Over . Sure. What would you like for me to cook up . Sausage . All right. Hey, by the way, before we get too far into this, i want to thank molly eikel our entertainment reporter from the daily news, wrote very nice article about our new family member, alex holley. I cant wait to meet her. Cute. Will sassy holly gel with jerrick. Gel with jerek . Now, i called her sassy one day. And she related that to the reporting. She kind of sassy. Thats perfect. Oh, ya. And sweet. Sweet and sass. I ya, ya. You snow. Perfect combination of both. She will get me. She is going to get me. No question about it. Another favorite . I like. This i like the headline. Team of destaney . And moan mone ball. Take on vaguest tonight at 7 30, if the weather holds up here in the Little League wormed series. I hope it does. Steve keeley out there all morning. How is it going . Is it raining yet . Weather wise going great. Suns outment look at the crowd already out. And mike, you talked about paying to be in the superbowl half time show, paying for silence, you just started go fund me drive to get frederick to wrap after three and a half minutes every morning, but look, Little Things for free in this world any more. But you can see the world series Little League world series for free, and thats why to get the best seats it is first come, first serve. So dont be surprised now we cant reach our microphone, but these are probably mone fans want to go get a first, first good seat, first row, of the outfield bleachers essentially, the unofficial outfield bleachers. All bring their lawn chairs, thats how you can get 40,000 people to watch one of these games. Dont be surprised if this whole outfield hill is completely covered by 7 30. If these people are hard core fans, even if it rains all day, they are probably going to stay here, because they have umbrellas, tents, and raincoats, so they are expecting rain and not expect to go move because of the rain, theyll stay here and if the game is channeled probably be back here again if reschedule. So we already got the crowd herement look at the fields, remember the grounds crew guys we we were talking about interviewing in the maroon shirts . Look at the mount, doing some work. So they took the cover off the pitch hes mounds, working on the infield soil. People say it is dirt, soil. Big debate. I said it is dirt to kids. Sure. That looks good. So hopefully threat get that straighten out. A mess right snow. I guess they play games all day long . Start about noon. And our game is at clock 30 tonight . Reporter first game at 3 00 here today. And look, we got a sports guy next to us from las vegas, and hes asking me all of these official details what about mones fastball, what about her curve ball, how tall is she. He acts like he is covering i have err son, look, she is a kid, they are the ones with the power hitters, he said there is five guys hitting homeruns all the time. Talking to me lick this is a big superbowl event. Im like hey it is kids in the world series, sit back, enjoy it, watch the sportsmanship. If you saw the rhode island coach. I saw him last week. His pitcher, getting up late in the top of the sixth. Hes got mike on him. So hear everything he is saying, if i had a coach or teacher like that i would be a whole different person today. The kid comes back after giving up the lead going into the dugout crying he comes back and hits walk off hit to win the game in the bottom of the six. Another great speech after they lost lie one run the other night. Very impressed by the coaching. Very impressed by the coaches. Every team. There was a team that they fell behind i think it was 11 to nothing in the first inning didnt have any outs. And they said well score some runs, too. Good to see a lot of time Little League gets bad rapping, parents screaming, pressure on the kids. Nice see the sportsmanship still there. Does get bad rap. If you ask anybody who is the most famous runner in the Boston Marathon history youll see rosey ruiz, the lady that cut in last mile. Remember that . The other one most people can came name. Before mone who was the famous Little League world series, everybody says the kid like 35, trying to pass as 12, 13. So, now, we have the most famous person, who is actually an official athlete who is within the age group, and great story. So well have happy story that we could just do that with the Boston Marathon some day, maybe kev can get more famous and get little bit more public lick at this than rosey ruiz in everybodys minds. Maybe i am the only one that remembers that. I remember. She helped, went to the finish line. I tell this is happy story, no matter what they do tonight, win or lose. Win or lose, all behind them. Steve, thanks, great job. You may be there again tomorrow if they win. Oh. So asia, pacific, japan playing at 3 00. Were at clock 30. Yep. World series real a world series, too, steve made that point earlier. Real deal. Kids from all over the worlds. Domestic side, your international teams, yes. South korean team is very, very good. Katie