Party. Yeah, not cost you much money at all. Indeed. It is adding accessory here and there to the little black dress. It is all about the accessory. Sprucees it up a little bit. Kids, do you think Christmas Cards are more i am personal and maybe selfserving. Do you put a picture of you are familiar willly on your Christmas Card every year . I dont mind that. Some critics say holiday cards used to be about sending sincere good wishes to mankind. But now, times it seems like the cards you just want to show off your family. Yeah. So real Christmas Card didnt turnout like these. We found this web site awkward Christmas Cards. Now look at this family just got so fed up, they could not get the kids to cooperate. Well. So they just sent it out. Couple of the kids are crying. My gosh. What is that. Oh, my. I dont understand how people can think these are good ideas. No, no, no. I see what they were going for. But no. Like a rooking season. Going too fast. Wow. Oh, wow. I get the idea of this one. What . Different way to do it. Yes, the kid in the back has a right idea about that. Look at that. Wow. Will we dot ugly sweater thing again this year. Yes. Ugly suit, that is a new thing. I saw Kevin Mccarthey in his already. We did a story about that the the day prior. They are truly taking it up another level. Have you seen our four major sports teams here in philadelphia have have come out with ugly sweaters. In. Flyers, sixers. I bet Jessica Kline knows. They made a big deal. Steve keeley found a bunch of them at kmart, walmart has them. Selling them. They are hideous. I will wear them before christmas. Im sure we will. Do you care that the the the royals are in new york city right now. Lots of people do. You are not would be of them. We will talk about it. Yeah, they landed in new york yesterday afternoon. We saw footage of them going into their hotel in new york city last night. They have a pretty packed schedule here. They will go visit the 9 11 memorial that just opened a while ago, they will go to the Brooklyn Nets game. The Prince William will take a few hours out this afternoon fly from new york and go down and visit with the president at the white house. Talking about Wild Life Conservation or something along those lines. Exactly. I believe that joel, he works for fox, he kind of looks like a royal prince himself. Look at how handsome he is there in washington d. C. Joel, have you seen the duke just yet. Reporter i have not seen the duke but im standing here on the podium overlooking the capitol and that is probably why. I have not seen him yet but you guys are really in the middle of the action there in philadelphia. Kate is staying up in insuring but Prince William is on his way down here and set to arrive here in 40 minutes. Then at 10 00 oclock he will meet the president of the United States in the hallowed halls of the oval office and they will talk about the illegal International Trafficking of wild life which they a is a huge interest of both Prince William and duchess of cambridge but they say it is a big interest of president obama. We have not heard much about this prior to that. After he leaves the oval office, he is heading over to the world back to speak about what exact the same thing, the dangers of trafficking wild life. Okay. Reporter interesting issue here. I can hear a helicopter, i hear sirens now, are you on top of our fox building right now. Reporter this is an excellent microphone, cannot see that but Union Station is just behind the camera of cruise and there is a fire truck over there, and fire truck over here. So, i thought i would be talking about Prince William but i love talking about fire trucks and they are all around us here in washington d. C. He is flying, he is not taking amtrak or bolt bus. Reporter they flew commercial down. They took virgin atlantic, and you know who is not here, mike, you know who is not here. Who . Reporter Prince George, do you know how old Prince George is. He is one and a half. Reporter seventeen months, his birthday was in july, three days before mine which is the only way i remember that but of course the duchess is now pregnant again and they say it was quote inappropriate for the prince to come down here for this trip. Did he however did recently go to australia, new seal land and it makes you wonder if they thought new york city was a little too fast paced. Would i like to know why if you can go all the way to australia which is 20 hours why cant you go seven hours across the pond. Well, okay, let us know when you see anything besides fire trucks and sirens. We are hearing sirens there. Reporter i dont think they will related but you will be the first to know when i nose something i will let you know. Let us know when you