Pyou for waking up with us on pthis wednesday morning pfebruary 3rdrd. Pwe will get over do the way we palways do a pretty pretty start pto the day. Pweve got temperatures in the plower 70s outside. P sorry. Pyeah. Psorry, to cut you off, dave. Pweve a Traffic Alert actually phillsborough avenue is going to pbe shut down right now a plongboat boulevard. Pthis is not related to a crash pbut were actually hearing pmedical emergency and medical pchopper has to land. Pthey have no where else except ptraveling lanes of hillsborough pyoure going to want to avoid pthat area. Pcan be pretty backed up anyways pif you can take waters avenue a plot quicker for you guys. Pwell have updates on this pthrough the morning. Pin meantime we do have an update pfor folks who are following the pfatal crash out of bradenton. Pif we have that video we can pshow it to you. Pif not, well get over to dave. P all right. Pheres that video for you. Planes are actually reopened now. Pthis is following a crash pinvolving a car that ended up punder a semitruck. Pas we mentioned someone did pass paway. Pwe had to have northbound and psouthbound lane blockages preported. Pyou can see that damage is retty nasty looking. Pbut as i mentioned before, those planes are now reopened to pdrivers. Psue should be able to get pthrough there without any pcertificate delays. P lets get over to dave now. P thank you, vanessa, again 71 pdegrees outside. Pso the current temperature is pour normal high for this time of pyear. Pwhen that southeast wind that pweve had around ten miles per phour, we dont have the real pthick fog that we had yesterday. Pbut we do have all that pmugginess. Pthat south, southeast wind will pcontinue for today. Pclouds, sunshine looks likes ptemperatures today get back up pright around that 80degree pmark. Prain tomorrows forecast well pdiscuss that in a little bit. P all right dave, thank you. P8 02. Pzika virus spreading fast. Pespecially through hot and humid laces. Pheres why. Pnew this morning Scientists Say pthe mosquito can carry the pdisease and deliver it to the phost kind of like a bomb of pillness. Pget this, warmer temperatures pmake mosquito hungrier so it ptakes more feedings to spread pthe disease to more people. Pso i place places like brazil pnicaragua or seeing so many pright now. Pand, we know, florida, is hot. Palready the number which cases pis climbed from last week. Pthere are now nine travel prelated cases of this virus. P last week there were only pthree. Ptwo of thoser here in phillsborough county. Pfour of the cases are in pmiamidade. Ptwo are in lee county and then pone is up in panhandle until psanta rosa. Ositive news here is that none pof these confirmed cases involve regnant women. Pif a pregnant woman does pcontract this disease the virus pit can cause a dangerous birth pdefect called microcephaly. Pmarked by abnormally small head pimmune disorder. Pthe World Health Organization psays we could see up to 4 pmillion cases of the virus in pthe u. S. By next year. Pso, shalled we be worried . Pwe will bring in fox 13 medical pgood morning to you. Pabout. Phow concerned should we be in phere in florida . Pwe should be concerned because pwe have mosquitos. Pwe have mosquito a lot. Pi think it was just last week we psaw there were no sentinel pchicken positive for weise nile pwhich circumstance clats around pour area. Pof course its a different pmosquito that transmit zika pvirusone that bites during the pday m both of those can do. Pthey can range all way from here pfrom florida all the way up the pthe. Pit has been tracked to new pjersey for example. Pso, yes, we have to to be pconcerned. Pwe have to be vigilant. Phaving a very strong public phealth component here. Pbeing able to track the people pwho may have brought it in. Pbeing it i believe spray or for pa mitigate the mosquitos around pthat person. Pand also, for people to be peducated so if they travel to pthat area come back here or pexposed to realize, realize only pabout 20 percent of individuals pwho get this virus even know pthey have it. Pso they could be bringing it pback to us. Pso thats why when they come pback they have to be careful pavoid mosquitos and try not to ass it on to someone else. Pi think tough part is i mean you pcan do what you can as a reventative measure. Pyou can use spray. Pbut a lot of times you dont peven know if youve been bitten. Pobviously the most obvious pcases, just weeks ago the resident said there should not pbe concern over this outbreak psomething has changed clearly. Pwhat do you think has changed . P you know i think it was nih, pdoctor had said that because we pdont expect as widespread pexposure as they have in other pcountries. Phes part of reason is because pwe just, you know we have pscreens air conditioning we have plots of ways that we can avoid pmosquitos. Pwe are not living perhaps in psuch rural areas. Pbut some of us do. Psome of us do. Pcertainly. Pbut he said if you remember, he psaid he did say we could have a pclusters in florida and texas. Pi mean he picked us out pimmediately because he knows pabout our heat and our mosquito pand that tendency we also have a plot of travelers coming from pfrom those areas. Pwere really front and . Pon this. Pyesterday we were talk about psymptoms to