Ptriggered that rampage. POfficials Say cedrick ford was pserved with a notice to around p3 30 yesterday. Pthey havent said who or what pnotice was for. Pbut did say those types of porders are served in abusive prelationships. Olice say an hour and a half plater the 38yearold drove to pat lawn mower parts factory and pstarted shooting. Pthree people were killed and panother 15 were shot. Pa Police Officer then killed 4 pford during a shoot out. P this is horrible situation my pfriends, terrible, terrible. Phowever, there was a particular pLaw Enforcement here in hesston pthat responded right away. Pand even though he took fire he pwent inside of that place and psaved multiple, multiple lives a phero as far as im concerned. P there were enough two to 300 pemployees inside that building pat the time of the attack. Psheriff ford had an assault pstyle weapon and if that officer phad not shot and killed him pmore deadlypublic records show pcedric ford had ties to florida. Pin past decade ae was charged pwith burglary grand theft paggravated fleeing and carrying pa concealed weapon. Pall of those convictions stemmed pfrom a broward and miamidade pcounties. Pwell bring you more information pas the details come in. P new at noon st. Petersburg olice and mayor are counting on pgun shops to deliver a message. Pmayor says florida law prohibits pthe city from getting a list of pregistered gun owners. Pbut law enforcers want to remind pthem to keep their guns locked pand a secure in their homes and pin their cars. Pso a letter has been written in pthe hopes the firearms industry pwill hand it out. P stores that sell guns to gun pshows, anywhere that guns are pused gun ranges, to tell owners pof guns use these responsibly. Pthe late last year st. Pete saw pa number of homicides committed pby people with unlawful pfirearms. Pthe city is also been dealing pwith lot of weapons listed among pthe stolen items. P we have new details on panother issue involving an pAllegiant Airlines flight. Pas fox 13s Alcides Segui preports, the flight from st. Ete clearwater airport to phunking ton West Virginia was psuddenly cancelled possibly due pto mechanical issues. P reporter it appearance pAllegiant Airlines has another phiccup this morning a flight pscheduled to leave st. Pete pclearwater International Airport phas been cancelled. Pwere working to confirm the preason, but passengers tell me pit was a mccall issue with one pof their aircraft. Pi have emailed allegiant pairlines Pr Department and im pwaiting to hear back to find out pthe exact reason. Pbut again, just yesterday, they phad an issue with one of their paircrafts. Pduring take off, they had to pabort take off they heard a loud pboom coming from side of plane. Pf. A. A. Ist investigating a not pfirst allegiant has had issues peither fa a. A. Told fox 13 they psent a written reprimand to planding in las vegas back in paugust. Pthursdays flight had dozens of assengers on board here in st. Ete clearwater. Pit was a leaving to kansas city. Plee jant told fox 13 at plane pinvolved in thursdays emergency pwill be inspected. Pthe airline has experience ad pseries of highly publicized roblems in one month last year. Pthe airline made two emergency plandings, again i spoke with assengers earlier this morning pthat tell me their flights today roblems. P unfortunately, they are pindicating that two planes pdidnt leave from their pdestination to arrive here to ptake us to our destination. Pand that it could possibly be psome type of mccall issues. Pi dont know. Pbut, a couple flights got pdelayed. Pand now were stuck. Pand were going to lose a day pout of our vacation. Plee jant is Busiest Airline here pa st. Pete clearwater pInternational Airport. Pwith 1. 6 million travelers pagain, Allegiant Airline pcontends their aircrafts are pfrom the Pr Department. Pknow. Pin st. Pete, Alcides Segui, fox p13 news. P anchor it was a free for pall at the final republican pdebate before next weeks super ptuesday. Pdonald trump ducking and preturning fire from the two pcandidates trying to catch him pin the race. Pon democratic side bernie pagainst Hillary Clinton. Pfox 13s joel waldman is in pwashington with more. Pwith super tuesday just four pdays away and winner take all pstates of florida and ohio, up pfor grabs soon after the tension pamong candidates was palpable pduring tenth gop debate of the pcampaign season. P i watched five times four pweeks ago. Pi tell you i saw repeept pyourself five times five seconds pago. Pmarco rubio trailing drufr by pdouble digits in home state of a pflorida tussle of illegal pimmigration to billionaires pbankruptcy filings repealing of pobamacare bringing the two to ptheir crescendo. Pwere going win win win win, psenator please. P ted cruz finished third last pthree contests but leads in ptexas also piled on trump about phis unwillingness to release tax preturns before trump fired back. P this guys a joke artist this pguys a liar. Pwhats become a somewhat typical presponse from an atypical olitician. P hes making his own party and pnow Republican Party the prepublican establishment is prushing to catch up with trump. Pben carson once a target going plargely unnoticed during barrage pof rapid fire insults pleading pto