Sessions. Its a Fox News Sunday exclusive. Plus, well ask our sunday panel about the impact of the nras endorsement. We will elect our next president and america truly will be great again. And facebooks meeting with conservatives. They admitted they have problems, that they know they need to fix. All right now on Fox News Sunday. And hello again from fox news in washington. We begin with new clues into the crash of egyptair flight 804 that killed all 66 people on board as it flew from paris to cairo. We will discuss the impact on safety at american airports with the secretary of Homeland Security, jeh johnson and House Homeland Security chairman mike mccaul. First Senior Affairs correspondent greg palkot he is at Charles De Gaulle airport outside paris. Whats the latest from there . Reporter nearly four days after egyptair flight 804 took off from this airport the question remains, what caused the crash . Was it mechanical problems or was it terror . Right now there is a massive Multinational Air and sea search in the mediterranean off egypt where the plane went down, a submarine is being sent to comb the sea floor, planes are involved. Debris including parts of the plane, personal belongings, even human remains have been recovered, theyre being brought back to egypt for analysis, but there is no sign yet of the black box voice and data recorders. They of course could tell a lot. Now, data was sent from the plane minutes before the crash and it does indicate smoke, probably fire, on board. Apparently starting in the cockpit and then spreading to the electronics, knocking out the aircrafts controls. But the data does not indicate what caused the fire. Officials here in france and egypt continue to say they are keeping all options open regarding the cause. Still, there has been no claim of responsibility. For example, from isis. If it was terror, some analysts say there could have been a claim by now. Finally, in cairo this weekend, there was a memorial to one of the flight attendants on the plane. Families of the victims are mourning their lost loved ones wherever they are. Those on board came from 12 different countries. There were no americans. Terror or not, officials here at this airport are taking no chances. We were just watching passengers check in at the latest egyptair flight. Passive security. John. Greg, at Charles De Gaulle airport, thanks so much. We will check back with you later on. Joining me in washington jeh johnson. Thanks for having me on. Talk about egyptair flight 804 in just a second. Some other news to report on malala actar monsour, reports that he was taken out by an air strike in northern pakistan. Did we get him . U. S. Military took a strike, he was the target and at this point we are not prepared to confirm that he was killed thought it appears likely. If thats true thats a positive development. How confident are you . Were looking into it. At this point its still a somewhat unfolding situation, we are not prepared to positively confirm that hes been killed. If he has been taken out what is the affect on afghanistan because it seems like terrorist leaders, taliban leaders are like weeds, you pull one, another one grows up right in its place. We think its significant because mullah mansour was actively trying to undermine efforts at reconciliation, he was targeting afghan facilities, afghan interests and u. S. Interests. So if he was, in fact, killed this would be a major development. When do you think well know . I think well know pretty soon. Get back to us on that. Someone will im quite sure. Lets move on to egyptair flight 804, reports of smoke alarms in the aircraft, one of them in the in the lavatory right behind the cockpit, another one in the compartment beneath the cockpit. Do we have any idea at this point whether there was mechanical failure or whether it was an act of terrorism . The investigation still early. The crash was just a few days ago. Debris is being found, the u. S. Navy is participating in the search. Weve offered all manner of assistance in regard to this tragedy. At this point we cannot rule out some type of terrorist act, but its still very early and the black box, as was noted, has not been found yet and i suspect well know a lot more in the coming days. The black box obviously will tell a story but were you picking up any chatter, any intelligence that suggested that this flight was a target . Like i said, its still early in the investigation, i think we will know more in a few days. At this point we are not ruling out something nefarious. The president has said its too early to tell whether or not this is terrorism. Hillary clinton and donald trump are taking a different track, both of them pointing towards terrorism. It does appear that it was an act of terrorism, exactly how of course the investigation will have to determine. A plane got blown out of the sky. If anybody thinks it wasnt blown out of the sky youre 100 wrong, folks. Okay . Youre 100 wrong. Donald trump a little more forceful on this, but both of them suggesting terrorism is behind this. Are they both a little far out over their skis on this . Still early in the investigation. At this point we do not rule out an act of terrorism, but its still early and theres a lot still unfolding. These are two president ial candidates who have both made the declaration they believe its terrorism. Should they wait if theyre looking for a job like this . I have no comment about that except to say that i think we will know a lot more at some point in the next couple days. The last bomb to bring down an aircraft was the russian airline. Its one thing to get a bomb on a plane in Sharm El Sheikh, i have flown out of that airport, security isnt exactly what i would call tight, but to get a bomb or an aircraft at Charles De Gaulle is completely different. What are the implications of that . Weve been