Remony. Y. And a new day for thes capitol. L we have live Team Coverageere across the region as we markk this symbolic transfer of powerp a special ed dig of good day d. C. Begins now. Youre watching live coveragg on good day d. C. The inauguration of donald trump. Our live coverage starts now. We want to thank you for you joining us. G us. Just a minute past 9 00 oclockl on this friday morning, january 20th inauguration daythi on the lnaeft st. Johns churchh inside that church at this veryr moment. Moment. The president elect donald trumd and his family. The Vice President elect is alss there mike pence and his familym they are inside right now as the traditional inauguration mornini Church Service is well underway. On the right you can see theee t security on the top right now oo the National Mall. Mall. Security very tight around thegd area we just heard from holly morris about that. Tha well check in with all our crews in the area. What a great shot from the top t it certainly is. Were here with you all mornig coverage doesnt stop today. Od we wont stop until the new n first family stops i suppose. Upe just about two hours and 45 u minutes away from the oath ofato Office Coming up just little lit before noon donald trump will be sworn in as the nations 45th president. Good day d. C. Good d. C it is just a few minutes past p 9 00 oclock on this friday,rida january 20th. Inauguration day 2017. 017. Im steve chenevey. Y im allison seymour. Ur holly, maureen and wisdom alldol downtown this morning. Ng we will check in with them, ofho course, coming up. P and weve seen things pretty p much move on schedule today so d far. So far so good. So faso g right. Exactly to the schedule we expected so far. The only hiccups along the way w have come in the form of gettini access to the mall getting gettg through security. Ugh we had some power issues when it came to some of the mags down mw there to get folks through. Tou. Some of the security devices and measurements weve had protester whos have tried to stop peoplep from going in through some ofh o the gates that are public accesc to get on to the National Mall. We have had a few hiccups frompo that asp but as far as the president elects day so far, right on schedule. Ght sch right on schedule. All right. Rig right now, president electdt donald trump as steve mentionedi at the top is inside st. Johns church. Ur there you see on the left, ofhef course, its right across from the white house. H. He arrived just about 20 minutet ago after spending the night att the blair house its a tradition for the incoming commander ineri chief. Vice president elect mikect k pence also there again arrivinge at st. Johns about a 8 25 this morning. Rng. Just right around the corner coe from blair house, and from the o white house and there you see s donald trump this is earlier e this morning just a short timett ago about 15 minutes ago, 20 minutes ago and there of coursec is his wife melania joining himm as they walk nabbed hand intod t st. Johns together and his h family, his sons, his daughterse right behind. D just in case you w wondering, Melania Trump wearini american designer ralph laurenau today. Steve, i know you weree, i wondering. Just wanted you to know. Ono that service is expected to last about an hour. Now, while he is there, the vips starting to show up and takendae their seats on the west front oo the Capitol Building and theyll trickle if right up until thehe president elect arrives but arr first he has a few more stops ss after st. Johns hell head todt the white house where hell hav coffee and or tea we president se and first Lady Michelle obama. B. That will be a private meeting. I then around 10 35, the 44th and 45th president s will takel t a motorcade to capitol hill. Ol. That ride down pennsylvaniaennsa avenue will take about 10 10 minutes or so. The swearing in ceremonyeron scheduled to get underway at at 11 15 that will include the oaths of office for the Vice President elect mike pence andn president elect donald trump. T and trumps inaugural address ae which is expected to run about 20 minutes. Utes after that ceremony the new then president will attend a luncheon on capitol hill around thee this afternoon the inaugural parade begins. Begi its journey bacnsk to the white house. All right. Arrive aiv dignitaries and capitol hill right now as we speak tens of thousands everythy people also making they are wayy to the National Mall t all of the activities today. Oda. Obviously not everybody is there to cheer on the president electe although many many people are. Re there are protests plannedlaed across the region wedge livee Team Coverage all day on all all aspects whats happening in theg nations capita. A. Marina mack land, matt act land ronica cleary with the peopleeo who are prove testing thishis morning. Bob barnard annie yu hanging out with witnesses to history on thy National Mall. Nati mal holly morris, Melanie Alnwick,lk wisdom martin along the paradeae route and will be along thed wib parade later today. Para later t. Maureen umeh has a birds eyeye from fox news headquarters onuan cal toll hill. Llill. At 9 05 we want to begin with Tom Fitzgerald yards away from the podium donald j. Trump willl stand with his hasnt on thet bible and become the next commander in chief. Whatco amman historic bible it. Good morning, fits. Its. Good morning. Good morni steve and allison i know youngn were wondering i am wearing columbia outer wear today. Da. Okay. Ka looking sharp. Sha because it is what thehe fashion wet person is wearing out here today. Re tod thank you for that, steve. S. Reporter that tradition t you just showed a minute ago ata st. Johns church that is very v old tradition. Diton every president since john adams has worshipped at st. Johns church before proceeding on with the inauguration ceremonies. What we are doing here today ony the west front of the capitol,al that is not as old tradition. Only since Ronald Reagan in january of 1981 have inaugurations been hell on theon west front. Prior to that, they were allerll held on the east front but then somebody got the bright ideadea that maybe we should put this ii place where the sun actually has a chance of shining and thats why Ronald Reagan moved it on io this side and it has been a fantastic location ever since, because the length and breath ot the National Mall is spread outo in front of you and you are able to see clear into virginia even on a cold, rainy day like this one. Lets g at this podium here today. This is the inaugural stand fort the 58th president ialsint inauguration. What they are doing right now i putting the final touches on tos this area. This now, that carpeted blue area,re that is where all thel the dignitaries are going to sit. Tt a lot of the congressionalessiol members are going to be in thoso riser areas right behind. In front of that railing now n those blue chairs that you seese under the plastic right now, now that is where the president elect is going to sits that is where the chief justicei of the United States is going tt sit and that is where the obamaa are going be seated. Again, we are expecting thatng t this is going to get underway ur here when they finally arrive about 10 45 this morning. Orni the speech we are told, the theme, america first. Fir. What does that mean . Well, seaa spicer the incoming white housee press second says thend saythe president elect is going to goit expound on exactly today what makes America Great actuallyll means. A lot of questions a ever since donald trump rolled r out that slogan. Sga we are hoping to have him fill h in some of that today when he delivers his inaugural address a at this very spot later on thiss morning. Ing. For now were live at the u. S. Capitol, 58th president ialsidena inauguration. Well send it back to you. Nd i tom you know youre a maste of history the its interestingt when you mentioned