P61 in st. Petersburg. Pa couple of spots in the 40s to pthe north. Pwere looking at a day similar pto yesterday in temperatures as pwe get back up to the mid 70s pwith that mixture of clouds and psunsetup for today. Pa weak front comes through ptomorrow. Pwell discuss what impact, if pany, it will have on the area in pa few minutes. Pvanessa good morning. Pwe want to touch on an earlier pcrash that is still working with plane blockage. Pthis is some earlier video, pbasically showing the same lane pblockage now from 75 and pgibsonton drive in the river pview area. Pa crash that we were seeing pinvolved a motorcyclist, psouthbound lane blockages as you pcan see traffic being diverted poff in that area. Pwe do have minor delays heading pthat way. Pdrivers should give themselves pextra time out the doorway. Pif you can avoid that area if at pall possible, that would be the pbest option. Palternates 301, also 41. Planes reopen but in the pmeantime, our estimate is around p7 00 when this might reopen. Pf. H. P. Is unable to give us an pofficial e. T. A. , though. Prussell new this hour, the olls have opened in virginia. Pit is the first state to cast pballots on a super tuesday. Plaura and today voters at pmore than a dozen states and pterritories will head to the olls. Pwhen the votes are counted, we pwill be a big step forward in pknowing who the nominees could pbe. Prussell walter has a look at ptodays biggest battle grounds. Pgood morning. Pwalter today is all about pwinning delegates. Pthe candidates need to hit a pcertain number to give their artys nomination. Pthe republicans, the magic pnumber is 1,237. Ptoday there are 595 delegates at pstake across 11 states or nearly phalf the number needed to secure pthe nomination. Pmeantime, Hillary Clinton and pBernie Sanders are battling over p865 delegates in 11 states, proughly a third of the number pclinton has six times as many as psanders. Pand both contests, texas has the pmost delegates. P22 2 2 p222 for democrats, 165 for prepublicans. Pdonald trump has won three pstraight states since losing to pted cruz in iowa and cruz needs pto at least win his home state pto stay competitive. P we are tired of being lied pto, were tired of being burned pby politicians. Pand the stakes are too high. Pwere fighting for this country. Ptexas and the super tuesday pstate have a chance to stand up pand say, give us a proven pconservative who we know what he pwill do. Pdelegates at stake. Pstill hoping for his first win, prubio tried to manage pexpectations at a rally in patlanta. P the truth is that today pdonald trump leads in many polls pand has won many delegates. Pif it is to be believed, he will pdo very well tomorrow as well paccording to the experts and the undits and in the end, its up pto you. Pits not up to them. Pwalter this morning trump pfaces a new scandal. Phe reportedly told the new york ptimes about an immigration plan pthat is much different than the pone he told voters and hes also pslammed for his approval to pdisenvow the kkk, something that phe blames on a bad ear piece. Phe picked up a new endorsement, pone that is sure to play out in pthe south. Pnascar chairman brian france. Pnow the democratic side, hillary pclinton seems to be shifting her pa landslide victory in south pcarolina. PBernie Sanders is fighting to pwin a few super tuesday states. Peven if he loses, his campaign praised 5 million yesterday and phe has enough cash on hand to pstay in the race as long as he pwants. Pstay with fox 13 for the latest pdevelopments on the super ptuesday. Pwe hope to have similar results ptonight at 10 00 and 11 00 and pyou can stay up to minute on our pwebsite, fox13news. Com. Prussell thank you. Pthe next g. O. P. Debate is pthursday. Pthe florida primary is next. Pits going to be march 15. Pearly voting started yesterday pin hillsborough and polk. Pmost other counties will begin pon march 5, this saturday. Pearly voting continues through pmarch 13. Pin the 2012 general election, p62 of us voted early. Pin 2008, the last time both arties nominated new pcandidates, 47 hillsborough prepublicans voted early. Plaura a winter haven teen has pbeen charged with attacking a pman and his pregnant girlfriend pand now deputies are looking for pthe other attackers. Pit happened on saturday night. Pthe man says that he and his pgirlfriend went to the nature ark to meet up with some pfriends. Pwhen they got there, 17yearold pgirl attacked the couple. Pthe victims say four other black pmen helped her during the attack pand also ransacked the couples pcar. Pthe entire thing was payback for panother fight. Phes been charged with robbery pwith a Deadly Weapon and pdeputies