Segment here, the new baby gorilla at the philadelphia zoo. So, so cute. And this gorilla is a boy, and he doesnt have a name yet. We must name him. The we must name the baby today on the show. Good day everybody, it is wednesday, june the seven, 2017. I saw those pictures, like oh, look like you know when you see a baby, you talk and why do we do that . Why do we talk that way around children . Oh, ya. So anyway, that gorilla is going to be on our show today. Oh, i cant wait to meet him, sue. I know, i know, this is so exciting. What did they say, a face only a mother can love. But we love it, too. Anyway, seven out every ten in your weather by the numbers, National Chocolate ice cream day. What better twi celebrate than a cone at the bus stop . Bus stop buddy has a jack on, because it is on the cool side this morning, seeing little bit of sunshine and a lot of cloud cover. And there you see, here in old city quite a few clouds, but the sunburns through every once and again, 54 degrees, almost 10 degrees cooler than yesterday at this time. 12mile per hour breezes out of the northeast. And other temperatures, that are in the 50s, pretty much everywhere this morning, except up in the mountains where it is 44 degrees. So, mostly cloudy skies, again, sun will peak through every once in a while. 68 degrees, our high temperature, just about as cool as it was yesterday. But if you want it to warm up, careful what you wish for, bob kelly. We will be change about the heat next week. Get that 90 chychrun out there. Good morning, accident on the schuylkill expressway. This is eastbound side, not the way you want to start your day, by sitting on the concrete barrier. This is eastbound schuylkill expressway at Spring Garden. You got one, two, three cars here, all involved in this. This will slow us down coming into philly if you are headed out the front door, head for the kelly drive or the Martin Luther king drive. Vine expressway not bad at all crossing town, rough day for septa. Already some equipment problems and delays on couple of its lines, the airport line, warminster line, airport, one of the trains canceled, outright, because of equipment problems. Kin wood line using buses, down freed in malvern, paoli book closed warren road right there by the prep. And in aston, concord road, accident at Village Drive over in new jersey, mt. Laurel, Church Street, watch for some downed pole and wires right near laurel acres park. Mike and alex back over to you. All right, some, actually, many found this surprising. Constand on the stand. The second day of the trialment she delivered dramatic and detailed testimony yesterday, gave a description of cosbys alleged Sexual Assault. So steve keeley is in norristown with the details of what we learned yesterday. Well the reason it was such a surprise, we were getting late in the day, and they even called her brotherinlaw, after series of witnesses in the morning, a brotherinlaw a cop up in canada. They wanted to establish hey she told other people about this. The brotherinlaw is on the witness stand, suddenly allowed gasp as the prosecution says hey Andrea Constand next to the witness stand. Even the judge caught off guard. Man he rebuked the prosecutors for not letting him know that she was going to be on the witness stand. So, it was just an ends of the day direct testimony, and a little bit of crossexamination. But you can tell, that the prosecution new what was coming in the crossexamination, because they all made preemptive strikes asking her questions that they know are coming from the prosecutors and from the defense later today. And that is what you guys have questions on, as well. Well, tell you what, was the deal after this alleged assault in his mansion, they were still in communication, at least by phone . Well, she said, and again, this is the prosecutor has questions, because they know these questions are coming from the crossexamination later, she says, hey, cosby stayed in touch with her, calling her about Temple University business. And remember, she is a Temple University employee, she said i had to go along with him, stay in touch with him, because i work for temple, and if i didnt if i cut him off and didnt talk to him, i might lose my job. You know, hes like one of their biggest donors, most famous graduates. She also mentioned, too, that it was a big burden on her, she said she didnt have the courage to tell her family. Because they went to up see cosby in canada. What, in a in a performance. Stand upper form ands . And brought her mother along. Her mother next on the witness stand, we learned that at the end of the day, as well. So her mother will be testifying next f they let the mother of witness number one for sure, theyre going to let Andrea Constands mother common. But they asked also in the direct