Dawn timmeney was there and joins us live on Independence Mall tonight. Dawn . Reporter well iain and lucy, it was quite an impressive show of support. Organizers say the recent act as of anti semitism meant to divide they had completely the opposite effect uniting people from across the area and the state at the birthplace of our nation. We do stand against hate. [ applause ] and we do choose love. Reporter thought lee sunning message at a huge rally on Independence Mall denouncing recent acts of anti semitism against the local jewish commune n back drop couldnt have been more appropriate. That building behind us we stand up to intolerance. We continue the work that was done on this mall and in that hall. Reporter state, local and religious leaders as well as hundreds of people of all ages and faiths came out this afternoon to unite. It is very sobering to learn that here in the United States a hate crime is committed every 90 minutes. Reporter many here stunned and saddened at the mt. Carmel Jewish Center in philadelphia was recently vandalized and bomb threats called in to area juju Wish Community centers. Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf among those speaking out. The threats against the jccs across pennsylvania were threats against each and of one of us and against our common humanity. Reporter a Senior Citizen in this sea of people was at a jcc in cherry hill earlier this week when a bomb threat was phoned in. I was one of the old ladies in the Swimming Pool at the jcc when we had to be evacuated. I volunteer with an Anti Bullying Program and i felt like there were bullies out there and i was being bullied. Reporter those who attend the rally left feeling upbeat and positive, empowered. Im Senior Citizen. This is one thing i can continue to do. And that is to show support for any community in this case the jeWish Community. This was all of our communities saying no more, no more hate. We will rise and we wont be divided. Reporter of course many saying this message of love and solidarity must continue every day not just today. By the way, iain, the reward for information leading to an arrest in that cemetery vandalism is now up to 69,000. Incredible stuff. All right, dawn, thank you. Philadelphia city councilman kenyata henderson wants to make punishment more severe for whomever desecrated a wissonoming cemetery. Johnson called on his fellow Council Members to support legislation that would make each separate grave vandal life at the mt. Carmel cemetery counsel as separate offense. That could mean more than 100 separate charges for the people responsible. Happening right now, philadelphia mayor jim kenney spending plan is out the a Budget Proposal with price tag of almost four and a half billion dollars. Its goal to help the dee citys poorest citizens. Fox 29s jeff cole reports from city hall. Reporter the mayors budget message is like a homecoming in council chambers. Theres former mayor john street and gathering of the well known. The schools chief william hite and outgoing da Seth Williams all here to learn where the money is flowing. We ask you to lift up our most vulnerable by increasing resources that will improve their health and wellbeing and we also ask you to support job creating initiatives that increase Economic Opportunities for all of our residents. Reporter its a 4. 4 billion package focused largely to beat back poverty. It targets homelessness by creating 83 new units of housi housing, battles the drug crisis with 500 new methadone treatment slots, provide for more lead paint inspections and hires new city lawyers to get kids into good foster care. Also in the works, new pre k seats fund beside the controversial sweetened beverage tax. All said the philly beverage tax will allow the city to dedicate half a billion dollars over the next five years to programs specifically proven to reduce poverty. Reporter the taxes being challenged in court and in the court of Public Opinion where its been tagged a jobs kill. Kenney wants to link penns landing to the citys core by building a park over i95. Pricey plans in the face of possible cuts from washington. But i think for us, i think we have to be really careful with our funds. If in fact we begin to lose money. Reporter mid the large upbeat mood at city hall, mayor kenney remained Council Members of the reality of philly. It is the poorest of the top ten and the last in job creation. Jeff cole, fox 29 news. On to your fox 29 Weather Authority. As we take live look at Philadelphia International airport. We saw winds gusting up to 46 miles an hour today. Now, were looking at some bitter cold temperatures and it says chance of snow but i dont believe it. You dont think so. Really. Im saying were not getting any snow. Were not the Weather Authority. Im not. You try to play one occasionally. She is the Weather Authority. Kathy orr. What you got . We have a few snow showers so iain, youre right because its not going to be a big deal, but we are going to see a few snow showers moving