perry, cold play, re ann, a reportedly on pretty short list of artists, the nfl is now narrowed down to be the superbowl half time show. Yes. Our eagles play in that. Of course. So here is the thing. They are also reportedly being asked to pay to play. This is an entirely new thing, this has never been done before. Usually artists set up stage, you know, get their chance and everything like this, but actually being asked to pay to just play period. Wall street journal report that ring representatives have approached these potential half time acts, and asked if they would be too long crib some of their post superbowl tour earnings to the league, or to make another type of financial contribution in exchange for the gig. This is weird, q. Have you ever heard of anything like this . What would be the thinking hereof course theyre going to sell tons and their tour will be more successful because of the publicity theyll get at the half time show. But theyre famous already. Doesnt the nfl have enough money already . Yes, the nfl makes over they make billions of dollars a year. Now, a lot of people watch the superbowl, sometimes specifically just for the acts. So, nfl, youre benefitting. I think nfl commercial goes for millions of dollars for 30 seconds. I think we have enough money to pay rihanna, kerrey katy perry to play at half time. Peach watch the show. It is an event. Yes. Having these musical artist asks part of the event. They shouldnt have to pay. I dont think they need to pay rihanna to show off. My gosh, she is going to benefit from it. She doesnt need a paycheck. But to charge her a fee . To show up . No. Thats what it sounds like. It is. I toldly disagree. I feel like if the nn nfl, of course the talent will benefit, but the nfl benefits, as well. So i think they sudden have to pay the talent. Nfl has enough money, they have enough money, to pay the talent. Like i said, how much money are they really going to be paying cold play, rihanna, katy perry . One, 2 million . One, 2 million is a sneeze for the nfl when you correlate that with the superbowl. So no, no. I wouldnt pay. Because here is the thing, say if mike jerrick, he can raise two, 3 million, like i feel like a guy like steven cobair, he can raise two, 3 million, hey, i have 3 million, guys, let me pearl form at the nfl half time show. No, i tonightly disagree. Okay. I was wondering, about the settlement, the concussion settlement with the athletes, do you think thats why they are claiming they need the money. Well, they dodged a bullet on that one. If they stayed in that suit, could have shut down the league, was going to cost them so much. But still have to pay something. So i dont know. Ffl tv contract, alone, generate billions not millions, billions of dollars, every year. So paying for the service. Come on, nfl. Ill bet you this. If they stick to their guns, one of these big acts will pay of course they will. See your skills, better than baseball and basketball coming. Peace and quiet, what we want, right . Hard to find in our stressed out busy world. Technology is offering awe way to escape, this is what i found out in the new york post. They are reporting on several apps promise to bring you some silence for a price. One called breather, offers you access to private spaces where you can relax. The website for this app, boasts rooms that you can rent, that are designed to give you the perfect time out experience for about 25 bucks an hour. All right. Liquid space is another app. You can choose on this one from thousands of work spaces on an hourly basis. New york, dc, san francisco, some of of the places where you can rent spaces 25 to 100 an hour. So you can just be by yourself. Then the sterio public app lets its users tag quiet spots around the city then share them on their social Media Network so others know where they are, access them, then of course not quiet any more. One reason why we take their vacations. So why would you tell anybody where your silent spot is . Where is your silent spot . Wait a minute. Only two people know that. Ya. High. Not everybody takes a lot of people dont take their vacation time. That said ooh of us in the work area dont take vacations. I am not among them. No, i took mine. I use it all up. And i make sure i take every little day. But people who have really stress sometimes they have to make so many preparations to go on vacation, it is almost not worth it. All of the things they have to do before vacation. You know . Im exhausted from mine. Youre two weeks. Understanded bridge wouldnt just use noise cancelling headphones. Stay in your own home. I will tell you this, over 17th and walnut, there is a business on like the fifth, sixth floor, that it is this. Quiet spot . Trying to remember the name of the place. They have the wordiesting in it. Why dont we look it up . Seventeenth and walnut. Will take me a second. Couple of floors above the vanity air salon. Mi i know ns desk or business desk . You can go in there, and like rent a desk, they have wyfi phones, the whole thing for