with ronaldhd reagan and moving that in 1981 8 so that you could actually havea some sun on the festivities anda then only four years later wasas the inauguration that was too cold to even do outside. Ono eves reporter that was 1985. Simply that year it just got dangerously cold, and it would d have risked really life or limbm had they gone ahead didnt that. What they dark do you remember the old capitol all the parade d floats, all the bands, they went over to the Capitol Center and ronald and nancy reagan actually drove over there and thanked everybody, but they were not thn able to go ahead with the paradd that year either because it was just too darn cold. Ol were in a lot better shape sha weather wise this year. You got no tdohat right. T rt Tom Fitzgerald thanks ford tr joining us right in the middle of it all. Ight i know you love tiff yann i knok you love history. Yove history. Yes. I mentioned the bible. Ntio we t tore we get to the bible. Okay. The very first inaugurationnt in washington, d. C. Thomas jefferson inngto 1801. Really. You have to go way back. Way back. Not the first. Ave to the okay so the bible has significance today when drum ism that sworn in because it will, yes, be the bible that Abraham Lincoln was sworn in with but also have his personal bible with him, too. Th htoo so in essence two bibles there. E same thing that president barack obama did in 2009 and 2013 witht i think thats interestingntg its fascinating that it will be the same bible that president pe obama used. Obama used. Last two times that president elect donald trumpelec will be using as well thee socusinalled lincoln bible. Bie right. I can tell you on personalel note ol yone of the highlights t i have had personal untillnt washington i had a chance to goo to the library of congress anded actually hold the lincoln bibleb in my hands. My han is that right . I first of all it was much much smaller. Did you need to wear the white gl of course. Ite gl of course. Cour but its amazing. Amang so, yes, it will be the same t s bible as far as the lincolns tho bible president obama used fouro years ago and eight years ago. Yo lets get back outside now tw our annie yu. Ni yu. Annie is at 12th and madison. Adn let us know what you are seeingn good morning. Reporter hey, good morningor to you steve and allison. A good morning, everybody. Rybody yeah, we have been seeing a lot more people trickle in now, anda so theyre filing down there and were sort of watching the National Mall stack up. As we work minute by minute herr hour by hour and we got w got important people with us that i want to introduce to you. Ou. Weve got members of the us army here. Here. Sort of guarding this section for the media, and so what is your, what is your duty today, sir . . Were just here to kind ofd o show a presence here. H were just trying to makeg tak everything as peaceful as possible. Ssib show thats correct you know, were nots co hrrere to do anytn you know, anything major just trying to show people makeeak everything as peaceful asl a possible make everybody happyeva and right. Protect us guys. Rotects its wet. Its a wet day. Certainlyit it is. But youre handling it okay,t oa right. Im from chicago. Icag so were used to wet and. 95 and sunny, wet and cold, snoo the next day. Reporter thats right. Ha thank you so much. Tk i also want to talyok to thesek folks here. Lkre. Come on in here guys. Guy good morning. Where are you guys from. Fro maryland. Maryland. We both work for Montgomery County fire and rescue. Reporter excellent. Ork ty fc excent. Llent. What brings you out here today . . Just the inauguration. Its going to be history and i a think it will be a good thing. Ng so reporter what do you hoper y for the next four yearsou for te country for yourself. Yrs change in the right direction. Reporter for you. Rep same thing. Just tired of being in slump. I want to see us be great agains reporter thank b you vere ya much. Thank you all. E frome met a lot of peopl all parts of the country. Cou i spoke to a family who drove from kentucky this morning to t come out here and they broughtug their children out here. Chdren they thought it was an important History Lesson for the kids to t see all of this, to witness ann american tradition, and then wew also met a couple from lorton, virginia, tom and prann have to give them a shout outm h hoping to get on the air but but they had to go. G and this is not their firstheirr inauguration. They try to come out here everyy year but get this steve andnd allison, they literally walkedle an hour and a half from d. C. A from Reagan National to be heree and witness this historic evente back to you in the studio. All right. Ht annie, thank you very much. Hanku appreciate it. Prec all right in the meantimethee were keeping a close eye off ef screen at st. Johns we do see s some people that are leaving. Lg we have not yet seen donalddona trump or any members of hisf his family leave the church but we e had expected they would be inede there for any wo hour. Hou were trying to get a betterte idea right now apologies as weea look off screen right now tryin to keep an eye on all the t monitors. There you can see what we were looking at right nowou c. Again, i would say probably 15 to 20 people just walked out tht door but, again, not quite sures why at this point but we have b not seen any members of donaldfd trumps family or mike pencess family leave. Lea. So our understanding theyreding still inside. Still de take a short break right now. Donald trumps first day inn office also means president nsret amaas last. Coming up later well show you u the american public. Icanublic. First though, d. C. Doesntoen get many of them so when we dond well do it right. Rht were talking about parades andd coming up next well check in cn with holly and wisdom for a looo at what to expect with the wh te inaugural parade. Gurapara time right now 9 13. 9 13. Keep the tweets and instagramnsr posts coming just use the fox5potus. Ox5potus back after this. Creamy swirls of pure indulgence. Silky sifts of total transcendence. Tempting accents of sheer pleasure. Introducing unicorn whispers. This should be the name. Or something more like golden gold. Or maybe, mmmmmm mmhmm. But, with 20 of your daily fiber, its actually fiber one. So delicious, it should have another name. So dat ikea, we believe have anotthat everything, from your lamp to your couch, should work as hard as you do. That you can sacrifice everything but a good night sleep. And we believe your furniture should last happily ever after. Make the dream yours with ikea. 9 16 right now taking liveht look on the left sid ne of youry screen there is st. Johnsre iso church of course thehe president elect viceidentelecte president elect are inside right not war for the Church Service s morning. Rn then on the right were startin to see some ostf those seats sts to fill up in front of the the capitol. That is a great shot right nowow looking back at the crowd almoss from the Vantage Point of wheree donald trump will be standing sn just a matter of hours to takete that oath of office. Off our wisdom martin is not far far from the church there on yournou left. Lets join him now. Im n. Wisdom is at Lafayette Park. Pak good morning to you steve and allison. We are here right in lafayetteae park right across pennsylvaniaea avenue and you see behind me this is the reviewing stand where president elect donaldle trump will be this afternoon. After hes sworn he will then bn President Trump. Ent t i want to show you something. S. This area over here people are they have their rain slickerslis because its starting to rain rn since we have been out here inen this area. Rea. Theyve been out here for abeen couple of hourse now. Ow. Apparently, theyre going to sit here all day until the inauguration festivities are over. Er so clearly theyre excited about being here or