. I just like it. Dot dot, to the. In wonder youre all alone. Do you think you and your partner are smooth sailing everything is just going great, dating life is fantastic. You might be surprised that the month of march there are more break ups in the month of march then any other month. Do you want me to tell you why. There is many people that do not want to face the holidays. Christmas comes, new years, valentines day. So they stick it the out and once valentines day is over they are like we are calling it quits. A fine law analysis and stud irv Facebook Status has found that march is a peak time for break ups not just in relationship but divorces. So, marriage is as well. Wow. Despite our attachment to technology and social media, three out of four people say the the best way to break up is in person. Do we still to have break up in person. Absolutely. Really, come on. Quick text. Done. That is cowardly. It is. Absolutely it is. My first boyfriend he broke up with me, via voice mail. Yes. What made it worse i was on vacation right. My phone was having problems. Would i get calls and people would get voice males because it was messed up. I got a call. My boyfriend is calling me. I pick up the phone and i said i tried to call him back but i didnt he left me a voice mail. Did he not pick up the phone because an hour later he got a call he just cant have a girl friend in the summer. The his friend were laughing in the background. It was terrible. I was like thank goodness i didnt pick up that phone. Hey, yeah. Im breaking up with you. Did you save it the. Difficult save the the voice mail. No, it was an old phones that we had back in the day. My first boyfriend. How could anybody break up with you. What is worse way a woman has broken up with you has a text message. I will Say Something now that in one will believe. I have never heard this before. Nobody has ever broken up with me. He did tell me that. Did you break up with them first because you knew it was come. I didnt know it was coming. Something is about to happen here. Are you easily annoyed by people. Right now. Is that a real question. Yes. In a relationship in a romantic relationship. Yes. What is number one thing that annoys you. Just talking. Just talking. That is all you do all day long. Just shut up. I used to talk all day long. I dont want to talk after this. How was your day. No, no. What was the best part. You dont ask about your day good tell me about your vacation. I just wanting to home lay down on the couch watch bold and beautiful. So when you go to dinner do you just sit there and look at each other. Pretty much. No wonder she invites me out she wants somebody to talk to. Because we will all be there and we will be talking and mike will be just sitting there. It is perfect. On his phone texting or drinking or something and we are just sitting there chatting away. No. Okay. It must drive you crazy. Lets say you break up, it is in march. Who is first person you will call to try to suture pain. 1 percent of the the survey i was looking at, 1 percent exboyfriend or girl friend. Called the old flame in. Former exwould be redundant, right. Yes. Recent ex 2 percent. You call your dad, two percent. Some other Family Member 4 percent. There is another page here. You call your female friend, is this women. Yes. 27 percent. Mom 17. Got to tell your girls. I agree with that one. You dont want to call your mom first. Female friend thirst. My dad he would get so work up. I just cant that would be the opposite. My daddies the the most laid back. Oh dont worry. So quiet and cool. Yes. It is not worth it. Just feels like my daddies a man of action. What is the plan. You will do this. Are you going to stop talking to him. Dad, i just want to vent. That is what you want to contact do i am just calling to you vent. I dont need to you do anything. Do you want me to call him . I will call him right now. Is that what you do, mike. I was going to do it for a friend of mine that broke up. Call the guy. Yes. I want to know what really happen. Why would you break up with her. Give him a piece of your mine. I called her and i said do you want me to call him. She said no. That is the last thing, do not call him. I believe some people called an ex, it has to be an ex you would be considering getting back with. Why cant it be an ex that is a friend. Would i call tamara the the woman i should have married. My thing is if you have an ex i feel like fit is a long time sometimes friend and you might want that perspective. They have dated you. Hey, was i wrong here. You know how i am. You know how it was when we were to go. Are you texting right now. Im bored of this conversation. Really. It is Seth Williams district attorney. You are making that up. What did he say. Do you have breaking news for us. No, gossipping you you are calling him out. He is rambling. He has lost 60pound. Way to go seth. He tweeted yes he is a texter too. Yes. He is listening. Yes. If you ask him does it take 24 hours to respond to someone. Let me ask him. Please text us right now, seth. Do