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Ouch push oh whats that Cinco De Mayo . Seven out of ten today. So distract the. Smile. Although i thought i was going to have a cinco die mayo baby. She had other ideas. There is the rain up in mount pocono area, and other part of carbon county. Weve seen the rain leave the jersey shore there you see, right around mount pocono that is what we got going on there. Temperatures are on the mild side this morning. Front hasnt come through yet. And even after it does, it will not be that much colder. 66 degrees in the city, 64 in Atlantic City, dover has 63 degrees. So we think we will reach the high of 47 maybe around lunchtime, and well have a lot of cloud cover around, and few showers especially, this morning, as that front comes through, but the clouds will probably linger even after the front comes through. So plan on temp in the 70s instead of the 80s today. A little damp out there. You may need your umbrella at times. But, heres something. A milestone, i suppose. Your official sunset time, 8 00. Ya we love those long days. And as bob had mention earlier, it is dining under the stars night media which is hugely popular while all of the restaurant put their tables outside on the streets. Think i we will be okay on this evenings dining under the stars. Do you have try it sometime, bob kelly. I look forward to that, yes, i think you mentioned one of the future spring fling locations. Indeed it will be. Not this week there is week this friday, we are going to allentown but right now, we take to you bellmawr, new jersey, live look at an accident here, this is the 42 freeway right at the ramps for 295. So, it is the southbound 42 freeway, here are the ramps from 295 north. Looks like right here, at this merge is where we have the accident the ram at any self is blocked. These folks havent moved here in the last couple of minutes. So as you are getting ready to step out the front door, you come over the walt whitman bridge into new jersey, and then head south on 42, it is right here, at that 295 and 42 interchange. And looking at those the headlight there, that are not moving at all if you are leaving south jersey your best bet would be to use route 130. 130 will give you access to that same 42 freeway and you will be in good shape. Dad vail regatta rose into town. Theyll be bringing the boats in today, crews arriving being practicing today tomorrow, races run friday and saturday, so watch for delays and closures of the kelly drive over the next couple every days. And in elwyn road at the Baltimore Pike in media. Some downed wires folks using rose tree road for the mourning rush hour. Breaking news, police trying to piece together what led to up triple shooting in north philadelphia overnight. One person dead, police trying to determine what the surviving victims might know about the evidence found at the scene fox 29s steve kylie live at Police Headquarters and fat chance to get them to talk, right steve. Judge from the shore to the main line to up allentown where ever you are watching thus morning imagine this happening on your street just past midnight. As we look at the video, if this happened on your street this would really send you for a shocking loop. Imagine having to talk to your kids and explain this. While you had to grab your kids out every bed after midnight on school night what all of that noise is about. Thats real shooting not the stuff that we see on tv little one. And get away from the windows. Imagine having to do that on your street . Because thats what these people up on north sixth street are having to do overnight. We have three guys shot, three guns found so far we know of 32 shots fired but the detective out there tell us, probably way more than that, they are still picking up bullet shells, in addition to the 32 they first saw playing out in site there. This happened just past midnight. The question is were these three guys shooting at each other . Because we have two wounded and one dead, or were there other guys with other guns who got away . Based on balistic evidence on the scene we know a lot of shots fired. We found 32 spent shell casings, on the highway sixth and clearfield also the sidewalk and the street in the 3100 block of north sixth street. Of these 32 shell casings we know that there are at least two separate caliber, the shell cases are two separate calibers. They know they came from two separate size handguns. Also found on the scene, were three semiautomatic weapons we found two guns under a minivan on sixth street we found a third gun in a recycling trash bucket on one of the porches in the 3100 block of north sixth street. So in addition to the 32 spent shell casings we also have three weapons recovered. Fortunately, at the intersection of sixth and clearfield we found two businesses that do have exterior surveillance cameras. So hopefully these cameras recorded something that can help with us this triple shooting homicide investigation. They dont expect help from the two wound the guys not just considered victims of gunshots but