Diana, you are chasing cats. Thats right. On the loose and im on the case here in new york. The incident happened on saturday, april 15. A woman sought after a highly valuable cat who was stolen from his cage. When the woman came in, she stuck her hand into the kennel and pulled the cat out and put him in her pocketbook and walked out. That being said, it was a very busy day and they do not have any new information. She stole him, she put the cat in the covey and went out the door with the cat. He was only at the shelter for about a day. He actually marty had a new home. But white persian cats are very popular. White persian cats are super rare here. You have your typical domestic short hair, medium haired cats, but the purebred cats get adopted very quickly. Is are now investigating. If you have a new information, contact the officials in new york city. We will have that Contact Information on a page. Okay, so the cat was at a shelter, they were going to give him away anyway. Doesnt this say paperwork . Are you all for a black market of cats . I do not understand the situation, i understand the frustration of the family that was going to adopt the cat. You know that you can read these cats. They also say that the cat had a chip in it. If it was taken to any dictionary and they can locate the cat that way. These are big white fluffy cat. Everyone wears black in new york, so they will be covered in white cat hair. There you go. It serves them right, we wanted the cat to be fixed and look what happened. May be the Rightful Owner to come back. Okay, diana, you have suffered enough. No. Girl power alert, girl power alert. A High School Football kicker in arizona became the first female to get a College Football scholarship and she will be playing at adams state and colorado in the. The hardest part about it is not ever remembering what happened in that period of time. So no matter what i do i am the only person that doesnt remember. April is Sexual Assault month. Right here in rutherford is a very powerful plate there are other installations throughout the area, it is part of an international program. It is a play made for survivors of sexual abuse. We hope they can help other people to be aware that these things do happen to everyone. This is one of the many stories. She was brave enough to share with me that in 2008, one night when she had been drinking, a guy she had dated for only a month had come over. She knows in her heart of hearts that he sexually took advantage of her. Some of the things that i hope that other people work through is knowing that they are not alone. Thats a big step when Something Like that happens. I want to share with you some of the other heartwrenching stories. There are two shirts made by twins and another one reads data and brother, you broke my heart. Below it it says that im not mad and i am not scared anymore. Reading the shirts i have to be honest that i just wanted to break down in tears. This is a way for us to tell students that its okay. The police have taken part in this for several years. It shows that one out of every five women on a College Campus is the target of Sexual Assault. How do they feel about the perpetuation of the complete fabrication and life that is the one in five statistic that came from an Internet Survey from 2007. It has not only been debunked but even those people said that the numbers were not really accurate and it was completely skewed in one direction. I actually believe that number could be a lot higher. This is an issue that a lot of people remain silent about. And so we do not know the true statistics in this case. We know that one in five is not true. If you look at the reports and even some of the organizations, they say that that number is closer to one in 50. You have to have the facts before you deal with emotions and im not sure the you can qualify a good feeling of heart of hearts as evidenced. She has a potential of underreporting and Sexual Assault. We dont know if they are underreporting or by what factor. It could serve a valuable purpose by encouraging women to shake off the shame and the stigma of reporting something they believed happened to them and give the proper authorities to investigate and determine the truth. I think it pushes more women to report things that didnt happen. The truth is that a lot of women when it happens, they take it to their grave. But what i love about this Awareness Campaign is that they are using art to express feelings. They are expressing emotions and feelings. You are never going to get a number there. Anything that helps women shake the stigma is awesome. Not it leads to false reporting. You are never going to be able to get a real number. You will be able to dismiss this thing based on the fact that theres no real numbers. One is one too many. The worst part is that i know that you didnt do this on purpose. Of course you would say that. But there are pictures. This was a picture on instagram and that is what my story is about. If you are starving, take a look at this social Club Instagram feed. Mouthwatering, finger licking her wishes burghers will make you lose your mind. The good part is that when you want to run out the door and get a burger, you can. They actually list where it comes from and they rate it. They are a group of mostly Financial Advisors that go around to different restaurants and judge different burghers in different cities. We love burgers. We are hanging out and having cocktails and laughs. There are no women in this club. I was the only woman allowed for this experience and it was phenomenal. When they got there they all stood up. One nation, under god, indivisible with liberty and for justice for all. They absolutely adore burgers and lose their mind for it. You know that its good when you automatically start making a humming sound. [laughter] contrary to our age we are still mature. [laughter] it was phenomenal. I asked the other guy described a different burghers in front of me. Its one of my favorites. It has a different factor in the spice. They meet every second tuesday of every month. The way that they started was as a group of friends and they would have spaghetti and pasta. Then they really wanted to do burgers. Well coming have to know that these guys are the real deal. We do not fight our reviews. We are not getting paid. A lot