Yes, pretty dust , i saw pictures, the cars all covered, well show it to you coming up the thats thats whats showing up, but we do have rain, a lot of the Stormy Weather coming through last night, thats long gone, we do have some showers, giving today a seven on the weather by the number, cooler and less humid, get sunshine later today, we do have a dreary stat to the morning in spots, there are some showers around, and a lot of cloud. Bus stop buddy at summer camp this week, and not going to be bad day. Umbrella in he is, a hat on, there will be little drizzle around early, temperatures in the 60s, 70s, right now, and there it is on ultimate doppler, mainly south and east of philadelphia, light rain, pushing through from the it down through delaware, into south jersey. Really just delaware seeing a lot of rain right nowment you can see, from our fourth and market cameras, that sunshine peaking through some of the clouds, 72 degrees, it is humid right now, but those dew points will be dropping through the rest of today. Eight a degrees the High Temperature, morning showers, giving way to late day sun, and nice breeze out of the north will help keep things cool. And then into tonight, mostly clear, low of six a, nice day, have the latest on your weekend still ahead. It is clock 02 right now, heres cast. I normal delays out there on 76. On 95, but lets talk about accidents, lansdale, richardson road, right around county line road, tractortrailer accident, hit passenger vehicle, trying to get that clear up this morning. Elkins park twp. Line road near church road has an accident. Head taught whitehall Lehigh Valley avenue, macarthur road, 145 at chad avenue. Inch section still block for over two hours now, the alternate, chris . Okay, kacie, thank you. 7 02 the time. We want to get to breaking news from overseas. Passenger plane has disappeared from radar in africa. Now, air Traffic Controllers lost contact with an air al jeer jet chartered by spain swift air, 50 minutes after it left, the capitol next to ghana in west africa. The plane head today al gears, in algeria. Weve also learned there are 116 people on board. The airline has launched its emergency plan, well follow this story for you of course and bring you updates as we get them in. Hang now, search for driver behind whats now a deadly hitandrun. Police releasing new video after van want in the that crash. Fox 29s steve keeley live in camden with the very late owes than for us, steve, good morning. We got both new Surveillance Video and the set up the victim died last night. As soon as his friends and family got her, they came to put fresh candles and flowers here, unfortunately the heavy rain followed soon after. Thats why the little flames have been put out so soon before the canned comes turn down at all. Unfortunately they have to put more candles and more flowers up at a funeral soon. The victim of saturday hitandrun here at north 27th and height high streets in camden, praying woe recover from his injuries saturday night died tuesday, 39 years old, hit here past 9 00. Critical in cooper for three days, hurt so bad, doctors could not save him. Meantime new Surveillance Video, a lot clear, a lot closer than you will recall the video we showed this time monday morning, that was the first video put out of the white ford econo line van, coming, then going, see the front then the back of it, witnesses say it hit him took off toward river avenue here east camden right along the delaware, and right near Woodrow Wilson high school. Again, police say, expect it to have damage to the front passenger side, where the saturday night seen video here shows him as he was get nothing his vehicle, parallel parked, legally here along north 27th street. Where the speed limit just 25 miles an hour. This case now way greater in seriousness, because it has been upgraded to a death by auto case already. And that guarantees a prison sentence both in pennsylvanian in new jersey, and how weird is it here in camden, normally, consider the most dangerous city in the country, relatively safe summer, didnt have a murder at all this summer until last friday. But now, we have our second fatal hitandrun, the first memorial day, and neither solved so far. Chris, kerry . More dangerous for pedestrians right now, apparently, steve, thank you. Two victims injured in a Philadelphia Food truck explosion have reportedly died. Seventeen year old jay lynn died tuesday after weeks of treatment for severe burns. This according to philly. Com. Now, her death came just two days after the death of her mother, olga. The mother and daughter injured working it their philadelphia truck that exploded on july 1st on wyoming avenue. 7 05, our attention overseas for this, this developing story from the federal Aviation Administration now lifted its ban on us flights in and out of israel h stopped the flights on tuesday, after a rocket strike that landed about a mile from the airport in telaviv. Directive applied only to us carriers, the faa has no authority on ford airlines operating in israel of course. Rally forest ray he will turns into what many have of these rallies from across the country, turned into dueling protest, both sides really speaking out. Several hundred people packing love park, a lot Holding Signs in support of israel, protest of hamas militants involved in major fighting in gas a across the street, though, Palestinian Protesters waiving their colors, police say there were no major safety issues for the most part it was a peaceful rally. Australian officials want to secure Malaysia Airlines crash site in ukraine, country sending 50 Police Officers to london where they may then go to the ukraine, as part of an International Police force. There are fears that some of the victims might never be recovered unless investigators are given safe access to that crash site. Meanwhile still no official answer who shot that down. Set to fly from ukraine to the netherlands today, first bodies of the Crash Victims arrived yesterday. Motorcade you see here carry the victims to military barracks, where they will be identified, and in australia, political and religious leaders held memorial service. For all that i achieved, for all that might have been, at the dawn of day, and in the setting sun, we. 298 people died when that plane was shot down last thursday. Here at home, worker at Delaware County mcdonalds is facing charges for supplying drugs while on the job. After he is dollars after selling undercover cops cocaine. Made four separate cocaine sales to undercover officers in the back parking lot of radnor mcdonald. He is facing long list every charges, name to post the 100,000 bail. Detectives are now looking for his supplier. One historically dry town in south jersey debating whether to change their rules. Haddon heights now considering allowing liquor at restaurants, and while many are okay with this idea, many are not. Fox 29s Jennifer Joyce live in Haddon Heights this morning with more on this growing debate. Jennifer . Groping debate, a loft mixed feelings, a lot of people we talk to said they think there is only about a 5050 chance of the idea of Liquor License here in Haddon Heights passing, last night we talked to bunch of people all over town, people had the chance to sound off, in a special borough meeting, borough officials wanted to get a sense of how people feel about the idea after limited Liquor License. If it is approved, in the future, the license would allow restaurants to sell alcohol. There would still be no bars, and no Liquor Stores. Haddon heights is a historically dry town. Although it is inning closer to change. Three restaurants, in the area, anthonys kunkels and he will hadnt cafe have been granted wine outlet licenses allows them to sell bottles every wine from local vinyards, no profit, just enhances Dining Experience for customer. People we talk to have mixed feelings about taking the law one step further to actually allow the forprofit sale of alcohol in their quaint town. I think it could be done. That is positive thing for the town, for the taxpayers, it will be a little boost to our tax base. And i think it bridges people to the town. I mean, thats what we want. We want peak wacking up and down our streets, our biggs cents it, will really enhance the business district. I think our byob is enough. I dont think we im totally against t i think there are a loft issues, liability, cost of issuing a license, state of new jersey, problems with youth, that type of thing. And the meeting last night was informal, preliminary, and it could be a ways, long time, from now, before we actually get a vote on this issue. So still just people talking about it, and feeling out the community, seeing if it is something theyre interested in. Kerrey, chris . To go see how this plays out. Time clock ten, topping national headlines, arizona inmate dice nearly two hours after his execution process began yesterday. The process is supposed to take just minutes, but joseph wood reportedly gasp for air dozens every times before his deet by lethal injection. It is very disturbing to watch. You know . Joe is dead but it took him two hours to diane to watch a man lay therefore an hour and 40 minutes gulp air. Woods killed his ex girlfriends and her father. Victims nam lip said they saw nothing wrong with the way the excuse was carried outment comes after two controversial excuse this is year in both ohio and oklahoma where one inmate died after almost 30 minutes. And another suffered a heart attack after the injection was administered improperly. Federal judge in denver declared colorado bay ban un constitution. That will. Filed by six gay couples asked the Court Foreign junction ordering that the states ban no longer be enforced. State has until next month to seek appeal. Colorado voter banned gay marriage in 1996. Civil iamb ands became legal 2013. Same sex marriage now legal in 18 states. After hours of wait to go see a doctor, a veteran said he got locked inside a va clinic after all of the employees went home. I want to report i apparently got left in a va facility, medical facility, and the alarm has been going off. Thats 53 year old jeffrey ducks, 911 call after he got stuck inside that florida clubbing. Duck says he went to get a pre strip sean refilled around 1 00 in the afternoon, told wait for a doctor. Hours later, he was still waiting. Somewhere around 3 00 i went up to the front desk, time was bag, theyre usually quicker than that. Duck said the staff told him to keep waiting. So he did. Then around 5 00 oclock, he realized he was all alone. Went when officers got there, they turned off the security alarm, let him go home. The clinic has released a statement apologizing saying they will make sure it does not happen again. Probably good thing. He was waiting fog four hours. A little bit of scrutiny, lately. 