you, your own little office, for like hourly or daily or weekly. Where is this . And just be by yourself . Seventeenth and walnut. How many times do i have to tell you . I am so stressed. I would pay for a silent spot. Sign your except up, ill go with you. I need benjamins desk. Oh, mike youve got it. How about is that . We have it here in philadelphia. Center city. Name airports where you can take a nap. Does Philadelphia International have that . You can take a nap anywhere in a airport. , no the knot just laying there drool coming out your mouth. No, when you go in, you take a nap in a blackened room and then they knock on the door. Like one of those little pods. And say that your flights ready to go. Come on out. I dont think we have them. I need it here, no, i need it in another city. Well work that out for you. Meantime, if youre staying here, here, here is the forecast. For today, it looks good. It is pretty typical summertime. Weve got some clouds out there, sun will be out. Well get enough sunshine to take us to 86 degrees today. So nice day today. Phillies have day game. Fine. Tomorrow, when the showers and thunderstorms come in. Eagles have their first home preseason game with the steelers. Steelers. And you need your rain geary think. There will be some showers, some storms around, so same stuff going to williamsport today. For friday, probably some rain in the morning, the fridays kind of ifee day how long the rain will stick around, hoping it clears out in the afternoon. By saturday, sunday, looks like autumnal weather, temperatures 70s both days, doesnt normally feel like august. Now, taney, i shouldnt say this, since they dont win tonight, play immediately tomorrow. Right. Would the rain be out of there for that . I think so. If they get it in tonight. Sue, i want to show you something. I opportunity see it. A little boy was caught off guard when his big brother snuck into his room and caught him dancing in his room. Here it is. Oh, how embarrassing. Oh, hes just dancing his little heart out. His brother snickering, and filming the whole thing behind the door. It will later be put on youtube. Now the poor kid is embarrased. Upset with his brother. I remember one time getting ready for school one day, my bedroom, basement of our house. Right . At least on the finish side of the basement. For awhile did i take showers anyway, i digress, flashback. My mom walks in to tell me my rag was there, you know . Time to go get the bus and stuff like there is and i was singing in the mirror. Oh, the hair brush . I dont know about a hair brush, but i hadding . My hand. Mortified, still. She also found a playboy underneath my bed. Under the rug once. Whats this, mike . Okay. 9 00 czars we got some breaking news here. Skyfox, as you can tell, is live over this breaking news, in east mt. Airy. Look at this ambulance, was involved in a accident at chew avenue and washington lane. Right off the road here. Three people were taken to the hospital. Not sure at this point if any patience were inside the ambulance when the crash happened. Slammed right into that atm machine. Oh, busted the mailbox off the there. You can see the other car smashed up against the laudromat, as well. Looks like a mess, so chew and washington. Yes, it will be tough getting around there. So another couple of ambulances came up. Three people taken to the hospital. Not sure if theyre in the car or the ambulance or both. Fall starts in four weeks. What are we supposed to wear . There are some different fashion out this year, some must haves we thought we might get you involved here. Kerrly tell us what we need to have in our wardrobe this fall. I cant wait to hear, kerry . Fall fashions are already in the store, got rickey a reynolds. Good to see you. Bit of trends. Everything we are talking about begins with a b. First thing we talk becomes i feel likes these have been ought out for awhile, business suit is back in. Back n the idea here is to have a great matching suit, but have it really really react. Act leisure one of the biggest trends. Because she wearing the tennis shoes . Tennis shoes on, wearing her business suit with a tshirt. Where can you wear this . Could you wear this in any kind of office . You can wear this to the office. But you got to dot switch, and put your flats or heals on when you get to the office, but it is okay to wear a tshirt with a business suit as long as you have the right accessories. She looks seriously cute. The next we talk about, bags. You say a big bold bag. A conversation snows. The idea here is your bold bag, you can have your bold bag. Messenger bag, but has to be a conversation piece. My favorite when you say conversation piece, do you really, really going to sit and talk about our bags . People will stop you and say oh, my gosh, where did you get that bag . You want a show stopper. We got this from joan jet, party tonight, or you can go with a steel, you can go to zar a and get this. They have deals t can be structured, loose, not certain type . Conversation piece, has to have some