of people really appreciate that. They pay for the burgers themselves. Do they give them a discount . [laughter] how about that. [laughter] once they are done eating the different burghers, then they judge them and they rate them. I asked if they had a perfect 10, he said absolutely not. He said very few actually get a nine or above in our book. There is no perfect 10. As men enter middle age their friendships fall off. Women can go off and bond. But men need something to bond on. Eyecare. Check out the burgers. He was found dead in the hudson river. There was water in her i wouldve eaten it. [laughter] all kinds of guinea pigs. Bill go ahead. Actually your National Nightmare will soon be over. These folks are watching the giraffe babies, you can vote for the name for the baby of april the giraffe. Kerry has assured me, the executive producer, jerry burke, this is actually the last jerry burke segment. We have seen a lot of bizarre videos on the show. Take a look at this woman giving a dead pigeon cpr. Does it work . No, he is dead. You have to have the right heat. A new York State Appeals Court judge was found dead in the hudson river last week during the 65yearold was the first ever in american to sit on the highest new york state court. On april 12 the body was pulled out of the hudson river by the nypd harbor unit. The area is buzzing because the high profile nature not have we received such a mystery in the state of new york. He went missing for almost a decade and was declared dead in 1939 but they never found his body. His name is gregory jacobs. He is a priest at the episcopal diocese. Initially lawenforcement was treating the death as a suicide but now the death is being deemed suspicious. So the nypd has said that there is no apparent, to her body. They dont believe that she was in the water for very long time. In a statement her husband humanly denied the suicide report, saying that they have no basis in reality and goes on to say that those that know her well do not believe that any of these unfounded conclusions have any basis in reality and would we believe the speculations to be unwarranted. I am sure he is not happy with the of initial response from mayor bill de blasio. He said basically he was calling it a suicide and that he had obviously talked about what contributed to this. Its a reminder that even the most accomplished people deal with extraordinary challenges. We spoke to wouldve retired nypd detective sergeant about it. They always treated as suspicious until proven otherwise. It doesnt matter if the person is 100 or 40 years old or if they are a judge or whatever. What change the narrative here was the fact that the medical examiner said that things were undetermined. The nypd urged a flyer to be viewed and please contact them if you know anything about this persons that. What is very interesting is that if you dont know if its 100 correct. It stated that there was water in the lungs. That only happens when someone goes into the water a lot. Its really important that they solve this. Because the judicial system is the one great thing that we have in this country is. Keep us posted. As a chaser you never know who youre going to hang out with. I spent the day with a pack of wolves. I was in jackson at a sanctuary for bowles and wolf dogs. Wolf dogs are defined as dogs that have some level of wolves in their genetic makeup. It just so happens to be that we have some of the wolf dogs. Hollywood has several missions. Educating the public, dispelling stereotypes about wolves. They dont ask any questions. We observe today that they are not mean, they are very social. But they are not house pet. This founder founded this in 2005 when he adopted the dog. If you want to adopt a wolf dog, its very hard to find adoptive homes, you need a minimum of 1200 square feet of enclosure, more space depending on how much wolf genetics are in the animal. You can go here, you can meet them, go into the enclosure its a great experience and you can check them out at howling woods. Org. I cant even picture it. I cannot picture it. These are dogs that have read with while wolves. So they are not domesticated. I think we should check it out. This guy went above and beyond for his promposal. He had a cop pull him and his girlfriend over. Oh, my god, that is not mine. How is the sliding . The best lighting that ive ever seen. [laughter] im kidding. It kind of sucks but we are going to go with it. Diana. We are not talking about your cat, right . No. Im not into sacrificing animals. Okay, fair enough. Last week we showed you this video of him staring his teammate. He is at it again during another teammate. The video starts out a little bit gray. You wonder what is going on. Then you realize that hes actually hiding in an overhead compartment of the plane. Hes doing that just to scare his teammates. No reaction has been as good as his. Fingers crossed he can get that kind of reaction. Check out this tree in georgia. This guy went above and beyond for his promposal. He had a cop pull over his girlfriend and find unidentified substances in the car. And then the cop cleared things up. He opens up the bag and he reveals that promposal. Does that look like weeds you . Oh my god, that is not funny. Here are five things you didnt know about me. Number one. I dont like metal forks and spoons. As a matter of fact, i love chopsticks. Number two. I just did a dna test and it turns out that i am not have italian growing up and i also ws able to cut my hair by shaving it when i was in the military. And number four. When i drive, i drive an almost complete silence. Here is the thing didnt know about me. I can pretty much fall asleep anywhere. Sometimes you have to fall asleep in the back of the truck. And yes, sometimes that puts you in some really strange places. Hold on, hold on. I was five things that you didnt know about me. Make sure that you follow me on twitter and follow the show as well at chasing news. Its been a great night of chasing news. Thank you for watching. If youre like me, you are thinking about burgers right now. We will see you tomorrow. Doh tires screeching grunts homer doh tonight, tonight ill win at cards tonight my flushes will be straight tonight lennys gonna dominate tonight carls gonna be a little late tonight

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