Facility. We want to capture it. It is contaminated with tradeyo active material, more than 200 million gallons have poured in. And the water that went down is not Drinking Water quality. We would not want it to intercept it. Reporter were told this started august 27th. The level was dropping near a gym sum it was draining into the sinkhole and down into the acquifer. The public is frustrated it did not find out until yesterday. And the director of environmental projects said there is a reason for the delay, we know the contamination has not my greated beyond the area of the incident it is not a urgency, and none of the contaminated water left the into their own wells, we will not allow it to my great. It is offering to test the well water with the assuress a lot of people are worried. It is upsetting especially when you have three children. I think it is ridiculous, are they seeping into the wells t is scary. Reporter the federal and state environmental agencies have been notified were representatives from the department of enviromental protection are visiting the site really to make sure that vince are going well and being attended to properly. Now, the next step is fixing that. Thats something that mosaic is responsible for thats what they are going to be doing as they move forward. You heard from the neighbors, they are not very comforting, coming up at 6 00 well hear from them some more. Thank you, im looking say. This 3yearold boy was abused to death by his father and his fathers girlfriend. They are in prison but now oconnell wants out of prison while she appeals her conviction. Did the judge make a decision. Reporter i have to tell you that the judge will grant her bond but the prosecution is fighting it all the way. The prosecutors say the last two weeks of the little boys life were filled hands of his father and his then girlfriend. He cut a deal for a lighter sentence in exchange for testifying pence oconnell. She choked him long enough his body went limp. She was found guilty of aggravated manslaughter now she wants out of jail while she appeals. And she should qualify for bond but the state is fighting it. That is a great concern of the states. She found love with another female inmate. The prosecutor listened to the calls between the two. She said they discussed living together if she was allowed out on bond but this week she said that all changed. They were an argument this monday on september 12th where she told her girlfriend as well as her mother she would not be living she could not live there because she believed that her girlfriend had cheated on her. The state argued she is a flight risk she has no ties to the community. No family or friends she could stay with but her girlfriend disagreed. If she doesnt want to live with me she can live with my mother. My mother got close to her. There was another concern, prosecutors say that she lost custody of her daughter was trying to get her back. Not need to be around any children. But her mother in new york said thats not the case. The conversation was regarding me and not my granddaughter, where would she live, statten island. Now the judge said he will have a decision by sometime next week. We will let you know what that is. Live in the newsroom, gloria gomez, fox 13 news. Thank you for that, gloria. Evidence of a dange r enterprise. A drug lab caused a fire killing two dogs and injured a baby. They are looking for a man who fled the house but left a lot of evidence behind. Chris cato joins us. This is the first of its kind in pasco county. How so . You know when you hear about a drug lab exploding in a home its a meth operation but in this case they say the suspect the fire was on september 3rd at this home on west port drive. When we shot the video on that morning investigators didnt know the cause. Several people escaped unharmed including a 1yearold baby but two dogs that were in cages in the home died in the fire. Investigators want to find this man, steven brown, they believe he was cooking marijuana wax. Can you see the exploded pot that started the fire. Instead of trying to save the dogs he grabbed t ran. He didnt take them all. This a photo of what they say they found inside of that home. Can you see the wax there. They found other drugs a couple of guns, mmo and cash, they arrested or issued arrest warrants for brown but on that day he fled from a traffic stop and has not been seen since. He was driving a white four door kia. He is wanted on 12 charges including first degree arson and possession of drugs with intent to sell. Manufacturing the drugs and two counts of aggravated cruelty to animals. Cynthia. And thank you very much. Violence broke out on a Shuffle Board Court and sent a man to jail. This was wednesday afternoon at the Pinellas Park senior center. The deputies charged this man with simple he started arguing with another player on a Shuffle Board Court there and he punched him and hit him with a cue. He has some scratches they have not said what started the argument. A