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P from good day garden. Ptomatoes. P try it. P they are not washed. Pyou first. P i will. Pl et 3 pquick. Pits almost 70 degrees. Pthis warmest 9 00 a. M. Hour pweve had so far. P69 degrees. Pdew. 53. Peast northeast winds a 7 miles er hour. Pwere a pretty start to the day. Pfew clouds mixed in. Preally, really. Ptemperatures today, go back up pto at least 80 degrees. Pand nice and toasty warm ptomorrow an 82. Pi will end the water by tomato. P tomato. Pyou can see here, unusual spot pto see heavy traffic this time pof morning near 22nd avenue pnorth earlier accident 54th pavenue north. Pwe still have heavy delays premaining back to about 175. Pbut it starting to break up. Pslow down may still find a pmarion delay here roosevelt and pearlier wreck in clearing stages pnear st. Pete clearwater pairport. P all right. Pthank you. P well it is another tuesday. Pand another primary day. Ptoday, four states will go to pthe polls. Pthe biggest prize, michigan. Pvoters also will cast their pballots in mississippi. Pin idaho and hawaii. Pthe front runners hillary pclinton and donald trump are pstill looking strong going into ptoday. Pwhile trump still holds a lead. Pit has shrunk in last few days pin michigan. Pthose same polls have florida psenator marco rubio a distant pfourth place behind ohio pgovernor john kasich pinning all pof his political hope on pflorida. Pafter todays primaries it is pthe next big election. Ptheres a lot of delegates at pstake here. Punlike other states this is pwinner take all. Prubio campaign is doing robo pcalls using mitt romneys plea to pnot vote for trump. P there is another event. Pdolphin aviation hangar on north ptamiami trail. Pdoors open at 4 00 p. M. The pevent starts at 5. Pthe event is free but they say pyou will need to register on pmarco rubios website before you pgo. Pand this has been one the more pinteresting primaries seasons in precent memory for lot of preasons. Pthings are not always redictable. Pwalter allen is here now with pmore on why christians and pevangelicals voting for donald ptrump. Pgood morning to you. Pconventional wisdom christians pwould vote for texas senator ted pcruz not what polling is showing pright now. Pthe polls say christian haves pfavorable view of the business pman donald trump. Pbut that isnt until you dig a plittle sdeerp. Pgroup which does evangelical olling found there are pdifferences among christians eople that identify themselves pchristian like donald trump. Pand would vote for him. Pwhen polsters ask people who had pbeen to church in the last week pthose numbers dropped pdramaticscally and ted cruz ptakes the lead. Plike the pope saying donald ptrump with all his rhetoric hes pnot a good christian . Pthe pope isnt alone and condemn pnation of pastor and priests phave said, we should hold people pespecially president ial pcandidates a High Standard and pthat donald trump is not that pstandard. Pso the question becomes if pchurch going christians nor for pthe donald trump, why do the olls say christians are. Psimple answer is, there are a pfewer christian going to church. Pattendance has dropping and pdropping fast. Pwhen you look at the voting pblock, its not nearly as big or pas influential as it once was. Pwe do no this election cycle pnothing is given, nothing is pgoing according to history. Prussell. P walter thank you. Pwe have deal late night pnegotiating session statehouse psenate approved a state budget. Pby law, that is the only thing pour legislature has to get done pduring the session. Pat least 72 hours before the end pof the session. P 80 billion deal will be voted pon on friday. Pand weve weve got to wait and psee what if anything governor pscott gets rid of through line pitem veto. Pthe other big item the governor pdid not veto, a fix to the pstates Death Penalty system. Phe signed it into law. Pnow heres what must happen. Pat least ten jurors must agree pfor in favor of a death psentence. Pand judge cannot impose the psentence alone. Pit must come from the jurors. Premember january, u. S. Supreme pcourt said florida system was punconstitutional. Pbecause of the sentencing phase. Pbut senate and house are still pworking on other things as well pincluding an ethics bill. Pit would redefine what pcorruption is in criminal law to pmake it easier for prosecutors pto prove cases. Pit passed house yesterday. Pits future in the senate is pquestionable. Pit hasnt made its way through pthe necessary committees in pand