are still looking for pthe other other men involved. Prussell st. Pete police pinvestigating a shooting that phappened just after 8 00 last pnight at james avenue south. Ptwo men got in an argument. Pone shot the other. Olice have not released his pname. Pnot clear if anybody has been parrested. P6 06 and the much anticipated plegal showdown between hulk pstarts today. Pjury selection. Pcase has been dragging on now pfor several years. Phogan suing gawker after he ublished a video of him having psex and making racial comments. Phis lawyers say that video was pillegally obtained. Phogan wants 100 million in pdamages. Pjury selection expected to last pall week. Pyou can hear Opening Statements pnext week. Plaura pasco county, rosecutors are seeking the pdeath penalty against a man paccused of murdering four eople. Padam matos is accused of killing phis exgirlfriend, her parents pin the fall of 2014. Phe was arrested at a hotel in pdowntown tampa. Rosecutors say the gruesome pnature of the crime merits the pdeath penalty and theres a lot pof d. N. A. Evidence, too. Pit could take ms to analyze. Pno word yet when trial will pbegin. Prussell five new zika virus pcases have been confirmed in pflorida, one in broward, three pin miami dade. Phealth officials will not say pwhere any pregnancy the virused atients live. Pof the five, only four are still pexhibiting symptoms. Pstatewide total now is 42. Plaura the commute to downtown ptampa can be a nightmare. Prussell theres a new option pfor folks to get around downtown pwithout ever getting into a car. Pshayla reaves is live from pchannelside. Pyou know, you wonder why we phavent used the water before. Preporter i know. Pits right there the whole time. Pwere going to see a lot of pwater use coming up here, pespecially with this new water ptaxi service. Pi know a lot of us probably know pwhat its like to sit in traffic pfrom time to time and the stress pthat comes along with it. Pwell, this Water Taxi Service pwill change that. Pso here is what were talking pabout. Pthis is the new service. Pthe pirate themed water taxi pservice, three ships are part of pthe fleet. Pone travelling seven days a pweek, 14 stops along the phillsborough river and the pgarrison channel. Psome of those stops include pdowntown tampa, the river walk pand channelside. Pmayor buckhorn explained the pimpact of a service like this. P its going to expose all pthese customers to an amazing pwaterfront, an amazing skyline. Ptheyre going to be able to ptravel in the bridges lit up at pnight. Pi think its going to be a great pexposure for our city and a pgreat opportunity for small pbusiness person to create a roduct that hasnt existed pbefore. Prussell the yacht starship is pbehind this particular taxi pservice but we do know also that ptampa Water Taxi Service is also paround and it provides service pwith some of the sightseeing ptours that you might see in the phillsborough bay area. Panother company will try psomething similar to what were pthe river waukon walk pconcept was not finished yet. Pthere are plans to make the ptransportation service between ptampa and pinellas county, pthats part of a Pilot Program pthat lasts about six months. Pwell keep our eyes pealed and psee how this comes together. Prussell see you later. Pafter more than a year on the pinternational space station, ptoday. Plaura coming up, how his precord breaking trip is paving pthe way for the mission to mars. Pand then a big victory for apple pand privacy. Pthe critics say it could make it pharder to solve crimes. Pdave not bad start to the pday. Psun will be up at 54 past the phour. Pupper 50s in the tampa area. Pa couple of spots along the pcoast in the 60s. Phernando, citrus county, youre pin the 40s. Pa beautiful start to the day and pa mixture of clouds and sun pmid some people dont like to share their wifi, but at bright house networks, we do. Login to one of our hotspots and get your code for free wifi at over 50,000 bright house wifi hotspots. Again r again again again again . Again again General Mills is removing artificial flavors and colors from our cereals. So you can love cereal. Ba da ba ba ba pto you. Pits going to be a beautiful pstart to the day. Premember yesterday, though, we phad the cloud cover that was pfiltering through the area. Ptoday youve got the mostly psunny skies so it really is a retty, pretty start. Pof course, with the clear skies, psome spots that look cooler than pyesterday at this time, still, pthough, not a big difference. Pjust a couple of degrees cooler. Pnew tampa, brandon, plant city pat about 52 degrees. P53 in west chase. Pthere are 40s, though, pbrooksville, crystal