things with it, so we dont want a plane bag. Fabulous. Society next thing is blue . Blue, but talking about boot its here, one of the statement pieces you need for your wardrobe is a by the. They come in all shapes and sizes, we got these from head start on 18th and son some. But it is a talking piece. So, making sure that you have those details those accents, and less of the plane. So these have the studs on it, but blue is another thing well talk b this is great cut out boot. I what can you wear this with . You always think you should buy shoes in neutral . No here is the thing, the bolds color, going to be your neutral. So wearing tan suit, even navy suit, add the pop up of color spruce it up. So she is wearing blue dress, also the trend . All shades of you. Have see so many hughes every blue this season, i know 50 shades of gray is all the rage right now, but it is blue, blue, blue, and bold blue. So your dresses, pants, skirts, youll see them, theyll be gracing fashion week this season, see that trickle down. You shouldnt wear like mono tone. I notice she wearing booties but black . She has booty on also from head start. Her booty has a second end. I dont know if courtney can turn around, so all about the details, the accent, not boring with a b. Definitely not boring. Finally we want to talk about bobble and eye wear . Cant forget about it, the idea with your necklaces, when you are stalking your jewelry, it is all about layering those. So not just wearing one, like i have now, but big accent. But i can layer it, h and m for under 15. Thats the thing, a loft this stuff is under a hundred dollars. All pretty great. Last but not least my favorite big rings are all the rage this season, dont have to have alleges . We took them out for the camera, not too sparkly, these are called the johns, name after philadelphia from philly eye works on 18th and son some. Well try these on you, and ill try on these. These are 1130s, not quite black, not midnight. Big bold frames. What do you guys think . Oh, you two look so cute. Ya. Thanks. Would you ask her what she is smuggling underneath those ingms . Ike wants to know if under your wings. The flying n sure. Her dress is fabulous by the way. Yes, she got chop. , upscale hospital wear. No, she one of my favorite people. Wedding wednesday. As we learned in the movie bridesmaids, five things a maid of honor should never do. The five pointers, if you happen to be in a wedding this weekend. Oh, boy. movie clip . What a great move that i is. So bridesmaid. Who was bridesmaid . That was whats her face . Kristin . Melissa mccarthy right there. Maid of honor, kristin was the maid of honor . And controversy . They pressed her with that. She was demoted. Oh,. And rose burns character. Had to be the maid of honor. If you were named the maid of honor, certainly things you should not do. My daughter just got married august the ninth in mexico. Her maid of honor was her sister jessica in the orange dress behind her there, right . So prep. I so not everybody is up to the task. Here, are certain things, you should not do if youre the maid of honor. Number one, dont be bossy. It is the brides day. Do not start telling the bride what to do or overriding her decisions telling her to change thinks, especially at the last minute, you know, to fit your schedule, or your expectations, it is her wedding. Yes, really. You could get demoted. Number two, dont complain about your hair and make up. Remember, it is not about you. It is about the bride. Some dress also pretty brutal. Two, after the couples big entrance, you can relax and enjoy yourself, but you still need to keep watchful eye on the bride. Ya, thats a good one. Hang out at the table, you know, stuff like that. Maybe bring tissue. It is bridesmaids, thereto wait on her. Laid any waiting. This is even bigger issue, the maid of honor, four, do not embarrass the bride during your toast. Oh, this goes off the rales many times. Remember, it is a toast, not a rose. So skip all of the old boyfriends reference. I dont know, funny sometimes, not boyfriends, not boyfriends story berks like, you know, a little bit of a razz. A tease. But dont go craze. I great that you found carl after the 75 men youve slept with. Sure. Hey, lastly, dont make the night about you. The broad shut not have to gave you a pep talk about when you will finally get married or your personal life, it is not about. No. You. Im still embarrased about something that happened in in next snow. No, in college, i was a groomsman. Are you going to share . No. Common. At the reception. Parking lot, crying, you snow. Unlike you. Definitely. Man, avenue story i wish i could share but we dont have the time. Wait, my apron . Cooking up cue tore. There is something called kitchen couture, where you wear these over the top aprons, basically. Just sparkling jewels. Yes. But the best part, this is a benefit for philabundance. Exactly, not only fashion show, were making money for fill a buns dance, one of the best organizations in the city. Have you seen tom corbetts ads