Traffic Alert today in tampa. Of macdill and barcelona is closed because of this depression which opened up in the middle of the intersection. Workers say they dont know what caused or how how long the sectn will be closed. You about a depress that opened up on macdill. And the crews say it is set to be repaired next week, they dont know if they are related. And the president obama was born in the United States, period. And thats donald trump going on the record earlier today and trying to put the birther controversy to rest following an interview with the Washington Post he refused answer about where the president was born. He tried to end the controversy today his critics are pouncing. Time to bring in craig patrick. And Hillary Clinton was quick to respond. Didnt he say she started it . He said she as null and Hillary Clinton and her campaign and i mr. Ed the roll finishing all of this. And Hillary Clinton is not going to leave that unanswered. What turned trump from an ordinary reality tv star into a political figure, that origin cannot be unwritten. This is followed up by a number of Fact Checkers from the post. And none of them could find any evidence that Hillary Clinton or the campaign advanced or promoted or embraced the birther movement. This premise on claims that the president was not born in the u. S. Of america, rather donald trump years advancing this movement. At this point he is trying to put it behind them. He was caught a bit off guard and determined after suspense of 24 hours that it was time to end that suspense and state he has finished this and ready to move on. Given the history of this democrats and Hillary Clinton and Fact Checkers are not. We have seen him out there for years insisting on this. Various venues. What impact on the race or will it . I think it will and it is a gift to the Hillary Clinton campaign. When this stays in the news cycle as much as it has and donald trump is called out by Fact Checkers as he has, this ultimately will cost him. Look at the poll numbers it is tightened not because donald trump has moved but Hillary Clinton has lost support in the polls. The reason is that the pollsters from registered voters to who they believe will be likely voters. There will be more and clinton supporters. This is the thing that can rev up the base and give clinton a boost as we head into not just the terrible week she had but the run up of the debate. Thank you. Safety transportation. A kia and hyundai accent. They donated the cars to two families and struggling with homelessness. And vendors and Insurance Companies together to give like new vehicles to those in need. H loaning me but it broke down and popping. We didnt know what was wrong. I was spending money on uber and taxis. So this is a blessing. They donated the time and money to repair the cars. Good thing all around. I love that program, you know giving people a helping hand. Bobby christina brown. Why her boyfriend is legally responsible for her death. Tattoo artists are in the bay area this weekend. Next the Big Convention taking next the Big Convention taking place im really good at war. I love war in a certain way. Including with nukes, yes including with nukes. Nuclear, just the power the devastation, is very important to me. I want to be unpredictable, unpredictable, unpredictable, unpredictable. Im Hillary Clinton and i approve this message. I know more about isis then the generals do. John mccain, a war hero. Hes not a war hero, hes a war hero because he was captured. Donald trump compared his sacrifices to the sacrifices of two parents who lost their son in war. How would you answer that father . What sacrifice have you made for your country . I think ive made a lot of sacrifices, built great structures. Ive had tremendous success, i think. A lot of folks got up early today to be one of the first to get an iphone 7. cynthia this was the scene outside the apple store outside of the apple store at International Plaza they are out there before the came sun the new iphone 7 has changes as we have been telling you about. The camera is better. Not waterproof but water resistant. I just updated mine. Now a new one, me, too. In tampa uber celebrated parking day by taking over a metered parking so spot and turg it into a park. It is one of the most inefficient uses of space in urban areas they hope people make use of other forms of transportation. It is just a great way city dwellers to use other forms of transportation. Biking or uber, lyft or other forms. The mini park and turf and highlight how much space parked cars take up in the city. At a point they were for sailors and bikers but tattoos are mainstream. This weekend they are taking over the tam too convention convention. We went over there to check it out. Josh, i imagine that youre seeing some interesting things there. Yes, yes i tell what you it is amazing to be inside this Convention Center to see all the tattoos, the artwork is really, really incredible it is like being in a living art show