Pit is. Pyeah. Phow you doing, man . Pgood. Pgood. Pnice to be out on day like ptoday. Pbeautiful, incredible. Pyou really could sit out here. Pi could lie down on this ground pand just listen to the birds all pday. Pweve got an hour or so. Pwe can fill with bird sounds. Pwell, Weather Forecast at least pwill be nice. Pcheck this out, you cant see pthe view out here besides plistening to birds. Pso hear the birds over this pview. Pbrook dale bay shore camera lenty of blue skies out there. Plikewise at the beach hilton pclearwater beach cam. Pimagine waves crashing birds pchirping. Pgot this going here. P checking out weather pheadlines as we head throughout pnext few days increasing sun ptoday bit breezy at times. Pseasonable pleasants and sunny pweekend ahead. Pgradual warm up next week. Pwere talking 80s by the middle pof next week. Pdetails on that in your full pcast a bit later on, jen. P you hear it . P not a word. Pthat is a bird . Pkidding im inside. Pthat would be weird, wouldnt it plaura 9 01 finally friday pmorning getting a little weird. Peastbound cortez road. Ptheres a crash reported thats pstate road 50. Peastbound lanes are blocked. Pinjuries involved with this pcrash. Pthat really the only delay that pwere seeing this morning across pthe bay area. Pthings are beginning settle pdown. Pi was going to show you really retty picture of sunshine pskyway bridge. Phave to save that for next preport in 15 minutes. Pwhat i can tell you crash on the pvets no longer there. Pand were back to up to speed 60 pto 50 Miles Per Hour linebaugh pand airport interchange. P it was blistering. Pa fraud. Pnot a true republican. Pnot a Good Business man. Pthats what former republican residential candidate mitt promney said about the gop front prunner donald trump. Leading with the voters to stop pand get behind what he says is a preal republican. P and then last night, 100 pminutes of this. Pyou know, donald has a tenuous prelationship with the truth. Pi wrote one op ed supporting resident bushs nomination pafter he made it i would not phave made that nomination. Pbut let me point out. Pnot what you say in op ed. Pdonald i know its hard not to pinterrupt. Pbut try. Pbreathe. Pbreathe. Pyou can do it. Pyou can breathe. Pi know its hard. Pi know its hard just p when they are done with yoga pcan i answer a question . P and that wasnt all the pbashing that three threw at each pother. Pall over twitter republicans pechoed this sentiment they were pwatching the Republican Party pcommit suicide. P lets get to a fox 13 olitical editor Craig Patrick pright now. Pof all talk a little bit about pwhat mitt romney did yesterday. Pyeah i guess, you know, it is, pis this the last ditch effort to ptry and stop donald trump . Pyes. Pyes. Prepublican establishment is in pstate of panic and mitt romney pclearly does not like. Prisk that mitt romney runs one pseriously wounding donald trump pshould he become the nominee pheading into november. Pand two, the affect it could pbackfire on mitt romney and pestablishment. Pbecause whats driving trump pturned into a movement is anti pestablishment wave. Pand nobody embodies the prepublican establishment more pthan mitt romney himself. Pso this could have effect pultimately of fueling donald ptrump at the very least, i dont pthink that it would turn his psupporters away from him. Pand it is terrible pr for the pRepublican Party that finds pitself at war with itself. Pokay. Pand some point in the night, all pof these candidates during this pwould support the other if they pbecome the partys eventually pnominee. P so there we are. Pat least with all the bashing pthey did give the impression pthey might be in come together pin end. Plets start with marco rubio. Pin end he said yes he would psupport donald trump as the pnominee. Pon the flip side, he says that phes a con man not just any con pman mind you but one that is ulling off or trying to pull poff biggest con of all time. Pand on top of that saying that pconservative movement. Pbut yeah, yeah. Pi support him. Pif he gets nomination. Phow do you square those things pit undermine argument marco prubio and others made yesterday. Pso it puts marco rubio and the prepublican establishment at the pvery at least in a bit of a ickle. Pcraig, how bad is all this . Pterrible pr