get back in the action. P can somebody attack me lease. Pwhile on democratic side of the prace, once refusing to go on pattack himself Bernie Sanders phitting Hillary Clinton hard. P i have not given speeches for phundreds of thousands of dollars pto wall street. PHillary Clinton while still prefusing to to release ptranscripts of wall street pspeeches, says she has pabsolutely nothing to hide. P lets go to our political peditor Craig Patrick sparks were pflying last night they kept ptalking over each oh half time pthey were talking over each pother so much i couldnt punderstand what was being said. P that helps nobody. Pthats childish. Pit reflects poorly on all the pcandidates. Pbut it was bruiser. Pit was bruiser last night. Pwhat you have beyond the pinterruptions for the a very pfirst time, a two on 1. Pyou had marco rubio and a ted pcruz instead of attacking each pother for much the night they iled on the guy in the middle pthrowing the kitchen sink at phim. Pand while it was partly cruz it pwas mostly rubio, and bam, bam, pbam going after him for years a phire Illegal Immigrants for pbuilding trump tower you said it pkind of left ben carson squeezed pout a bit he may have scored the pline of the night can somebody lease attack me. Pjohn kasich still in the race i pthink hes hoping he can win his phome state of ohio and collect a pgood chunk of delegates. Pbut at this point its all about pdonald trump. Palready in the delegate count. Pand in polls. Pheading into super tuesday. Pa full head of steam. Pthis is marco rubios last pchance to catch him. Pand if he doesnt win a state on psuper tuesday, and polls show it pdoesnt look good for him it pmakes it all about florida on pmarch the 15th. Plets talk about florida. Rimary coming up in a few pweeks. Pwhat are the new polls showing pfor republican race. Ptrump, all trump. Ptrump leading big in the state pof florida. Pquinnipiac came out early pyesterday afternoon was the pfirst of two showing that marco prubio is trailing badly to pdonald trump. Pand i think because of that, pmarco rubio got the memo from prepublican establishment that pyou have to nail donald trump if pyouve a hope to catching up to phim. Pbecause its lights out if you pdont win florida. Pthose numbers reflect very oorly on marco rubios chances. Pif he does not reverse it the pquestion is have we seen this pversion of marco rubio in prior pdebates, might the calculus be a pi think that that performance pgoing after trump if republicans pare looking for a lighter that pmight have moved the needle. Pthe question is too little too plate. Pwe will find out beginning on ptuesday night. P yes we will. Phow about polls for the pdemocratic race all hillary pclinton because the race is pheading south. Pshe won in nevada and in pentrance poll she won among a pvery Diverse Group of voters. Pthis bodes very well for her a prace movers to south carolina. Pbut beyond that, to much of the psoutheast where the clinton phaves historically been very pstrong, have made a great in proads among African American pcommunities. Pthats where Bernie Sanders is pfacing a challenge. Phe continues to stay on message. Pthat its about a revolution in pthis country breaking the choke phold that money has in the rocess prp Free Public College pfor all. Pthat is resonating in particular pwith Younger Voters. Pbut what a lot of candidates plearn is that Younger Voters ptend to leave them at the altar. Pthey did dont turn out to vote pother demographics. Pand that has wounded bernie psanders at least stalled his pmomentum somewhat. Pand it could hurt him yet again pif he does not find a way to preverse that within the come pdays i know you have plenty to pchoose from tell what coming up psunday night. Pwere covering a lot of ground ptuesday. Pto that end we brought in our olster matt who has nailed it pin the early dissipates drawn pnational attention for it. Pwe have republican strategist Padam Goodman in house as well pwith very interesting insight on pthe campaigns. Pwhat they have to win, how the pdelegate race shapes up and what pwe can expect not just coming pout of tuesday, but on to pmichigan and florida as well. Pthat is sunday night at 11 30. Plooking forward to it. Pthank you, craig. P polk county detectives are psearching for a group of pburglars they broke into sprint pstore in davenport on wednesday. Pfour burglars ran around looking pfor things to steal everything pwas stored inside a safe they pcouldnt open. Pbroke. Psheriffs office is always plooking for this man. Pthey say hes a person of pinterest in the case. Pif you know who he is or panything else about that pburglary, call the polk county psheriffs office. Pa multi Million Dollar mystery pis now been solved. Pwhat we know about the local pwoman who just won a very, very pbig lotto jackpot. Lus mikes here checking your pforecast. Pheylin today, another wall to pwall sunshine day. Pbut with cooler and breezy ptemperatures, certainly, feeling plike february. Pthings back up 3 an update now, to a multiMillion Dollar mystery. The winner of the 43 Million Dollar florida pn up a up dade to a winner of p 43 million florida lotto pjackpot has been revealed. Pfox 13 aaron mesmer is live in pseminole. Pwhat do we