and amazing artwork and art industry and no matter what you think about the tattoos you cant care and art industry going into tattoos in the building. Roughly 400 in all. Plenty of artists from tv as well. Ink master and if you are new to tattoos or considering one think about stopping at the convention over the weekend. Can you ask questions and see portfolios it is a one stop shop if you watch tattoo nightmares. Here is his advice on getting your first tattoo. Dont be cheap. Really study who you want to be tattooed by. There are so many styles and a style for everyone. Focus on that. Study what you want to get. Go with that artist. And told advice the show here 20dollar as day for 40 for a pass. We should note there is more than tattooing and there is suspensions people hung from the ceiling on their piercings. That should be interesting. Other shows. Panel discussions plenty to see here. And a lot of people watching to do as well. Guys before i send it back to you. Bob here is in the middle of getting a tattoo. Tell us what are you getting how jaded moon here who is taking great care of me. Working in a spot that thats ne of the most sensitive. Were hanging. Not bad. What will it be. This is a sort of a demon and it is a creative endeavor that we both put together. Its great, how long will it take. About five yeah, bob is being a trooper. Thats more than i can take. Back to you, well have more from the Tattoo Convention here at the con essential center. Colorful. The suspensions did you hear about that. Can you follow that. They will suspend people from the piercing. Josh hanging from the ceiling 81 degrees the sky is kind of dark and thunder thundershowers going by. It has been heavy. Notice the rain, it is weakening as it moves to the west. Close to clearwater but the trend is with the rain to gradually die down thats it for pinellas. And the pesky storms up and lightning, theyre drifting, we talk about one heading to dade city it is small and inverness and showers and storms and in manatee, sarasota pretty busy storms along 75. Some east to they are moving to the southwest. Ar arcadia and they have storms in wauchula. Nothing in highlands and polk things like 30, 40 coverage. Things should be dying down in the next hour or so. We still have a Tropical Storm spinning east of our state and that spin has helped to produce a flow. Thats why the storms are moving northeast to southwest. And where they should be. Low 90s. The tropics are busy. And spinning off the coast. Atlantic, thats one we have to watch to the west. First, well talk about julia getting sheared. At 5 00. Bouncing around. And top winds of 40 south at 3. The pressure is not very low. This is not a strong storm it will head northeast. Interesting go all the way around we say goodbye in aum could of days. This is karl. Bypassing the lesser antils continental United States maybe a threat to bermuda it hints at that. It should be a hurricane here, moving to the west and northwest. Another system our weekend the a luyah eclips and storms and few storms not a bad boating weekend. 2 feet or less and and every day 30 . I wore a badge for 38 years knowing how much you trusted us to keep you safe. Yet when a officer was killed in action florida was not doing enough to give their families the help wrong, so we changed that law. To ensure these families get the benefits they are entitled to and the honor they deserve. Dana young has our back and she has yours. Dana young for the florida senate. A wouldbe robber in philadlephia gets more than he a would be robber gets more than he bargained for he and what he dependent know was that his wife had a gun as well. The ser renty of the church bells at st. James has no hint of the violence that played out next door. You never think Something Like this will happen to you, thats stephanie cook, the pastors wife. She does not want to show her face, he had a gun in my face, thats the pastor robert cook, 11 on thursday night when he returned home with his son by his side and stephanie behind them. An older man with a shotgun approached and demanded his wallet, i thought he does not have a mask he is going to kill us. She heard the commotion and strike her husband and beached back into their vehicle i turned to the truck i put my purse out and pulled out my gun. A 22 caliber legal as a conceal carry. I said she has her gun and he turned and i said shoot him, shoot him, at that time i raised it i aimed it i told the man twice i yelled drop your gun, drop your gun. He didnt i knew there was a threat. That is when i pulled the trigger, he ran off with robert in hot pursuit. Police captured the would be thief blocks away. They are shaken but alive and wanted him to leave my family alone. What about your wifes actions. She did as i knew she would. It was awesome. That was bruce gordon reporting. Closing arguments in the trial of a man charged with shooting at George Zimmerman. What his attorneys told the jury. Stunning ruling in the death case of Bobby Christina