considered suspect, and may have been doing some shooting themselves. Thats why they dont expect to get much cooperation. So imagine that conversation that you dont have to have today, and be thankful that you live where you live, than doesnt happen on your street and also, think about all of the people that do live on that street, and what they have to go through what they are telling their kids as they get ready for school. Yes, good reminder, good perspective steve thank you. Also breaking this morning part of home collapse last night in south philadelphia. This happened on the 1400 block of bouvier street just before 3 00. The home is vacant, so no one in the neighboring houses were hurt. Philadelphia Police Looking for the man who sexually assault add woman in fishtown. This happened last friday, on the 2,000 block of east york street. Police say the suspect approached the 22 year old victim pointed gun at her forced her into a van where he sexually assaulted her. The woman was released few blocks away, anyone with information is asked to call police. And, eight Year Old Girl will undergo surgery today to remove a 22 caliber bullet thats been lodge in the her skull since saturday. So shot in the head in what police say was a classic case of road rage. The victims family had just pulled in front of their home in the 5400 block of haverford avenue when a car approached, and then fired a single shot where ni a and two other girls were sitting. Just turn yourself in. Somebody should come forward. Have some type of sympathy. They have no record for life at all. Who ever this idiot was who fired this gun needs to dot right thing be a man, except responsibility for what you did. Police have not made any arrests in this shooting. For the parent every little nia curry of course a lot of concern over their eight year old daughter, well cross our fingers for her. Septa officials trying figure out why a bus ended up on the train tracks along columbus boulevard. Yesterday evening the route 29 bus was headed to its final destination, witnesses say the bus made a uturn at dickinson street, abruptly crossed over the tracks and got stuck a few feet away from a freight train. The bus blocked several intersections, including the normal route along tasker street. The septa driver and two passengers on the bus were taken to the hospital. The bus has since been moved. The manna cured of killing melissa goes on trial today he can terminator jason smith is accused of strangling her then setting her body on fire after they argue over work he did at her Graduate Hospital area home on january of 2013. Now the defense is challenging the Police Search of his levittown home and his alleged confession. Well keep an eye on that for you. Only on fox philadelphia mother demanding justice after she says her autistic son was bitten by a teachers aid. That aid is evidently still on the job. Jennifer joyce live in the news room with more on this story. Good morning to you jennifer. Good morning guys. Still on the job this mom is not happy about it. She wants this teaching assistant fired so far thats not happened. School district says it is investigating the allegations. She said the by the cents inning dent happened monday afternoon was not notified by School Officials but instead happened to notice a bite mark on her sons shoulder. She took pictures of the injury and called police, furious, that her son who has autism told her the bite mark came from his teaching assistant, person who is supposed to provide support to her son with special needs. This happened at low he will Elementary School in olney. School district of philadelphia confirmed it is investigating these allegations apparently it, all stemmed from a fight in the school yard, between dixons son and another child, dixons son claims the staffer got involved tried to restrain him. The child asked to be let go and threatened to bite the teacher. The ta said okay, ill by the by you back and followed throughment dixon said the man should be fired but instead it was her son who was removed from the classroom. I called the police. I made the report. And i went to the school this morning. The school proceeded to tell me they could not remove the man from the classroom because they have he has a right to due process. But does my child not have a right to be in his classroom . They removed my child from his classroom, put him in a different classroom so the man could remain in the classroom. He has to go. No way anyone who bit my child could remain in the school. His certification whatever he has, has to go. You dont bite a child. She said her son wears a place let that says please dont touch me symbol for elitism, her phone number in the event after emergency dixon argues that School Professionals hired to work with student who have special needs should know how to handle these situations. The School District says while the case is investigated, the teaching aid was told to keep his distance from the students. Lauren chris . You would think. Jenny joyce thank you so much. The mother after temple student critically injured in a hitandrun accident will stand in for her daughter at graduation. Victim rachael hall would have accepted her diploma this friday. But last wednesday hall struck by car as she bites near campus. Hall remains in the hospital, with head and leg injuries. Now, spokesperson tells the courier post on line, halls mother is welcome at series of graduate events that rachel would have been eligible to attend and are still working on whether the mother will take the graduation stage to except rachaels diploma. 