Football . Soup pole li is set. The patriots taking on the falcons in houston and no matteo the winner it will be a historic match up before the game even begins. And here comes the bride. A local couple taking on the unthinkable planning a weddingei in a week. Its going to unfold right hereh on fox5. See you in september brunoout mars. Tickets, tickets, tickets. I think im going see him,eeh too. Too. Tickets across the board. Ts a wait a minute, no. Wai hes not. Hnot. No, no, im saying i am i a going. Youre going. You thats all im saying. L isai sugar momma. Om sugar momma. Listen, thanks for stayingnks with us. It is just after 9 00 oclock on monday, january 23rd. 3rd also ahead this morning itornini wouldnt be good day withoutho some star power, right . The the ladies of blush will jon live in the loft. Loft. They are the latest r and b girg group put together by Matthew Mh Knowles aka beyonces dad dad theyll be stopping by here livh in the lot of pressure off a off performance at the howardormanch theater. Owar you dont want to miss that. Stay tunedt wa. T first though our big storyth this morning is actually theou weather. It is a wet and very soggy stars to the week, and take look atok the results in some places. Unfortunately, we had picture wu now do not have picture. Ic so well give you a picture ofif the white house. So that you can see justht howow gray and dismal it is. L we will tell you there are accidents all over. One happened potomac a carar actually slid under a schoolbus. Oh my goodness. Goodness. On river road. Another car smashed night. Height thankfully no one was hurt heree that we know of. So be careful as youre headingi out. Ou its going to be wet windy and wild at least thats what iha thought tucker say earlier. Ear nice, holly. Yes. Yes. Im glad somebody was paying so attention. Attent i was listening. Ning absolutely. In fact in some ways the worsehw is the yet to come as the windsw will continue to increase andas heaviest of the rain will be o moving in la 47 now. Ow the temperature not budged inudd hours and its a very cool 477 with winds again gusting here their, theyve miles an hour. He feels like 38 out thereve. You should bring a jacket andt lots of layers if youre workinw outdoors be ready for periods of heavy rain later this morning. Theres your rain showerurain activity. Most of its been fairly lightyg overnight and early this thi morning. We have heavier rain off to the aviein off t south ouro westhte ill open tu for i was little bit youll be b able to see that rain moving inn from the south. South we have lot of rain off to theof south. So pushing through our area laterar this morning during the afternternoon. Or so well keep rain in therainn h forecast. A lot of wind. The low with our system is downd here in eastern tennessee litnet kind of redevelop off the coastt later this afternoon transfer te its energy and become a bigig noreaster. So our winds all day long willow be blowing out of the east and a northeast and again very veryy blustery around here windin advisory in effect untilntil 4 00 oclock this afternoon. Forecast plain old rain. In oldai heavy at times. Es gusty winds as well. L. Winds out of the here gusting t 45. Mentioned the wind advisory ino effect until 4 00 oclock this afternoon. Afternoon. Well take a closer look at thee forecast. Forest we got colder temperatures onten the way. We have a 60degree day to looko forward to an lot of rain this t afternoon. Lots more details. Ils ill toss it back to you guys. Ou im going to bruno but im working. What do you mean . Youre working. Youre performing. Im going to be one of the wy backupouoingbe d oancers. Fantastic. That is back up tha, back up back e thats fake news, everybody. O alternative facts. Facts. It would get me to buy aget y ticket. No doubt about it. 45 miles an hour wind gusts. S dangerous and deadly weaponly wo taking aim at the south. Sou 18 people in killed in georgia after powerful storm ripped stoe through the state. Thro georgias governor declared a de state of emergency. Cy president drum many expressedma his condolences to those to thoe affected by the storms. Those were vicious and powerful and strong, and theyhe suffered greatly so well bell b helping out the state of georgia. Ge final weather also beingei blamed for four deaths in theous state of mississippi. Sspi lets go to california nowfa fl california got drenched withhed several inches of rain. Ai traffic has been diverted offbee the busy 110 because of floodind in some of those lanes. In effect across southernerain r california and officials areic a monitoring small creeks, riversv and lowlying spots for theor te potential dangers. President donald trumpent dt begins his first work week in wi office today. Ce tod hes already had a busy scheduld and aggressive agenda. Genda keeping a close eye on o capitol hill. Hill fox5s bob barnard is standing d by at the white house with more on this story. S sto. Bob, good morning. Reporter the president psi tweeted this morning that itsti going to be busy week ahead, a that hes meeting at this hour r with some top business leaders,e that he wants to focus on o manufacturing here in america,rn and one of the things we also as understand is that he would likd to issue some more executivecuti orders, one of them perhaps imposing a hiring freeze on thee federal work for Young Americans looking to fulfill their dreams. Dre reporter President Trump t at the swearing in some of his h senior staff setting the stagehs for a busy day today. Meetings at the white house with business and labor leaders witht congressional leaders and thersa signing of executive orders somm to begin undoing president obamas agenda. Its going to a full week. Um, and this president is goings to work hard. Hd. Ive never seen anyone worknyonw harder and have more energy that this president. Reporter there also be the first full briefing with pressre Secretary Sean Spicer who alongg with his boss sparred with thedh media over the weekend overve reports of the crowd size forr the inauguration. Nauratio why did he do that . Itt undermines the credibility ofdiy the entire white house pressss office. No it doesnt dont be so overly drama about it chuck. T c. Youre saying its a false hoodh and theyre giving sean spiceric our press secretary gavee alternative fact to that. Ha after busy weekend that alsos included a massivew in washington, and other citiese the Trump Administration will have to work to get cabinet nominees confirmed by the senate. Two are likely to move forward today. Rex tillerson as secretary ofasy state and mike pompeo to head to the cia. But democrats seem committed tot slow thing down. Dow its a cabinet unlike anynlia other weve seen on two base see we call it the swamp cabinet. Billionaires and bankers. Banke reporter republicans,lica however, have the numbers ifumbi their ranks hold. Hol im optimistic well get every member of the cabinet. Reporter now, i mentionedon that tweet a moment ago. Ent it was issue at 6 38 this8 t morning and here it is. I from his personal account wereu not sure if the president put ip out or his people but it sayss busy week planned with a heavyvy focus on jobs and nationall security. Top executive coming in at 9 000 a. M. M. Business executives who he means. To talk manufacturing in america. So thats from the president is mororning. S fr again using socialning media tog his word out. Ord o. Photo. Oto. This was taken on saturday on friday, rather, inauguration daa at high noon and its basicallyc showing you the mall leading upg to the capitol from the perspective of the top of the washington monument. Umen it was taken by a reuters stilll photographer whose boss sayss that they were the pool pl photographer this was at hight g noon and the white you see there is not snow, but thats sometss covering they put on the grassha there and it shows that therehar was not much of a crowd there in front of the washington monumenn leading to the capitol. Compare that with a photographgr from eight years ago, eightgo, h years ago on the day of day o president obamas first f inauguration, and the same s perspective at 11 30 thathat morning. So half hour before obama took his first oath of office, itic shows you many more peopleeopl filling in the area there ina te front of the washington monument. And in fact, guys, when we were there on friday, i spoke to t, guyke to teacher from a high schooll Political Science class broughtt his kids down this yea here eight years ago and he said at the same time he was on thee other side of the washingtotinho monument that the mall was so wo crowded for president obamas first inauguration he was on thi back side of the washingtonngto monument. Ment. So anecdotally with photographig evidence it appears there werepe far more people her we for the e inauguration eight years agoon o than for President Trump evenmpe though his people are trying tog dispute that still, guys. All right, i think we werethw all here eight years ago and wes were all here on friday. And we saw saw saw it for ourselves. I saw a lot more people eighteoi years ago. I dont understand why they even argue und it. Rgue i i dont understand either. Every photographic proof isphotp there. Ro every metro ridership proof isro there. Whats the value in arguingt it. It doesnt hell like much moreh important things to talke allbt it sounds like its the consistent constant attack onttc the media trying to discreditcrt every message or everything that the media has toin say. O thats the bottom line itine doesnt matter. Mter. It doesnt matter thatt mat doesnt affect policy. We know that. W the number of people on tha all it is is another attack onao the media on the press to say, y the press is bad, the press is evil, theyre lying. Lyi evil medial theres no otheria reason for it to get involvel de this kind of discussion when yoy are leading the free world. Wl thats simple. We will discuss more im sure. Im sure. Weekend clash between the p administratndion c and newsew media blip on the ray door or sign of longterm contentiousnts relationship a lost people are e wondering this. We chattered with hadas gold. Shes our new fox political contributor. I think for the time being most of the media will continuen thtie relationship as it was normal and kind of hope for thet best in way. But youre right that it did itd said a very clear tone for howfo the administration will treatill the media when they report things that they believe are not true or that they believe areele not in line with what the administration wants. Wan i think it would have beenk it really interesting theres press briefing atsin 1 00 their this afternoon a lott of people curious to will happen if questions will be taken forty one whom, because a lot of the circulation behiny on the scenes right now is willsil they reassign seats in thetsn Briefing Room . Will they calll on certain organizations and not on others . Thats yet to beet t determined. Te we will find out more information at 1 30. 3 ill be the first to say the probably only one that thinkshi this. I think the media is at faultst here to a certain extent. Ent i dont think theyre 100 . 