attacking me. Get real. Its tom corbett whos been sticking it to the middle class on taxes. Corbett cut a billion dollars from education. Now almost 80 of School Districts plan to raise property taxes. Meanwhile, were the only state that doesnt charge oil and Gas Companies an extraction tax. But corbett raised your gas taxes through the roof. Im tom wolf, ill be a governor who stands up for the middle class for a change. We have been playing walk up muse being for players on the taney dragons. Thinks number six, eric lipsons walk up, song, is what im trying to say. Yes, second from the left in the front row there. Yes. Hall of fame, it is a good one. Yes, good music. Lets hopefully they can play the game tonight with that rain in the forecast. Local chefs are taking a stand begins hunger while they are mentoring recent school graduates. Friday is first annual cooking up cue tore food and fashion showcase. All of the proceeds go towards the philabundance community kitchen. Mike is outside with the top chef nick, tony johnson a graduate from the philadelphia bun answer community kitchen. You are looking at models not even paying attention here. Whatever you said, yes. Hi. Hi. Hello. Nick, is what up, my brother. Good to see you. He is famous now. Where is your place on east passyunk. East passyunk avenue. Its name laurel. What was at ward you won. Top chef. Top chef. Yes. Congratulations. The business used to be like three month wait over there. Were still about the same. Im sure you can fit yourself in. Great. What are you cooking but before i tell you about the event that i have to go to on friday what is that. It smells great. Thinks a fresh with garlic and butter. This is a sample of what we will be eating on friday. Yes. At a kitchen cue tore event, explain what it is. In conjunction with philabundance we are trying to raise money for philadelphia bun answer. We had a chance to go see the graduation the other day, really inspiring. Im so proud to be part of this. I think we know what philadelphia bun answer does but they teach people how to become chefs and they place people in kitchens, around the city, teach them how to cook, make sure they have long lasting jobs afterwards and they have done such great work for the city, im excited to be part of the event. Cue, the graduate of the philadelphia bun answer school. Hi, tony, come over here. Hi, how are you. Chef tony. Where are you from. Im from jamaica. Yes. Where do you live now. I live in upper darby. Good to have you here. How is it, is this a dream come true. Yes, it really is. I have a food truck. Yeah. Yes. What is name. The mixing bowl. Where do i find it. Im a roamer in philadelphia. You can follow me on twitter. Is what your twitter handle. The mixing bowl. Chef, maybe you can explain this. What will models are doing friday at the the event, doing what they do best. Showing off the wonderful, kitchen, has made and displaying our cocktails and our food. It is kind of a fashion in conjunction with the foods and down at front and palmer. That is the name of the space, front and palmer. Pretty good name. Considering it is at front and palmer you can get your point across. We are thinking of renaming our station fourth and market, quiet. Come here, look at this beautiful women is what your name. Katie. Hi. You designed these over the top aprons. It is food and fashion, all combined. Look at this weather. It is easier to clean. Why not cook in leather. Leather and lace. Absolutely. Is what your name. Gemini rose. Are you sure. Positive. Where are you from. Philadelphia pennsylvania, born and raised. I love that name, gemini rose. I love that name. Do you know anything about traffic. I know a lot. I know a lot. So where do i get these aprons. You can see aprons cooking up cue tore this friday. I want to buy one boat casino. Buy one at the event. Come see the whole collection, the amazing food, we are so excited. Friday august between the second 6 00 to 10 00 and get your ticket on line, cooking up cue tore. Com. Front and palmer. Yes. Right down here on front street at intersection of palmer. Thanks so much. This is fun. She was showing me some aprons, kerry sue, she has about a thousand different designs. A thousand. That is a lot. That is pretty hot. How is that. I had the vapors. That is a mint julep. That is a party in your garden, that is for sure. Cool. That looks like so much fun, good food, beautiful fashion and you help philabundance. I know mike is enjoying himself. We may in the see him again, it is you and me kerry any success on the court, q. Im doing good right now. With nba players, right here. Coming up welcome back, everybody before we get to quincy playing basketball you know taney dragons colors are like the old phillies colors, right. Yes. Powdered blue and the pennsylvania maroon. So, we had some luck when i painted my face for the flyers. They won a game. Yeah. So we will try that. Yes. Probably not good thing to do by the computers. Well, okay. We will put a little in here. We will maybe paint half my face one