Icture now and the way it plooks, youll think its fog peverywhere but its really not. Pvisibilities, everybody preporting 10 miles. Pthats just above the surface. Pas you look through that and see art of downtown and see the pclearing skies, it actually is pgoing to be a very, very nice pday. Pwe have dropped back to 50 pdegrees so grab your light pjackets, northnorthwest winds paround eight miles an hour. Poverall today, ill use the term pseasonably cool. P64 degrees. Pits not bad. Pwe have the sunshine back. Pbeginning tomorrow afternoon, a psteady warmup which will get us pback to 80 degrees by next week. Pwell tell you when in a little pbit. Pvanessa good morning, dave. Pa couple of new crashes to talk pabout. Pnew updates as well on an old pcrash. Pwe have one thats newly preported, possibly involving a pmotorcyclist. Phillsborough avenue at webb proad, two lanes are blocked so pif you do have to head that way, pgive yourself at least an extra pfive minutes out the door based pon delays were seeing at this oint. Pwe reported before. Pwe werent sure if there was plane blockage but f. H. P. Is preporting blocks in the pintersection. Pu. S. 41. Pthis crash is causing some plowdowns, minor on u. S. 41. Pwe are seeing some bigger delays pso more time here. Pjennifer donald trump made pgood on his promise. Phe did not show up at the prepublican debate in iowa last pnight. Prussell he was a few miles paway attending a Charity Event. Phis decision to boycott the pdebate was what he calls pretaliation against fox news for ptreating him unfairly. P all the online polls said i pdid well with the debates and pive had to kick with it, but pyou have to stick up for your prights. Pwhen youre treated badly, you phave to stick up for your prights. Pyou have to do it. Pand whether we like it or not, pwhether its something we want pto do or not, thats what our prussell the Trump Campaign psaid that the Charity Event made p 6 million for veterans. Pseven other leading republicans pwere debating issues. Pa few couldnt help but mention phis absence. P let me say, im a maniac and peveryone on this stage is pstupid, fat and ugly. Pand ben, youre a terrible psurgeon. Pnow that weve gotten the donald ptrump portion out of the way p[applause] p its not about donald trump. Phes an entertaining guy, the pgreatest show on earth. Pthis campaign is about the pgreatest country in the world pand a president who has psystematically destroyed many pthings that made america pspecial. Prussell well, fox 13 craig atrick was at that debate last pnight. Phe joins us from des moines. Pwell get to donald trump in a psecond but lets talk about the pdebate itself. Prussell. Phow are you . Prussell were good here. Plets talk about ted cruz. Pi guess hes the one that peverybody else had to go after plast night, right . Preporter a few swings were ptaken at ted cruz. Pmore than donald trump, more pthan ted cruz, it was hillary pheat. Pit takes us back to the days pbefore trump where one party pwould focus on going after the resumed nominee of the other arty. Phillary clinton is not as resumed as the republicans pmight think based on the polling pwere seeing these days, but it pis clear every candidate on that pstage thinks that hillary pclinton will be the nominee. Pthats where they focus their pfire and ted cruz tried to score psome points. Pwe saw one of the examples a few pseconds ago of going after pdonald trump. Pbut as they repeatedly quipped pon the stage by him not being pthere, it almost got a little pold after awhile. Psaid that politically wounded pdonald trump in his absence. Prussell one of the people who phad a good night is jeb bush. Preporter jeb bush had a very pgood night. Pi wouldnt say that he had a pgrand slam. Phe didnt hit it out of the ark, but we saw a much stronger pjeb bush than weve seen in rior debates. Pi can give you several examples. Pthere was one question posed to phim about wounded veterans pcharities which is interesting pbut jeb bush deflected that pquestion to a broader discussion pof problems for veterans, pscandal of the department of pveterans affairs which is a hot pbutton issue in the race and he palso said that americans need to pbe more welcoming. Phe was definitely on message plast night. Pand we got a chance to see what pthe world would be like in the prepublican race without donald ptrump directly involved in the pconversation. Pwith that different dynamic, it pseems to bode well for jeb bush. Pnot being in the race, it would phave been different today. Prussell lets talk about pdonald trump. Pthats the big talk going into pthis thing and we wont