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There. That is a good signature. Yeah, that is a good signature. But technically, a Severe Thunderstorm Warning for those areas. Severe thunderstorm warnings for those area. That looks like it is ramping up a little bit. Yes it does. If you are in that area of foreign county or littleton, go to a safe space. There is no Tornado Warning in effect there but that is what we look for in the issue one. Seven Wilson County and much of wayne and eastern Johnson County and northern Sampson County, that is the new Tornado Warning that was just issued by the National Weather service. It will expire at 7 15, i think. Yes. On the ground waiting strakes as well. On the ground lightning it is moving at 6070 Miles Per Hour. There were stirred some storms in the midwest going 80 Miles Per Hour but ive not seen here. The time to react is very limited because of these fastmoving stores. The wide view there, you see the clearing there. It is going to make things much quieter much shortly. Quickly. The potential for best gusty winds. Wins with gusts up to 4045 Miles Per Hour. The activity even when it is not raining could still be windy. That tornado watch, if we go back over, we will show you on weather app three that the tornado watch has been canceled notice the tornado watch remains in effect from henderson to raleigh to fayetteville until 7 00. It will probably get a bit of an extension for the coastal plains. There is no tornado watch in some areas. They will be in the clear in the next hour to hour and a half. We will have more coming up in a little bit. Steve, taoiseach. Tisha. Steve take a look at this from northern weight county. Wake county. Maybe he can help us out by taking a look at the cloud coming down from the sky. They decided to shelter inside Granite Falls in the wake forest area. What does that look like to you . Chris i can see why they issue that warning. Ground but it is hard to tell what the trees. It looks ominous. That may be about the time of the Tornado Warning. There was a tornado indicated by radar near wake forest. I dont see if you look straight down you see lightning in the sky. I do not necessarily see any significant rotation. It looks impressive. The whole cell looks like it could be a rotating cell. Chris a lot of times if there is a tornado, you would be up to see debris in the clouds. It could be that it it may have been seen as a rotating cloud had about the time the tornado was issued Tornado Warning was issued. But we dont have any reports of so for wake forest. So far, i have not seen any injuries. That is the main thing. This is actually the biggest event we have had since april. I do not cover one Tornado Warning all blaster. Did not cover one tornado all last year. This makes up for it. Fortunately, this will not come anywhere near to that level of april 16 where we had numerous they calories, 35 fatalities. Over a dozen tornadoes. The one that went from samford up to wake county. These tornadoes were on the this fortunately is not going to turn into that. But still, dangerous. Tisha this is difficult because there is so much going on at the same time. Chris absolutely. There could be a Severe Thunderstorm Warning and a Tornado Warning over that. Steve and i were looking at the storms as we were talking about and the line of storms, there are multiple areas of location of rotation on the mind on the lines. Trying to discern who is under a warning when there are so many is difficult. It is like the day of 2011 where every siegal county was under some kind of warning. Every single county was under some kind of warning. The good news is it is about to end. At Granite Falls by taking shelter. Remember, you can help us cover and video. You can upload using our app. If you ever post anything on social media, user use our hash tag. Tisha lots of pictures coming in and we thank you for that. Lets head down to Cumberland County. Craig barnes has been standing by. Lots of wind in that area. Great great, what do you see out there craig barnes, what do you see out there . It has come down a lot. You cannot see a whole lot but let me shake some video that we took earlier in the day. This was about two hours ago when a real strong gust came through fayetteville. The water was just hanging down. Was down to just yards for a a while. The storm moved in and it moved out very, very fast. We did have some isolated reports of trees down and power lines down. We did travel toward stedman and there was a lot of flooding in the southeastern part of Cumberland County and the northern part of Sampson County. The rain has stopped. If you come back to us live, you will see right here at i95, the state patrol is out here. Just a little while ago there was a report that part of a tree branch had fallen and blocked one of the links here. They had to get it back out and cleared up. Now, everything seems to be moving along well. Cars that hydroplaned to the side of the road due to the wind gust. All of that has passed far to the east of Cumberland County. The residents are going to have a lot of the flooding with as well as on the secondary roads. That is good news, their hearts and their prayers are with all the folks in your neck of the woods. Steve thank you, craig. We want to show you some eyewitness video. This is an henderson. In henderson. There was a report of a tornado touched down in vance county. 34 homes were damaged. We are getting confirmed reports lets get your Expert Opinion as we watch this eyewitness video coming in from outside the dollar tree. It looks to be a touchdown. Chris absolutely. That is much more definitive. We have gotten reports and seen the damage. All the top of my head, i would say it is either an ef1 or ef2. All signs look to that being a tornado on the ground. I know you always look forward look for debris, do you see the signatures on the radar . We did a scan of that earlier and we did not see any. There could be that there is not a lot of debris because that is a fairly rural area. Damage with the folks in oxford, in a fairly rural area, it is not going to pick up a lot of debris so the radar will not see it. That is probably why one of the reasons we do not find much at all. Definitely, it looks like one on the ground there. Tisha we have not had any reports of Severe Damage in that county. It is good that no one was injured or structural damage. That is a relief. Chris actually, we will know more tomorrow about exactly where it