focused on last point of departure airports for two years. Overseas airports with flights directly to the United States, weve enhanced security at last point of departure airports and its important for the public to know that every flight the plane, the cargo, passengers on a flight bound to the United States has to be screened to u. S. Standards. That includes flights on layover. So if theres a flight from paris or any other place in the middle east thats coming to the u. S. , it has to be screened to u. S. Standards. That includes cargo and passengers. So are you confident that the current screening measures at Charles De Gaulle are adequate for flights bound for the u. S. And u. S. Carriers going elsewhere around the world . Im confident that we have enhanced security at dee gall and other last point of departure ierpts and always evaluate whether more are necessary based on world events. One other point, Hillary Clinton makes this point a lot, made it again yesterday, she says that Donald Trumps rhetoric is divisive and dangerous, suggesting that his proposal for a temporary ban on muslims would only increase terrorist activity around the world. When you look at whats going on around the world and in this country does it not speak to the idea that we need to more stringently vet people who are coming into this country, particularly from certain parts of the world, and in areas where we have a visa waiver program, places like brussels and greece which are both places or belgium and greece, both of which are places a lot of refugees are going. Do we not need nor stringent controls coming into this country . John, in this environment which includes the prospect of terroristdirected attacks and terroristinspired attacks it requirements a whole government approach centered around monitoring the travel of suspicious individuals and the prospect of selfradicalization by actors here in the homeland. Is a ban going too far . I think that a ban immigration policy based on religion is unwise and counterproductive frankly. We need to build bridges to muslim communities. We need to build bridges to american and muslim communities and ive been out there personally trying to do that. As a matter of building Homeland Security. Lets talk about tsa now. Let me preface this by saying that the tsa administrator is a friend. Let me ask you this question. How did we get into the mess that we are in now with three hour wait periods at places like Midway Airport in chicago where hundreds of people are missing flights because they cant get through security . First of all, in this general if environment we are in we are not going to shortcut Aviation Security. We are not going to shortcut Aviation Security for public safety. So beginning last year when pete took office i gave him a tenpoint plan for focusing and refocusing on Aviation Security in response to that ig report. Administrator neffenger has implemented that plan. I said last summer that what we were doing would lead to added wait times at airports. That plus in a letter to you. That plus the increased travel, which is good for the economy, has led to longer wait times at some of the busiest airports. What happened at chicago on monday frankly should not have happened. There was a surge. But it turns out this past friday we actually had more but we got them through on an average of 30 minutes, but were working aggressively to build up the tsa workforce, to get more of them overtime, to convert parttime to fulltime, bring on more k9s, were working with congress for more funding, congress has approved more funding and were working with the airlines, too. How quickly can you dig yourself out of this hole . Right now on average at the busiest airports at the 20 busiest airports the wait time is generally around 30 minutes but we do have spikes and right now we have authorized more overtime for tsos, were expediting the hiring of some 800, they should be on by midjune and were looking at a lot more we need to do with the airlines. We are just about out of time. I do want to bring up one other point, you were recently in hond ruz and el salvador. Got by friday. There has been a surge of other than mexican migrants coming across the border. You gave the commencement address at Georgetown University and there are a couple people not too happy with your immigration policies. Mr. President so that was a group, but prior to your appearance a group of 30 undocumented students had written the University President school of Foreign Service to say they didnt want you to come and give the commencement address. These are people who are protected under daca, the act that your president signed or order that your president signed and yet theyre sticking their finger in your eye. Whats that all about . First of all, i was in el salvador and honduras to inspect the Resettlement Centers we have there and to convey the message that our borders are not open to illegal migration. If you come here and are ordered removed we will send you back. You are correct that there were a few people at last nights graduation who made a little noise. We live in a noisy democracy and they disrupted the event for a few minutes and then i went on with my commencement address. It was fine. Again, the people who are protesting your appearance there are people who are protected under daca. I dont know about the particular individuals who disrupted the ones that tried to keep you out. These are people that your administration protected. It is absolutely true that this administration we enacted daca in 2012 and we are working to expand the possibilities of deferred action through the dapa program for adults thats in the Supreme Court right now. We are fighting to defend that policy. Its puzzling to me that people that youve protected would actually try to we live in a wonderful democracy, john. Mr. Secretary, thanks