Barrasso who helped craft the plan. Robert muellers ability to be impartial. It would be make it so that insurance before that you more choices. That was a mandate so you arent forced to buy something that the government wants you to purchase or says you got to purchase. You get the choice of individuals across the coverage is right for you and the family. In the medicaid system, what we do is you need the flexibility to be able to provide the coverage that you think is most appropriate for your constituents, your population, and set of a topdown washington knows best policy. Its in a much better direction because of the patients in senate and patients and doctors will be making, not washington, d. C. Brit let to us by a viewer, chris writes does the senate bill address those americans who fall within the coverage gap between medicaid and obamacare . What about them, mr. Secretary . Precisely, it does a much better job. Remember right now, 28 million americans are uninsured. 6. 5 million of them have said or forced to pay 3 million in taxes and penalties to the privilege of not purchasing what the government provided. With the senate bill does is every single individual between zero up to 350 at the popular level auto be able to have some type of tax credit that will allow them to purchase the kind of coverage they want. Tax credit, or refundable tax credit, or nobody will fall through the cracks. We want a seamless transition for those moving from even medicaid to the individual market or medicaid to the employer sponsored market. So individuals are able to maintain the type of coverage they want for themselves. Brit the senate bill is similar in many respects to the house bill. It was scored by the cbo is leaving 27 million on short over the a time. What is your response to that . Of leading people out . Two major points of this. The Budget Office is a pretty good job of saying when something is going to cost. Theyve been woefully inadequate and being able to predict what kind of coverage. For example, they said that right now obamacare would cover about 2324 million people, and fact its about 10 million people. They are off a significant factor. We believe they are off by a huge factor here as well because they dont get any credit for individuals purchasing some type of insurance. The cbo says it is incredible insurance. Second point is the entrance of the entire plan, the failure of the entire plan that we are doing at the department of health and Human Services is to make sure that individuals have the opportunity to purchase the kind of coverage they want for themselves, not that the Government Forces them to buy. Between market stability and prices come down and make it so deductibles are not so high that you have Health Insurance card that have care. We believe that we will get more individuals covered that are covered right now. Brit it will be interesting to see what the cbo says about that. Let me ask you this question. What do you say to senator heller of nevada who came out this week and said he can support the bill and its present form because over time the medicaid changes you are making what it leaves fewer people able to afford coverage that are now getting it or would be getting it through medicaid . What do you say to him . I think medicaid isnt the only vehicle to be able to purchase coverage or have coverage. He wants to make certain that every single american has access to the kind of coverage they want. The plan is to make it so that individuals are asked to back eligible for medicaid, then again theres that seamless transition to the individual market. But that market is more robust because of the type of changes within the senate bill and other kinds of things at the department to provide greater choices at a lower cost with that individual and small group market. Our goal, if you are not eligible in this new construct but you are eligible for the kind of coverage and had the kind of subsidy, financial assistance, to purchase the coverage. Brit let me come actually from a somewhat different angle, the angle where rand paul is coming from and he is not alone in this. Perhaps others in the senate as well. His point is you dont repeal and replace obamacare here, you leave most of the key elements in place. Preexisting conditions, young people can stay on their parents insurance by as late as 26. The subsidies which are a key part of obamacare are all largely intact here. This doesnt in fact do the job of repealing and replacing obamacare. What do you say . What i tell him, at the penalties go away. Right now the government is forcing people to buy coverage. The privilege were not purchasing that coverage. That will go away. That is not obamacare. Medicaid actually becomes much more flexible for state so that they can design a program that works for them as opposed to washington telling the states what they want. Its not obamacare. The taxes that are in place, solely to build a huge government fund, those go away. Thats not obamacare. What we are trying to do here, admittedly, is to thread a needle in make it so that the president says every single american has access to that kind of coverage that they want, ensuring that preexisting elements are covered, ensuring there are no lifetime cap, entering the individuals have choices that are necessary as of the system is responsive to people, to patients, not responsive to government. Brit you mentioned that the penalties were not having insurance goes away, which suggests that people with preexisting conditions are covered. Anybody who wants to simply wait until they are sick to buy coverage and then be covered. That obviously is an issue since you need Healthy People in the program to pay for the coverage for people who are ill. What is the incentive in this bill, if any, to get people to go ahead and purchase coverage when they are young and feel healthy and its in a rational choice not to have a . Its a great question. How do you get young Healthy People to purchase coverage so that concludes that . The answer is you provide the Insurance Companies the opportunity to sell something to young Healthy People that they want to buy. Not that they say the 6. 