was and in terms of damage. The National Weather service sent in their teens to teams to assess the damage. They can determine very easily if it was a tornado or straightline wind. There, it is a most impossible to say that is not a tornado. Areas where there was damage and do a survey and by looking at which way the damage is situated in which way the debris is, if they are all blown down in one direction, then it is straightline winds. If you get a circular pattern to the debris, sort of a rotating type of damage, then you determine it is a tornado it was a tornado. You can tell the strength of the winds by how much damage there was. Tisha that is why take some time. Chris i imagine the Weather Service from rally will be out there tomorrow morning. You cannot do much now because it is dark. They will send a team out tomorrow morning. By midday or early afternoon, we will have a complete report of when it was on the ground, how wide it was, how long it was on the ground and the estimated wind speed. Tisha they will havetisha some work to do tomorrow. Well. All of these coming from you, our viewers, are incredible. Hail. Awesome video here. Look at this. Hail pouring from the sky. Pretty large in size, actually. Hail near golf ballsized hail another video, it shows a very ominous cloud. Of course, we do not have any reports of what this was, we do we have been watching all day long. Amazing video. We want to thank you so much. If you have incredible video, please send it to us. You can load it on abc 11. Com, follow us on facebook or twitter. These coming in from social media. Awesome pictures. The beautiful sky after the second line of stores. It looks like it is on fire with the orange. Thank you for sending that one. The next one is coming from rocking jason. It looks to be a funnel cloud. A little difficult to make out so you cannot see for sure what it is. Our next picture is a devastating scene we were showing you from Granville County. Look at all the debris there. Also, more reports of hail from Granville County as well. We are continuing to get more. Stay tuned and of course, we will do our best to show them throughout the evening. Back to you. Steve thank you. Were getting an update from Granville County where the homes were damaged and destroyed. She told us earlier that there were two docs missing and reports that firefighters went inside and rescued those dogs dogs. Tisha that is good to hear. A tree has fallen down on a church and rally. Lets see what happened. As you can see, this is an incredible scene. This happened earlier this afternoon. I will step out of the way she can get a look at how big the roof this tree is that crashed through the roof. This is off of capital boulevard in northeast rally. Raleigh. We talk with a woman who lives across from here and she says she heard a loud gust of wind and looked out her window and saw this tree fall. You can see there is another tree standing beside it that looks also is dead as the one that fell. As you can see, they came back the Raleigh Police came back and put up tape. Curious bystanders are coming by to check it out and they do not want anyone to get any closer in case something would happen to the tree. The weather has calm down in the after this tree fell and expose the building to all that heavy rain that was coming down for quite some time. We actually experienced a short burst of hail that was coming down as well. This is only the beginning of the damage. The owner will have to come back and assess. We were here when the owner came by and he passed through the police tape, unlocked the door and went inside. He did not want to stay very long, he is a very busy man. There is Church Within the building, he spoke with a Church Member and told us the owner of this place had just renovated this building about four months ago after a pipe burst. This is devastating for him and his family. They were out here taking pictures of the damage. Fortunately, no one was inside at this time. Again, Raleigh Police blocking this off for safety measures. From time to time after the tree fell, we will have to wait and see what else could potentially happen out here. It seems like things are finally getting to calm down. A lot of people were out here checking out the damage earlier. We talk to a man who lives about a quarter of a mile away and he said he could hear the tree fall and what he stepped outside the house, he had to walk up the sidewalk to check out this dramatic scene. The world cultural center. Back to you. Steve thank you very much. We have been hearing from our reporters about the hail that move through. Chris was getting reports of i was feeling we will be getting reports from the hail damage. Rips that will need to be replaced and cars roofs that will need to be replaced and cars. I know car dealers are always fearful when there is extensive hail damage. Tisha you may think there is nothing wrong with your roof but you will need the experts to actually look at it to make sure everything is ok. You may need it replaced. Steve we continue getting reports from our breaking news center minute i minute as we talk to our first responders. Your viewers you viewers can contact us and post pictures and video. The most extensive vantage damage we have seen has been outside oxford where there has been several homes damaged and they rescued a couple dogs that were in those homes. Tisha one very lucky person was but that person is ok. There is no other damage report Granville County. Heather with information on the neighborhood that was hit hard. This is the hicks borough community, a very tightknit community. We are starting to see residents come back to their homes to check out the scope of the damage to see what is comfortable. Salvageable. They are working to figure out how badly these homes have been torn up. You see the white house there, several trees laying on the roof. Several homes appear to be destroyed. They are taped off with crime scene tape. Incredibly, no one seriously hurt in all of this. We learn that firefighters pulled towo dogs from the home that is missing the roof. The home collapsed on the dogs and we are told they are ok. The tornado touched down here around 4 30. Residents described as sounding like a train as it barreled through the area. The elderly woman from the white home told me that she ran in the bathroom. Another person said she hid inside her home with a box over her head with her dog. It moved through very quickly. At the other