7 12 the time. Nationwide many of peeps, plumbs, nectarines expand to go number of popular storesment rye her in our area. California based fruit Packing Company recalling tons of soft skin fruits nationwide because of possible listeria contamination. Soy yesterday we told you the fruit was sold at wegmans, well today we know it was also packed and shipped to a whole bunch of retailers, a lot of them here, whole foods, cosco, bjs, trader joes, sams club, the fruits were also shipped out to the various wholesalers. The soft skin fruits where the entire fruit is a edible portion. There is no way to safely wash or treat these fruits to be able to be consume. They must be discarded. Packing company said there have not been any illnesses linked to the fruit. If you would like more information go to our website myfoxphilly. Com for details. Okay, remember her, the new jersey teen who sued her parents . She is back in court. Eighteen year old rachael canning has just received a temporary restraining order against her 18 year old boyfriend. The same boyfriends whom her parents wanted her to stop seeing when she left their home. Canning now claims he tried to choke her. Now, earlier this year, you will remember, she sued her parents for money after leaving their home. Later dropped the suit and moved back home. Well the new jersey Turnpike Authority is suing a pizza shop all the way down in florida. Officials say that their logo right up there on the left side of your screen is a little too similar to the garden state parkway logo. The lawsuit claiming the jersey boardwalk pizza is trying to attract customers by trading on the highway image. Attorney representing the pizza shop says the lawsuit is baseless because people cant confuse the two, a highway and a pizza shop after all. But they are also more than a thousand miles apart. People living in the midwest dealing with the aftermath of whats known as the annual may fly hatch. So this year there are so many bugs, it actually showed up on weather radar t looks like wayne rain, but what you are seeing are thousands and thousands every bugs if not millions still in the air along the Mississippi River along to wisconsin. Life of adult meat lasts only few days at the moment. Thats not where this story end. Look what they leave behind. Thats discusting. Gross, slimy mess on cars, trees, lamp posts, pretty much, look at that, anything in their path. In fact st. Paul the hatch created, so foul, created such a slimy mess on the roads that there was driver that lost control and caused three car crash. You can see why. Sickening. So what . Driving over the bugs . Is it like im not an entomolist. Well get on that, caitlin . They do leave behind some sort of slimy residue, and there are so many of them. Well, so do we. Sore if i youre eating your oatmeal right now and were talking about mayflies. Lets talk weather. Luckily seeing on raid ash behind me not hatching of any type of insect or bug right now just seeing some rain move in from the southwest mainly across portions every Central New Jersey virginia. Thats drifting northeastward, through the delmarva into delaware, even some light rain being reported at the Philadelphia Airport last hour. So showers mainly south of philadelphia, all just very light rain, not expecting any thunderstorms, and as we go through the next couple of hours it will move threw, southern portions of the viewing area as you head down toward bye. Row hope it beach. Crossing into Cape May County. You have the clouds, showers, drizzle morning down at the shore. Fox future cast picking up. Showers steadier towards the south, here we are at 9 00 a. M. Good amount of rain for Atlantic City, came may, especially down Sussex County delaware only chance to see steadier downpours, no rain from philadelphia northwest ward. So really gist toward our south and then we begin to clear out into the afternoon. Skies clear from north to south. More sun north and west. Not going to see much i dont think down in delaware and south jersey. Maybe later this evening. But it will be a slow pull to try to get that sun to come out for you guys. Otherwise we turn cooler, less humid as the effect of the cooler air behind last nights cold front will come through. High pressure in place as we go through friday, a lot of sunshine friday, looks beautiful. Seventytwo in philly right now, 67 in pottstown, 69 in reading, 68 lancaster, 78 in wilmington, delaware phils have day game, persons pitch, 79 degrees first pitch temperature, maybe left over shower, i actually really highly doubt it at this point, come afternoon and most of the showers are toward our south. Will turn into pretty refreshing afternoon with less humidity, 858 for the High Temperature, friday looks good full, 86, sunshine, then little warmer for the weekend. Think saturday okay, looks like good pool day 88 with chance every thunderstorm late at night. Then sunday unfortunately we have the chance for some rain will continue into monday before we clear out and cool off. So, a little bit of damper on the weekend forecast, kacie, at least we have saturday. At least we have saturday, fine with me, thanks, caitlin. Because ill be sleeping when the rain comes along. Going to all of the majors, 76 slow, 59 south slow. Only two slow downs that you have this morning. Lansdale North Bethlehem pike at welsh rd. Accident number one, accident number two, richards son road around county line road. Here is a look at the travel times, 76, double the travel time, 59 actually behaving better than 76, westbound, only about nine minute delay there. Chris . Phillie and giants wrap up four game series this afternoon, at Citizens Bank park. Phillies need to win today to avoid being swept by san francisco. The game last night scoreless until the ninth inning. When former phillie hunter pence cleared the bases with a three run double. San francisco went onto win that game three to 16789 now, there are reports this morning, that the phillies have actually considered releasing ryan howard at the end of the season. Ryan howard is just hitting. 224 this season, has only one homerun, in his last 28 games, so if the phillies were to release howard they would still owe him 60 million over the next three years. Despite his struggles, ryan says, you cant worry about what people say. For me i know people will put ailment on either how much money i make or put a lot on what i am doing on the feel, this, that, whatever. But at the end of the day you go out, try and do walk, im really trying to get back in the flow of things, trying new things, now, just trying to get back in the flow of everything. If you made like 20 million a year, would you be upset about anything . All right, looking for distraction from the phillies problems, we have some good news for you. Eagles open Training Camp tomorrow. Football season is here. Still ahead, it is right of passage for any kid, now one dad says he wants to ban play dates. Why he says it is all just a set up. First the newest sixer is a big star on the court. Now he has become a sensation on twitter. Why joe he will and bead is apologizing however. Straight ahead from good day philadelphia. vo ours is a world of passengers. The redeyes. daughter im really tired. vo the transfers. Well, thats kid number three. vo the copilots. All sitting. Trusting. Waiting. For a safe arrival. Introducing the allnew subaru legacy. Designed to help the driver in you. Care for the passenger in them. The subaru legacy. Its not just a sedan. Its a subaru. So why do they often act so naughty . Shoes should feel nice. Grrr. Ooh its time to tame the shoe with dreamwalk ultraslim insoles. Grrr. So you can wear the shoes youre in the mood for. Without them changing your mood. Dreamwalk by dr. Scholls. Fourth and market, right here outside our fox studios, thanks for being with us this thursday morning, in trouble over a tweet. A minnesota man says he was asked to get off a southwest flight because of something he wrote on twitter. He says the how many rating ordeal began sunday when he and his two kids tried to board a flight from denver to minneapolis. He said he has priority because he is one of those a list cup customers. When he went to the gate they wont allow the kids to board with him. He tweeted about the experience. Wow, you know, most rude agent in denver, kimberly at gate c39 not happy. You know, at southwest airlines. She said i might call the comes. I thought that something bad was going to happen like my dad being in jail. Well the agents allegedly wouldnt let the family back on to the plane until that tweet was deleted. Southwest says it is reviewing the whole ordeal. Sixers first rounds pick joe he will probably wont play at all this season as he recovers from foot surgery. Hasnt stopped him from becoming a hit via social media since being drafted last month. Kacie is in the social media cents this with more f twitter campaign, sitting there recovering, maybe too much time on his hands. You mow what, he is no the waiting wasting his time, for sure. First caught our attention when courting labron james to come to told. I