5 million folks out there say we will write a check so that we dont have to buy what washington tells us to buy. We provide the kind of choice. Before individuals were able to purchase the kind of coverage that was responsive to them, fit their lifestyle, their system, their situation and life. Thats the way to get folks to buy coverage and what they want to purchase as opposed to what the government tells them to. Brit everyone is going to be thinking about this week and we will take a presently was seven nurse barrasso and durban. Five republican senators have announced their misgivings or four or so others that share misgivings when various you can only afford to lose two, you are down five or maybe more. How do you get from where you are now to the 50 votes you need . If you listen to what those five said, and we talked with everyone of them, and i know the Senate Leadership has as well, and the president has talked to the folks. They will tell you, and i think it was part of your question before, we want to be able to support this bill. We believe that it could be made better in a certain way. Those conversations are ongoing. That the nature of the legislative process and thats what weve been working through this week. Brit they are coming at you from both sides. You have ted cruz and rand paul who are worried about it for one set of reasons and then you have the other senators who come out that have misgivings for another set of reasons. Arent you in danger if you please one group of losing others and so on . Arent you have a pretty little delicate structure here that you risk upsetting to pick up books . There is no doubt about it. There is a needle to thread. The president has talked about it and had some democrats come along and recognize that there are nearly 40 of our counties across this nation only have one issuer Insurance Company providing coverage. There we counties across this country that wont have any Insurance Company and providing coverage. Your premiums going up, deductibles going up, folks of the insurance card but dont care. Our friends on the other side of the aisle come up with those challenges, why are they coming to the table to help out . Brit secretary, we have one of their leaders coming up next and i will ask the question. Thank you for being with us. Cap next, senators dick durbin and John Barrasso on where they stand in the battle over both care reform in the senate. Stay with us. And hey, unmanaged depression, dont get too comfortable. Were talking to you, cost inefficiencies and data without insights. And fragmented care stop getting in the way of patient recovery and pay attention. Every single one of you is on our list. For those who wont rest until the world is healthier, neither will we. Optum. How well gets done. So new touch screens. And biometrics. In 574 branches. All done by. Yesterday. Banks arent just undergoing a face lift. Theyre undergoing a transformation. A data fueled, security driven shift in applications and customer experience. Which is why comcast business delivers Consistent Network Performance and speed across all your locations. Hello, mr. Deets. Every Branch Running like headquarters. 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I will tell you two things from your interview with secretary price. I asked him ten days ago and a hearing before a committee, and have you seen the republican plan, a part of the discussion . He said he hadnt seen at all. This is the man responsible for implementing it, so we are going to vote this week on changing the Health Care System for america without any public hearings, without the publication of the bill, without any discussion debate, and then we have this expedited amendment process. It is really disgraceful. Brit i understand your procedurals, but lets talk a little bit about whats in the measure into the plan as it was announced this week with 142 pages or something. What would it take, enter judgment, to get some democrats to come over and vote for this plan . Take repeal off the table. The other thing that wasnt mentioned in the earlier interview, whats driving us is not Health Care Reform, whats driving this is a tax cut. The republicans we insist on about 700 billion for these people in america in pharmaceutical companies. Thats what the republicans had to put in the plan to make it work for republicans, and then they took the money out of health care, out of medicaid, and thats always a 23 million americans at losing their Health Insurance. Those are the highest income category to get the tax break. Lets talk about repairing Affordable Care act as it exists. Under, what you say to the objections . It is not on really Health Care Reform or Obamacare Repeal place. This is a big tax cut for rich people. Is absolutely wrong. The crisis is getting worse, obamacare is collapsing every day. I was talking to nurses and patients yesterday, theres an urgency to act. We are down to one Company Providing insurance in wyoming, the crisis has skyrocketing. Thats why we have to do something. We need to do with the people are asking for, or just stabilize the Insurance Markets. Senator durbin doesnt want to talk about the fact