about participating in the inauguration. Were talking about what has initionally in this countryg been the peaceful transfer of power between the outgoingutg president and the inncomingcom president we talk about this all morning. Rning. President elect donald trump leaving church then heading over to the white house to meet withh the obamas. Outgoing president and hispres family. Theyre going to meet, then att about 10 00 theyve theyllve leave the white house then headh over to capitol hill where their ceremonies will take place. Pla hell be sworn in as the 45thhe president of the United States. E then they will do the parade pae route and it will end right herr at the reviewing stand rightnd g across from the white house hou where they will conclude the he will watch the parade andthra conclude their activities hellh the day. E da now, i was talking earlier aboua the transition of power and theres also a massiveasve transition when it comes to one Family Moving out and another ah Family Moving in. Famioving i got interesting information for you about that. U abouthat so the official movein timee actually for the new president is noon. Is n thats actually while all the t ceremonies and festivities arete going on. So thats the official time fore the new president to move in. E. Now, the people in charge of o that movein, the officers fromo the General Services administration theyre in chargc of that all the decor andec a everything from the first family theyve already discussed thised theyve already talked about it theyve been given maptas all te staff has been given maps andapd told where everything is goingv to go because the person iniscan charge of that is already met the president elect, hes, he already told them. Tm. Theyve already had this discussion about where things a are going tboo go,ut so that ish that part of it takes place. Es. As far as the outgoing familyy is concerned, theyre actuallycy responsible forgetting theirng t thing out of there. Out of the they have to get a private priva moving company to come in and move it out. And theyll be gone and new family first family willy wl come into the white house. O so got a lot more informatithonn talk about this morning. Ng right now as i said its is starting to rain out here. To people are starting to gather ss they can get a good seat an gooo spot here for the inauguration. R back to you steve and allison. L. Wis, thats. Find your own way out. O thank you very much. Yeah. [ laughter ] toove got to move forward. The ank you so much wisdom. M you can see from some of thet folks in the crowd they have the parkas on. Some of them have whateverve pieces of plastic they could cou grab to stay dry. A lot of hats out there as well. Holly morris along the parade pe route well see much moremuche activity a little bit later onat today. Holly, good morning. Ood reporter kind of the quietmq before the storm right now hereh steve and allison, but, yes, tht people that are coming ing i everybody has their rain gear isich is good. There are a lot of people with i hats on i want to give you aou a sense of the feel here. He fl hee its really interesting the t position thats going on on onee side we were waiting to get in, we were with a bunch of peopleop and we saw nicky haley walking out. Out. Marriott shes the governor froo South Carolina tapped to be thet embassador to the un. The we saw dr. Ben carson walk outao tappedo and the crowd cheered. C everyone was cheering for them. E then literallyer right now as ii stand just one block over by the warner theater i can really heaa the protesters just outside the security gate. E there are whistles blowingowin chanting going on. And so its interesting to feell as we look at people gettingplei their spots along the paradeg ea route already, you canu definitely tell theresnite obviously many trump supportlyeo out there, a lot of them wearing red hats that say make america gwen. A lot of them wear flag typelagp apparel we see other people peol holding up very poignant signsas and very directed signs againstn the incoming administration. And yet theyre all some of thee sitting side by side. And so far inside here in the secure area all has beenee peaceful and of course you see e the Strong Security presencese along the route already as well. In fact, the budget for security for this inauguration alone isgn the most ever in the history of any inauguration. Theyre estimating it atat about 100 million. 00 mil they say the whole inaugurationo 2,200,000,000 gives you an idea half of the budget alone is juss to make sure that this event isi pulled off safely. In terms of the parade not slated to go off untilgo off unl 3 00 oclock this afternoon, as always, as tradition dictates the military a strong part oft f that. Th there are five different divisions of the parade. The first one will be led by the oldest and most senior branchr a which is the army and if i ii remember correctly i think itsi then the marines, the navy, the, air force and then the coast guard. There are about 40 differentfent groups in all that of course cos includes a lot of local groupsos that are going to be marchingchn down pennsylvania avenue. Ve well talk a lot more about that throughout date. Thats the lat test from freedod please s back to you guys. All right. Olly rain not coming down so heava right now. Ght no well neck with tucker. Ucr. Its 9 21 right now coming up cn next the word that president rese obama called the most powerfulfl in democracy in his farewellel letter to the American People. A live look now at the scene, o course, leading up to thehe capitol where donald trump willw be sworn in as your 45th5t president in just matter ofr o hours. Well be right back. Right z27mkz z16fz y27mky y16fy fios is not cable. Were wired differently. That means incredibly fast 150 meg internet. So in the 3. 7 seconds it takes gary watson to beat the local sled jump record fly, gary, fly. His friend can download 13 different versions is sister can live stream it. While his mom downloads how to set a dislocated shoulder, get 150 meg internet, tv and phone for just 79. 99 per month online for the first year. Hurry offer ends january 21st. Only from fios. Take one of those pillows and take a big smell. They smell really fresh. What if we told you we washed these sheets 7 days ago. Really no way downy . Downy fabric conditioner. Give us a week, and well ange your bed forever. Want more freshness . Add new downy fresh protect. My sweethearts gone sayonara. This scarf all thats left to remem. What she washed this like a month ago the long lasting scent of gain flings welcome back. B it is 9 24. Weve got the fancy triple box day around here. Its inauguration day. You see st. Johns there on thee left waiting for the president elect and vice vic president elect and theirir families to leave church chu service. Of course, the crowds on the tot and bottom there on the other or side of your screen. Scree weve got you covered this ts morning for inauguration day. Tiy if you have eagle eyes youyeo can see bob barnard in the uppep right he is out on the mall ifai it look like theyre not a lotol of people theyre at 12th street. Theyre 12 blocks,. Cks, he just waived at us. Stved at hi, bob. Is. U iks away from the u capitol we do expect to see that crowd continue to growd throughout the morningco. Hout ti now, tucker barnes, the question is, have the rains start totterr fall . I missed you tucker. Sed yockr allison do i look different to you . No. Yes. A little more president ial. Na i was clean shaven a fewve af hours ago. Urs ago. Now ive got 5 00 oclock shadow its been awhile since ive beev on. Oh, boy, yes. Boyye slight beard here. Here. You look good. You lk go thank you. 43 now in washington. Iwash we have showers, one round ofouf showers come through well get second round of showers as wellw theres round number one. D numb. I dont know