tweeted about labron about coming here but he didnt tweet me back of the first attention has turned attention to the ladies. Injury old, going to the top, tweet being some of the biggest names that are out there right now, lets take you back to last week when injury he will sent this tweet directed toward kim kardashianment hey i want you to come slide into my dms at kim kardashian. Dms are referred to direct messages, private messages on twitter, a pay arent i the only person didnt realize that kim was married. He was the only person, not did not realize. Few hours later he tweeted the following oh, i didnt know were you married, sorry, kim, just it from the familys quote. Have a nice day. Decided to move to ever, and tweeted it, breaking news, moving on from kim kay kim kay to re ann a even asked her out on a day date. Tweeted hey baby, dinner at george yos 9 30 p. M. At re ann a thats a restaurant in los angeles. If you were wondering. Finally yesterday, he tweeted a photo shop picture of rihanna in a sixers jersey, and the tweet he said thats all i got to say rihanna, representing the sixers and my jersey number. So may not see on the court much this year, but at least good laugh following him on twitter. So what do you think about this . Hes from another country, originally, is he just learning the ways of courtship here in america . I was just talking to producer abby right before the segment started and i think i dont want to sounds ignorant, but he is here for maybe two, three years, and thats what i said to abby, i can see if he is tweeting at some models with a hundred thousand followers but going right to the top. So i dont think he knows i might know, but i dont think he does. In the just to the top. Very targeted. Thats what i am saying. Like kim, no, kim, re ann a like next, taylor swift, Something Like that . How does rihanna feel if she comes in number two here behind kim . I dont know. I dont know. He wants what he cant v you know, kims off market. Rihanna is not. I just want him to recover. Hes so good if he can overcome these injuries. I know. All right, thanks so much, kacie. Still ahead, we all know exercise and eating right are the best ways to shed those pounds. But, there is always some new craze promising to help you drop the weight. Well, we have the top fad diets, you need to avoid. And jennifer, good morning to you. Good morning to you guys. All right, see this . We all have probably smaller version african of beans in our kitchen. But how do you turn that into something thats pretty fancy pants . Well do pantry makeover with stuff you already have. With this crew. Youre going to be happy you with this crew. Youre going [ mom ]appy you when the nest gets too quiet. Its time to find some real harmony, with nature. [ family screams ] elmo [ wolf, kids howling ] [ train whistles ] [ bird chirps ] [ people screaming ] [ snoring ] music to moms ears. [ female announcer ] turn your visit into a getaway. Busch gardens and water country usa summer packages from just 60 per person per night. [ mom ] we may live in houses, but were born for busch gardens. Good morning, looking from the poconos. Also, ken rotweiler, taking me to the phillies game today. Have you been to a phillies game . Last year, first game this year. Have you been to one where theyve been . Last year. They won last year. So here is the deal, last time we had rain delay. Today rain is not the issue, it is the hitting. Yes. This is more in the sports department. I cant help you today, guys. You can blame it on the storms last night, but, unfortunately, or fortunately, weather better. See if the phils are better come 1 00 oclock today when the game begins. They do have a day game. Now weather by the numbers, seven, turning cooler, less humid, late day sunshine, we have some clouds some showers around this morning. Specially south of philadelphia. Bus stop buddy, umbrella in hand, although where he is right around the philadelphia area, there is not much rain h little bit last hour. But there is some steadier showers, especially down the shore. And in southern delaware, there the showers are showing up on ultimate doppler, rain might pick up a bit for knossos he is county even into Cape May County so drizzly dreary morning by the beach and actually not the best beach day. That will improve come tomorrow. Seventytwo in philadelphia right now. Still casino of muggy but those dew points will drop as we go through the day, becoming less humid. Eight a degrees for your High Temperature later on the width late day sunshine, cooler air moving through, nice breeze out of the. No, beautiful evening. But font mostly clear, cooler, low of 65 degrees. Friday, itself, looking great. Well have the forecast and your whole seven day forecast just ahead. Heres cast. I route one at route nine down near dover where were headed right now. Take a look at kept lynn said, little hazy, little foggy, roadways look damp. So look out for those showers down there. Whitehall mcarthur road, accident out in the Lehigh Valley area. 145 at chad avenue, the intersection block. The eastbound side of the ben franklin bridge, anticipate that being a little bit slow, right lane block, patco track replacement. Been out there for a while, will stick with us for awhile. What a week foray travel, in fact, it is one of our top stories, and it is breaking news from overseas this morning, passenger plane has disappeared from radar, in africa. Air Traffic Controllers lost contract with an air al gear jet chartered by spains swift air. Now 50 men after it left the airport, the capitol, next to ghana, the plane was head today algiers in algeria. Weve also learned that there were 116 people on board the airline has launched its emergency plan of course well stay on top of this for you and give you more updates throughout the morning. Meantime the two victims injured in this, the food truck explosion, have reportedly died. Seventeen year old jaylynn died tuesday after weeks of treatment for severe burns, according to philly. Com. Her death came two days after the death of her mother, olga. The motherdaughter were injured working in that food trunk that exploded on july 1st on wyoming avenue. And historically dry town in south jersey is considering making a change. Haddon heights Head Community meeting last night to discuss the idea of allowing restaurants to sell alcohol. Right now, three restaurants in town, have wine outlet licenses, which allows them to sell wine from local vinyards. But, there is no profit. And while many are okay with the idea of alcohol and in restaurants, many are not. How much, there is still a way to go before a decision is made here. And last nights meeting was only a way to get a sense of how people feel about this issue. According to our reporter Jennifer Joyce, 5050. If you have second property, and thinking about renting it out, be aware. Your renter could turn on you, this has happened to a california woman who rented her property through the website air b and b. Now the rent is her quite literally a squat nerve her property and she not going to leave. Claiming renters rights. Legal analyst ken rotweiler we call in now and talk to you about what are your Legal Protections when you rent out your property to someone else . Good morning. Morning, chris, how are you . Well. Whats going on here in california . Interesting. You have heard the saying by err be aware. Here i would say seller be aware. The sell nerve this case is the landlord. In this case our renter came in through this air b and b, this on line rental service, and the renter decided after they paid their amount, they were going to stay for certain periods of time they would justin to stay there. Now the landlord basically says well, you know, i want you out. Tenant says im going to stay. The the thing thats true here both in california and in pennsylvania, chris, tenants have lots of rights. Here in pennsylvania, in 1951, the law goes back that far, the landlords tenant act, gives tenants a lot of rights, makes it difficult for landlord to actually get a tenant out of their where they own, the place that theyre renting from, and it takes an eject procedure or eviction, can cost thousands of dollars for the landlord to do this. So this is big headaches, for all people that want to rent their property be aware. Like so many laws, put in place to correct against one thing, but then they have unintended consequences the other way. That law you mentioned was a way to get around a cap rears, you know, landlord who would say just within five minutes youre kicked out. Get out of my place. So protections for renters here, but with caveat, air b and b, so different than if you went through rental agency or just went through hotel. True. This is on line. So what you are basically doing, i look up the website last night, going through them, making the payment through air b and b and basically going to the person who is renting either their rumor condo or whatever. So if there is a problem, then the landlord has to step back in, boy, i have to tell you, it is major, major headache. What i would advise people who are going to rent something, do your Due Diligence on the people renting your place. See thats the problem with a air b and b or Something Like, that you dont know who is renting your place, if go through rental agency, theyre doing it for you . 100 percent right, chris, exactly the problem with air b and b. You dont know basically who is getting your place. So tough to do that Due Diligence, might want to avoid it, go through something to have the ability of at least know who going to rent your place, find out about them, make the decision if you want to rent it. The laid how rented the place out cant really afford all of the legal battle thats now ensuing with this, just a mess on her hands, she was just trying to make some money by renting her place out. Now it will wine up costing her money. A shame. Chris, wear your phillies jersey today. Yes, well get a win. Finally. 