know and that way we can know. We will all know. Reporter do you suppose they dont fly with like everybody else. Like spirit. We fly commercial, what do you mean. I dont think they are sitting in the back. Near the rest room. You sit down and here comes kate and william they sit next to you. There is no way. Can i have the aisle seat. No. In 2014, one of the depression hit, companies started having holiday parties. Well, the companies that are really doing very well still have their giant holiday parties. New survey says the number of companies serving Christmas Parties is back to prerecession highs for 2014. In fact, well, 96 percent of companies, in this country are going to throw, a christmas part think year, for the First Time Since about 2007. But question is will it look like this one. This is facebooks Holiday Party held at at t park in San Francisco friday night. This is a picture from instagram. Hold on, it was so big they had to have it at a baseball stadium. There was a full bar, food, live music, carrasquillo oak i e owe karaoke and beer pong. There are four things you need to do. You have to work the room and be friendly and avoid talking business because nobody want to hear that if there is beer pong going on. What good, this is why you go to the office party, want to see your boss get drunk. Yes. Lets say megan in hr wouldnt she be great drunk. Oh, my gosh you dont drink, you dont talk business. That is right. Corner the boss. And you dont want your boss to get a annoyed with you, right mike. Well, i say hello, and keep it moving. Well, that Facebook Party must have cost millions of dollars. So, we have some footage, we had our Office Christmas Party Saturday night good we did. We have some footage of it here. Hi, darren, how are you. Good. Hey there. Sure. Christmas twist. That is the spirit, all right. Merry christmas. Cheers. I like to call him darryl. Great time. That is Darren Johnson one of our directors here. He enjoyed the party. I bet bob didnt know, when we come here. I put in my contract, i wanted to be part of the holiday, beer pong, beer pong. Well, you missed it saturday night. You fly under the radar at these holiday parties, go in, have a little rock tail, talk to the least amount of people that you can, in and out. Get in, get out. Fit is open bar, i will stay. Open juice bar. Before the dy shows up. Candy bar, yeah. You know we have those Security Camera that look down and make sure you pay for the food you take out of the vending machine here. Yes. I owe a thousand dollars. He is a wanted man in the cafeteria. Yeah, really. Great time. Great times good did you know i have a granddaughter named teddy. You do know that. Yes. So my daughter, jessica, they have decorated their tree over the weekend and teddy insisted on putting some of the ornament on the tree but shes a little bit i thing. Look at what she did. She put all of the ornament in one little row. That is so cute. That is what they do. Yes. So what do you do when he goes to bed do you put them all over the tree. Then you spread it all around. And then she doesnt note is. Shes three. She will move those things around every day until christmas. And let them put them where ever she wants. Alex, do you have a tree. I do have a tree. So my parents helped me offer the thanksgiving holiday. So hopefully we can show it to you. Yes. One present underneath the tree. They told me i cannot open it. It fridays them. So now i have to look at it, all this time for christmas. Did you shake it. I have not. I should do that. They told me if i get packages im not allowed to open it either. Okay, i got one for you. I wrapped my first christmas gift. You did. Over the weekend. From my sister maryann. Guess what it is. What is it. A 12 Step Recovery book. Hi, im mike. Im a alcoholic. It is a framed picture of her. Stop. What . Really . Is it a professional photo. It is like a glamour shot. No. Just a picture. I think it was taken at church, a church photo, in the church book. Is she married. Shes trying to bring you back to the church. Maybe that is what it is. That is first gift, a framed picture. Where are you going to put it. I dont know where to put it. I bet you can think of a few places. Did you call her. Maybe ill write her a note, thanks for the picture of of you. Anyway, bob, did you have your tree up. Got the tree up, all decorated. Went all out. I love getting a big tree. It is real. 13foot. You decorated it. I decorated it over the weekend. I had to go out and buy more lights and then we had to do ornament. How many kids do you have. We have six kids, we have all of the stockings there so it took us all day to decorate it. You have presents under the tree too. That is a train. We have the train going