color. Why wont it come out of there. Oh, okay, maybe too red. Maybe ill mix it with something while quincy does this. Mix a little blue in. Okay. So we will do that a little bit. But first we have to see if you have skills when it comes to basketball. You know i do. You know, i do, i do, i do. Nba pro, work out, you have been working out a bunch of nba pros for a long time. We have guys he Marquis Morris from the phoenix suns. We have his brother, marcus. Marcus. From the nba from the phoenix suns. We have hakim ward, beyonce christmas. What are these guys doing what kind of drills are they doing. Welshing they will do jump shooting skills. Catch and shoot drills. We will put the ball on the floor. So, can we see what we will do. Right now all they are doggies catching and shooting and catching and ball on the floor. Everybody needs to set their feet, be able to catch their feet. If the defense is on you you have to put the ball on the floor and shoot the ball. That is pretty simple. Let me jump in. Okay, all right. Come on good catch and shoot. Good job, q. Yes. Get to the back. Let the rebound come, behind you, okay. Pass it to the next person. Okay. Now, am i doing something wrong or is there something i should be doing. You are doing great just catch and shoot. One thing i dont like about nba players. We have Wayne Ellington he was most outstanding player for North Carolina tar heels. He is suppose to be here at and late. And, now he plays for sacramento kings. He comes in, shirtless, and he is late. Okay. While you are all working come on, beyonce, come on. Here you go, q. Okay, all right. Here you go q, get it up. Okay. What am i doing wrong you are too far out, you have to step into your range. Everybody cannot shoot it all out there. What other drills do you guys do. We will put the the ball on the floor with the defense on you. We will take marcus, marcus, come on out here. We will take marcus, shoot the ball, marcus will have the ball. Defense will be on marcus. Marcus need to get by his man and create a shot. We will one describe will pull up. Defense on marcus. He will catch the ball as if it is off the pass, he will rip through and get to the spot and shoot the one pull up. You play for phoenix suns. Do they help you out. Yes, lot. Lets see the the drill. Okay. I will throw marcus the ball and he will rip through and get off the the one dribble. He will rip through with the ball. Okay. You guys have been practicing, that is why he made that shot. Can we see that one more time. Yes. One dribble pull up. Okay. Can we see that one more time. Can i try that. Sure. Do you have any pointers for me. Keep my head up. Okay, cool. Owe kay. Rip through what does rip through. Rip through. Okay, i knew that. One more time, one more time you got this. Shoot that shot. Rip through, jump. Yes. And as he learn on the show, quit while you aire, im. You have a good work out. That is what they say. Thanks. Making me look good. Thank you. Im done. Quincy, we dont bad mouth him ever again. Nope. Okay. He has earned our respect. He has earned our respect, tomorrow. Until 10 00 this morning. Sue is milk up. We are having a hard time getting red turned into maroon for the taney dragons. It is getting better. That looks pretty good. Now my blue is too dark so turf mix that with something. You need white. I will paint my face, to give the taney dragons some good luck. Speaking of the taney dragons, jenny, have you seen any family members heading to williamsport. Not any of the family members of the team in williamsport but these are other taney families here as part of the League Members that are boarding the bus part of the League Members that are boarding the bus heading to williamsport well, not that kind of fresh. On the freshness of our chicken. But i can guarantee the freshness of our chicken because we go beyond what the usda requires. With extra inspections in American Family owned farms, refrigerated trucks that deliver daily and everywhere in between. Thats what it takes to bring your family a fresh tasting chicken. Perdue. We believe in a better chicken. I would say that is number two but her Favorite Song to walk up to at bat, mone davis is girl on fire by alycia keys. Top girl all the way around. Could she be more on fire. I dont think so. By the way, we were talking about places you can rent if you need a quiet space, a 17th and walnut. You can lease a desk in the Virtual Office by the hour, day or month called head room to grow. Number to head room to grow is their handle. Bun of people are boarding buses right now to get to williamsport for the game at 11 30. Jenny joyce is in grays ferry and we are singing it to you, jenny joyce. Hi, jenny. Hi guys they are boarding the bus, just about to leave here at ten this morning heading up to williamsport. These are families of the members of the taney Little League all different ages. Can you give us a taney cheer we want to hear this excitement and feel it. One, two, three. We want to feel the enthusiasm. It is a big night for you. Have have