our way this is associated with a clipper, a fastmoving area of low pressure that will dive to the south tomorrow and bring us a few snow showers. It could be heavy in some spots. But its really not going to be anything more than a nuisance. Take a look at these wind gusts the numbers are in. Newtown square a 57 miles an hour gust. Cape may 54. Mcguire air force base 52. Philadelphia in center city 51. In Atlantic City a 48mile an hour gust. Right now were still gusting in the 20s so the winds have improved somewhat. Temperatures are in the 40s and the 30s in pottstown. But that stiff northwesterly wind will continue into the nighttime hours. So this evening, temperatures will be falling through the fours into the 30s with a clearing sky. But guess what . Wind chills will be much lower mainly in the upper 20s and lower 30s. Its back to blustery this weekend. A huge dip in the jet stream. Were talking about very cold temperatures and bitterly cold wind chills. Its coming back. The warm up will wait. This time in the seven day ill scholl when you. For now well send it back to you. Thank you very much, kathy. President trumps first 100 days pressure is mounting for another one of his big hires to step down. Attorney general Jeff Sessions says he will recuse himself from any federal investigation into russian interference in the 2016 election. Fox news correspondent joel waldman has the latest from d. C. Reporter President Trump respond to go controversy over this answer given by then senator Jeff Sessions during his january confirmation hearing when asked if he was in contact with moscow during the 2016 president ial campaign. I have been called a surrogate at a time or two in that campaign and i had communications witness russian. A statement that runs contrary to a report released overnight claim sessions met with Russian Ambassador to the u. S. On two different occasions during the campaign. The attorney general holding a press conference this afternoon saying he recuse himself from any current or future investigations involving the 2016 campaign while also denying any wrongdoing. My staff recommended recuse sal. They said that since i had involvement with the campaign i should not be involved in any campaign investigation. Reporter it appear the attorney general may have caved to mounting pressure after growing number of republican lawmakers called on sessions to recuse himself. Democrats like Senate Minority leader shuck schumer are calling for sessions to step down. Because the department of justice should be above area approach for the good of the country, attorney general sessions should resign. Reporter a mid the controversy, two more of President Trumps cabinet members were confirmed today drd urban Development Secretary and rick perry as energy secretary. In washington, joel waldman, fox news. Addicts have new place to get help in new jersey today governor Chris Christie was on hand for the Ribbon Cutting at the Victory Bay Recovery Center in laurel springs. The new state of the art facility is the brain child of aj solomon who work governors answer office and it is a recovering addiction. Governor christie hopes more people will step up to help with people dealing with addiction. Drug and alcohol addiction is a disease. It is not a moral failing. And we need to make sure that we embrace those who suffer from this disease and give them all the help we possibly can. Victory bay says its striving not only to help addicts but their families as well. Fox 29 investigates has learn businesses at suburban station are demanding a steep cut in their rent. Now they claim their businesses have tanked because of a flood of homeless people. At the urging of viewers and septa employees, familiar with that situation, fox 29 investigators began to document what was happening in this transportation hub for the area and why was there a change in policing . Some say business is down. Never seen it this bad in 27 years. Correct. Without a doubt. This is you know, its a part of the landscape of philadelphia but down here it really did double and triple in numbers. Tonight at 10 00 why a source says suburban station was lost for a time this winter and whats being done now. Thats as jeff cole and fox 29 investigates tonight at 10 00. Its something weve all experienced. Probably at least once. Road rage and that leads to extreme annoyance much best ways to talk yourself down when youre behind the wheel. Sean bell . Lucy eagles vince curry doing great thing for bunch of kids in philadelphia. See what hes doing and how hes setting a Gold Standard coming up later in sports. Fios is not cable. Were wired differently. Maybe thats why weve been ranked highest in Customer Satisfaction by jd power 4 years in a row. And now you can love fios too. Get our best offer of the year. 150 meg internet with equal upload and download speeds, tv and phone. All for 79. 99 per month, for the first year with a twoyear agreement. Plus get hbo for a year and free multiroom dvr service for two years. Go to getfios. Com or call 1. 