know other than shes psuddenly very rich . P very, very rich. Pthis is a couple though, linda pthat does not want any ublicity. Pwe went by there house talked to pthem off camera. Pthey and didnt want their icture taken during check resentation we always see at pthe florida lottery. Pthey didnt want to go on camera pthey did talk with me off pcamera. Ptheyve already guinea all pwinnings away to all relative pthey split it up and dont want pown lives. Pno plans on that happening. Paccording to florida lottery, prubio bought 43 million winning pticket at this winndixie here pon park boulevard. Pher husband is also 90. Plottery Officials Say they chose pto take lump sum pay out pfebruary 17th drawing. Pthat comes out to a little more pthan 31 million before taxes. Pbut as i said they told me they pare not keeping a cent of it for pthemselves. Pthey may be taking low key papproach but their neighbors pabsolutely thrilled for them pgood quiet people who seem to plive a simple life and something plike this couldnt happen to pbetter people. P its great. Pthey are quiets nicest, most preserved people you ever saw in pyour life. Ponly comes out the mail still pmows his own lawn. Preal real simple people. Pgot real, real simple life. Pbeen here forever. Pmy brother has been here about p25, 27 years. Ptheyve been here forever too. Pquietest people in the world. P and the winndixie was pawarded 100,000 for selling pwinning ticket as for winners pthey are still going to be plivering that simple life and ptell me they plan on doing all pasaid they dont plan on having pthat extra money that they now phave and have hand it had down pto family members. Pthey dont plan on letting that pchange their lives one bit. P aaron, im a little pspeechless here. Pso mike bennet are watching mike pdid he say they are not going to preally . Pnothing they gave it all away. P yeah. Pmembers. Pthey say thats more important plives. Pthey say giving is better than preceiving. Pthey are a good example. Pthank you, aaron. P you know the saying put your pbest foot forward. Pget a leg up. Pbut in ordered to do both youve pgot to start with the heart. Pand fox 13s Jennifer Epstein psays todays home town heros rove just that. P ariana is never far from the pcourt shes playing ball since pshe was kid and cant imagine pher life without the game. Pi love the game. Pim always had passion. Pthe rest of basketball players pat Florida College have more pthan just a passion for shooting phoops. Ptheyve got a heart for helping pothers. Pthink like man, you know, others pdont have maybe, its mind pboggling. Pits hard to think about it. Pso theyve teamed up with souls pfor souls an organization that pdistributes shoes to people all pover the world. Pbecause who knows more about the pimportance of a good pair of psneakers then basketball layers. Palways on their feet. P on being on court being able pto run, jump, move, cut all pwhile being comfortable is pamazing to me. Pi have lot of shoes probably pabout 30. Pshoe drives on campus during pgames, some players even donated ptheir old stuff. Pim going to go through my shoes ptomorrow. Pno shoe is too worn for souls pfor soles. Peach pair serve as purpose pdepending on condition it pdistribute repaired or recycled pa pair of shoes can go long wie peven when they are finished. Psimple thing donating an old pdifference. Pnot just for the people all over pthe world who need them. Pbut for the guys and girls on pthe giving end too. Pits not only challenging us a pus as a family. Palso a friend challenge they say pthey are happy to take on. Pthe seam way they handle pcompetition on the court. Ptogether, as a team. P soles for souls on 3. Psoles for souls. P they have collected one 62 airs of shoes in about 20 psingles. Pshoe drive ends march 20th if pyou want to donate drop off old psneaker sandals boots whatever plike they said they will even ptake a single shoe at the pFlorida College campus gym. Pwell i still cant, im still pkind speechless about giving paway 43 million, right . P yeah. Pjust, we need more of that in pthe world. Phow selfless is that im excited pabout that as you said i think ptheres a bigger story there pmaybe we can all learn from pthat. Pdefinitely thats a huge, i pmean, i guess, you know youve plived 90 glorious years, whats pa little money going to add to pthat. Pyour hearts in right place. Pabsolutely. Pi it will you what kind of plooking at this Million Dollar pweather forecast out here. Pif you like the cooler weather pweve got some of that warmer pweather weve got some of that ptoo. Pcheck this out visible satellite icture big key over next four por five days. Pthere is going to plenty of psunshine out there. Pcan see clouds. Pthat was a secondary front. Pushering in cooler air. Pnow pushing some of that cloud pcover off to south. Pyou look around the area, if it pis just wall to wall sun sirata pbeach inland usf marine science pbuilding see if you can see pclouded in any one of these pviews grand court, no. Phead inland, lakeland. Pno none of our cameras even icking up single cloud out pthere. Pthats how much dry air is in lace. Pnow yesterday, we finally broke pthrough in dropping temperatures pbelow 70, 64 was the high today. Pwe may not even