you been going out to each game, so far. No, but watching them on tr. How are you feeling at this point. Im excited because i know kids and i get to see them play, so 30,000 other people. Pretty cool. Hoist your favorite player. Zion. Why is he your favorite. Because he is my cousin. Were talking about family there, i get that. Have you her about the Sports Illustrated cover, pretty cool that mone is on the cover. What do you think about that. I think it is, Pretty Amazing that some one some of us know is on Sports Illustrated, it is just amazing. Reporter pretty powerful pitcher. For sure. This is the commissioner of the league, lou, so just tell us what this means for taney as you gear up to go up again. It means a lot of things to everybody here. It means we get the recognition as a league and get to show off a lot of the tall event that we have been pro tuesdaying for years that people have in the seen like mone. She ace big highlight but we have young are girls coming up the ranks easily as powerful in our baseball organization. And you just feel we are kind of people we like to have around taney, spirited, fun oriented instructional type leagues. Type of kid that after a game they just go back to being friend again and hanging out. You guys are going up now and coming back after tonights game it will be a late ride. Some of us to have work, unless Little League start paying some of our bills but yeah, some of us to have get up there, go watch the game and come back and get ready for this weekend because taney will win this evening, against nevada and so we will be ready for this weekends festivity as well. Mike, do you wanting to on the bus ande is what going on the bus . Lets check this out. We will head out on the bus behind you guys and see if we want steel the excitement. Do you mind if we get on, sorry. So this bus again is filled with all taney families from the Little League. Can you give us a quick cheer for taney this is live on fox 29. Go taney. Okay they are ready, mike and kerry back to you. Maybe we need an official tear. Give me a t. A. Give me a n. E. G me a y. Why. What does that spell. Dragons. Nice. Im getting ready to paint my face the the colors of the taney dragons we will do that in just a bit but i saw this on facebook some parent are changing their social media habits nerd to protect their children. Basically facebook. Worry about privacy and safety concerns moms and dads are keeping their kids photos, names and identities off the internet. It is called baby blackout a machining concerns what Companies May do with images and personal date a if you opt to post your picks facebook encourages to you use the site private thecy settings and limit them. Kerry, thank to you that are story. Okay, thank you. Heres a story about social media you tube channels like bar as has made a mash up of president obama singing Ariana Grande song problems. What an amazing waste of time. My goodness. They have done this, Brian Williams has done some. Brian williams of nbc news has a great one out. Thank goodness somebody had all that extra time on their hands to release to it us. It is one of our editors, that is why nothing got done today. Video is made up of tiny little speeches. Really, thanks. All right. Some people are getting really creative with their ice bucket challenge for als research. But this one, by the foo fighters, we really like this one. Best by far good what inspired them. Classic car movie carrie. Not this carry that carrie. Yes. This thing is really long. They they cut into scenes from the movie carrie. That is really good. With the blood scene except he is using ice water. Yes. You are full of thoughts to day. Okay. You call commissioner ramsey, kerry smacked me right in the face there. Yes. Listen, fish face, young people who watch this show, kerry is at least 25 years old in that movie dont you think. Maybe more from the 07s. So maybe some people never seen that scene out of carrie. There was a remake a couple years ago. She was voted prom queen. Anyway lets paint your face. I will paint your faith. And stapel your mouth shut. I will paint your faith. And stapel your mouth shut. Let just by switching to progressive. So youll be bringing home the bacon in no time. Sorry. Get a free quote at progressive. Com. Okay, were listening to rude by magic, zion speakerman, walk up song. You have been listening to them all morning long. Hoist your new friend. Keith. Hi keith. Hi mike. He is holding microphone so we can paint your face, we have 452nd left. We are painting him in taney dragons colors cheering on the team. I feel like puddy from seinfeld. Go drag opposite. Painting my face. Blue, blue. Just go for it, man. You want your eye balls. Oh, yeah, lets get right here. We the world famous fries you love, plus a shake of three new flavors you add. Introducing mcdonalds shakin flavor fries. Shake up something new to love at mcdonalds. Were getting trendy at wendy sharing the best discounts on todays hottest items and all the latest juicy hot topics. Now, heres wendy