around the tree there. I was hoping that the lights stay lit. Couple times they were going on and off as i was putting them around. That is another thing can you survive a marriage decorating a tree would a woman and a man. Horrifying. You have got to light the lights on the floor. Yes, those special ones that they dont go out with just one bulb is out. Yes. Sue says it doesnt work. On my instagram youll see. By the way, jessica, do you have the picture of my qvc, i bought something from qvc over weekend. I bought these giant balls from qvc and i put them out on my coffee table in the middle of my living room about three weeks ago. Saturday night, it is about 7 00 oclock. Im getting ready to go out. Im laying on the couch watching football. They light up, one after the other. You didnt know that they have not been lighting up any other time. They have no sensors, you have to turn them on. Stop it. I had turned them. On. I had not turned them on, they just lit up. And they are not on sensors. What did you do, did you look around. Do you know how people. What. I thought it was a a message from god. What was the lord telling you. Get off the couch. It was that elf that was here on friday. She was up to no good. Did you try the switch. What happened. They turned on and off. This is before you went out. They dont even have a sensor on it. Really weird. They lit up, one by one. Maybe one goes on and then the others. I dont know. But arent they pretty. Yesterday i was watching qvc. You are a addict to qvc. Cutest little egg poacher for like 13 bucks. Are you all right . I got three of them. I dont know why. But it is that time of the day. Is that what im getting for christmas. Lovely. What happened. Kerry, you have a picture. I got a picture. Ive got a picture too. My gosh what happened here. That is our tree. It is different. 19 feet, 10 feet wide. You are 6 inches tallest than bobs tree. It is bigger than chandelier sometime. Yes. We have got to talk about the chandelier. It is hold over from the people own the house before. I havent gotten around to changing it. I call it new jersey gaudy which i can say because i live there. Yes. It is, okay, that is enough of that picture. That is a really wide tree. Wow. We did have to shave some and the whole entry way in to the family room. You and your husband doing this. Yes. How much arguing was going on. We both had a few drinks. Good idea. Did you have a ladder. Well, the top, we had a ladder to do some of the trim but our balcony, our catwalk is up at the top of the trio we could trim it up here. I feel weird now because bob, your house looks like your normal life and family and you look like you have a normal life and family and all i have got are my big balls. Lighting up on their own. We all love them. It is okay. I have nobody. Every day i got this, well, it is not silly. It is not silly. I have always had an Advent Calendar growing up, but, thanks to qvc, every day i have been asking viewers to come in and pull out the little drawer. Today would be the the eighth. So connor contacted me on twitter, he is, are you okay. You you can come stand next to me. Come on in, you have your sister with you. My goodnessy love your tie, connor. Thank you. What is your sisters name . Stand right here so we can get a shot of you. You are little people. Hi, how are you. Good. Where do you live. Do you like her. Shes cra, cra good what do you to have say about him. Is he craze tie. Yes. So listen to this, he wore a special christmas tie, make it do its thing. Musical tie. So cute. You have school today. No, catholic school. Feast day isnt it. Yes. Why dont you, connor, do you want to get in there and do it. Number eight. There are just little treats inside the box there. Where did you get it. I have no clues. I think they are moth balls. Yes. I will share. Will you share. No. Now, your mom said that this is really all you wanted for christmas is to come into good day philadelphia so dont can for anything. No gifts under the tree, okay. No. Thanks for coming in, you guys are awesome. Bye. See you later. Have a great day good please share with her. He will never share with her good we have lots of candy up in the break room. We will give so cannedy just stay away from our director, he is still up there. There is a ton of shopping, there is a ton of shopping,. And sight seeing the at the Christmas Village but did you know you can eat there too. That is a nutty banana waffle. Wow. Lets go there next, did you ever have cheese on a stick. No. Wait two minutes. Deciding between buying is no longer a problem. Healthy pa offers namebrand Health Insurance for the cost of a few basic groceries. If youre uninsured, call or apply online today. Well, it is the holiday