testimony why did you wait a year . Because that question was going to be coming y did you wait a year to report to tell anybody . She said look what happened to me was completely overwhelming and again she is all intimidated. She is afraid shes going to lose her job if she complains much. She didnt know what to do. You know what . When youve been raped or sexually molested however you want to term it, who knows how youre going to react. That is a life changing thing. And it is hard to criticize somebody for. That will so if im on the jury, thats what im going to be telling the fellow jurors. Steve, thank you, well check back in with you, we have two attorneys to come in and analyze both side of the case. 6 06. Government erupt, sending pregnant woman to the hospital. Stray bullet hit the 27 year old in the leg. The shooting happened as she was leaving a friends home at archer and butler streets around 9 30 last night. The woman who is seven month pregnant, was taken to temple and is in stable condition. No arrest haves been made. Well, Community Devastated after a mother and her child are shot in wilmington. Police say a 31 year old woman was shot in the arm. Listen to this. Her six year olson was shot in the head, as the two were sitting in a car at the 700 block of east sixth street. The little boy is in critical condition. Why the mom is in stable condition. Investigators say the two not intended target. Police are still of course searching for the shooter. All right, some breaking news out of london again, police have found a body, in the tips river during a search for xavier thomas. Of france. Who would be the eighth London Bridge victim. Details just coming in and continue to bring you update as they become available to us, of course, his family has been searching, looks like, basically thrown off the bridge, hit by that van. We have some breaking news out of iran. Isis is claiming responsibility for the attack on irans parliament. And this is a live look, in iran right now, you can see, a lot of people in that area. Two security guards killed, in the attacks, and more than 30 people are wounded. Safe to says one of the attackers in the parliament assault has blown himself up. It says four attackers launched the assault, police have surrounded the building, where legislative session was underway. Security guard was killed, and four people were wounded in a separate attack at a shrine. The shrine, why people are shocked, a shrine of the eye tia. So again, live shot, chaos on the streets there in iran. So lets go back to france, now, in france, officials are holding special security meeting today to examine new Counter Terrorism measures, the focus of the meet something to extend the countrys state of emergency, and other permanent security measures. French officials are creating a new Counter Terrorism task force, the government also plans to Ask Parliament to extend it from july 15th to it current expiration date, november the first, it comes after a man was shot yesterday in paris. Attacked a Police Officer outside of notre dame cathedral. By the way shot but expected to survive. A mom troys to teach her a lesson by letting a snake bite her. Now that another is facing charges. Find out who was standing behind what she did. Snakes on a crib, snakes on the crib. Plus the relationship between us and the k. Uk continues at this hour, which leader said woe not welcome President Trump into his city. Could it be a mayor . Video posted on facebook by a childs mother, get Harsh Criticism on social media, understandably so. You can see the snake biting the baby. The child cries, and the mom laughs. The family says theyve always lived around animals, and were simply trying to teach the child a lesson about wildlife. The mom purposely chose an innocentpoisonous snake, she says, and previously let it bite her too. But, police, theyre not impressed. No. She said she was just trying to teach the child to be afraid of snakes. She puts it on facebook, a more on. As far as teaching the child, no. And i dont regret her doing it. Looks like the grandmother is okay with it. Yes, seems like nice lesson, though, for the child, and stupidity. They say child family serviced but took no action, they refer the case, saying, probable cause the lesson in snakes was child abuse. Thats like saying if you want to teach your kid about oh, dont touch the stove, i dont know. Dont cross the street, oh, here comes a septa bus. Boom. Just take the kid away from the house. Do we know where it was . Oh, it had to be florida the panhandle. Im guessing the panhandle, too. No, great places in the panhandle. I promise myself it would be better and i just talk without thinking. A lot of phillies fans go down to that part of florida. Clear water . Clearwater. Well, speaking of the phillies. Easier to see snakes in clearwater. Maybe the mother, thats where she was then, i dont know. Phillies legend under fire, what herrera cannot do. Because of how he speaks. Plus anticipation building ahead of former fbi director, james comeys testimony, starting tomorrow. What is expected in his first Public Comments since he was fired. Sorry about the holdup, folks. We have some congestion on the runway and im being told itll be another 15, maybe 20 minutes, and we will have you on your way. Runway models on the runway . Surprising. Whats not surprising . How much money evan saved by switching to geico. I would not wear that lace. Hmm, i dont know . Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. 616. See the sunshine, see the ocean. Wildwood, new jersey, of course. And we have cool, cloudy will be the theme for today, you know, about just as cool as it was yesterday. We never even hit 07 degrees, almost there, but sunshine returns tomorrow. Then, it is with us through early next week, when we could be talking about our second heatwave of 2017. There is rain to the south of us, some of the clouds from that system are spreading to the north. So, were getting some cloud cover, also getting one little rogue area of rain in southern delaware, between milford and georgetown, down around milton, delaware, so that could continue for little while longer. Weve got quite a few clouds in our future cast, the sun breaking through, every once in a while around lunchtime, 1 00. And by the ends of the afternoon still mostly cloudy, but youll be able to feel the difference come tomorrow. We are cool this morning. Temperatures mostly in the 50s. And wind coming in out of the north. So definitely would be sweater weather for today. By tomorrow, though, in the 70s, by friday, in the 80s, and by saturday, and sunday, we really heat up, so we are looking at the possibility, sunday, monday, and tuesday, of our second heatwave of the year. And dont forget, when you head out the door, and you get in the car, and make sure your radios on 101. 1 moore fm. By next week, also have the airconditioning on in that car, so big difference between the first and last days of that seven day forecast, bob kelly. No kidding. You got it all going on in there. Good morning, 6 17. Philly firefighters on the stone here, accident eastbound, schuylkill, right at Spring Garden street, only the right lane getting on through. So we are coming it, as crawl now, quickly, billing up like the pancakes here, from city avenue into downtown, if you are getting ready to come in the city forget the schuylkill. Jump off at city line. You can use the kelly drive, or the Martin Luther king drive. That will bypass this whole mess on the eastbound schuylkill. The route 15 trolley running with some delays this morning because of some Early Morning switch problems. Early morning equipment problems, leaving delays on the airport and warminster line, Regional Rail lines, of course using buses due to track work all this week. Weve got disable on the blue route, route 76, northbound right at mcdade boulevard. Kind of off to the shoulder, but theyve got the police on the scene, thats attracting some attention, then later today right after the rush hour, if you are leaving center city headed to the airport, heads up, 95, working right near the stadium area, taking out lane or two, near broad street. Mike and alex back over to you. Friend in new jersey look at me right in the face right now. Did you vote yesterday . We now know who is in the running to be the next governor of the garden state for the democrats, phil murphy won the primary over five other democrats, former Obama Administration ambassador to germany. But look at the number of people who voted. Out of millions. Wow. 238,000. Hell be running against new jersey Lieutenant Governor kim guadagno in the general election, governor christies top deputy. Guadagno won over four other republicans. She had 110,000 votes. Boy, that will be a clear race. You know what i mean . What do you mean . Well, you got these are definitive choices. Governor christie person, and a president obama person. Oh, i see. So youre sighing the sides are very set . Very much a referendum. Still not many people voted. The mayor of london has a message for our president. Stay out of my city. Mayor city can saying hes not in favor of the us visiting britain. President trump criticized kahn, no reason to be alarm after the most recent london terror attack, trump tweeted bought that saying he couldnt believe that he said. That will well trump has accused kahn of making pathetic excuse over his statement urging london residents to stay calm a mid Police Presence in the streets in the sit. I one of the things about special relationship is not simply standing still in times of adversity, but