like i said before. Pa bruiser in Republican Party pthat may well play out in pcleveland. Pwe may not have resolution. Pi think florida will have lot to psay. Pohio as well. Pin terms of where we go from phere. Pbet the democrats are enjoying pwhats playing out and what layed out last night and ten t. Pnor and tone of the debate. Pand bet republicans are hoping psomething more comes from f. B. I. Pinvestigation with hillary pclinton. P okay. Pthanks. P thank you. P and that is no the all olitical news. Pstate legislature is trying to pwrap up their legislative psession. Pthings are moving quickly. Pfox 13 jen epstein is here now pwith wrap up. Pgood morning, jen. Pgood morning, laura end of psession is next week. Ptheres lot happening in ptallahassee. Pwell start with whats being pcalled the shacking up bill. Pright now theres an old law pfrom 1868 that makes it illegal pfor a couple to cohabit without pbeing married. Pthis new bill would repeal that rohibition. Pthe senate passioned unanimously pand now goes to the house. Ptheres another bill thats pcalled the papa store protection pact aimed at protecting clergy pmembers to object to performing psame sex wedding ceremonies. Popponents of the bill say punnecessary because ministers palready have First Amendment rotections. P17 other states have passed psimilar protections since psupreme court legalize same sex pmarriage last june. Pand new abortion restrictions pcloser to becoming law. Pthe statehouse pass ad bill that pwould end public funding for lanned parenthood, mandate pdoctors that perform abortions pto have hospital privileges and ptrimesters. Psimilar bill is ready for senate pto vote on and expected to pass pthere too. Plegislature also fixed issues pwith the death penalty. Pdesk. Phe said he will sign it. Pthe changes these changes are phow convicted murderers psentenced to death now. Pten out of 12 jurors will need pto agree to a death sentence plaura. P all right jen, thank you. Erformance at the oscars. Pshe sang a song called till it phappens to you. Pit was about a Sexual Assault pfrom the documentary the hunting pground. Pgaga admitted two years ago she padmitted two years ago she is a psurvivor of Sexual Assault. Pon stage at the oscars other psurvivors showed solidarity. Pbut there compassion and unity pto one another didnt end when pthe lights went out. Pon hunting grounds Facebook Page pa lot of survivor the stage and pelsewhere are showing their psolidarity too. Pthey are getting tattoos. Pthe symbol created for survivors pand was inspired by the unity psymbol lady gaga favorite flower parose on fire. Pmeant to sem boil lies strength punity and survivorship. Eople who got this say a way pmany survivors still silent to pknow they are not alone. Psome people even wrote that ptheyre proud now that their psurvivors rather than victims. Pand for what its worth the pcome under fire for a being one pside it had says it manipulates pstatistics and women in the pfilm. Prussell. P new numbers in, within the plast half our Labor Department prelease february job numbers. Pemployers add two 42,000 jobs plast month. Pthat is a lot better than the p195,000 that had been expected. Phowever, the unemployment rates pstill remains at 4. 9 percent. Pnot all good news here. Pfines workers pay slipped again pin the last month. P socalled serial stowaway psentenced to 6 months of house parrest. Pmarlin hartman tried to board pseveral planes without a ticket. Plast summer 64yearold was parrested twice last month parrested again after gps pbracelet alerted police she was pchicagos ohare. Pyesterday a judge placed her on ptwo years of Mental Health robation. Pshes serving her house arrest pat the Mental Health facility p well, students will be busy phacking computers this weekend. Pas part of an international pcontest. Pthats right. Pthe hacking competition was pannounced by president obama and pa drit issue prime minister. Pstudents m i t and a university pof cambridge are taking part. Pstudents will form teams and pspend next 24 hours trying to phack into each others computer pto steal files. Pthe post is spark interest in pcyber security field which has phad a shortage. Pwinners will receive 20,000. Pinteresting. Pweve done it before but can ptampa do it again . Phost super bowl a push