that in illinois, they are way down the number of people even selling insurance and prices are way up. If you want to eliminate the mandate, you have to buy a government approved product, get rid of all the taxes. If focus on the fact that this is health care for people, many people and wyoming allotted under obamacare. They had insurance they like and could afford. The democrats are not good enough for us, it was good enough for them, and they could afford it. Brit let me press you on senator durbins point which is repeal all the taxes here, tax cuts naturally benefit tend to graduate to the people to pay more taxes, which of course the more wealthy people. On the other side of this, over time, medicaid funding will diminish. Therefore the argument is made, this is repealing and replacing obamacare on the backs of the poor, what do you say to that . Obamacare raise taxes on every american who uses health care in america. They put it on over the counter medicines, prescription medicines that are so often used for the disabled population the most. It is been a very cool taxing on obamacare. Thats what they want to talk about. We want to eliminate all of the taxes on people that buy Health Insurance. Everybody using the Health Insurance, the cost of that has actually gone up by the taxes under obamacare with regard to medicaid. I am a doctor who took care of every medicaid patient that there was a came to me in wyoming, as a state legislator, i always believed we could do a much better job if we could just have control of that money and actually help more people with the same amount of money without all the washington. Local control which is the wyoming state senate. The amount of dollars going to medicaid, today on out continues to go up year after year. Its on senator refers to a cut, only washington is getting more each year, something that you can see the cut if it doesnt go up as fast as you like it to go up. Brit let me turn it back to sender during. It is a question about the growth in medicaids sending been expending. Our budget problem has attributed to huge parts by the kind of programs that medicaid represents. With its exponential growth, are we in a situation where something has to be done to curb the growth of medicaid and other programs like it . Let me tell you, my friend John Barrasso, he is my friend, we talk about wyoming. Over the weekend, the head of the wyoming Hospital Association came out against senator barrassos bill and the cbo for the Medical Center said it would hurt everybody in wyoming. Thats what set us in his home. She also said she didnt read the bill so she could read it first. Its impossible to find. You couldnt find the bill until only last week. Brit let me get back to my point. May i please continue about medicaid . The republican of wyoming would like to expand medicaid with the legislature wont let him and the reason we need to expand it as if to make sure people who are currently working hard in lowpaying jobs and have no medical benefits have an opportunity through medicaid to have insurance for their families. What we have this increase . Because so many people are working hard every single day and dont have Health Insurance. Medicaid is their ticket to Health Insurance and republicans have decided to put a cap on the amount of money, regardless of age, and the republican governors like the governor of nevada, the governor of ohio, governor of illinois this is a disaster for our estates to do it. Brit nowhere in your comments to hear an answer to the question. It is not medicaid expanding at an unsustainable rate . Does not something have to be done for budgetary reasons, long term and short, to curb the growth of this program and others like it . Let me tell you what is expanding at an unsustainable rate and that is the notion that people would not have Health Insurance under this republican approach. Lets face the reality. Even if you dont have medicaid, even if the republicans are successful with coming back on it, people get sick and go to the hospital in a state like kentucky, one of the largest expansions of medicaid, if they eliminate the medicaid funding, it will be 165 increase in kentucky and uncompensated care. It will be medical care that get to these people and others will have to pay for it. Republicans wont fix that reality. Brit senator barrasso . Medicaid was set up for poor children and people with disability. Obamacare used medicaid as a dumping ground for a body, working aged individuals that were raised to modify medicaid when he was governor of indiana to do a wonderful job of that with the local control that we are asking for all across the country. The growth will continue for medicaid. We need to do it in a responsible way. But to talk about the cuts, its just not the case. When they put all of these additional people onto medicaid, it made it that much harder for the poor women, children, and people with disabilities to get the treatment they need because now more and more doctors are saying i just cant see any new medicaid patients. Obamacare actually made it worse for patients who were originally designed to be held by medicaid. Brit senators durbin . I can tell you this approach will devastate medicaid. You know who will be hurt . Rural hospitals and wyoming and in illinois. My Hospital Association over the weekend in illinois said this is devastating. We are going to lose jobs in rural hospitals in illinois. Thus the trump constituency that is going to be hurt by this approach on the republican side. Secondly, we will see premiums go up dramatically, particularly those. Brit they are dramatically up now . They are going up now, but i can tell you theres a finite group of individual Insurance Markets placed people, five to 6 of the overall market, thats what we need to sit down and sticks. Democrats and republicans should Work Together to make the Affordable Care act work for them. Do not devastate medicaid and not raise premiums. Senator durbin has no obamacare rate shock. Another obamacare rate shock. Thats whats happened all across the country. People are hurt by these incredible increases. This is a program is collapsing. Brit senator durbin let me just cite a couple of examples and let you respond to it. I will put it on on the screene of these premium increases. In the state of maryland, Blue Cross Blue Shield of 52 in 2018. 