how well illi get out of the round number one northth east pushing up towards baltimore anl and showers inside the beltway, but as we focus here off to ouro south and west, down intoown Central Virginia thats the area of rain most concerned withcernh bringing us showers between bete about 11 00 and 2 00. Were not done with the rain yet bottom line we have additionaldt scattered showers between id say 11, 2 00 maybe lingering lge into the 3 00 oclock hour and a then we should quiet it downie were not going to be bright ana sunny tone the day at least the measurable rain will be out ofwf here by mid afternoon. Mid aftno. Heres your forecast. Fost let me mention the cooll temperatures not going to warm t up a hole lot today with ay w a little rain out there as well ii will feel quiet cool mid tooomio upper 40s with clouds ands and drizzle by three, 4 00 oclock in the afternoon. All right,in guys, ill toss iti back to you. Thank you very much, tucker. Appreciate it. Well, it is a tradition forr an outgoing president to writee a letter to their successor, but president obama if i can have an little help with the prompterroe please president obama also als wrote o thanked the American People peo saying all that ive learned in my time in office ive learned n from you. Om you you made me a better president. E you made me a better man. M he also ended the letter by saying, life began his time inii office with a message of hopeagp saying quote america is not thet project of anyone person. Single most powerful word in our democracy is the word we. D we the people. We shall overcome, yes, we can. N for more on the it oh goingng president his legacy and what wa his day will be like we turn to dan. Dan thanks for joining us once o again. Good morning. We talk earlier this week about the president s ear legg what it may be what it mate nott be. What about today . Whatshats happening with him today . Anything that could change thate in any way or really this just t chance for him to exhale andhald move on to the next chapter ofhf his life. Life really truly exhale, move on, hes cup his executive orders his cementing his legacy is alreadyy in place. Today is about the peacefuleacel transfer of power as so manyan people describe it. E it and on a cold rainy day in d. C. Hes going to be thinking abouto that flight to palm springs s right after. We heard in remarks earlier,i you know, its going to be okaya is that an unusual statement sta here or does it speak to justus how divided we seem to be as a nation going into this 45th presidency . Presiden i think both the divisionsion that we have as a country ass well as the different tenors ter that each candidate excuse me each president is bringing to their administration with no no drama obama giving away giving way to the donald trump reality tv presidency. Dey that division is also being really heightened by thebyhe different personalities of these president s as one leaves officef and the other comes in. Es i its interesting and you anda other folks in your organization have studied presidencies overne time. When you have such an abruptn au change like this obviously had part tan ships were it comec to the office of the presidencyy in the past. This seems rather abrupt basedtb on the supporter that is you have of the curerrent t presidet and who will soon be the next president. But its always different timetm now with social media and everything else. Else electronic ways that people are expressing themselves. Is there any way that we can even compare that to past shipso of power . No the advent of twitter,tt, facebook the way people are alll sharing their own personal opinions and bypassing. Assing of what, you know, traditionaldl media did to form pin is a significant shift. Shift. But we can look to it areas where the personalities ofties president s did change where eisenhower to jfk was a example. The older general, the strong s leader who was considered a quiet president at the time gavh way to a young youthfulouthfu president that generation aliona shift that was seen there. Here but still all of that was focused through radio and tv as opposed to everyone being ablena to add their own opinion. Opinin it was also focused thr eisenhower willingly saying he wanted the country that heha h served that he loved to be in i good hands even if there wasnt always agreement there. He. Correct. Cor that idea that, you know, theywt call it the club of president srs for a reason. For rea that when you have reached that point you all see that despite your partisan differences yourr on the same team and thats perhaps lesson lot of thet o t American People can look at, at, even though theres politicalitl disagreement, you want thewa the country to be in good hands. Thats a sent many we havey h heard from this incomingin idesident. It seems like almost right after he won the election were onene nation, we will all get throughh this together. He it seemed that that was a veryer important theme for him to press upon us. Up us. It was. It was for him to particularlycl with the contentious of it the fact that he was not the popular vote victor, that this wasis w through the electoral college, that message was important totat tie the nation together. Ogetr. Looking back historically for those who may not be feelingng that hope this time around, when you look at the p we have gotten 10 through thingg in the past is there hope in knowing, look, we have in toughu times survived. Vived. We have. And we have institution ws. We have congressionalessi leadership. S ands andsystem of check balances. I tell many people, too, this, h is its time to get involvedl in local government. City and State Government havenm very powerful role in our systee its easy to to forget that. Th. Thats a way you can better youu communities even if you disagree with whats happening inhat washington. Ingt no doubt about it. Are you sticking around with us today . Nd us happy to. Tod all right. We appreciate it. Precia want to get back out to st. T johns church because as werebs talking to dan feel free to stao with us for a second here ase well were watching as donaldino trump is leaving the church chuc service right now which had ass been about 40 minutes or so. Or. Since he walked into st. Johns church but there you see donaldd trump and his wife melania the t future first couple of the t United States leaving st. Johns church after the service. Ervi walk to the cars and the next stop will be the executivecu what do you make as far asakf traditions when it comes to thii day . This obviously one of the many president s have chosen st. Johns in the past. As far as tradition is in thishi country of the transfer of power and as far as what donald trumpu has chosen to do to followollo tradition. N. Well truly following theng te tradition the church ofrc president s no matter their didhr he nomination at st. Johns episcopal the history there is i being the church right acrosscr lafayette square. Sar the short trip over, you know, sharing that cup of coffee witht the families that are in the ine white house, and by and large lr thats always been a very cooperative very kind meetingee between the outgoing president ri and the incoming one. Whats discussed in that meeting . Is it nice is thes ash that point . Let me tell you the real deal. My last time to talk were in we front of everybody. Rybo not quite that. Do go through sort of the, you know, some old some will let them tore the white house or, you know, sharethe wh thoughts a you know as we anyone who probably president obama had a bit of nostalgia about his eighg years there. Governor pence, vicece, vi president elect getting into hi vehicle. Im sorry, go ahead. M sorr no. Some of the lessons hes learned while hes there. You know, president obama madee it very important task in his mind to try to educate President Trump as much as possible