have of youve got to try this. We have seen transformation love park is an open air german christmas market. I have in the made my way over there but im going. Youve got to make it over before the even of the holiday season. Is there a ton of shopping to do there but Christmas Village is filled with Delicious Food and mike says you have as got to try this. I have come to love park, well, this time the year i should call it Christmas Village right across from city hall. I come here to get my christmas ornament, Christmas Tree and wreath but it is also a great place to eat. And i love to eat. Heres my new best friend, uli who comes from germany to put this on. Exactly. Shes in charge of the food at Christmas Village. Should we go eat. Yeah. I want to start with stroddle, and like magic, is there a cherry stroddle. Yes, the original stroddle directly from australia. I love it, cherry stroddle. Yes. Oh, man. You know what it is, it is a tart cherry pie. Weve moved over to the cheese cottage, get it, cottage cheese, okay. Uli, you are inside the hut. What are you doing. We are tasting the cheese, from switzerland. You have cut a wheel of cheese in half ape making it hot. Yes. It is bubbling. Yes. What kind of cheat. Racklet cheese. Yes. Say it again. Racklet. Okay. So you are scraping it off the top. Yes. Oh, look at that. Put it on what a hamburger. I put it on a potato pancake. Yes. Why is it brown. It is fried. And pickles, is that what you put on top. Yes, it comes with the pickle on top, pepper or italian seasoning. Yes. What is that. Pepper. Be careful, it is hot. What do you think. I like it. I like the little kick at the even. Yeah. That is good. You are a little gerkin, arent you. Yes. Now we have wondered over to the wondering waffle, and what is this, what is it uli. It is pecan banana waffle. It is a nutty banana waffle. Nutty banana. What is the goo on top. That is the. I saw a doctor about that. Yes. Hold on, is this cookie butter. Yes, kind of. Yes. I found cookie butter. There it is right there. It is gooey. That is banana in a waffle down in there. Yes. I dip it in there. Yes. In the the top. Yes, try it. That is nutty. You are nutty. And banana. Do you like my hat. I like it. Thanks for having me in. Okay good Christmas Village, a good place to eat. Youve got to try this. That is really good. That does look like fun. Im going to go. And also, im glad i got a chance to try cookie butter. It goodies. I need to try that. Do you have have something unique and delicious mike has got to try go to my fox unique and delicious mike has got to try go to my fox philly, click the got womaand the way it made me chronic feel,ipation, the discomfort, the bloating, the straining. Id just felt this way for too long. So i finally talked to my doctor about my symptoms. Id tried laxatives before. He prescribed Amitiza Lubiprostone for my chronic constipation. It works differently than laxatives. Man amitiza is clinically shown to help relieve common symptoms like bloating, abdominal discomfort, hard stools, and straining and help people with chronic constipation go more often. Dont take amitiza, if you have a bowel blockage or severe diarrhea. Tell your doctor, if your nausea or diarrhea, becomes severe, or if you experience chest tightness or shortness of breath. The most common side effects are nausea, diarrhea, and headache. Woman amitiza helped me find relief from my chronic constipation. Ask your doctor if amitiza is right for you. Checking day out there today a lot of people are thinking about holiday parties, on instagram, looking at everything. Hey. And i saw all of these Holiday Party. So of course, i love you need the right dress. I lover the little black dress. Yes. But, you know, sometimes you go from work to party, do you have change it up, switch it an up a lit bit. So how can we be more festive . This is ri. She is going to work, has her black dress on, and black blazer playing it down for work. So what weve done, we swap out her black tights, you know, you wear the black opaque tights to work . You swap out the opaque tights, add some tights with a bit of pattern. Love that. Ones with glitter and herring bone pattern from macys for only 10. Oh, you can see them himmer. So all of this grit their screams holiday. Also, what we do, we take off her black blazer, nothing screams holiday like little gold, or little bit of sequins, to talk about that holiday i love the gold. What were diagnose now, you dont put the blazer all the way on, just drape it over your shoulders, give it that cool hollywood glam look. I like that. Then what we will are cents going do, put this necklace on, statement necklace, you have to have a statement necklace. Here is my always debate this, if you