to get pbiggest game. Pthese girls dont wear these pcapes. Pmaybe they should. Pthey are helping those in need pone bucket at a time. Pand super heros and home town pheros too. Pgreat story too. Pwait until you see it speaking pim dancing with george here a plittle bit. Pblake plays george. Pand were under blue stage plights. Pso that you can not only see pblake as george, two pdimensionally. Pvideo, look at that. Pive never seen video pincorporated in live stage roduction especially in high pschool setting. Pso this is, and theres blake ptoo. Pblake comes in many forms. Pthats, one of these is the real pkid playing george. Pfind out which one it is when pfrom some people dont like to share their wifi, but at bright house networks, we do. Login to one of our hotspots and get your code for free wifi at over 50,000 3 russell 2sh theres nothing like the excitement of the super bowl. mike but it takes years for host cities to get pyee. Pbut it takes years for host pcities to get really get ready pfor. Pfox 13s Alcides Segui joins us pnow. Phes talking why the nfl likes ptampa so much for the big game. Palcides. P reporter mike you should pknow my friend a beautiful pweather. Pits always a good day in tampa pbay, my friend. Plet me show you something. Psomething that i dont think a plot of people have actually pseen. Pthat is the northern endzone of praymond james stadium. Pyou can see right now, that is a art of that 100 million prenovation that the city papproved not too long ago. Psome time in december. Pthat is at part of all the pupgrades to ray jay that prenovation, thats again thats pthe north endzone. Pthat video board is going to be pa four times the size of the pso thats going to be actually pthe Third Largest video board in pNational Football league. Pso more upgrades will happen ray pjay as well. Ptalking about new concessions pnew sounds new concourse as well pvideo boards of all four corners pof the stadium. Pthat upgrade all of those pupgrades are a big, big pcomponent of why and yeah, of pwhy we should get super bowl. Pthats what city is basically ptelling the National Football pleague to lure them in to bring pthe super bowl come 2019, 20 or p21. Pwere in contention for super pbowl 2353, 54 and 55. Pcouple cities are fighting pforbid. Pnew orleans, los angeles and a pmiami. Pas we talked about upgrades big pcomponent. Pbig selling point. Palso the fact that tampas phosted successful super bowls in oints. Pi mean weve had four of them phere in tampa. Pthat was against the pittsburgh psteelers and arizona cardinals. Pthat game had an Economic Impact pof 375 million. Pbut compare that to last year pthough, last Year Economic pimpact during super bowl was p 719 million. Pthats a big reason why tampa pwants another super bowl here in pthe bay area. Pbut, even if we dont get that pbig game, we already have pseveral big events coming up. P4. Pwe also have a College Football pnational championship game pearlier this morning. Pwe spoke with rob Higgins Tampa pbay sports commission. Plisten in. Pwere fortunate to be going pafter a fifth super bowl weve pgot frozen 4 coming as well phere. Pweve got College Football pnational play off january 2017. Palso, youth and amateur events pthat we host here each and every pweekend. P120 of those events taking place pfrom everything from club soccer pto club volleyball. Peach and every weekend bring a pton of people here. P a lot of excitement at that pwere all fighting for that psuper bowl hopefully well get psuper bowl 53, 54, 55. Pjust have to wait and see. Pback to you guys. Pall right, alcides, thank you. Poutside with mike again. Pi tell you i just cant get over phow nice the weather has been. Pincredible. Pthis is time of year i mean, pthis is what you live here for. Pis this type of weather. Pi mean it has been stunning. Ptoday no different. Pi mean, cant see any clouds in pthe sky. P get outside. Pthats pretty nice. Pyeah. Pheres look from from our tampa pcamera now looking out west not pcloud in sky. Pthere not cloud in sky. Pthere may be some clouds a plittle bit later as we head pthroughout day you can see those pclouds moving through northern pflorida right now. Premains to be seen just how far psouth those get but all in all pat least more sun than clouds. Pi think as we head