5 11 the time. Coming up. Ment another Police Officer shot and killed while on duty. This time small town in idaho. New feature becomes to debut for jet blue passengers. When you can expect to see those changes. Introducing lunch at outback every bloomin day hurry in for all your outback favorites. Plus new aussie tacos, new savory ribeye melt and our delicious burgers. Over 70 lunch combinations starting at just 6. 99. Its lunch at last every day at outback. Hes dating nicki minaj have you heard of her . Shes big time. And john clooney is 54. But most important birthday every all besides nia is 18. Oh of course. Willie mays is 84, the same burst on the scene in the mid 50s, the say hey kid 84. Oh bless his heart. And then a rod of course surpassed him in the homerun list. Willie mays ended his career 660 homeruns. Back in the day when there were no cork bats, no steroids just great talent. Just baseball. Oh, he was the best. Greatest player every all time. Today is also National Tourist appreciation day. That was at the top of my list. And also National Travel and tourism week. So visit bucks county, giving away some three ice free ice cream uncle daves Homemade Ice Cream is serving kids free ice cream 4 00 to 7 00. Shady brook farms in yardley. While getting your scoop of ice cream get this, you could also get the scoop on whats happening in bucks county. Sue serio how does that sound to you . Sound great. And think that i it is prime fieldtrip season here in old city because of all of the historic sites. So we have to say when we walk out the door, to all of the field trips and all of the folks tourists, we appreciate you. Because we do. Because you come to our city and appreciate what we have to offer, which is only the beginning of our country. All right you wonder why we are showing this tracking the tropics graphic. I wanted to show you the list of names of hurricanes or tropical storms i should say for the seats on of 2015. Because we have potential for some tropical development. By the end of the week. And ana bill, claudia. If thats your name, you may get storm named after up, before the season is through. Now, lets talk about what could be happening here. We got low pressure system down to the south of us, and this storm has the potential to really affect the carolinas, georgia maybe even virginia. See what this it decides to do after that. Basically, we call it subtropical development. Now the season doesnt officially start until june the first. But this is the area of potential development that were looking at, and if it develops those tropical characteristics, if it gets a storm that gets an i in the middle it will be anna perhaps before the week is throughment back to whats happening, the cold front really taking its time coming through the area, still to the north, the rain from it will start to see few showers spreading ahead of the front. We already had a few. More to come before the end of the morning but not for everybody. Havent seen much going on except up in the mountains and scranton this morning. Little activity at the jersey shore, pretty much out of here. So just damp out there this morning, kind of misty in spots. 57 degrees in lancaster but 67 in allentown, it is 54 degrees up in mount pocono, where they have seen some actual rain this morning. Sixtysix in philadelphia. Wildwood has 63, Atlantic City 64, winds are now starting to shift change trecks out of the west out of the city. Visibility issues in a few places most notably lancaster where visibility is less than half a mile. So thats because of all of the moisture in the air. Now, we on this really nice warming trend into the mid 80s, both monday and tuesday. Today, for wednesday, we probably lose around 10 degrees. Seventyfour the high temperature, not a lot of rain but lingering cloud cover, kind of looking unsettled throughout the day. But things will clear up. We get some sunshine around by tomorrow 79 degrees 84 friday. Saturday sunday, for mothers day weekends, it is heating up. 87 degrees for sunday, and it looks like Beautiful Day but then monday and tuesday, you get the possibility of some scattered thunderstorms around. More on that, as we get closer to the time. There is your seven day forecast, so heres bob kelly . Good morning. Ready, chris murphy . Bob seiger. I just said, 70 years old today. Old time rockandroll. Good morning everybody getting the birthdays in there. Live look at i95 at girard avenue. Roads are little damp and wet from the sprinkles on the overnight. Maybe the wipe else once, twice, to