onsibo these issues and from thisrom ts experience. What are some of the challenges that presihadet ntarp will face now because you look l at as we watch mike pence walk out now mike pence obviously aiy long career in politics to getog to this point. Pnt much like weve seen in recentet history as far as the person who assumes the presidency. Not the case from donald trump o coming from the world of fm thef business into the executive int mansion nowthe. So how does that differ now asen far as challenges that he mightt face immediately now once hee h finds himself literally thislyhs afternoon sitting in the without white house . E . Well see how he learns thatt the machinery of government does not move the way a businesss machinery does. Does that theres a lot more processe cease and procedures that are in place. Hes talked about shaking sometm of those up, but there arehe a reasons that things are done don that way in government. It requires more deliberationern and consensus. Talked about the correlationc between business and what hest doing in the white house. Ou essentially though hes stilly h the boss. Ouboss. Correct. He is still the boss and its ai now the question of as he continues and weve watch the transition process, what team is he building out around him now n the cabinet will be moving in place, those confirmations and then the lower tier people the t deputes and assistant andtand cabinet agencies how do they fit in place and begin to exercise his agenda . Agea . So you would think foryou woo somebody who is used to beingrhd the boss, who i to sbe the bosss companies in the private world,r if you are moving into this thi position, you couldnt pick ana better scenario to move intoovin where essentially your party hah the power right now. N. Correct. And you are the boss and the executive mansion. Mreay theexec tuthe friction be where may that resistance be now frustration may set in down the road . Ro i think it will seeing theghe frustration of where, you know, where there are not personnelnnl yet because of the time it takes for vetting and confirmations. So where there are empty deskses in government maybe an issue. Also, i think unlike business,es other countries have a voice inn how he runs his administration. Weve seen traditional untilnt there are Foreign Policy challenges early in administrations. Stories that the northern koreans are fueling a missile test at this very moment. Momen something he may face, you know, on day one or day two that ishai not something youre used to inn the business world. Going to take short break ana stick around we want to hear to from you talking specificallyfiy about legacy something steveng e touched on with you earlier thit week. We but we want to bring in ourn our wisdom martin right now who is i at Lafayette Park and the Vice President elect andecnd president elect on the move, wis. Reporter allison, youre yoe right. Just a short time ago on the other side in the other oer direction from where im sittini is the church and we saw themm come out of the church and getnd inside the suvs. s now im told that theres as possibility that they could cld drive those suvs down through u here en route to the white houst to meet with the obama family. Al theyll have their meeting withw the obama family then at 10 35 they will leave here and head ad off to capitol hill for the inauguration 2017 ceremonies to officially start and swear inwer the 45th president of the United Statesf t. S so were waiting on that rightt now. So its my understanding thatdia hes still in that black suv. Now, we talked about thisut this earlier. There are a number of people wh alpeready out here. Ady here. Theyve been out here for abeenh couple of hours outer here in te stands waiting to witness the t inauguration. Inaugu witness the parade and witnessns the festivities that will take place for inauguration 2017. 7. Now, this is signifying and it has signified in this country for as long as weve been here e in this country the peaceful transition of outgoing president and the inncoming president. Prent. The outgoing president number m 44 obviously barack obama andmad the 45th inncoming president pe being donald trump. Now, some other information tooa tell you about. Ll you about. Ive talked about the moving ini and the moving out of the whitei house and how much of a processe that is. How there is a group theree are a group of people who are involved in that. In that. They meet well beforehand. Talk about how theyre going toi move people in and move people out. Out. Get everything in order. So that officially at noon, officially at noon when the newn president can move into the whet it white house. We know the ceremony will beiteo going on at that time. G on but officially at noon is whense he will officially become the resident at 1600 pennsylvaniansa avenue. Now, hes going to come down this route this afternoon after all theno oonther ceremonies ana after being sworn in and he will be president of the unitedf thed states. Hell come down pennsylvania avenue again. Theyre going to go inside these white come out into the reviewingiewi stand and watch the rest of the parade. Now, i had a chance to speak a a short time ago with someone whow was involved in actually theualt building of the reviewing standa and the building of the media riser. Rir actually were looking at this over here. Ere. Where suvs are starting to pull in a motorcade is starting totan pull in here at the white house. Were not sure which one hes is at this point. Nt. But you can see the suvs and limos pulling into the whitento house. So this is where the meeting isg going take place between the ben trauma many family and the obama family. Outgoing president , incomingni president theyll have thatt tha meeting and head off im sorry. Sorr okay. Ay. So my understanding that trumpu is leaving now. Ow. Leaving from the church. The vicepresident the bidensids jail and joe have just walk out. So this is taking place. Lace. Its part of the pea transition of power that happens in this country every four years or when theres a new president t every four years when theres a new president. New let me get back to this well talk while theyre, you know,reo getting ready to come over. Or. Wisdom i think well jump in for a second right now. Nd rightw were actually looking right now we just saw joe biden, of course, vicepresident joe bidee and his wife dr. Jill biden bidn walking out of the white house e right now as those vehiclesehic pulled up so perhaps a better Vantage Point right now as we watch this. T dan is with us a policy managern for the center of the stud ever the presidency in congress andes spent many years now coveringg the presidencies various vus presidencies over the years. Yrs there we see mike pence gettingi out right now, and speaking with joe biden. Iden and there you see karen pence with her husbanda of course, and exchanging embraces warmly as the in coming vicepresident and the second tc lady of the nation all joinoi hands and walk up the steps of o on the left side of thee lefd screen just to block away fromef the white house making its wayus right now thee maki motorcade ii donald trump is riding right n now. All right. Dan is still with us right now. Dan, when we were talking beforb about these meetings thatings ta happened that are soon to happea inside the white house between b the outgoing president and the e in coming president , sometimes theyre very cordial. Oral really what we know i guess froo memoirs or insider whos havesh shared the stories over thehe years the generations the stohe decades the centuries. Sometimes theyre cordial andora sometimes theyre not. Eyre not. Correct. The worst that we know of was the transition from herbertrber hoover to fdr. F we have to remember at that time fivemonth lame duck periodame because the inauguration was noo yet in january. Ry so there was