are having blazer like there is obviously very shim are you. Is it okay to have big necklace . Stones on it. Talking about holiday, talking bolds hughes. Dont be afraid . And dont be afraid to mix and matchment like i have pattern shirt on, but i put a statement necklace on with there is you know how your hair get little flat . We used herbal essence naked bear shampoo i spray it on, it gives the hair little tussel here. Okay . So we give her little bit of it, talking about evening, talking about holiday, glam it up. Oh, dont be afraid to put a little bit of it on it. And sexy, and talk about your holiday shoots, so we have these red holiday shoes from bus stop boutique, but cant go anywhere without red holiday shoe. Red is in. Reds in. Even though gold, gold, with blue hughes, okay . Gold and red what im seeing. And also the necklace, beautifully. You scream holiday. Then i have rip put on pop of color. Use cover girl coloricios. In the day youre muted down. Day is neutrals. But i love red lips. So do you have do a red lip here. And then, also, we brought this for you, too. Okay . Oh, nice. You want to transfer you are look. Look at that. We have this. I feel like im car fry sex in the city here. We brought these all in from snap. So we got that from right here on market street, but look at how she just transformed her look, she went from basic black to boom as mike jerrick likes to say. Boom for the holidays. It is recalled hair, got that color lip, pop up necklace, her shoe. Perfect. I have so many black dresses, is it always good if i put a blazer it that has color. Yes even if you dont have the golds . It is basic, basic black, that lbg, step it up with the gold, sequins or have velvet or pop of color. Another question. What about the earrings, should i do earrings or studs . Depends on your personality. For my i tends to put on a loft things, i put on big earrings, but if your personal i dont want to be too extra, then wear the studs. Okay, mike, what do you think . I think fantastic. Do you like i . I like her outfit. On qvc they have the chaz guy, the hair guy. Oh, my gosh, chaz. He is always ripping their hair apart. And now youre messing it all up, really . She has dry shampoo. Feel free, free. Now do you have move it, girl. Shake it. The herbal essence commercial, just all about it. Thank you so much. Thank you. Where are we going in. Like the new table we got. Dow. Really . We have a bigger one, too, i think. This is the mini. Is it backward . Oh, well, there we go. See. Now we can see the fox 29. Okay, lets go to jen. Hey, jen . One of my favorite friends, hey, look, still here, ladies putting together their heart maps. All part of the gold and dreams program, here, and we will tell you all about it and youll meet my new friends, sophie. Hi, give them a wave. A remote that lives on your phone. More wifi in more places. A Movie Library you can take wherever you go. Internet speeds that have gotten faster 13 times in 12 years. The innovators and inventors at comcast labs are creating more possibilities for more people every day. Comcast nbcuniversal. Bringing media and Technology Together for you. Million come jenkins, one of our Philadelphia Eagles players, where is this ben fit . Over at union trust. Remember malcolm . This will be great event. A lot of good chefs will be there. You have got your cocktails, and stuff. Hes trying to make some money to help some kids out. I would think a lot of players will be there. Remember malcolm yesterday afternoon, should ski him about this . Intercepted pass, took it down for a touchdown. Remember this moment . Judge oh, man, he had it. And he was going to be in the end zone, and he knows it. Might be too soon. Let it go. Well try to pick six. Told knee swing by to pick up. Coy pick up at six. Ya, you know, first time i did it. Nope. We get what you were trying to do there. So, blitz, bo toast, burbon, union trust, they still use that place, used to be great restaurant. Yes. Now, so, basically, at seventh and chestnut, okay, hey, there is a cool showroom over in wayne. It kind of a space designed for active young girls, ages, well, four to 14, also, their sizes sometimes four to 14. Hey there, jen . Big part whatever they do, goal end dreams program. Yes, dreams and gold workshop. As we look up, i want you to show first of all they always have athlete of the month, this is part of the thing, youre inspiring girls, and i keep saying, ages four to 14, but it is sizes four to 14. Exactly, here for all girls. So, okay, sophie, youve been doing this, explain what you guys are doing . Talking about our dreams and goals, and what were going to be doing in your futures. Okay, so you will be living in new york sit, going to medical school