you to treat what pvirus does to your body a lot of pmisconceptions what it is and pwhat it does. Plets talk about that for a pminute. Pyeah, again like i said 80 ercent you dont even know you phave it other people will have pkind of a flulike illness, pfever the eyes conjunctivitis. Ink eye joint pain or muscle pdevelop in this cases to psomething more serious an auto pimmune where there can be a aralysis. Pbut the big, big concern is in regnant woman and microcephaly. Pthey believe there is link. Pwe have not proven that pdistinctly. Pbut again you dont want to wait puntil its too late. Pbut then its the babies are pborn where their heads that are ptoo small their brants arent pdeveloped some of them even pdont survive some have died pwithin 24 hours of birth. Pso yeah horrible, horrible peffect on these babies. Pall right. Pso lets talk about some other pscenarios. Pyesterday you said that this pclears the system fairly quickly pin matter of days . Pit does. Pi mean thats what they say it pwill. Pand they this believe its pwithin the blood for more than a pweek or so. Pand a lot of people do get pbetter once they get better they pbelieve that they will have pimmunity forever. Pwhich is different some of other pthings like dengue virus. Pi would like to seibert plately was the sexually ptransmission. Pnow we had aseen a couple cases, pand another one here in the punited states where there was psexual transmission. Pone the most distinct ones was psomeone who was researching zika pvirus in another country, and in pafrica came back to the united pstates to applies where there pwere nomo ski to and transmitted pit to his wife. Pwhen you looked at that one pthat, was a clearly a sexually ptransmitted disease. Phowever, if you think about it, pthis might be going on more than pwe know because its pautomatically presumed if youre pin an area with lot of mosquito pcirculating it is hot it was pcontracted from a mosquito not psexually. Ponly way you could know that pvery unique situation as we saw pin colorado. Pand now were hearing that the psame thing has happened in ptexas. Pso again, studies have shown pthey found viable virus in one ptwo weeks after his symptoms presolved. Pso im not sure how long it will pbe in this. Pi think were going to to see plot more studies on that. Premember, we went through this pwith ebola as well. Pthe virus could be transmitted pin that fashion. P right. Plots to learn here. Pbut it sounds like cdc and nih pare on it we will wait to see pwhat they learn, thank you, pdoctors jo. Plets stay with this for at pminute. Pamerican red cross is saying pthey need Blood Donation if pyouve been to 95 affected pcountries they are asking you to phold off at least 28 days if you pdo give blood and symptoms pwithin 14 days they ask you pcontact them immediately so pcontinue can quarantined. Pthere is no blood test for the pdisease. P 8 09 right now overnight in pdade city thee men show up in phospital all of them had been pshot. Ptwo men have critical injuries. Pright now investigators are at a ptrailer in dade city north. Pthats where they believe the pshooting happened. Pdeputies say two of the men are pcondition a third not seriously phurt. Pstill not clear what led up to pthe shooting investigators pbelieve it was likely gang and pdrug related. P happen thing today, the pflorida house could vot bil pgun owners more freedom. Pincluding one allowing people pwith concealed weapons permits pto carry guns on college pcampuses. Pmany faculties members and puniversity and College Residents oppose this bill. Pwhile house is prepared for a pfinal vote on matter senate pversion has stalled. Plast month Senate President said pthis would not likely make it to pa vote this session. Phouse set to vote on separate pmeasure which would allow people pconcealed weapons licenses to pcarry their side arms without pcon ceiling them. Popen carry bill. P questions over whether the pstates Death Penalty system is punconstitutional. Pmay have just saved a mannings plife. Pconvicted killer michael pscheduled to die next week. Pbut has been given an indefinite pstay of execution. Pstate Supreme Court says he pthey figure out how to my a u. S. PSupreme Court ruling that pdeclared floridas Death Penalty psystem unconstitutional. Pif the ruling is approved or pretroactively, it could mean all p390 people on floridas death prow could have their sentences pthrown out. Pit all hiengs on how the state pSupreme Court handles this one pcase. Pit could decide that he is still pcondemned to die because he was psentenced before the court pinvalidated the process. Pbut, they could also decide to preopen sentencing. Pand all of those other death row pinmates. Psome public defenders and legal pexperts say that would be pincredibly expensive and pimpractically, and painful for pfamilies. Pright now the legislature is ptrying to figure out a solution. P all right. Pit teams sob tradition the last pfew years. Pfirst day of Florida State fair pand it rains. Pdaves got forecast coming up pnext. Lus who loves you more . Pcats or dogs . Pscientists study the animal mind pand were going to check in with pcharley right now for a look at psome of the super bowl pright . Pwere talking to an ad agency pthat certainly knows all about pthem