know puntil monday after the iowa pcaucus if its helped him or phurt him not being there. Preporter certainly a lot of eople were talking about donald ptrump. Pyou saw donald trump landing pwith his jet. Pwhile he did not win the debate pitself and while we would score pit in that sense for jeb bush, phe may, in effect, have won the pnight because he showed that he pcan take calculated risks that phe may well lose and in this pcase, we dont see where hes pwounded by this. Pi suspect theres some undecided pvoters in iowa who were turned poff by the fact that donald ptrump would not answer questions pin the closing hours leading to pthe caucus. Psupporters were turned off. Pi dont think his detractors are pother. Pif the needle moves, it may move ponly slightly and given the lead pthat donald trump has in the olls, that may not take him out phere. Prussell i know its close in piowa, the polling indicates its pclose in iowa. Pdo we expect donald trump to be pthere until monday at least, pworking hard . Preporter well, hes going in pand out of iowa but he will be phere over the weekend on the peastern border of iowa in pdavenport in particular. Phe has a couple of big rallies lanned and how well he performs pbasically determined by turnout. Pif it turns out around 120,000, pthat may be good news for ted pcruz or marco rubio, if we have p160,000, 170,000 people setting pa record in the republican race, pthat would bode well for donald pwith us this morning. Pi know you had a late night last pnight. Pwell talk later, okay . Preporter thank you, russell. Pjennifer it is a nightmare pfor hundreds of people in tampa. Pthey should be on a cruise ship pright now. Pinstead, theyre still waiting pto get on. Pcarnival paradise wasnt able to pdock yesterday morning. Pthe people are still sleeping on pthere. Pfox 13 is at the port this pmorning to tell us about the phuge problem for passengers. Phey, ken. Preporter good morning. Pthis is kind of like the domino peffect. Pthe ship behind me, the paradise pby carnival, it got in 12 hours plater than expected at 8 00 last pnight. Psome people got on and they pscrambled and got home. Pother people stayed on and ptheyre sleeping right now, ptheyre going to get off in two phours from now. Pthey got some free food and they phad some fun but realize, their ptravel plans were all messed up. Pagenda changed. Pfolks who were supposed to board pyesterday afternoon, they pcouldnt do it so theyre going pto be getting on later today. Paside from that inconvenience, pmoney. Pmaybe they had to rent a room or padditional day. Pfor. Pwhen it comes down to it, what pthis . Pwell, you pretty much just have pto go for it. P tonight were going to go pout, get a motel room. Pwe cant control mother nature. Pit is what it is. Pdo you know what . Pwe were just going to ride. Preporter fun. Pall about . Pboarding this afternoon will phave less time to have fun pbecause their trip to kazumel pwas supposed to be four days and pnow its cut to three days. Pthey call it a vacation to pnowhere because theyre going to pbe on the water and not get to ptheir destination. Pcarnival can make this whole pthing just a little better and pleave folks with a better pimpression of their experiences pa deal. Pwere going to take half off of pthe cost of this particular pcruise and if you want to come pback, well give you half off pthat one as well. Pbut in the meantime, you kind vf pa mess. Psome people making the best of pit and other people, you know, pdoing the best they can. Pwhat can you do . Pa situation like this other than psaying, im on vacation . Pits not the vacation i planned pbut everybody else is working plike you and me, so theyre pdoing okay. Pjennifer theyre taking it in pstride. Pare you planning on hopping on pthe cruise ship after your pshift . Preporter are you going to let pme . Pi have to do something for porlando. Pbut if im not where im psupposed to be, you know where i pwent. Pif youre in charge, tell the poffice. Prussell 7 10 right now. Pdeputies still working to solve pa Home Invasion in pasco county. Pit ended with a teen being shot. Pdetktives are looking for panthony steven. Phe goes by the name little ant. Pbreaking into a home in holiday pyesterday. P16yearold girl was paccidentally shot in the chest pby somebody else living in the phouse. Pbecause that shooting took place pduring a crime, stevens will pface the appropriate charges, peven though he did not pull the ptrigger. Pif you know where he is, call pcrime stoppers. Pnew this morning, the search for pa thief, the robber stole a cell hone from a woman walking in pthe corner