49 Blue Cross Blue Shield. In virginia, 45 . Anthem in connecticut 44 . Delaware high mark up 44 . Those are pretty sharp increases and those are just a sample. Senator, it seems to me to complain that the premiums may go up on those plans, it seems to me they are going up pretty seriously under the current situation. Are they not . The congressional Budget Office, when the animal as a house approach which is similar to the senate approach as we have seen it, they said this is a stable Insurance Market that is a need for us to work in individual Insurance Marketplace with five or 6 of americans who go there. But in the meantime when you go to the Insurance Company and say why are you pulling out of markets, where are you raising premiums . They say the uncertainty in washington since the arrival of President Trump who from his First Executive order has been undermining Health Insurance and the Affordable Care act, cutting out the individual marketplace which would expand insurance pools and bring premiums down, cutting out the assistance for those who need help in paying for premiums. These are the things they are sabotaging and undermining the Affordable Care act. You cant have it both ways. Brit senator barrasso . Obamacare has sabotaged the Insurance Market in the country to the point now where people are down to zero, one, or two choices. You have over 40 counties were known as selling obamacare insurance. Brit you made that case pretty effectively that obamacare is in trouble. Even senator durbin would not disagree that something needs to be done. The question now of course is whether you and your team of builders and designers can find a way to bring over the senators you are going to need. You are down five. You can only afford to lose two. Everyone is committed to a fundamental change away from obamacare and a Central Government control and into local control and patients making decisions. We are going to continue to work with them through the process. Every one of them has very good point that they are making. I want to work with all of them. We want to have the flexibility within the framework of the bill . I believe we do. Thats the only way we can fundamentally change away from obamacare, get rid of all the mandates and taxes and put medicaid on a sustainable course longterm to cut down the costs of care in insurance. Very good debate, thanks to both to you. Up next, we will bring an arrow sunday group to get their take on whether the Senate Health care bill will even make it to a vote. Stay with us please. Brit coming up, the president admits he did not take the conversations with former fbi director james comey. You never know whats out there but i did it tape and i didnt have a tape. Brit we will ask and respond if you how that affects the special this bill not yet. It simply not the answer. Im asking today this form, i will not support. Is a very complicated situation from the standpoint. You do something thats good for one group at that for another. Its a very, very narrow path, but i think we are going to get there. Brit you heard Nevada Republican senator dean heller announcing he is not supporting this in its current form, at least the senate Health Care Plan and President Trump is saying, optimistically, that they will get the votes, but will they . Now its time for our sunday group. Michael needham, woodward jeff and a griffin, and josh holmes. Lets start with his question. They are down five, they cant afford to lose more than to go. There maybe others waiting in the wings who may oppose this. What are the chances . Is very tight as you mention. Its really more like seven or nine senators who have concerns. Im optimistic because i think those different camps are looking at different parts of the bill. Conservatives are looking at whats going on with the regulations to bring down premiums. Moderates are looking at the Medicaid Expansion. People want Different Things changed. There is an outcome where people can said the president said this moment not like the bill but like it. Im optimistic they will get there. I thought it was notable but that the president reached out to senator joe manchin of the democrats, they are clearly very concerned about those five and if they dont believe they can change senator rand pauls mind or senator mike lees mind. They cant afford to lose more than two. They are looking at democrats they can sway that senator mansion has said he will foot the bill. Brit josh, youve been in the leadership operation over there on the republican side. Is there a hope in hades and that any democrat will come over over. Senator durbin said he could find one. This Democratic Party is not your stepgrandfathers Democratic Party. They will pose a tonic donald trump in every possible quarter no matter what. I share my goal of optimism. I think they are going to get there next week. I really do. If you look at the statements the senators have made, theyve had every opportunity to draw hard lines and say no. I