does this commercial look pfamiliar when Jameis Winston was pa new to team and model was psiege the day. Pwell Tampa Bay Buccaneers their pcity. Pinside the war room where they pcame up with the whole idea of psiege the day. Pwere talking a little behind pthe scenes of the ad world as we pget ready for the ad industrys psuper bowl this sunday as well. Pand meet leon. A sea lion with a big personality. You might describe him as bubbly, a little nosey, and a lot of friendly. Come make a new friend. Or maybe a few. With a seaworld fun card you pay for less than a day, and play all year. Enjoy amazing shows, rides and events. The sooner you buy one, the sooner the fun starts. So come meet leon, the bubbly sea lion. And mako, the tallest, longest, fastest coaster in orlando. Coming this summer. Pwelcome back. Pokay. Pwhich animal loves its human pmore . Pa dog or a cat . Pthe depending on which you favor ptheres a never ending debate. Pbut, thanks to neuro scientists pwe may have an answer for real. Ptaylor cats, its all yours. Prussell what do you think the panswer . Pi think i have my answer. P whats your guess pthose are dogs for anyone who pdoesnt know. Pbut who doesnt know . Pturns out thats correct dogs pare 5 times more likely to love ptheir humans than cats. Pbut how the doctor got to pconclusion is by the pcomplicated. Pstay with me here. Pneuro scientists took blood psamples from ten cats and ten pdogs after they played with ptheir owners. Phe tested each animal on two pdifferent occasions, checking pthe samples for oxytocin. Pthats the chemical that our pbody makes when we bond with psomething or when we have ositive experiences. Pon average the sdogs produced pjust over 57 percent of poxytocin. Pcats . Ponly 12 percent. Pand only 50 percent produced any poxytocin at all. Pbut zach says cats arent also pas social as dogs. Palso surprising, dogs appear to pbe more loving than humans. Plevel ro easy 40 to 60 percent pafter interacting with spouse or pchild. Pdogs have us beat. P i, i know youre right. Pit kind of brings a whole new pmeaning to grumpy cat. Pyes it does. Pi know they are cat lovers out pthere. P yes, i know you love your pcats. Pi know those cats love you. Pwere not taking sides here. P except kind of. Pi love doggies, right . P just me. Psorry. Pi have to go there. P bye you guys. Psee you. Pheres the thing, when you buy a pillusive. Pthats their gig. Eople buy them for that reason. P sit there and lounge around pon the top of the couch. Pthen you get at dog and its all pover the place. Pall energy all the time and pneeds you all the time. Pneeds you all the time. Pthats right. P hey dave. P we as humans, we have that, pwhen need to be wanted. Pright . P 71 degrees in new tampa. Phey, watch yourself vanessa. P72 in westchase. P72 in apollo beach. Pit is an unbelievably mild start pto the day. P53 is our normal low. Pwere 20 degrees warmer than our pnormal low. Pwere actually at our norm will phighs for day brooksville 73. Pdade city 72. Plower 70s as well bradenton, psouthward through inglewood. Phanging on to upper 60s with psome cloud cover. Pive got Bartow Frostproof psebring lake placid you compare pthis to yesterday at this time pthough, 7, 10, 11, 12 degrees pwarmer than yesterday. Pand its that southeasterly pwind. Pthat southeast winds not only pkeeping us warm this morning but umping up the dew point pnumbers. Pthe good aspect of the southeast pwind is it kept the fog away. Por the real dense fog. Pa little bit. Ptoday, warm humid cloud cover. Pup to near 80. Pand tomorrow forecast. Pslow moving front right now. Ptop half quickly moving out. Pgoing to lag this part behind. Pso by time we get into tomorrow pafternoon, were going to be pdealing with possibility of pheavy rain and a little bit of pthunder. Pno significant Severe Weather is pexpected. Pbut we may get a round of heavy prain in some time early pafternoon tomorrow. Pwell go 79 for a high today. Pvery close to that 80degree pmark. Pmostly cloudy warm muggy ptonight. Plow 66 degrees. Pwe may start off relatively pquiet first thing in the pmorning. Pbut then showers and pthunderstorms are likely as we pmove through the day. Pwith a high of 73 degrees. Pfront comes through, so i think pfridays highs may only be in pthe 60s. Pwere going to turn right back paround, cloud it right back up psaturday morning, with some pshowers around late in day on psaturday, moving into sunday pmorning. Pvanessa. Pall right thank you dave. Pworried about that chopper planding on hillsborough avenue. Pwere hearing from fire pdepartment that the lanes are pnow open. Pat longboat boulevard. Pstill seeing residual delays preally mostly in westbound pdirection of hillsborough. Pthose are thinning out quickly. Pso that is some good news. Pbad news, southbound 75 at puniversity parkway, we have a pcrash with a left lane blocked. Pyou can see lots of red this on proads sensors southbound pdirection of course backing up ptowards state road 70 in pmoderate fashion beyond that oint so its time when you robably if youre heading that pway, probably want to exit and ptake Lakewood Ranch boulevard paround that crash site. Pwe also want to show you i4 in pthe area of branch forbes. Pwe have that crash that was pcausing some on looker delays pbumping up