of florida last pnight. Pa friend of the victim drove by pand pulled over to help. Olice say the thief also shot pand ran off. Ptheyve not been seen since. Pno one hurt. Pjennifer theres a good pchance the Florida Legislature pwill expand the stand your pground law. Pa bill putting more pressure on rosecutors has gotten senate papproval. Pit puts more of the burden on rosecutors to prove the pdefendant wasnt acting in self pdefense. Pright now that burden of proof pis on the defendant. Pthe legislation now goes to the phouse. Prussell role model mothers. Ptheres a new evidence to psuggest your daughter may grow pup to be just like you and pcoming up, why thats not pnecessarily good thing. Pjennifer and a makeover for pbarbie. Pdoesnt look the same anymore. Pnew breed of wires bar y bies pshould have a wider appeal. Pdave a couple of spots to the pnorth have gotten back in the p40s. Pit feels kind of damp, even pthough were drying things poccupant. Pi think its going to be a retty day, albeit unseasonably pcool day. Ptheres your 50, 50 wesley pchapel, 40s to the north. Pwell go sunny skies this pget pdave the blizzard in the pnortheast last week is the pfourth worst snowstorm to hit pthe region in more than 65 pyears. Pthats according to the national poceanic and atmospheric padministration, noaa. Pthey record stuff like that. Pconsideration including totals, pgeographic reach for the opulation. Pclose to 24 Million People in pthe northeast saw snowfall pbetween 20 and 30 inches last pweek. Pwhile close to two million had pto deal with more than 30 inches pof snow. Pa report now, some neighborhoods pare just now being plowed out. Pthis was on sunday. Pso its taken almost a week. Pnow, fortunately, they didnt phave a ton of Power Outages that pthey thought there would be but pthat could have been a lot pworse. P24hour rainfall totals, we got psoaked yesterday. Peverybody got a decent soaking. Pif you didnt get it yesterday, pyou did the day before. Pthe point is weve picked up pmore rain in the last two days pthan we typically do the entire pmonth of january. Pthats an el nino weather attern for you. Pthis is worse than it really is pthat you see obscured, heres pabove the ground. Pwe have 10 miles visibility on pthe ground and weve got a plittle bit of cloud cover but pnot completely clear yet but it pis a much, much nicer day. Pheres a picture from river view pas youre looking west back to pthe coastline. Panother shot where weve got psome clearer skies out toward pthe beach this morning. Pbradenton beach, a beautiful pshot. Ptheres an obscured look but it pdoesnt look that bad when you pstep outside. Pcooler, 50 degrees in tampa. Pyou see the 40s sneaking in pbrooksville, leesburg, even pCrystal River at 43 degrees. Pthis will not be the coolest pmorning. Ptomorrow i think will be the pcoolest morning. Pa lot of these lower 50s you see pnow will be replaced by upper p40s this time tomorrow morning. Pso just bear that in mind. Pwe have to get up in the wee phours of saturday to go out. Pits going to be quite chilly pand im thinking about the pinvasion but by the time that phappens, well have started to pget into a more mild ptemperature. Pby the time the invasion rolls palong tomorrow morning. Pupper 30s, panama city, ptallahassee, gainesville is at p43. Pjacksonville at 41. Pit is the northwest wind. Pwith that wind shift last night, pit just cut the rain off and now pwere dragging in the drier, pcooler air which, by the way, is pnot going to last all that long. Pwell get back into some psunshine for today. Pfurther south you go, the more pcloud cover youre going to have pto experience but at least the prain is gone. Pweve got several days to dry pthings out. Psunshine returns, breezy, cooler pthan normal today and a high of p64 degrees. Ptonight clear, chilly, low 48 pdegrees. Pthat is in the city so that pmeans some of you could be in pthe lower 40s as you get to the pouter lying areas and tomorrow, pfast warmup. Pits going to be a lovely, plovely saturday. Pnot only onshore but offshore. Pso boaters, it may be a little pyoure good for the rest of the pweekend so enjoy that. P72 by sunday and look at the pwarmup for monday and tuesday as phighs may touch the 80degree pmark for tuesday afternoon. Pvanessa thank you, dave. Pright now we have sky fox that pjust arrived on the earlier pmentioned crash along phillsborough avenue. Poriginally were hearing two peastbound lanes were blocked but pwere just seeing one eastbound plane blocked. Pthis is near webb road and we pwere hearing also that this was psuspected to be a motorcyclist pinvolved crash and we