time is running out. Pand Governor Scott has one week pto signed a bill that would plegalize marijuana for people in pterminal conditions. Pthis november florida voters pwill vote on a constitutional pamendment legalizing it for pmedical purposes. Pa similar measure was on the pballot two years ago. Pand remember, it was just two ercent short of passing. P a fight turned deadly south ptampa apartment complex. Pit started last night fox 13s pshayla reeves has more this pmorning. P hi good morning to you. Pright now tampa police are ptelling us they do not believe pthis is a random shooting. Pthey believe some ongoing pdisagreement may have led to the pshooting last night. Pi want to take you right though pthis video. Pthis video from south lois pavenue. Pright around 8 oclock when ptampa police say they received a p911 call from someone who olice came out and pinvestigated, but for officers pthe investigation did not end phere. Pin fact it continued about three pmiles away right now youre plooking some video of south pquincy street and price avenue. Paccording to police, a man shot pat that location died in a car. Pbut so far his name has not been preleased. Pinvestigators are working to pidentify family members and pnotify find out additional pinformation in that regard as pwell. Pin addition a second person shot pwas transported to hospital for ptreatment. Pthat person is expected to be pokay. Pso as this point there are still psome questions that are out pthere as far as what is the prelationship between the people pinvolved. Pthere are any suspects still out pthere. Olice are continuing to search pfor if they believe everyone pinvolved is accounted for at pthis time. Pso this investigation is still pongoing. Pof course we will continue to pkeep you posted as we learn more p all right shayla, thank you. P you know we see lot of not so psmart drivers. Phave stories about them every pday doing some not so smart pthings. Pbut we think we may have found pone to take the cake. Pand this is outside of chicago. Pdash cam video, you can see psomething sticking up from the phood of the car. Pwell the police chief of that plittle suburb said they had pgotten calls saying someone was pdriving when the tree through pthe grill. Pbetter here. Pno small tree. Plook at the trunk, probably paround 6 or 7 inches in pdiameter. Pand it wasnt just the base of pthe tree either. Pit was the whole tree attached pto the car. Pand the woman was just driving palong with this nos christmas ptree shes hauling ohm she hit ptree three for four miles away pdriving under the influence. P i dont know. Pi dont know. Pall right. Pstay with us there are signs pbeware of flying balls. Pbut now people attending spring ptraining games are going to need pto be aware of flying bats too. P and then, the here heir papparent against into a scuffle pall caught on video. Pand then charley is enjoying in pgreat outdoors today. Phey charley. P good day to you aguys. Pyep were in largo at george c. Pnature park and narrows nature pcenter is where were inside phere that is in this park. Pits where lucy hangs out by the pway. Pshe often greets people as they pcome into Nature Center here pwhere you can learn about all psorts of critters from snakes pand turtle and birds and peverything we have in wild in ptampa bay area. Pgoing to talk about cold blooded pcreatures when good day tampa pit lucy pet moments are beautiful, unless you have allergies. Then your eyes may see it differently. Only flonase is approved to relieve both your itchy,z watery eyes and congestion. No other nasal allergy spray can say that. Complete allergy relief or incomplete. Let your eyes decide. Flonase changes psome players in nfl maybe should ptake a lesson from denver pquarterback he was picking up izza with his wife and friends paccording to witnesses, he pstarted get heckled then it pescalated. Pgroup back into the waiting car pwhen a woman tries to push pimhim. Pso he pushes back a little then phes making his way to car when phes blind sided by a guy. Plook he goes. Phe goes stumbling. Phe continues to get his crew to pthe car and he does it all pwithout losing the pizza. P why . P this all happened in pscottsdale, arizona. Olice say this reviewed footage psome cops say it doesnt rise to pthe level of criminal. P never lost that pizza. P but it seemed like he was pjust trying to get out of the psituation do good thing i dont pget it. P okay. Pspring training in full swing pand the stands are packed with pfans enjoying sunshine