get above that. Pwere likely going to be stuck paround that 61, 62degree mark pfor our high. Pweather headlines breezy and pcool very cold night tonight pwinds start to die down povernight allow temperatures to pslow warming as we head through pthe weekend, mid 60s tomorrow, pmore like upper 60s or low 70s pas we head into sunday. Pthen upper 70s as we head ptowards next week. Premember, were talking pyesterday about that front maybe plate wednesday thursday. Pnow. Pwere looking at wednesday as pthat. P61 in tampa. P64 in brandon. P60 in brooksville. P62 in bradenton. P63 in wauchula. Pits still pretty breezy out pthere. Pwinds occasionally gusting to 20 pmiles per hour. Psustained out of the north. P10 to 15 miles per hour. Pwere going to continue to see pthat breeze through much of the pafternoon. Psatellite and radar view, ptheres that secondary front pdraped over the area. PHigh Pressure will be building pin behind that front. Pthats going to allow again the pwinds to start to die off a bit pas we head into overnight eriod. Pheres your future cast, chilly, p30s to the north sunny but cool pon day saturday. Pand then sunday as well. Pwell stay a little bit on the pcooler side. P70degree mark. Pas we head into the day on pmonday, thats where we will pstart to see temperatures really prebound back into the mid to pwednesday. P62 for today. Lenty of sunshine. Pbut cool and breezy. Pfor tonight, 41 in tampa. Pbut 30s to the north. Pstarry skies. Pheads up could be patchy frost psevenday forecast 64 on psaturday 71 on sunday. Ptuesday. Pand wednesday, thats when we psee that front go through. P30 percent chance of showers and pstorms. Plinda. Pmike, biggest knight in phollywood coming up this pweekend. Pwho favored to pick up as oscar phandle this year hot music playing i feel pretty west side story not every cake can be handcrafted in store by skilled decorators layered with fresh berries and frosted to perfection like our publix bakery chantilly cake itll be remembered for all the right reasons. Where shopping 3 linda the suspense is academy pthe suspense is building in pgiven out sunday night. Pfoxs adam housely has a preview pfor you. P as the Academy Awards make ptheir final preps on the coveted pred carpet and inside hollywood pdolby theater the oscars will be pa night to celebrate this years pbest but also touch on a hot pbutton issue p this oscar night people will premember because diversity issue pohs ska so white which really phas trending since nominations pcame out. Pthat has really dominated award pseason. Pexpect host Comedian Chris Rock pto address lack of diversity in pfilms. Phes going to make fun of it. Phes going to make jokes about pit biting about it. Pit will be humorous but biting phumor is best way to describe pit. Pin the best picture categoryist pa three film race between pcatholic priest cover up pspotlight the gritty adventure pthe the revenant and housing pshort. Pwe have to act now. Pup throughout all of the gould pnominations nobody really knows. Pso this is really a nail biter pthis year. Pin a best acting category the pexpect rev 90 p and supporting role sent mant pfavorite sty stalone are pexpected to have a good night. P and what most people may premember come monday northern pmorning is what the stars wore pto the show as many will be pdressed to impress. Pred carpet is such a huge deal pyou want to see how your pfavorite stars are dressed. Pthis just one big agency pekts eople tune in even they this pwatch whole show people watch pthe carpet in Hollywood Adam phousley, fox news. P last night a very special pidol home coming finally p it was really good ill try pto put ling on my Facebook Page pthat original idol kelly pclarkson performing on the first plive American Idol show of the pseason. Pshe got emotional i dont need pto tell you singing song she pwrote in tribute to her husband. Psong also mentioned her father pwho was not around when she was pa child. Pthe top 10 finalists were also pannounced last night idol preturns next thursday night. Pa two dash hour episode two more psingers will go home and top peight will perform live for your pvotes. Pon fox 13. Pand former American Idol pwinner in town today you can see phim for free. Pdavid cook is headlining last pfriday in downtown clearwater. Arty will honor 100th birthday pof morton plant hospital. Pthat concert is along cleveland pstreet. Pthere will be some food and pdrink vendors. Pit all starts at 5 30 tonight. P this is a story thats pgetting a lot of reaction on psocial media. Pfamilies says they were forced poff a plane because of their pwhat they say weve been following that developing workplace shooting pweve following developing work lace place shooting pinvestigtion out of kansas a pgunman armed with what police pare calling an assault style prifle killed three people and pinjured more than dozen others pin lawn mower factory in kansas popinion he was shot ask killed pthere were about 150 people in pfactory when that shooting pbegan. Pand even after news like that paccording to f. B. I. , you pactually have better chance of pbeing struck and killed by plightning then you do of being pshot and killed by an active pshooter. Pyesterday Russell Rhodes shows pyou how