do see a pmotorcycle pull off to the side. Pit looks like there might be psomebody sitting there on the pbench. Pi cant tell. Pwe dont know about injuries. Phopefully that means that the erson is uninjured. Pits causing a slowdown in the peastbound direction. Lan for delays of five minutes por so. Pgood news is, we dont have as pmany lanes blocked as we poriginally thought. Pit doesnt look like we have any pbad damage on the vehicles. Pmeantime, there is what could be pa serious crash in the largo peastbound direction were phearing that two turn lanes on pthe lefthand side could be pblocked and also hearing that pemergency crews are in the rocess of maybe removing psomebody from one of those pvehicles. Pso this could be a scene well pbe seeing for a little bit while pto come but five minutes is the pdelays were seeing in the peastbound direction so well lan accordingly and let you pknow if you have to give pyourself another route. Pfor now that doesnt appear to pbe the case. Pwe have a nice look over the psunshine skyway bridge. Pits a lot clearer than we were pseeing yesterday morning at this ptime so thats some good news pfor drivers. Plooks like the main delays are psouthbound. Prussell a popular toy is pgetting a makeover. Pjennifer the barbie of old is pold news. Pwalter allen is going to show us pwhat shes going to look like pand why the change. Pwalter if barbie was a real pwoman, she would have to walk on pall fours because of her thin pankles and wrists. Pshe wouldnt have the strength ptheyre coming out with a barbie ptheyre coming out with a barbie pthat shows the woman more pnaturally. Pmattel is going to change seven pskin tones, 24 hair styles. Pa 4 drop in the last quarter of pbash i didnt see. Pmattel is hopeful that the new pbarbie will be more relatable to pkids. P i talked to a lot of people pand the reaction is poverwhelmingly positive because pwere not a one size fits all pcountry, world. Pits about customization and pabout having choice. Pand with barbie, consumers pfinally have a choice. Pwalter the diverse pcollections are set to arrive on pu. S. Store shelves in march. Pnow, theres some reaction to pthis. Pone has had her own struggle. Pkir pkirstie alley tweeted, bring pback 1965 where barbie just plooked like a freak. P1950s when a barbie was an padult. Pcover reads, now can we stop ptalking about my body . Pagain, dolls roll out in march, pjen. Prussell wow. Pall right. Pthanks, walter. Pjennifer thank you, walter. Pwe have a home town hero coming pup. Pits a young girl who was pdiagnosed with cancer when she pwas just 20 years old and shes pusing her battle with cancer to phelp other young adults who are pfighting the same battle. Prussell nice. Plook forward to it. Lus climbing the peak of a yramid. Pit took longer getting down than pit did going up. Pwhy this teenager is lucky he pdidnt end up in jail. Pgood morning, charley belcher. Phow are you doing, man . Pcharley good day to you, prussell. Pyou sound good. Pdeeper voice. Pi like that. Pits working for you, man. Prussell thank you. Pcharley im in legoland and pwere unveiling, now playing, a plego movie. Pthat was all about our hero pemmitt who went up against lord pbusiness as the evil bad guy. Pin this one, its Risky Business pand everything out here is 4 d. Pthe movie is 4 d, the red carpet pis 4 d which means stuff happens pall around. Pstick around, everybody. Ptogeth3 3 jen 2shot now that hes back in the us, the 18yearold known as the affluenza teen could learn pjennifer 18yearold known as pthe affluenza teen could learn ptoday where hes heading next. Prussell use at a juvenile pdetention center in texas. Pauthorities in mexico deported pcouch to the u. S. On thursday. Ptoday a judge will have to pdecide what to do with him. Pkeep him at the detention pfacility or send him to an adult pjail or release him on bond. Pcouch and his mother fled to pmexico after individual yoe pshowed the teenager possibly pviolating probation. Pthe judge sentenced him to 10 pyears probation for killing pfour people in a drunk driving pjennifer new warning about a pmosquitoborne virus. Pthey plan to find ways to stop pthe spread of the zika virus. Ptheres a prediction of four pmillion new cases this year. Pthe virus has already spread to p23 countries, including mexico. Pno cases here in the u. S. Yet pbut 31 american tourists to platin america and the caribbean pgot it last year. Pthis is good to know. Pmore u. S. Airlines and cruise poperators are offering refunds pto pregnant women traveling to a pcountry in the outbreak area. Psome cases, they can change the pitinerary. Pmost