kind of get the raindrops off your windshield. Live look here at the accident on the 42 freeway southbound at 295. So, folks heading into new jersey you are going to see the slowdown, the ramp is open from 295 but they push the accident all into what would be the right where 295 and 42 come together. Otherwise, light volume. Off to pretty good start this morning, coming in from the suburbs, on 422 the northeast extension looking good. But later on tonight all part of the northeast he can tension construction, theyre closing route 363 right where it goes under the pennsylvania turnpike. For both tonight and tomorrow, just a heads up, morris road will be the detour. And get ready to row your boat. The dad vail regatta takes over philadelphia, they will be arriving today there is practice today and tomorrow and then the races actually run both friday and saturday. Soap watch for delays along the kelly drive theyll close it at some point after the rush hour, then they push everybody through the ballfield. You really just want to try to keep in mind avoid the kelly if you use that as a short cut in and out every town, stay with the Martin Luther king drive or the schuylkill expressway through the midday. Big night tonight in media Delaware County dining under the stars picking up the tables and chairs, moving them out on the state street dining under the stars, five to 11 00 tonight. So there will be some detours a lot of extra volume in there, of course, and suspend the 101 trolley for the event. And then this morning elwyn roadblocked at the Baltimore Pike some downed wires you want to use rose tree road, otherwise, were in good shape on the bridges and mass transit. Chris, lauren, back over to you. Bob, thanks so much. Federal authority say the last tweet posted by gunman Elton Simpson was to ask to sketch him as guerrilla fighter. Tweet sent 20 minute before he and another phoenix man opened fire outside a profit muhammad cartoon contest. That wounded a security officer. Is many lake state group claimed responsible for sunday assault. White house said it is too early to tell if thats true. New u. S. Attorney general Loretta Lynch is pledge to go help baltimore and improve the citys police department. While in baltimore yesterday, lynch met with local community and religious leaders as well as members of the police force. Also had the opportunity to spend time with grays family. Men while one of the baltimore Police Officers who arrested freddie gray want prosecute tears produce the knife that was the reason for grays initial arrest. Officer edward nero, previously Fire Fighters gloucester county, says the knife was an illegal weapon. However prosecutors say the knife was legal under maryland law. A Northern Idaho Police Officer is dead after being shot by a suspect accused every stealing a patrol car. Sergeant gregg moore died last night 16 hours after being shot. Police say moore was investigating a report of a suspicious person in a neighborhood when he was allegedly shot by Jonathan Renfro who they say took off in that sergeants patrol car. He was caught after a high speed chase. About an hour and a half to two hours later they were able to locate the suspect mr. Jonathan renfro, hiding underneath of a semi truck trail or, actually up in the axle area of the truck. How about this . Documents show renfro seen here again has a lengthy criminal record, with convictions for theft assault, and battery. Still ahead big changes coming to panera bread. What the restaurant says they are taking off the menu. Cards . Bread . Tradingin or selling your car, truck or suv . Webuyanycar. Com takes the hassle out of selling in just 3 easy steps. One, get your free online valuation. Two, drive to your local car buying center. And three, walk out with your check in as little as 30 minutes. Buying used cars is all we do. All makes and models. No dealership pressure. Well even settle your loan or lease. So dont wait. Get your free online valuation now at webuyanycar. Com good morning welcome back at 5 25 the city of los angeles suing Wells Fargo Bank alleging employees driven by sales pressure open unauthorized accounts for customers, then charge them fees that then damage their credit . Wells fargo says yes the few employees involved in this were disciplined or fired. Officials maintain, state and federal laws were not broken, adding wells fargo didnt do enough to protect customers. Thats scary. Im wells fargo customer. Yep, sews there is a big lawsuit in there being sparked by this. Amazon partnering with jet blue to allow current prime members to watch movies and tv series for free. While in the high schools. Nonmembers will be able to rent or buy content from amazons instant video store. Jet blue, one of the few carriers that offers free wyfi for amazon prime should be available later this year. Coming to the menu at panera. Pan area joining string of other fast casual restaurants pulling all artificial ingredients from its menus thats good right . The chain will drop or change a thirds of its ingredient by next year, the Company