for coming in. Stay around just in case chairman mccaul says something you want to respond to. Mr. Chairman, good to see you back. What do you know, if anything, about egyptair flight 804 . Well, clearly something catastrophic occurred in a very short period of time, three seconds, to cause a plane into a downward is spiral to crash into the ocean. I think many signs do point to terrorism or explosive device on the aircraft. Sensors went off, smoke detectors in the lavatory, the window in the cockpit was breached, indicating it may have been blown out. We wont know until we get the black box and all the confirmation from that, but i am very concerned, particularly given the high threat environment of where this plane was traveling, both cairo where i just recently visited, tunisia and then into paris where they just weeded out 70 extremists out of the airport. It worries me about the safety of these flights. Last point of departure coming into the United States. No one has yet claimed responsibility, mr. Chairman. Could this have been something other than terrorism . It could be. It could have been a mechanical problem, but it happened so quickly, i question that. Remember after Sharm El Sheikh it took isis about two and a half weeks to come out and to beat magazine and to take credit for that. These last departure airports like cairo when i visited it i was a little concerned about the state of security, they only have magnet omters, they are not vetting their employees i think properly. I think the bigger threat is the idea that you can have insider threats, you can have the best technology but if you have an inside job of a worker that has access to the plane thats corrupted or bribed or radicalized they can get a bomb on that aircraft and blow it up and im concerned that may have been what happened in this case. The secretary you probably heard him just a short time ago said that we have stringent screening processes for planes that are bound for the United States. Do you believe that those screening processes are adequate given the potential for what might have happened here to egyptair 804 . I think theyre better. I applaud the secretary for ramping those up. However, you know, we passed two bills in the house that are just sitting in the senate that would allow the secretary more authorities to go into these last point of departure airports and assist with the screening and technology and equipment for that matter, like the cairo airport which i think is very vulnerable to not only an insider type attack but also these nonmetallic ieds that we know al qaeda in the after bean peninsula is developing that can get past the magnet omter. They dont have these full body scanners at those airports. Chairman, the president has said several times in the past that terrorists are on the run. You said at George Washington university the other day that they are not on the run, they are on the march. Is the white house not getting it . I dont think the president has got it from the beginning of isis. I mean, he wants to deny that its going on. They are the jv team, you know, the caliphate the da i that al baghdadi declares a caliphate he declares a war on terror over. The president did. Its been expanding not contracting. We are making some limited success in iraq and syria, but as in tunisitunisia, right next libya with our team in exile or ambassador in exile they talked about the 6,000 isis in lib ra. Libya is a failed state and becoming a launching pad for external operations, as is sinai in egypt where we see isis that pulled off the Sharm El Sheikh. Im worried mostly as Homeland Security chairman about external operations conducted by the safe havens that are now being created in the middle east and Northern Africa from which they can launch external operations in the u. S. And Aviation Security is the biggest threat. You said of syria and iraq it is the largest convergence of terrorists in modern history. The last big terrorist strong hold was afghanistan. Compare whats going on in syria and iraq to what was going on in afghanistan pre 9 11. Well, pre 9 11 bin laden operated in caves and cure years, primitive communications. Now we have a new generation of terrorists that know how to use the internet, now how to exploit it, used it to recruit. Theyve recruited 40,000 foreign fighters, largest convergence that weve seen of jihadists in what is now called the caliphate and thats due to the internet and so they are expanding their bandwidth in a global sort of jihad movement. Thats what really concerns me about the modern day terrorists that we face is this global expansion. Let me ask you a question that i paucity the to the secretary a short time ago. Donald trump continues to be criticized for proposing a temporary ban on muslims until we figure out what is going on and who comes into this country. Is that proposal in your estimation right or wrong . I introduced the safe act which looks at the syrian refugee problem to make sure that we properly vet and screen these individuals before we bring them in, have them certified at the highest levels and unfortunately the president issued a veto on my bill. I do think that we need to look at vetting from countries of interest that provide a greater terrorist threat to the United States. Ive had some very good discussions with mayor guiliani about this issue would you go as far as a ban, temporary ban at least . I dont think you could ban an entire population, say you cant come into the United States of america. What i think you can do is look at specific threats and properly vet those individuals from coming into the United States. Do you think that banning muslims at least on a temporary basis would foster more terrorism . I think it would cause it would cause in the Muslim Community a bit of a backlash, it could help their recruiting efforts, certainly