7 37. Selfie revolution. Going too far . One teen Getting International criticism from taking a picture in front after nazi concentration camp. Why she says she doesnt regret it. And on the loose, where drivers stopped in their tracks, as a giraffe speeds by. Whats with the suit . Oh, i had to go to the bank. If you look legit they give you special treatment. Seriously . Seriously, yeah. The banker dude set up my Checking Account so if i make one deposit a month, no monthly maintenance fee. Special treatment Citizens Bank, right . Yep. You know they do that one deposit checking thing for everyone, right . And. You got mustard on your suit. Actually, its your suit. One deposit checking. Only from Citizens Bank. One deposit of any amount each statement period waives the monthly maintenance fee. Giraffe loose, his name is bingo. Worker had let his gate open. The animal eventually returned to the circus, no one was hurt. Hey, new trends across the country that has many wine lovers intrigued. Custom wine facials offering vino therapy. Yes, here it is. The spa in florida offers wine facials in its shards on a room using products made from vineyard in france. The idea came to them after crashing games at vinyards there, noticing it helped their skin. Dermatologists, however, not so convinced. Well like i love to drink wine. So it has got to be good for my skin if it is good for my health. I would recommend you take a flags of red wine every day to get those antacids, probably be much more cost effective, feel a lot better than putting on as a facial once a month for every three months. The woman who got the mayor al says she felt the difference in her skin right away, but says, that is special occasion facial since it is pricy. 195 bucks to rub it all over your skin. Jen, would you ever try such a thing . I didnt hear what the ingredient was . It is a wine facial. Yes, i would. Wine in your face. Yes, anything that begins with wine i have time. Yes. Hey, listen to. This we all have. This maybe you have some canned, i do, sorry, some canned fruit at home. You dont know what to do with it . It could turn into that thing. Yes, you could be fancy, and it is casino of healthy and tell us how to do it and the photographers all losing their mind in here 7 25 the time. Nice site out of the poconos, starting to clear out, seeing those clouds give way to some sunshine, mice nicer weather moving through. Storms from last night, long gone. Back behind them though still showers moving through parts of virginia, delmarva, delaware, south jersey right now, steadiest rain toward our south, Sussex County, delaware, showers crossing the bay into Cape May County, little rain down the shore, drizzly, kind of dreary, cool to start you offer. This rain will continue to move in from the southwest to northeast over the next couple of hours. So, expect the rain anywhere south of philadelphia, here, maybe a few sprinkles, then north and west of us, not going to see much rain. You will be the first to see the sunshine, showing rain moving through the southern counties through mid mourn, then moves off shore. North to south, sunshine by mid afternoon, cooler air moves through. Clouds will linger. Down south of philadelphia. Down the shore, much of delaware, probably not going to see much sunshine today. But maybe by early evening, you will start to clear out just in time to see nice sunset. That would be nice. Into tonight, though, we all clear, see sunshine on friday. Friday, south to sever, looks absolutely beautiful. And temperatures will be seasonable. Right now 72 in philadelphia, still casino every muggy out there, 67 in pottstown, 68 in allentown, 61 in the poconos, but see the humidity levels drop as we go through the day too. Shorecast, unfortunately, not the best. We have got a lot of clouds around, on and off showers, morning rain, temperatures upper 70s, beach winds out of the northwest 10 miles an hour, will keep it pretty cool along the water. Surf temperature 71, low rip countries being, lower. V index wont see much sun. We will tomorrow. In fact our jenn fred will be out live from margate tomorrow morning on good day. So head down thereto meet up with her, i believe she will be starting around lucy the elephant going through the rest of the morning and showing you everything that margate has to offer. Thats tomorrow when we will have much Better Weather in the morning. For today, much better by the afternoon, eight a, morning showers, giving way to some nice conditions later today. Late day sun, less humidity, eight a degrees 86, 88 saturday. Thunderstorms possible late saturday. Otherwise we save rain chances for sunday maybe into monday. Clear out, cool off again, temperatures pretty seasonable or even below next tuesday and wednesday only in the low 80s, and no 90s showing up on the seven day forecast, though, kacie, warm weekends but looks pretty nice headed into next week. We can deal with t we are going to take a look at everything do you need to look out for this morning, as far as delays, 76, 95, really the only delay ridden spot. Little slow on 476 both directions between 95 and route one, but nothing you need to wore built lansdale North Bethlehem pike at welsh rd. Accident one. Also in lansdale, richards son road right around county line road. Accident two looking at the travel times there, see the 476 isnt too bad still in the green. Ninetyfive south yellow, 76 pretty jammed if you are headed westbound. Kerrey, chris . Okay, this little guy seems destined to be a leader when he gross up. You think . He gets a crowd of 500 people to mimic his moves. Heck it out. cheers . Yes, he is a little, little guy. Fifteen months old. So cute. Were a sucker for a cute kid. Arent we . Okay, it is 7 48 right now. There are items we all have in the pantry. I know i have some of them. Things like black beans, dried ones that come in a bag, i bought them, you never know what the heck to do with them. Theyve been sitting in therefore years. Jen, i have a can of these garbanzo beans. So youre in hey pole i, help us. New idea fresh idea market right on lancaster avenue. This place has been described a lot of people say just like barefoot old hampton market. Because it is fancy. And yet so nice and warm. So congratulates. Thank you very much. Youre a mom with three kids, busy, crazy, but want to give them something good. And as kerrey and chris said, we have all ofh couple ingredients. So we begin with grab old a a lot of people have granola. Yes, where they can make it or buy healthy granola anywhere now. You said i make this, but you said too hard for me. Go to get the healthy kind. Then this right here, literally i have a can maybe from thanksgiving, maybe a pie fruit thing. You just put this like cans fruit in here and put the stuff on top . Cook for 45 minutes, it is wonderful. Inch said. Really easy. Okay, and i can probably use it in the toaster oven, if i dont want to heat up the kitchen . Sure. I love. This people buy the yogurt, trying to be so healthy, sometimes it just sits there. You say using the granola with the yogurt makes something so a door be . Yes. We add little bit of almond extract, vanilla, then layer it with granola and fresh fruit. So you add that to the yogurt. Layer it with granola and fresh fruit. Then you have breakfast. Kids love it. Move on, we bring the yogurt, because this girlfriends has to stay, a lot of us here, we buy the quinoa, someone convinces us it is a super food and it sits just like. That will but you my friends, you have gone next level. Tell me what this is . Quinoafilalburger, and quinoa which we awed schull have in our kitchen, cook it like rice, so acceptable. Cook it up real quickly, con up some fresh herbs, pure a some beans, make it into a patty and done. Pure a, blendser . Blendser. So i can take the quinoa once cooked and chick piece drained and blends it in the blendser . Yes. Really . Real. I with the herbs ive been trying to growing on my porch and never really works. I understand that. This sauce is easy i take yogurt, fresh lemon juice, it is wonderful. If i made these things, could i breeze them and then make they are yes. We have 30 seconds left. You did similar thing with black beans, just added the black beans instead of these . Same thing. Ladies and gentlemen, ill kissandtell, mike the photograph is her crabby and pin ate dollars. He lovers this thing. The point is he is super critical. This is quinoa cooking . And it turned out great today. How did you make it . Just like cookies but instead of regular flower, pure aid qui. No. A with chocolate chips, dried cherries, little bit of shoeing and and makes great cooking. I just want to be clear. Mike doesnt hate bobby fly. Kerrey, chris, following at home, one time bobby fly made mike the photographer his own burger, okay . And mike was like it is all right. These boxes and cases to go, just so you know who you are dealing, with he has sophisticated pallet. I like it. That looks really good. And you dont feel so guilty eating Something Like. That will bridges you back. I dont feel guilty. Look what i have been eating all morning. Hey. At least your a honest. We want you to come hang out with jen down the shore. Beach party in margatement come down at the beach at decator avenue from 7 00 to 10 00 a. M. Tomorrow morning, hang out with jenny, meet her, be on good day, we hope to see you there. And shell bring free cookies for everyone who shows up. Just kidding of the right of passage. Now one dad says he wants to ban play dates. Why he says it is all just a set up. First we all know exercising and eating right is the best way to shed punched crazy diets to help up shed the weight. Crazy diets to help up shed the weight. Nethe wonder of summer is that i never know what kind of adventure awaits. The days are longer, and the breeze feels a little sweeter. And, thanks to volvo, ill pay nothing for repairs or maintenance for 5 years, nothing. They even cover my