Hillsborough County poffice trains for that kind of psituation. Pand today hes going to talk pabout what you should do if you pare ever in that situation. P Hillsborough County deputies ptraining on this a state of the part simulator. Pin this case, an active shooter pin a courthouse. P this simulator is part of pwhat they used to train deputies pat the walter c practical ptraining site in lithia. Panother is tactical city. Pas a training exercise, deputies pcan go from room to room to look pfor a shooter. Pbut, what would you do if you pwere ever in this situation . P if you can get away, of pcourse get away. Pthats the easiest and best plan pget away call 911 give us as pinformation as you can. Pbus were coming a quick as we pcan coming as many as many with pas many deputies as it takes to pstop that threat. Pbut, what if you cant get away . PLaw Enforcement is at least pthree minutes away. Pand at gunman can do a lot of pdamage in three minutes. Pyou hide. Pget behind something. Pthats what im and when law penforcement arrives do what they ptell you. Pits real important for citizens pto know if you have an encounter pwith Law Enforcement we tell you ut your hands put your hands up pdont reach into your back ocket put your hands up do what pwe tell you to do. Pthat helps us in that process. Pif i told you to put your hands pand first you do is go to your ocket, what am i going to pthink . Phes going for something. Pso follow the instructions of pLaw Enforcement do what we tell pyou to do. Pand finally, and this is new, if pyou cant run, if you cant phide, and you have no palternative, fight. Ptalked about was, was run and phide. Pget away and hide. Pwell now youre getting into pmore into fight part. Plisten if you come down that psituation scenario its you or phim fight. Pif you have to fight what do you phave to lose at that point . Pfight. P whats Russell Rhodes. Pf. B. I. Says 60 percent of active pshooter situations are over by pthe time Law Enforcement parrives. Pin San Bernardino they were gone pby the time authorities got pthere. P new this afternoon greece is poverwhelmed with migrants that phave no place to go. Paround 2000 people cross into pcountry illegally every single pday. Prefugees coming from countries peligible for asylum arent pdetained but stuck with nowhere pelse to go. POfficials Say about 20 thousand pmigrants are set up in temporary pcamp with macedonia. Pofficiallies allowed only about p100 people to cross that border pyesterday. P the american assistant psecretary terry of state met pwith south korean officials in pseoul today. Pu. S. Is thinking about deploy psystem would in response to precent north Korean Nuclear and procket tests. Pu. S. Officials say they hope it pwill will pressure north korea pgo denuclearrization. Pmeanwhile u. S. Military launch pad ballistic miss nil pcalifornia. Poperational test happened at the pair force base. Pits the militarys second pintercontinental ballistic test pin a week. Pits a not so subtle display of ower to china, russia and north pkorea. Pit took just 30 minutes for that pmiss toil travel more than 4,000 pmiles and hit a target in the psouth pacific. Pa heart breaking ordeal for one parizona family. Pthis after they were forced off pa flight because their son pstarted having an allergic preaction to a dog on board. Pwere also told a few passengers padded insult to injury. Pnicole garcia has more. Pi feel kind of happy and sad pstill. Pand i feel kind of mad. Phis trip to Washington State is pone he will never forget. Pfilled with great memories until pthe very end. Pthe family was on an allegiant pair flight ready to fly back phome to arizona when giovanni pstarted to have an allergic preaction to dog that was on the lane. Pwhen giovannis mom alerted the pflight attendant she was met pwith a tone she wasnt pexpecting. Pshe said well just a moment she pwent and told other theres dogs pon every flight it was she pdelivered message we are former pfoster parents i have raised 14 pchildren. Pive dealt with lot of attitudes pi know when were getting one. Pred eye flight was delayed a pmedical personnel met with gee pvane ultimately deciding it was pnot safe for him to fly. Pfamily was forced off plane. Pwhat some passengers did right pafter broke the little boys pheart. P we heard the clapping. Pwe heard it. Pi just turned back and i just pshook my head i just couldnt pbelieve it i was so hopeless. Pclapping was like a slap in the pface. Pduring an already hopeless psituation. P hes going through so which pand giovanni is hearing so much pof a burden. Pthey hope to turn this into a pteaching moment. Pa lesson on why people should pshow empathy and be kind. Pthat was just made me sad when pmy dads dying of cancer, and pthat was really not nice. P he said it. Pallegiant reportedly hassing in pcontact with a family apologized pfor negative experience. Pairline says cases where assengers get sick or pexperience medical issues they pconsult with contracted doctors pon how they should proceed. Ptheres a magical police chase pin california. Pofficers in madeira were trying pto catch a unicorn. Pit was actually a pony with fake phorn attached. Pit broke loose and at pony pactually got loose twice. Psecond time it took officers pseveral hours to track it down. Olice say the pony could have pthankfully he was captured pwithout getting hurt. Ptheres a different kind of sale punder way right now. Pand Charley Belcher will have a plook at it. Lus those wearable fitness pconnection even when they are a medical milestone, in ohio. Surgeons at the Cleveland Clinic performed the nations first uterus transplant. 