through the pmorning hours. Pcurrent temperature 70 degrees. Pdew point of 52. Pdry air in place. Pwinds calm right now. Pmaybe getting a little bit pbreezy later on. P72 in brandon, 70 wauchula. P70 in lakeland. P65 in brooksville. P67 in st. Pete. Phighs today, they will be in has pmid 70s i75 west. Phead to east upper 70s to low p80s. Erfect weather out there. Pmaybe catching a spring training pbaseball game. Pday lie today will be great. Ply sunny overnight hours tonight p55. Pclear and cooler. Pand then for the day tomorrow, p74 again. Pmostly sunny, seasonable. Pand pleasant. Phere your sevenday forecast, ptemperatures over next few days pwill be warming upupper 70s, psunday, monday and tuesday. Pinland low 80s, wednesday and pthursday low 80s even near the pcoast, inland, maybe mid to pupper 80s out there. P do you think super heros have pto be adults . Pwell guess again. Ptaking on big projects and doing pgood deeds all over the country. Pand their sweet efforts are phealing hearts. P they are little girls on very pbig mission. P we like help people around pthe world. Int sized kids are taking paction. Pmaking blessing buckets for ptornado victims in virginia. Peach one packed with supplies pthey need to start over. P so like water bottles. Pand like get them. Palso inside notes, a prayer, and peven something soft and special. Pits a little bunny that were pgoing to put in the bag. Robably for like to cuddle pwith. Pthey love it. Pif they are sad or anything. P they are part of a mission paction. Pand in just one year, theyve pdone dozens of good deeds. Pthey release prayer balloons for pattacks, cleaned up park in ptarpon springs, traveled to pnicaragua on mission trip and phelped rebuild flood damaged phomes in south carolina. Pmuch happier. Pthey know sma someones okay. Pcarrie runs the group of 40 pgirls. Pbut says shes just the vessel. Pthe kids do the work. Pits amazing. Pinspire me every day because ptheir brains are so, they pbelieve they can do anything. Pthey are not jaded. Pthey are not judgmental. Pits great to work group of eople like that. Pthey are already good kids. Pbut girls in action teaches them phow to be great. Pwe talk about how to be a better erson. Pwe talk about good decision pmaking skills. Roblem solving skills how you pcan impact the world no matter pyour age. Pthey are so young and have palready accomplished so much. Pjust imagine what they will be pdoing when they are all grown pup. Pthe girls are already working on ptheir next projects. It crew and a planning easter pegg hunt and also looking for pmore kids to join their group go pgo to their Facebook Page girls pin action tarpon springs. Psaying goodbye is hard to do. Ptwo idol hopeful are sent acking. Pwell talk with olivia in about p20. Pbut other young adults are ptaking to the stage with again r again again again again again General Mills is removing artificial flavors and colors from our cereals. So you can love cereal. Pcharley. Pin lovely palm had are bore with psome lovely talented young pbe around. P sunday in park with george. Ptonight, and tomorrow night. Pironically not performing on psunday. Pthey will all be on park on psunday. Ptonight action tomorrow night pcome to high school, great show, pvery difficult. Pbut these kids pull it off pbrilliantly. Pblake is the lead as george. Pyoull want a big award last pyear which was walkers rising pstar was aname astar competition pamong this peens. Pyoure up for something similar p yeah im up for broadway star pof the future at the straz pcenter for this role here. Pand one other guy up against me. Pthats exciting youve already pbeen accepted to florida state. Pb f a acting program. Pgood for you. Ptell me about the show. Preal quick basically about an partist george. Pand his obsession with art and pmakes a conflict with him and pother people. Palso accepted to florida state. Pcongratulations. Pa lot of this going on around pthis school. Pi want to talk technical aspect. Pwe see video of blake playing on pthe screen back there. Pim not sure ive ever seen pvideo incorporated into live pstage production especially in phighway. Phow did you do . Pour fantastic projection pdesigner ben park who also goes pwe filmed blake in front of a pscreen screen he et id and pdeleted and so upper bowl phigh