first months payment. So, ill be happy wherever the summer takes me. The wonder of summer event. The 2015 volvo s60 sedan with complimentary first months payment. Starting at 319 a month. Eighteen granules of fat in a hotdog. Not good for you but taste. I experts will tell that you moderation is a key when it comes to dieting. Indeed. Thats why it is best to avoid some of those fad die thats promise quick fix by eating this, drinking that, avoiding this. Yada, quad a some promote quick weight loss, but can be dangerous. So here is a couple of them for you. The werewolf diet. Have you heard of this . Also known as the lunar diet. Only allowed water or juice. People do. This during full or new moon. How about the cookie die net theyre doctor ziegels, you eat high fiber, high protein cookies for lunches, smacks, to up 600 calories cookies, then normal dinner for total of 1,000 to 1200 calories a day. Just like kind of regular diet. Downing that on your own. Raw food diet, bans all foods cooked, process in the anyway, including cooking veggies. While eating veggies is good, cooking certain veggies actually enhances the nutrients and kills some of the bacteria. And of course youre severely limiting your calories. In particular, though, they say always cook your broccoli. Dont eat raw broccoli . I eat raw broccoli all the time. Cook t see, it ticket if your speech. Baby food, each jar contains 20 to 100 calories. I new somebody that used to do that baby food diet. Show was craze. I then she grew up. Grapefruit diets, replacing meals with grapefruit or grapefruit juice, claims lose 10 pounds, ten days, restricting calories often leads to weight loss but it is shortterm. It is water weight. Cotton ball diet, soaking them in orange juice and eating them . Will suppress your appetite. Ya, because youre barfing can cause blahs blockages in urine test continue. Oh, theyre made of bleach anacine threat i can fibers, anyway. Okay, the Sleeping Beauty diet. Apparently this is if youre asleep, youre not eating. Dieter encourage today take sedatives to stay asleep for days, and avoid food. Doctors warn you that this diet can lead to some problems. Serious health problems. Really . You know, i did read somewhere, couple of days ago, though, that emel advice used to do, that honest to god. He used to take sedatives specifically of course it evolved into something greater than, that but specifically to try asleep for days so colose weight. Caitlin over there saying she will give it a whirl and will report back us to. Good day, it is thursday, july 24th, 2014. Live from the fox 29 studios, this is good day philadelphia. Well, we had another rounds every strong storms last night. That brought the rain even some severe wind reports across the area, more rain right now showing up on radar. Mostly south of philadelphia, ill let you know how long we see it, when we will see some improving weather conditions coming up in your thursday forecast, jenny . Reporter caitlin, historically dry town in new jersey, is talking about changing its Liquor License laws. Getting mixed opinions on. That will you have heard the almond milk, soy milk, how health is he hemp milk . Plant based milks that you may not have tried, and the benefits you may be missing out on, jenny . Hey, guys, so here is the thing. You have seen this kind of fancy pants situation maybe it downtown swanky restaurant. This can be made in your home. Well do 20 different ways, ten different ways to dot veggies, the kids and your husband might actually eat, and she says, it is easy. It doesnt look easy but looks delicious. I know. 8 00. 72 degrees this thursday morning, thanks so much for being with us. Take a look at our wetter. Yes, good morning to you all, good morning to everyone, so we had the storms that came through last night, that maybe it slowed you down little bit because they came through in the evening, could have had to call it quits on the Outdoor Activities by about 8 00. Bus stop budd think morning, he has the umbrella in hand in case. He is at summer camp. Im actually not sure where his summer camp s we have to text sue and ask her. That will because if he is south of philadelphia he is seeing a little bit of the rain. Over wise, not too bad out there, just little cloudy and little hazy and muggy, about if you will turn less muggy later today. Temperatures 60s, 70s, ultimate doppler showing showers in delaware, showers down the shore, elsewhere pretty good. That rain will continue down the shore for the next couple of hours. It is 72 in philadelphia right now. Humidity levels are dropping at that northerly wind increases, bringing some cooler air in from up north. Eightyfive for that High Temperature later today. I think well see late day sunshine, will turn into beautiful evening. Clear overnight with a low of 65 degrees. Thats a look at your foxcast, now heres cast. I he is at marsh creek lake pond, jen was at yesterday, remember . Where is that . The place where jen was that had like eight different types bodies of water in the name. So going to all of your majors this morning, 76 going to be real jammed. Ninetyfive will be jammed as well, new jersey turnpike, the northeast extension, they all loot good this morning. Accidents, richardson roads near county line road, accident one, accident two, same spot, North Bethlehem pike, at welsh rd. Here is a look everywhere and anywhere you can imagine. Down to the shore points, things look great. Breaking news, another passenger plane has dis a periods in after a air algiers flight chartered by swift, lost control 50 minutes after it left. The capital of fast, a next to ghana, in west africa, now, the plane was head today algiers, in al jeer gentleman, there were 116 people on board, and this is all we know at this point. And now weve actually learned the plane disappeared at some point over the country of molly. This is according to frances transportation minister. Were going to follow this story and bring you updates as we get them n you can also find the latest information on myfoxphilly. Com. Two victims injured in a Philadelphia Food truck explosion have reportedly died. Died tuesday, after weeks of treatment for severe burns. According to philly. Com. Her death came just two days after the death of her mother, olga. The mother and daughter injured, woking in their food truck, that exploded on july 1st on wyoming avenue. Workers at the showboat in Atlantic City will hold rally later today. Hundreds of employees are protesting the plan of closure of the casino. Showboat one of three casinos specs today shutdown by september. Rifle and trump plaza also expected to closement meantime Atlantic City mayor says there are six potential buyers from and for the revel, which goes up for sale next month, at a bankruptcy auction. And there is talk this morning in Haddon Heights new jersey about allowing liquor in restaurants. It isnt historic lie dry town, some of the towns, haddonfield, as well, dry. Many okay with this idea, but vocal al group that are not. Fox5s jennifer joins joust us with the details, good morning, jenny. Thats right. Some people are in favor of this, so we always have our nay sayers, we are standing in front of kunkel seafood and staining house, one of three restaurants in the borough weighing in on the issue of Liquor Licenses. All three restaurants think it will provide an economic boost to the community. Currently byob restaurants, kunkel, elements cafe, anthony ace, has a partnership allowing them to sell bottles of wine this their restaurants to enhance the Dining Experience for customers. Restaurants do not profit off of this. However now the boursier is taking about it taking it one step further, allowing restaurants to sell alcohol for profit in this historically dry town. Liquor licenses would be lilt dollars there. Would be no Liquor Stores and no bars allowed. Simply to allow patrons tone joy cocktail with their meals, people in favor of the idea think liquor sales will bring in more business and boost the borough tax base, others little more hesitant to change the historic law. I dont have a problem if the license also limited just to the restaurant, too, and also the fact that they only serve liquor during dinner, you know, as cocktails, or whatever. No bars, no Liquor Stores. But that environment i dont have a problem. My gut is that ooh50, 4060, maybe to happen. This town is like haddonfield, i dont think theyll gogo for t i think there are a loft younger people who moved in the town, they would want it. So i dont know if it is there yet. But close, a lot closer than three, four years ago, i would have said it was definitely a. No 5050 is a good shot. It is unclear when a vote on this issue could happen. Last nights meeting was informal. Just to get an idea what everyone in this town is thinking, we will continue to stay on top of. This kerrey, chris . When and if a vote happens well have t meantime new jersey teen who sued her parents is so back in court. Eighteen year old rachael canning had just received temporary restraining order against her 18 year old boyfriends, same boyfriends who her parents wanted to have her stop seeing when she left the home. Now she is saying he tried to choke her. She sued her parents after leaving the home, she later dropped that suit and moved back. Of course she did. She is trouble. Well, we dont know exactly with a was going on with the boyfriend. We know the parents were not big fans. That will may have played she is young girl. Spent all of this time and effort raising your kids, and then snow. I dont know how you get over. That will 8 07 right now. Teenage here posted a selfie of herself obviously smiling at a concentration camp says she doesnt regret it. This picture of Brianna Mitchell gained wide attention, but defend it saying she took this picture in honor of her late father who she shaved a love of history w similar selfies groaned interesting on social media, smiling in front of sites with tragic history