airlines are now offering pthose options. Pso are Carnival Cruise lines, proyal caribbean and allegiant. Prussell you have to look at pthis amazing video of a teenager pwho climbed the great pyramid. Pwe cant recommend this because pits illegal. Pthe german teen went to egypt pwith the intention of climbing pgetting it all on video. Ptook him eight minutes to get to pthe top, 20 minutes to get down. Olice took him in for pquestioning and then they let phim go. Pthe punishment usually for pclimbing a pyramid in egypt can pbe three years in prison. Pdave almost 7 28. Pwe have some breaks in the pclouds. Pits beginning the clearing out rocess. Pit could be a nice afternoon pcoming at you. P49 at the current temperature of pour friends in new port richey. Psome jacket weather in pbrooksville, Crystal River, ptheyre in the 40s. Ptampa in the lower 50s. Pbartow through arcadia as well. Pwere running 10 to 15 degrees pcolder than we were yesterday so pits a noticeable difference but pi think its going to be nice. P64 for a high today. Pwe will get back in the 40s povernight tonight but then 69 ptomorrow and yes, back to the p70s for sunday. Pvanessa thank you, dave. Pwe want to mention that it looks pstarting to take over at puncomfortable point along east pbay drive. Pwere following the crash near pthe u. S. 19 overpass with lane pblockage eastbound and the pdelays are getting to the point pwru might want to take an palternate. P142nd avenue and ulmerton road. Pmeantime, were seeing some pdelays northbound 275. Pits going to back upstarting paround dale mabry where we pusually see the concerns. Pwest shore boulevard, average pspeeds around 15 miles an hour. Pwe prepare for the delays like pweve been seeing in the area. Pmeantime, were getting you pready for gasparilla, talking pabout the weather, the things pthat youll be bringing. Pwe also want to talk about road pclosures. Pdo remember that some of them pstart tonight, including areas palong bayshore boulevard that pare going to close down around p10 00 p. M. Ptheres a whole slew of closures pthat are going to start tonight, prun in a staggered fashion pthrough saturday morning so if pyou do want to check that full plist out, you can use my pfacebook page and i have the pfull list as well as more pdo have a couple of options in pthe downtown area to park. Pwe also want to talk about psomething happening later today. Pthis is expected to be the preopening of lanes along north p56th street. Ptheres been some railroad pconstruction that has closed pthat area north of hillsborough pavenue for the past couple of pweeks so were hearing it could pbe this afternoon when all of pthat clears out. Prussell healthy and happy. Pwhere florida ranks on the list. Pgasparilla. Palcides segui has some advice pbefore you go. Pgood morning, alcides segui. Preporter good morning to you. Pwell talk about transportation, pwell talk about alcohol, some pof the wet zones, where you can pfind the best seat in the house pfor gasparilla as well. Pa oneonone on everything, pincluding what time it starts, pcoming up next. Pbut first, i have to show you an pabsolutely gorgeous start to pyour friday morning here along pbayshore boulevard. Pthe sun is starting to rise. Pgood day con get a Busch Gardens fun card now and let the fun begin. Pay for a day, dive all year, splash all year, thrill, get your fill, and celebrate all year. Climb, launch, roar, and soar all year. Pay for a day, play all year. And if you get the Busch Gardens fun card now, youll also get an Adventure Island fun card for free. P visit Busch Gardens tampa dottcom for details. Hurry up offer ends february 3 jen 3 get ready for the annual pirate invasion. Gasparilla is tomorrow about 200 pjennifer pirate invasion for pgasparilla is tomorrow. P200,000 people are expected to pflood the streets of tampa. Palcides segui is along bayshore pboulevard where final pgood morning, alcides segui. Preporter good morning to you, pjen. Pthe event is free. Pif you want a great seat, it may pcost you 45. Pit depends on what time you want pto come out here. P 45 will reserve you a seat palong the bleachers. Pits a front row seat so all the pfloats will be coming by and you pcan see theres a lot of traffic pnow but this will definitely be pclosed on saturday. Pas you mentioned, 200,000 people pare expected out here this pweekend. Pbelieve it or not, gasparilla phas one of the largest parades pin the country, generates pmillions of dollars for the city pof tampa. Pmuch. Pas dave has been talking about pall morning long, expect great pweather this weekend. Irates. Psaturdays festivities begin