the travel times. Pthis inn that westbound pdirection lieu but looks look ptravel tiles backed down in pgreen. Pwe do have heavier travel times pto show you on another part of pi4 when you get to 75 and its pas youre heading in towards the pinterchange a 17 minute ride pmost of those delays between 301 pand mlk also looking quite pnorthbound 275 coming over the pHoward Franklin bridge heading pup to i4 a 30 minute ride. P well one company is paying pits employees 4,000 when they phave a baby. Panother company is giving their pcharity. Pwere going to take look at some osh perks companies are pworkers. Pthats coming up ahead at 9. Pbut first, super bowl fans are pgetting excited for this pweekends game. Pcommercials too. Pthat gearing up next charleys pwhat it takes to go into bend me shape me, any way you want me as long as you love me, its alright bend me shape me, any way you want me shape the best sleep of your life. Sleep number beds with sleepia technology adjust any way you want it the bed that moves you. The new caramel macchiato from dunkin donuts. Let handcrafted layers of espresso, milk, and a caramelflavored swirl uplift your mood. Indulge in a hot or iced macchiato today. Pgood day tampa bay. Pim charley belcher. Pin ybor city this morning phanking out chapel roberts an ad pagency. Plocal ad agency with big paccounts Tampa Bay Buccaneers. Psara is the don draper of chapel proberts. Pcreative director. Pthats what a don draper was on pa madmen, donna draper back in phis day no women in that world. Psee about 11 percent. P11 percent of creative directors pare female now nationally. P interesting. Pim actually surprised that pnumber isnt larger. Pthats interesting its only 11 ercent a. Pi guess who controlling our pcommercials nationwide a bunch pthats topic for another time. P yes, it is. Plets talk about, how a pcommercial comes to be and how a pcampaign is created. Pyour account you have a tampa pbay buccaneers. Pyes. Psiege the day was big campaign pfor last year. P yes. Phow does it start in room like pthis . P sure. Pyes we create a war room. Pbut what we really start with presearch trat gee for us its pthe main idea is one simply ptruth. Pthis it here. Pfrom there we go into sfwensive pideation. Pbuccaneers bring toke generation pas family and friends shared pexperiences uniting us behind pour home team reenergizing, you pstart with almost a mission pstatement. Pthats inspiration. Pthats the real boil down pstrategy. Pwe think about audience who are pwe making this for. Pyes, younger families, young rofessionals. Pcriteria things that we have to pmeasure the idea against can it pdo this, can it do that. Pand then, from there we jump pright into ideation. Pwe keep them coming. Pcharge siege the moment, siege pthe day. Pyes. Pi like that, i get whole seize pthe day. Irates and were sieging. Pthats right. Psiege the day. Pi get it. Peverybody had an opinion on it. Pi get it. Pit had to be relevant to the pbuccaneers. Pand ownable. Pso then you got to make t v pcommercial what that will look plike. Pexactly most people dont prealize what it takes to created pjust a 30 second spots. Pmonths and months of mufshg pselection editing to get down to pthat 30 second looping on tv pover there im sure a lot of us pare familiar with it because got psome good play out of it. Pit takes so much work and a pteam, so if youre at the top of pteam how many people are you pworking with to thak m happen . Pjust internal probably upwards pof ten folks on our team working pthrough hours and hours of and pagain months and months of time pof course integrated campaign plike this, because you have a pteaser fwil boards, and pnewspaper, every all medium sara pdonna draper thank you very much pfor that. Pquick tutorial. Pwhen we come back we will start plooking at some best super bowl pcommercials of all time give you psneak peek of what you can pexpect sunday. Pyou know thats so true we dont pthink about all that goes into pit you know when youve seen a pgood commercial when this got it pwhen its slogan something pclever you can remember. Pand thats the key. Ptheres a skill in it all right pcharley, thank you. P stay with us, they are called psmart yoga pants how special ants help you master even the pmost difficult pose. Pand then fox 13 Shayla Reeves is pgiving us an update abandoned pand very sick puppies. Pgood morning, shayla. P hi, good morning to you. Precovery continues for 8 puppies pfound in a box abandoned on the pside of the road. Pwill tell you how humane skincare new Garnier Skinactive introducing clearly brighter. A new active daily moisturizer to brighten dull skin. Packed with antioxidant vitamin c, e and active lha. It does more than moisturize, it actively smoothes, boosts radiance and protects with spf 15. Clinically proven. See brighter skin in just one week. New clearly brighter from garnier. Skinactive. The active way to better skin. Now at havertys furniture, its our annual president s day sale. Which means its the perfect time to create the perfect home. Now through february 15th, everything in our store is on sale. Plus, were offering thirtysix month, no interest financing. Come in today for our best prices of the year. With havertys, your home can be perfect. Even when life isnt. Sfx