00 i feel like both sides are so end trenched on you hate me andd i hate you and im going tooingt prove you wrong and new york a city, im going to go after youu and i think both sides need to t just take a break and be like, k hey, listen lis both sides are saying theng same thing. Sa both sides right now whatow w happened you had the initial instance the initial claim on o saturday and then ndhen im talking Bigger Picture pu here. He i understand. His piure even in this picture you have some people sayingin media lay off and get it go. No, thats not what im w i saying. Youre not hearing what im saying watch im saying is, iatm think there was a relationshipei that was created beau a bad relation shape that was creat therefore, every little thingehi both sides go for. This happens to be the subject this time. But its the Bigger Picture. Pte the media definitely has to to question the people in power. Pr but the people in power alsoowo have to respect the job that tht media does. Dia doe but that doesnt mean you just attack, attack, attack. So viciously from both sides. Ss i think theres an intelligentei way to do. Coming from both sides. Ming i will say,ro though, that te precedent that this seemed tois set when i saw with my two eyese what the crowds were, whats th difference with the crowds . Bub for me the Bigger Picture ificre youre going to tell me what i t saw was the largest crowd in, i you know, for the inaugurationuo history, to me that is not true and then you have Kellyanne Conway disputing that fact and d think it gets to be elevated eva when youre telling me that i ta have on a red top and im like,l no, i dont. On and then it becomes absurd. Think that this was start the the press is s doing what thehe press does forever. Fev this was started boy a different type of campaign way back in the day and eased on in here much its attack on the media versusu the media attacking the campaign equally. Ll thats just how i feel about it. The problem for me with thist whole thing has been, every timy you Say Something against thiss administration, its a lie, iti vicious, its the media is evile thats the problem here to me. Everything that comes out thatua they do not like, they shut it down by saying its a lie, its false. Dangerous. You created this much this is ed t theyre justre jus blatantly across the board the b attacking the media, unless yous Say Something that they agree t with. The danger part for mehe d theres a group of peoplean whol are going to believe completely what now President Trump or hish people say. Peay and that to me is dangerous part. Pa where do we fit inrt with that . A that puts a strong the media to be accurate. E more so now than ever and i think thin diligent. Strong onus on theil administration to be fair withh its statements as well. S i agree. All right. Breaking right now, new legal trouble for President Trump. Legal watch dog group has filedl a lawsuit alleging that theat president is violating the constitution by allowing his businesses to accept paymentsays from for len governments. Nm the group says that president sit trump is violating a clause in s the constitution that prohibitsi him from receiving money fromono diplomats for stays at his hotels or foreign governments releases of office space in hish buildings. This all has to do with his tiee as of course a real estatestat mogul, right . But the white the house Spokesman Says that quotee the president has no conflicts. Odriod. End quote. The womens march in i washington has come and its gonn and many people are asking so s whats next to you now . How dod organizers keep their momentum going . One way they plan to do it is through a newly launched campaign its ca for the first 100 days. Organizers say every 10 days,0ay they plan to take action on an a issue that they care about. As the first action theyy encourage participants to write a postcard to senators aboutor a what matters to them. Hem. They say you can get an official printed postcard on their t website or design one of yourou own. Ow so trying to keep the momentum from what my eyes saw was the biggest gathering on severalev continents in the and then the e numbers dont lie. Ers so its good to see some action. Because a lot of times youree like okay what happens next . Had a good spirit going. T goi what happens next . Good tono see. See theres real plan here. Ere right. All right. The ti rthe time right now. Assume pighter bowl li is set st patriots taking on the falcons o following an arguably lack luster end to the playoffs. I dont think anybody ist to arguing that. Pretty snoozer. Retter preview of the matchup plus tom bradys fashion choice scoring touchdown on the internet. 100dollar sleep wear. Scary scene in northern virginia. Bullets fired at a fairfaxat aaf county Police Cruiser. Ruer were live with the details there. Its coming up. Its 9 16. Z25eiz z16fz y25eiy y16fy sure, you could sit around all night iting for a pizza to be livered. T wouldnt making it yourselfall a lot more fun . Its baking season. Warm up with pillsbury. Protein. Protein proteiny protein. Proteiny protein . Protein proteiny protein. At least 14 grams of protein. 100 calories. New greek 100 protein. From yoplait. 9 18. Update now on house fire that o crews battled overnight in montgomery county. This was on haines road in hyattstown. The person who was unaccounted for has been found and ems crews are checking the person ohout. T ho wound unfortunately, the house is is completely destroyed. Lete the cause of that fire stillfirl under investigation. Vestation also happening now, fairfaxf county Police Still Investigating and stilligat searching for whomever shot at a Police Cruiser last night in i great falls. T fal. Melanie alnwick is live fromo great falls with the latest. Atet good morning. Reporter good morning,orning guys. And so few updates that i got tg from Fairfax County police aol short time ago. Me ago they can confirm that there isei dash cam video of this shooting, but investigators are not readyy to release that just yet. Y and from looking at that dashhas cam video, they can say now that the suspect actually fired the gun through his own windshieldel before striking the fairfax faif county police car. Counr. Lets take you to the video weew shot this morning. As they were putting that car u on a flatbed to tow it away. Ay that Police Cruiser clearly wee could see one bullet hole on the Rear Quarter Panel up tire. But Fairfax County police chiefi is comfortable with saying thatt several shots did strike that car. Ca it was described to me as a neaa miss for this Fairfax Countyouy police officer. Icer. It all began around midnight ono one of the streets just off of georgetown pike. Wn pike. There was a traffic stop. S we believe that the suspect vehicle didnt have a front fro license plate. Then one person jump out of thet passenger side of that vehicle,e ran on foot, the driver took off went down another side road made a hard u turn came back and that is when that suspect beganeg firing at the Police Cruiser. We dont have a lot of o information about the suspect se but we can tell you that theha t vehicle theyre looking for is a white late model 1999 to 2000 sand either a toyota or mazda sedan four door sedan. Well have black molding on it,i and, yes, some windshield damagg as well. Wel anyone who sees that is asked to call Fairfax County police. Olice live in gr knee alnwick fox5 local news. S thanks mel for that. Tt. 9 20 a day at a texas mall turns deadly. Dead more bad news for samsung and heroic moment caught on cameras woman is rescued from burningm i car. Those are some of the storiesso making headlines today. Well have all those detailsse s next. Ne and later, more fallout fromm this disturbing video were w about to show you. T to sw showing a dog being forced intot the water into rushing waterer during filming for a Family Friendly movie. The movie its good ready to hid theaters on friday. Rs o back in a moment. T cable. Were wired differently. Welcome to 8 and a half maple street. Its half a house. And even though it only has half a kitchen, half the closet space and a half bath, its a full house to the wilsons. Because they have fios, their half house has full internet, with uploads as fast as downloads. Dont pay fouploads that arent up to speed. Get 150 meg internet with equal uploads and downloads, tv and phone for only 79. 99 per month online for one year. Only from fios. Muum dinosaurs only eat meat actually, the biggest dinos only ate plants and country crock is made with plants. Country crock has always been made with the goodness of plants. It has real, simple ingredients. And the same Country Fresh taste you love. Welcome to crock country. 9 23. Allison seymour with a check of the some of the other stories making had he lines this morning. Allison. Ymou ea so formal like ir m of wthg two hats today. Hatsoday so intriguing. Ntrigu you look great in both of them. Em well thank you. Ank y lets talk about unfortunatenf news. Happening in san antonio, texasx two suspects in custody after a robbery at a jewelry storeelryto inside of a mall. M police say a man was shot and sa killed by one of the suspects se when he tried to intervene. Ve that suspect was then wounded bd a passerby carrying a concealedd weapon. We are learning more thisori morning about the samsung cellnl phone that is were catching onco fire. Samsung says, problems with the design and manufacturing ofng batteries in galaxy note sevenoe smart phones tour blame. Nes me the Company Released thereleas e findings of its investigation in the fiery devices. Es more than three months after discontinuing production of thao phone. One the tech Company Recalled moremn than 2 million note sevens in september. Working to get all of its i flights back on schedule thische morning after a computer glitchl force add ground stop forpor several hours yesterday. Esrd this affected about two hun domestic flights the problemblem with some passengers stuck onn airplanes for hours. Hrs imagine. The ground stop was lifteds litd shortly after 8 00 last night. A beer recall has been hee issued. Ised Sierra NevadaBrewing Company says certain 12ounce bottles of its pale ales ipas and other beers have been recalled after a package flaw was detected. Det officials Officials Say the fla could cause a piece of glass to break off into the bottle. The recalled beers were packageg between december 5th of 2016 201 and january 13th of 2017. 