in iraq and syria. Again, im talking about more of a vetting process in areas that are high threat areas. Chairman mccaul thanks for being with us. We appreciate it keeping an eye out for developments. Mr. Secretary, anything you want to respond to, he said the president doesnt get it on isis. First of all, chairman mccaul is a huge supporter of Homeland Security and we have an excellent working relationship. Weve taken back with the Global Coalition a lot of territory that isil used to occupy in iraq and syria and weve taken out a number of their leaders including those focused on external attacks but weve got to keep at this, weve got to stay vigilant. I think mike is right to be concerned about the security of airports in the region which is why after Sharm El Sheikh we enhanced the security at the airports there in the region. Thanks for coming in. We appreciate it. Coming up next donald trump wasted no time calling the egyptair crash terrorism. We will talk to the head of Trumps National security advisory committee, his Supreme Court picks and big endorsement friday from the nra. Stay with us. When they thought they should westart saving for retirement. Le then we asked some older people when they actually did start saving. This gap between when we should start saving and when we actually do is one of the reasons why too many of us arent prepared for retirement. Just start as early as you can. Its going to pay off in the future. If we all start saving a little more today, well all be better prepared tomorrow. Prudential. Bring your challenges. Donald trump had a busy week releasing his spreblngt picks, meeting with henry kissinger, going an Hillary Clinton on guns and drawing a distinction with her on terror. Joining me now is jeff sessions, the first senator to endorse donald trump and now is the chairman of his National Security advisory committee. Welcome back to Fox News Sunday. We spent a little time in the louisville airport the other night. Donald trump wasted no time labeling what happened to egyptair flight 804 as an act of terror. There is yet no evidence to suggest that that is perhaps to suggest it is the case, but certainly theres no evidence to definitively say that. Did he get out there a little too far ahead of himself on this . Well, it certainly appears to be a terrorist act and it was one of those critical flights from paris to egypt where you have a lot of people in paris that are part of this International Terrorist movement. So it has every indication that thats what it is and i think it probably will be that will probably be found out to be true. But if it isnt, lets say, for instance, that it was a mechanical problem and i think the jury is out right now as to exactly what caused this, is it problematic for somebody who wants to be president to come out with that deck la tore a statement to say that this, in fact, was terrorism and if you think its anything else youre fooling yourself . Because he may have to walk it back. Look, one of the things that i think undermining our ability to be effective, john, is that were so politically correct. If its not a terrorist attack, thats great news, but it probably is and we should be able to talk about it and actually take action as soon as possible to deal with those kind of threats. We cant be in denial. Mr. Trump is meeting tomorrow with senator bob corker who is the head of the Foreign Relations committee, he has also met with henry kissinger, he met with james baker. Is he learning about Foreign Policy from these meetings . Or are these just maybe more of a box check on your route to becoming the president . Whats happening in these meetings, senator . I dont think theres any doubt that hes enjoining these meetings and there will be more of them. Hes focused on being even more prepared, but his basic philosophy and approach to National Defense and Foreign Policy is close to the kissinger type model. Its realism, its caution, its being more cautious about how we deploy our men and women in harms way, not to be involved in excessive efforts to alter create democracies in countries that are not ready for it. I believe thats a legitimate criticism of a recent Foreign Policy. I think hes on the right track in that regard. Ive supported president bush and a lot of these activities, but i think most americans believe correctly that we need to be more cautious in the future about our engagement around the world. Does he still have more to learn about Foreign Policy . Well, of course, we all do. Ive been on the Armed Services committee for 20 years and the details are so complex in some of these countries. You have to have the best intelligence you can possibly get and to decide whether to commit even a small number of troops really is a serious decision and has long range implications and you have to have the best advice you can get. I think you dont have to know everything the day you hit the office but you do have to seek your advice from your best people before action is taken. Does mr. Trump know what he doesnt know . I think he does. I think his instincts are really correct. He believes in peace through strength. He believes in identifying threats that are threats to us. What does it do to america . And we respond aggressively to protect america. But at the same time we recognize there are limits and we need to have more support from our allies. They cant just ride us forever. Weve got a serious financial challenge in america and we need more support from our allies. All of that i think is sound, hes gaining support from the best minds on some of these issues. There are some notable republicans who are at odds with mr. Trumps Foreign Policy, secretary james baker at a Senate Hearing a little while ago said that he believed that his Foreign Policy was based on, quote, ill informed bluster and threats, even in particular didnt like