tech production. Pthings are flying in. Pyouve got projections youve pon. Pi mean a lot going on. Plot going on. Pbut its definitely worth and so phappy we get to perform it here pand at Ferguson Hall at the pexcellent. Pwhy dont you get in place. Pwe will show you number pincorporates that video of pblake. Pheres a little bit of sunday in pthe park with george. Pmaybe you should lighten up a p p p p p p Palm Harbor University high pschool ladies and gentlemen, pcome see them tonight and ptomorrow night. Pand blake do me favor when pand maybe a little mention my pway p charley belcher. Pmaybe just, my man. Pcb in the house. Pyeah. Premember that kid. Premember that face. Plaura. Phes going places. Pas are so many of these pwonderful students here. Pyou know all morning long ptalking about how hard this pmusic is to nail. Pand these kids are getting. Pi scanty carry a tune in bucket. Pi cant sing happy birthday they pare singing very complex musical erfectly. Pim with you charley. Pthats why were the pips. Pexactly. Pwell see you when you get back. Pas American Idol hopeful pthis is this is good day tampa pbay. P skyline of st. Petersburg pwill forever be changed. Pand a few short months ground pbreaking about half an hour pshayla reeves is there to tell pus all about it. Pgood morning, again. P reporter hi, good morning to pyou guys. Pconstruction is actually already punder way. Pweve hearing the equipment for pthe last couple of hours. Pin fact, in 30 minutes, that pGround Breaking will take place pfor whats expected to become pthe tallest building in downtown pst. Petersburg. Pso was were talking about in pthis case is 1 st. Petersburg. Pit is under construction and pexpected to be completed in p2017. Pwere told its going to include pmore than 250 condos, a new phyatt hotel with more than 170 prooms. Pand in addition to that, its pexpected to create some jobs and pbusiness for tampa bay pcompanies. Pso if you take closer look a psome of the numbers, pconstruction alone is expected pto put more than 350 workers to pwork every day. Pand when this projects is pcompleted, its expected to pcreate 150 fulltime positions. Pthe City Property tax revenue pcould jump by more than p 5. 5 million a year. Pthis Ground Breaking is actually phappening about 90 days ahead of pschedule. Pand just to give you a better pidea of completion, were told pthe hotel could be completed by p2017, guys. Pback to you. P yes. Pit already started. P wow. P you can already hear that pequipment p you can. Psee you later, shayla. P anchor well get over to pmike bennet right now p it was just so nice out pthere. Pi mean just, birds are chirping, plots of birds chirping. Pjust sort of calming out there. Pyou need to go out there. Pwe need reverse roles. Pwhat do you think anne marie can pwe do that . Pshe didnt hear a word. P we need to do next week. Pget over to mike bennet. Psorry i was running through pbuilding there run running back, prunning through. Pwe tried to stretch. Pi could hear the stretch going pon. Pyeah maybe it was an awkward pstretch. P i do my shoulder pads off pmorning you look great. Pgo ahead. Pno keep going im catching my pbreath. Pall right. Plets check out visible psatellite picture right now. Pcloud cover off to the north, pcloud cover off to the south. Pbut were right in between, pright in that sweet spot right pnow. Pso plenty of sunshine over us pright now. Pskies and riverview. Pyouve got sunny skies as well. Pso beautiful start to the the pday. Pweather headlines, still catch pmy breath a little bit. Pincreasing sun today. Pa bit breezy at times. Pseasonable. Leasant, and overall, a great plooking weekend. Pi mean, this is about as perfect pas it gets. Pgradual warm up into next week. Pwere talking 80s by wednesday. Pand i wouldnt be surprised plooking some newer computer pmodel data, if a couple areas pmaybe even approach 90 by next pwednesday or thursday. Pso were starting to heat up. Premember were only couple weeks paway from vernal equinox now. P70 the current temperature. Pdew point of 52. Pcalm winds. Plook at the current temperature. P70 in westchase. P66 in pinellas park. P69 down in sun city center. P67 brooksville. P71 in Wesley Chapel 72 in venice p74 in myakka city. Pinland, temperatures in the low p70s as well. Plook satellite