think they are having conversations over the weekend that hopefully will send that in the right direction. Brit bob, your thoughts . I think its kind of a fantasy based on all sides here. I dont see how you put it together. People talk respectfully about medicaid, that is the Health Care Program for the poor, the people who cant afford Health Insurance. You now have a system where, at least a proposal in the senate, saying we will take them off medicaid and then they can buy insurance, but they dont have the money to do it. There is an absurdity in this. Both in senators they are not going to have a lot a success in the 21st century. Medicaid was a Program Designed for middle of the last century that would help out comes from people on medicaid and be completely uninsured are exactly the same. On some procedures youre more likely to die if you are unmedicated if you are uninsured. Medicaid was originally a very targeted program for certain vulnerable populations, people like the disabled, that barack obama poured millions of ablebodied. What will happen at the end of this process if you can compare this country to eight years ago to where it would be if we go back, it would be more compassion, spending more money on the population while not prepping up a failing program to middle of the last century. Thats what a modern 21st century policy looks like. If bob and the democrats want to complain about the mccain lets take it there. Wait a minute, thats unfair. There is a critique of medicaid that can be made and you made i it, but to fix it this way when you have tens of millions of people on it and say, now you can buy Health Insurance just go brit just to interject, it does the age old story . Want to put a program in place, people then turn to it and become dependent on anyway they might not have otherwise have done and then you end up in the situation youre always in where you have these exploding costs and people worry about losing i it. The result is you have the National Debt through the roof and you can never seem to take it away. Thats absolutely right. You look at the way the health care has evolved in the last 50 years in this country and its taken a significant march to the left. The reason ahaz is exactly what you just outlined. The democrats have an incremental way of getting to their ultimate goal, which is socialized nationalized singlepayer system. You create an entire program for the elderly, Entitlement Program for the young, an Entitlement Program for the poor and ever expand eligibility for all three. Thats what we got here today. These are the numbers. 11 million poor people on medicaid since obamacare was introduced. Its been a 30 rise in terms of people on medicaid. If you look at the cost, last year, the government spent 389 billion on medicaid. In the next ten years, that woke up to 650 billion. These numbers are staggering. Look at where the greatest pushback in terms of the senate bill is coming from, and its coming from republicans, senators or governors, who were up for reelection this year or next because they know they have hundreds of thousands of new medicaid voters on the roles who are going to lose that coverage if they are very scared of that appears to be one that question. Lets assume for the sake of argument that theyve cobbled together a bill along the line somewhere between the house and senate bill. Duties things. Both do similar things of medicaid. What are the consequences in the 2018 midterms . I think it depends on what the party is capable of making a compassionate case for whats going on. There was a cool element of Barack Obamas Medicaid Expansion of its at the federal government will get more money to states for the ablebodied population that they had. Virgil versus the populations te more vulnerable. Theyre shifting to programs to care more about the abled body length thats not compassion. Brit i understand. What you are basically single that they can make the right argument and they can afford the political damage. I think the biggest threat that they have that this is not a repeal bill. They spent eight years telling people that they will really repeal obamacare and it doesnt. They will have the problems on the right flank about that. Brit if i have this right, your people on the right thing it doesnt do enough to repeal and replace obamacare. Republicans who have centrist constituencies who think it will hurt too many people, how do you deal with that . The resolution here is senator mcconnell who can be the magician when it comes to putting something together to make a picture where the pieces in the puzzle dont fit. Maybe hes going to make it wor work. I think thats right. This is a delicate balance. It is an extremely delicate balance to get the right and the left and the party on the same page with no margin for error. I think that this bill as they are. The affirmative, just where clear, as obamacare. Brit what would be the consequences . Discuss the consequences of the bill passing which was difficult politically. What about the consequences of not passing the bill . If they dont pass it, they are going to have to go back to the constituents in 2018 and explain why they didnt do it they said they were going to do, repeal and replace. I would point out that the senate bill is rather clever because medicaid cuts come in 2021. Thats after not only 2018 election but also 2020. Brit lets boil this down to a simple question, we are all political terms without getting into it. Which is worse, passing the bill politically or not passing it . Michael . I think from it politically and a policy standpoint this is a better place if it passes. I think that the republicans will be