3 the nine hour surgery was pfirst uterus transplant. Pninehour surgery was a erformed oh 26yearold woman pusing a uterus from deceased pdonor. Pwoman will have to wait a year pbefore she can get prelth and polympics. Pthis uterus will be removed pafter she has kids so she can pclinical will release more pdetails next week. Pmore than 50,000 women in u. S. Pwill be candidates for that rocedure. Pwow. P they track steps, heart rate, peven sleep. Pwearable fitness wrist bands and pclips are flooding the market. Pdr. Jo takes a look how these pdigital devices are creating a pconnection even when they are poffline. P Christmas Morning beneath pbrightly colored paper a lot of eople discovered one of these. P oh, a fit bit. Pmy fee an say the go wearable pfitness trackers and all shapes pand sizes hot items i ended up pgetting fit bit from my mother pstephanie and holly or coworkers pwho hit the pavement during ptheir lunch breaks. Pthey changed their life styles a plittle over three months ago pwith healthy diets and exercise. P stephanie lost 47 pounds. Pholly, 27. Pfit bit helped them stay on ptrack. Pfor when im at work sitting get pup and get moving. Pto not stay seated. Pi like to check it if i dont phave my steps in i will get my psteps in by the end of the day por at least set a reasonable pgoal. P lisa is an avid runner she precently upgraded to fit bit psurge. Pthis works more like a watch. Pyou can actually see your steps, pyour heart rate, how many miles pyoure doing. Pand youre calories. Plisa says it helps her modify pwork outs in real time. Pits actually more not pevacuating because youre like i pwant to do a ten minute mile, so pim looking down to see what my ace is and if its at 11 im pgoing to speed myself up speed psteps calorie counting and a psleep monitoring. Pthese digital data collectors pstimulate people to reach ersonal goals. Pand create competition at work pand at home. Pyou see each others steps you pcan also communicate like a pgroup chat. Pmy husband has one. Pmy dad has one. Presearchers are noticing too, pthey collect data to study psleep cycle and memory to pchronic diseases like krohns arkinsons and ms high tech pbands have an impact on the mind pand body. Pi think that when i come back in pim not my mind is clear. Pand so that im able to do more, pfocus better im more penergeticic more enthusiastic ponce im able to get out and premove myself from work, kind of pcome back in recharged and start pover. Pits nice. P now as our dr. Jo reporting. Paverage price ranges about 50 to p 250. Pif youre thinking about getting pone, best to do your homework. Pnow. Pmeteorologist mike bennet will phave another check on y hi, guys other stores, right . Pbut did you know theyre not always the best deal . Pwalmart has every day low prices on everything they sell, not just on select items. Tampa the total amount saved at walmart vs winndixie was 20. 64 on this weeks thats 16 including bogos. Why shop anywhere else . Pstart maximizing your savings on your entire at walmart. Start shopping with walmarts every day low prices today and see what you could save. I do everything on the internet. But its kind of slow. My friends said i should get fios because its the fastest. But i thought it would be too expensive. Whos that, jenny . No kate. Turns out they have a deal that cost me even less than my slow service. And its 100 megs. I just downloaded 600 photos in 60 seconds. Thats seriously better. Were out of 2 then i thought, maybe other things could be better. Switching to Better Internet is now easier than ever. Only fios has the Fastest Internet and wifi available. So you can send files up to 5x faster than cable, with capacity to handle all of your devices. Now get something that only fios offers 100 meg upload and download speeds plus tv and phone for a price weve never offered before just 69. 99 a month online. And there isnt even an annual contract. Just go to getfios. Com or call 1. 888. Get. Fios. Thats 100 meg internet speeds, tv phone for our best offer ever. Switch to better. Switch to fios. Phey everybody im coming to you pfrom largo today just outside pthe Armed Forces History museum pwhere they are having one whale pof a sale. P3 oclock this afternoon and p8 00 a. M. To 3 00 p. M. Tomorrow. Pyour chance to get some pretty pcool items at pretty great rices. Pask all for a good cause. Pfrank action one historians parmed forces yesterday museum. Plets start out. Pthat truck is 5,000. Pinternational harvester let me ptell you something. Pthis thing is a little rough paround the edges outside i tell pyou engine wise a good shape if pyou need to transport serious pequipment or logging or pwhatever, its a heck of a ptruck. Pa heck of a truck. Pinside we saw so many different pthings from the foot lockers to pthe boots, to the clothes that pthey sell