you ever go 24 hours without responding to a text from somebody you are dating. How did he respond. Come on seth. By the way a lot of people some friend of mine went to the neil diamond concert last night. My friend danielle, said he didnt sing love on the rocks or september morning. So what did he sing. The one i cry about, hello again, hello. Sue hello. Neil diamond, it makes me cry that song. Kit cat. I think shes having a tough time figuring out what im saying. Hello hello. Are you thinking lionel richie. Is it me youre looking for. Hold on a second. Hello again good here it comes. Just called me, hello. Hello. Now were all about to cry. Okay. And he got them in. Yes. Now mr. Chris says that i tried that in response a few times, it is trouble every time. You have to respond. You have to respond. Yes. So 24 hours. Twentyfour hours later. Okay. Boy was this a feud over weekend. Many people were getting upset. Italian designer goal chicago and gabbana, they are real guys who have been in a relationship. They are off now. Are they off. This he were on for 23 years. I think they are off now. They broke up this month. Yeah. Anyway, twitter was on fire, what was the the problem. So, dolce and Stephano Gabbana who were a a couple before breaking up in 2005 recently created a line of what is a traditional family. Fashion house was praised for sending a pregnant model down the runway. But then their endorsement of what a traditional family ace and called the boycott of their label. Oh, okay. Yeah. During an interview the ultimately gay men said you are born to a mother or father or at least that is how it should than. I call children of chemistry synthetic children. Elton john has a child. Surrogate mom. In vitro fertilization. Yes. Sir elton john was first to call out the fashion house demanding a boycott. He said how dare you refer to my beautiful children as synthetic. You are thinking is out of step with your time just like your fashions. I shall never wear those dolce and gabbana ever again hash tag boycott doll will chicago and gabbana. They are tweeting thing, Richie Martin said their voices are to powerful for hate. Courtney love says that shes rounded up all of her clothing from that italian label and she wants to burn them. Ill be darned. Well, yesterday dolce, d and j, released this statement, saying. It was never our intention to judge other peoples invoices. We do believe in freedom and love. Dolce was expressing his right on family based on his experience growing up. He is well aware there are other types of families legitimate. He would also like to sell us more clothing. Yes. He should have throughout about that before he did that. Jen, what do you think. I do believe in the right of free speech. Sure. Even when you are an idiot. I mean first of all the fact that they came back in, to be appreciated other peoples opinion, bologne. They dont appreciate other peoples opinions. In this world, it is 2015. You talk about ivf. That is how people are making families. We know this guys. Families they dont look like they look like back in 1952. The is there moms and moms dad and dad grand moms raising kid. There are so much definitions of families. For him to use the the word chemistry that is what got people. If you think of chemistry in our own life. Im living proof but im able to ski because i have a cadaver in my knee. In the modern era a athletes, musicians, they are getting stuff fixed. It is different types of modern technology medical things. That is right. Chemistry. Chemistry. So i think it is short sighted. I love that he has pregnant woman on the runway. We talk about this. I love that he had a baby on the run waste but you cannot pick and choose what a family looks like anymore. You just cant. Why would we right . So many amazing children come out of these different families. That is true. Yes. There are difference that he is make the world a better place to live in. We are the world, we are the children. Yes. Thanks, jen. Hey jen, you know ashley judd, right. Yes good what is her favorite basketball team. It begins with the k. Kentucky. Kentucky wildcats good yes yes. So the man synonymous with march madness is dick vitale with espn. So he ran into her at a game and they lock lips. I love this picture. How did this happen. That is what i want to know. They are both so excited because everybody is saying kentucky is the team to beat. Apparently they have not seen villanova. Kentucky has not lost a game this year. So they got excited. She kissed him back. And cool company kiss old guys. I kiss mike jerrick all the time. Lots of kisses. Jen and i make out all the time. He kisses. No. He is not making out. They are 33o when they kissed. Coach calipari he coaches the kentucky wildcats. Yes. He coached memphis tying are and jumped ship after he lost to my kansas jay hawks on a last second shot. And then they protested outside his house throwing eggs. He took off. I will get to kentucky. St. Patricks day, this is breaking news is tomorrow. Are you ready for irish grub. Sure. How do make