Latest to jump on the trend of putting items with Natural Ingredients on the menu. Gmofree. Chipotle yesterday celebrating Cinco De Mayo, and huge sign now were gmo free. Yes. Genetically modified something . Is that right . Yes. Okay . Because were you looking at me. Im thinking what the o stands for . Organisms . Maybe . I dont know, we just have healthy food. Thats all i need to know. The word, nims is not the most appetizing word it . It is not. Also un appetizing to me tiger woods and his issues that he has in relationships . Well, hes going to make a rare personal confession about why he split up with linsey vaughn. Really . Ya. Okay, plus, a park parked with kids when massive tree came crashing. Watch the kids on the playground. Oh. Wow. Okay so, what witnesses heard second before this happened. Straight ahead. Dear fellow citizen, i know what its like to buy a house. I know how it feels to be stressed about money. I understand what a scary word retirement is, and i can help. Cause im not just a fellow dad, fellow mom fellow saver im a fellow citizen. Who gets up every day and tries her best. Just like you. If you have a question about money, ask me. Sincerely, elizabeth trackler Samantha Parke Robert Kennedy Deanna Morrison Jared Duemling alex payne you tell us what you want to pay and we help find options to fit your budget. Nah, nah, insurance, nah, nah, nah, discount. My names flo, you want to go out with me . No. Uhhuhhuh thousands every dollars of prescription drugs stolen outside local pharmacy. How the thieves got away. Only on fox local mother says faculty member built her son while he was at school. What she is now demanding from School District. Good day everybody it is wednesday, may sixth 2015. Did i my research. And gmo is genetically modified organism. I was correct. But they call it genetically modified food. Did you see that streak of red dash behind us . Like rudolph. Did you notice that . I did notice that. What was that . Sue . It was another walk of shame. Next time stop and waiver. Might as well. I might as well embrace the moment. You are absolutely right. Okay heres bus stop buddy. Had to take the sombrero off of him from yesterday. Oh is that why our little bit late getting in . Yes. He has the umbrella, because you may see a shower, theyll be kinds of hit or miss today. But it is damp out there this morning. Just polo shirt though, for school today. That should be okay. Even though it will be cooler than yesterday. Seven out of ten in your weather by the number, because of the unsettled nature of the weather today. We see a few showers showing up to the north of us here in philadelphia. Just couple of areas of green. And the heaviest rain has been up in the pocono mountains up toward scranton this morning. We will take closer look at that coming up. Here are your temperatures walking out the door right now, 66 degrees in the city. Sixtyseven in allentown and trenton, as we go to the shore 64 Atlantic City 63 wilmington delaware to get started. So it is casino every mild start to the day. There will be a few showers around this morning as you saw on radar clouds, some sun and high early in the day of 74 degrees. Quite a few clouds, but seasonable temperatures. We wont be back in the mid 80s like we were yesterday. We will stay in the 70s which is pretty comfortable for most every out. We will go back to the 80s in the seven day forecast, we will tell you when, coming up. So were almost over the hump, bob kelly, getting ready for mother day weekends. There go. Lump day good morning 5 32, live look at the schuylkill expressway. No problems at all coming into or out of the city. Right near girard avenue, here again the roads little damp. Maybe the wipers once or twice intermittently there to get all of the raindrops off the windshield before you roll out of the driveway this morning one accident for you over here in south jersey, the ramps 42, route 130 here in bellmawr new jersey, everything open. Just look out. Police are there what would be the shoulder of the ramp from route 130 to the 42 freeway. Otherwise, were in good shape. No problems yet coming from from royersford, collegeville, hello malvern looking good rolling up 202 and no problems on the pennsylvania turnpike. Schuylkill looking good. Ninetyfive starting to see little bit of volume headed into that girard avenue work zone. Welcome to philadelphia, the gang participating in the dad vail regatta see the boats and the crews start to arrive today. They practice on the river today, and tomorrow and then the races get underway both friday and saturday. What that means for us . Closure of the kelly drive over the next couple of days, they push everybody through the ball feel. Really using the kelly for short cut. I would stick with the Martin Luther king drive or the schuylkill expressway, and then later on tonight theyll close the stretch of route 363 right where it goes under the pennsylvania turnpike. Thats all part of the turnpike expansion. Otherwise, mass transit at the moment looking good no delays. Chris, lauren, back over