Showing up. He is second lawmaker in new jersey who is boycotts trumps inauguration along are representative Bonnie Watson coleman, he said he had every intention of going until donald trump seb sent out the tweets about congressman john lewis from georgia, after he said he would not attend the inauguration. Mr. Trumps response to john lewis was typical stereo typical bigoted reply. Well, wherever there is a black leader, that it must be an urban area in disrepair with nothing going for it, and everybody is up against the wall. Payne released a statement, donald trump will be our president , and i will work with him, if my values permit. If doing so is in the best interest of my constituents and the nation. But i will not celebrate his swearing in on office. That he ha proven unfit to hold. Throughout hillarys campaign. We heard motto, when they go low, you go high. Going low would be there and showing up as people did at hillarys campaign, and throwing you know. Bombs at her. Going to a trump rally, and being attacked and pulled out of there. Were peacefully say were not going. People who dont show up at parties, think that party stops because they are not present. The party is still going to happen. So what if they are not going to be there. I dont think this is a place to boycott, you transfer power, and deal with it later. Cory booker said that. I am hard to the senator. But i give him credit, because he is acting like the adult in the room, he said as much, this is a peaceful transition of power, it disappointing, this is childish to the point of when you lose a battle, like the hockey teams, this is like refusing to shake hands at the hockey game. I think this a case of both sides are wrong. But, you have to look at what trump said about lewis. A civil right icon, for him to put him down that way. But, i think that inauguration is more about the process and our history, than about the person who is being inaugurated. Lewis also boycotted george w. Bushs inal inauguration, ths not the first time, democrats are showing to be less mature and more childish than the republicans, there was not one article they saw of one republican boycotting president obamas inauguration. My son looks just like my brotherinlaw, amazing. We all fell in love with anna alicia ayala, after she posted these videos to youtube dancing during her chemo therapy sessions with her best friend, unfortunately she lost her fight with battle. Peta wants you to boycott new universal movie, a dogs purpose. After this was leaked. It looked like a terrifies germany shepard is being forced into rushing water. It is not confirmed whether or not it was supposed to happen, but they did yell cut, and handlers rushed to the animal. Cut it, cut it. Tmz reports that universal picture issued this response. Ensuring ethical treatment is utmost important. Well look into circumstance surrounding this video. Look at this video posted by facebook account, tuesday. Owner explains that life is just not fair to the boxer and that box kerr noboxer cannot have hi. The way he whines and responds is what has everyone talking. You cant get everything you want in life. You cant. It sounds like me come 4 00, and i am ready me emails. Probably sounds familiar. I want to go home. I feel like it has been a while since you have done a chase like this, pot holes. I crew up in queens, i saw a report that said worst roads in new york city were there, i hopped in my car, and chased and looked for myself. Turns out that the roads were fine, well paved. I could not find a single pot hole, why in new york city when there is an issue of pot holes they can fix it like that without passing a gas tax like in new jersey. According to institute on taxation economic policy, in new york state, after new year, gas tax went down. To 0. 8 a gallon, what is going on with our neighbors in new jersey . I have filled pot holes myself in new jersey twice already. In heels. In heels. We saw it. Projected revenue for gas tax increase per year is 1. 3 billion, you would think that is enough money to fix roads and bridges. Look at this video, i am driving in my car, pot hole after pot hole after pot hole after pot hole after pot hole after pot hole. We spoke to the senator and asked him about gas tax increase, he vote the against it. The most we can do is yell and scream. And ask election me as governor and i will stray strais out. He actually doesnt know, he knew it was going to happen. Here we are. This is what is so sad. The politicians are willing to lie about it and use examples like the roads and bridges. We should have been listening to bill spadea the whole time, shocking from me. I know. Wow. But they should have listened to you. Gas tax passed and our roads here is still horrible. I have popped my tires 4 times. You have seen me eat chips out of a pot hole. I dont know how they thought they would hit 1. 3 billion, if you look at last 10 years of gas tax 14. 5 , revenue went down over years people are driving more fuel efficient cars. Buy a prius, take an uber. There you go. Thank you talk . Is there anything i can do to help fix the road . Are those they are. Yesterday i had the honor of visiting a national landmark. Her name is yankee, and at 110 years old, she is oldest living ellis island ferryboat in america. She is for sale. I took a trip up to red hook in brooklyn to see what made her special, somewhere enough to land on National Register of historic places. Here we go. Oh, my gosh, they have a plank to get in. Hi. Good to see you. Lesson learned. I am going to ask permission to get on the boat, who knew. Permission to come aboard . Permission granted. In 2003, yankee was acquired by victoria and richard mckendmckenned child, they are master minds behind ceramic furniture popular in new york in the 80s, they remember determined to let yankee history shine brightly. She brought the immigrants to america to build america. Reporter victoria said that yankee has always been a worker ship, there used to be tons of men that lived to ship, aside from a passenger set, yankee worked in two wars. I went on tour, and first bid room, it was bedroom is the sleeping quarters for 16 of the men. So beautiful now. Thank you. Behind every twist and turn in there there were trap doors, secret doors. I wanted to spend a lot of time in victorias closet it was a haven for historical costuming and her quirky fashion sense. Oh, my goodness. You can go right on in. This is okay mazing. Then i went up stairs to main living space. There was get this, a grand piano, fireplaces, and room for at least 150 to sing and dance. What did i do . I got on the piano and i tried to play a tune. Thats all i have. If you are interested they bought the boat, they live on the boat . They fixed up the boat. They renovated it. They live there they live there with crew members. Interesting. If you are interested 1. 