calling them out when theyre wrong, and i think many thing about which i think citizens, and donald trump is wrong. Seven people were killed and dozens others injured over the weekend when three islamic terrorists drove a van into pedestrians on London Bridge. And then began stabbing and shooting the victims. Of course many, many, many, many, many, many people say that the president s comment was totally taken out of context. Took mayor kahns comment out of context, put it in a tweet. Okay. The little guy goes deep over and over and over and over. The Unlikely Hero who tide a Major League Record last night with four homeruns in one game. Including a grandslam. You know who else did that in his career . Who . Who else is in the news . Who . Mike schmidt. Ahh. Well, but he did that before. Ayatollah khomeini what are you doing . Watching this breath savers protect mint neutralize the plaque acids in my mouth. I cant see anything thats because its working so hard. Hey, what are you guys doing . Karen. Were neutralizing. Maybe i want to neutralize. You ever think of that . Perfect dasure is. Game huh . I dont know about you gus, but i think a foul balls coming our way. Im ready crack of the bat, crowd cheers whoa almost had it maybe next time. What about this time . Pay me the new scratchoff from the pennsylvania lottery. With top prizes of 100 grand thats some catch giggles crowd cheers keep on scratchin yesterday hall of Famer Mike Schmidt had some controversy a. M. Statements about herrera. He has since apologized and clarified his statements, but, listen to what he originally had to say about building a team around herrera. My honest answer to that would be no because of a couple of thinking, first of all it, as language barrier. And, you know, because of that, i think cant and guy that would sit in a circumstance well four, five american players, and talk about the game, or try and learn about the game, or discuss the inter working of the game. Only way to change schmidts minds, ball out. In the clutch last night against the braves, in the sixth. Herrera with an rbi double. That was a go ahead run. The phils will go onto win three to one, their fourth straight win. Thats sport in a minute. Im sean bell. Thank you, sean bell. We will talk to Anthony Gargano of, where is he working, 97. 5, a little bit every history baseball last night. Reds hitter scooter janet, hit four homeruns, and had ten rbis. Scooter is the 17th player ever to hit four homeruns in one game, batted five time, single first time up it ties him to the major leak record, scooter is not known for being a power hitter, only had three homeruns, this season, before last night. Includes ago grandslam last night. That will was his first one. The reds went onto win the game 13 to one. But a philly big time, also did it, mike schmidt. One of the 17 players to hit four homeruns in a game. Did he it on april 17th, 1976 at Wrigley Field of course in chicago, he finished in day with five hits, eight runs batted in. By the way, scooter was name after a muppet character. Sue, was there a muppet scooter . Thats what hes name for. Well finds pictures. All right. Dont you worry about that. We have cloud cover around this morning, weve good Cool Temperatures wins again today, but dont get used to it, there is quite the warm up in the seven day forecast, and all of that coming up for you, very, very soon. Its time, america. Theres work to be done. Its not going to be easy but theres grit inside of you. And if you need extra motivation the grad fund at Strayer University can help push you forward. Because up to your last year of classes could be on us. Thats right. On us. Today is the day. Strayer university. Lets get it, america. Ostriches dont really stick their heads in the sand. A peanut is not a nut. And a real john deere is actually real affordable. You learn something new every day. The surprisingly affordable john deere e series tractors. Now you can own americas tractor for just 99 dollars a month. Learn more at your john deere dealer. 6 30. 123 years after alleged assault finally the witness everyones been waiting to hear from in the bill cosby trial taking the stand for a second day. And they got him. The teens who sucker punched this man, in this video here shall now facing charges. All four every them. But, police say, this is nothing new for some of them. The other brutal Assault Police think they were involved with. Baby gorilla, his birth not easy one, the details, hes healthy, though, but we want it took to get him here. With a a face new pictures coming in even as we speak, good day everybody, it is wednesday, june the seventh, 2017. We will show you pictures of this baby gorilla born yesterday throughout the show. And as soon as they come into the news rom well punch them up