and pwarmth. Pwhile its a given you will have pto be on look out for foul pfox 13s ken suarez in dunedin pblue jays complex a woman was pseriously hurt by a flying bat. Pken tell us about that. P she was not only one when you plook at the Bigger Picture punfortunately that happens pfairly frequently and then foul pballs even more so. Pnow we are at the florida auto pexchange stadium where blew jays pwill do another spring training pgame a few hours from how phopefully action will be on the pfield unlike last night. Pthats when Pam Henderson took phome very unwanted souvenir an pinjury. Pa bat shatter big piece flew in pstands and hit her right on phead. Pshe was hauled off to bayfront pmedical center her ubd hit also pwhen he tried to degleekt pflooekt that bat from hitting phis wife. Pnow just a few days after what phappened in orlando. Pnow you might remember by saying pthis one oh internet. Pthe little guy would have been phit on the head by bat if it pwe just got an interhave view pfrom our sister station in porlando i want you to listen to pwhat this little guy about what phappened in his own words. Pwas saying something. Pwhile i was looking up, he could pi didnt even, something hit me pin my shoulder. Pit hit so hard that i fell down pin seat i didnt even know what pit was. P is he cute or what . Pi mean this is a present for his p8th birthday his dad comes out pan hero in this particular psituation everything turned out preally well obviously a little pbit darker here shes going to pbe okay not nice thing to have phappen both landon in orlando pand pam here in dunedin were psitting behind the dug out. Pso those are pretty good seats pif youre sid nose bleed seat or pfar away from action obviously a plot safer maybe something to be psaid about cheap seats. Pall right. Pyou just have to be aware. Pi mean every time ive gone to pbaseball game i look around. Pkenny, thanks. Psee you later, man. Preally . Pwith baseball. Pi was playing. Pi got hit right in the eye and p wow. Pthats useless story i know. Pno its not. Pi really am going to strawberry pfestival. Pseriously more than welcome to pjoin me. Pi know youre biscuit guy, pright . Pno im cake. Pyou told me you were. P all right. Peither way strawberries pfestival. Pi reserve right to change. Psounds like somebody else. Pstrawberry festival get ready pbecause Russell Rhodes is headed pyour way. Poh dont stir it up. Pget little mini tea cups ready pso russell can ride them. Pdo they have those . Pno, i dont think so, just pkidding. P72 degrees in brandon now. Pa making 95 accept start to day pburst of east southeast wind preally pumped our temperatures pup. Pzephyrhills at 68. Phard to believe that we even had p40s in brooksville earlier this pmorning. Pthey are back in upper 60s. Psarasota, Lakewood Ranch both at p70 degrees. Pfrostproof sebring, lake placid, pand haines city all at 69. Pyeah. Pthats big difference. P5 degrees warmer in tampa. P10 to 14 degrees warmer from pfrostproof to lakeland. Pso, this is big pump up in ptemperatures. Pboy i was actually before i came pout here watching online the tv pstations in dallas. Pas they are going crazy over pthat big thunderstorm complex pheaded straight for the city. Pthere has been Severe Weather preports of tornadoes. Pthats a mess. Pand this is just day one of pwhats going to be a multi day pSevere Weather and potential pflash flooding mess from texas pto arkansas and louisiana. Pno, thats not headed our way. Pdominate us. Pwere looking high todays paround 80 degrees under partly pcloudy skies. Ptonight, mostly clear, mild, low ptemperatures 61. Pand then for tomorrow, back up pto 82. Phonestly its not going to pchange much. P80 to 83 for High Temperatures pall the way through friday. Pwere still need to fine tune pany rans of rain this weekend. Pfirst and foremost, its going pto be 30 to 40 percent. Pchance. Pwhat will it will be a saturday pnight early sunday morning fine ptuning that over next few days. Pby way courtney that clock pmoving turning them forward plosing that hour of sleep. Pwe still have very heavy traffic pnorthbound 275 on tampa side of p9 oclock and you know usually pwe start to see ease up. Pbut right now pretty slow it pwill cost you nine minutes pacross the span of the bridge. Pwatch out for this problem spot pin Pinellas County along east pbay drive at belcher. Prots of a vehicle fire that pshould be in the clearing pstages. Pwestbound i4. Pfrom i75 into 275. Pright now about 15 minutes. Pcoming up next, charley is at