such as ground zero. Others shrek rid interests, such as bee ankles a, took a picture at the age frank house, although not smiling in the photo. President obama was kit identifies stop sized himself. Remember that. I do. Any of this a prepare row at . I think part again may be age related. I know she said she loved history. Shared that love with her father. But you may lack a little bit of sensitivity or understanded g about what that period meant. If you didnt live through it. Right. Also, i think probably chalk a little bit of this up to just to the simple habit of smiling when you get in front after camera no matter what sucks you, certainly does look good when you look at that frame, that instant moment in time. But we all may be have done something similar in the past. Get in front after camera. It is your natural inspect to put a smile on. I think were all learning the etiquette as we go. Now take the pictures. With these device. I try time avoid t8 08. We all know kids are curious, a lot of them will say the darndest things. Exactly whats happening to four year old connecticut boy, now banned from local donut shot. What did justin do to make the owners so angry . His mom said he simply asked another custom fer she was pregnant, and she wasnt. So he immediately said he was sorry, his mother apologized, too, after saying she was so embarrased, sorry marks kids just four, he doesnt know. But that apparent wasnt enough for the store own here met them at the door the next day. She said hes not allowed in here. I look around like him . She said ya. I said why, what did he do . She said hes rude. The four year old is rude. Just minutes mother said she has no problem taking her business somewhere else. And she has tried to explain to her son the best she can about why theyve now been banned from the donut shop. At four year old, she doesnt what he is asked could be considered insulting. Frankly kids do say stuff. Audrey was two, we were in the mall, she saw a man with a eye patch, he had in some sort of injury to his eye. She points dollars and she screamed across the mall, mommy, look, a pirate. They dont know. They just dont know. And by the way my own daughter has asked me if i am having another baby, so recently. Well, she three and a half. Yes. How old is your youngest now . Thirteen weeks. Congratulations. So let him go. Still ahead, great debate in most relationships. How soon is tune soon to say i love you . The light time it say those three magic words, why you shouldnt wait too long. First popular daddy blood err says play dates are ruining or kids, in fact, he is hoping to ban them. Coming up why he says play dates not only put pressure on the kids, but on the parents, spreading light rain into delaware, south jersey, been raining for good hour or so. Will continue too rain through midmorning, anywhere from kent, Sussex County, delaware, up across the delaware bay, eastern parts of it. Down the shore, Cape May County, yes, dreary drizzly kind of morning in all of our beach towns. And we should see some clearing late later today. It will take little while to get there. Fox future cast shows the rain stays mainly south of philadelphia through midmorning. By noon, we start to clear out. The sunshine comes back out. Anywhere from north to south. That will be the clearing route. But it will take almost all day to get there. Further north and west you are, better chance to see sunshine early this afternoon. By evening we should begin to clear. Clouds stick around for awhile down toward our south at the shore points, might have to wait until tomorrow to see the full on sunday shine, we all see it tomorrow. Friday will be beautiful. A lot of sun, low humidity, temperatures in the mid 80s. Right now, 72 in philly. Sixtynine in pottstown, allentown, 71 millville, 71 in ac. Seven day forecast, eight a today. It is much cooler than yesterday. A lot less humidity, and much more tolerable into tonight it will be beautiful evening, nice sunset, too, 86 degrees and sunny for tomorrow. Friday is the best day of the seven day. Weekends arent terrible. Little warmer saturday, chance of storm at night. And then we do have those Storm Chances on sunday. Into monday, perhaps lingering storm chance. But then we turn cool again, another interesting little wave of cooler air moving down from canada. High temperatures only in the low 80s, low temperatures, in the 60s, maybe even some 50s next week. But thats pretty nice. Very nice actually for late july. Sounds pretty nice. Not nice, pretty bad accident, westbound side of the vine before 76, left and center lanes block westbound, also the left lane block, if you are headed eastbound, there is an Emergency Response crew in that lane. So westbound, left and center out, eastbound, you have got the left lane out, more on that coming up next. Southbound side of 202 near 76, that accident moved to the left shoulder. Westbound side, accident there. Only adding to the normal westbound volume. Guys . Casey, got all this ahead of you, kerrey and i are dealing with this. Play dates. Your avery three and a half. Set up play dates for her here and there . I i do. I try and get her some activity every day if she is not doing something, but nothing fancy, her hanging out with her friends, and yes they have to be supervised because theyre all young. So my ten year olson, at the still call it may dates. Popular daddy blogger tackling this very subject of play dates. Here is the thing, says play dates are put be too much pressure not only on the kids but the parents. As well. He said they should be banned entirely. Man behind this blocking blog, dad in charge, is the name, social media and the inch net have changed way kids play. When he was a kid he would call on the friend, hop on the bike, all out all hours. Now way too much planning by the parents and not good for the kids. In fact, he says it is altering the spoon ten a at this of children and their able to plan to play on their own with their friends. The other thing, hes just feeling of tired like he has to plan something elaborate every time a kid comes over. So he said the emails and special venues are starting to wear me down. My special venue . Is my back yard. Where i may or may not be pulling weeds while your kid plays on our swing set with my kid. I may even turn on the sprinkler for them if they want to get craze. I lets bring in jenn fred. What do you think, jen . Do your kids first of all, howell are your kids just re to remind our viewers, do they still have play dates . They still have play dade, brody turned nine last week, lan laundry is five. First, i think the daddy blog is her full of it, okayy . Think thats trying to create some nonsense. He is a blogger. I think probably the mom in the play circle, knows he is a daddy blogger, probably want to up got i am hoping theyll get in on the blog. Serious. I know these blogger guys. And they are all about content. Right . On the flip side, i live in a cull de sack, tons of kids. Those kids are able to do that because they are on a cull de sack. But the majority of the kids brodys age, at sleep away camp. So now this time of year you got to send an email, do you have call someone. And it gets the other thing was talking about what the activities, are it is not so much about creating ritz carlton fantasy play date, it is about i want you to know that your kid isnt going to be playing mind craft at my house, we have a tram poe lil, we have in your of guns, may or may not come home with a bruce. I think that he is trying to create like a little bit of hype for his blog. But i do think that, you know, we live in a modern era, right . If we send our kids out into the world until the lights came on, we would be arrested by the police department. Exactly. For not paying attention to the kidment on the flip side, we cant haulds hold, cant sit with a nine years old at Birthday Party f there is a game truck you better go because mommas getting a manny pedestrian. I true. It is tough on us parents of this era. Right, as kids, i remember very clearly my moms just saying get out of the house. Can you imagine if we said that to little kids these days . Get out of the house . And remember drinking, i remember like drink from the hose when out all day, right . If you did that now, your neighbors would have a cow. Well, i will say, we live, as i say, live in a cull de sack, on busier road. So we always tell the kids go outside, but they know they cant go on the side of the house where the road s and they go and out out who us just like this fantasy blogger wants to believe what is happening now. But the other thing is as i say, on the cull de sack, which is safe, this he go back and forth, kids riding each others bikes, but the fantasy that he wants to live, but the reality is right now in summer, the other thing too, guys, remember this, we are scheduling our kids with pno. And man darr even chinese, and lacrosse, and private tennis lessons. So you need to know where the other kids r in many ways you know this chris as your kids evolve, to are the play dates, oh, jimmy is doing lacrosse, i want to doula doctors with jimmy so we can get our play time in. Right. Little more scheduled. I dont know, interesting to see many years from now, how the helicopter parents did more harm than good. 8 20. Still ahead, barge warning for researchers regarding toddler tots. Poor Language Skills in dodd letters can lead to big problems later in life. The age that theyre most concerned about. But first. Can we take closer look at your screen. Does this model look plus size . Plus . No. So this is untouched, unfiltered picture that she post today proof a point. But instead, she is getting worldwide attention for something else. But she is no stranger to controversy, either. Well explain. California based flood Packing Company recalling soft skinned fruits nationwide due to possible listeria contamination. Fruit, shipped to dozen retailers including whole foods, cosco, bjs, trader joes a clubs, also shipped out to various wholesalers, Packing Company says no illnesses have been linked to this fruit. Go to myfoxphilly. Com for details. Okay, this is interesting. 