river, pinverness, bushnell, theyre in pthe 40s. Pweve got temperatures in the pmid to upper 50s from bradenton pdown through englewood, myakka pcity at 53 and then 50s inland pso im going to go seasonable pstart to the day. Psun will be up this hour. Pby the 9 00 hour, youll see a pjump in the 60s and a comfy, pcomfy start to the day just in pgeneral. Pabout two to four degrees pcooler. Pwere going to go right back up pto where we finished yesterday pby getting back in the mid 70s. Pit will be nice. Pit will be mild. Pbut winds will briefly shift ptoward the southwest later ptoday. Pwere waiting for a front to pcome through the area. Pthis front different than all pthe last fronts that have come pthrough here because all of this penergy is going to stay way to pthe north of us so as this front pcomes through tomorrow, its not pgoing to be much to it. Pyoure going to get a little pstrip of clouds, youre going to pget a wind shift and thats pgoing to be about it. Pslightly drier so were not plooking for a huge impact from pthis front coming through ptomorrow nor are we looking for pa huge impact on friday with panother front that is going to pcome through. Pso the good news is that it pseems dry, huh . Phavent had a decent rain in a pcouple of weeks. Phere is the front tomorrow. Pa few sprinkles at best as it psqueezes through and then by pto us and the weekend looks pgreat. P76 degrees for a high today. Ptonight clouds late, mild 61 for pa low and tomorrow, variable pclouds and High Temperature paround 75 degrees. Pnow, smooth to light chop. Pwinds are only five knots or so, pseas less than two feet. Ptide is on the map for you at p8 13 in the morning. Phigh tide at 11 37. Ptheres the next seven. Pnot bad, huh . Pmid 70s until monday when we pstart a little warmup. Pby the way, that warmup may push pus into the 80s for the middle ortion of next week. Pi know, vanessa. Pim just looking forward a plittle bit. Pvanessa looks good. Pall right. Pthank you. Pand we have sky fox shot of that pearlier mentioned crash thats pworking on 75 so i want to show pthat to you right now. Pgibsonton, a deadly crash pinvestigation and right now we pdo see all the southbound lanes pblocked. Ptraffic being diverted onto pgibsonton. Pwe do have at this point some pquickly building delays headed pin the southbound direction. Pwe do have backups reported in psome sort of fashion towards pthat bloomingdale area so you pwill want to give yourself extra ptime out the door if you do plan pto take this essentially pdiverted traffic pattern. Pif you do want an alternate, you pcan take 41. Pyou can see we do have some of pthose delays building. Pwell keep you posted you on pthose shape out and when this pall clears out. Prussell 6 17. Pits happened again. Pteenage gunman burst into the plunchroom of an ohio school and popened fire. Pone of the kids shot in the leg, pother injuries appear to be more pthreatening. Pthe gunman ran from the school pand got rid of the gun before pcanine deputies caught him. P i will say that you will pshootings in other places. Pyou dont think that the odds pare against it happening here. Prussell the shooter is just p14 years old, now faces multiple pcharges including attempted pmurder. Pdetectives say it is not clear pwhether he targeted certain pstudents or just fired randomly. Plaura apple fights a court porder to hack a cell phone used pby one of the San Bernardino pshooters. Pa federal judge in new york pruled the u. S. Government cannot pforce apple to hack an iphone. Pthis is in a different case. Pthis involves a drug dealer. Pcompany is being pressured by plaw enforcement agencies to pbreak into more than a dozen piphones in at least 10 others pcases across the country. Pfederal prosecutors plan to pappeal yesterdays ruling. Prussell Justice Clarence pthomas stunned lawyers, preporters and others when he did psomething hes not done in 10 pyears. Phe talked. Pjustice thomas broke 10 years of pquestions during a Supreme Court poral argument. Pthe court was hearing a case pwhether the federal government pcan ban people convicted of pdomestic violence from owning pguns. Plegal experts attribute the psudden change, at least in part, pto the death of justice scalia. Phe was a fellow conservative and pa close friend of justice pthomas. Plaura saw turlgs and selfies. Pthey just dont mix. Prussell an important warning pas sea turtle season begins. Pand this championship pcelebration comes. 1 second too pearly. Pheartbreak, basketball court. Pnext for you in hot clicks. Preporter the search for a new pvariety of strawberries. P the last four or five years phave seen an explosion of green preporter scientists ar the bigger the burrito, the bigger the fun. Dunkins new grandde burrito a breakfast burrito packed with big southwest flavor. Go grande with veggie or sausage today. 