irish stew that is next, and mike youve got the to try this we have new music, for you got to try this. Nice graphic. Yes sophisticated, yes. Look at that. Welcome back. Okay. Tomorrow is st. Patricks day. A viewer by the name of reid pierce wrote in and said mike, youve got to try this. The food especially for st. Patricks day at the green parrot. So that is what were doing. Yes, come on, come on. It is a beautiful place. This is in newtown bucks county, chef keith. Yes. Good to see you. Good to see you. Well, lets get in to it. We have our overhead camera ready to go. Is what in this bowl. Right here we have a guinness irish stew. Hold on. Yes good guinness is in there. Yes. It takes 2 gallons of guinness. Yes. In a 5gallon bucket the base. Then we add red wine. We stew the lamb carrots onion, celery potatoes and we cook them for three hours and you come up with lamb stew. Very tender lamb. Falls apart. Not bad. Yes. Melt in your mouth i have heard about bang ers match and why is that called. Bangers and mash is just the sausage this sausage that we do is chicken and apple sauce and and gravy is apple, onion gravy. Little different. Chicken and apple. Yes, less fat. Really good. Okay. How is it. My goodness. That is fantastic you can taste the april until there. That is grammy smith apple in there. Bang, bang. This looks like a tongue. It is not though it is pork bell that i has been cured from a 1850s recipe. It has been adopted in to our recipes. It takes two weeks of curing. Two weeks. And brining and we fry it. Yes. How does that affect the flavor the two weeks of curing. It turns it. Are you sticking your tongue out. It is like smoking bacon it is a cure on it. Bacon comes from the bell of the pig. Thinks the loin. That is good loin. That is a sour cream that goes on it like a cream fresh. Now the big star of this plate is Bread Pudding. Thinks baileys black and White Chocolate Bread Pudding with a cream blaze on the bottom made with the ali as irish cream too. What do you eat this. A little tooth pick. It is huge too nice big piece. Where is your place. Bucks county. Newtown pennsylvania. Okay good green parrot. Green parrot. I bet you will be opened. I bet we will. Are you having a big celebration. We have been having a celebration to six days. What . We have been going. You must be tired. Really tired. Really good. Wow. Thanks so much. Thank you. There is a special day today for dessert dairy queen they are giving away cones. Grab a gun and put one of the Bread Puddings inside of it. Shes at dairy queen. Shes our little reporter at dairy queen. We are giving out free, 5ounce cones of vanilla. Im here with hirsch he will. The the owner here. Show us. The is what the technique for the cone. Simple. Just hold it, open it softly and slowly. And then it comes out. Count to three one, two, three. Dave the effect that standardized testing is having on our students is already coming through, its already showing, and they havent even taken the test yet. My firstgrader came home the other day and cried, because he couldnt he didnt feel like going to karate practice. After he was done with his work, he said, mom, im just tired, and started to cry. In first grade. What are we doing . What are we doing to our kids . Are you trying to sing again . Thank you well get to know them little bit better in just a little bit. Did you know dairy queen theyre giving away cones. Jenny joyce of course is going, there one of the dairy queen locations getting one now. Do you know how to do it . Can you put a little curl on top . Im learning, and well see, well see if im quick learner here at seventh and chestnut at dairy queen. Give me some guidance here . Of course. Oh, oh, oh okay, not a quick learner, not a quick learner. Oh, my goodness, that was horrible. Okay, i got the point. Curl. Right. Jenny . Well let you guys step in and try to make some of these cone here. My good. Oh, yes. We have miss philadelphia and miss teen philadelphia here joining us, partners, representatives with childrens miracle network. So we actually have greater cause than just giving away 5ounce ice cream cones here today. Were asking people oh, okay, yours is so much better than mine im not a professional, though apparently, did i not get the curl right. Can we compare . A skill. Im a little quick on the trigger. Apparently. So, we want to talk little bit more about the childrens miracle network. So all of the donations here, you get free cone, how much it, comes out and then theyre asking people to drop in a donation, all of the money goes to childrens miracle network. Also we want to talk to the owner, youre telling just addition to what people drop in the donation bok, you are making additional donation . Yes, we are donating a dollar for item for the whole day today along with all of the cones that we sell. So, for example, if you buy a conan a hotdog, we will donate 2 for those items along with dollar that we will hopefully collect from the customers. Thats great. So hoping for big donation today. Thats wonderful. Matt youre with