a lot of f five months. Ive nths five months. It was march when the mar when t inauguration used to be then. Onu long time. Se ther but we didntt want fivemonth lame duck period what ended up happening was that the political disagreementreent between the two men that lastede for the five years during the t height of the great depressionrs they sat in stoney silence whene ey there was no ths no my goodness. Good very little you could head a pin drop. Pirop. You know, people would say awkward turtle or however youevr want to put it. That the they took their ridd from the white house down to the capitol not a word between them. Usually theres this dialogue of friendly banter. Ly banter. At least small talk. Leasall diss grow without beingut beg disagreeable we see the president , let me interrupt you, dane pr,es and fr lady. La. Outgoing president barack obamai and the nationdes first ladyad Michelle Obama as they wait toat greet the incoming president and Melania Trump. Rump. Michelle doing as shes done all these eight years ears shes keeping a good eye on o him. Him. Keeping a good eye on barack obama. Making sure is good to go. G we are talking with anita earlier this morning she was the chief staff for barbara bush. Us its interesting if youre in presidency that lasts eight years at this moment youre kind of likmomee, okay, exhale, rela, obviously, if its four yearsfo youre probably thinking, its a little mor of power. Er. Yeah. When its the fouryear term you have the could have should haves on the mind of the outgoing president. How could i have done thingsngs differently . Im meeting my opponent who vanquished me in the election. N. This time here its truly myly m term is done. On. My duty is done. Lets think about the legacy, l, think about what we do next. As we await the trump car c here, i will say that i dont d even want to start this becausec were about to see the momentomt when president elect donaldald trump will get out. Okay. Maybe i have a couple of seconds. It curse to me that the outgoing president and i want you to yout think about this, dan, has donen a lot what is traditionally a lame duck session but lets wait to see the future first ham family. Thumbs up from donald trumpdp just as he pulled up. First glance at the president cea and the first lady right there. Its kind of ft t unlanydy litel the thumbs up. E thum u that familiar donald trumpldt thumbs up. How are you . Congratulations. How are you . Im doing very well. Youll get used to the protocol you go right here. Melania youll gtooyou on thisd hold ton her. Let that moment soak in littleae bit there. You could hear the president asa donald trump got out of the outh vehicle right there. President obama saying to him, congratulations. How you doing . How washo church . Crc good to see you. Ou how was church the small talkhe there. Th the official talk. K. Very cordial the tiffanys Product Placement as well iell i noticed. Very nice. I want to know whats in thei box. Gifts to be exchanged nowo e they go inside. What happens now. Pens a cup of coffee. A cu cp of tea. T tour the of the weiss house. Hoe this was my home for eightor years. This will now be your home. Truly reminder i think that its the home of the American Peoplee as well. Wl. That this building has this history. Sty that its seen history from thee being burned in the war of 18121 to the being the home of Abraham Lincoln, the home of teddy rosee vessel. Ve great men in our history have hv occupied that house and traumaly will be inheriting that obamaba will want to i think provide him that perspective as he comes ins to this home. I do want to ask you aboutnt legacy. Le home you stick around for feworf minutes afterwards. Got to take a quick break. Break we have just scene there the president elect and the currentt president walking into the white house. Ho please stay with us. S. Fios is not cable. Were wired differently. So were offering incredibly st 150 meg internet, hurry, freddy, youre gonna miss it coming. I cant believe he is doing this. Its so fast that in the 3. 7 seconds it takes gary watson to beat the local sled jump record, held by gary watson. Fly, gary, fly. His friend can download 13 different versions of the perfect song. His sister can live ream it. While his mom downloads how to se a dislocated shoulder, all at the same time. Gary. This is the final week to get incredibly fast 150 meg internet, tv and phone for just 79. 99 per month online for the first year, plus a 150 dollar visa prepaid card with a twoyear agreement. Hurry, this amazing offer ends january 21st visit getfios. Com or call 1888getfios to learn more. Thats 150 meg internet, tv and phone for 79. 99 per month. Only from fios. All right. On the right side of your scree right now youre seeing some ofo the vehicles pulling up to the u capitol. Pitol. We just saw got a glimpse off laura bush shes right there ont the right. The you can see her now. An see h. You can see her right now. Anh in the back of that vehicle. On the right side of the screene obviously some of the crowds ofo people who are still on their ot way down just starting to fill in some of that space on the t National Mall right now. Ow were expecting to see more ando more dignitaries start to arriva at the capitol. At theit well check in with tomin witTom Fitzgerald in little bit hesei right there in the middle of all the action fore us. Well stay on this shot right sg there. There you can see laura bush ini th we should say we do havee h several former president s p obviously who are going to be here today. Tod laura bush of course here with w her husband george w. Bush who o is here. Is here. His father unfortunately georgeg hw bush you know whatsw whats happening there with his healtht struggles right now in houston and exactly barbara bush is alss still in the hospital although o we did talk to somebody earlierr this morning very close with the bush family and they did say that theyre doing better thiset morning. Sd news on thiss on thi inauguration day. I see the hanind on the doord right there perhaps about tobout open the door. Here we are. Re former First Lady Laura Bush exiting the vehicle. Le the former president on the other side of the vehicle. Mer vl former george w. Bush wavingi to the crowds there. S the my goodness the passing of time, right . Just seemed to remember when that hair was dark brown. That was the the first t t inauguration that i covered herd in washington, d. C. Was washi ngpresident bushs inaugurationo always been very friendly with the people as you can see righte there going straight up the Capitol Police and making sureng to say hello. Right. Right and he must be here with the heavy heart knowing he has too leave his parents in thetsn hospital in houston but we ofof course wish them well. Theyre doing a little better. Tt that is what we are hearing. His father the formere foer president george were hw bush bh sending a note to donald trumpru he wished he could be here and certainly wished him well as he assumes the presidency of thewi unitedshed sthtae tes. Pr stas. Lets check in with bobts h right now whos down a lecittlet bit closer to the action andio a where we are right now. N who did you find, bob . Reporter hey, guys. Were with a high schooll Political Science class from clf West Chester County the solomon schecter high school in westool chester county. Ty. How are you. Ou. Great. Good. Ood. Of all these dozen or so we e have three people who are Trump Supporters. Suppor tell me whats it like beingik here today. Its very exciting actually. Were really ready to makeak history. Make America Great again. I mean its a great honor tor be here im thankful for thelor amazing. Very cool. Some of you here didntt necessarily support trump, and d is that it. I were just excited to bere here. Its a great experience. Jus ber reporter right. Its a traditionience. R a tn eric