888. Get. Fios get the best. Get fios. My hygi. A mouthwash. O try. So i tried crest. It does so much more than give me fresh breath. Crest prohealth mouthwash provides all. Of these benefits to help you get better dental checkups. Go pro with crest mouthwash. Checkup . Nailed it two women are in the hospital after serious crash in mt. Laurel. A dog died in that accident. Fresco user Nicole Johnson shows us the scene this morning. Hainesport and ark roads. Police say a 40yearold woman traveling with her dog veered in oncoming traffic. Hit another car. And injured a 57yearold woman. Both are expected to survive. Road rage is an all too common problem on highways across america and sometimes it turns deadly. You might not be able to avoid road rage there are right and wrong ways to handle it. Foxs John Donnelly asked the experts. Reporter drive long enough and it will probably happen to you. Im talking about that jerk that either sets you off or loses his cool at you. It happens no matter who you a are. Kind of slammed the brakes in front of me, and i was able to maneuver and get around him. It took everything in me not to flip him the bird. I try to relax and stay calm because i know that theyre probably having bad day. Reporter Houston Police say doing nothing and staying calm is a good idea. A very large number of cars on texas roads have guns in them. So if nobody is hurt, just let it go. Never pursue to get a plate. A lot of accidents can occur. The person might think youre going after them. And thats when things escalate. Thats when things can get worse. Reporter case in point, sunday night there was a fender bender in a wal mart parking lot in stafford. The driver pursued the men who hit him. He caught up with them in nearby parking lot, two men in car he pursued got out and opened fire. Killing the drivers wife. Its hard to find statistics about the number of road rage incidents because many of them simply end peacefully. But even a calmest drivers can get up on the flip side. Someone is raging at you and you dont even know why. So what do you do . The best thing to do wave, say youre sorry. Thats handgun license instructor john boyer. He teaches students the best thing to do is try to deescalate the situation. We teach our students avoid eye contact. Dont honk the horn. Dont do the universal one finger salute. All those type of things what you want to avoid because you dont know who that person is in that other car. Are they a gang banger. Are they mentally unstable. You have no idea who that person is. Reporter if that doesnt work head to place where there are a lot of people as witnesses. Better yet, head to a place where you know theyre likely are going to be police like a hospital. Remember, your goal is get you and your loved ones home safely no matter who you are. Go around them and, you know, let them win. Your life is too short. That was Adrian Peterson by the way. Was it really. From houston. Yeah. He lives in houston. Used to play for the vikings. Any way. All right. I thought id mention that. Ill let you know. I thought he look familiar. All right. There you go. Break out the bubble gum, cigars at the Lehigh Valley zoo. Endangered species of antelope was just born. You can see the calf and his momma right there. Zoo staff says theyre doing just great called cemetery horned or ricks. Until recently biologists thought they were ex ting in the wild. You can see the calf and his mom as of tomorrow. All right. Back to your fox 29 Weather Authority now. A live look at reading peak gust there is hit 44 miles an hour. We are still looking at cold temperatures. Maybe even a little chance of some snow. Still cant get over that was Adrian Peterson. Meteorologist kathy orr got a lot op tap. We do. A lot going on this weekend. If you dont like winter, well guess what, it will make come back for at least a couple of days and then i think well head back to spring. Behind me in old city philadelphia looking good. Still seeing some wind 45 degrees the high today 62. Of course, that was shore aft midnight and temperatures continue to crash. West northwesterly winds now at 14 miles an hour. So seeing some improvement on ultimate doppler we have clear skies a few clouds to the west and a few snow showers moving in with a clipper. A fastmoving area of low pressure that will go to the south near d. C. And spread some snow showers across our area especially in the afternoon. When we look at the temperatures, pretty cool in the northeast. But colder through the midwest. Cleveland 33. Chicago 32. Minneapolis 28 so we will continue to see the influence come out of the northwest for us and that means turning colder. Progress civil over the next couple of days. Still seeing winds gusting to 22 in pottstown. No gusts reported in philadelphia thats good news. Lancaster 28 the poconos gusting to 22. As we look ahead hour by hour well see some clouds and a few spotty snow showers moving in to the region. But its mainly in the afternoon. You see