pthe narrows Nature Center p its happening half way paround the world, today a solar peclipse. Pit will only be seen in psoutheast asia. Pbut nasa is actually on the pground Testing Technology reparing for next years solar peclipse. Pthat by the way, well be able pto see. Ptalk all about that. Pjoining me from nasa, scientist phow are you . P good morning. Pnice to talk to you. P yes. Pim stoked about next years peclipse. Pbut, but, but. Ptell me about this years whens pit going to happen who can see pit that kind of stuff. P well the eclipse thats phappening today in southeast pasia, so were going to see this pamazing phenomenon when the moon pmoves in front of sun completely pblocks it out this area where we pget to see what we call ptotality, is starting in sumatra pmoving across islands of pindonesia out into pacific. Pand through the past islands pmicro neighbor. Pthis is going to be happening paround 8 30 eastern time. Pin a ncaa is a will have a live pbroadcast with the explore tore pum starting 8 00 p. M. Eastern ptime. P that is going to be so cool pto watch that online. Pand i know that you have pscientists on the ground. Pgoing to be studying with this ptotal Solar Eclipse . P well scientists are going to pbe using telescopes and special pcorona. Psun. Pand from the ground you can only peclipse. Ptheres all of this amazing pstructure coming out and the preason that were interested in pthis is because this is where pall the action happens. Pyoure looking at real videos pfrom the solar dynamic observe pstory showing these huge solar peruptions, these are solar pstorms, many, many times the psize of the earth. Premembering that the sun is pactually over a million can fit pover million earths. Pso these huge event travel pthrough solar system and psometimes they slam into the pearth and they can cause roblems with our technology our psatellites so were very pthese. Pabsolutely amazing. Pso next year and its in august pi believe. Pgoing to be our turn here in the pu. S. To get this total solar peclipse ive never personally pseen one. Pim stoked about this. Pexactly. Pthis is going to be an amazing popportunity. Pi hope everyones going to save pthe date. Paugust 21st, 2017. Pthis total Solar Eclipse is pgoing to start in oregon. Pmove down across the u. S. And pending in south carolina. Pand i hope that folks will get pan opportunity to go to this ath of totality, and see this preally, really unique and awe pinspiring event. Pyou know, i dont think people prealize that we havent seen one phere in east coast in quite some ptime in some places it clear pskies it might get due ski or pdark for few minutes, right . Pyeah its going to to get pitch pblack. Eople will see the stars come pout. P wow. Pits going to quiet. Panimals will think its night pits really, really an amazing, pamazing experience. P doctor young thank you so pmuch for joining us and again pwell watching online tonight pfor that Solar Eclipse. Pwe appreciate you joining us. P thank you. Ptake care. P see you soon. P lets toss it out to pmr. Belcher this morning. Phey charley, how are you . P great, dave. Pthank you very much. Pwere in largo at george c. Pmacao park. Pand narrows Nature Center is at pthat park. Pkids sometimes know turtle park pbecause you can feed turtles phere. Pa Public Service announcement i pshould now tell my wife if pyoure watching nows time to pturn channel i will great pindiana jones when i say, psnakes, why did it have to be psnakes. Pbut thats what were going to ptalk about in this segment. Phere they are. Pcold blooded critters. Ptheresa is one of our volunteers phere really before we get into pthe cold blooded creatures you pcouldnt do this without you pguys p theresa no a lot of functions phere at the park really happen. Plet me turn your microphone on pthat always helps, doesnt it . Pjust look at the snakes. P here. Pthere we go live television. Ptheresa volunteers very porn. Pyes a lot of stuff that happens phere at the park wouldnt happen pif it wasnt for volunteer force pthat we have. Plike bird of prey program. Pits all volunteers. Pwe clean, we look at the birds pwe walk them take them to vet pfeed them and volunteer that is phelp take care of snakes too. Pall about education. Plets education people, a ball ython. Pyes. P not indigenous to the area ptry catch it if you can. Pit will just become nuisance if pyou dont. Pim just going to call ill keep p put Laundry Basket on top phoudini hiss his black pigment pwe get pretty orange and yellow pcolor. Pwould