017. And finally, just amazingg risky video we have video of itt out of spokane, washington. Whi rescue there. Scue t it happened on friday. Da a woman trapped in her burning b car check out the body cameraamr footage from the responding resd officer. It shows an officer pulling that wo first, though, the officer hadir to break the window out. O another Good Samaritan joins ins on the rescue. On theescue. The good news here, everyone is okay. Scary. Sure is. Oodns. Nk goodness. Thanks al that. Ha beer recall most states east ofs the mississippi so it doesoes include maryland, virginia and d. C. See err nevada beer. Eer its dreary and chilly. Chill wet and windy. Anndy imagine having to brave the t elements outdoors. Ts odoor well, that is not only they reality for many people but mann animals too. Oo one local rescue group looking n to change that well tell youtht how still ahead. Super li is set were talkinl about patriots and falcons. Real highlights is happening ono the side lines before the game. G tom bradys fashion choicehion e scoring a touchdown withing everyone and the anthem set to t make history. To fresh at 10a but your dancing shoes on were kicking off our r wedding in a week. Theyre already married thesemad people right here. Whose we hadding. We hadding. Talk about one local coupleu love story stealing our hearts. T there we go. Ere and as a thank you were goinge in just seven days. Ay all right here on good day. Day. Plus, forget about politics. It was the, l we go. W it was the inauguration fashiono that had a lot of people of pe taing. G. All the glam. Helam. Well dish about it with our ito friend paul wharton. 9 29 right now. 9 29 rig. Super bowl matchup is officiallt set right now. And the game will be february 5th in houston texa nerew eng olandx5 patriots agaii atlanta falcons. Falcons so lets take a look first howih the patriots got there. Late game last night they crews cruised wasnt close at all. Tll they earned their nfl record rec nine berth in the super bowl. Ow. Dominated pittsburgh 3617. Tom brady, 384 yards passing, pi three touchdowns, no interceptions and one giantand g coat. Main target chris hogan andnd julian edelman. Tough night for benoren roethlisberger. One touchdown that came in the final mitt. Itt. Steelers played three quartersrr of the game without running bacb bell who was injury in the firsr quarter. What happened to him. It was groin injury. Hat i okay. T all right. He sat out the firwasts gr qt er er on. Was up to see bob craft theft owner of the patriots. Robert craft. Ert did anybody bo he and i go we go by bob, steve. Anybody see his speech whenew they gave him the trophy lastrot night. I went to bed. Ento bed if you did, tweet me what you thought. Gooddaydc d. C. My twitter handle i want tn see what your opinion was. Was. Ill with hold mine until i sees what other people thought. Hoght you talking about the topic. It just struck me e dont say it. Lease see what other peopleea say. Then youll say it. Then youy right. It. Lets talk about this though a lot of people are twe g a aboutbog a this massive coat to tom brady b war during the nfc championio game. Me did you see that thing . Brady . A was snapped wearing the coat c while sitting on the side linesn of course the internet wenten crazy memes were created putting his coat against some other hugh coats worn by [ laughter ] he was a little cold. C one funny one i saw it was marsh simpsons coat. T. Yeah. That was one of the funnywas ones. Hat hat is funny. Entire space heaterpaceea underneath trying to stay warm. T heres the thing. Er he and belicheck are great gat together. Because no other coach inther cn history and probably never be be done again seven appearances a together. Yes. In the super bowl thats unthprecedentede andsu amazing. Hes old. Brady . By nfl standards hes old. 39. Did you hear the announcers c talking about it during the gamg last night as well they werey saying to tom brady, all thisll time and all this success with Bill Belichick check how have you to the had any below offs. Ew its hard to keep thatphat relationship with the coach. Tom brady he said im the player hes the coach wela never let tt did you have i us. E i we always had that understandini we went on about each of us of being as great as we could in cd our own way. N its working. Its work it helps. Clearly. When you win every year. Y yr. Clearly. Good gracious. All right. Earlie r yesterday, lets yeste, l talk about the nfc championshipi final game in the georgia dome. Falcons running all over the ovt packers. Matt ryan four touchdowns, rand, for another one on the ground. 4421 they routed green bay. Ryan primarily target was julio jones. This is atlantasne second tripo the big game in their 51 seasono history. Histy and the first since their lossos to denver in 1999. 1 all right. Im root fog the underdogs. Mvp issues of versus hall of famer. Su young versus the old. Oung i hope its just a good game. Ones yesterday were let down iow thought. I did too. Term snooze fest. Est. Yeah. Y thats accurate. I fell asleep always to wakee up to see robert crafts speechc that struck me. E. Way back to the 5210 bears b new england super bowl. Bow that was the first time inwa the super bowl. Tisupebowl yeah. Yeah. Okay. Were counting down the dayss until super bowl li. L l less than two weeks ago believee or not. Lady gaga is performing halfing time. Time. But this guy Country Music super star luke bryan will kick offllo the game by singing the nationaa anthem. Bryans performance will be hiss first time appearing on theri on super bowl stage and hes a a twotime academy of countryou music and Country Music association ebbed trainer of thb year. And its the first time in 100 years that a male singer willr w deliver the national anthem. Alnm so thats another way that hes making history right there att the super bowl will air right ag here on the mighty fox5. F who was the last guy. Billy joel, 2007. Huh. The piano man. Hhe p there you go. I dont know why i did this. K pianonow man. O m [ laughter ] over to you. Thanks allison. Is all right. We got a let of lot of weather to talk about. 46 now in washingtok n. Ngto thats actually fallen a degreee weve got a very stormy mondaymy in front of us with a lot ofa oo wind. Weve already had lots of windsa and rains will pick up here thee next couple of hours. Next 45 at dulle cs. At dle look at that 39 up in westn we minster. Ter. 43 in baltimore so a chilly dayy it will feel very chilly even in the daytime are few degrees dre above normal. Above normal. Winds gusting to 40 now in washington. On 38 up in baltimore. Alre fredericksburg look at you 39. Dulles 39. Weve got a deepeni area ofre of low pressure which will be offrw to the south and east today. Oday and this is what we call a cal a noreaster. So our winds are out of the east and northeast and they are a really going to be blowing herer as this storm system continues to intensify. Storm tracker radar rain hasnt been heavier to this moment. Men heavier rain off to our souththh south and west. Uth and well go through a period heredh later this morning and duringndr the early afternoon hours heavy bands of rain movingoving through. Ug so make sure youre ready forro that. That as the worst of the rain on then horizon here. Hee there you go. You can see that rain pushing us from the south. Whats going to be happen areapa of low pressure off the carolina coast deepening lots of wind, w lots of rain, eventually somee mountain snows out to the west. Get a thcouple inches as it transitions over later tonight. T for us heavy rain through theugt afternoon hours. N ill show you future castur quickly. There we are at noon and thingsi will start to fall off here to t showers late this afternoon. Ft well have some showers swe lingering to night into earlyhta tomorrow morning before we getoi some clearing conditions andti some sunshine. Some sunsh a chance to dry out tomorrowro afternoon. Afternoo 50 today. Ay 50 tomorrow. Tor look at wednesday. 60 glorious degrees before befor colder air gets in here the endt of the week. It will be chilly around here bb friday, saturday and sunday baca to normal. Havent done that in a couple oe weeks. Speak to go normal lets toss is over to wisdom and hold. M and h thats the first time weve been called normal in long timet all right. L rig thanks tuck. 9 35. It was supposed to be family feel good movie but afterup spom behind he dogs purpose surfaced and a theres now may your backlash. K. Organizers say peta says they plan to picket theaters showingg the new movie a dogs purpose po when the movie opens friday. Y active visits are upset over thr treatment of one of the dogs inn the movie. E movi now controversy ear rupped afted tmz posted this video of a a German Shepherd in distress whee a handler trying to pull him inm the water. Eat this is not the video of coursee the studio says the dog washe dw treated humanely throughoutt filming and the 42nd incident id was harmless. Was ha the studiorm also cancel the hollywood premier for fear of violence from Animal Rights groups. Ou all right. Er to back over to you. Well im just chilling withci my new best friend this is chipc right here. Chip is very curious littletle kitty. Ki i know. I well let chip kind of roam of around right now. So far thind rigs winter its b pretty mild weather wise butut were now out of the woods yetet for encountering coldin temperatures and bitter cold can make live miserable for anyny animal that has to be outside. Thankfully to help some of the animalsls specifically kitties in the aret joining us now with details howa you can help out Erin Robinson n on the end here. Hannah shaw next to me witness e humane rescue alliance. Aiance. Thanks for coming in this comint morning. Thanks for having. G. Were combining a fundraisere for great opportunities fortuni people to help out their localhl felines and things we can do ato home as well. Definitely. So feel lines is an annual one o night fundraising event tongvent really bring awareness to humane rescue alliances catnip program our Community Cat program that i run, and in the event well havh 12 teams this year ranging from architecture firms interior ier Design Companies even collegeol students from start to finish designing and creating outdoorur functional cat shelters. Sheer i know do you a lot of workor in a couple differentfe organizations trying to maketion sure the cats are safe and warmr and everything else. E give us i guess an idea as to to how the situation the living lin district in the surroundingun areas. D. C. Is a very good place tot be a cat. C because of the catnip program. Catnip Program Provides spay any neuter for Community Cats so cat Everybody Knows that itsybod important toy spay and neuter u pets at home but a lot of peopll dont realize that its also a super important for us to t spaying and neutering outdoor or populations and that helps a lon bed cause little guys like chipi they are entering shelters ineri huge numbers and most of the kittens that enter shelters area born outside. Is this a lot of where peopll will literally you call itl Community Cats but these arets t cats people will just findtin outside, right . Ight . Umhmm. Are a lot of ones that comeee to shelters cats people will see outside its cold they willd thl bring them into the shelter . Er yeah. H. Its important because a lot of these cats they have varyinge v levels of socialization some ofn them might be friendly but somer of them might, you know, not be as socialized these cats still deserve to have a great life lif catnip program is fantastic thee provide not only the spay andpa neuter but these great sheltersr for cats lets talk about that. Abouth. Erin i know that through the the