like your mom, is your momma doctor . No, a pa. Cool. Then you will have puppy, black lab, dance where. At the school of american ballet. I love it. Why is it important for these girls to think about where they want to be in ten years. Definitely. So we definitely want them to be living in possibility and making their possibility, a reality. We want to encourage them and support them. To really dream big. Were here to help them achieve the map, map it out. How are we going to get there . Were here to definitely guide them in doing, that checkup on them, hey, what are you to up . How are you getting to the goal . Really awesome. Cool. I know then youll go like do this with basketball, teams, and dance groups, to casino of like help them be competitive but also strong and greatful definitely team bonding like hey what are you up to. Kind of like talking, hey, i heard were you walking working on this move, like a checkup system for each other. I love you because you everyone has so much. But you have lot. You love mom, dad, emma, you love field hockey, soft pillows. One of the things you want them to visualize, what theyll eat every brake fast in ten years, because you want them to push themselves to get there. We definitely want them to evaluate all of the parts of their lives, so school, sports, family, here for all part of encouraging them to do great things. Okay, and if people werent here at 7 00. This is basically a showroom. It is only open thursday, friday, saturday, sunday, you have one in wayne, one in cherry hill, and because you then go to these girls sports practices, and literally check in on them . Definitely. Spending almost three days a week, hanging out at dance studios, going to barak at this cents after school, really showing one these girls, and being like hey what are you up to, how can we help you out. Whats your goals. So it is really cool that he would get to spend our time hanging out with these awesome girls. This is cool. Because our clothing bran. At the ends of the day. Now you guys are so good. Did you everything i wanted to you do. How about big wave for the camera . High. By the way all off school because of holiday, holy day, we didnt break them out of school. Because thats part of the rules here. Of course not. Soy, look. Who is that . Oh this is jim. A man who doesnt stand still. But jim has afib, Atrial Fibrillation an irregular heartbeat, not caused by a heart valve problem. That puts jim at a greater risk of stroke. For years, jims medicine tied him to a monthly trip to the clinic to get his blood tested. But now, with onceaday xarelto®, jims on the move. Jims doctor recommended xarelto®. Like warfarin, xarelto® is proven effective to reduce afibrelated stroke risk. But xarelto® is the first and only onceaday prescription blood thinner for patients with afib not caused by a heart valve problem, that doesnt require regular blood monitoring. So jims not tied to that monitoring routine. Gps proceed to the designated route. Not today. 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Before starting xarelto®, tell your doctor about any conditions such as kidney, liver, or bleeding problems. Jim changed his routine. Ask your doctor about xarelto®. Onceaday xarelto® means no regular blood monitoring, no known dietary restrictions. For information and savings options, download the xarelto® Patient Center app, call 1888xarelto, or visit goxarelto. Com. Philly pops Christmas Spectacular once again. Look who is here this year, under the direction of britain celebrated american born out of north carolina, the conductor, David Charles abell, good to have you here. Nice to be here, mike. Where are you living snow. I live in london actually. Do you . You know the royals are over here right now. I didnt know that. Theyre in new york, and dc. Well, why dont they come to one of or concerts . Thats ridiculous. On the itinerary for next year, Christmas Spectacular, already had some shows . Six more to go. And lot of music of course. But, also, weve got a jokes competition this year. A jokes competition . Yes. Asking the audience to smith their favorite christmas jokes. Do you have one for us today . I have more than one. Yesterday, the winners, three joint winners, triplets, triplets, actually, three jokes were what do you get when you eat Christmas Decorations . Continues illitis. Nice. What is snowmen eat for breakfast . Dont know. Ice chris piece. Common i like that. Why does sack have three guardsmen. I dont know. Sure you do. He likes to hohoho hoe. Now, believe it or not, those three jokes were submitted by three, seven year old boys. I can believe that. Why does a santa have children . Oh, no, dont do that one. Anybody from filly . Yes. Oh, philly in the