undoubtedly. Anyway, it is 6 31, and heaters sue with a look at the weather, whats the number again . It is a seven out of ten, yesterday, it was a six, we do see improvement. We just have a little shower activity to the south of us. Here it is. Seven, for today, and see increasing numbers along with increasing temperatures. Once we get to the seven day forecast, but for right now, dealing with today. Bus stop buddy jacket on, because it is on the cool side this morning, and it is also National Chocolate ice cream day. Oh, boy. Quite a bit of cloud cover, a little bit every sunday shine burning through, thats going to be the theme for most of the day, 54 degrees right now with 8mile per hour breezes, out there, 50s just about everywhere else. In the 60s almost everywhere yesterday at this time. So prepare for cooler morning, and a day that will end up just about as cool as yesterday was. Just wont rain as much. So, a lot of cloud cover, little bit of sun, and 68 degrees, for your hump day, bob kelly. And i vote mike to change the first poop i diaper on on the gorilla. I have a lot of experience changing dirty diapers. Theyre my own. But still. Counts, doesnt it . Yes, that counts. Do the older ones use the pins or use the velcro . I use the pins, old school, throw back. 6 32, good morning, everybody, eastbound schuylkill expressway, this accident right near Spring Garden street. At least we got the three lanes open, so like we turn on the spigot here, start to see traffic moving from girard into downtown. But still bumper to bumper from approaching city avenue in toward Spring Garden. Best bet kelly drive or mlk drive to save yourself some time. For the gang in malvern headed to the prep this morning, downed tow blocking the paoli pike right at warren road. And then in mt. Laurel, downed pole on Church Street, right near laurel acres park. Mike and alex back over to you. Bob kelly thank you. You got it 6 33, coming up. Andrea constand on the stand today of day three of bill cosby Sexual Assault trial. Yesterday she was on the stand for four hours, and she gave a chilling description of the encounter she calls assault and cosby says it was concentual. All right, steves back at it again in norristown, hey, steve. Reporter you can see the first eight of the only 30 public seats already taken by these people in line about three hours before this will start t has been three years now since the start of those 60 women coming forward to tell the world bill cosby lured them, drug them, then molested them. But for the first time, one of those 60 got her day in court. And you see her, strolling into the courthouse hallway, the chance to say under oath facetoface with cosby, what happened to her . Andrea constand, walking confidentially in the courtroom, 6 feet tall, and metaphor standing real tall on the witness stand, too. I think they are doing everything they can to discredit andrea, and kelly johnson, and her mother. And im very offended by this. I knew his true nature. Way was his victim. I know his victims, i know them personally, and i know who they are, and i know their truth. And we are here to stand in truth. So whats up next for day three today . Well, Andrea Constand crossexamination may be more direct examination, maybe more cross after that. We will see how long it goes, then Andrea Constands mother, then prosecute verse expert witnesses, about the effect every quaaludes, and maybe the most damaging evidence of all deposition testimony, bill cosby himself gave in the previous settled out of court 2007 civil lawsuit Andrea Constand where he admit giving quaaludes to women to attract them. Among the witnesses one on behalf year of Sexual Assault victims probably why they want to use that person to explain why Andrea Constand wait add year to call authorities about what happened to her that night in bill cosbys house in 2004. So, you can see, theyre doing a lot of pre tell tiff strikes knowing whats coming in crossexamination. Sure r hey, steve, i did want to ask you, in the beginning you mentioned how the eight people lined up, only 30 spots of peak in the public can be there. Are some of them stand ins as well . Notice, if you notice, the guy in the hat, remember him . And you cant see behind the woman in the white, the blondes woman, sitting down, first in line, the same girl who is with the guy in the hat. So this will be two days where theyre making probably, i would guess, in the thousands holding a lot thousands in. Welshing mike, it is nbc news paying them for the production people there. They want to guarantee they have good coverage and have lots of people in the courtroom while the report remembers out here doing live shot, i guess. Do you know where they finds these people . Is there a website or something, stand in. Com . I dont know, i wish we had one, though, we could use one ourselves. I glow maybe they have a business card, steve. Maybe you can go ask. Yes, the problem is doing the business, we wont pay the thousands, right . This comes out of mikes pocket. I want to text my friends over at channel ten, ill stands therefore five grand. So youre going to miss your time on the show here to stand in line. For five grand . Okay, ten, ten grand. Okay, so, it is 36 00. 