fundraiser in the past youou called on people to come up with great designs and weve had somm grand scale things and we have e some things that are simple thal you can do at home was brought g here, right . T . Right. Youll see some really awesome shelters that are very beautiful and artistic at the event butveb right here you can see one thata anyone can make at home. It takes maybe 15 minutes totalt its really a rubbermaid tub t with little square entrance cute out insulating materials insides we like to use styrofoam and mylar which is what emergency eg blankets are made out of andnd then straw. Because straw doesnt hold moisture it holds, but it holdso a lot of warmth and theyre eyes see inexpensive and effective. Ee chip is sitting up like l perfect gentleman right now. N listening to every word youreoy saying. Everybody come out help out as t best you can much whats some oo the grander designs youve in the past. So many over the past few years. S. Weve had some that reallyea mimicked what an actual house looked like with a little porch outside and some more or less astro turf. Tro we had one that was made out off a wine barrel. They really range. Ge they get very creative. Ive i love it because theseau the shelters actually end up outsidi in the community kind of callini more attention to the fact thata it is program that dc has. Yes. T thats the bottom line. What type of help can it ds o a what kind of help are you kind looking for that can make a me difference down the road forroad folks getting involved . Yeah. So, um, one of the best thingsns that i like for people to do isd just to kind of learn about whaw a Community Cat is. C i you can do that on our websiteee human rescu alliance. Org Community Cats. That tells i was little bit more about the program. Gram how you can volunteer with us. Iu theres lot of opportunities. Tus i i wont even get into then g number of them right now, and a then we have instructions tohave make these. Even if you don care for c ats yourself, your neighbors mightht and you can help them do this. H all right. Good dea folks want to come to the ben if the or help out whats the bestb way they can do this. This wednesday january 25 National Press club and you cann get tickets. Ts theyre only 40 that includes e drinks and light bites at humana rescue alliance. Org d the number 4f. All right. , hannah thanks for joiningni us. Us chip says come help out. P ou thank you. Elp us us see you there. There. Thanks for joining us thiss for morning. Winning winning youngster right here on the bigb stage award season is kick offsk in hollywood along the best ofes the best we cant forget aboutta the worst of the worst the. Razzie nominations announcednc moments ago. Kev will join us hell break ite downeck. K. Hell give you a five out of of five. Fi oh, yes, he is. Ohi oh, yes, he is. Good job, sweetie. Lilly. She pretty much lives in her favorite princess dress. But once a week i let her play sheriff so i can wash it. I use tide to get out those week old stains to get it fresh and soft. You are free to go. Tide and downy together. Hi, kev. Ev this makes me upset. S et why are you upset. Youet whats the matter. Mte razz ceases nominations juss came out. Ca let me guess. Ue maybe dead pool pl no, no, no. No, no. Dead pool was on there i would have run out the building. Builn yeah, yeah, yeah. Whew give you a little perspective. How bad can it be. E. 37th razzie awardseward nominations came out 8 00 theirh is it go good to get razzie. Ra. Its baaed to get razzie. Razzie is op sift oscars. Ftsc if you get a razzie Sandra Bullock won the razzie and oscao in the same year for two erent films. Lms. Sounds like a win. One was blind side all about steve. S i loved all about steve. Razzie fun show to watch. To theyre starring to nominatemin things in my opinion that are purely alcoholic bait. Ic things that i think people arere trying click on. Tr cli every headline is going to say it the one year theyre piling on would batman verses superman. Thousand 14 razzie members 49 states. Are you one of them. Are y how do you get to be a razzie member. I dont know. T qutionestion. Secret society. T socie not critics. I dont know who becomes aott ra mie member. Kno well show some of thesho nominations right now. Mi this is worst pictunare accordir to the razzie awards this year. Batman versus soup berman, dirty grandpa. Gods of egypt. Gy which ive seen twice. Twice Independence Day two and two zoolander two. Der two. I know what youre voting. Zoolander two was awful. Wful. All those films were awful except for batman versus superman. People didnt like it kev. Ikv my opinion i know batmanaa versus superman is divisive movie things in that film that warrant a good viewing. Ng nightmare sequin the warehouse h sequence, ben affleck was phenomenal. Henry, was amazing wouldntnt woman guilty al good dough was s amazing maybe they put it in there to stir up discussion. Dis where is mothers day. D one of the worst movies ive seen. Didnt the director passseors away . Away maybe i love garry lov harshall. Maybe they thought they th thats in the fair. In theair. Movie still bad. Moving on next the worst actor acto i love Garry Marshall but but that movie is bad. Bad this is worst actor ben afflecke Girard Butler henry calf Robert Deniro roar eye for dirty grandpa. A ben stiller for zoolander two. I agree with henry caval. Aval how do you put ben affleck ie that category. That c i see that part. Hes the i best batman since michael keaton. Ean. Whoa. I dont enjoy him. W ioy one of the best pas clearly there are a lot ofoto other people that did not careor for it and are him. Are h do you think its the worsttt movie of the year. Movi i loved the movie. I lov me too. I liked the movie too. T worst actress real quick, here my question. Stio where is kara della 15 on thiss list. She was the villain from suicide squad. Oh, my gosh. Oh, my dancing the whole time. Ime she was like this. That was terrible. Ts can i do it. Do it. O back on camera for a second. N well show allisons renditionon of kara della 15. 15 you will come and you willouw be, i will get you. Y [ laughter ] literally what that was. Atas oh, my gosh. That will turn into clickntcl bait. Did you see see. It will definitely get a bad award for that. Def it was laughawable. Ghle i do like kara della 15. 15. Meghan fox on that list. Tyler perry thats a joke he was in he place madea. Julie roberts becky turner. B tr days. A bad movie. Ob f aocused onus batman versus superman. Naomi whats, shailene woodleyly finally heres where i really it really grinds my gears. Ea. Okakay. Worst director good this isic what made you cry. Wh worst director. To how the heck do you put zac put schneider in this category onesr of the greatest film makerss working today man of steal, heal did the 300 film, did he theehe dawn of the dead rei make, batman versus superman was well directed. Ben stiller on this list as well. Well. Tyler perry. Roland em rick. R Independence Day two was garbage. Absolute garbage. Zoolaabnder twolander was garbage. S garbage i actually agree with some ofe o these films. But batman versus superman isn s not the worst pictures of there year. Sorry. You just quoted family guy ty try to prove your point. Nt i did. Rote wou see the exit we w for you on saturday night liveiv on la la land. I saw that. I feel like we collectivelyollev wrote that. Can we show foot batch of bao batman versus do you have some cuts. Ve som it got eight razziet razi nominations. No look at ben affleck. Zoolander two got nine n nominations. This movie was amazing. Azing im sorry. Isorry we have to end it there, kev not the worst film. Kevin, we have to end it. To d top it with the click baitckb piling on garbage. Piling on gara who gets the razziege. Razzie piling on. Pilin click bait. Thank you. I love batman versus superman. Well be right back. Well rig we have to go. G we have to go. G where is sue sid squad. You should read every tease like that. Washington d. C. Made a prestigious new list. L the district is in the top 10 of Luxury Real Estate marks in thei world. World. D. C. Tied toronto at number nine on the list. Ist list compiled by the globallobal property handbook. Ty h dc is among the most popular pop cities for ultra High Net Worth individuals. Dis. Those who are worth 30 millionln or more. Ore i have a question. That would be none of ust wol sitting op this couch. Tt t london came in at number one bye the way. Heres my question. Hs my on my block. Drive past my house. Hse im like tucker. But what do people do who have these super huge homes . Es yeah. But not only that. Bu i havet that question. Right. Does i drive through neighborhoods and see beautiful huge houses. An hses. But then i drive throughough another theres like multipli neighborhoods. Ig thats what im saying. At iy with amazing houses. S what are these people doing andi how can i get that job. At job. Im not talking about your, u you know, mini mansion oranon o whatever they call them. Ev im ertalking about the huge hom that look like something fromro the english country side. Yeah. Yea its not even just onet evenn neighbor. Ne right. Really what w what do you all do . Can you tweet us or have your pyoeople p tweets . S . Yeah. Theyre not tweeting. re notwee what do yall do . Sell stuff. Tuff you sell lots of stuff. Lo im thinking its likee diplomats but it cant be all. I think its hedge funds g theyre in the money game. Theres financials,ancial international theres some contractors that i mean you get the right r contract with Something Like tht government, then youre going t get youll be set. Were just tv people. Im trying to tell everybodyy what to go in to school. Those who are about to go into n college. You go into networking. Etrkin if someone could create a a morning meme with those ofg meme hilarious funny caption with a big beautiful house. Ouse. We would appreciate it. Ould are. Let us know. Make us smile. All right. Ll right so im up here because we havee brand new segment the morningori meme running at 6 00 45 hash tag morning meme. Meme. Hash tag morning meme. Or we want to encourage you. Y i had today i had someone on meme sent to me. Its fine. Its f its just starting. Tucker, lets pace it. Etace he runs like three a day. Keep them wanting more. Really . Really . Yeah. Thats what i like to say. Toy ill flood them with so manyn memes. Lets go through a couple. E. Um, i cant see the he black irish. Sh. Yes. S. And they we need it in a largerr monitor. Tor i dont experience four seasons in two days. On two when i do its in maryland. A thats i think perfect forrff today. Da where were having a littlehanga winter, a little summer, fall fl like rains and spring like windw out there today. Outher i feel like hes like the epitomy of meme land. Em land. Like you could have him say a wait a minute. This one might rival that on the left. Next one. Oe thats great meme. Reat isnt when allison tries to trit steal your look but for gets the t. T. Hilarious. Super duper cute. Apparently actually dike a meme with me robert craft. Robert craft giving hisin acceptance speech last night inn yours. Yo holly hash tag morning memes. I might do it. Hes so cute. He cute. That little skit. E s were you doing i had come c back from vacation. V when youre back fromac vacatioo when you try to smile on youre u first day back from vacation. I thought maybe awed dentisti appointment. Well, it might have beenght e that, too. Th a little nova cane. A c one more. Do it. Okay. This one for steve. Aww. Patriots team photo 2017. 