for 5 apiece and plittle bitty things where is all pthat stuff coming from why are pyou selling . Pwere doing it so we can pgenerate funds for our operation peducation. Pwhich brings under privileged pchildren to our museum. Pand unlike any other museum or pgroup out there, we provide ptransportation, a meal for the pchild and a fantastic guided ptour. Pfunds were generating can bring pmore kids over here. Pthat costs money and way to poffset costs. Pand these are items that were peither surplus of the gentlemans pcollection that started this pmuseum or things that have been pdonated and people say if you pcan use it in museum fine if you pwant to sell to raise money pfine. Pseconds fourths, fifths. Pwe already have back ups to pthem. Pthis is left overs really. Pand fantastic. Pwe have trailers out here. Pyou got a stall worth for pbritish forces. Pvehicles. Pjust about everything. Pwe can outfit a battalion. Pspeaking of that bazookas in pthere on the wall. Pthey are inert. Pthey dont fire. Pthey do not fire. Pfor raining purposes. Pbut. Pand its the real thing t will plook great up in man cave up on pa wall or whatever. Pits definitely a conversation iece. Pa lot of fun. Pa lot of fun. P yeah. Plike, like i always like and pnavy surplus stores. Pthis kind of that kind of feel. Pbetter prices. Rices are awesome frank always pa pleasure my friend. Pthank you, Armed Forces History pmuseum. Pcome with your kids, neighbors pgreat place to come bring them pas we show off our tampa bay parea. Pstop here in largo and flea pmarket until 3 oclock today p8 00 a. M. To 3 00 p. M. Tomorrow. Pyou better hurry, the stuff is pgoing fast. Pyep. PCharley Belcher, fox 13 news. P thank you, charley. Pare you music fan looking for a pjob you might want to head mid pflorida credit union pamphitheater this weekend a big pjob fair tomorrow. Plooking to fill positions for psummer and almost every area. Pit runs from 10 00 a. M. To p2 00 p. M. Pyou want to attend the pfairgrounds through the orient proad entrance. Pthey are hiring all positions pfrom at box office to vip staff pto security guards. Pwell heres some tasty news. Ptampa is getting a cupcake atm. Pyou heard right. Psprinkles cupcakes the company pthat went viral for doing this pin Beverly Hills is now bringing pthe sweet idea to hyde park pvillage. Pthere be sprinkle bakery too. Pwill open this spring and they pare hiring right now. Pcupcakes start at 3. 75 each. Pactually 4. 25 if you purchase pthem at the atm and also sell phomemade cookies ice cream and pcupcakes for dogs. P oh its so unfair to show pthose pictures during the noon pnewscast. P this is a part where my pstomach starts to grumble a plittle bit. Pwe were talk about this before pthe show. Pwe wont want to try it you know pwhat i didnt realize so pcupcakes machine is right poutside the shop. Pin shop cupcakes 3. 75 in atm p4. 25. Pyoure paying an extra dollar pfor the experience i guess. Phuh. Pill go inside the shop. Pi think kind of a frugal guy. Pthe experience at the atm pdoesnt really bring. Pokay. Pno. Pdefinitely not. Pa Beautiful Day out there today. Pespecially if you like the pcooler weather. Pweve got cooler temperatures paround. Pand they are here to last for at pleast the next couple of days. Pso again, if you like it, get pif you want warmer temperatures phang in there. Pthey will here in next couple of pdays riverview time lapse you psaw amazing start to the day pthere. Pthrough. Pnow its just beautiful sunshine pacross the area. Pcurrent temperature 61 degrees. Pdew point of 34. Pso very, very dry air in place. Plook at that relative humidity pat 36 percent. Pwinds out north, northwest at 14 pmiles per hour. Pother temperatures around the parea its 60 in New Port Richey p64 in brandon. P63 in bradenton. P65 in arcadia 61 in lakeland 60 Pat Brooksville what you see here pis pretty much what youre going pto get am i getting taller or pshorter as i go here . Pi think so, right . P lets keep doing that. Pi like that. Panyway, temperatures not going pto climb a whole lot more as we phead throughout day today. Pby tonight were looking at retty Cool Temperatures out pthere. P41 for overnight low in tampa. P35 in wesley chapel. P34 up in brooksville. P39 in wauchula. Pand 40 in lake placid. Pheres a look at the current pwind gusts. Pbrooedz day out there. Pwinds out north sustained 15 pmiles per hour, so gusting above p20 at times. Pthat wind starts to die down a pbit later on this afternoon on pinto this evening. Pand thats going to allow ptemperatures overnight to drop pagain to levels you saw this ptheir secondary cold front ushing through another cold pfront off to north. Pthis doesnt move through for us pa setting stage for lake effect psnow crossed much midwest on pinto northeast. Pmuch cooler air for them. Plook at new york city right now p35. Pburlington at 20. P22 in buffalo. Pcold air pretty much in pnortheast. Pweve got chilly temperatures. Pthe colder air for tonight, that parrives a little bit later. Pheres a look at our future pcast, chilly and breezy for ptoday. Povernight tonight, High Pressure pcontinuing to shift in. Pwe will see 30s to north. Psunny but cool, as we get into pthe day on saturday. Pand sunday a little bit warmer. PHigh