6 36. I didnt know if you were going to continue to talk. Just doing the time today. All right. Im doing time. Is that what it feels like . Yes. Day in court, deadly amtrak crash in port richmond. Bran de and boston will attend for wreckless endangerment. The derailment killed eight people, injured 200 other. The charges were filed last month, after the family of one victim sought a private criminoc c chef might be serving meals behind bars. After pleading guilty to child pornography charges. Prosecutors say then girlfriend took pictures of themselves ex guaging in Sexual Activity with minors. What . He also used to run crow and the pitcher in rittenhouse, and he faces to up 20 years in prison, will be sentenced on september 20th. His girlfriend also pled guilty, and faces to up 30 years behind bars. All right, that bucks county man has been convicted. There he is. On all 17 count against him for sexually assaulting six girls in the same family. Lee kaplans conviction comes a year after a neighbor tipped off police about the girls living with him in a feasterville home. Authorities say the girls parent gifted them, gave them away to this guy. Sentencing date has not been set. Well, hes philly legend. Thats for sure. Icon. Icon. Under fire. Mike schmidt makes some controversial comments about a current philly. Our centerfielder. Welshing that centerfielder, is responding. We have it. Phillies legends mike schmidts, controversial comment yesterday afternoon, radio interview. Well, let me show you, what the response is. Ahh. Ikarumba. Do the comment on herreras language barrier maple him a racist . Then, smith was off base on herrera. So what did he say . Have you heard it . It was in response to the question of do you think he could be the one to unify the team and lead them. Did you hear this . Mike schmidt. My honest answer to that would be no. Because of a couple every thing, first of all, that is language barrier. And, you know, because of that, i think he cant be a guy that would, you know, sort of sit with four, five american players, and talk about the game, you know, or try and learn about the game, or discuss the inner working of the game. Anthony, one of our buddies over there, so is that the talk of the morning, or is it blown over . It is still the talk right now, guys. And i think it will. I do think it will be a one day story. Yes . Look, i dont think that mike schmidt is racist. I dont. I think he made an ignorant statement. Remember. This the clubhouse looked different 35 years ago than it does today. And the behaviors different, right . Thirtyfive years ago, with those guys did after a game, is they sat around, they drank beer. Right. Right . Thats what they did. Guys arent doing that right now. Guys right off the bat, get your phone, get your ipad, where am i going, and youre leaving. And it is a different environment. It doesnt make it right. Because it is an ignorant statement. So ultimately, it will probably be a one day store. I bill bit out of touch on mikes part, because there are so many latin players on the phillies. Ya. Listen, throughout baseball. The latin player is the life blood of the sport. Yes. Right . Like when you look at this sport itself, go through any team. Some of the best players in the game are latin ball players, so the idea of the latin player is not the minority, in what you would think it would be. Nope. It is a majority of the sport. And when you think about the phillies roster, 40 of them come from Spanish Speaking countries. Yes. Yes. Exactly. And thats why it is ridiculous to say that i think it was more toward herreras personality than latin players. Because look, we know about him. Hes the guy who does the bat flip after a sack fly. Yes, after a sack. We may find that entertaining, right, right . A guy like schmidt is going you dont do that. No. Thats sacred. Cant after a sack. Exactly. Then why not just say that. Cohave said that. Cohave said those thing instead every saying it is his language that will pro event him from talking with the other teammates after the game and explaining things. Youre right. Youre exactly right. You know the first thing i thought of, guys, was joey vin k issue, first thing that cropped in my mind. The second thing was i wonder if mike schmidt ever speaks again. Publicly. Here, i thought the exact same thing. Of course you thought about cheese