3 its time to see prussell it is time to see pwhats clicking on the worldwide pweb. Plaura media producer taylor pkatz in the net center right now pthe studio. Ptaylor good morning. Pits all over social media, even pin the commercials leading out pof this break that we just had, pleonardo dicaprio finally won an poscar. Phis acceptance speech has gone pviral, so heartfelt but so have pseveral videos all made to pcongratulate him. Pin the first hot click, were pshowing you one of those videos. Ptake a look at this. P that was fabulous, leo. Pwell, im very happy that i won pthis oscar. Pi think i deserve it for a movie pthat i rarely spoke in. Plaura oh, boy. Pthats p leo, looking good of the pcongratulations. Ptaylor you know youre a big pcongratulate you on your big pwin. Pwe had wins vaughan, conan pobrien, alist of celebs that pagreed to do this goes on and pon. Pyouve done this. Prussell someone has. Psent it out on sunday. Pthis all went down at the vanity pfair oscars party and now, of pcourse, its going viral. Pcongrats to leo on your big win. Peveryone in hollywood and us plittle people, too, at fox 13. Pthat is something. Pall right, you guys. Pnext up we have this video that phas taught some spirited pathletes a little lesson about pcelebrating too soon. Pthis footage was taken at a high pschool state championship game pin rhode island this past psunday. Pthe team in blue ended up pscoring with just seconds left pand they celebrate here, right . Ptoo technical but i guess they pbelieved they won the game with pa one point lead. Pthats until they realized one pof their players had tossed the pball in the air. Plaura the other team made the oint. Ptaylor it landed in a team pmembers hands in the opposing pteam who was trying to call a ptime out. Pthe refs agreed that the timeout pwas fair and did stop the clock. Pso one second left and he ended pup tossing it to a teammate, pmade the layup and there it was. Pthey won. Phow awful. Pthis they are celebrating and prightfully so and the poor guys pon the other team, they learned pan important lesson, dont pcelebrate too soon. Pall right. Pand lastly, we have this pcuteness. Pa little baby who cant stop pgiggling. Plaura how cute is that . Pthose are such precious days. Ptaylor i know. Plove that stuff. Pthe owners of the dog say the psnickers was a newborn and they pformed an unbreakable bond and pbecame buds. Pnow snickers always tries to get phim to play. Pi love it. Pso cute. Plaura thats great. Ptaylor all right, you guys. Prussell i wish i could laugh plike that, too. Pjust lay on the floor and laugh. Plaura it does make you laugh. Pmakes you smile. Pstill ahead, 21st century pwarning for anyone headed to the pbeach. Prussell why selfies are not pwelcome around our sea turlths. Pand after spending nearly a year pin space, astronaut scott kelly pthe clock is ticking before hes during this extended visit from your extended family, all you want is a peaceful moment to stream your show. And you need enough bandwidth to share with a full house of hungry users. Lightning internet from bright house networks. The speed you need. And now connect to. Standard tv and 50 megabit lightning internet. Only 94 a month vo when i first took jake home we ate anything. Until i decided we both needed to eat better. Now jake gets purina cat chow naturals indoor a nutritious formula for indoor cats with no artificial flavors. It helps to control hairballs so these days, were both eating better. Naturally purina cat chow. Nutrition to 3 good morning, im russell rhodes. Prussell welcome. Pim russell rhodes. Plaura and im laura moody. P6 30. Pwell start the half hour with a plook at the forecast with dave posterberg. Pdave do you want to see psomething pretty . Pnot this. Pthat. Pthats the second time you said pthat to me in one week. Peast wind. Pseven miles an hour. Retty there, pretty over in plakeland. Pwe do have clear skies and 54 pdegrees. Psunshine, temperatures back up pin the mid 70s for this pafternoon. Pand enjoy it. Panother beautiful day. Phow are things on the road, pvanessa . Pvanessa overall not too bad. Pwe have a serious crash out of priver view and well update that pin a second. Pabout some other lane closures pwere seeing in pinellas county, pstill waiting for this to pcompletely clear up. Pthis is construction related palong 275 southbound and what pwere looking at is the offramp pheading to the pinellas bayway. Pmaybe its not completely shut pdown but it is still causing psome lane blockage