to you. Thank you 5 34. Breaking fuse from overnight. One person is dead after a triple shooting in north philadelphia. Police say multiple gunshots were fired along the 3100 block of north sixth street. Just before 1 00 in the morning, now three men were found injured at the scene one man later died at the hospital. The investigation uncovered at least 32 shell casings and three semiautomatic weapons found nearby. Now, police are trying to determine if any of the guns belongs to the victims. Also breaking overnight part of home collapsed in south philly. This happened on the 1400 block of bouvier street just before 3 00. The home luckily was vacant. No one in the neighboring houses was hurt. 5 34 the time. Someone stole thousands of dollars worth of prescription drugs, right off a struck outside local pharmacy. This happened rite aid 2600 block every midvale avenue east falls. Authorities say the thieves took 12 cases of medications but it is not clear what drugs were in those cases. They also got away in a burgundy dodge vair van. Also on fox this morning mother claims her us a particular i son bitten at school by a faculty member. Right now demanding this is the School District of philadelphia takings Jennifer Joyce live in the news room following this story for us, and understandably this mothers very upset. Jennifer . Very upset chris. The boys mom said she is not pushing for this teacher area aid to get fired. So far the staffer remains on the job as this investigation continues. Stephanie dixon says the biting incident happened monday afternoon she noticed a bite mark on her sons shoulder after he took off his shirt. She says she took pictures of the injury and called police furious that her son who has autism claimed the bite mark came from his teaching assistant. The person who is supposed to provide emotional support for the boys special needs. This happened at lowel Elementary School in olney. School dills being philadelphia says it is investigating these allegations which stem from fight in the school yard between dixons son and another child. Apparently the teaching assistant was trying to break up the fight when thinks he is call ate dollars. He said the man was restraining ship the wrong way. He toll him to get off of him or hell by the him. The man said well ill bite you back. I dont care. I dont care if my son kick him, bit him, no reason for a man who works for the School District of philadelphia to put his hands on any child for any reason. He has to go. There is no way any man who bit my child or any child can remain in that School Working with kids, period. Dixon says her son wears a bracelet that says please dont touch me. It has the symbol for autism, and her phone number in the event after emergency. Dixon argues that School Professionals hired to work with student who have special needs should know how to handle these situations. And the School District says the child has been transferred to another classroom while the case is investigated. And in the meantime, the aid was told to keep his distance from the students. Chris lauren . All right weaver to wait and see what happens. Jenny joyce thank you so much. Coming up motorcyclist trapped, pinned under a truck but awe life. How he wound up there in the middle of a busy road. Also ahead at 5 37, tiger woods says hes feeling tired. But his break up of Lindsay Vaughn only part of the reason for his sleepily nights. Thanks for coming. We want a spirited performance. Who offers the most horsepower . Lincoln mkc. We also want clever thinking in a tight spot. Anyone offer handsfree in and out park assist . Lincoln mkc. Bravo. The lincoln luxury uncovered event is on. Lease the mkc for 329 a month. And for a limited time competitive owners and lessees get onethousand dollars bonus cash. This is fox 29 sports in one minute. Good morning im howard eskin. The phillies roll new line up out there last night. Ryan howard back in the line up real nice is that Ryan Sandberg the manager not only benched chase utley but said hes giving him three day mental break while hes hitting 103. Utley wont play until friday. Nothing helped. Lets go to atlanta. The phillies down threenothing chad on the mound for the first time in year for the phillies. Thats Kelly Johnson two on, thats a threerun homerun. That puts the braves up sixnothing, they go onto beat the phillies, only had three hits, nine to nothing. Nba playoffs, all right atlanta needs winner, real trouble to atlanta thats john wall it, not play for the Washington Wizards hurt his hands, atlanta in while kyle korver hits four, threes one right there 106 to 90. Atlanta beats washington, series now tied at one game apiece. Stanley cup hockey. Chicago, to minnisota chicago in white. On the power play, patrick cane shoots, scores, chicago wins it onenothing leads the series three games to none. That is sport in a minute. And im howard eskin. Tiger woods after announcing his split with lindsey vaughn, he said he is losing sleep announced split sunday blaming hectic work schedules, but the break up isnt the only reason