20. I did not make. I like that one. Zen us your morning meme. Ornm hash tag morning meme. Tag mornm well get it going. Get goi what time is it in thes n the morning. 6 45. All right. Aig send them any time of the toe day. 9 56 right now. 10a is coming up next. Up n its coffee time if you want tht mug today we have the new n Dunkin Donuts mug for up grabsr right now head to fox5. Com contests or you can go to our faconebteoostk page whics facebook j fox5 dcly end the mug contest we pick one lucky winnen by random drawing to give the ge mug away today. Get the teen in before bor 11 00 oclock today. Od. The conclusion of good day at a 10a which starts right after this. Z290ez zi0z the hottest stories at 10a. Madonna saidest st what . Justis is another super star and whatna in the world is going on withg w brad pitts love life. Life inauguration weekend, thehe fashion winners and losers, pauu wharton is here for very special good day d. C. Fashion police. Pl plus a week of love in the loft. Loft meet the lucky c. Ouple who willl get married this friday in the loft. Loft and tucker continues to track what could be a wild weathereaer day. The 10a starts now. Now theres some songs i thinkhi will be relevant for about 50 years. Oh yeah. At least. Thats one of them. Le oem. Right. Its easy money. Exactly hes a preacher now. Es a pra this is how he does it. Isow h his fame look i watch all this on unsung. Ug. Fame got to him. Disrupted his marriage. Marriag. Hes like im out. Ill be a preacher now. Preach nw now hes on the straight and narrow. I understand. I understan how many people would love tu have a song being played yearses later. Take it both ways. T bo way still the jam. Thanks staying with us. Withs. Its 10 00 oclock. Im steve alongside holly, hly allison and wisdom. Do the big start is the weather. Wr it is just kind of messy outesso ere totoday. The wind is blowing. Lo hi, tuck. I love that walk you guys dod from the kitchen like a nonchalant. Its a stroll. Its neck level. Its a stroll. Its str its next level, right. El, r. You dont zoo see that everyt day. No, you dont ill be il be trailing behind sometimes. [ laughter ] look oo [ laughter ]k wow ow awkwardness i specialize in. Weve got very very blusteryy conditions today. Od winds will gust at times andim a they already have over 40 milesi an hour so mix in the rainn your wind chill 37. Hill 37. It feels a lot cooler the actuaa air temperature heaviest of theh rain is on our doorstep herep h working up 95 and we aree starting to see heavy rain downw towards fredericksburg so therir next couple of hours allison was asking me about 1 00 oclock. O. Next couple of hours will bee oh very wet across thoue area. Are and the winds are going tong t remain with us throughout the day today. I mean at times with windsh wds gusting over 40 it could be aco little dangerous out there wer concerned about power lines and tree limbs continuing to come cn down and that kind of thing with this big storm system reallyeall wrapping up. Up. An area of low pressure easternn tennessee here, and then it will kind of redevelop and transfer its energy big noreaster offte the coast tonight and scoot upop the coast. E co theyre looking at winds justt looking parts of monk island ana southern new england they could have hurricane forcey wind latd this afternoon up to about 70 tt 75 miles an hour. An hou dangerous conditions up down tht eastern seaboard later. Later. For us its just rain, 50, gusty winds will be again with us witu throughout the day. Win advisory in effect untily 4 00 oclock this afternoonlock gusts tto 45 miles per hour. Er all right, momentarily take another look ah the radar. Th back to you. Ck tu. Thanks, tuck. Lets check whats trending this morning. Wh three minutes past theis hour. Ou reuters editor defending his his photo of at least his photographers photo of o President Trumps inauguration. Image showed the under well minw crowd to gathered to witnesso wt drum pops inauguration. Ugur on the left is president obamas inauguration taken in 2009 on the right the photo that reuters editor jim boring talk aboutk when he released a statement ine response to the controversy. This picture taken by one of the reuters photographer the 12 0 1 1 00 p. M. On friday. And as the photographer thet editor said the photo was takenn at that time. 12 0 11 8 00 p. M. And not muchuc earlier that is a people arepeop trying to claim. Trying t its a pictureo cl by Staff Photographer lucas jackson. Jac in the meantime, donald trumpalt tweeted about the televisionio viewer ship for the inauguratioo yesterday writing, wow, Television Ratings just out. 31 Million People watched the 11 million more than the very ty good ratings from four years ago. Okay. I think we talk about this a lot already in our 9e 00 ocltk hour. Ho i think one thing we all agree on is that i just dont really l know why this is is worth wth arguing over. Or. The numbers dont lie, right . Dr they are what they are. T theyre. Right. Whether you look at ratings,r whether you look at ridership o pictures of people in the crowdd it seem like there were bigger e issues to tackle in washingtonao and across the country. Perhaps the opportunity fromm the new administration was toiot say, look, okay, perhaps we w didnt have the numbers here, but moving forward, were goingi to work together. Et it was an opportunity, and i and think instead its disappointing that this, um, you know, everything was great. As g. It was fine. Asine and then the American People are supposed to buy it. Y it. Thats troubling to me, and ind too wish it would just go away but that point right there is to me very ver i dont think you have i think you dont have y too recognize. Gniz. Very easily could have saide sai thank you to our followers and all the great people who camee out. And moved on. Everything is so contentiouss it is what it is and, you y know, hope to gain whatever itt is. There was a way to elegantlylegt move forward or not address itde at all. At all yeah. Im kind of saddened thatsd the route they took. K. As i said earlier washingtong is the big deal . What i mean i understand that that you want to put the message out thereut t that you want to put out there. E does it matter whether it was 11 people or 50 Million Peopleion p there are. Ther youre the president. Youre running the country. Ere it doesnt matteunrning. The c so, the need to respond to every little thing again thats ha thats troubling to me. Every little thing. Thing well find out elld ou it seems like propaganda anda thats also troubling. Ubng right. Forget what you saw this is what it is. Is. Believe me. Thats thats disturbing to me. Some we dont know how this is, what dialogue theres going to be moving forward if this is going to be the norm ofor what. A we do kno be press conference. Ss cfere opportunity for sean spicerni the press secretary to address the press at 1 30 this afternoon well find out there if they take questions. If they change who gets to ask o questions, if they reassign thet seating in the press room. Ress none of these things we know att this point. So well fine out at 1 30. 3 another opportunity today att 1 30. 1 30 lets see what happens. What hns. Speaking of contention,ntio madonna is actually having toyan defend herself this mornings after taking part in the womens march in d. C. D. C. The michigan native said quote i thought awful lot about blowingg up the white house but i knowtet this would change anything. In we cannot fall into did he sayds spyer. She said that while giving herih speech. That was an exact quote. As that didnt go over well with wh security officials. Ffls the Material Girl posted to her Instagram Account explaining she was speaking in metaphor. R. Madonna was a surprised speakerk and performer at the march on on saturday. The secret service hasas reportedly said it willd it w investigate her claim of blowino up the white house. Um, i will go on recordn r saying im very disappointed inn madonna. Madonn i agree. I dont think she needed tohi go the think she needed to choose thost words and drop the f bombs i i actually think she took away from what was a very good eventt yeah. That happened on saturdayppen that hedad an up lifting spirits and message for lot of peopletht i think she marred it. It. Thats an excellent point. I was happy to see there were no protests, nobody got arrested. Te it was peaceful and then whatt were talking about is not i noi mean seriously the 500 excellene speeches and then hers which he she chose to use these tse incendiary words in this day ana age sadly i dont care who it is clearly madonna is not going tog go and below up the white house but the thought of it somebody m following her or a fan. Madonna said. Na said. Thats the point i tookini to earlier. You dont know when youre a person of that high the level of public interest, you dont knowo who all of your fans are. Are you dont know what theirt their retions are. You dont know what actions thee might take based on what yout y say. Maybe they interpret thingsy differently. But no matter what that is, shes you cannot nobody can sayay that. That poor choice of words. R ce o you just dont. Don i dont think she was sayingk e e was sorry. S she wawas saying this is what ii really meant to say. Al meant to. You know i mean . I would have e felt better if she said i wasd i out of line. Lin im so sorry. I feel like what she said ind her apology would have been mucc more powerful if she shed thatha as her speech. Ech. Exactlyly. Okay. All right. Rig 10 08 is the time. Time. Chelsea clinton defending trumps 10yearold son barron from internet bullies. Baron deserves the chance to bee kidid. However shes being criticizedgi after the post then turned turne political. Politil. She also wrote encouraging hernh followers to oppose policiesolie from President Trump that she s claims will be harp full to to children. Some users called her hypocritical saying she used barron as a prop to attack trump. It could have been two t separate tweets. Ets. Yeah. For me the big moment was ass a former first child know, come on, hes off limits. T i agree with that completely. Yeah. Hes off limits. He right. In the meantime you mightouit want to call a pace replay injury rich. In Baker Goldman is not happy this years inauguration cake looks s really really really really like the one he baked for president rt obamas inauguration 2013. N01 on the left, of course, is the cake that duff said he baked or president obama on the right iss the cake that was used for drumu many. Ny and to the naked eye, you got tt say they look pretty darn close. Can we take the banner downne to see, i mean, um, down to thee last