that line trying to form and sweeping eastward after the dinner hour. So some snow showers, some could be heavy at times but otherwise it wont be anything much more than a nuisance and minor accumulation on grassy surfaces. Future wind chills the big story whipped chills in the 20s tomorrow. Saturday morning, mainly in the teens and single numbers. Below zero in the poconos it will feel like five below that saturday morning. Then saturday afternoon wind chills mainly in the teens. Five below again saturday evening in the poconos. And then sunday morning, cold everywhere with wind chills in the teens. Single numbers it will feel like eight in allentown eight in trenton and wrightstown it will feel like seven. Overnight tonight the low temperature going down to 30 degrees during the day tomorrow looking ahead to cold temperatures as well. They will be singing only rising to 41 degrees in philadelphia and the poconos. 29. 37 in pottstown. On your seven day forecast, we bottom out saturday. Warm up a little bit sunday. Monday 55. Tuesday 63. Wednesday looking good and thursday mid 50s feeling much more like spring after sunday. Just got to get through the weekend. Bundle up. Well send it over to you. All right, kathy thanks. Youre all right. One weekend of winter. Thats all were getting. Exactly. You better september it, right. Oh yeah. I dont have any choice. Feels more like football weather right now. It sure does. Off season for the guys and finding a way to get things do done. Vinnie curry making a big impact off the field. Ill show you what did he for a school in west philly plus dario sarius picking up where joel embiid left off. Thats coming up next in sports. Fios in the house dave this fios party is da bomb fo shizzle its tv totally ahead of its time. Yo, let me check that. Oh snap. That x1 voice remote is crunk and it lets me search with the sound of my voice. What should i watch . Things have come a long way since you got fios. [nervously laughs] whats fios . Fios has fallen behind. Dont fall with it. 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Dont start humira if you have an infection. Want more proof . Ask your rheumatologist about humira. Whats your body of proof . Joel embiid done for the season but at least dario saric picking up the slack. Saric won the eastern conference rookie of the month for februa february. Embiid won that award every month before he got hurt and you know what happened. Saric averaged 17 points and eight boards in that month. Phillies in spring training taking on the blue jays. Aaron went two innings give up no runs and one hit. Freddie galvis provided offense two run double right here. This game would end in eighteight tie. No need to play extras in spring training. To the nfl it may be the off season but the players are still finding a way to make big impa impact. Vinnie curry south jersey native philly resident and when hes not making plays on the field hes making a difference in the community. You got to set the goal and dont quit. You got to stay it to. Might not happen the time you want it to happen eventually you got to have faith in that goal and stay the course. Sacking the quarterback or getting straight as vinnie curry trying to get everyone to set goals and for him it starts with the kids. Today curry visited alan Lock Elementary School as part of a rush to lead program. Curry asking every kid to set two or three goals and stick with it. The top students who do that get to go to a special ceremony in may. Curry wanted to make sure did he this at a school that needed it. Its about, you know, picking up school that doesnt always get the attention it needs. You know, i just wanted to show them that, you know, i was once in the school similar to this in jersey but it was just my way of giving back. Curry signed autographs, took pictures and even answer add few questions even ones he didnt really want to. [ inaudible ] we didnt win the super bowl. That was a trick question, huh . You trying to get me. Whether they were tough questions or not, it was something vinnie wanted to do because he didnt have Something Like this when he was a kid. Trying to get these kids to keep the dream alive, you know, um, some kids these days get so caught up in social media or, you know, online video games. Theres other things out there. Still keep your dreams alive. Still have the desire to dream. Kids will actual will ask you anything. If you saw the super bowl question. Another kid said why havent you won the super bowl yet. Come on kid. Im working on that. Thats what he said hes doing lot of great things for a lot of great schools. Good see. Thank you sean. A brush with death. Inmate attacks deputy wrapping a towel around his neck. How he was able to get away from his attacker tonight at 10 00. Thats will do it for us here at 6 00. Well see you back here at 10 00. Have a great night. Inside edition is coming up next. Tradingin or selling your car, truck or suv . Webuyanycar. 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