steaks, and second of all, second every all i dont think about cheese steaks. That mike is particularly a big fan of doing radio interviews in the first place. He may never go on any of your shows again. Without a doubt. Listen, i sat down with him probably 50 times ive had him on the show. And hes never said anything like that. And so i dont believe it is in his heart. I believe it was an ignorant statement of something that, you know,s not used to, right . Again, a lot of older players, it is not charge, it was a rig rant statement. I thought of carlo russo, and he was considered a leered of team. And people love him. Yes. And i dont think it is about love. But youre right. Chooch, all do you have do is talk to roy halladay, cliff lee, those great pitchers. And theyll tell you the glue was carlos ruiz, thats excellent. Yes. They know the language every baseball, thats for sure. Im sure you heard this, mike did call herrera last night. Yes. They communicated. Stupid, let me rectify this thing quickly and let me get my apology out there quickly. And herrera. He said were good, this thing is over. Yes. Language barrier . Listen laughing thats you. Were good. Thats all there is to it. Always good to see you. Thank you. Great to see you guys. We also want to mention, though, did he release a statement as well, in addition to calling herrera. Mike schmidt. It has been made known to me, my statement was disrespectful, very sorry this miss except takes every my answer occurred i assure everyone i had no intention of that. I think if i had to write that again i would take misrepresentation out of there maybe. But i get his point. 46 00. It is bob kelly. Im just giving kisses back to everybody, like anthony. Good morning, everybody, 6 46. Come on, up and adam, weaver another accident here downtown. This is the vine st. Expressway westbound, approaching the ramps for the schuylkill. So, again, two times in the last hour, folks standing out on the major roadways, kind of sitting on the concrete barrier, not good way to start your hump day. But this is causing delays from 95, folks trying to go over to either 30th street station or many ramps for the schuylkill, and then the schuylkill itself still heavy from city line in toward Spring Garden from an earlier accident. At least the lanes are all open. It is a wednesday, and were getting ready to start the rush hour here, delays on the route 15 trolley from some Early Morning switch problems, couple of the Regional Rails running with delays out of the gate. One of the airport trains had to be canceled outright because every equipment problems. In malvern, if you are headed to the prep, paoli pike is shutdown at warren road. So watch for some local detours, and over in mt. Laurel, downed pole shall Church Street blocked at laurel acres park. Your forecast for your wednesday, sue has it in 15 seconds. Soap, yesterday it stayed pretty cool. And weve got clouds around, because of this system to the south of us. It is going to stay close enough to kind of keep us cloudy, before High Pressure can build in. And change our weather pattern, and keep it warmer, in time for the weekends. But, there is the rain to our south. You see it just little bit of green showing up on radar to the north of that system. Had few rogue showers earlier in delaware. They seem to be gone. We look at the future cast, slowly, just cloud cover for the rest of the day, with the sun, peaking out, every once in a while, but will stay cool, like yesterday did, and then things will change starting tomorrow. Currently, temperatures are mostly in the 50s, sweater weather, for this morning, especially, and the breezes picking up as well. 8 miles an hour in philadelphia, out of the north. So, today, 68 degrees. Dont get used to it, because it is a little warmer tomorrow, and little warmer than that on friday, 80s saturday, then we zoom up to 90 degrees on sunday. And continue perhaps for our second heatwave of 2017. Because as you recall, alex, had a heatwave already. Mike . Did we . Yes. Thats right, we did. You dont their . In fact i quizzed you on that, said it was the earlier heatwave weve her in philadelphia and you came through with a answer. I did find the answer. Very great. I dont remember what it is any more. So here we go. Ill finds it. So yesterday on the show, we showed you over and over again this man who has some disability, being sucker punched, there it is, and a lot of people responded on twitter, im just going to give you an example of one of our viewers, this makes me so angry. I hope that they find those little sh word. Dont need to say what it is. They d they found him. And theyve been charged. But the thing is, some of tees guys, karen, are these kids, theyve been in trouble before . Well, may be connect today another case that happened