part. T. Yeah. Both are nine teared t creations with red and whitehi striped basis. Ripe both have the president ial seal. Both have patriotic banners anda both have little stars on strawr off the top. Duff goldman the cake on thee ot left is the one i made fore f president obamas four years ago much the one on the right is ris trump, i did not make it butter cream bake shop is behind trauma traumas cake. Tr they had been asked to asked to copy president obamas couldntt if he can. They posted while we m ost love creating original designs when we are asked to replicate asked someone elreses work we arek re thrilled when it is a masterpiece like this one at duff goldman as did you have uff goldman recrated this foursr obamas inauguration for yearsry and this Years Committee commissioned to us recreate it. T it was supposed to be thesupt same cake. Cak why . Again, why copy . I co . Dont know. I mean other than i guess beautiful cake. C you can look at it if you lo totally step back and you say sy youre plan your wedding say, my gosh, i loved so and sos wedding cake. Ing cak i want a cake just like that. Ha igight. I wouldnt do that in thisn case but i guess thats the onll way i can kind of see s if you spent a long time howt much you didnt like that tt person, why would you want thehe cake. I wouldnt do it in this case. I was trying in some way, shapea or form to see how that could be. Flattery, i get it. Duff is an artist. Rtist these people are artists. Artiss i dont know if he copied wrote the design or whatever the right sentence is. But its like a weird plagiarism almost. St. A design that specifically forcl this and its unique to it and d im just trying to understand the rationale. Like melania coming out in thene same dress that jackie o wore in 1961 . 1 . No, no new york city. Nrk if she came out in the dress dre that i see what did youou there. If she came out in the exactxact same dress as, you know, whatt Michelle Obama wore. Ba i want to wear an exact same sam dress like that. Especially because this is not that you cant do it but you wouldnt do it. Uldn im glad butter cream cameam out and try to set the straightt record and gave credit to duff goldman. N theyre not denying that copiedi it. I dont know if he can take action on it. Now theres an update. Please correct me if im wrong sarah the moneyct m that they ee got or some money involvedved theyre gog butter cream. R theyre not going to take it. Is that right, sarah . T,ah . Yes. Yes. Okay. Thats the update. Thats t great. All is well that ends wellnd w somebody will benefit. Well, speaking of the fashions our next segment is all about those jawdroppingdropp inauguration fashions. Guration s the first ladyshi powder blue suit and paul wharton is here,sr of course, who better to talk with our special ed dig of goodg day dc fashion police. First though the feud betweee the biebs and the weeknd just reaching new heights. Heights mike drop much thats how epic it is i suppose. Suppo oh my gosh. The dish is next. H is n really . Somebody has got to pick it up and continue. 10 15 is the time. That means its time to check our good day celebrity dish. Is lets serve it up. Up. Well start with your favorite r Justin Beiber. Be apparently he assaulted his exs Selena Gomezs new boyfriend bfr weeknd on friday. Fda the love yourself singer wasings spotted leaving did he lie ya ya restaurant tmz paparazzi askedza if he lives to his fellow canadians music. Hell, hell, no. I cant listen to weeknd sawingn beiber replied. Er repli that stuff is wack. Wk. He might have used more strong n word there. Beiber may not listen to weeknd chart stopping songs. Gs gomez though is certainly a fan. Remember she was photographed w making out with the weeknd ind N Santa Monica following a threehour dinner date. Okay. This is what i want you to know please tweet us. Who cares . [ laughter ]wh i just dont care about Justin Beiber and the weeknd and selena gomez and going back andd forth. I just dont care. E. Should i care, wis . Isnt i mean, i dont. On [ laughter ][ laught ] i just dont care. E. Please, hash tag good dc. Let me know if this is importano news you need to know. Wsd i care. Allison cares. On ces allison cares. [ laughter ] la all right. There you go. All right. L right were here to serve you. E here thank you. What do you think about thatt more dish please. E dish ple i think its childish. Cld but you care . Yes. [ laughter ] i think its c[ hilled dish s the part of Justin Beiber. Ber. He took through through ups and downs celine n she made thisade amazing come back and sheshes standing up for, you know, womem and these relationships whereiow you think youre never going t all hes doing is just swattingn her down from the side line. E l what about bella . What about bella hadid. Hadid paul wharton, ladies andads gentlemen and caitlin rothitlint joining in on the couch. Ou heirheir fine. They took stand up for the models. Mel stand up for models. [ laughter ] youll be doing in second. Nec all right. Lets go on to the next one. Brads new babe, who could it be since he angelina announced their divorce last year rumors l swirling who just might be his new cuddle buddy. Ho j. First up p cuddle buddy. Buddy. Thats what were calling it now. What w first up it , was marion coat lard. Particlely view francois. Raois when thing got too out of handuh having to make a statement overo instagram denying the false t f claims, all was soon forgotten n and now the rumor more mill hass turned to kate hudson. Hudso in fact, star magazine has put p kate and brad on the cover of o their first issue with thehe headline its getting serious. Brad moves in and kate cant what . But before kate could addresd the rumors herself her protective brother oliver hasras done it for her rather than t calling bs on the story olive so fifty three had the completehadp opposite response he ran with t it. Taking instagram overnight heigh shared a picture of the coverov with the caption to end all captions, in response to brad tb reportedly moving in oliverver wrote, yeah, and its been helll hes messy as bleep. Le he drinks out of bleeping cartoc and leaves the door open whenn hes taking a oh, my gosh. G when hes going number two. O this is when hes at my house. Ou wait, it gets better. Sette oh my. Melling mready calling brother and has driven a wedge w between myself mine real brotheo wyatt who now wont speak to i him. Is this a real story. I feel like we needs th soapa opera music. Us hes saying, yes, you guys gy are so right. Let me tell you how it is. Hes being ridiculous becausb he feels like the headline is ss ridiculous. Got it. He insists my kids call himim uncle b and lost m the santa monica peer for two days. Thank got for amber alert. A all right. And heres the kicker. Icr. Theres more. My mums overing flirting were it him wearing little night tease around the house now but like ae 3 00 p. M. Hilarious. Ilious i never heard of the brotherh so but now i do. I you know what i like i like that the brother stood um m for his sister. You know what i mean . Hes liks let me handle this. Umhmm. Mhm hey, i like it when siblingsi stick together. St i do, too. Yeah. All right. Ig blac chyna took to snap chat ass well posted video revealingeang shes now lost 34 pounds sincesi giving birth to her baby girlb g dream back in november. Be clip showed err steppingin outsails scales and captionedapn from 192. 2 to 158. 2. Chinas goal weight is 130 pounds which is what shehat weighed before she got pregnantt with rob carryings baby. Ings. Now the mom of two has beenas b working hard to get back inn shape but had to defend against accusations that sheshe gone under the knife for a quick fix. Okay. Good for her. Paul has somebody to say to her. How much the that 130 isth 10 booty. At least 30. N chooo pun choose to put it somewhere. You know what im saying . All right. Okay. Enough of you, wis. Know w the othehtr big. Stooughryf yo r is forget about all the wentt down with the inauguration a lot of people are talking fashions s this morning and of course were bringing in the glam squad. Qu you know it. It. Paul and caitlin. In. Yes. Es we about to get our stella got her groove back. First of all, how yall doing. Oi were good. Holly, are you in mourning . Whats going on. Iful. Ook beautiful. No, im mono crow mat tick high fashion slim lines. M les yeses. Who does that remind you of. O maybe i was inspire. Nsre you are inspired by the newhe first lady. We all know who the reigning rgn first lady of fashion has beennh for the last eight years. Rs of course Michelle Obama. Ba sure. S right . O doctors come this weekend andeed tried to set it off a little e bit. My goodness especially il have one favorite. I think they brought new yory glam to washington. They brought new york glam tn washington. Bipartisan fashion segment and lets talk about what they wore. Right . Ght . Yeah. What do you think . Wha well, they also brought t height. I mean ive never seen so manyem tall women. Tal because they were all inau 6inch heelsse t. 5foot 10, 5foot 11 as well. Exactly. I thought they were very classy. I thought they were beautifulhou across the board in what they te chose i didnt i think that a if you cant be bipartisan and you dont like melania, then you found fault in what she washe w wearing. You found fault in her trying to channel Jackie Kennedy and allnd that but i think if you step sp back and just look at it, im she was beautiful. Ul. Beautiful. Beaut perfect. Once a model always a modelel good exactly. Ct seen and not heard always. Nd not lets talk aeabout what we saw r in. Okay. Inauguration day, you know, i heard that she wanted to betione unique the american and i thinkk yeah. Yh she was inspired obviously ov lot of people are talking aboutn two looks she was inspired by. One the 1961 Jackie Kennedy. Powder blue suit. Another also first ladyfiy known for her fashion. On. Exactly. There was also another one with kind of was a a cross jackc i saw that one too. Oo jackie o. J i dont know who the designerhor was. Wa ralph lauren. I dont know about jackie. Jackie oh leg casini. In she got all the flack because he wasnt an american designer andr melania went with ralph lauren. Ralph lauren and i thought ig looked really great. So its cashmere. As i didnt really like the glovese i thought they were over the he top. Too much. Looked ill fitting to me. D il good i didnt like the matchingn shoes. Weve been so used to not matching because back in the day it would have been like oheh my god look at her shoes theyhoy match perfectly. Got the potus sawyer died todi t mah. H. We used to do for bridesmaids. Shoes were beautiful shoes wr but obviously i think it woulde have made it look a bit more the shoes were matching. Ing. I loved her hair up. R up her hair was fantastic. Gorgeous. Lets talk about my favoritet ivanka. Ivanka was your favorite. Or my gosh. Are we do melania first. St at the inaugural ball. Were doing her. H. Okay. Okay here she is at the inauguralug ball. Equally as flawless there. Te hair comes down which i lovev for this, too. Melania is wearing air baseis here a lot of people