you see these in wild here p yes. Pthey are good. Pthey eat things we dont want to psee rats lot of people are pafraid of snakes you dont mess pit wont mess with you. Robably keeping creatures you pdont want in your house away. P that i tell my wife you got pblack snakes, they are good pleave them out there she says no pwe have to move. P what is the that is an alibi pno snake . Pthat alibi no snake completely palibi no. Ink eyes and all. Pwhat kind of snake p black rat snake but there is pno black. P and then bearded dragon her pname beardsley. Pby way these were all donated to pthe Nature Center here probably pwith pet owners who didnt know pwhat to do with them. Pthey are not encourage you to pdonate any pets here if you pcant take care of it find psomebody who can google dont ptheresa thank you very much. Pthank you for ya what you do phere. Pfantastic park. Pand Nature Center to visit. Pright in heart of largo 146 the pstreet. Pgeorge park and Nature Center. Plaura. Pfree by the way. Pf r e e free to come and play pand explore and learn. Pso im so glad we had that too. Pright, i mean you think youre pright in country but youre pright there off, i mean. P yeah. Pyoure not out in middle of pnowhere. Pall right charley its been fun, pthank you. Pall right eating by the stars. Pstay with us how which astro pwhich donut you should eat during this extended visit from your extended family, all you want is a peaceful moment to stream your show. And you need enough bandwidth to share with a full house of hungry users. Lightning internet from bright house networks. The speed you need. And now connect to. Standard tv and 50 megabit lightning internet. Only 94 a month p this is good day tampa bay. P and wsh. P9 31 now. Pand crossexamination of pwrestling legend hulk hogan. Pa yesterday terry bollea took pthe stand attorneys grilled him pon several inconsistencies. Phogan sue gawker for publishing pthat sex tape featuring him now pex wife bubba the love sponge phogans attorneys say it pviolation of private sees. Pon stand yesterday hogan shared psome x rated details and how phumiliating the experience has pbeen. P also yesterday the wrestler pclaimed he didnt watch the pvideo, but stated otherwise in panother interview. Phe explained those pshell shocked. Pand quoting here, in hulk hogan pmode. P jury is award erin andrews p 55 million in video trial. Pthey for und hotel and stalk parea the fault. Psportscaster says hotel allowed pbarrett to book room next next pto hers he filmed her and post pit had online. Pnot yet clear how much money pshes really going to get out of pthis. Pbarrett doesnt have the means pto pay his 51 percent of pdamages. Pand the Hotel Operators could pfile an appeal. P 14 people were hurt when a pcommuter train derailed in pnorthern california last night. Pofficials say that a tree fell pand hit one of the cars. Psending it trembling over. P214 people were on board at the ptime. Pone of the trains cars ended up artially under water in a pcreek. Pno trains are running on that ptrack today. Premarkably. Pno one was injured. Pit has been two years since pmalaysia flight flight pwith 239 people on board. Pas family members and friends pgathered to remember their loved pones office say they are still phopeful they can find that pmissing boeing 777. Lane took off march 8, 2014, pheaded to beijing experts pbelieve plane crashed someone pnear indian ocean since then ponly confirmed place were found plast july 2nd other possible ieces still being studied many pvictims families have filed plawsuits seeking damage as well pan answers into what caused the paccident and who might be presponsible. P well get over to dave right pnow for look at the forecast. Phows it looking outside . Pgorgeous. Pa little breezy. Pdont get me wrong a little bit pof east to southeast wind. Pall that doing bringing ptemperatures above normal again. Pin fact over the next several pdays, were looking at anywhere pfrom 5 to 8 degrees above pnormal. Palready at 70 in sarasota. Porlando is 70. Parea flirting with 70. Pwere really in upper 60s. Pbut you do see with that psoutheasterly wind flow some pcloud flow that will work et pcetera way across the state. Pas sunny as it right now in ptampa area i am looking for a plittle bit cloud cover to mix in pfor today. Pstill, shouldnt be an issue pgetting back up to around 80 pdegrees. Pbig, big thunderstorms in dallas pthis morning. Pin fact they are under a severe pthunderstorm warning as they are pexpecting those storms to be pmoving through airport area. Prelatively soon, folks this will pbe the beginning of several days pin a row with really some big ptime weather out west. Pforecast. Pwell dallas not so much. P2. 