brown. Marco. Polo. Marco. Polo. Marco. Marco . Marco . But its not a game when our senator doesnt show up. Im Patrick Murphy. Solving problems means showing up. Showing independence. And working together. Its why i worked to protect Womens Health care and worked with both parties to stop cuts to medicare. Im Patrick Murphy and i approve this message because florida needs a fulltime senator. Kind of a surprising ruling today in the wrongful death case of Bobby Christina brown a judge ruled against her boyfriend finding him legally responsible for her death. And in the ruling the judge said gordon refused court. And we have the story. An empty chair more than a reminder that nick gordon faile to show up to court again. It is clear he is thumbing his nose at the court. The second was the last straw for the judge. The judge was clearly irritated by numerous missed dead lines to inquiries tied to the civil suit fueled by the family of brown. Seems totally bent on defeating anything the court will do with regard to his participation and the request. She was just 22 years old when she died in july of was found unresponsive in a bathtub of the home she shared with nick gordon. Her family was adamant that gordon had something to do with the episode that left bobby chris tee christina in a coma. They filed a civil suit and gordon injected her with a toxic mixture before leaving her in the tub. And the judge ruled in favor of and he talked extensively the facts of the case when dr. Phil asked him what about the lawsuit he said, quote. I ignored it. Well, maybe can you do that on tv but not in superior court. It is absolutely reprehensible thumbing their nose at the court. And if he did what he said and gone out on television and thumbed his nose at the court egregious. The jury is deliberating in the matthew aperson trial. He shot at George Zimmerman in a road rage incident. We have more on the closing arguments delivered to the jury. Reporter the sides talked for an hour the defense blaming George Zimmerman for threatening matthew to the point he had to zimmerman is the terrorist. They called him a liar and claimed he lied to the police and on the stand. And the lies piled on. He told the jury that he fired a gun at zimmerman on may 11th because he was scared to death. He fired a shot that hit the truck. Some of the blasts from the impact scratched him on the arm. He colleagues he had been stalking him for ended in the shooting on lake mary boulevard. A lawyer for the state said its not about zimmerman but apersons actions. He said he was not in danger and should not have pulled the trigger, he is the one that blanked after mr. Zimmerman. He is the one that got behind him. He is the one who followed him after the uturn was made. By his own admission a threat. The jury is deliberating at this hour. And there is encouraging news in the fight against cancer in children. And dr. Jo e come into Steak N Shake for handdipped fall milk shakes. Better yet, come into Steak N Shake for handdipped fall milk shakes at half price. During halfprice happier hour, weekdays, now two to five. At Steak N Shake. Im really good at war. I love war in a certain way. Nuclear, just the power the devastation, is very important to me. I want to be unpredictable, unpredictable, unpredictable, unpredictable. Brain cancer not brain cancer is the deadliest form for children but there is a Silver Lining here. Dr. Jo is looking into the numbers she joins us now. Why a shift. There is good news a 20 overall 2014. Cans were 1 and 2. They made strides they have dropped. That pushed the brain cancer deaths to number one. They were higher than there had been in 1999 but tid did not seem to be significant. The good news is that we made strides but we have a lot more work to do. Information surprise you. It did. When you looked at boys and girls they dropped more for girls. That was a change that was interesting to me. The number one death rate were in teens 15 to 19. And more good news. When they looked in 1999 they they have come and we have some work to do and that group that older age group. And any children,. Changing gear as bit. An organization is they know how to save 100,000 live as year, lower the Blood Pressure. The top and bottom number. The top we try it under 120 they believe it can save 100,000 lives. These are just average people for the most part. They found when they got the Blood Pressure below 120 they did better. When they had a Blood Pressure reduced that they would save about 60,000 people so overall again maybe lower it is going to be better. Exercise, less salt. Those are the things. Exercise, weight loss. Blood pressure medication. They did add on more and more to try to get that Blood Pressure down but no lifestyle factors are important. Stress reduction. You know even reading something that there is a biofeedback mechanismhe that analyzed brain waves. Interesting stuff. And thanks. Kevin with the buzz going into the football weekend. You know it is about football there is a big