wearingng herrara. Pierre is the former creative director at herrera. T hra you saw a lot of carolinee herrera rah this weekend a lot of oscar did he la ren tee. Ivanka did a lot with this. S. I thought it looked nice. D n it was a nice entree into beingn lae first lady. I loved the little red belt. B she showed up the red belt rl was great. Ea when she showed up on to the scene came down the wreath ceremony had the big black b b glasses looked like a madisonlon avenue kind of intimidating kint look. So i like she chose this for thr inaugural ball. In he it was beautiful and simple. She was could have up all dad to that but still appropriate. Wasnt showing too much. Would you wear that caitlin. Yeah, oh, my god. Can we get knock off on rentn the runway. Ry. Thats the only way were w wearing it. Exactly. Ectly. Plenty of knock offs. Lent lets talk about ivanka your you favorite. My favorite oh, my gosh arc love this. Ts. Hopefully well see the wholethe thing. Th because the jacket just goese all the way down. N goes all the way down. Beautiful asymmetric. Oscar did he la ren thai. Shes so stoic. She just looked absolutelyolutel wonderful. I dont know if you a shot ofho her kids. The kids were dressed up. Ss white with a big friend duringdg the inauguration. Ation. Tiffany wore it. Hillary clinton wore it. T. And she looked great. He loodr kind of all had different die versions of white pantsuit. S can we show ivankas inaugural ball gown. Gown. Absolutely. This is like talk about the bell of the ball. Lik oe ba right. So pretty. Ett c her princess momently hertl husband looked really fantasticc as well. You mentioned the wreath w laying. That green that ivanka had on the reath laying too. Shes a Fashion Designer herself. Rs. Shes her own model. How am i still in your shados right now. In come on baby. Bab well look quickingly cany we look at tiffany next. T. The interesting thing aboutno tiffany theres baron. Ar hey baron. Interesting thing about tiffanyf do you know the famous stylist philip block. Block o umumhmm. Back in the 90s he work h with the supere models and big g celebrity he told me he worke w with tiffany. He also said she really did alld of her own pulling. Pulli shopped for her own look. Put together her own gram squadd she didnt have the support a i feel like she lives in then shadow ivanka. Vaa her credit is not up that hyatt. How does she get here, jet blue . Now, stop. P. Ivanka went jet blue. She has to cull own style. Shes doing that. Okay. Okay. The ultimate fail we have to gee to this. Please, please Kellyanne Conway. Bless her heart. It had a morning behind it, right. T. Revolutionary war . Evolutnary questionable people. E p come on. Revolutionary war g that wass karma coming back and biting her. Blue and red buthe. Rut its gucci, right. Rht its gucci. Is gucci gucci, what were you gucci thinking . And the buttons, paul. They were cat heads. Eads cat heads head buttons. Ns. Listen. With the crimson and the he cat heads. Hds this is one of these outfitso that right before you leave out of the door youre supposed to t take like two things off and shd should have taken the hat offav and thtae gloves it wouldnt hae been as bad. B and the coat. She should have look in thekn mirror and said i should go with a different jacket. T jacket. What strikes me shes int ste prs ettyme hot s situations alle time, and she always looks really put she does. Sheoe i was surprised. We talked about people on the worst dress list. L ill look up the meaning. Ni go ahead sometimes they try t to put themselves on the worst r dress list so they can c youll talk about it. Outalk she won. She if you lock back at saturdaya night live last week, theyrewe talking about how kellyanneg abo conway is the hot new celebrityy she got us talking about her. Utr two things real quickly thirl obviously the mono crow mat tict was big. Was big. I thought Michelle Obama, i loved the color of red that shet wore. Wo like it was a very rich crimson. Coming full circle she woree jason woo she also wore to her first inaugural ball. Firsl she really put him on the mat that was a full circle moment. Et hey she was ready to peace outpc and she did it with grace andnd elegance. Eleg as always. An my first lady fashion Michelle Obama and imbamand i interested to see what melania n will bring to the white house. Ot interesting to see, wont itn and well judge her. That coat gucci coat 3,600, and it was a nod to england butb i need to read revolutionary war. W is that really. Rea i think so. I thio i could be wrong. Ng. I could be wrong. Interesting. Gave us something to talk tot about. Gave us something to talk about. I think it will be an exciting four ousr eight slk years wil ii absolutely. With the trumps. W well see. Thanks, paul. L. Thanks, guys. S. Tucker is back with a weatheh update. Up it could shape up to bdae a wilw day. We like that. E th but not for this, though. H. Wild day in the dmv. N d were back after the break. Bre. Z27mlz z16fz y27mly y16fy this weather will have you taking it easy. Hopefully you can indoors. Oors ummhmm. Curl up with good book. Lucks serious. Lucks serios keep talking holly. Rainy monday. Da how long will it stick around. At a certain point its a pain. Thats right. In poi i want to get out. Thats o ut tucker, good morning. Ood mg hey, guys. Windy very very conditions. Lots of heavy rain init fact Somebody Just tweeted me Fromm Fredericksburg theyre gettingei thunder and lightning down in dn fredericksburg. Fredericksbu so our system starting to wrapnp up here and the next couple ofte hours we are going looking at la periods of heavy rain. R 45 in washington. Ton. Temperatures continue to fall au our winds continue to pick upicu and our team deepens off to thet south and south and west here w early. Rly 43 in fred burg. Bg west minster up in northernorth maryland 37 degrees and 45 in leonardtown. Own all right. All ri winds sustain at 33 miles an hour gusts momentsing a 40 45. Were still looking at a gustil here in washingtol lon 40. To 40. Look at that 44 in baltimore. B. 39 out at dulles. Uls 33 in fredericksburg. Ckur so very blustery conditionsondii today. Call noreaster developing andoa our winds will be out of thes l east and north and eastthnd eas throughout the day. Thhout heres look at the Storm Tracker radar. Heft yesterday rain developing to the south and west of town there. Outh lets see. Going to b ae working up 66 here shortly. Gainsville vienna you guys getting ref heff 53 rain as thii passes off just to our west upp towards Loudoun County inyn virginia. Vi you guys will be getting heavy h rain and here in washington, inside the beltway were looking at a period of moderate rainatei over the next couple of hours as our storm system starts tos to redevelop just to the east off the carolinas there. That will be later thisbeater afternoon. Theres the big picture. Apparent low in eastern e tennessee and transferring itsfr energy off the carolina coastint later this afternoon but bottomt line for us a wet and wild day with winds and rain and daytimee highs only about 50. Ut again it will feel cooler thanrt get a chance to dry out out tomorrow. Wednesday looks fantastic 60. Mot guess what . It is january aftea all. It will start to feel like it bo the end of the week. E end of the friday, saturday and sunday,un daytime highs back to where thew should be low fours overnight og lows in the upper 20s and low lw 30s. 30 Colder Weather at the rental ofh the week. Er a th today the bottom line is wet ant wild and windy. Back to you guys. G tuck the bottom line letset remember where we were one yeara ago today. Od it could be worse. Year ago today, thanks fornkr mentioning, steve, the, the anniversary of our blizzard of 2016. 16 winter awakens. R awak wow. Oh, that is right. Rig the winter awakens. Wake viewer reminded me on twittet of that. Thats s funny. We can deal with little bitte of rain today. Y absolutely g thanks tuck. Listen you know we like to do lo things big on good day this weew is no exception. Is nexcep we always wanted to have a tve wedding right here in the loft l and this friday it will happen. Guess what . You get to meet the lucky couple coming up next. Pex all right. Rht anyone whos planned a weddinged notice the hard work, time,ime, dedication it takes to pull it p all off, right, from the dress e to the tucks on the guest listgl to the cake. Theak you name it. Me i so imagine doing it all in justs one weeks time. Tim well thats right. Right entire wedding in just sevenseve days. Days for one local couple. L its really going to be a reall reality. Alit corey and sarah of could be winners of mix 107. 3 wedding ind week come friday theyll tie the knot on Live Television rightig here on fox5. But first, they join us this usi morning for a little wedding preview along with jack diamond. Its good to see all of you. Y holly how are you. Y hi. Congratulations. Congratul thank you. All right. Us youst of all, tell us your story. Why do you think you were chosew to be theer lucky ones. O i think we have such a wide w network of family, friends, ourr School Family that collectivelyy it just worked. Wor so tell me about thebo t proposal, how you met. Et. Why you want to spend the rest r of your life with her. H h i really hard to keep it a surprise. I asked her father onrn thanksgiving day when he cameame down to visit for his blessingin and he gave av take note, gentlemen. En you should all do that. U shoulda good call. Then i actually asked her mom about herring size andg si and everything. Did you do it on facebook . Is that true. I do tried. Ri private message. Ate message. Private message then i went out and boughtou the rink and a week later i hadh to propose before the credit cre card got in the male. I checked the male first. E ft i get home first. Oh. H. Making plans and keepingeepi eight secret. Exactly. How did you get a runningun president to show up at the proposal . Osal so i guess like a toys fors tots drive that day. T ay umhmm. And he must have just sceneen it happening and comes runningng over jefferson. Its not your day. Our d its my day. Da jack, why do you think w theyre story theyre schoolh teachers, right. Right. You guys work together. Og why do you think their storyir o resonated so well . W holly youre right. Eht it resonates with people. Theyre teachers. Ers. Everybody respects the factspece that, you know, theyre helpingl to direct and mold young minds. S i think everybody feels, youee,o know, that maybe teachers aren paid quite what theyre worth i think that could easily beil argued its just a great story. S a great, you know, sort of all american story you teachers you fall in love. L you take care of your students t they become your family and thet one day you hope to start a a family together. I want to thank their principalc for allowing them to get off thg school today to be here. To be h each day that theyve been. But, you know, theyre lovely on the air. The air. Theyre just very honest andjusr down to earth. Y theyre good people. O eathgood lets be honest it can benes overwhelming and daunting toauin think about how much it costs ts put on wedding, right . Rig this is something that if wee plan this in like two years time we wouldnt be able to put itt together 35,000, not even closel to that. To tt youre really getting theetnt wedding of your dreams. Am yes. With that though you have tot hand over all controlho. Yes. [ laughter ] [ sola how is that . Is that a little nerve wracking lettinging other people decide the details. It is. Its not as nerve racking asa i thought. Because like prince for instanca the dresses i can pick the thret i like i like all three. Theres one i like a little bitb more. More at the same time i like what w ive been shown. Shown im glad that you broughtat b whats getting decided today. Right, working exactly jack. Ac three dresses. You can go online mix 107. 