and radar cold pfront off to north. Pthat will continue to drop south pas we head throughout day today. Pdry air kind of filtering in all pday long. Pthat humid air mass weve had in plast couple of days go by way pside and drier air over the pweekend as well. Pjet stream forecast i want to pshow you this, because the attern were in right now has pgradual warm up. Pwatch what happens by wednesday pand thursday. Pwe build this big, big ridge pcountry. Pyou get an upper level cut off plow down towards texas. Pand that is just going to slowly pmeander eastward. Pso i dont see rain chances pthursday, i dont even see them pfriday. Pand it may hold off until next pweekend. Pmaybe even after that. Pso its going to be a while pchances. P74 for today. Pmostly sunny. Pbit breezy at times. Pmid fwnts. Pclear ask cooler. Pheres your 7 day forecast. Ptomorrow. Pupper 70s sunday, monday and ptuesday. Pby wednesday, thursday, again plow 80s in and around the coast. Pin tampa, but we could be ptalking about upper 80s to near p90 by middle of next week. Pespecially as you head inland. Pall right. Pwe got a bunch of first pbirthdays this morning. Pwell start here. Pshes happy and always smiling. Ploves to eat and play with her pbig brother. Phappy birthday. Pnext up bella. Pturning one today loves running pon the beach and playing with pher dogs. Pcuddling with her mom and dad ptoo. Phappy first birthday to you. Pnext hunter turning one. Phe likes to dance, crawl all paround. Pand wave hi or bye. Phis parents say hes always psmiling. Phes in that picture too. Phappy birthday hunter and zoey. Pshe loves being outside and pspend being time with her family pand singing the wheels on the pbus. Psing that hold on were not done pyet. Pkaye is, likes going to a beach laying with dogs and a dancing phis favorite toy is elmo. Phappy birthday. Pnot done yet lydia is turning pone as well. Pshe loves looking at the birds poutside. Pand picking up leaves. Palready doing her chores at 1. P and have great birthday plydia. Pfinally cassidy is having her pfirst birthday she loves mickey pmouse club house going to the ark and reading books. Phappy birthday cassidy and hope peverybody has a great first pbirthday. Pthe one time when mike bennet pruns across the news station and pneeds to catch his breath he has plike 40 first birthdays. Oor mike. P9 36 last check of morning pcommute Sunshine Skyway bridge, pi promise to you at 9 oclock. Phere it is Clear Conditions this pmorning. Pnorth and south across the pSunshine Skyway and over 75 the prest of bay area bridges pwe can pretty much say rush hour pcommute is over. Pwere on green in rest bay area proads. Pnine minutes southbound a quick pride from bearss avenue to i4. Pall right, this is the last time pwere going to say this. Pthe top 10 American Idol pcontestants just lost two. Pa sad night. Pbut necessary. Pwere talking with them live pnext. Ptheir thoughts on why they have pto go home and what they see for pthe future. Plets see how fridays starting 3 there will be pits a classic with fresh face. Pnew color and flavors. Peven new packaging designed for pthe on the go eating. Pthe m m is set to incorporate pmore natural coloring rather pthan artificial. Peven campaign in the works prights now for fans to vote on pthe next permanent flavor peanut pthey can decide between three poptions chilly nut, coffee nut pand honey nut. Pheres some his mystery m ms pwere created a necessity when a pmars make chocolate for troops a pstart world war ii. Pthe candies hard exterior the pchocolate didnt met as easily. Pwhat is ideally suited for poverseas travel. P p p a Country Music legend is in pclearwater tonight. Pwilly nelson has concert a ruth peckerd hall. P82yearold recorded more than p60 studio albums he is showing pno signs of slowing down either. Pthat show starts at 8 oclock. Ptop eight tonight is avalon. Pand that, that is avalon young. Pthe final person to make it into pthe top 8. Pnight. Pus in has. Pand ladies, good morning to you. Pi know its been a long night pand Early Morning for you. Pthank you for being here. P of course. Pthank you. P all right. Plets start here. Pi read some of the new jersey pheadlines this morning all ositive. Pthey are all proud. Pyou sang if i aint got you by palicia keys. Pwas it your song