8 24, new Research Suggesting women who get epidurals during childbirth, lower their postpartum depression. Women have 14 rate of depression, six weeks after delivery, but rate of depression more than double for women who didnt have any pain management. Fascinating. Children who are overweight might not realize it, according to the cdc. Nearly one third of children between the ages of eight and 15, did not realize they fell into the overweight category. Family income appeared to play a factor. Recognizing obesity can be important step in reversing the obesity epidemic. One australian model isnt afraid to talk about her body. Twentyfive year old robin is embracing her curves in a healthy way. And she looks fabulous, i think. She posted this untouched make up free picture of herself in a beck even i, on instagram. Now, she switched from straight size to plus size modeling and launch her own plus size line of swimwear. Can i not believe she is considered plus. To show off her latest collection, she posted the photo which garner more than 1700 likes. Now, you may remember there is was the same woman who was also involved in the plus size models take on Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue cover. Do you remember that . Just still mind boggling to me this woman would be considered a plus size. , no and again there is sun touched photo. Whats plus about it . I dont get it. Dont know. I just think at this stage weve gone off the deepened when it comes to women, their bodies, the judgement, placing them into dif rhett cat gore its, ridiculous. To me whats ridiculous, when go to the department store, there is actually size zero. There is size triple zero. Whats that mean . Fifteen minutes ago we were talking about people doing diets that involved soaking cotton balls in orange juice and eating those. Yes. Anyway . Still ahead, youve heard of almond milk, soy milk, but how health is he hemp milk . Of almond milk, soy milk, but how health is he hemp milk . Ththe wonder of summer is that i never know what kind of adventure awaits. The days are longer, and the breeze feels a little sweeter. And, thanks to volvo, ill pay nothing for repairs or maintenance for 5 years, nothing. They even cover my first months payment. So, ill be happy wherever the summer takes me. The wonder of summer event. The 2015 volvo s60 sedan with complimentary first months payment. Starting at 319 a month. Up. Breaking news, Women Recovered from the delaware. Well send it over to caitlin working on wet they are thursday. Good morning, every everyone, bus stop buddy starting him off it morning, at camp this week. Out in chester county, there is some rain around, not really in the philadelphia area, mainly down in delaware, south jersey. He has the umbrella in casement rain will clear out midmorning, temperatures in the 50s, 60s, showing the rain is pretty far south. Talking about delaware, crossing the bay, into south jersey, so down the shore, all of the beaches, it is drizzly, gray, casino of dear toy start this morning. And im afraid down the shore you wont see too much clearing. Seventytwo in philadelphia right now, not bad, winds have turned out of the north at 13 miles an hour. And thats brinking in some cooler, drier air. So, as we go into the afternoon, it will become much more comfortable. It was hot yesterday. Ninetythree was the high. We should get to just 85 today. With morning showers, giving way to late day sunshine. Beautiful evening. And tonight looks nice, too. Mostly clear, cooler, a lot of low temperature of 65 degrees. And it is now 8 31, hey, kacie . Thank you very much. All right, a lot of things to get to on the roadways, westbound side of 676 before 76, rocking eastbound lanes, see the dent right here, eastbound, things starting to move in, westbound, still little slow at the scene. Haverford West Lancaster avenue near haverford station road, another accident, accident thr moved to the left shoulder, now completely clear and out of the way. Going over to kerrey, now. All right, very good. Hey, thank you. So many new and different varieties of milk for those who cant do dari we know about al monday, we know about soy, we know about rice, but what about plant based milk . Joining me now is registered dietition, nutritionist, emma folk. Good morning. Good morning. Also an author, having your all, i guess one of the things thats part of having it all is eating well. Absolutely. I have to admit, i do use almond milling in my oatmeal every morning. But ways little leary of trying it. There is something just about the way that it looks or maybe the taste or the texture, it is good, but now were talking about flags, and oath milk, helping p milk. Lets start with the hemp. I dont know if you can see hemp is made out of hemp seed right here. So it is absolutely just extracted. Then added water to it. So this is all of these plant based milks here today, theyre just the grain itself, whether it is oath, or hemp, or flags seed, extracted then water added to it, so not real a milk, it is more like a liquid plant base. Liquid gold. What is the benefit of hemp specifically . Actually high in owe mega three fatty acids, and great thing about these plant based milks, altogether, is that they are high in call yum. So a lot of calcium add today them. The thing that is not so good, which is bet nerve almond milk like you suggested and soy, they are lower in protein. Thats good to know, if you need to up your protein, might not be the one for you. Ill try the vanilla un sweetened hemp because she begged me. Un sweeten version no sugar what so much it, will taste different. Not as thick as i would expect it to be. Yes. Because unsweetened would can he use it in baking and cookies, if you had allergies to almond, oral err gist to milk oral err gist to wheat, these are the options we with choose. Original is really good. That will has little bit of sugar. Yes. How much sugar in each one by putting it out there in front. But this is quite good. Has about 16 granules of sugar. So 4 teaspoons, it is okay, compared to can of coke which has 10 teaspoons. Certainly. Talk about the oath milk, one of the benefits of this is that it does have more protein . It has about 4 grams of protein per cup. Also has a little bit of fiber. This has also cash owe hydrate in it unlike other ones, so after exercise, great pick me up. Okay, ill try a little bit of oat milk. Flags is really hot milling . Really hot. The reason being it is literally these seeds that have the oil in it. And it is high in owe mega three fatty as i had, we know how good that is for heart health. Let me talk about, one of the things we all know exactly what to expect when we get dari milk or even soy milk been around long enough. One of the things about this is that it is a little bit hard to know exactly what you are getting in each kind . It is really hard to know. And the thing is it vair frist brands to brand even. Sometimes the calories are different. The calories can be anywhere from 25 calories per cup to 160 calories per cup. One of the good things if you do have dairy allergies or soy allergies, nut allergies, so many people have these days, can you substitute these in recipes, and on your cereals . Yes, i brought strawberry and bananas to remind us to whip up shakes, absolutely wonderful for people with allergies. Now the flax milk, that actually is not bad, just doesnt have as much flavor as the other two. Okay, and you notice that when you traced it. I noticed. That will my favorite is the oat milk. Really good. In fact i may buy some of this myself. All right, em, a good to have you with us. Thank you so much. I feel much more knowledgeable about my milk choices. Beyond milk choices what do men and women really want . Something we men have been asking ourselves forever. But the answer is something you may not be able to change. How your past can affect your future with your significant other. But first, you have heard of miley 101 classes, even beyonce 101 . Well, now you can take a class on your favorite show. Coming up what professors are teaching students about game of thrones. Hey, i lost my debit card. Do you guys do instant replacement . snap what just happened . Check your wallet. No. No way. Your debit card should arrive in 710 business days. Its time to bank human again. Get debit cards on the spot, and no monthly fee checking with just a 100 minimum balance at td bank. Americas most convenient bank. College student who love bing of thrown, can get credit for it. Professor is leading four week seminar on this fantasy series. Game of thrones based on the books by martin, the course covers value of honor, race, gender roles in society. Game of thrones of course not if the first pop culture reference to be studied there. Have been courses on miley cyrus and beyonce, as well. What what are you going to learn . Oh, i forget what we said we would learn. I dont know. Twerking. Nfl star making biggest play of his career, off the field. Yes, new york giants, wide receiver victor cruz, surprised his girlfriend with a marriage proposal. Cruz and his High School Sweetheart after the prayer the star got down on one knee, poppedment question in front every friends, family, of course she said yes. Of course. Oldfashioned end gamement without all of this elaborate hoopla that goes around it, thats the way to do it, guys, in my opinion. How did john propose . Same way. We went to restaurant, ill give you the story, back store. I okay. Yes. Really not that exciting. Jen . From the heart, thats all that mattered. Right, jenny . Yes. Exactly. Whatever you said. Hey, you know why i wasnt listen . Because these choppy vegtables can become this choppy choppy yummy, and you can have five nights of veggies. Well talk about how to make all of this, were in pay old well talk about how to make all of this, [ mom ]n pay old when the nest gets too quiet. Its time to find some real harmony, with nature. ] [ bird chirps ] [ people screaming ] [ snoring ] music to moms ears. [ female announcer ] turn your visit into a getaway. Busch gardens and water country usa summer packages from just 60 per person per night. [ mom ] we may live in houses, but were born for busch gardens. Thats about as american as it gets. Woman what do you mean . Blueberry pancakes, strawberries and cream cheese icing, starting at just 4. 