knocking. Were early the president s day sale. From classic to contemporary, ba da ba ba ba pith 8 30 now. Pheartless its cruel, and it a pcrime. Psomeone left a box full of uppies on the side of the road. Pluckily somebody found them. Ptook them to Humane Society of ptampa bay. Pfox 13 Shayla Reeves tells us pgoing to take lot of work and plot of money to get these dogs phealthy again, right . P youre right, russell. Pa lot of work, a lot of money pand a lot of time and care. Pright now im here with folks pwho tasked with making sure uppies get healthy again. Pand right now youre seeing just pa few of them, they are eight ptotal but right now we have 5 of pthem joining us this morning. Pand an among the folks here that pyoure seeing is rachel, you pactually took that call i punderstand when we learned about pthese puppies. Ptell me good that. Pi did i was covering front desk pand a received a phone call preally distraught he was saying pi just found these puppies i pknow pretty late at night. Pi dont know what to do they plook like they are rough shape i psaid come on in. Retty late what time are we ptalking about pup our 4 45 we close around 5 it pwas pretty late in afternoon. Ptell me about some Health Issues pthey are dealing with . Pthey are trying to recover from ptheir main issue they mange what pis causing all naked hair loss. Preally itchy. Pits painful. Puncomfortable. Pso they are going to scratch pthey are going open up little psource which can lead to psecondary bacterial infections psomething we are concerned about psome of have infections under pskin that spread towards bone pjoints on their back legs they pare dealing with lot and anemic. Pi understand just the conditions pthat they were in when they parrived theer they could have pbeen in this shape for weeks . P really. Pabsolutely. Pthis is something that takes a pwhile to progress. Pbut at this stage its been pgoing on for a long time. Pand it definitely can get worse pthan this but not much. Pthese poor guys have been suffer pfoggy around while. Pwhile were talking about these uppies today, is this scenario pyou see a lot . Pwe do. Pit maining is actually really pcommon in the public. Ploss definitely get to your vet. Pit starts out small. Psmall little spot. Pbut, untreated can definitely prapidly progress as painful and pawful as this. Pand, particularly when we talk pabout, dogs or animals abandoned pon the side of road is that pscenario you all see a lot . Pthis is one story were telling pyou about you see this from time pto time . P absolutely. Pmany stray are abandon pets we phave that come in our in rough pshape. Pmalnourished untaken care of ptheir immune systems are really pbad they can manifest things pexactly like this it could take pabout 4 to six weeks i punderstand for these puppies to pbe in position where they will pbe adoptable. Pwe need to get them better, pfeeling good, being able to be phomes. Pweve got skin under control, pbut they like like they are pgoing to do great. Plast but not least before we let pyou go how it feels to see uppies see them now but to know osition they can make a full precovery i cant imagine how pthat will feel when they do. Pthat feeling is indescribable pwhen i first saw that heart pbreak even on day two oh and pthree they are looking so much phappier and just knowing in pfuture they will have full coat pof hair, and family that loves pthem. Pand valuable. Pall right thank you so much prachel for your time. Pand of course, in this articular case it was good psamaritan who just you know, pdidnt just see the box, and pkeep going, but they actually pcalled in and tried to get some phelp in this case. Pand were told these puppies pwhile they have a few weeks to precover, they are expected again pto make a full recovery. Pso well be back coming up in p9 oclock hour with another live preport, guys. Pback to you. P you know, i guess the saddest art about this to me is you can ptake them, if you dont want pthem, first of all have spayed por neutered so we dont have pthis problem. Pif you dont want them, take pthem somewhere, this just pabandon them to die. P yeah. Phere in our community that are pable and willing to take in panimals if someones overwhelmed por they dont have a way to feed pthem or care for them, there are presources here like the humane psociety that can help, make sure pthat they dont end up in a osition such as this one. Pleft in box on the side of the proad. Pim glad somebody got to them pand they are going to be okay. Psha larks thank you. Ptalk later. Pi get upset about these things. Pall right. Pa yorkie stolen during a robbery pin lakeland is now back with its pfamily. Pdeputies say three men took toby palong with food, electronics pduring a Home Invasion last pweek. Powner says someone returned him pon tuesday. Phis fur a bah by the matted down phes healthy fine. Pmen who stole the dog have not pbe found. P two teenager who escaped from phillsboroughs juvenile passessment center are nowhere to pbe found. Pthey escaped sunday morning pstill on the run. Pboth boys were serving time for pstealing a car. P deputies say 18yearold pthey cut a hole through a chain plink fence at the falkenberg pacademy on sunday. Pthree youth care workering and psupervisor or now facing pdisciplinary