choice . Pwhat would you have done pdifferently . P i wouldnt have done anything pdifferently. Pi feel like agave it all that i phad. Pi definitely sang within my pheart i tried to convey the pemotion that song was really pmeaning and tell a story rather pthan singing words i fell like i pdefinitely did that im glad i pwent home knowing i did best i pcould and much more to come. P good for you great way to plook at it surprising to me pyouve had that time to reflect. Pat it. Polivia you went by trouble by ink. Pi imagine when you know youre psinging for your survival its ptough. Pwhat happened . P im in trouble now. Pin trouble now. P[ laughter ] p that was what was running pthrough my mind. Pno, it was, interesting because pfor me, you know, thinking back pon it, i was trying to like pthink about how how should i do pthis song . Prehearsals and everything. Pin the moment i kind of had this prealization to myself i just phave to let everything go. Pand if im going to go out i pwant to go out knowing that i pgave it 110 percent of myself. Pand literally just going to do peverything i can to stay in. Pand hey hopefully, hopefully pthat showed and its, such an phonor that we made top 10. Pwe are so thankful for that. Pand so proud. Pthats like so amazing. Psuch a huge accomplishment. Pi think experience and history phas proven not over for any of pidols that are out early lot of pso there is life moving forward. Pi have to note too as im pwatching the show i notice pjudges particularly tough this pseason. Phow was it to work with them pharry conic, jr. , Jennifer Lopez pand keith urban . P i love working with them. Pbecause jennifers such an pamazing performer shes not just pa singer she can actually erform which is very helpful pbecause she knows how to like ptell people how they should do pwhat to make them better as an pentertainer rather than just a psinger. Pkeith is amazing with song pchoices he knows what sounds pbest on the voice and simon pcowell i love it because i love psimon cowell he doesnt care if psong pitchy, the song is pitchy pif amazing, song is amazing. Pi feel like big reason harrys pbig reason, i feel like that pive grown so much within the pamount of weeks he told me like pthis song might not be right for pyou dont feel this song this psongs pitchy amazing. Pi definitely took his critiques pinto consideration. Pthat definitely made me better. Pyeah p i feel like go ahead. P sorry. Psorry. Pfor me me i feel like its great pfor them to be honest. Pif they want to say critique pits better than because we know phow to improve. Pthats what was really helpful pfor me. Plike one the comments was to let ploose more. Pand i did. Pi was sos happy that i did. Pbecause it reallymade me enjoy pthe performance more. P yeah. Pyou both seem really healthy pabout it hi know it has to be pcrushing to go home but i know pyou gave it your best what an pincredible accomplishment to pmake it to top 10. Pi want to know what first thing pfor each of you. Pwhat will you do when you get phome . Pwhats first thing youll do . P school. Pand then, definitely going to psome acting classes. Pdancing classes keeping up pvocal. Pvoc will lessons with my mom. Pstarting and maybe picking up an pinstrument. P good for you. Psee you move on you grow you get pbetter. Pwhat about you . P for me i actually want to pstart working on my album. Pi really want to write my first palbum and i have already written psome originals but i feel like plot is going to come from this pexperience. Pbecause i, the way that i always plike deal with any emotions is i pjust write songs about them. Pso i feel like that youre going pto hear a lot of new original pmusic from me. Pyouve got some great material. P good for you. Pwe wish you both the best of pluck. Pyouve been so fun to watch. Pyoure extremely talented. Pand best of luck enjoy being phome. P thank you. Pthanks girls. Pcoming up our favorite time of pthe week we look back at all fun pour g3 laura 2sh its friday. And were almost done pall right. Pfriday. Pwe are almost done here. Pbefore we go, you cant leave pyet. Plets look back at the good day pgoodies. P birds chirping. Pcan you hear the birds . P can you hear them chirping . Pcan you hear it laura . Poh. Pbeautiful. Pa beautiful morning out here. Pbirds are