what he was saying about nato or the potential for Nuclear Weapons in japan and south korea. Then the former secretary of defense, bob gates, came out and said he is not comfortable at the moment at least with Donald Trumps finger on the nuclear trigger. Here is what he said. Right now, no, but the question is does he moderate his views on National Security issues Going Forward . Does he begin to have some more informed views about the complexities of some of these issues, some of the challenges that we face and who does he choose as his advisors . If all of those things turned out in a positive way, then then my concerns would be significantly reduced. Senator sessions, is secretary gates correct . Does donald trump need to moderate his views on Foreign Policy and become more informed on the complexities of Foreign Policy . I think secretary gates will find and donald trump will find as time goes by theyre closer to agreement than many would think. Secretary gates opposed the libyan action. He was correct to do so. But secretary clinton, secretary of state clinton got president obama to participate in the collapse of that government, now we have chaos there. Gates was correct, clinton was wrong, donald trump believes that was a mistake. There are other areas of agreement. Donald trump has said he would have early on a meeting of nato to discuss our common aims and goals and to talk with them about giving more money and sharing more of the cost. As secretary gates has firmly said, they must share more of the cost. So i think they are in agreement there. He also said he would meet with our asian allies and discuss the common interest there and call on them to be more participating in the cost. We saw each other in louisville, that was because we were there for the nras annual meeting. Donald trump got the endorsement of the nra. Its the first time at least since 1992 although they didnt endorse in 92 and 96, the earliest that a president ial candidate has gotten the endorsement. It would seem to indicate, senator, the depth of concern that the National Rifle association has about what may happen in november. Am i correct . That is correct and they are correct. Hillary clinton is the most antiSecond Amendment president perhaps we have ever had. She said again recently that the heller decision that protects the right of individuals to keep and bear arms was wrong. Right now with the death of Justice Scalia and the vacancy on the court, its four to four, four support the heller decision, four against. If she gets in she will appoint somebody who changes that and what that means is its no longer a personal right to have a gun, but every city, county and state can completely ban firearms in america. This would be the greatest reduction of Second Amendment rights since the founding of the republic. Its a tremendous issue and americans need to understand the extent of her radical position on it. Of course donald trump came out with a list of people that he would consider for the Supreme Court earlier in the week. Does he have that much of a problem with conservatives, senator, that he has to six months before the election say here is whom i would appoint to the Supreme Court should i become president . He said he was going to do that early on. I think its his own decision to do so because he wants to establish that his goal for the Supreme Court is a professional, thoughtful jurist who believe in the classical role of a judge as a neutral umpire, not as an advocate for various social policies that they may favor, and i think this was a great decision. Its been well received throughout the country. Be that as it may, senator, it seems that he does have to take steps that most president ial candidates dont to mull guy conservatives, am i correct in assuming that . It certainly has confirmed their belief that he will nominate good judges because these are really fine list, all of them are accomplished, good scholarly backgrounds, proven records. I think that was it did reassure some people that were attacking and saying he would not nominate conservative judges. Youve heard that from those people . We heard that a lot. It was part of the themes in the campaign that donald trump would nominate liberal judges. I think he has demolished that argument. Senator sessions good to visit with you this morning. Thanks for joining us. Thank you. Well see you in an airport in somewhere . America in the it near future. Up next well bring in our sunday group. Plus, what would you like to ask the panel about his Supreme Court picks . Just go to facebook or twitter foxnewssunday and we may use your question on the air. Youre here to buy a car. What would help is simply being able to recognize a fair price. Thats never really been possible. But along comes a radically new way to buy a car, called truecar. Now it is. Truecar has pricing data on every make and model, so all you have to do is search for the car you want, there it is. Now youre an expert in less than a minute. This is how car buying was always meant to be. This is truecar. Coming up, trump and clinton face off over guns. Hillary clinton wants to abolish the Second Amendmentment. Just remember that. Unlike donald trump i will not pander to the gun lobby. Well ask our sunday panel how it plays into the president ial race next. The Second Amendment is on the ballot in november. The only way so save our Second Amendment is to vote for a person that you all know named donald trump. Okay . Donald trump at the National RifleAssociation Making the case that if Hillary Clinton is elected president she will not only push for new gun laws but nominate Supreme Court justices who will uphold those laws. Time for our sunday group. Brit hume is here, kirsten powers, head of Heritage Action for America Michael needham, author of we the people juan williams. I was there at the nra