in the area pso plan a few extra minutes out pthe door if you have to head pthat way. Pwe want to get to river view and pwe have sky fox checking out the psouthbound lanes. Pthis is near gibsonton and i pjust want to follow this shot pand make sure im seeing this pcorrectly. Pthis looks like this might be popen at this point. Pso it looks like to me this is popen. Pwe did have some full lane pblockages following a deadly pcrash. Pas far as the delays, those are robably going to linger and pwere definitely seeing those pbacking up towards that pbloomingdale avenue area. Lan a little extra time out the pdoorway. Pwell keep an eye on this but it plooks like so far, so good with ptoday donald trump is hoping to pclinch the republican nomination pwhile his rivals put everything pon the line to keep that from phappening. Pit is super tuesday. P595 delegates are at stake right pnow across 11 states in the prepublican race. Pthats nearly half the number pneeded to secure the nomination. Ptrump will not get enough pdelegates tonight but solid wins pcould give him a very psubstantial lead. Prussell trump rally in pvirginia turned nasty. Ptime magazine photographer pexchanged words with the secret pservice officer. Pthe officer grabbed the hotographer by the neck, ptackles him to the ground. Pthe photographer says he was ptrying to get in a better osition. Psecret service is investigating. Ptrumps Campaign Says that trump pwas not aware of the pconfrontation. Plaura and in the democratic prace, Hillary Clinton hopes to pblock Bernie Sanders shot at pgetting the nomination after pwinning the South Carolina rimary in a landslide. Pclinton declared her campaign pwas going national. Pin two delegate heavy states, pmassachusetts and virginia. Psanders is focussing on the pstates with smaller delegate pcounts but ones where clintons plead in the polls is less psecure. Prussell 6 33 right now. Ptoday is a big day for astronaut pscott kelly. Pafter spending a year in space erforming experiments, space pwalks and taking some amazing ictures, hes coming home. Pkelly is the First American pastronaut to complete nearly a pyear in space. Plaura and scientists, as you pcan imagine, are very curious to psee how his mind and his body pstood up to this very physical pchallenge. Pjennifer epstein is here now pwith more on this. Pgood morning, jen. Pjennifer incredible, isnt pit . Pscott kelly has spent more than p340 consecutive days in space. Pmore than any other american. Pthis clock shows how much time pis left on his mission. Pin less than 17 hours, kelly and ptwo russian cosmonauts are pits only 11. 1 chlt 1. P 11 45 here. Phe drank nearly two gallons of precycled urine and sweat. P200 gallons. Peven worse. Phe celebrated a birthday, ran pdozens of sperms and even pnibbled on space vegetables. Pyesterday he handed over command pto a fellow american. Pkellys extended stay should phelp nasa understand the effects pof prolonged space travel on the phuman body. Pwhile in space, his identical ptwin mark was back on earth. Presearchers plan to compare data pfrom both brothers to see what phappens to human bodies in pspace. Pthe information could help pfuture missions to mars and pbeyond. Pheres a look whats in store pfor kelly today. P4 40 this afternoon, he says pgoodbye to the crew and closes pthe hatch on the soyuz return pcapsule. Pthe capsule begins the dangerous preentry process around 10 30 paround 11 25 our time. Pkelly says he could stay in pspace for another year if pneeded, but hes looking forward pto getting home to his family pand simple things like shower pand gravity. Pwe wish him a safe journey home. Plaura the things we take for pgranted. Pspace x has confirmed it will pmake another attempt at plaunching a satellite tonight. Ptheyve scrubbed three attempts pin the last week. Pthe launch window opens at 6 35. M. At cape canaveral, 11 pminutes earlier than the three rior attempts. Pofficials say it will give them pa better chance at avoiding wind pissues. Pthen theyll try to land the pbooster on a floating platform poff the coast. Prussell nasa is working to pdevelop a supersonic jet. Pits faster and quieter than panything that currently exists. Pits been nearly 70 years since pthe sound barrier was broken. Pnow a team led by lockheed pmartin is developing a jet that pbreaks the sound barrier. Pthe design process should take pseveral years. Pthey hope to launch the first ptest flights in 2020. Pthats cool. Plaura it is. Psleek. Pit is 6 35 and today is the pofficial start of sea turtle pnesting season. Prussell in this age of pselfies, it can be tempting to psnap pictures of turtles on the pbeach but the flash can be