better off if it doesnt pass so they can say obstruction the democrats are obstructions and washington has to work as a try. They have to pass it. Its a Core Campaign progress that was made for the last seven years. I think every republican senator out of work hard on that. Again this fantasy, there is a house bill that has passed that is different. Its enough that its something that has to be reconciled. There is not a magic wand that fits. Brit will they pass or not . I dont know the future. Im not a detective. Brit we hate to admit what we dont know. We have to take a break here, but when we come back, the president questions whether Robert Mueller can be impartial as his role as special counsel. What would you like to ask the panel about the white house decision to hold press briefings offcamera . We may use your questions on the air. Emily i want to live on my own but i know it wont be easy. How will i keep up with everyday expenses rent, food, bus tickets . Joe hi. This is Pennsylvania State treasurer joe torsella. Our state treasury is proud to offer the pa able program, a savings plan for people with disabilities, including emily. Open a pa able account today by visiting our website at paable. Gov. Emily start saving to live independently today. At paable. Gov. He is very, very good francis comey, which is very bothersome. But hes also well have to see. Robert mueller is an honorable man and hopefully he will come up with an honorable solution. The one President Trump on the relationship with Robert Mueller and the fbi chief james comey that spark some new questions about whether muellers job is on the nine. Bob, let me get your thoughts on this. Its an interesting question whether mueller was in association with comey, i think they regard each other as allies could fairly judge a matter that has to do with the credibility of comeys testimony versus that of the president s. Remember, mueller headed the fbi for 12 years. In the end, its affected driven institution and hopefully he will stick to the facts of age. I think the problem as a practical one. How many years as a going to last . You would be hardpressed to find somebody capable of doing a job here they didnt have some kind of relationship with the gym comey over the last decade. I am less concerned with facts as i am with some of the hires that have been made on this investigation. Brit explained that. Hes hired several lawyers who make contributions to the Democratic Party and on the surface look to be democratic partisans. The key to any good investigation is to avoid the appearance of impropriety at all cost. This gives critics all they need to sort of alleged that at this investigation is somehow off the rails. I think that remains to be true, but if you look at it, nancy pelosi could be leading this investigation for all the facts they have against donald trump at this point. Brit in terms of collusion collusion. Jennifer, what about this issue that has arisen recently about the possibility that by acting as he has, trump has effectively obstructed justice by firing comey, apparently in part because how comey was handling it . I think is very choice from the 13 prosecutors that mueller has hired so far that he is looking at that seriously. He said he will prosecute that kind of case. Between the tweets remember the special prosecutor, special counsel, was put into place by rod rosenstein, the Deputy Attorney general, after a tweet in which President Trump said that he had tapes of the meeting with comey. Every time he tweets, theres a reason, but they say, you have a right to remain silent. Every time he tweets and gives an interview, he gives a ammunition to mueller and his team. I think the president has to control his frustration. That seems to be about the investigation itself. Ideas and create a crime and the cover appeared we want i think if this investigation has never been officially described as anything other than the counterintelligence investigation, which is to say that its purpose was to find out the extent of the russians attempts to interfere in the election. It was not therefore a criminal investigation and never described as one. Do we all now believe it is now become a criminal investigation . We reported in the Washington Post that it is and these investigations, as you well know, they mushroom, they grow, they almost inevitably do. Particularly the special counsel has a blank check in terms of time. The jury in alexandria has been called. They are looking into criminal. Brit but what crime . Identify the crime. Collusion, while its obviously alarming and highly inappropriate for the Trump Campaign, of which there is no evidence by the way, of colluding with the russians. Its not a crime. Were talking about the president s firing of comey being a firing of justice. Theyve a grand jury of that . Even in whitewater were people eventually got over it, still 15 criminal conditions that came out of whitewater including bill clintons governor. I think the core question is what was the original crime that led to the investigation. This investigation was not. I think a lot of the prosecutors who have been brought and specialize in corruption and money laundering. I think that some of the cases that they are looking into in terms of mike flynn and Paul Manafort isnt where they are taking money, did they displace that money come out where they working as a Foreign Agent . Some of the disclosures and lying to the fbi. Feel what it comes down to, we are talking about former participants in the Trump Campaign in the case of flame be administration being under investigation for improprieties that dont touch the president. Yes, and i think its not