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79 degrees in dover. This evening, will fall to about 74, 7 00 p. M. , that ended in the 60s by 9 00. 11 00 p. M. , light winds, and temperature 66 degrees. Thats around the normal high for this time of year. Getting even warmer over the next couple of days, talking about temperatures running some 15 to 20 degrees above normal, and even and said it earlier, challenging record warmth. Were in the just going to challenge it, were just going to break it. What do you say . It is october after all. Ill be back with the seven day in just a few minutes. Sounds good, thanks so much, kathy. Happening right now, day one of a whistle blower and defemation suit against penn state is in the books. Former assistant football coach Mike Mcqueary is suing pennsylvanias largest university. He is a whistle blower. And the Jerry Sandusky sex abuse scandal. And says it has ruined his reputation. Hes now after millions of dollars in a civil trial. Our jeff cole was therefore opening statements, and joins us from outside that bellefonte courtroom. Jeff any year i also says the college retaliated against him. Yep, says retaliated against him because he took part in the attorney generals investigation in later prosecution against Jerry Sandusky. He doesnt want just millions of dollars. He wants 4 million. He has been negotiating his attorneys have been negotiating with Penn State University lawyers for some time now. They could not come to an agreement to settle this case. So the trial opened today with tough words. Mike mcqueary had no comment when he pulled up in front of court monday. He was intent on hauling documents into court where he would seek his reputation back and big bucks from penn state. February 9th, 2011, 9 00 at night the assistant football coach seized jersey sandusky sexually abusing a ten year old boy in a penn state shower. He says he told joe paterno the next morning, and top penn state administrators days later, but his Attorney Says it was swept under the rug, until the case blew up a decade later in sandusky was charged and convicted. In the afternoon session, new information, former outside lawyer for penn state testified he told a penn state top official, gary shut, to call the department of welfare about what mcqueary saw in the shower. The attorney said he did not know if the call was made. Penn states attorney pounded motorcycle year any court, saying he failed to stop a rape. And he was trying to exploit a tragic for his own financial gain. It is expected this trial will take two weeks, and mcqueary is also expected to take the stand, his lawyers saidel. That will be a very aggressive day. Hes likely it come under very aggressive questioning from the Penn State University lawyer. Rodney erickson, graham spanier, and matt rhule, the Temple University football coach, all expected to take the stands in this ongoing civil case. Live in bell month bellefonte, jeff cole. Broken his silence for the First Time Since prosecutors charged him in the bridgegate scandal last year. Former Port Authority executive took the stands today. He told jurors that david while stein tricked him about the lane closures. He also said no one told governor christie about the traffic scheme in 2013. Barones claim contradict wild steins prior testimony. Prosecutors say barone and Bridget Kelly ordered the bridge shutdown for political retaliation. Developing tonight, a robbery turned deadly in lawncrest, and tonight, police are searching for the person who killed a young father and husband. The 28 year old also leaves behind heart broken coworkers and customers from a local barber shop. Fox 29 bruce gordon is live at the scene of this senseless violence in lawncrest. Brouse . Yes, iaian, police at this point do not appear to be sure whether the victim in this case was targeted, and if he was, why. What we do know is that a young woman is now without her husband, a young boy is without his father. And as you say, a full barber shop full of coworkers and customers is coping with a huge loss. Chalk circles denote g where shell cases fell are behind the alley outside johnnys home. Outside one of his bash he shop customers just back from flip to florida stopped by to see for himself where his friends breathed his last. Speechless right now, speechless. I bought him a little like little thing to go on his key chain from miami, just stopping to see him right now. I walk in, everybody is crying, im like shocked right now. At the barber shop, where the 28 year old dominican immigrant worked to support his wife and young son, the erie silence was broken only by the sound of buzzing racers. Coworkers like adam, can hardly believe hes gone. He didnt lever behind any enemies, anything. He is a good guy. It was around 10 30 sunday night when police say a pair of robbers, at least one of them armed, confronted kasada behind the alley of his home on f street, fired several shots, hitting him in the chest, arm, leg. He would later die of his injuries, but move before talking to police. Now the victim told us that he was robbed, and after the victim