end of this road, we are told that some of the workers were milking cows when at least one, maybe two of the silos were blown over by the storm. Pretty incredible stories of the people who live through the storm. I was talking to some of the Emergency Management crews on the scene and they told me that some of the rooms were blown off not too far roofs were blown off not too far from here you the Oxford Henderson airport if gives you an idea of where we are located. Right now, crews are still assessing the damage. I do not believe that residents are able to go back to their houses at this point. A lot of them have showed up at this point to see if there is anything they can salvage. It is dark now but we can see close clothes and some of the trees. A storage unit behind one of the houses is completely gone. A lot of people are still trying happened here, what is left of their property. It is going to be a long night for the folks that are out here. Tisha absolutely, we are so thankful to hear that everyone is ok. You look at all the damage and it is so devastating. Steve we are grateful that no one was injured. All right, we want to point out that there are no Tornado Warnings right now. No one is in any imminent danger. Relief for so many people. Now our coverage is focused on the damage resulting from the storm systems that moved through. Northern Durham County has been hit hard. Some neighborhoods trying to pick up the pieces. Power is out entries are down. Tisha quite a mess for the neighborhood that tim is in now. People he lost power entries are down. Tim, how are things going now . It is completely dark. Power is out. You can see the tree behind me branches of it are down. Strong winds hit this area and caused a lot of issues. Neighbors were out here earlier surveying the damage trying to figure out how to put things back together. They were chopping down trees and branches that have hit parts of their homes. We have some video of a large tree crashing on the top of a car. The good thing is that the person, the owner of the car had just gotten out. She went in her house and then a strong wind move the tree over onto her car. Luckily, she is ok. A lot of people here trying to survey the damage. Power crews were out here. Some crews were picking up branches entries from the roads. We talked to one john in, his name is tied gentleman, he said when he heard the wind, it sounded like a Freight Train and immediately went into his closet and barricaded himself in the minutes. He was very concerned. He had never heard anything like that before. It sounded like a Freight Train. It frightened a lot of people in this neighborhood. Again, power is out. Power crews expect the power to come back on around midnight. We will certainly monitor the situation. That is the latest here. Steve, tisha. Steve thank you very much. It will be a long night for those people waiting for the power to come back. We are still in february. There is a surge of dry air coming in. Thickly, no more rain through the evening. Thankfully, no more rain through the evening. Tisha chris, where do we stand as far as the system is concerned . Chris good news, we do not have we do have some severe thunderstorms. Lets go to the doppler. The Tornado Warning was canceled early for wilson and johnson and wayne audis. The storm has weekend counties. The storm has weakened. The winds could still got 6070 Miles Per Hour. It is not just a Severe Thunderstorm Warning but it is not quite as serious as an imminent tornado. Severe thunderstorm warning for Sampson County and edgecomb county. Im going to put the full belong. Full view on. This is the evolution of everything over the last four hours as it moves into the region. This line of thunderstorms with multiple Tornado Warnings. At least a couple of tornado between about 3 30, 3 00 as we go into the 7 00 hour. This line of thunderstorms pushing out out of the region. It should be out of here as we get towards 7 308 00. It is not impossible that there may be another Tornado Warning or two issued for these areas along interstate 95. It is all over in this area. It will be ending a long east of interstate 95 as well. It is bush and on towards the east. It has been a rough day but fortunately pushing on towards the east. It has been a rough day but fortunately there have been no reports of injuries. The atmosphere is charged up to there are the warning and we had the effect now. The tornado watch has moved away from durham and sanford and areas west of the bill. It will be canceled pretty soon allow around some errors soon. Areas soon. Our threat and very shortly. Ends very shortly. The line of thunderstorms will continue to press on towards the east. In terms of other types of weather, Severe Thunderstorm Warnings are in effect but theres also some good weather to look forward to. Things will be settling down around here later tonight. The storm that caused all this trouble is pressing off towards the east. Look at that, blizzard conditions across indiana and into the midwest. He had dry weather tomorrow. Tomorrow will be a good day to clean up the roads. It will be a breezy day but a dry day. Temperatures up into the lower 50s. It will be cold as we get into tomorrow night and friday. It will be dry. No rain and no threat of severe weather. We will have quite a few dry days. There is the line of storms again. It races out of the foothills into central parts of the state creating a very skinny line on a wider view. You can hardly tell theres we will show you that now. As you look at this, it does not pull back at you. There, you can see that line of storms stretches all the way up to pennsylvania. On the backside, there are snow flurries in the mountains and into middle tennessee. Heavier snow in indiana and michigan. You can see the rotation around this massive lowpressure. They had quite a bit of heavy snow on the cold side around chicago creating near blizzard conditions. Accurate home, we just got back here at home, we just got to worry about the next hour or so. This is a pretty good shot here. Have not confirm this what it looks like a tornado. John sent this in to us just a little while ago. This would be that same supercell that was over Granville County. A very impressive storm right there. A pretty impressive tornado. You cannot always determine the strength of a tornado aced on the size, the with. Some powerful tornadoes are narrower than that and some

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