house. Good to have you here. And on the keyboard. So where do you get all of the singers in. Oh, theyre volunteers, 140 boys choir, plus the philadelphia boys choir, 40 voices and the saint gospel choir. Mike has been telling me so much, i cant wait to hear. Lets do this. Tickets still available, kimmel, and philly pops. Org. And hue panero on the keyboard. Philly boy. Philly pops. Org or use that numb number. Here we go, take it away. Deciding between buying bread and health care is much tougher. Healthy pa is now here to help, with namebrand Health Insurance for the cost of a few basic groceries. If youre uninsured, call or apply online today. Santa claus is coming to town santa claus is coming to town. So you better be nice and not naughty. Speaking of naughty, i apologize, explain what the seven year itch is . Like when you get married, when you hit like seven years in. Yes . Things start to fizzle. You start to see other people as, you know, perhaps a little more attractive than the one youve pledged your life and soul and Everything Else to. Itching for something knew. Itching for something else. So lost the passion . He will, with here is the thing, though, people say it starts a lot earlier than that. No, no, no, no, no. Oh, ya, ya, ya, ya. Not from the new research by bringing ham young university. Yes . They say it goes up. No, i think it is i heard it was every ten years, not seven. Really . All right. So the at the ten year mark. See, dont ever, dont ever question me. It said four years. Just did the research . Weve done another survey. Ten years. Yes, and they say by the 25th wedding anniversary the relationship was better than it was at the start. Theyve given up. Of course it is better. Wow. I cant see you any more. Youre beautiful. Im more in love. Of course im just too tired to look for anybody else. No, it moved from seven years in to ten years, and you get this itch. Okay, this happened to miley cyrus, got over the past month, dating Maria Shrivers son, dressing conservatively, over the last five days, has blown out the window. Look at this, spotted club hopping in miami over the weekend, so eventually she met one paris hilton, and according to us weekly the former disney star and Hotel Heiress were seen making out in front of mileys new boyfriends, patrick. All three later left together around 5 30 in the morning. Thats not him. A club goer. Yes. That guy right there . 5 30 in the morning, making out . Ya. Oh, well. I dont know. We can only assume what happened after that. Who is that . One of the bodyguards maybe . The night before she was running around town in just pace is. Really . In miami . Ya. Thank you for letting it all out. And demonstrating, oh, what is going on . Really . I got to go to the gym. Pasties okay. Okay, getting old. So chris brown, apparently, isnt taking his break up with that hot girlfriends of his. Not doing this well. Hes been ranting and raving. Oh, my gosh. Everyone talking about about that this weekend, this is one every his teethes, amazes me you can change elevate somebodys life completely, they still treat you like regular beep. But im sleep. But at concert, he message dollars her, said im single by the way, announced it at the concert. Then cussed her out. Oh, ya. I didnt see that. So, basically, yes, los angeles friday night. He was spilling all about her sexual habits. He accused her, well, in jail, accused her of cheating with drake. Crazy. Everyone oh, my gosh. Because lush eye when things happen, you dont see celebrity put all of the dirty laundry out there. He put it all out there. Why is drake always the common denominate or . Wasnt drake and rihanna together for awhile. They just keeping swapping san sharing and moving back and forth. A lot going on. Oh, geez, look at you . Outraged. Oh, give me a break. Always takes them back, so they might get back together. I dont know. But it was definitely entertaining, to say the least. I had something extremely interesting to tell you. What . Chris brown. Oh, kevin hart is on the show tomorrow. There is that, too. Cancan he i inch heart will be n studio with us tomorrow. Oh, so do you have watch. Coming in at 8 30. But he may be here until 10 00. Going to try to hold him . So but i cant remember. It was really good about chris hi. Were the rockettes. And today were kicking off wendys holiday gift grab. How you doin . Live from new york city, its the Wendy Williams show. Today its a holiday heart monday with a super size dose of todays juiciest hot topics. And reality star Todd Chrisley is here, talking about his hot show. Plus were kicking off the holiday gift grab in a big way, with the world famous rockettes. Now, heres wendy

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