possibly with a principal of a high school. We know that these four teens are now in custody, young teens, in connection with the attack. We also now hoe who the victim s police have figured that out. They do know he is 38 years old watch we see on the video he is surrounded by this whole pack every kids, initially he thought they were talking with him, laughing at him, and all the sudden they turn on him. Two of the kids of at least four actually hit him,germantown that memorial day holiday weekend. The video shows the teens, and they actually had it slowed down on purpose to show this off. Two other arrested just part of the group. Police are trying to figure out if these a group connected to assault on a School Principal when he was hit with a brick. We are looking at similarities from this incident relating to the assault of the principal. Two of the four from this one possibly involved in the incident with the principal. Parent needs to take the initiative and start finding something for these kids to do. Thats what the world is coming to. They should lock them up. They should lock them up. So the teens are facing assault, and other charges, investigators are still searching for the person who took this video, now, hit by a t was every s had a half day. They were having over to the other school and without a contl kids, in sure. I have a question your three zoo. Have you heard . There i you want to meet e that baby is on good giving people options based on their budget is pretty edgy. Kind of like this look. Im calling it the name your price tool phase. Whatever. Zoo keepers say this baby male gorilla was not too east. I kira went into labor thursday, friday something seemed off the vets had to call in some doctors from upenn, and jefferson, to help deliver the little boy. They had to use techniques they normally use on human babies. Oh,. With this baby here. This baby boy. But the babys healthy, and the zoo says mom kira has been cradling her baby nonstop and have been bonding. Hopefully when we go live to the zoo we will be able to see this little baby, which has not been named yet i dont believe. I wonder if theyll allow the public to help with the name. I hope so. There is a good chance again we cant do this until about 9 00 in the 9 00 hour. There is a chance that mom and baby will be out, so we can see, always a chance. Maybe theyd cuddling in a corner over something. Wouldnt you be . Oh, ya, i love cuddling with my mama. Do you. Ya. To this day . Sure, why not . Nothing like a moms hug. All right. You are never too old to love from your mama, right . Well, i dont have my mom any more. Oh,. Could i hug your mother, sharon . Is she watching . Im sure you have, havent you . I have. Glenn always steps in. Oh, always a window, like 102nd window. Yes. And you got to cut it off. So do you want to see if we can come up with a name for this gorilla . Mike . Ive already got that many times on twitter. Okay, so, lets do that twitter right now. Okay. Okay, so there is little girl, she is a soccer star. But her team got disqualified, from the big game, because of the way she looks. Can you figure this out . They werent able to play the championship because of her hair. Well explain. And getting ready for day three of the cosby trial. Andrea constand is expected back on the stands today. Steve . Reporter yes, almost all of the public seat already being taken, and here is a prediction, trial supposed to last two weeks, going so fast, im thinking it is going to the jury real quick probably by monday or tuesday, just a guess. True radiance comes from within. New radiant toothpaste by colgate optic white. Whitens teeth both inside and out. For a radiant, whiter smile. Be radiant by colgate optic white. For the first time bill cosbys accuser girls the chilling testimony the night she was sexually assaulted by the man she once considered a mentor. What she has to say when shes back on the stands this morning. They got them. Teens behind the brutal attack brought to justice. They should lock them up. They should lock them up. Off the street. They need to be. They could do it to somebody else. The teen who sucker punched the man in this video, now, facing charges, but police say, this is nothing new for some of them. The other brutal Assault Police think theyre involved in. Oh, schmidt. Controversial comment every phillies icons words about a current philly. Sparking outrage. Why certain phillies cant be a team leader. Then he apologized. This is a soccer star but her team got disqualified from the big game because of her looks. There is no point of everybody getting kick off. Some of cows have stayed and started playing. Why she says her short hair ruined her teams championship dreams. And going deep again, and again, and again, and again. The Unlikely Hero