at p10 00 in the morning with live pmusic at curtis hixon as well as pmacdill park. Pflotilla shows up at the tampa pconvention center around 11 30 pthe poo raid of pirates along pbayshore boulevard starts from p2 00 to 5 00 from bay to bay pboulevard north to downtown ptampa, ending at ashley drive. Pstreets around the parade route pwill be closed tonight. Pat least some of the street paround this area. Pboats are allowed in the area paround the parade and the pinvasion themselves but those ptoo close to the pirate ship pwill be stopped by law en pfortsment. Pif youre drinking, remember, olice will be out in full force pso make sure you drink in a pdesignated we tell wet zone pwhich is the parade route only. Pgetting around, no doubt, will pbe a nightmare. Phart bus services as well as the ptico street car line will be pavailable. Pyou can buy all day passes for a pcouple of bucks. Pno drones allowed. Pa couple of things that you need pto leave at home, alcohol. Pyou can drink alcohol here if pyou buy it here, which you pcannot bring it in. Pglass bottles, coolers, all of pagain, no drones allowed. Pthe safety guidelines prohibit pthe use of drones. Pno doubt its going to be a lot pof people out here, 200,000 eople. Pits going to be a lot of fun. Pbe extra careful. Premember, it will be a lot of plaw enforcement officers out phere. Pback to you. Pjennifer im going to stay pfar way from gasparilla this pyear. Pit. Pive been to so many, im good. Pjennifer the weather cant pget much better. Pdave says the High Temperature pwill be around 70 degrees ptomorrow under mostly sunny pskies. Erfect day for a parade. Prussell donald trump did his pown thing, attending a charity pevent for veterans. Phe didnt show up for the prepublican debate for fox news pchannel and by now, most of you pknow about his feud with fox pnews anchor megyn kelly. Phere we go. Phe sent out a tweet yesterday pmegyn kelly posing for gq pmagazine. Pthis is one of his tweets, one pof his tweets said, quote, and pthis is asking president ial pquestions. Pwell, people who saw it were pmedia. Pone person said, quoting here, pim mortified that you would pretweet this. Pit is wrong on so many levels. Panother tweet said, appalling. Pa woman cant be sexy and smart, pno to president trump. Pother social media users put up ptrumps family members, include phis wife and daughter. Phe had a share of supporters on psocial media as well. Pthey pretty much told everybody pto leave him alone. Pjennifer hundreds of pthousands much lives could be psaved each year if every new pmother breastfed. Presearchers found that more than p800,000 children under the age pof five would be saved if pbreastfeeding was universal and pthe Health Benefits dont stop pthere. Pevery year 20,000 Breast Cancer pdeaths could also be prevented pbecause more women are making up pthe work and the work force, pbreastfeeding rates are lou, he pu. S. Phealth care providers need to rovide more support and legal pchanges need to be made like plonger maternity leave. Pexperts also noted that pbreastfeeding isnt an option pfor some mothers. Pformula is not dangerous. Pwhile breastfeeding does have pHealth Benefits, getting enough prest and exercise and financial pstability are equally as pimportant. Pa new study says that women psuffering from depression might phave their mothers to blame. Presearchers discover that part pof the brain that regulates mood pis passed from mother to pdaughter. Pthey look at mothers, sons and pfathers and saw no coalition pthere. Pjust because a woman suffers pfrom depression does not mean pher mother is solely at fault. Pall kinds of factors are at lay. Presearchers hope to use this pinformation to identify people pat risk for other disorders as prussell those of us who live pin florida are happy and phealthy. P12th place showing, the best yet pon the annual gallop health ways pindex. Pit measures how americans feel pabout the physical help, pfinances, community and sense of urpose. Pthose who live in hawaii have pthe highest overall wellbeing. Pits the fifth time its come in pthe top spot since 2008. Palaska, montana, colorado and pwyoming round out the top five. Pother end of the spectrum, west pvirginia coming in at 50th for pthe seventh year in a row. Prussell us 20yearolds have pa big plans, high hopes for the prest of their life. Pthis weeks home town here owes pheros cancer diagnosis stopped pthat. P i was only 20 years old when pi was blessed with only a year pin the war. Pon february 5, 2014 i entered premission. Pjennifer its a story that pmadison miller is proud to tell pand she shares her battle