was shot, one of the perpetrators actually took a semiautomatic gun from the victim. Authority say kasada wife and son were home at the time and heard the shots that took his life. Security cameras at the end of the alley are believed to show two men and a dark colored suv leaving the scene. Back at the barber shop, his work station will remain unused for the time. His bashers license on display, before an empty chair fitting for the void left in the lives of those who knew him. When you think about him, what will you remember most . His energy, he was very energized. Always hyped. Fun guy to be around . Yes, it is shocking, it is shocking. I still dont believe it. Still dont believe it. The quality of that Security Camera footage from the back alley may ultimately decide whether or when this case is solved. Iaian . All right, bruce, thank you. In Mercer County prosecutors indict a woman they say beat her motherinlaw to death. Grand jury indicted tasmeen of windsor, counting two weapons charges, and in january, she beat her motherinlaw 737 year old sophia diwan over the head several times in their home. Shes now being held on 1 million bail. You decide 2016. Elected leaders taking issue with donald trump, who has been casting doubt about the legitimacy of this years election. In a unprecedented move for president ial candidate, the republican president ial nominee has days now claimed the election is rigged. But today Philadelphia City and Pennsylvania State leaders came together to dispel those allegations. Some critics say that trumps accusations of election rigging are attempt to disrupt voting and discourage minorities from casting their ballot. But today lawmakers are reassuring voters every vote will indeed count. Although there are ds and rs represented at this press conference, there is willingness and desire to state to the voters in philadelphia, and in fact, around the state and around the nation, that things will go smoothly, on election day, in our city, the birth place of democracy. Meanwhile, trump is called on people to act as election watchers across the country, but state leaders also knocked that idea worrying that could turn into voter intimidation. Pennsylvania has very strict rules on who can be a pole watcher. Time is running out to vote in new jersey. Register that is. The deadline is tomorrow, if you want to vote in this years president ial election. Also on the ballot this year for jersey resident, ballot questions on casino expansion, also a question as to whether new jersey should require the new gas tax revenues, only go to transportation needs. Voter registration deadlines have already passed in pennsylvania and delaware. A halloween grinch of sort. Someone caught on Surveillance Video stealing pumpkins. But police think they know about the holiday fun snatchers, sean . Time to regroup. Eagles coming off another lost, in carson wentz, coming off the first game. The guys talk about the mistakes in getting things right. Later in sports. A large cat siting. This is no harmless stray. Where wildlife officials are putting neighbors and alert what could be a fierce feline. Pat toomey and donald trump theyre just wrong for the women of pennsylvania. New fallout for donald trump. Should a woman be punshied for having an abortion . There has to be some form of punishment. For the woman . Yeah, there has to be some form. I would support legislation in pennsylvania that would ban abortion and i would suggest that we have penalties for doctors who perform them. Pat toomey and donald trump theyre not for you. Senate majority pac is responsible for the content of this advertising. When i was one year old, i was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer on my spinal chord. But i spent my whole life fighting back. So you can imagine what i thought when i saw donald trump say. I dont know what i said, ah, i dont remember that reporter he is talking about suffers from a chronic condition that impairs movement of his arms. I dont want a president who makes fun of me. I want a president who inspires me, and thats not donald trump. Priorities usa action is responsible for the content of this advertising. Residents in winslow, new jersey, several people say theyve seen large cats roaming around. We have a picture. Can you see it there, iaian . It is right there. It is hard to see. But it appears to show what some people think is a Mountain Lion. Yes, so far, no reports of these big cat coming anywhere close to people. Fyi. They dont like being around folks. They dont. Theyre very shy, solitary creatures. Mound dan lions at one time were indigenous to our area. We cant confirm we cant tell whether it is or is not a Mountain Lion or cougar or if just based upon the way it is set up, if it is just if it is just a cat. Depending how far away the cat was from the camera, it would look either obviously bigger or larger than it really is. Very big cat. Our chris owe con little have a full report on these sitings coming up tonight on fox 29 news at 10 00 and 11 00. Someone in south jersey trying to dampen a halloween spirit for one family. There is