pdeadly. Pken is live. Preporter bottom line is you pcan take a selfie of yourself pand your friends or whatever, pbut sea turlgs tles, thats a nono. Pwhile the lights from the hotels pand buildings on land, that pattracts the baby sea turtles. Pthey get confused and they think pits the moon. Prather than going back to the pgulf, they go the wrong way and pthere can be disastrous results pbut this is a light as well and pas you heard, you know, we want pto educate people and let them pan amazing thing i found out pthis morning is this is not the ponly danger on the beach. Ptheres another new danger. Pbelieve it or not, coyotes. Pi think of coyotes on land but ptheyre here as well. Plets go to the founder of sea pturtle trackers. Phow do the darn things get here pand how dangerous are they to psea turlgs . P theyre very dangerous to sea pturtles. Pwe dont know how they get here. Ptheyre very adaptive to living pin the community and the next pthing you know, they smell the peggs, come out to the nest and pthey start digging into the hole pand then they eat the eggs. Preporter when they start pcoming out of the water and pnesting, what do you do . P we carry a cage with us pthats about a four by four and pwe dig a hole and we bury the pcage with flanges that keeps the pcoyotes from going in. Pwe cant use any equipment to pdig the hole. Pwere worried were going to hit pthe nest and destroy some of the peggs if we dig the hole. Preporter can we get rid of pthe coyotes . P actually, its part of nature pand being part of nature, nature ptakes its course. Pi would rather protect the nest pthan kill an animal. Preporter theyre doing some prehab work. Pthat might take care of part of pthe coyote problem on this pbeach. P what theyre going to be pdoing on shell key is theyre pgoing to dig a new channel, pabout six feet deep, 100 yards pwide and that should end the roblem with the coyotes. Pbut theres a group of raccoons pand through the state of pflorida, just about any predator pthat you can imagine from bears rey on the turtle nest. Preporter you started this porganization four years ago. Pone of your volunteers just pwalked by. Pyou were doing all kinds of good pwork. Pwell talk about that in coming psegments so stick around and pinteresting. Phe knows more about sea turtles pand hopefully ill learn a plittle bit as we go along. Pi hope you do as well. Prussell looking forward to pit. Pthank you. Plaura it is just about 6 40 pnow. Pfloridas last one room pschoolhouse is about to close. Pblink and youll miss the duette pschool in manatee county. Pit opened in 1930. Pinside today youll find donna pking. Pshe teaches 11 students ranging pfrom kindergarten to fifth pgrade. Pshe started in 1993. Pking says she plans to retire in pjune and when she does, the pschool will be closing ermanently. P i love teaching and i would pbut physically, im not able to pdo what i used to. Pand i dont want to do half a pjob. Pi want to give my all. Plaura the school is run as a pnon profit organization. Ptheres no money to bring on panother teacher. Pformer students hope to turn it pinto a museum or a community pcenter one day. Prussell fascinating. Plaura part of me feels like i pwant to go back there. Prussell i know what you mean. Pall right. Pdave is up next with the pforecast. Plaura and oscar outrage. Pthe actor left out in the in pmemoriam segment and his family pis livid over it. Pwhy a criminal dressed as a put more fun in your day with icecreamflavored coffees at dunkin donuts. Go for delicious flavors like butter pecan, cookie dough, or new pistachio. Enjoy one today. The bigger the fun. Dunkins new grandde burrito a breakfast burrito packed with big southwest flavor. Go grande with veggie or sausage today. Pdave top o the morning to pyou. Pall Childrens Hospital camera, p61 degrees with a northeast wind pat around seven miles an hour. Pbeautiful. Pi mean, just gorgeous start. Pwouldnt you say . Plooking over in tampa at the pcloudless sky and over lakeland pwhere its 54 degrees. Psomehow our temperatures are pactually running pretty close to pyesterday. Pmaybe a couple of degrees colder poverall. Pstill in the 40s in citrus and phernando county but remember how pfast it warmed up yesterday in pbrooksville . Psame thing will happen today. Psun will be up in 10 minutes or pso. Pwe still have lower 60s along pthe coast and weve got your 50s pinland. Pright now were in the psoutheast. Pbig temperature range, too. P37 in wichita to 65 in dallas phere is your cold front and its pslowly working its way toward pthe south and the east, but punlike the other fronts that phave come through here, its not pgoing to bring us a lot of