why hes not sleeping. Sunday was the ninth anniversary of his fathers death. He says this time of year always a hard time for him. And the break up just adds to this difficult time. Yes, he is evidently trying get it together on the course, he played nine holes evidently yesterday, the day before he lost three balls in two holes. Out the bound, this guy the greatest thing on a golf course for so many years. And hes lost it. Has. Look, he is 39, will be 40 in december. Hes had surgeries multiple on his knees he had back surgery last year. Right. I think hes done. Sad, end of an era. Sometimes it happens. Yes. Every good thing comes to an end chris murphy. So youre leaving me. One day. Awe. All right coming up as we move on, explosion rocks a subway just inches from workers on the track, all right, so with a was happening, as they tried to deal with things. My goodness, much more on this and what it is all about straight ahead. This one just as scary. Tree comes crashing down in a park. It is full of children. Watch it happen there. Maam a parent watching this happen . Witness also tell us what happened moments before. Introducing lunch at outback every bloomin day hurry in for all your outback favorites. Plus new aussie tacos, new savory ribeye melt and our delicious burgers. Over 70 lunch combinations starting at just 6. 99. Its lunch at last every day at outback. Bob seiger, seven open years ago. I heard you and bob kelly talking about that. Talking about it again. You all right with that . Uhhuh. You want to hear some meek mill . Yes. Do you think we could squeeze some meek mill into the show at some point . His lyrics sometimes are little rough for morning tv. Bob, you know about meek mill . Yes, put your headphones on there. Born in philadelphia on this day, well in vegas partying since the fight. Nicki minajs significant other. They went to the mayweather fight. With jayz and beyonce. Sue, we spring fling yet again. We will be there friday in allentown. Okay. So at 7 00 in the morning we will arrive at seventh and hamilton come out join us, join the party have fun. Quincy always gets the Party Started will be at johnnys bagels and del toy start it off. Then hell go outside. So move from inside to outside for street party on the plaza with two live bands and mascots, and lucy noland will wake up early and join him there. Oh but not done there. During the five p. M. And 6 00 p. M. Newscast, alec will be at cocacola park with sean bell getting ready for the Lehigh Valley ironpigs game. It is star wars night. Come dressed after wars character perhaps. Quincy harris in allentown as wellbeing hanging out with Scott Williams at dorney park, hopping on new ride and eating grub. Quincy all over the place. Ya. Cant keep him down. We had fun yesterday at the ballpark sue serio such beautiful morning as we participated in the homerun for heart event to raise money for the american heart association. It was and we had enough sunshine to get news the mid 80s, once again and then it got little cloudy in the afternoon, as predicted. You know, this cold front moving so slow, giving us some clouds giving us some showers here and there and we will check on whats going on, as we see just few distributes and drabs perhaps in the western part of Chester County lancaster county, and then up toward the pocono mountains possibility of some rain, say 8 00 9 00 here in the philadelphia area, moving through, with the cold front. But then, the clouds kind of linger through about lunchtime. And you could see little light sprinkle here and there. Sort of whats going on right now, just being damp throughout the rest of the day. We dont see any major clearing. So the sunshine will be limited for the rest of the day. And could you get little pop up this afternoon. Not likely. Any rain we see today will probably happen in the morning and even that doesnt look to be very much. And after that, we are high and dry High Pressure will build in and well have dry conditions throughout mothers day, holiday weaken mothers day weekends, 66 degrees, 54 mount pocono we have 67 degrees in allentown and 61 millville, 62 degrees in wilmington. 3mile an hour breeze, if it is foggy out, there thats we dont have much wind to blow the air around. Visibility, very poor, out in lancaster right now just slightly reduced at the airport. Little foggy in wilmington, and millville this morning as well. So that could slow you down just little bit. So how high did the temperature go yesterday . Same as monday. We got to 85 degrees, today how about 74 . It is still pretty comfortable. More seasonable, for may the sixth 79 degrees, tomorrow. Back to the 80s all the way through the weekend in fact, might get kind of hot for mothers day. So make sure she has her lovely fan to keep her cool on sunday. Bob kelly . Remember i sass saying yesterday, church bulletin. Oh ya. Good morning, everybody hello northeast philly, woodhaven right near academy there in the great northeast no problems or delays at all again, roads are damp from the sprinkles we had on the overnight. Some fog also, hello