childrens miracle network. Can you talk about the benefit, so this will benefit children at chop. Yes so, our funds will go directly toward Child Life Services which that will go through art therapy music they are. I oh, thats wonderful. And julia youre ambassador for childrens miracle network, also lifelong patient at chop. So you see the benefit first snapped. I am. I am assist particular fibrosis patient, and i know firsthand these donations make huge difference, not only in the physical wellbeing, but the psycho social wellbeing, does great job on focusing on child life therapy and music life they are. I come out to any dairy queen location, if you come do this one giving additional donations at seventh and chestnut. Thats my dairy queen seventh and chestnut. Jenny . I challenge you to get another conan give me a triple. Lets see it. A triple, stack it real high. Do a triple. You want a trip snell. Yes. Common shes like uh, i dont know. Please, now the show ends at 10 00. For the love of god. All right, all right. Put your microphone down he want a triple. Here. I got this. Okay, triple cone. Here we go. Come on jenny joyce. Dont stop. Dont stop. Keep going. Oh, thats not oh, that looks like two oh oh, oh, oh, my gosh. Okay, oh oh yes, thats for you mike. Good for her. Ill be right over. She owned it though, she grabbed it. Three it up top. Probably freezing, too. Okay now as you know, when came back from the caribbean or caribbean, my legs were covered with flea flea bites right . Something down there called sun fleas, cant even see them the next morning i got up, my legs and arms were covered with bites. So i got this went to pharmacy there, and got some antiitch cream, and there it is, right there, me . Okay . So i brought it back, been using it last couple of weeks. Then i also unpack my toilet at this bag the other day and in the rush to get ready, you know 5 00 oclock, 4 30 in the morning, casino of dark, im running around, im late. You know the toothpaste you get real small size . Oh, no the travel size . I just grab a tube, squirt it on the brush and put it in my mouth. And im brushing my teeth. You did not . I did too. I realize somethings not right here. Oh, my gosh. Somethings not tasting right. Oh, no. Oh, i look down and it is the itch cream oh, gosh. I had a full mouth of foam itch cream foam. Did you call poison control . I didnt swallow or anything, thank god. Oh, what did it taste like . Oh, it was just slimy and almost stunning little bit. How long were you brushing before you made the realization . I would say 15 seconds. And were you doing good scrubbing . I was scrubbing hard because im late. Oh,. And oh, no what have i done . Whatwhat have i done. But i tell you what, my teeth have not nitched week. Do they normally snitch. No. Oh, okay. Hey bob . Im here. Is that what were doing next, kit can kline . The kelly countdown. We will talk to the ban. Weve got a band here with us. That band. Here we go. Hey whoa, this is a lunchbox not a halloween bag. Rrrrr. A natural beauty. Youre making me melt. Shall we . Mini babybel is 100 natural cheese and a whole lot of fun. Mini babybel. Snack a little bigger one day away we will be at katie odonnells tomorrow in northeast philadelphia. The viewers voted and katie odonnells came out on top we will will be there from 7 00 to 10 00 a. M. Free admission, free breakfast, free parking katie odonnells right there on woodhaven road right in front of what was the old Franklin Mills mall. It is now the philadelphia mills. So well see you tomorrow. Bring the kids before you send them off to school. There will be a loft fun stuff for the little ones, some Face Painting and of course well have some irish music tomorrow. We got the bands, irish dancers, with me here today is seamus mcgrory, thank you so much for coming in your buddy here core mack brady. Tell us about your background, playing for skate some time. Yes about 20 years or so, i came over, my dad was born in philadelphia, i used to come over on vacation whether i was a kid came over ten years ago never went back. What kind of music do you feature . Little bill of everything. Okay. Mostly like this time of year doing all irish stuff. Yes. Irish this time of year. Where will you be over the next couple of days . We played up it the green bar, tomorrow we will be at maggie oneils this drexel hill in the morning then murphys at 17th and the parkway all night long. We d head over there. Show us a little bit of what you have got. Little irish music we get ready for saint pal treks day tomorrow. music playing . Is that from rick . Thats from rick. Hopefully ill get a particulars in today wont wait until tomorrow to text me. Sound track for the show. Oh, that would be good. Donated yes. Donate. I thought were you saying we should do like musical concert . Like a glee show . Yes, the way we sing, i dont know if you would want to do that. Antiitch cream . Leer is the thing, youre not on ricks mind, youre on ricks cats mind. True, it was a cat in a picture. Here kitty kitty, kit. I tell me about