99. Apple pie, watch out. [bell rings] waitress welcome to dennys did you know shopping veggies on a sunday can get your kids eating veggies all week long. You are looking into this for us . Pay oldy . This feels new. Weve within around a long time, new location. Thats what we want, your fresh ideas. You have kids spoiled rotten, i say spoiled because they get to eat your food all the time. We want to give our kids, husbands, veggies, but not everyone likes the same thing. True, very true. So we begin with this. So, lets say sunday, monday, feeling motivate. I chop up all of this stuff. So tell me what i have here . So we have zucchini, squash, grape tomatoes, eggplant, onions and red pepper. Okay. Toss are real good olive oil, throw them in 450 degrees oven, cook them for minutes, let them sit, put them together, chop with beautiful fresh basil from your garden of course and there you have it. So this is something that we will use as the base. Yes. Sounds like with the chopping, maybe 45 minutes to make this thing . Oh, max. Im slow chopper. There is not a lot to dispositive. I go okay, you have kids. You know that some your kids like something, and then the other thing is if i already have this, maybe i can stretch it for monday through friday, maybe monday through thursday. Absolutely. So what do i have here . Roasted veggie wrap. Okay. Which just takes the same vegtables, put mozarella cheese, fresh red pepper in whole wheat tore till, a easy be make it for lunch have, it in some dinner, whatever you need, it is quick. Okay. This is basically that. Which i say is cheating. But throw some stuff in, there make that something more fans. I so, im going to take quinoa, we used red this time, literally we just take these, take plane quinoa, mix it together. But if feels more bulky because it feels like that grain. Full meal. At homy use, i cheat, i use trader joes, they have frozen brown rice, which is wonderful, three minutes in the microwave. I mix it with that. And my daughters love it. But again, super healthy, feels yummy. Tell me, this looks like fantastic questions a dilla. I added little goat cheese, monterrey jack and cheddar to hold it together and through it in a saute pan. Ridiculous. Another lasagnia. I love lasagnia. So some casino of fancy vegetarian lasagnia . Roasted vegtables mixed when rag could the a cheese. Buy jar of red sauce, just mix it with, layer it with cooked lasagnia noodles, cheese, good to go. No time. Love it. This looks casino of fancy pants. Thats little fancy pants but not so hard. Buy the prepared shells or make them, which we wont go to again just the vegtables, with eggs, a keep. Really . East. I do i have to cook the negatives how does it work . Literally poured the eggs in and vegtables into the shells through it in the oven for two minutes. Really . Real. I you are stealing money here at this place. Are you selling this . Kidding. So this is fast. Just cooked pasta, took the basil, put it in the blender, with some some old ill i have, garlic, parmesian cheese. Sort of like like pesto when all blend in the. Homemade pesto, takes nothing to do. Say again how you made it. Fresh basil, olive oil, garlic, salt, pen near a blender, mix it up, take it out, toss it with little parmesian cheese, that toss it with your pasta. So when it comes to the wintertime, everyone knows im a soup a holic. I go crazy for the soup. And this is kind of cheating, you did a little bit more on this, right . Little bit but not a lot. I sauted some of the vegtables first, and then added, again, just a boxed organic beef stock. And some quino a and some beans, done. The thing is i will say this. It looks so colorful and nice, but it doesnt look to kids, like a brussels sprout like it looks like something, you put it in a lasagnia, it looks like something theyve had. You can pure a some of the vegtables, too, annex tends it a little bit so they would definitely not notice. Buyer a that. You could. What would it look like pure aid . Not pretty. In fact, gorgeous. Oh, make it almost like a fancy sauce . Make it a little heavier. Little more kens, so they get more in. Okay. In case theyre picklers all right, good. Okay, kerrey, i say that people would eat this. Chris . I say that you might eat this. What do you say . Oh, jen, im so with you, a perfect day in the fall is a sunday morning, you Start Cooking the homemade soup. You have it with the nice bread. Watch the eagles game later in the day. Perfect. Im always doing that. I turn on, watch the game day, watch the national show. Making this. But yes, the veggies are already chopped. You can do all of this. Oh, ya. Im feeling this idea. Fabulous. Im feeling this idea. Im ready for the eagles season to start now. Hey, we have to get through summer and head down the shore tomorrow . Yes, she is having beach party in margate. So all do you have do is come down to the beach, decatur avenue, where we will be, 7 00 to 10 00 tomorrow morning. Hang out with jen, meet jen, be on good day if you are so inclined, hope to see you down there tomorrow. She has all the fun. And there is a lot of food on the show i noticed. Minnesota Company Coming one very innovative way to keep bugs away. So the company is called kicked off clothing now offering clothing treated with a powerful insecticide. Only the army infused select retailers car think powerful repellent. Local woman is the chopped champion. But this 26 year old is a winner at home, as well. How she helps her husband, lose more than 100 pounds. And i think in a year. Pretty quick. Looks fabulous. Coming up. 8 53 00 a. M. On a thursday, strong storms last night, there are still strong storms, although far toward our south, ultimate doppler showing some showers across parts of new jersey, and delaware, and strong storms, down across parts of virginia. So, strong, in fact, the Tornado Warning in effect Eastern Shore of maryland. For waterspout that crossed over the chesapeake, then Tornado Warning was issued as that storm moved on land, until 9 00 a. M. Right around the cape charles area here in maryland. So, there can still be tornay owe warnings even at this hour, early in the morning. So well see what happens with that, spotted waterspout towards our south. Further off toward the north, were on the Northern Edge of some of the showers, already starting to break apart, we saw little bit of light rain, delaware, and seeing some light rain down the shore right now, just drizzly and dreary. Temperatures in the low 70s, to the upper 60s, and well see improving forecast today. Still, phils game at 1 00. Seventynine the first pitch temperature, no rain delays, mostly cloudy but cooler, see High Temperature of 85. Dew point will fall later today, too, will turn less humid. So thursday to sun today. Eightyfive, 86 in and beautiful friday. Little warmer for the weekends. Those Storm Chances return on sunday. Kacie . Of course, our cameras are not working right this second, trying to get this shout out. Breaking news from the southbound side of the Roosevelt Roosevelt boulevard, three vehicle accident, we have three of those vehicles off the roadway. The right lane blocked, this is right at ridge avenue. And kelly drive, so huge delays there. The crews are just arriving to the scene again southbound side of the boulevard, ridge avenue, kelly drive, right lane block, three vehicles, off the roadway, completely spun around. Taking a look at all of your majors, do have the slow down on the web side of the turnpike, southbound, 76 both directions, then you can start to see that building of that volume on the southbound side of the boulevard, also 95 south, keep you updated on that boulevard accident. Guys . Kacie, thanks. 8 55, lets get what well talk about next hour, talking about summertime sadness. Supposed to be the most relaxing time of the year, having fun, so why the heck are we so upset . The top six things c. One of the three vehicles involved in this horrible accidents, shutting down the boulevard for portion of time. Left lane, on the southbound side, now squeezing by the scene, you see, the light coup into the guardrail that vehicle involved. Obviously the silver car, then there is one or two other ones, ahead of this accident, also involved off to the shoulder. Are they still trying to cut somebody out of the car . Looks like possible entrapmentment. Looks like maybe someone in the drivers, not sure. I mean, horrible accident. So three possibly four or five vehicles involved in this . Correct. If you zoom out there is another shot. And there are two vehicles, ahead of the scene, on the shoulder. So you saw that coup that was done a 180. Then the other, there you can see. So see the silver car, possibly black car next to the firetruck. But again, a loft crews on the scene, one lane getting by, huge delays, as you approach 76, this morning, but look how far off the road . I mean, how many times has steve keeley been out there live. Updated on the traffic. Time now 9 00ment good day everyone, it is thursday, july 24th, 2014. Great to be in most relationship, how about saying i love you . The right time to say those three make i can words, why you shouldnt wait too long. Put you in the hot seat on this one, plus, what do women really want . Something three guys have been asking forever, but the answer is something that you may not be able to change. How your past, your feature

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