rain. Pits not going to bring us a lot pof cold air. Pthe one thing it will do ptomorrow, bring our winds up pjust a little bit. Pnotice how its a little breezy pout here as the front comes psqueezing through. Pother than some clouds and a plittle bit of wind when this pfront comes through tomorrow, i pdont think its going to be a phuge deal. Pnot like the fronts in the past phave where weve had all that psevere weather. Pthe energy for this front moves pnorth. Pthe front just lags behind and pdrags through the area and works pits way into Central Florida so pmild conditions, even behind the pfront its not going to drop. Pits more or less a wind shift pfor tomorrow afternoon. Psame thing is going to happen pagain on friday and again, ptemperatures are going to not pmove. Pi love it. P76 degrees. Pseasonable for today. Ptonight clouds late, mild, 61 pdegrees for the overnight low pand then variable clouds ptomorrow with a High Temperature paround 75. Pmarine forecast today showing pthat east to southwest wind plater this afternoon. Psea breeze at five knots, seas pless than two feet. Pwater temperatures still a pchilly 62 but i think thats pgoing to start to rise, pespecially when you see the psevenday. Plook at the highs, mid to even pthe upper 70s in spots. Plows in the 50s and 60s. Pdare i say it . Phave we done it . Phave we turned the corner . Pvanessa i dont know. Pall right. Plooks good, though. Pthank you, dave. Plets get to travel times right pnow on the roadways and we do phave some nice ones. Pthis is pretty typical pcongestion were dealing with palong 275 southbound. Pbearss avenue to i4, 16 pminutes. Pwestbound i4 starting to build, psome minor delays. Pthats a 14 minute ride between p75 and downtown. Pwe do want to check in with the pdelays along 75 southbound pthrough river view. Pclear following an earlier pdeadly crash near the gibsonton pdrive exit. Pwe have lingering delays you can pstill see. Pthe good news is theyre below p10 minutes and were seeing pimprovements. Ptravel times will get back a plittle closer to normal. Pwell keep you posted. Phere at 6 47, lets check in pwith charley belcher. Pgood morning. Pcharley good day to you. Phow are you . Pvanessa great. Phow is it going . Pcharley its going well so pfar. Pthank you very much. Phappy march to you. Pits 2016. Pi have some interesting pinformation that you probably pdid not know that you didnt pknow. Pits useless information but i plove it. Pthis is my favorite kind of pinformation. Pdid you know there is a town in poklahoma called okay . Pokay, oklahoma. Pon a map, its okay, ok. Prussell wants to know where it pis. Pdo you know . Pcharley its in oklahoma. Ptheres a population of 662 eople so its a small town. Pbut where are you going . Pokay. Pno. Pno. Pjust tell me where youre going. Pwhere are you going to go . Pvanessa okay. Pcharley where were you born . Pokay. Pyou know the average horse is pcapable of nearly 15 horse ower. Pthere you go. Pdo you know that m m stands pfor . Pi knew one of them. Pvanessa is it mars or psomething . P its the founders last pnames. Pmars and murries. Pnow you know what you didnt pknow that you didnt know that pyou didnt really need to know. Pnow you know. Pim going to enlighten you with pa wonderful place this morning. Pim at the long center in pclearwater. Pdid you know this is open to panyone who is listening to me pright now . Por can see me at this very pmoment . Pyou dont have to live in the pcity of clearwater. Psix bucks, you come and use this pbeautiful facility. Pnot only do they have the polympic size swimming pools but pthey have basketball courts and peverything here. Pwere here to catch up with our pfriend, brook. Pthree time olympic medallist. Pnow shes in partner now with pthe long Center Teaching little pwater Babies Program and really, pthe goal here is to make sure pkids dont drown. Pthey need to know before they prun into any sort of trouble. Pwell tell you what shes poffering here at clearwater and pwell have a good day. Pvanessa certainly sounds like pit. Pthank you. Prussell you know they may plook like your average couple pshopping at a babies r us. Ptheyre not. Pidentifying this man and this pwoman. Pthey were caught on camera at a plocal publix and babies r us, aid for merchandise with a fake pcredit card. Pcrime stoppers of tampa bay is poffering a 3,000 reward for pinformation that would lead to ptheir arrests. Phe was dubbed the batman robber pand now hes behind bars. Porange county prosecutors pcharged 26yearold juan carlos pmorales with five armed probberies and they believe he pcould be behind four more. Pafter he robbed the pizza place pon friday, he left behind