4 inches of rain lot of rain. Pnotice shreveport. Plittle rock over eight inches of prain in forecast between now and pnoon time on friday. Pno, thats not, that rain is not pheading our way. Pbut that is going to be a huge pmess. Peven lake charles 5 and a half pinches of rain. Pso, that area of the countrys pexpecting some major flooding pover the next few days. Pand were sitting here with pbreezy, warm tossing around the ollen conditions, right . P80 degrees for High Temperature pfor today. Ptonight, overnight lows near 61 pdegrees under mostly clear pskies. Pand then for you tomorrow, pscattered clouds. Pit will be warm and toasty again pwith high of around 82. Pboaters light to moderate chop ptoday. Psoutheast winds 10 knots. Pour high tide today is going to pbe just a few minutes past p2 oclock this afternoon. Pfive to 8, there you go thats phow many degrees warmer than pnormal all the way through the pfirst half of the weekend. Pwere looking for few showers plate saturday into sunday. Pwe will cool it off i dont want pto say cool it off knock ptemperatures down few degrees psunday and monday. Pas were turning clocks forward pas well. Pi do have first birthday to pass palong to you. Phey bryson how you doing buddy . Pyoure turning one. Pswinging, eating fruit and laying with his train. Pwe hope you get to do all of pthat today. Phappy first birthday. P this is our favorite song. Pokay. Psome people swear by horoscope pthey determine relationships pmake big life decisions based on ptheir zodiac sign. Pthis segment is no that the pserious i cant believe im psaying this we have your donut phoroscope. Pyes. Pwhat donut you should eat based pon your astro logical sign. Pstay with us this kind of makes psign. Ptaylor youre first my score pee poh, they are secretive, on the poutside but passionate and, and pkind of like a jelly filled pdonut. Pyou know the unsuspects kind pthat packs a punch of flavor pwhen bitten. P oh, makes sense, doesnt it . Paquarius. Pyoure kind of liej a whole pwhole some cue starred filled p i hate everything about it pthis. Phonest and loyal. Pjust know what to expect always pthats not bad. Pthat was nice. Pi feel like youre never going pto get what with me im not pwhole some. Prussell, Russell Rhodes are are pyou listen your birthday right a pcorner maybe we should get prussell some Old Fashioned pdonuts you know what im saying plike Old Fashioned pieces are pselfless and kind they never eat plast donut they will eat only pdonut left. Pget that, too me a minute. Pit took me too. Ptheres laura leo creative types plike her find most satisfaction pin cereal topped donut lucky pcharms, cocoa puffs cinnamon ptoast crunch. Pgo crazy. Pdavis who a very patient taurus. Psince youre so good with panticipation, the pumpkin donut pis for you only offered pseasonally after all you got to pwait for good stuffyou know not pall about sprinkle and glaze if pyoure cautious capricorn you pcare about your future and you pwould rather an apple not apple pdonut. Pnot an apple fritter just a good pold piece of fruit. Plooking out for your health. Pall right if youre no frills pvirgo youre likely to go for pjust a bagel. Ractical choice to satisfy your phunger. Pit looks like a donut. Pyoure right. Pbut it not. Pthey dont compare to me. Pi know. P i dont know. Pwhat do you think . Pyes . Pnever eating cue starred donut. Pyou know amish donuts florida pstate fair they are stlau berry pfestival. Pstrawberry shortcake and fist of pfrench fries and then defib on pthe side. Pclear. Pcould it be another sequel to pfan favorite in coming up what pmel brooks says about the ossibility of another space pballs movie. Pyes. Pyes. Pand legendary country star doll arton makes a big announcement pshes going on tour. Pmore on that next. Pand a live look at the board on pwall street. It took Joel Silverman years to become a master dog trainer. But only a few commands to master depositing checks at chase atms. Technology designed for you. Pfox 13s good day, local for you pall morning long. P we got big Entertainment News pright now so taylor, jen listen plate night Host Jimmy Kimmel pwill be host emmys announced pyetted he said i have a feeling pim going to be a great. Pthis is second time hell at the phelm and studio execs say they pare looking forward to being at pthe edge