is the teacher here. Eric, you guys asked earlier about the level of the crowds. D eric was saying that he was herh eight years ago today for the first obama inaugural and tell me the difference in terms oma r what youve experienced and whaa youre seeing. Its really different. If eight years ago we were here inn the National Mall but all the way back at the monument the at Washington Monument because there was just to room to moveov forward youve got this great gt expanse open cab toll all theabe way down there lots of emptymp space very different feel todayl reporter how important youve done this obviously inon the past to bring youe r class. A i mean this is fantastic bringng your class to washington tongn where its happened getting outt of the classroom. Its search part of thes seap learning experience i wanted e them to live theirxp learning ad experience it and they could just see history unfolding udi before themselves. T i try to do this trip every four years. Ar very cool eric this guy evene got a feels th all kinds of love here. Her guys, thanks very much. Than ver thanks so much. Nks have a great. Sole he solomon schecter schoolh of West Chester County. Waying to guys. Uys. You got people who supported sut bernie. Rn many did hillary an few who supported donald trump and t theyre going to get up a lot at closer than the class did eight years ago. Interesting, guys, again, i, i hadnt been this far back in the past. Pa and what theyre saying is,ing , yeah, in the past this was all full and they were on the on thn side of the Washington Monument which is still a few blocks froo here and while we have a minuten how are you, sir. How are you. I dont mean to be rude i wae walking right passed to talk tol this gentleman. Tlem. I walk right by you. Ou mike from the National Parklar service. Mike, how are things going thisi morning so far . So far few early glitches gls with some of the access pointsos and road closures but things are not unexpected on a day likeay k this everything is open now. N n crowds are coming in and thend e mall starting to fill up. Fillp. We had heard earlier maybeerm there was some more of a crack a down on some of the entry pointt ca that had happened several blocko back with people trying to, youu know, protesters trying to get in the way. Way. Have there been any like late restrictions or anything upon people trying to get in here ate least to the mall area . Are no changes im aware of aswae far as access points. S point there have been some demonstrations and some disturbances that were dealingg with outside, um, suggested sugt folks havent done so, sign upnp for our alerts 888777 tech us the word inaug youll get thosee alerts as they come out. Great. Mike, thanks very much sure bobb reporter mike from thehe National Park service. Al park se theres a lot of people comingll in here. E theres an entry point here toe the mall here the at 12th andnd constitution. Cons but as you see, guys, a lot of people are heading up closer toe the capitol where the trump thet family is arriving now. Guys. Ys were starting to see that more and more members of the st ertrump family arriving right nw everybody saying good morning as they walk through. Thr as we continue to watch theat developments right now, at the,t white house and at the capitol, dan is with us this morning witw the sent of the study of thedy o presidency and congress. We saw quickly if you wereu were watching earlier while bob wasai talking you saw marine one thehe helicopter prominently displayes there we dont typically see ite on the streets. Trts awesome site. Sit very rare to see. V the helicopter is there. There helicopter will take president e obama to andrews. President obama will then and wa his family will then leave andrews on what was to him previously known as air force f one which will now be known as as special air mission 29,000 oo 28,000 depending on the tailhe i number of the plane. Lane that just rolls off thes of tongue. To not quiet as catchy as air ar force one. Ne look for a movie called that. Heres whats interesting tht president flies on marine one to andrews gets on what wehat typically know as air force onee to go to palm springs, california. It would be as of right now marine one when it gets in it ii will not be. Ot be. He take the helicopter to t andrews takes the 747 out to palm springs. In has vacation and then whatand ew happens . How does he get back. C hell have to charter all h private jet or look to, youo, know, hell make arrangementsge with his security detail helll continue to have to find some fd kind of a private jet charter or some arrangement to get back to washington as any other normalor person, well any other normalera person who charters jets. Js. Right. Does. Any chance he goes on kayakne and looks for the rate goe betwn palm springs and d. C. Palm s there it is right there. It. I think youd have to a longn connection somewhere. Somewhere theres no direct on that. Ect oa and before we let you go, i was just curious about thebout t president with the lame duck l status it seemed like we stilles heard a lot of news coming out of the white house from the election to this day. Well its true. E. In this days and age and really dont quit being president in pi november. Theres a still a lot of national securitey issues s. Urs cementing your domestic legacy that are required to be handled by the outgo even to wind down operations, still thet 24 7 job of being president de hasnt quit until 12 00 oclock daday. We really appreciate yourecie hanging with us today. T happy to. Py t. Youre commentary has justmes really been so insightful. Htl as we continue to look at the vehicles coming through heregh r waiting to see who is getting g out of this one. Ne as well we saw donald trump,ru jr. , walk through with his family. Fa. Waiting to see who will emerge now. W. I hate to break away fromway is r right now. Well have to take a short breat we see more officials, family members who are arriving right now. Dan, thanks for joining us foros this hour of coverage. Coverag we appreciate it. Before we leave you for thise lo hour if youre heading down John Marshall parade route entrancenc shut down right now because of protesters. That from the park service. Ce well get that all caught up for you at the top of the the hour. U take short break right now. Ight we do appreciate you staying with us on this inaugurationinai day. W the 10a coming up right after ar this. Z27mlz z16fz y27mly y16fy at ikea, we believe that everything, from your lamp to your couch, should work as hard as you do. That green living is something everyone can afford. That you can sacrifice everything but a good night sleep. And we believe your furniture should last happily ever after. So this journey began 18 1 months ago. I had something to do with it, but you had much more to do witw it than i did. Did. Im the messenger. One last victory lap. Lap president elect donald trumpec taking it all in. In. A day packed with preinaugurala events and celebrations but onut th made their voices heard. Hundreds of demonstrators chanted and stas ofrted fires ie streets and thousands more willm be out in force today as we we begin a new chapter in americann history. We are going to make americai great again, greater than ever before and in just hours, a day fulf of tradition. Tion the president andnd president elect will meet at the white house before making thebem trip to the capitol togetheroghe where donald trump will be sworn in as the 45th president of the United States. Youre watching live coverage on good day d. C. The inauguration of donald trump. Our live coverage starts now. And a live look now at the white house at 10 00 oclock onn friday morning, it is the president donald j. Trump. T we are just about one hour and 45 minutes from the swearing in now. Hell be sworn in as the nations 45th president. De. Good