this home. Yes rihanna place girl looking for her mom. You wont believe the actress to play the mother in this move. I who is the mom . Jennifer lopez. What . She is a mom. Same age. Thank you mike jerrick. She looks sheik she is in her 20s. All right hi, jen. Jennifer lopez. The director of this movie has known jlo for almost 20 years. But he does admit that calling jenny from the block and asking if she wanted to play rihannas mom was so easy. Next to rihanna. I never feel uglier than when i show up at work. Thats for give recall. Ive seen them both. When go to jennifer and say you will be someones mom granted, someone is in seventh grade. Yes. I have to tell you you will be re rain as mom now work with jennifer before. She and i did angst by the way, looks the same, like she stepped through some weird time portal. Like 17 years years ago i had hair. But absolutely gorgeous woman. I was little nervous saying how would you like to play rihannas mom in the movie but she loved the material, familiar with the book boot being, tubing the human name jlo. Really . So jennifer new about the book. And thats Pretty Amazing sorry, so, its been pretty weird, right that he had to call Jennifer Lopez and say do you want to be the mom. Rihanna was real funny about it maybe show it to you in a couple of weeks err shear said she lofts her mom obviously but said if jlo was her mom she would have a jlo booty. So she was pretty cool. I have to tell you people have been tweeting me and asking why i didnt ask the leo question. Well, ill tell you, i didnt ask the leo question because she was in such a good mood rihanna that i felt like she was only going to mate me if i asked that question. I agree with you. You okay with this . Four minutes with her. And steve martin, and mr. Pars ons, there and i have to say this i had whole thing. I was going to say okay, amal took one of the two bachelors of the world off the market. Are you, you know, planning to take one of the most sought after bachelors . Talk about my personal life. You just ask it last, that way so nice movie comes out march 27th. Go see it. Did her land letters ask you not to bring up leo . Which i thought was pretty cool. She was im going to say it again, been saying it since 7 00 last night of all of the a listers, rihanna is the most selling digital artist of all time okay . Real deal celebrity i am was not asked to ask if i questions. Nothing. You can take down many interviews over the years. And bars. Thank, jen, rihanna born in 1988 by the way. So she is what, 26 27 . Pretty good with math there, 27. Jlo, 40 . In her 40s, right . I think 46 . Sue . As long as you can admit youre not always up on your political headlines. Guess up to not being in the know jimmy kimmel took advantage with his Eyewitness News segment, lover there is asking people about news related to president obama look at their response. Absolutely false information hes putting out. What did you think Dennis Rodman ambassador to north korea . I dont think he has the experience for that position. Were you surprised when you heard them . I cant say i was surprised. But, i guess a little disappointed. Where were you . I was making some soup. What was your re when is you heard that president obama would be having a sleep over with kim jong un . Oh, wow. I remember that it was pretty funny. I was real surprised and i saw some pictures earlier so i thought that was interesting. What were the pictures like. Just like in bed together and having a lot of fun ya. So watch the movie on netflix . Yes, i think it was titanic, im not sure. Oh, my gosh. Wow oh, my gosh. What does this say about us . I dont know, you know, ive done that per end when i was living in l. A. , would have me go out and do that, and you can make people believe anything. Anything. Or maybe just people are trusting the news, that they see but she went overboard. She saw the video. I saw a picture of the president of the United States in bed with kim jong un. Come on, seriously . So more ridiculousness, the bieber got roasted. Videotaped the roast already . Thats right. It will air two more weeks taped over the weekends, so we have the inside scoop from the event thats next. Did kevin hart host whoa, this is a lunchbox not a halloween bag. Rrrrr. A natural beauty. Youre making me melt. Shall we . Mini babybel is 100 natural cheese and a whole lot of fun. Mini babybel. Snack a little bigger woman ready for another game . woman oh, sorry man daydreaming again. man about going on a cruise . in unison yeah. woman around the hawaiian islands, for 2 weeks. in unison we were man with a helicopter tour. woman how did you know . Youve got the new instant game from the pennsylvania lottery. woman yeah, 1 million payout. man with top prizes of 1,000,000. foreground woman the leis are a nice touch. male announcer want to see your dreams come to life . You could scratch your way to instant winning. The pennsylvania lottery. Bring your dreams to life. Tradingin or selling your car, truck or suv . Webuyanycar. Com takes the hassle out of