of your seat bigger, pbolder and better than ever emmy pevent nomination will be out in pjuly and the awards show will phappen on september the 18th. P here she comes again pout your boots. Pdolly parton queen of country is pgoing on tour again she announce p60 city tour in u. S. And canada. Pshe, we dont have dolly. Pwe dont have dolly, thats pjimmy kimmel 70yearold says pshe will play a lot past hits pwith new songs from her latest. Pright now no schedule for the ptour or what city shes coming pto. Pthere she is. Pnow shes with kennedy there. Pwe dont know if kenny is pinvolved. Pas soon as we know we will let pyou know. Pdo we have the next one anne pmarie . Pall right. Pcould it be. Pa little tease for a sequel that pweve all been waiting for here. Pcan you read that . Pmay the swartz awakens with an peven greater helmet. Pyes, sir those posters are for pspace balls 2. Phanging in new york city subway. Pcan you see underneath mel pbrooks space ball the search for pmore money. Pcertainly sounds like him. Pcreate to follow original tmz pcaught up with mel and asked him pdrenthly. P ill have to say what he psaid. Pim do my best mel brooks. Pno, no, no somewhere m back of pmy head when i bring it a little pbit forward well talk about it. Pthat was more Regis Philbin he pwent on to say kids made poster pand no plans right now for the psequel. Pwhat happens when you let me do pentertainment craft beer making pnot just for garage and man pcaves any more. Pcoming up next jen shows us pwomen are on the rise. Pbut first some celebrity p the bay area is going acrazy pfor craft beer. Eople antijust drinking it they pare brewing it too not just for pthe boys. Pmore and more women are trying pout specialty brews. Pi met woman i sat down with her pcalled high 5 home brew and pbarbecue craft beer her business pin very cool way. P were having technical pdifficulties but i can tell you pif we dont have the package you pcan go online and see it pwww. Fox13news. Com really greet pstory lisa will be in studio pmaking beer good day brew phappening tomorrow you can go ponline www. Fox13news. Com and you pcan watch the package there. Pthats a tease right, dave got pto go all the way online. Pyou get me. Plong weather report. P no, thats okay. Pit happens. Pit really is. Ptruly is beautiful outside. Pand weve got sunshine, psoutheast wind. Pwere bringing up humidity plevels a bit. Pbut overall our temperatures are pgoing to be. P5 seven degrees warmer than then pit up to about 80 degrees. Pwe hit 80. Pnow partly cloudy conditions pbecause i do see where the psatellite a few clouds coming in pfrom the southeast for later ptoday. Ptonight, overnight low will plikely stay in lower 60s around pthe tampa area. P. Pand north as were getting pscouring and thanks to. Pand right now i think it will be pa beautiful as today ptemperatures tomorrow so make ptheir way up to an up to about p70 degrees above. Pa little breezy outside. Pright now blowing the tie all pover the place. Pmarine forecast today. Psoutheast wind at 10 knots going pto yield mainly two to three pfeet with light to moderate pchop. Pwater temperature is 64 degrees. Pbut check back in by end of the pweek this stretch 80s we will it phigh tide 2 03. Pwe will follow that with low ptide this evening. Paround 7 31. Pand truly this nice stretch of pweather begins very early last pweek continues. Pwere alonging a one two, three, pfour, five days in a row with ptemperatures at least in the plower 80s. Pwouldnt surprise me if inland plocations tomorrow, thursday and pfriday made their way to the pupper 80s. Pand then weve got some pinclement weather coming in psaturday and sunday we still phave to fine tune that 30 ercent rain chance not huge pdeal will that be late saturday. Pearly sunday. Oint is we will be fine tuning pthat toward the weekend. Lus, Daylight Saving time pstarts and we will turn clocks pforward as go to bed saturday pnight into sunday morning a panother look how gor caring for someone with alzheimers means. So i asked about adding oncedaily namenda xr to her Current Treatment for moderate to severe alzheimers. It works differently. When added to another alzheimers treatment, it may improve overall function and cognition. And may slow the worsening of symptoms for a while. T announcer namenda xr doesnt change how the disease progresses. T it shouldnt be taken by anyone r allergic to memantine, or whos had a bad reaction t to namenda xr or its ingredients. Before starting treatment, tell their doctor if they