action. Pa department of juvenile justice pinvestigating why it took the porkers about an hour to call pthe sheriffs office. Pa woman live streamed moments pfollowing a shooting in oh palo pcan area. Ptwo twem were shot in drive pthrough of a burger king pyesterday. Pseconds later one victims pstarted Live Streaming the paftermath on social media. Pwe antigo to show it to you pbecause its was very graphic. Pshe was shot thee times in video pshe pleads for her life and asks pfor forgiveness. Pboth women were taken to phospital. Pthey are in stable condition pnow. Pnobody has yet been arrested. P well the python challenge in peverglades is turning out record pnumbers. Pand there is still nearly two pweeks left to hunt. Pas of monday officials officials psay 82 snakes have been bagged p14 bags that hunt in 2013. Pjust last friday they caught a porganizers say hunters were able pto nab them because they now phave more raining and weather is pcooler. Psnakes have infested everglades pthey are threat to other pwildlife too. Pso the high numbers are good pthing that hunt runs until pvalentines day. Pnice pair of snake skin heels. Pkidding. Psorry. Pwhen weather warmer it harder to pfind them they go into hiding pthey come out when cool they plike to sun themselves they pcant regulate their body ptemperature. Pso they need that sun to warm pthem up. Pin cooler months thats why its peasy tore see them. Pthere. Pi know way too much about ythons. P71 degrees, the current ptemperature outside this pmorning. Pits believable how warm it is. Pif it is 75 in brandon. Pfour degrees above our normal pHigh Temperature for this time pof year. Pso this is bizarre numbers this pmorning because, you know ptypically we had been sitting phere in lower 50s right now. Ptalking about a jacket and cool pbig cold front to the northwest. Patlanta just got hit with some pvery heavy rain. Plook at this solid line. Pnow i will say that as this pmoves to the east, takes with psome energy. Pits going to a leave behind pthis part of the line of rain. Pso slowly its going to take pits sweet old time coming in pand it wont until tomorrow, i pthink our line of rain moves pthrough. Pand while i dont think there be pa huge Severe Weather threat ptomorrow, theres going to good pshot that we just get some heavy prain, maybe up to an inch of prain in many spots by tomorrow plate morning early into the pafternoon. Pso even though it looks pretty pclose to us, this part of the pfront is literally going to a plag behind. Pthats why the rains not pforecast to in through until ptomorrow. Pwarm and humid today. Pclouds, breezy, would not be pshocked to get back into the plower 80s for many of us. Ptonight with low in the mid 60s. Pand tomorrow, start breezy with pclouds and then introduce that pshowers and thunderstorms. Pespecially during the afternoon phours. Ptomorrow, High Temperature paround 73 degrees. Pin the wake of that rain, it pturns cooler. Pwe will have temperatures pdropping down to upper 40s for pfriday morning. Pand high of 63 on friday pafternoon. Pvanessa. Pall right thank you. P8 39 is time weve got look near psunshine skyway bridge. Pnear close to at south tower. Pactually going to be just north pof south of south tower. Pwe were dealing with some fog pyesterday. Pbut it looks quite bit cooler pand smooter of ride if youre pcrossing a bridge heading in pnorths bound direction plan for p17 minutes. Pwe do want to check our other pbridge times. Pup an of these times as you head pinto tampa. Pbecause thats going busiest pdirection for this time of pmorning. P21 minutes over Howard Franklin pbridge. Pyou can see lots of severe pdelays actually all the way past pthe hump. P14 minutes over gandy 20 minutes pcourtney campbell causeway. Pall right time right now 8 39. Psome folks may be too pintimidated to take yoga glasses pbecause of all poses you have to plearn what if your pants could phelp you out. Plisten to this, yeah, these are psmart fitness pants they papparently vibrate a bit paggressively if youre doing the ose wrong. P she looks like shes doing a pgood job. Ants are lined with electronic psensors allowing them to track pbodys every movement. Pthey use sensory signals to pdirect you to the proper pose. Otential problem with the ants, developer hasnt said how pmuch they are going to cost, and papparently they can only be pwashed 25 times. Pthey also really only work with pfour poses. Pso theres that. P a lot of issues there. Poh, yeah. Pa lot of things going on. Pyou maybe hearing some gunfire pnear the port of tampa right pnow. Pits only a drill. Pactive shooter emergency. Pand fox 13s Alcides Segui is pthere live. Psadly it something we have to pthing p it is because it is happening pmore and more often. Pnot only here in the u. S. But preally across the globe you peither have one person or pseveral people going into pbuildings trying to kill as many eople as they can. Pand we have seen it throughout pthe years. Pjust what a month ago, months pand a half ago in San Bernardino pwhere several people lost their plives and several more were phurt. Pso yeah were at the port this pform actually distorted about p7 30 this morning. Pit is a full house, completely psold out. Pand its put together by port of ptampa. Ptpd and several other