Pressure still in control. Pby monday were talking about pthis cold front dropping a plittle bit closer, no the quite phere yet though. Ptemperatures back into the 70s pfor next week. Pso for today, 62 degrees. Lenty of sunshine out there. Pcool and breezy. Pfor the overnight hours tonight. P41 degrees. Pstarry skies. Pcold night 30s to north heads up pfor patchy frost. Pand then for the day tomorrow, p64 degrees. Pmore sunshine. Pthat sunshine is going to be a ptheme for the next few days. Pso warm up the temperatures. Pwell keep sunshine around. Pdrop that breeze a bit into pweekend as well. Pall in all looking to be a retty nice weekend. P71 on sunday. P74 on monday. P77 by tuesday and wednesday. Pthat front moves through. Pstill a little bit of puncertainty as it just how cool pthings get behind it. Pit doesnt look like it gets as pcool behind it. Plinda. Pthank you, mike. Pof how pwe have a news alert to tell you pabout. Pformer president ial candidate pgovernor Chris Christie just pendorsed donald trump. Pthese are live pictures or ictures that we just took pcoming in. Pfrom twitter im proud to be phere to endorse donald trump for resident of the United States pand also accepts endorsement of pChris Christie governor. Pkristi had trumps side in fort pworth. Pof course well have lot more on pthis coming up tonight at p5 oclock. P jacksonville defied the odds pbefore he was born doctors pdidnt give him much of a chance pto survive. Pthat has changed thanks to all pchildrens hospital. Pas fox 13s kelly ring reports, pjacks new life is whats right pwith tampa bay. Phe was born with serious heart pdefects. Pit was a dark time. Pbecause we felt like we were pwaiting to lose him. Pdoctors didnt think he would plive after he was born. Phe looked at us and said im psorry. Ptheres no good way to say this pbut your baby isnt going to plive. Phes going to be fine inside pmama but as soon as hes born, pits going to be minutes that pyoure going to have this kid. Otent heart medications kept pjack alive well beyond pexpectations. Pbut severely limited what he pcould do. Phe hasnt been able to be in ool hasnt able to play pbaseball he hasnt been able to pbe outside or get off the couch pmuch. Pthat all changed last and all pchildrens hospital where jack phad a heart transplant. Ptransforming this tenyearolds plife. Pits incredible. Pi still feel like im pinching pmyself. Pand play on the swings. Pactive and fun play time poutdoors that would have never pbeen possible. Pi never expected bonus time to pbe this sweet. Pi never thought hed been this phealthy really ever. Pjacks outlook on life is now pbrighter. Pwaiting for someone to be in the ool again. Pthat will be fun. Pjacks health and new heart are pclosely monitored. Pbut his family is so thankful pfor his progress. Pwe went from feeling like we pwere going to lose this kid for phis whole life to all of sudden pwe are in some unbelievable pblessed bonus time. Ptime the family thought they pwould never have together. Pand they are so grateful. Puhhuh. Pso happy. Pso happy. Pawesome. Pthat was our kelly ring that was pone wonderful story. Prace fans can help kick off the pseason tomorrow at fan fest. Pthe rays players and coaches pmeet and take photos with fans. Pthis year free activities pinclude a discussion a hall fa pbaseball writer. Pkids 14 and under can visit a pfree autograph station with more pthan 40 major league players. Pits free to get in. Pspeaking good sports today were pseparating our friend can pcolleague chip carter. Phe has been part of fox family pfor nearly 30 years only third psports director in stations p61year history. Ptoday chip carter is retiring. Pwe invite you to join us pstarting tonight at 5 as we wish pthis deserving guy the vest pbest. Pi havent worked with chip that plong but every day ive worked pwith him, hes made me either psmile and or laugh. P and i think i forget who said pit yesterday but they put it pbest, they said he makes sports pfun to watch for people that pdont even like sports i pcouldnt have put it better. Pwe will miss him. Pdo we have time for quick pweather . P yeah. Retty similar to yesterday. Pchilly breezy day out there pwe start to warm up, 71 by psunday. P74 by monday. Pand by the way, plenty of psunshine out there for the next pfour or five days. Pnext front doesnt arrive pbasically until middle of next pweek. Plove it. Penjoy it. Pnews does not end here well pkeep posting the latest all day pon www. Fox13news. Com twitter and pfacebook. Lus look for more news, weather pand sports beginning at 5. Paccess hollywoods next i will psee you here tonight at 5. Prealtime closed captioning i would also like to take this moment to publicly support ke ha. Though many have now come forward for ke ha in her case against dr. Luke, adele is the first to say it out loud. Im billy bush. On the long list of superstars that have actually worked with dr. Luke, well tell you whos sharing and who who has remained silent. Im 100 certain. The hotel gets its turn in the erin andrews peeping tom case, as does erins psychotherapist. Is the actual video now being shown to the jury . Heres the real story. And it turns out snookis got a perfectly good and believable explanation for her wobbly