his hone and that helped deputies ptrack him down. Pauthorities say morales heroin paddiction fueled his crime pspree. Pbears are beautiful and they pdeserve to have places to roam. Pbut there has to be separation pbetween them and us. Pand now Florida House wants to pspend 375,000 to help come up pwith ways to keep bears away pfrom our homes. Pthe senate is proposing p 500,000. Pboth would be more than what pgovernor scott already has going pcans and outreach programs. Plaura star wars director j. J. Pabrams made headlines when he pintroduced the world of a black pstorm trooper and now he said pthe galaxy is ready for gay look, i know youre a cow and all. And you may not know what im talking about, but, uh. The yogurt made from your milk, is delicious. 3 3 the stock market was all prussell 6 53. Pstock market was all over the lace in february but its a new pmonth and a fresh start for wall pstreet. Plaura and joining us from the pfox Business Network studio to ptalk about it, Lauren Simonetti. Pgood morning. Preporter good morning. Pfebruary wasnt bad for the s p p500 and now super tuesday on a psuper note. Peverything is flying off the pcharts. Pwe have a rally going on. Pseasonably march is a decent ptime of year for your pinvestments. Papril is even better. Pmarch and april you typically psee returns on average of 2. 7 . Pother folks say, look. Pit seems, although no one is utting their money where the pmouth is. Pit seems like the market hit a pbottom in february and maybe can prally back in march. Pgood news today also, well, good pnews for some people is that oil rices are at 34 a barrel. Pmind you, that is impacting what pyou pay at the gas tank as gas prow now. Prussell were hopeful after pwhat we went through. Plaura very hopeful. Prussell i am. Pits been a good day so far. Plaura gas prices go up, pmarket corrects. Pthank you. Pand dont miss Lauren Simonetti pon our Sister Network station f. Pyoure not sure where to find pthe fox Business Network, log on pto fox business. Com and look for pchannel finder. Prussell Academy Awards left pan actor out of the in memoriam. Pa simple tribute to devotion was poverlooked. Pthe academy not commenting. Pand now its up to the emmys to pdo something about that because phe played the wonderful, pwonderful film fish in the tv pshow barney. Plaura actor George Kennedy phas passed away. Pnatural causes. Phe was 91 years old. Pkennedy is known for the naked pgun films. Phe also had a decorated military pcareer and was awarded two pbronze stars, served under pgeneral patton. Prussell jj abrams said that popenly gay characters will be pincluded in the series. Phe says the franchise is all pabout inclusivity and the ossibility says it seems narrow pminded there wouldnt be a psexual character in the world. Phe did not give any details what pto expect of this openly gay pcharacter in the star wars pfranchise but some fans think ptheres already a romance pbrewing between two male leads. Plaura the phenomenon pchronicles conviction of the p1985 assault and murder, series pcovers potential flaws in the pcase that found him guilty in pnow averys Defense Attorneys pare going on a speaking tour. Pthe tickets start at 43 and pthey go on sale this weekend. Prussell ive not watched it pyesterday. Phave you plaura i havent. Arents, raise your hand if pyouve ever given an ipad to pyour kids to help calm them down pand keep them quiet. Preporter at 7 00 well talk pto dr. Jo about why some parents pdo this more often than others phissy fit. Pand high winds equal high panxiety. Pimagine being on this plane pswaying back and forth, yeah, pdave, not your best day, is it . Pwatch the landing at 7 00. Pdave why should you show me pthat . Poh, my gosh. Philton clearwater beach, how is pthat for a start to the day . Pwe should be walking on the pbeach. P59 degrees. Pwhen you look for sunshine pyesterday morning, heres the pbrookdale bayshore camera plooking the other way, 55 pdegrees to start. Ponce again, temperatures in the p70s. Penjoy it. In 1934, Steak N Shake decided the world didnt need another hamburger. So they used 100 percent beef. Quick seared to seal in the flavor. Youll only get from a steakburger. Steak n shake, home of the original steakburger. 3 russell super tuesday showdown. It could be a make or break day prussell super tuesday could pbe a make or break day in the prace for president as candidates pbattle for votes and gain pcommanding lead in this historic pcampaign plus p i remember saying to my arents, we have to get it down. Pwe have to get it down. Pwe cant get it down. Pthats all i was so worried pabout was like we have to get it poff. Pweve got to get it off