known, the absence of the underlying crime is a big deal. Once you get an independent counsel spun up, he will feel an obligation to look at everything from text, midterms, quite likely that the mystery may be solved there someday. Months or years down the road. It was the late Justice Scalia who said that one of his famous opinions for the supreme court, he said, imagine having an independent counsel look at your life, no time limit, no money limit. Brit no money can survive at first. Let me get to another question here that bob and i have talked about. We have had a extravaganza of coverage of this investigation, not the piece of it but what we imagined to be the criminal piece of it. The collusion piece of it. Are we looking at a style and form of News Coverage regarding this president that is a very different from what we in journalism who came into this business came to expect . Jennifer. I think we are seeing really opinionated journalist and what is happening, part of a country that voted for donald trump are not buying it. They are not believing it because there are too many unnamed sources. What we saw this week with the russian story which was a blockbuster in terms of what the, administration and what they did, we are seeing more of the Obama Administration come forward with names on the record and that changed when jeh johnson had on tuesday. I think the whole question here is tone. You and i are going back to the 70s when we recorded. Yes, that was the Calvin Coolidge year. It was the nixon era. In the was get the facts right, then bradley who would run around at the Washington Post and is a no gloating and to stay off television. The opposites into trump sparked a rebirth of the Mainstream Media feeding that peace and becoming a fulltime job. You see what jim comey testimony, he pointed out. Brit we only got about 30 seconds. Pete handy for a long time was a reporter on the president ial campaign for cnn at Research Paper that all journal should read called how twitter killed the boys on the bus, the boys on the bus been the classic book about the 1972 campaign. Twitter has created a monster that can constantly be fed with scandal even if the scandal was just president tweeting. Brit thank you. We will see you next sunday. Up next, our power play of the week has been a symbol of our nation and it gets a makeover. Watch this. Stay tuned. Truecar can help. Its great for finding a new car, but you already knew that. Its also great for finding the perfect used car. Youll see what a fair price is, and you can connect with a truecar certified dealer. So, no matter what youre looking for. There it is. This is how buying a used car should be. This is truecar. Brit it is a symbol of unity, but for years it was slowly decaying. As we told you in november, the capitol dome is like new again, a very muchneeded makeover. Here is Chris Wallace with our power player of the week. What kind of shape was the dome and . The dome was in terrible shape, it was a bucket of rocks. Stephen aarons is the architect of the capitol and in 2014 he faced a big problem. The capitol dome, the symbol of american democracy, was falling apart. The cast iron structure was built during the civil war, but the project link in pursuit to show the strength of our union was in trouble. There were 1300 cracks in the dome, each of them representing a water leak. He led a 97 million restoration that took two and a half years. He put up 25 levels of scaffold and around the dome. What amounted to 52 miles of pipe. We were about to enter the space, the space between the inner dome and the outer dome. He took us behind the scenes to see the remarkable work as a team of 1,000 built it. First taking off all the paint going back to the 1860s. On the outside of the dome, there were 13 layers of leadbased paint. Then they remove the pieces that have rusted away. They close those hundreds of cracks using something called a lop and stitch technique. Not unlike a surgeon stitching up a wound. While all that was going on, they set up a half Million Pound scaffold to repair the separate cast iron rotunda. He took us to the very top inside. From this level all the way to the ground was completely scaffolded and we took all of the paint off the rotunda, it repaired all of the cast iron cracks that were in here, and repainted it and took that scaffolding down. Finally after climbing through that space between the inner and outer jones, we reach the. Here we are outside. This is the national mall. This is a view you dont see anywhere else in this city. What the decay of the dome started at the top. For spaces in the worst shape and this balustrade was completely rusted out and completely rebuilt and shifted. From up here, we can see the new project, building the platform for the january inauguration. In september, donald trump questioned whether they would get the Dome Restoration finish on time, whether the scaffolding would be gone. I told him, why dont you just move faster, work faster. And trump said that, did you take that as a challenge . Ill pass. Standing at the top of a newly restored capitol dome, that sort of controversy disappears. Not only are we preserving our nations history, but we are also creating history at the same time. This it dome has been here 150 years and if we did our job right, it will be here another hundred 50 years. Brit it looks great today. The dorm restoration process and the inauguration were completed ahead of schedule. Thats it for today. Have a great week. We will see you next fox news sunday. Its group stage closing day. Two goals, major reason why germany are in a position to

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