selling in just 3 easy steps. One, get your free online valuation. Two, drive to your local car buying center. And three, walk out with your check in as little as 30 minutes. Buying used cars is all we do. All makes and models. No dealership pressure. Well even settle your loan or lease. So dont wait. Get your free online valuation now at webuyanycar. Com all right, so, of course were two days away from the empire finale. Yes. So were having a viewing party. All right so, it is two hours, so starting earlier everyone, do you have remember youll miss the party is two ours or the show two hours . Two hours so our party has to be three hours. Lets make it four. So 7 00 to 11 00, four hours wow, at ms. Tootsies bar and restaurant, then we have to watch the 10 00 p. M. News, have to stick around for that of corpse, but join us. Miss tootsies. This thursday morning should and mess. Yes, we will be do you think i can take a nap long enough to hang out . Sure. Come out. It is mandator up. Oh, oh, okay. Mandatory. We played Justin Biebers music there on the way back in because apparently they finally did the roast, they put it on videotape over the weekends. The celebritys gather, especially mike jerrick here so it was taped saturday. Phillys own kevin hart served as roast master telling the crowds that he intend today give the hart the throat whooping he deserves snoop joked justin youre so pretty when inmates see your mugshot they sweet right, and among the other roasters martha stewart, ludacrous will pharrell, in the form of ron burgundy Comedy Central march the 30th. And apparently, they did bring upsal even a gomez and he wasnt happy about it. Oh, oh,. Soft spot. Cant bring that up. Thats his boo. Boo. You guys know i have been on the search for these chips. Remember the do us a flavor contest . Oh, yes. Local woman won. We had her on the show, i finally, tweeted about this, i posted on facebook, like i want to try these helps i want to support our local gal. Didnt she win like a million bucks or something . I was going to walmart, super fresh, couldnt find them anywhere. Finally i have them. I wanted to share with you guys. Thank you. So we will try these was abby ginger chipping. Got them at target. I bet who does not eat potato chips michael b jordan. I dont think he does either. Necessary philly right now. Look at him. Like at that body. Can we just have a moment . Okay. Silence . Just look at this and observe . Five seconds of silence. I kid you not probably every muscle in his body, i mean ugh. Is that real . Michael b jordan, if you would like to could common the show, we would love to have you. Eat your chips. Try one. Little spicy. Shes got it take like 20 minutes. It does have a kick to it. Thats wasabi. Oh thats pretty good. All right finally got to try your chips. Thats hot. Congrats again. Love it. Its no matter who you are, if you have type 2 diabetes, you know it can be a struggle to keep your a1c down. So imagine. What if there was a new class of medicine that works differently to lower blood sugar . Imagine loving your numbers. Introducing oncedaily invokana®. Its the first of a new kind of prescription medicine thats used along with diet and exercise to lower blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. Invokana® is a oncedaily pill that works around the clock to help lower a1c. Heres how the kidneys allow sugar to be absorbed back into the body. Invokana® reduces the amount of sugar allowed back in. And sends some sugar out through the process of urination. And while its not for weight loss, it may help you lose some weight. Invokana® can cause important side effects including dehydration, which may cause some people to have loss of body water and salt. This may also cause you to feel dizzy, faint lightheaded, or weak especially when you stand up. Other side effects may include kidney problems, genital yeast infections urinary Tract Infections changes in urination, high potassium in the blood or increases in cholesterol. Do not take invokana® if you have severe kidney problems or are on dialysis or if allergic to invokana® or its ingredients. Symptoms of allergic reaction may include rash, swelling, difficulty breathing or swallowing. If you experience any of these symptoms, stop taking invokana® and call your doctor right away or go to the nearest hospital. Tell your doctor about any medical conditions medications you are taking, and if you have kidney or liver problems. Using invokana® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase risk of low blood sugar. Its time. Lower your blood sugar with invokana®. Imagine loving your numbers. Ask your doctor about invokana®. Live from new york city, its the Wendy Williams show. Today its a hot monday on wendy. With all of todays super sizzling hot topics all hour long. Andereka vetrini gives us scoop on casting news for real housewives of new jersey. Plus, Alex Guarnaschelli shares secret to her signature steak dinner celebrities cant get enough of. Now, heres wendy

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