a pumpkin thief on the loose and police are trying to track down the man who is caught on camera. Fox 29s Sabina Kuriakose say the homeowners at first they thought it was funny but then it got creepy. Scarecrows and jack olanterns, ghosts of all kinds, popping up on the carefully cut lawn of this woolwich neighborhood. In the early hours of saturday morning, there was another kind of ghoul lurking around clause ya williams front porch this one not so friendly, caught on surveillance camera, pill fogger pumpkins off the Williams Family as front stoop. The more they thought about it . The to became not so funny someone would just feel comfortable enough to come up to our house, take something right off of our porch. A violation of our space and our property. We just wanted to make sure that who ever this person is, isnt just going to up other peoples properties, and taking things that dont belong to them. Neighbors agree. Many are double check to go make sure their own lawn ornaments dont disappear. It is funny but at the same token, you know, it is sad. How can you be so braze tone come up to someones house and steel a pumpkin, steel anything actually. The man on the video between 18 to 25 years old driving light colored car. Theyre not sure what he wanted with the deng ration cents. Claudia says it is not the highs of the century by any means. But her question is, who does that . Really . It is not even really about the price of the pumpkin. Just the principal. Police say the pumpkin burglar can still make things right if he turns himself in, and offers to pay for or row place the stolen gourds. Otherwise, they want anyone who recognizes the men in the video to call the detectives. In woolwich township, Sabina Kuriakose, fox 29 news. After weeks of protest, over racism in philadelphias neighborhood, looks like the sitly make some changes, opened the application process for the Mayors Commission on lgbt affairs. City leaders are hoping to attract differs group of people to work with experts and the city on number of social issues, expecting lgbt resident. Application residue november 4th. Meanwhile, hearing on the treatment of minority lgbt resident in the city slated for next week. You can go to fox29. Com for a link to the application, all of the other pertinent information. Just click on the as seen on tv tab. Big celebration in north philadelphia this morning, for the latest group of cadets to graduate from the police academy. Class 377 is made up of 50 philadelphia officers, and three septa transit police. Philadelphia commissioner richard ross addressed the class, and had this advice for the cadets about dealing with the public that does not always trust the police. Im talking about ultimately something called understanding separate realities. For police it, may mean digging deep to acknowledge that some people have reasons to distrust law enforcement, while it is not an indictment of the entire profession, it is certainly a reality. Under standing it basic presence can help diffuse some situations. Commissioner ross told the cadets to seek opportunities to show the community that Police Officers do goodbye providing exemplary service. To your fox 29 weather authority, now, live look out in old city. This program on fox 29 sponsored by ran spear, the accident lawyer. Demands rand. Planned parenthood. I would support legislation in pennsylvania that would ban abortion and i would suggest we have penalties for doctors who perform them. Would you put people in jail for performing abortions . At some point doctors performing abortions i think would be subject to that sort of penalty. Dscc is responsible for the content of this advertising. How do we measure greatness in how america . You . The height of our skyscrapers . The size of our Bank Accounts . No. Its measured by what we do for our children. The values we pass on. Ive spent my life fighting for kids and families and it will be my mission to build a country where our children can rise as high as their dreams and hard work take them. That means good schools for every child in every zip code. College that leads to opportunities. Not debt. And an economy where every Young American can find a job that lets them start a family of their own. We face big challenges, but we can solve them the same way families do. Working together. Respecting one another. And never giving up. I want our success to be measured by theirs. Im Hillary Clinton and i approve this message. I cant believe gus, youre not scared are you . Youre the second most famous groundhog in pennsylvania. I dont like thunder bashfully this is getting creepy sfx loud thunder clap grrrr, did you say creepy . Creepy cash . The new instant game from the pennsylvania lottery. Yeah, with top prizes of 50 grand. Thats a monster of a prize. Keep on scratchin grade thing about live tv, you never know what will happen. We had some audio problems, you couldnt here us. But no problems with the weather. No problems. You cant blame it on. That will outside Market Street looking great. Here is a look at the high temperatures. In philadelphia, 82, trenton the same, as