buzz about the right after the impressive start in at lan it. The bucs tell us what they have been hearing next. And the head coach changes up the travel schedule just a bit. Well when i shop, my coupons are in a neat little stack, and my weekly ad is folded like this. Ready to go. Thats how i save a lot at publix. How bout you . . Inherited your sisters lastgeneration, handmedown tablet. Which was handed down by the generation before her. But you have lightning internet from bright house network, with the speeds you need. So this old device can still surf, stream and game with the very best of em. And now connect to. Standard tv, standard internet, dvr and phone. Only 97 a month for 12 months. Hes not a serious adult. I cant vote for donald trump given the things that he said. Trump should not be supported. I believe hes disqualified himself to be president. I just cannot support donald trump. You know what i love . When i see all the savings at the bottom of my receipt. Its proof that im a smart shopper. Which is why i always show it to my wife. Thats how i save at publix. How bout you . Publix. Where shopping is a pleasure. All right tgif, everyone. Time to check out what is trending. You know the 22 pushup challenge. We did it the other day, he airing jones and his friend. And those are hump back whales. There, he is out there on the kayak. Can you see he was stunned he stopped doing it. Keep doing it, i wasnt sure, 5 passed me. And communing with nature. This put me in the mood for the weekend. It was posted on a friends facebook page. Someone here in tampa they live right here. 78, 79 years old. Check out this fellow. He is doing it better than i can. Caning and dancing and a woman is tired. Runs away. Background. She gets another partner. 79 years old. Dancing must keep you young, where is this place. I dont know i will ask peggy, peggy where are you. Look at him. He has the moves. He is good. I think people who are dancers they are agile. Flexible the whole bit. And you start dancing during the commercial, you want to do that. That would be check out this cute video. Mom has so much room, i have to come in, mom, let me in. Mom said one more but you have to see how much are under here. Ky not believe this piping clover. And wait for it, wait, six, you think six not that. Four. Oh thats cute, im out of here. Representative they they winter here in florida. They are threaten the status and they make a distinctive call can you hear them flying around. Just during the winter and beautiful birds. Ky relate to that. As a mom i feel that way. Give me 15 minutes ill be back. A front and thats 4 weeks a little ways to go. Kind of muggy. Outside the showers are around. Same thing 86. A nice tropical sky. That cloud. Look at that on radar you see the cloud, thats north of tampa. Kind of north of tiat is probably tia. It is near pasco, it is in south tampa. Quickly the rain died out and now the heaviest rain is east of New Port Richey near hudson. Spring hill the storm rained out. And dade city that cell we were showing you during the earlier weather cast moved west of you and the weekend is busy for our friends in citrus with rain near inverness and diving to the and weaken with time and just south of near sarasota a number of storms that are moving again from northeast to southwest. Lets not forget. And punta gorda. This is the heaviest over the interstate and southwest and storms east of frost proof and haines city and kissimmee and celebration have showers and storms. The tropics will be watching weekend. The news is good. Most likely karl will make a turn after becoming a hurricane. This position is 3200 miles to the east southeast. You can see the start of the burns next week. And the spin with julia weakening. Well have a northeast wind flow and from tampa bay south well stay with the best rain chances tampa south. The end of the season. This is significant. The ran fall per day we add it up. 22. Look our things ramp down. Next week. The 30th. On average. 07 of an inch. Were winding down the rainy season. The holiday calendar is down. And daylight savings time. Christmas is 100 days from today. Moon lit and 77. And sun. And near 90 on sunday about the same thing. Rain free highs up near 90. The 7day forecast time to talk about football forecast first off is the big one. Florida state up in louisville kick off tomorrow at noon. I wish that was an 8 00 game. Big game. Scattered storms they could be heavy. 