have, or ever had a seizure disorder, difficulty passing urine, liver, kidney, or bladder problems, and about medications theyre taking. Certain medications, changes in diet, or medical conditions may affect the amount of namenda xr in the body and may increase side effects. The most common side effects are headache, diarrhea, and dizziness. All my life, hes protected me. Ask their doctor about oncedaily namenda xr and learn about a free trial offer laura live pix heres another live picture of the board on wall street. Adlib over pix. 3 russell 2sh dbx from the Fox Business Network studios, Lauren Simonetti is with us. Ptime to get a check business pheadline Lauren Simonetti from pFox Business Network. Plets starts with markets. Pwhats going on stocks or down pfor first time in six days for pthe dow. Ps p dow off 83. Pnasdaq and s p are lower. Poil lower too. Pwe were 38 a barrel. Pjust about an hour ago now pcoming down a little bit 37 and pchange. Pokay. Pthis story this morning this pegg and cheese english muffin precall for listeria company that ackage and makes shows psandwiches progressive gourmet pare doing recall. Pthis affects folks if youre ptraveling up texas, arkansas and poklahoma. Pthese package if you see the pdate its best before date of paugust 7th if youre traveling pstay away from those. Pthey should claert out pstarbucks as it now. P250 different Starbucks Stores paffected. Pbut those sandwiches something pyou want to stay away from. P okay. P and speaking of starbucks, pand Dunkin Donuts they will try pto compete with each other in pnew way now, right . Pright. Pyou know the long lines. Pespecially during rush hour. Pright . Pyou dont have much time you preally want a latte you cant pwait in that line. P and now you can order it on pyour phone order what you want pand pay for what you want. Pjust show up at the store. Pthey are not delivering show pDunkin Donuts and they hand you pyour order. Pcant do Dave Osterberg this pmobile ordering just yet in pflorida. Ptesting right now in new pengland. Pand eventually it will go pnationwide. P okay. Pwhen you just cant wait its pthere waiting for you. Pi have three minutes between plive shots i could technically prun and just dont have enough ptime to run in line to pay. Pthey did it just for you. Poh thank you. Psee you tomorrow. P all right. Pdont miss Lauren Simonetti on pour Sister Network station pyoure not sure where to find pFox Business Network log on to pfoxbusiness. Com and look for pchannel finder finally a check pof calendar shows a pretty punique holiday. Pthis is international unique pname day. Pday to celebrate who as unique pname. Pif youre thinking unique baby pname, these two names may well pdo the trick. Paccording to parenting magazine pthe least used baby name right pnow is alexis. Pand the least used boys name pbray lynn. Pthey ranked at the bottom of the pi think they are both pretty pnames. Palexis especially. Pand names really dont get much pmore unique than this one, the precord for longest name in the pworld was set by a british woman pnamed dawn mcmanus. Pthats with her name before. Pshe changed her name to benefit pcharity she set up to honor her plate son it ended up being one p61 words. Pwe could try reading them all pthat would take way too long. Pmaybe not with video dying like pit is ironically despite all pnames dawn is no longer one of phess names. Pmmm. Pyeah. Pgot minute left in show. Pwe should read every single pname. Pthats right. Pthat will do it for us today ptuesday, march 8th live with pkelly michael coming up next. Pthen Wendy Williams and broke, pdid you say regis ask kellykelly pand michael then Wendy Williams pand then after that you can palways go to our website and psocial media twitter, facebook. Pinstagram. Pwell get our video fix too pbefore we see you tomorrow. Pbye everybody. Pet moments are beautiful, unless you have allergies. Then your eyes may see it differently. Only flonase is approved to relieve both your itchy,z watery eyes and congestion. No other nasal allergy spray can say that. Complete allergy relief or incomplete. Let your eyes decide. Flonase changes its live with kelly michael. Today, star of the new series, flaked, will arnett. And Maria Menounos takes over the live kitchen. Plus, your questions and comments on another edition of the inbox. All next on live. [captioning made possible by disneyabc domestic television] and now here are your emmyaward winning cohosts,

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