downtown pagency tampa agency that around art of it. Pand they are just trying to praise awareness of what you pshould do if someone comes into pa building and tries to harm you por your friends or your staff pmembers. Pwhether youre at work whether pyoure a church, whether youre pat school. Padministrators here as well. Ptrying to figure out what game lan they should put into place pif god forbid Something Like pthat happens at their school and ptheir classroom. Pyou know, i tell you, i was phoping to have a better idea of pscenario itself. Pbut unfortunately it has not pstarted yet. Prunning a little bit late. Pthats mainly because people are pasking questions or trying to pfigure out what game plan or rocedures they should have in lace if indeed they do have a pgunman go go their work place. Pso again i want to toss it back pto you hopefully coming in p9 oclock hour well have that pvideo. Pi do know that several police pofficers will be involved. Pand they have i think one or two pbad guys that have blanks and pthe several officers will have plike a pellet if you will that pthey will use to shoot the bad pguys. Pits going to quite theatrical peerie as well obviously. Psomething from that. Pwell carry it moving forward. Pand in the years to come. Pwe hope to have lot more coming pup in good day tampa bay. Pback to you. Palcides in situation like this ptraining is everything. Pit is the most important thing pthat our Law Enforcement pcommunity can do, right . P its absolutely right. Pi mean these Law Enforcement pagencies train for incidents plike this as often as they can pbecause you just said it earlier pyou just never know what one erson is going to walk into a pbuilding and try to commit as pmany murders as he can. Pmass casualties. Pthey have to be prepared of when pthat can happen. Pthats true. Pall right, alcides, thank you. P well its a huge day at the pmuseum of science and industry pwhere they are doing something retty unique. Pour own jen epstein is there pwith them. Phey jen. Pgood morning laura you probably pwalked under these bones before phere a mosi. Pbut today usf researchers are pgetting up close look at this p im doing. I cant find anything just when i think its just this woman that works there comes over and asks and he was so happy, to do it amazing right . I never would have expected would have thought that anyone would find that make that go out of their way for me. Right then, right there i couldnt believe it he was so helpful small thing but it made me smile made me happy made my day share your story. 3 russell 2 shot sciencetogether with technology continues to evolve. And this science together with ptechnology continues to evolve. Pthis morning were getting a plook how its coming together to pcreate a 3 d picture of an pextinct animal stellars sea cow. Pa member of manatee family. Pand fox 13s jen epstein is pthere right now. Phey jen, good morning. P hey good morning guys. Pwho knew science can be so cool. Pand who knew that the florida pmanatee was just a small version pof the manatees. Pstellar manatee we just found pafew minutes ago was like 20 to p30 feet long. Plike the size of two mini busses ptogether. Pthats kind of crazy. Pwere learning all about 3 d pscanning this morning. Pand were talking with herb pyoure director of sea bass to pits doing all of the 3 d pscanning today. Pyouve got one here, i handheld pone. Plets start with what they are pdoing up above us this morning. Pwere getting up here on top pthis skeleton of a local pmanatee pand the importance of this for pus is that were heading to aris in a month to scan the ponly skeleton of stellar sea cow pwhich was a 20 thousand pound pmanatee that lived in alaska puntil about 300 years ago when pit was made extinct because pofally explorers they are going pto scan both of manatees pskeletons and just learn more pabout the stellar. Pwe will learn about both. Phow different pop laces of pmanatee like animals, evolved paround the world. Pbut also, its, part of a bigger roject to scan collections from pmuseums and important specimens pand make them available online. Pnew effort for university of psouth florida in our new center pto bring science to the world pand make it accessible. Pyou just got a really big grant pin order to an expand what you pguys are doing already. Pright we just got a private pfoundation grant of 4. 6 million pto expand the center and begin rojects all over europe and pnorth america. Pthere is kind of handheld pscanner over to the right of us, pexplain this arm. Pwell this is a, this a barrel pedge arm extremely high res lose pa thousand sanity of a pmillimeter. Psmaller than what you psych pnaked eye this arms know where pit in real time you can move pthat anywhere and 3 d model pcreated in real time. P so as hes scanning this pcomputer is showing the scan. Pright you can see it, it pcollects about 200 thousand oints per second and very paccurate. Pvery fast way to scan, pespecially fossils. Pits a great way to scan pfossils. Pso is in a second day they are pworking on this scan, so to scan pmanatee above us how long is pthat whole process . Pwere experimenting a with lot pof different technologies we pused four different scanners to pwork on this over the last pcouple of days because were