bryn mawr there is live look at the blue route, right near bryn mawr, no problems or delays at all. But you got some of the fog off to the side there. Buck coin, yardley i95 guess what today is . Today is wednesday. It is wednesday. It is one of my favorite days, as a kid. Yes. National no homework day. Oh ya. Whoop whoop. No homework kids, which means as parent we dont have to help with any of the homework. Yes. I love, that no problems on 422 at the moment. Again roads are wet coming out of the suburbs no problems up and down the schuylkill expressway. Looking good on 95, but starting to see the beginning after slow down, right here at girard avenue, as you head in toward center city n media Delaware County, elwyn roadblocked at the Baltimore Pike. Set of downed wires from the overnight, so rose tree road would be the best bet. And then, media tonight, big one dining under the stars you know it, it is a wednesday night. So we roll out the tables onto state street from 5 00 to 11 00 also suspending the 101 trolley for the way home tonight. So just keep that in mind if you use septa and welcome to everybody thats in the town for the dad vail regular at a start to see the boats coming in all of the folks setting up shop in our city for the next couple every days practice today tomorrow, races begin friday, and saturday, and of course it will take over the kelly drive, pushing all of that volume either through the ball fields which is always a pain in the neck, if you get stuck during the height of the rush hour so try to remember, Martin Luther king drive or the schuylkill expressway is the way to go. Driver of tanker truck severely burned in a crash on the new jersey turnpike yesterday. This happened near exit ram innocent woodbridge township. The the truck reportedly caring gasoline, and the crash spared huge fire. Traffic was back up for hours the cause of the crash now under investigation. And another truck caring liquified eggs overturns on highway in South Carolina the truck was en route to mayonnaise plant caring about 47,000 pounds of eggs. Officials say the driver escaped with only minor injuries. And chaotic scene unfolds after biker got pinned underneath a truck in california. Dozens of witnesses returned in, to help keep him calm and keep him from moving. Others tried to jack up the truck while they waited for help to arrive. Police say the biker sideswiped a vehicle fell off his ride, and then landed on the road. The driver of the pick up could not stop in time then ran the man over. A wild scene on the subway tracks of new york city. A mta worker hopped on to the tracks to remove a garbage can. You see he pokes it with a stick. Then he see explosion sparks shower the worker, spokesperson says the worker not hurt. Police think a gang, i know cause trouble on the subway, by the way put the garbage cannon the track. Awful. 53 52. Coming up a park parked with children when massive tree comes crashing down, what witnesses heard just second before the tree fell. Two mass mass boys are truly lucky to be alive tree came crashing down, check out this video my goodness is there a as a parent you hate to see this. Wow. City cameras rolling as the massive tree fell on to the play area. In a park in chelsey. The two year old boy remains in the hospital, with possible fractured skull. Another boy year old to get staples in his head. And bruises all over his body. He says i heard the winds and the next thing he knew he was on the ground. It was scary. And the tree fell on my head. A. M. Then i escaped. It isnt clear why that tree fell. They brought in arborist to survey every tree in that park to make sure this does not happen again. All right 5 57. The time. Still ahead local man says hes been living in fear. Worried the home next to him may come crashing down. Calls to the city got them no where. Well tell you what happened when we stepped in. Coming up. Later it is a big problem for local restaurants. People who dine and dash. What waitresses anbar tenders are now doing to catch these people. Straight ahead on good day philadelphia. Dear fellow citizen, i know what its like to grow up without a whole lot of money. And how much it matters to save. I try to teach that to my daughter. Im saving for a house and i dont want my money to go to bank fees. Im sure you dont either. So ask me about one deposit checking. Next time you have a question about avoiding fees, ask me. Sincerely, Samantha Parke fellow mom and fellow citizen. Shooters on the run police found something that could help them at the crime scene. She is eight years old. She didnt deserve it. She didnt. A young girl is in the hospital after she was shot in the head. She was just sitting in the back seat after car when it happened. What police think sparked this shooting. And, it looks like this guy was on the wrong track. A septa bus struck on the train tracks. With a was this driver doing . Good day made it to wednesday, may the sixth 2015. Mike mike, mike. It is hump day a wednesday. All downhill from

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