3 and7 take a look at the three dresser and make your choice, one ofe, e them number one is a strapless a line gown. Ne lets see. There they are. All three. Number one is the strapless p nene. F the far left. The second is a sleeve lessleeve sheath gown. Sh i happen to like the i love v it it looks delicate i like thee lace work in it and then dressss number three the lace cap sleeve slim gown i think thats the onn that you like best, right with w the keyhole. You like the third one . Ike tn yes. Which one do you like corey. I cant see them yet. Hes not allowed to look. T l are you not even looking eveg right now. I looked away from them t screen. Hes so discipline you pick a good one. That is okay. Obviously its someone donatingg the dress . This is they gete all of this. Were not borrowing thing. They get now its a 37,000 wedding. The best of what these providere can provide and this is Davids Bridal they do a well known here in the washington area. In wa surshein. They always say when you putp your dress on youre like i knok is i is the one. Or did you really like you saidi you liked all three and you can end vin yourself walking doww the aisle into the loft. The [ laughter ][ laug in one of those . In of the first one i tried on wasd actually the third one thats up there. Eye as i tried on each one thatt first one i compared it to thata one. On thats why i think i really inki liked the third one i want ian people to pick hopefully. Um, but then the other ones i really liked as well. So did you cry when you putnt any of them on . Y ofhem i didnt, no. You didnt . N but thats okay. Ill cry enough for you onou o friday. I always cry at weddings. We were in tears when theyn were calling in. Its real wedding. Wed its not Radio Station stunttati after we pick the dresses today im sure youll get wthhat eyouu like. Like. Im sure friday i will. L. Will she find out at the endo of today what the dress is . S . Yes. Because you have to getet altered. Red tomorrow. The bouquet tomorrow then thh cake and then first song dance d for thursday and then friday wew get married here on fox5. Okakay. How are your nerves . Theyre tense. En yeah. What are you the most nervouss about . About . Having it all come together. E getting the family down here. Were both transplants from fro different states. Ent ates yeah. You worried about everybody. Dy. It will all come together. Toghe somebody else is planning the whole thing you dont need toino worry about that. U about. I do understand when you get yog married you worry about everyonn else enjoying your day. D. Yeah. You know what i mean . Dont worry about it. Yourayur day. W what everybody will enjoy it but it most importantly that you twoout do. Do. Were so happy to be a part of p it. Thank you. Are you nervous about doing it i on life tv. If t little bit. I think this helps doing thishi day. Y. Were breaking them in easy. Y all right. We are very excited to be partep of us. S. Jack were so thrilled to behrlo doing this with you all. Ith youa thank you holly we are asly a well. Well its wonderful to do it with too fox5 and theyre great killedrek they know what theyre gettingti were excited. Very excited. Hash tag love v wins. Ins. Love wins. Win love wins. W all right. O you guys guys doesnt it always . T alwa yes. Cant wait for friday. Ant wi right. Thanks everybody. Thank you. Nk. Speaking of love valentinesl day just a few weeks away. Where does it time go . You dont you dontou don believe in valentines day, do you . You mean the made u holiday i think thats the answer. I think thats going to maket a seymouhar wistdom on faceboo. If youre thinking aboutbo ordering roses for your for sweetheart, do it soon. Why . Because january is hot month to do so well fill in yof on why. Stay with us. U i would think so. I wouhink. Dont buy them now and wait. Wai theyll be dead. Ll be ad ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ z25eiz z16fz y25eiy y16fy welcome back everybody. Lc 10 46. Ome. Valentines day its rightin around thee corner, and if you are getting your valentine ae dozen red roses heres what youy need to know. Brads deals has been trackingg the price of roses from fiverom different online florists. Fri a dozen of roses are pretty affordable over the summer, sum dozen were, except for februaryy with bouquet of red stems s costing about 49. The lowest price for the same s bouquet 31. 31. To save some money experts sayey order your red roses by january 15th little too latethil this year but good to know. Now. I guess you order preorderd it. You order them havent theme delivered on february 14th. Right. That would have been a wo thulats good tip g dont you d think they would still see the s delivery date and know that like trying to get a flight objection. They post the price. T the price is alrheeadyy posted. It is what it is. Itey would have to raise the price now. Pr n for the delivery . Y . Yeah. Because the price doesntse change when you put your dat t in. Its like the peak that it youre going to go and buy themt maybe you can reserve them atrv the store. The i see what you mean flyingeay back on sunday or waiting until monday. Monday cheaper flight on monday. Per igo if you have them deliverednd on the 13 you might may 5 delivery fee. On the 14th it might be 15. 15 the roses are still cheaper r was it the last minute yourr still going to pay less for the actual roses themselves if youhs order them. Or look at wisdomdesr face. Please involve wisdom in this. You can go to a differentifnt store,. Because hes notst getting ag roses. Thats not florist shop. Oris you can go to costco who hass great roses. Eat r thats what i mean. Ts at i or nice grocery store, costco. Save way. Wisdom we dont have time for your upon if you if you sarah is saying no. Ying n skip that altogether and doed Something Else that will be wayy more memorable. Wisdom buys a dozen rosesm bu every day. Little known fact. Roses die but my life ises de forever. You can put a price on that. Nha like a walking hallmark card. Exactly. Im just saying. Saying. Im feeling nausea. Au hes so romantic. Listen still ahead arisingri star shes from virginia sonia s were giving her lots of hometown support up next on neww music monday alec sis nicole isl here. Re shes going to perform for usg o coming up next. 10 48. That sound. Like nails on a chalkboard. But listen to this family talking thats a different kind of sound. The sound of the weekend. Its baking season. Warm up with pillsbury. Protein. Protein proteiny protein. Proteiny protein . Protein proteiny protein. At least 14 grams of protein. 100 calories. New greek 100 protein. From yoplait. All right. Time for music right now. For m livmusito our live music were excited we had talk abouta blush coming in this was the new Matthew Knowles super groupper p trying to put together. Tet not able to make it today. Oday. Okay. Kay. Apologize to everybody. Well try to reschedule witlohgt them, but just became known town us that they wont be able toe a make it. If you were looking forward tofo that it happ ffererent day. Right. Lets get to the local talent whos here right now. To one swhinoges r whos in the lf local gallon, Alexis Nicole hails from Richmond Virginia vii earning fans all across the country debuting her new ep daya break which drops on friday. Were in for a treat becauseec shes here live from the loft t and we want to hear from her. Hr heres Alexis Nicole. Good morning, d. C. Everybody be on the look out fok the ep dropping on friday. Day im Alexis Nicole and this is ts the premier of my brand newrandw single every day. D. Hope you all like it. E here we go. I still think about you evere day every day, every day, every day you should know by now n make stay around. You know its a shame for howmef long youve been away but i like to lean on your body, i just ius need you on my body, babee continuously regardless i still thinkti t about you, every day, every day, every day, every day, every day, every day, every day, every day you trying to break me down. It would have worked but now, nw you knocked me to the ground and never came around but you should go aheadad and come over, make love to meom for the closure, pretend wee never broke up, you turn the t heat up, come on, turn the heata never have to discuss whatss w happened we wont bring it up, just say that well go back to t love, back to love just s say that well go back to love, back to us every day, every day, i still think about you, every day every, every day every day, every day, every day [ ap all right. Good. Sounding great. Gat hi, alexis. How are you. How are you thanks for coming in thisr ch morning. Mo before we run out of time i wann to tell people where they arehet find you at Alexis Nicole on on most cases. St c all places. Website Alexis Nicole, facebook, twitter, inn at a gram, youtubeu anywhere you want to look. You o from richmond down in at lana too now. Too headed to new york. To w yor headed to new york. Hea ready to blow up everywhere. Trying to. Real quick what we need to knoww about you. I am unlike anybody that hast dropped as an independent yet,dt you know, i try to be a fulll package and i preach womenacwo empower many and just girl poweg all the way across the board. Bd so i want people to look out for a new positive vibe thatse coming out. Ng o. Awesome set of pipes, too. Thank you baby. Nk you baby. Fantastic. Thank you so much for joining us today. Mucusou for for having me. We hope to see youaving inme when youre in town. Tow absolutely. At the the Alexis Nicole. Alec thank you guys. Back over to you. Ack sounds good. Goo that song will be in my headi all day. N alday. Yes. I love it. I ought platforms for theht plr today. W all righty. Meanwhile were done. Re don is that it. It. A what shall we talk about io now. Now. This is how we do it. He o ll c circle. Well see you tomorrow on tuesday. Have a good one. Creamy swirls of pure indulgence. Silky sifts of total transcendence. Tempting accents of sheer pleasure. Introducing unicorn whispers. This should be the name. Or something more like golden gold. Or maybe, mmmmmm mmhmm. But, with 20 of your daily fiber, its actually fiber one. So delicious, it should have another name. Live from new york city, its the Wendy Williams show. Wendy how you doin . We dont judge. But were judging. Its going to be juicy. Now, heres wendy wendy