meeting, brit, and there was a crowd, it was supposed to be 7,000, thats how many tickets they sold but they let another thousand people at least in. Very enthusiast i can crowd for trump there. You have a couple of things, you have the nra, very enthusiastic about him and the nra endorsing five months before they have endorsed anybody else. Whats going on . I think its one of a number of signs that donald trump is well on his way to pulling nearly all of the Republican Party behind him. There will be holdouts and there will be conservatives who were conservatives first and republicans second who will not be reconciled to him, but the Supreme Court list that he put out, the meeting with paul ryan, all these things are pointing in the same direction, that republicans and most conservatives are increasingly ready, particularly because they so fear the alternative, to back him and i think thats where were going. At the same time, though, you have a lead piece in the new york times, kirsten, that says all these big donors from the Republican Party say theyre not going to raise money for trump. I liken it back to 2000 when bill clinton without a 1. 8 million house and everybody said, how is he going to afford that. I think the nra has said the reason they did that is i think to your point, theyre trying to take the lead on being bringing the party together. So theyre doing it much earlier than they have done it in the past. What about these donors sitting on the sidelines . I think there will be some people who arent going to come around. Will it matter . Who are i mean, it seems like trump has been able to do pretty well without having the establishment behind him, if anything its probably helped him. So, you know, we are a going to have to see how much he actually ends up wanting to spend in the general election, i dont think he can get through a general election the way he did with the primary not spending as much money, but a lot of these people are partizans and ideologues and they are going to put that before trump. I think ultimately most people will tend to come around once its clarified its between hillary, its between trump. Look, he is very pro gun also. Now. Well, the things that he has said are the kind of things that i think the nra dreams of people saying, like the San Bernardino shooting saying if they had guns if the other side had had guns longer waiting periods after the president made a statement after new town. I think thats a statement of where the Democrat Party is right now. The Democrat Party is hopeless when it comes to deed depending Second Amendment rights. Hillary clinton is running to the left of Bernie Sanders on this issue. Everything brit said is true. On the issue of gun control hillary versus donald trump the nra is saying we will take our chances. The challenge for donald trump is what are some of those other issues on the Supreme Court with his Vice President ial nominee. What about the Supreme Court, he comes out with 11 people that he says he would put on the Supreme Court. Dont worry, conservatives, im with you here. It seems like hes got to go to Great Lengths to keep people with him. It was and i think that was a great gesture. In some ways its a microcosm of the trump campaign. It is a phenomenal list. Donald trump is saying where is hillarys list, and then later that night he said maybe i will add to the list. This great moment with donald trump and conservatives for some reason gets a question mark at the end and i think what that causes is some people say this was really shrewd, this is how you make deals, this is how the negotiate and other people say, hold on, thats a little erratic, whats going on there, does he mean it. I think the challenge for trump is give conservatives confidence and give those people who look at that question mark and say were going to make them comfortable and make them come over and join the coalition. Juan, he has these groups coalescing behind him, the nra, sefrs tiffs getting behind him. You take a look at this fox news latino poll about hispanics, even though hispanic leaders are willing to talk to trump. Hillary clinton 62 . Is he dead in the water because of that number . It hurts. It hurts badly. We saw this in terms of what the Republican NationalCommittee Said after 12. Remember the number you showed for mitt romney, mitt romneys people said if we had done better with latinos we might have had a better chance. When you look at the reality now you have a growing latino population, more influence in key states. I mean, you could go at colorado, nevada does that kill him in florida . I think it hurts him badly in florida. You know rk, john, it also hurt him in states like virginia, ohio, pennsylvania and these are states that trump would like to flip and thinks that he can by getting more blue collar white voters concerned with the trade issue, but right now with these numbers he has a major problem and its not going away. One final point on the coalescing of republicans behind trump, you will notice mitt romney is not among them and you will notice that mitt romney still saying where are your taxes, mr. Trump . You look at people like cruz, kasich, rubio, i dont see them standing up yet and of course paul ryan still is yet to come. Is it possible, brit, if we look at the results in West Virginia. Now, West Virginia may not translate across the country but it could translate in states like pennsylvania and ohio, kentucky well, kentucky doesnt have to worry about it, but pennsylvania, ohio, maybe michigan even where a number of Bernie Sanders supporters said were going to vote for donald trump. Could he make up for the deficit in hispanic voters by pulling democrats . Thats the question. In a way its a kind of a premise of the trump campaign. That you can make up the shortfall youre going to have with minority and ethnic voters and