82 degrees. And showers outside the dome. Quiet inside the carrier dome and 78 for a 3 30 kickoff. To. Mean green. Mean green. Not that mean to be honest with you. 80 with a shower. Sunny and 92. Cool inside. A 4 05 kickoff. Like the dome games this time of the year the bucks can do something on sunday that has eluded the franchise since morris was the start at 20. The start with the cardinals. Can you catch that here on fox 13. Now, the team went through the last minute preparations at 1 buc place. Dirk koetter changing up the travel plans. The team flew to atlanta on saturday last week thats the norm in the nfl. This trip and dirk koetter boarding the plane. Get used to that. Time zone out there. That western time zone. We switch out out of there. Switch to the west coast time. But we get out and getting a little dinner. And i believe think it will work. And a little bit of buzz getting excited for the first time players are hearing it. The wide receiver he was out and about in the community. He stayed under the radar blending in. He had his ears wide open. The buzz. Talking about the team. It is true. Keep winning and keep bring the town back to prominence. We have fans we love and the people with us. We take with us when we get there. When it happens i live by this. They dont believe it. My dad taught me that. He has not been in the playoffs yet. Tailgate sunday an indepth look and back for a 16th season. The trivia three knew players for you on sunday. Then foxs crew takes over at fox nfl cut off. Sunday comes on at new the bucks and cardinals kicking off from general dale arizona here on fox 13. The bulls syracuse and the york and it was the turning point they finished the season winning 7 of their last 8 games. The bulls have been rolling since to the first 20 start since 2012. And offense has been lighting up the board averaging 52 points the first two games. And flowers is the keeper and he is the spark whether throwing or running syracuse in the kickoff and fsu comes to ray jay. The coach said theyre not getting caught in that trap of looking ahead. , well call it. You win what is it. And and we locked in the going up to play our best game. Against Florida State and you want to look ahead. And watch out. Get through them first. Thank you very much. The glee star is coming clean about her feud with lea michelle. I wore a badge for 38 years knowing how much you trusted us to keep you safe. Yet when a officer was killed in action florida was not doing enough to give their families the help they desperately needed. Dana young understood. That was wrong, so we changed that law. To ensure these families get the benefits they are entitled to and the honor they deserve. Dana young has our back and she has yours. Dana young for the florida senate. Today, technology is changing. Homes are changing. Lives are changing. And all those changes take energy. At duke energy, were changing too, giving you new ways to control your power use and stay in the know. For smarter Energy Choices every day. So no matter how things change, were always here. With power for your life. Stocks closed lower following declines in bank and energy companies. The dow sank 88 points. The nasdaq lost five points. And the s and p dropped eight points. cynthia glee star. Naya rivera opens up about a feud with costar leah michelle. Heres access hollywoods natalie morales. cynthiawipe cg3 you can watch access hollywood weeknights at 7 oclock right here on fox 13. cynthia the fox13 6 00 news is next. Here are mark and linda. linda 2 shot things are really taking off at st. Pete clearwater airport. mark passenger levels are at an all time high. markvo and that means the airport needs to grow. Coming up tonight at six. Well tell you about the changes that are in the works. lindavo plenty of opinions around the country on the upcoming election. But what do foriegners think . Plenty of opinions about the it today in chicago. You you have to look hard to find a drone flying around that may change, though, why coming up next. Marco. Polo. Marco. Polo. Marco. Marco . Marco . But its not a game when our senator doesnt show up. Im Patrick Murphy. Solving problems means showing up. Showing independence. And working together. Its why i worked to protect Womens Health care and worked with both parties to stop cuts to medicare. Because florida needs a fulltime senator. Marco . Thats what plenty of people want to know after a sinkhole opens up. Dumping dangerous water into the aquifer. Memorials at the site of he worst mass shooting in us history are on the move. Well show you. Whats going on at the Pulse Night Club in orlando and an Artists Convention an Artist Convention be whee the canvas is skin. From tampa bays number one news station. This is the fox 13 6 00 news. Im Linda Hurtado in for kelly ring. Im mark wilson. First up at 6 00 this story polk county. Look at that. The potentially radioactive water pouring into the acquifer into a sinkhole. The public was never told until today. People near the plant want to know why. People are worried. Were talking about water that may be radioactive flowing into the ground and the cringing water has not been affected it is safe. Neighbors are not sure believe them. It may look like a water fall but it is a massive sinkhole. How deep. No one knows and that water is potentially radioactive and drain down into the acquifer. You know our water safe to drink. Safe to brush our teeth and took in. Those are the questions that have been asked since asking

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