with pnon hodgkins lymphoma to her pnon profit organization, spark pthe way. P when they diagnosed me, it pwas one of those surreal pmoments. Pi thought it only happened to pold people. Phonestly. Pwhen youre that age, you think pyoure invincible. Pjennifer when the shock peased, she felt peace. P i knew that god had it and i pwas okay with it. Pjennifer she also had support pfrom friends and family, pespecially her grandfather who pwas going through his own fight pwith cancer at the time. P watching him fight his pbattle, he did that. Pjennifer they fought together pand madison documented every art of her journey. P day two. Pjennifer good days, bad and pthe worst. Pday of my life, losing my hair. Pjennifer she did not hide pbehind a wig. Pinstead she proudly showed her pface and her bald head. Pin hopes of sparking a pconversation with other young padults just like her. P im in this for a reason. Pif im going to go in public and pencourage someone, im going to pstart a conversation, do psomething where i can help psomeone, love someone or ebb pcourage someone else going pthrough it. Pthats why im here. Pjennifer two years into premission and she continues psparking the way for others to ptell their story of hope and rogress, too. P victory doesnt come, in my popinion, just when youre phealed. Pit comes from you can look at pcancer and say, youve got pnothing on me. Plike im going to win this. Pyou know . Pjennifer madison continues to pspread message of hope through pher website. Pno one has to take on the cancer pfight alone. Pshe wants to have a remission pretreat house where people can ptheir cancer treatments are pover. Pdave almost 7 42 on this pfriday morning. Pa little sports now. Pstadium site isnt the only pthing rays are searching for. Palso new players and they just psigned one. Poutfielder cory dicker son joins pthe Team Following a trade from pthe colorado rockies. Phe had a 304 batting average plast year, 10 homers in 65 pgames. Phe was injured most of last pyear. Pnow, one of them may end up as pdesignated hitter. Art of that trade, the rays psent jake mc gee to the rockies. Phes a power left hander with 25 psaves the past couple of seasons pbut he also has had problems pstaying healthy. Ptake a look at this, right . Prays will have a new look when pthey start spring training in ort charlotte. Ptheyll be wearing the light pblue jerseys with the rays star pburst logo on the front. Puniforms last year were a darker pblue. Itch he weres and catchers will preport on february 21. Peveryone else a few days later. Pso how do you distract pbasketball players who try to pmake free throws . Phow about bringing out none pother than olympic champions. Ull the curtain. Pmichael phelps, everybody. Parizona State University invited helps to take part in their pfamous curtain of distraction. Plast nights game against oregon pstate. Pguess what . Pfreeman missed both shots. Prussell thats not fair. Pdave look at him. Pjennifer look at that tiny, pwe should have a curtain of pdistraction here. Prussell does he have a pconnection to that school . Pall right. Pdave my gosh. Plook at the olympic gold medal paround his neck. Pthats just impressive. Prussell sure is. Prussell hes still swimming. Pyep. Phes still training. Pabsolutely. Pjennifer curtain of pdistraction. Pi love it. Pdave who is up next for the pcurtain of distraction . P52 degrees outside. Retty, pretty start to the day. Pdave oh, so much nicer to pstart the day off. Pwest on kennedy, it looks like pfog. Pthis is above the ground. Pjust over alcides seguis live pshot, its pretty. Pwere beginning to scour out the pmoisture, clear out the skies, pbringing all that sunshine and ptemperatures should rebound in pthe 60s for today. Pgranted, its going to be below pnormal but still, i think its pnice, nice afternoon overall. Premember yesterday morning . Plooking at this camera, it was pjust dark. Prain was moving in and then you plook this morning and the fog phas lifted. Pwe know that because that pdoesnt typically last that plong. P47 degrees. Pwaking up in the new tampa area. Pjackets are needed for all of us pthis morning. Pbrandon, plant city, tampa, west pchase, right at the 50degree pmark at this hour. Pthen you go north and everybody pis in the 40s. Pclear skies and Crystal River at p43 degrees. Pstill mid 50s for venice and palso in the lower 50s for bartow pto frost proof southward down pthrough lake placid. Pthis is the difference. Pyoull run 10, 15, 16, 18 pdegrees colder than it was pyesterday at this time since pthat front finally moved through pand those north to northwest pwinds