even perhaps to some extent with women with blue collar white voters, mostly men. I think as a matter of mathematics its tough but not impossible. The question then becomes, well, will he be able to improve his number of 62 to 23 unfavorable among hispanics . I thought the number would be worse, frankly. He is not that far behind romney. They both did badly, but my guess is that trump will try to find a way to reach out to hispanics and maybe he can hold a clinton margins or, you know, whoever ends up with it margins down there and that might be enough. Can he pull democrats and maybe win back hispanics . Its going to be hard for him to pull democrats. Right now you have a lot of the democrats its actually, these were Hillary Clinton voters in 08 when she was running against barack obama but now shes tacked to the left so much maybe shes losing some voters because of sanders. What does she do in the general election, is she able to start pulling some of these people back . You have to remember also theres different types of voters, democratic voters. The Younger Voters despise trump, he has between 70 and 80 disapproval. Despise her, too. They dont like her, but there is a feeling that their dislike of trump is so much greater mostly because of the Political Correctness issue. This is a generation that does not like political incorrectness and thats one of his hallmarks. So they either could stay home or they could potentially vote for hillary out of dislike for trump. Lets talk about the democrats and whats going on on the other side thats a whole different kettle of fish. Well take a break. When we come back we will find out whats going on with bernie and Debbie Wasserman schultz. My goodness. I am absolutely committed to doing my part, more than my part, but senator sanders has to do his part. We are going to continue to fight for every last vote until june 14th and then were going to take our fight into the convention. Hillary clinton calling on Bernie Sanders to help unify the Democratic Party while sanders says hes going to campaign aggressively in the final stretch all the way to june 7th. Fox news has offered to host a democratic debate in california, Bernie Sanders has said yes, a question from facebook, we asked wouldnt it be to her advantage to accept. Andrew land writes, quote, she says the nomination is already hers, why would she risk the chance that she would let any truthful statement slip out during a debate. Robert tells us on twitter no reason for hillary to debate, bernie is done. Why isnt she agreeing to this debate . Especially to that second one that bernie is done, you have a point, i dont see how bernie can possibly claim the nomination at this point. Hillary clinton is within 90 delegates of outright winning. But here is the point, this is pay purview material, this is like a great match up that would appeal to, guess what, Bernie Sanders supporters who are still kind of, you know, a little uneasy with hillary, to independents, republicans, so the general electorate. If shes looking toward going up against donald trump what an opportunity for a large audience right before california. I think its a winner for her. Again, you know, you think about donald trump and this tremendous media presence. This is an opportunity for hillary to take advantage of the moment before she has to go against trump. Who do you think it plays to better, michael, Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders . If she trips with a week to go until california and obviously she doesnt want to have a divisive debate with Bernie Sanders. I agree with juan, she should do it. Sometimes its unfortunate when the shoe is on the other foot. In may of 2008 Hillary Clinton was saying, barack obama needs to agree to do a debate with me, she suggested we should have a 90 minute Lincoln Douglas style debate, that was when obviously barack obama was the front runner. Maybe fo kirsten, whats going on with Bernie Sanders and Debbie Wasserman schultz. He says hes going to support her opponent in the august 30th primary and says if he becomes president he will do a donald trump and say youre fired. This isnt really a surprise. Shes been at odds with Debbie Wasserman schultz pretty much since the beginning of this primary because he and his supporters have accused the dnc of picking sides, of setting up the debates in a way to favor Hillary Clinton, having them on weekends or holiday holidays where nobody is going to watch the debates to try to minimize the exposure that Bernie Sanders gets. Ive written a column criticizing her and the dnc for this. The Bernie Sanders campaign has said in particular she is the problem, that they have found working with the dnc in general to be an okay experience, but she has clearly picked her horse and has been backing that horse and trying to pretend that shes sort of a you know, being a fair arbiter of the situation and shes not. Van jones says that hes, quote, ashamed of Debbie Wasserman schultz and wishes that Reince Priebus was running the dnc. Brit. Its an interesting contrast between the two of them because there has been a lot of criticism of priebus for being too susceptible to trump and basically helping to pave the way for him. I think priebus has basically been neutral. Debbie Wasserman Schultz has not been neutral. She has clearly been for hillary although she insists publicly that shes neutral. Sanders has a legitimate gripe perhaps and the delegate rules which he is a symbol i guess certainly favor hillary because of the super delegate presence which is so important in the democratic race. My sense about it is that it is kind of a double standard at work, priebus gets criticized for doing what everybody wishes Debbie Wasserman schultz was doing on the democratic side. Lets look back at what happened last saturday in the nevada convention. Where Bernie Sanders