25 million. Oh, yeah,. That is cheaper than i thought. With 11 bedrooms and all amenities it is i think it a gem it is cool. I want to know where they are moving and what they are doing next . They are not sure where they will move, but i spoke with someone who said they meeting interested in over the top tree houses that you can live in. This boat took immigrants from ellis island to the mainland or mainland to ellis island too chec to do check in. Round trip. How much water is displaced . You didnt . You did that to me . Sorry. Gail a mother who lost her 22yearold son brendan to addiction. He was away at college. New jersey heroin death doubled national average. An openair market, we witness echar hello, peco. Hi. Can you help me save on my energy bill . Old appliances. Like a hot water heater . Its around here somewhere. Nope. Nope. What is this thing . Sir, have you looked in the basement . Huh. Oh, yeah. No wonder. It was hidden behind all of my free weights. If youre not an expert, peco can help. We have lots of ways to help you save energy and money. Peco. The future is on. Heroin, dec ise, addicts is w net blinetflix of chill. That building behind you looks like it is about to collapse. That is right, as you can see i am at state house with senator ray who also happens to be running for governor in new jersey. And we had a lot of fun this morning. This is great. Do you feel a draft . A little bit. Not much. Caulking will do the job. Okay, so it was not long ago that christie right there telling us taking up all the space . Im sorry, si im sorry. So, the issue that governor gave a press conference. Not really a conference, he made a statement to the press in the rotunda of state house, he said he was going to spend 300 million to renovate the state house, a year ago they had a proposal to renovate it for three 38million, this one theyg without legislative involvement, you are trying to stop it . In the moment. No. The original procur procuremt where the firm was chosen was 38 million, then without going out to bid, it balloons up to 300 million from the same firm. We dont know what is necessary. There are some a aspects this ae necessary, but in this time we cant do anything that is absolutely necessary, we cant spend any dollars without the public knowing what it is spend for, i put treasure on notice. Dont issue these bonds they have more market, it has to be approved. Diana, and you the senator walked around the state house, you risked your own safety. A lot of paint peal, maybe some person in the ground here that may not be safe. It is nothing major that you and offices are outdated. They are, but they are clean, and safe, accommodating, there is no reason to change them just because they are outdated. If you win, 300 million gets a a nice office. Thank you. Out dated. Yes. I heard this sunday ia i will appearn special edition of nj now, dedicated to heroin epidemic sweeping the garden state, and the country as a whole. Chasing the dragon series that ive been following. He had kind words to start off with when i talked to him. You guys are doing, in stories expe exposing death andt make of in heroin epidemic is outstanding. He told me about his trip, part of the special, police officer, on a ride along in daylight, in paterson, new jersey. It is an open aramar open aie witnessed exchanges, cars lined up, the police had license plate scanners. Also, jim spoke to a woman named gail, a mother who lost her 22yearold son to addiction. There might have been a few car accidents, some over spending of money. Just odd behavior, but some of it was, normal you know 20yearold behavior. He was away at college, we did not see him all of the time. And that is how it started. New jersey heroin death double the national average, Drug Overdose deaths have surpassed gun violent death in america for the first time in history with over 50,000 in 2015. One thing we shed light on is misunderstanding of how someone even gets in to the stream of chasing the dragon, and how they become so, decked they cant addicted they cant force themselves, if they wanted to, i spoke with a recovering addict who said it started from a injury. Every story they have done are heroin addict starts with some sort of opioid addiction, the pills are for you get them to street they cost 50 to 80 a pill, then your bank account runs out, then you turn to her hire heroin, similar , 5. You have seen a lot of it. A lot of it, i have been to funerals and it terrifying at a parent. They write you a prescription. There you go. Im like woe. You are supposed to feel uncomfortable and upset, this is a scary thing, this is touching more people than ever. I can go down my timeline, and see someone saying therefore sas person e. If you want check out a sobering episode. About real new jersey now, about heroin addict, sunday at 9 on my 9. A plumber beauty salon converted into a bar. You cannot get a martini for 10. So im too biz to do my nails. I never had a manicure, i have had a pedicure. Oh. These dont fit in my ear. Ooh. What what are you weve been story about themed bars, i found a bar in gramercy park, a blast from the past, a former bhutt beauty salon from s converted to a bar. But what is different, you can get your nails done, this not a nail salon that serving alcohol, this is a bar that does manicures. Hair salon, hair dryer, beer in my hand. And my nails are drying. This is a bar. I sat down with head manicurist, rachael, i picked out hig my bright red nail colo. On thursday nights, with original owner of bhutt beauty a bought out, she was an old lady, she would sit here and dohmann cures on do manicures on thursday night, during happy hour. I sat there and not mess up my nails. I am just going to sit here and let them dry. I failed. They looked beautiful before. I dont understand. You know what leave me alone, okay. Sorry. It was time for me to explore the rest of the bar, i walked around, all over the shelves are decorations with old Beauty Supplies from the 50s, and glitter walls, and salon chairs. It was not open yet, but in the back of the bar is a old fashion dance floor that only plays rock n roll. Here is the kicker, unlike any other place in network in city, this is affordable. It is only 10 to get your manicure, and you get a free beer. That is incredible. What is the drink . You can get a martini for 10. That is incredible. I am shocked it is 10 for cocktail, you cannot get a martini for 10. You cant get a manture occur 10. You get both of them. Many are encore ranged to come and walk in, on first come, first serve basis. What about your nails, bill in. Okay. Now, will that change your habit, where do you go now. I never had a manicure, i had a pedicure, it came up in senate race, cory booker loved his aheapedicure, i went out to seet wassa all about. I am too biz to do my nails when i am dealing with, that i prefer to enjoy the bar. That took a weird turn. Are you drinking . I messed them up so much what i was trying to set up camera. Another great night of chasing news, thank you for another great night of chasing news, thank you for watching, were happy exclaiming school bell ringing barney belches doh tires screeching grunts yech somber music