have gone kind of take pover for today. Pso i do expect it to be a little pbreezy for you out there. Psunshine back, well make it pinto the mid 60s. Ptonight will be the coldest pnight, though. Pjust about everybody is going to pwake up tomorrow morning in the p40s but you take that away, pright . Ptake that away for a second. Pthe rest of the weekend is tiful. Psunshine returns, breezy, pcooler, 64 for a high ptemperature. Ptonight there it is. Pthe 40s. Psome may stay in the upper 40s pand others may be back in the plower 40s but you will need your pjackets vjackets very early tomorrow and pfor those of us trying to plan phow to dress for the day, pyou go down and check out the pinvasion. Pthen uhhuhs you hustle over pto see the parade. Pnice and mild in the afternoon pwith a High Temperature of 69 pdegrees. Pthose on your boat tomorrow, pthere will be a lot of you out pthere, much, much nicer. Ptoday its a little choppy first pthing in the morning but then pnice the rest of the weekend. Pafter that, it gets warm. Phow about the upper 70s for next pmonday . Ptuesday. Pit does look like the rain is pcoming back in for wednesday pinto thursday of next week. Pvanessa . Pvanessa all right. Pthank you, dave. Pright now we have sky fox pchecking out East Bay Drive at pthat u. S. 19 overpass. Premember, this is the nasty pcrash we were talking about pearlier that has many lanes pblocked. Pactually seeing the two peastbound lanes we were talking pabout, also full blockage were pseeing in the westbound pdirection so its certainly pcausing some jams heading pthrough this area, both plook like they do have a tow pruck on scene so thats good pnews for drivers. Pthis is apparently in the pclearing stage. Pbut i did take the nap shot when psky fox zoomed in a little pearlier and you can see pfirefighters hard at work. Pactually somebody had to be premoved from their their vehicle. Pdoesnt look good so we know pinjuries are reported but phopefully everyone will pull pthrough okay. Pyour alternates here, 143nd pavenue or ulmerton road and we phave heavy delays. Pwestbound is the full blockage. Pinterstate travel times, we do phave some usual congestion. Pthis is not any more than were pmorning. Psouthbound 275, bearss avenue to pi4 is a 21 minute ride. Pdelays also here southbound palong 75. Pthats a 15 minute ride from pbruce b downs to i4 and pactually doesnt look too bad pi4 westbound. Pjust a nine minute ride from mlk pto the interchange. Ptime is 7 51. Plets get out to charley. Psound like everything is awesome pwhere you are. Peverything is great when youre art of a team. Pyou know, a news team. Pits awesome. Plegoland, thats where we are pand ill tell you whats also pawesome is a brand new chapter pin the legoland i want to pmovie. Pits the lego movie. Ptheres a little mini 4 dlego pmovie right here. Pnow playing, not at a theater pstick around. Pill tell you everything you pneed p during this extended visit from your extended family, all you want is a peaceful moment to stream your show. And you need enough bandwidth to share with a full house of hungry users. Lightning internet from bright house networks. The speed you need. And now connect to. Premier tv, 15 megabit internet and hddvr service. Only 92 a month pcharley Legoland Florida is pwhere we are. Pforever. Pthe lego movie takes it to a pwhole other level. Pthe excitement around the lego pmovie is now playing here with a pbrand new movie. P we have the lego movie 4 d. Pthis is the first time the pmaster builder heros have gotten ptogether. Pcharley we have some sneak eek, exclusive clip. Pand i assume the 4 d means that pthere might be mist or smoke. P its wind, its water, its pfog, its strobe lighting. Pthe film pops off the screen pinto the seats. Pcharley thats cool. P a brand new villain. PRisky Business. Pcharley lord business, will pferrell, was incredible in the pmovie. Pbut this is his brother risky pbusiness. P voiced by pat oswald. Pcharley hes hilarious. P he has some interesting plans pin the works for our heros. Pcharley and its a equal to pthe lego movie thats going on pnow. P rob who is making the sequel pin 2018 cowrote our attraction. Pit has a direct link to the pquality and the story telling pand the visual style of the poriginal movie. Pcharley thats fun. Pits going to be popular. Pall day every day . P continuously all day starting ptoday. Pcharley thank you very much. P my pleasure. Pcharley there you go. Pif you missed emmitt, i cant pwait to learn more about risky pbusiness. Ptheyre here, now playing. Prussell see you later. 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