well as atlantic city. This is at the airport, wilmington 81, even reading, allentown, reporting reporting t temperatures nearing 08 degrees. So you have a clear sky, few passing clouds during the late night hours. Otherwise, just talking about a very comfortable evening. And overnight, cooling down in the poconos pretty quickly, 74 allentown and pottstown, 73 in wilmington, and millville it is 72. But what about the shore . Well, take a look at this. On the way down the shore, in hammonton, it is 73. The board walk in atlantic city, 68. But wildwood, Still Holding onto 71 degrees. So even a nice day at the beach. Why not . High pressure building off the coast. Weve been talking about this summer like pattern building in october. People have nicknamed hottober. Challenging record warmth, not only tomorrow, but also during the day wednesday. This huge ridge of High Pressure builds in the east. So it is warm in the east, so expect it to be cool in the west. And that is the case. Temperatures running about 15 to 20 degrees above normal. So these are the records to beat. Tomorrows record is 85. Im forecasting 8a so we will at least tie that record in philadelphia. On wednesday, the record is 80 setback in 1947. We will crush the records with high of 85. And thursday, the record is 87, september back in 1917. Or i should say 80. The forecast is for 78 degrees. So it will come very, very close to the record. We could tie it again on thursday. The normal high is only 65 degrees. And that will be close to our low tonight. So, in the city, 62, in the suburbs, 57. Some evening clouds, then skies will just be clear, just really pleasant night. Could even crack the windows for the comfort, turnoff the heat, dont even need the ac. During the day tomorrow, eight a degrees. Sunny, warm, the record once again, 85, setback in 1908. Winds out of the southwest, and of course, thats the warmest wind for us. Planning your day, in the morning, 62 at the bus stop. By lunch, 77, the afternoon, 85 degrees. And by the dinner hour, of course, the sun will set shortly after 6 00. But the temperature still is 76 degrees. So get out. Try to take a walk. Go for run. Just gorgeous day. Heres a look at your seven day forecast. During the day tomorrow, the high 85. Eightyfive again on wednesday. Thursday, friday, cooling down. Over the weekend, feeling much more like fall, and thats good weather for any sport, sean bell. Eagle lost yesterday was just bad. Real now other way to put it. There is no silver lining. There is no sugar coating it. Just bad. They got beat in every phase of the game. And it is also the first time that carson wentz actually looked like a rookie. Granted he didnt have much time to throw the ball. But still he couldnt get it done when he did. Wentz had bunch of overthrows in the game. Throws that werent close to his target. He went one for 22 with 179 yards. Again, hes a rookie. Rookie quarterbacks will have these type of games. After the first four games we thought this would never happen. We thought he would be invincible. Again, yesterday he handled himself like a veteran, took the blame, and his teammates had his back 100 . Ya, got to be better. Any time offense has a chance to win at the end of the game, and you come up short, it is frustrating. I put that on myself. We got to get better. It is one of the things i have to go back and watch the tape and really critique. Most of the throws, you know, hes still trying to make a play. You go back, those throws he aces all the time. But challenged little bit. Hell get better with each time he takes the football. You know, this is his fifth start. And were expecting the world out of him. And we put a lot on his shoulders now. And hes handled it extremely well. In big problems for big ben in the pittsburgh steelers, today he had art arthroscopic knee surgery, will be out indefinately. Whether or not hell be back in season is still in doubt. The team does expect him to make fum recovery. But he, again, it will be out indefinately. Thats a big hit for their superbowl chances. Going into the superbowl once again, okay . It is not just one win away in the ffc. So joins us tonight at 10 00. Here is a question. Are we playing god . A doctor is taking a lot of heat for creating a baby boy with three biological parent, three. My gosh. Not even legal in the u. S. Why that doctor says this procedure could be an answer to prayers. That does it for us here at 6 00. Thanks for joining us, see you back here at 10 00 and 11 00. Inside edition is up next. 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Please hurry people coming together to save a stranger. Go and amazing randy. Amazing grace singer randy travis. He could barely walk after a stroke three years ago. His amazing return to the stage. Then, what weve learned about the violent encounter at victorias secret supermodel Miranda Kerrs malibu mansion. First kim kardashian, now miranda kerr. Plus, trump versus saturday night live. And can you believe what family guy just did . Thanks for letting me ride on the bus with you

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