supporters thought that they were being treated unfairly, they started throwing chairs, they were threatening the republican not the republican sorry. They were threatening the democratic nevada chair. If this had been Trump Supporters do this, juan, what would the narrative in the media have been . It would have been, i think, even larger. Thats not to say that this was ignored. This has gotten a lot of attention. It wasnt ignored but i remember reading bun article that says Bernie Sanders supporters send a message to the Democratic Party. Well, this is the heart and soul of the matter. I know ted divine says he does not like the idea that people talk about the violence at the nevada event so largely and even the threats against the Democratic Party chair in nevada as a result. But they did happen and i think theres a sense among democrats its interesting to me, even on left leaning democrats, that sanders at this point is stoking grievance and anger against the party. We heard kirsten talking about anger at Debbie Wasserman schultz. Obviously if youre trying to unify the democrats in the way that you discussed the republicans now trying to unify behind trump, this is a big problem and thats why at this moment you see left leaning organizations and media outlets, mother jones and like suddenly saying, hey, maybe bernie is taking this a little too far, its about bernie and not about defeating donald trump. Michael, if this is being treated more like a family spat in the media at large. If this was donald Trump Supporters who were doing it dont you think we would see articles about donald trump being dangerous and smoking violence and whatever else . Of course. Nobody is surprised by a double standard in the media. It shows that the antiincumbent, antiestablishment sense that you saw in the republican prime certificate every bit as much there on the democratic side. Its why Hillary Clinton is almost the last person on the face of the planet you would want to put forth in this environment. Shes somebody whose entire professional career has been about enriching herself and her friends through her public service. You look at the clinton foundation. We are in an antiincumbent, antiestablishment moment and basically found the most clearly establishment, a managing detector at Goldman Sachs says she sounds like she is a managing director at the company. You couldnt find a worse person than Hillary Clinton and she is the one the democrats are like i will i to come out. There is an alternative, gary johnson, he polled 10 , 42 for donald trump, 39 for Hillary Clinton, 10 . He polls evenly it seems from both parties. Could he potentially be a player here . That is a surprise, but also if hes polling equally he is less of a threat. Its usually these Third Party Candidates become a problem when they start to pull from one party or other. He would need 15 to get into the debates. Thats when he becomes a player. He want to say about the Bernie Sanders stuff some of this i think its been exaggerated i guess we are out of time. No. No. I was going to say snoeps looked at it and nobody threw chairs, somebody picked up a chair and put it down. I think a lot of actually i think the media has been hard on them and has exaggerated what has happened. They were upset and angry but nobody was in any danger. There was no actual violence. Were going to take a break here because we got something we want you to dig in on. A new documentary on Anthony Weiners political demise, it shines a spotlight on uma abedin. Cou this is the worst, doing a documentary on my scandal. I cant believe i gave the press the finger. A new film detailing Anthony Weiners failed run for mayor of new york city three years ago after a revival of the sexting scandal that forced him to resign from congress but the documentary focuses on uma abedin, Hillary Clintons right hand woman. Oh tempora owe more. Every time i hear about Anthony Weiner there was a jay leno comment when Whitey Bulger was an toured on the west coast leno said he thought that Whitey Bulger was Anthony Weiners screen name. Kirsten, could this come back to bite the Clinton Campaign, particularly because she maintains a close relationship with uma abedin. I dont think so. Its a personal issue, its umas husband, i dont think people are holding her accountable for the behavior of her husband and hillary is so loyal to here. Its impossible to see it harming her. This looks like Hollywood Comedy along the lines of wag the dog. It looks like it could be a good movie. Its crazy. I think it also shows a split in the Democrat Party. On the one hand you have the intellectual core, elizabeth warren, bill de blasio, people way to the left of the center of gravity of the United States and these other people who are kults of personality. Anthony wiener, Hillary Clinton, kults of personality. Cory booker, the intellectual core of the party. Any affect on the Clinton Campaign . The womens issue is large in this campaign between trump and clinton. Does this impact . Apparently its a very good documentary, the question is why did they agree to do it . Now that its out could it hurt Hillary Clinton with women . Thats all the time. Thanks for joining us today. Chris will be back next sunday. Have a great week and well see you next Fox News Sunday. Announcer the following paid presentation for cooper chef is brought to you by Tristar Products incorporated. Are your kitchen drawers starting to look like a bad garage sale steamers, rice cookers, roasters, slow cookers. And just how many pots and pans does one kitchen really need . And every time you cook, cleanups a disaster. Scraping, scrubbing what a chore. What if you could replace all this with one single, nonstick pan . And what if this pan was innovative in design and made of the highestquality craftsmanship . 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