ptesting effectiveness of each ptechnology. Pbut when we get actually to a pmuseum we will do it much pfaster. Pmaybe an hour or two hours for pthank you so much for explaining pthis Fascinating Technology with pus. Plike i mentioned earlier coming pup in 9 oclock hour, weve pshowing you 3 d scanning were pgoing to learn more about the 3 pd printing process and maybe pill bring back goodies for you pguys. Pall right then. Pgoodies. Robably not though. Robably not. Pshouldnt have said that. Pyeah. P all right. Pthank you. P i dont got that kind of pmoney. Palways promise. Psee you later. Ptime to turn over to charley pbelcher. Phigh pressure world of getting pjust 30 seconds of our pattention, right . P i think i was on tv in box pthere and wasnt paying pattention. Pyoure in a big wall now. Pim in a wall. Pa big wall. Poh. Pthe big wall the big wall. Pthis is, this life sized folks. Pwe shall at chapel roberts in pybor city. Pgetting you ready for super bowl pfrom an advertising standpoint. Pto me, this, the all time most pmemorable maybe greatest super pbowl commercial mean joe you pyou can have it. Phe says thanks kid. Pgame worn jersey. Pthat was a classic. Pbut theres a classic even more pclassic than this one according pto ad agency that changed padvertising forever. Ptalk feel a cold sore coming on . Only abreva can heal it in as few as two and a half days when used at the first sign. It penetrates deep and starts to work immediately to block the virus and protect healthy cells. Dont tough it out, knock it out, fast. Abreva. P good day tampa bay. Pcoming to you from a ybor city. Pinside chapel roberts, an ad pagency here locally. Pgo some big accounts bucs pflorida hospital. Pall kinds of a clients. Pchristine is here to talk about pa best commercials specifically psuper bowl commercials of all ptime. Pthis is your industry super bowl pjust like it is for professional pfootball. Pright. Pso the super bowl commercials pare to advertiser what oscars to pactors. Pits epitome of everything we pwork for. P well there was one ad that in pyour opinion, and i think its a pwidespread opinion, changes your pindustry. Pit happened in 1984. Pit was this commercial right phere. Pindeed. P1984, become mcinit tosh one pmost iconic Industry Experts pmost iconic spots of all super pbowl spots. Pone time ridley scott directed pbig hollywood one furs spots to phave over Million Dollar budget. Pnow id say probably more common pto have big budget. Pbut huge budgets. Pgo make something creative he psold it which and they had this pepic spot that has set the tone pfor super bowl spots. Pdid you say it only ran one ptime. Pran ones essentially they did psneak it inn couple local pstation in order for awards. Pboard didnt care for it and pthey shut it down it was pintroduction to the mcintosh piconic. Plets look at the next one. Pbecause we took about kids, panimals, and celebrities. Pbudweiser they are always a big layer in super bowl. Pthose clydesdales, they always pcapture your heart somehow. Pso what better kind of ling to pan american brand than something pso americanclydesdales link with pbrand so well, budweiser has pdone a great job of just, romoting their brand through panimals and pride in america pwiser. Pthat by way this spot was after p9 11. Psuper bowl. Pchills. Pif you want to make he motional pconnection with current that was phappening super bowl post 9 11 pbudweiser struck the perfect pflat. Pamericana another theme that we pamericans enjoy to see pespecially on super bowl. Pthis one god made a farmer with aul harveys classic poem. Pis voice not amazing . Pi mean i dont know of any other pbrand that can pick up somebody pelses brand merge it together pand have great spot that worked. Pthe whole spot built around paul pharvey iconic image but it pworks. Pi thought that was chevy. Pso that is where it missed i premember it had i remembered it pwas truck but i chouth it was pchevy but it was ram you never pmistake clydesdales. Ptheres a classic miss, this is pnationwide. Pwhat was this p this recent one probably most pof your viewers mind because pjust ran last year. Pand nationwide set out to make pspot called make safe happen. Pdeath of a child, too dark too pdramatic too depressing for psuper bowl this little boy in ptheory in commercial has died i pwant this im never going to get pmarried im never going to grow pup because im dead. Pno. Pnationwide no. Pshelve it go back. Pthen the next one, oh these go pdaddy commercials. Pthis is, this is you dont even ptelevision. Pits disturbing. Pits disturbing on another plevel. Poh, man it didnt work. Pthey had a whole thing about psexy meets smart i think it was pmore like repulsive meets pinappropriate. Pit was bad. Pit was. Pdont even look over there pjason. Pyeah, thank you. Pnobody wants to see that. Pchristine thank you very much. Pwe will show you sneak peek of pthe ads that may have us talking pmonday morning in the next psegment. Pin 9 oclock hour commercials. Pwe will see this sunday. Pwhat i have to this is violet. Shes been waiting for this moment for awhile. A moment other kids her first bowl of cheerios. Because now that cheerios are gluten free, violet, and many others are enjoying their first

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