singing. Pbright golden haze on meadow. Ptomorrow kelly will undock from pspace station just after 8 pkazakhstan. P i read somewhere they drank pone 93 gallons of recycled psweat. Phi dave. Pgood morning. Pits a beautiful start to the pwouldnt you say . P it is. P hey. P how you doing . Pdont be shy. P a little shy this morning. P what you cant see is were psome of us are rating these pshows. Pthumbs up or thumbs down. P yeah floor director gave me a p90 percent i cant show on tv. P day in the life. Poh. Pwow that hurt. Poh, no. Pnice. Pyeah. Pall right you got it going there pbro. Pyeah. Pi think this, 75 pounds. P im not sure. Pyou had us. Pyou had us for a second man an pexcuse to be lazy. Pjen epstein. Pstart with check of the forecast pcould you never run nor rest of pyour life p no, its more about being in pshape too. Psometimes its about just a prelease. Pyou know, and you get rid of the pstress. Pfolks if you had to work with pthese people every day you would prun too. Pso true. Pdave osterberg ready to gloat. Pall the places well go. Pwere starting on good day peveryone welcomed me into family pbut wouldnt go as far as making pme green eggs and ham. Pbravo. Pbravo. Pmight as well go home now. Pyouve got Nothing Better fist pday strawberry festival. Pmy earring just fell off. Pwe have got delays. Pweve got delay this is morning palong westbound i4. Pso so strange never happened to pdid it break . P thank you. Pcant have six hours of news pwithout yeah without psomething. Psound effects makes them pfunnier. P makes it better. Ut just put it back in. Pwell right back with last pet moments are beautiful, unless you have allergies. Then your eyes may see it differently. Only flonase is approved to relieve both your itchy,z watery eyes and congestion. No other nasal allergy spray can say that. Complete allergy relief or incomplete. Let your eyes decide. Flonase changes i do everything on the internet. But its kind of slow. My friends say i should get in 60 seconds. Thats seriously better. I wonder what else could be better around here . I heard that. Now get our best offer ever. Plus tv phone for just 69. 99 a month online with no annual contract. 100 meg speeds at a price this good . Fios can do that. Cable just cant. 3 3 laura live pix heres another live picture of the board on wall p all right heres another plive look at the board on wall pstreet right now. Pdow down about 33 points. Plets get to Lauren Simonetti pand talk a little bit about pthat. Pgood morning. P i was hoping for 17,000 today pas level for dow because we were p57 points away as of yesterday. Pit could still happen, it is in psight we did get a jobs report pabout an hour and a half ago. Pa mixed report headline number pis great 242,000 jobs added rior two months both revised phigher. Pthis is good. Pwere creating jobs not in penergy sector. Pfactories arent adding workers pbars and restaurants leisure pcompanies Healthcare Companies pare all adding. Punemployment rate stayed peightyear low. Pheres the problem wages went pdown. P by 0. 03 an hour. Pand average work week that got pshorter. P okay. Pmarkets react well to all of pthat today. Pmarch has been good for us. Pjust about. Pbut yeah. Pill see you guys on monday. Pyou too. Ptake care. Pbye lauren. Pbye. P beautiful start to the day pout there right now. Pweve got plenty of sunshine, pand pretty nice temperatures as pwell. Pheres your 7 day forecast. Pmid 70s next couple of days. Pthen upper 70s into the start of pnext week. Plow 80s for the middle of next pweek. P nice. Pgorgeous. Plets go out and play. Pi think so. Pa good weekend for that will do pit for today friday mary fourth plive ask kelly and michael pcoming up next Wendy Williams pand fox 13 news at noon you can palways get latest on pwww. Fox13news. Com. Pinstagram. Plike us on facebook. Pwell see you monday everybody. Pwe made it. Prealtime closed captioning its live with kelly michael. Today, from the new film, whiskey tango foxtrot, tina fey. And star of the hit drama, quantico, priyanka chopra. Plus, were quick off lives flashback friday and we want you to join in. All next on live. [captioning made possible by disneyabc domestic television] and now, here are your emmyaward winning cohosts,

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