day d. C. It is 10 01 on this friday morning. Ing. January 20th. Im allison seymour. Mour im instead of chenevey mucho its an honor to be with you ony suouch a momentous day. D the rest of the good day teamaya has a front row seat to historyo this morning. Morni maureen down near the capitol, wisdom at the white house. Se holly morris along the parade pr route at freedom plaza. Well check in with all of theme in just a minute. Right now, though,ugh, president elect donald trump and his wife in the white house. Hou they are holding a traditionaldn private meeting with the current first family over a little littl coffee, a little tea, a lot of discussion. They arrived there just minutest ago after an hour long roughly y hour along little less prayerrar service at st. Johns church a c block or two from the white whi house. Here you could see that firstrst agreeing of the current first fr couple and the future couple. It is the start of very buss day for the next chiefexie executive. Right now we want to check witht matt act land hes down along ag freedom please sam this is antha area a part of town youre soe s used to covering here. Here. Covering the nations capitol co dogs of city business. Es today, its city business on a a national level. Reporter . R waiting to hear from matt act land. He is down there but, you know, so are a whole lot of people as they have a front row seat too history being made today. And it was you know regardless of how you voted, regardless of whatever that moment where the future first couple and theoue n current first couple when theyee exchanged greetings a sogs a so powerful moment. Om no doubt about it a lot of af moments today. Od one moment just recently just now. No some folks that are frostingrost trying to block access to all of the events today. Lets get with matt ackland dowa on freedom plaza. La reporter hey, steve,ve, allison g morning. Ning. Yes, breaking news right now. Nw lets take you down here. This is the 14th streett entrance here behind me, and you can see it is just opening up ip guess at this point hold on, sir. People have been blocked here. E there are protesters so its been closed down for id say a good 15 minutes or so. Were hearing Different Things from Different Police officers. F Miami Beach Police officers are actually here helping with someg of the coverage and they said ad couple of arrests were made, but we dont have that confirm. So this is the 14th street entrance, and it has been closed down. Wn were told by a park policek poi officer protesters got there, and basically blocked the front. So in order to get through here, youve got to undergo somee screening. In fact, i know youve beenyo bn hearing from some of the other f reporters today that the screening process really reallya is tough. Theyre looking through bags ifi youre in the media theyre noty letting you bring in anything. Nn even fruit. We had an apple in our bag andaa they said you couldnt bring ini fruit. Theyre being very very careful. So what has been happening justs probably in the last 15 minutess theyve been standing righting t there. The protesters theyve been shouting. Theyve been blocking the entrance. Ance. But win id say last minute mint were noticing some people comec herough here. A lot of security. Ury. Jason lets spin around here, and show you, um, all of thef t security in place. Were seeing officers from not only colorado as i said miami, theres some officers fromerrom Fairfax County that are in place. This is freedom plaza. Dom pl youre familiar with this. Ith ti the wilson building. Uilding. This is the area where protesters are expected to be gathering probably in the nexthx id say 30 minutes or so. R s we thought there would be more r people here by now. Ow. This the place i was fou ago and once the president andda the president elect leave the t white house, they will travelve down pennsylvania avenue. Ve so you will get a glimpse ofse o them as they head towards the uu is. Capitol here. Here. So this would be a place iff protesters are going to gather right here, this is the placela that the president elect might t actually see them. So this is an open area. Are this is where we expect peopleeo to gather and i want to you take a look at all of these officersr that are lined up here. He these are some of our friends o from Fairfax County, right, guys . Yeah, Fairfax County, ana then where yall from . From where . Florida. Flori. Orlando or Highway Patrol . Patro Highway Patrol. Patro my home state, florida. Lorida a lot of florida officers are here, and take look at that. Jason will you showdown swdow pennsylvania avenue to your right . Gh look at all the officers thaa have been gathered here alongng pennsylvania avenue. This is wherean the protester expected. Pe. It look like theyfor them any t. So thats the very latest as i look back at the 14th street ste exit, steve and allison, iton, appears that things are gradually moving but not at a a fast pace f youre stuck in tha line it looks like its going tg take you some time to get to g through. Back to you guys. Guys you know weve heard, matt,t thank you very much. You ve much. Matt ackland at one of theone of checkpoints down around freedomd plaza and bob barnard also outlo there as well. Thas well. We are hearing from park service that there are several entrancec right now where there are issues involving protesters. Er if not shutting down at leastea slowing the flow of peoplepl trying to get through security r at this point. Pont right. Et youon top of it well l know more as we fine out. O not long now until that ceremony begins at roughly 11 15. 1 so the hope is that people whoho especially have traveled fromlef you know wherever destination tn get here actually will be ine in place to see the ceremony unfoll at least on the jumbo trons doww ther good seat, though, to whatss going on today is wisdom martini much hes at Lafayette Park. Wis, not long ago, we saw thehe motorcade come through, and the current first family greet the e incoming first family. Fam good morning. Reporter good morning to mog you allison. You lison. Youre exactly right. The current president and his h family his wife met with the incoming president and his wifee right here at the white house hu behind the reviewing stand theta white house is clearly over there. You know, this is whats beingti called a peaceful transfer ofr o power because this is the wayus its been done in thise th counu the trumps and the obamass meeting and greeting one another right out in front of the whitei house just a short time ago. Go they he can changed some words. S some pleasantries. Blue box was given to was exchanged they took pictures ane went inside. S we ins according to the schedule, theee meeting between the obamas andsd the trumps is going to takee place its happening rightpei now, and at 10 35, aroun sometime around there they willl leave. They will all get in the car an go down to the us capitol andita thats where the inaugurationnat will take place. Place the ceremony will take place. Inauguration 2017 and the swearing in of the 4ti5tonh president of the United States. Again, this is signifies the t peaceful transfer of power. Pow noon is the official time forfo the move out process but, againn thats when the ceremony isony going to be taking place. Pla now, behind me you can see thatt there are people in the stands here. Theyve been here for some time, and in the rain and a little bit of cold. Of cd. Not as cold as some of the previous inaugurations but youus can also see that the motorcader is here. H you can see the black suvs anda you can see the black limos as well. Ll. So whenever they are done insidd with the meet and greet withet the between the trumps and ad the obamas, the motorcade willdw go around pick them up and theye will head off to the u is. I capitol theyll continuetinue inauguration 2017 and swearingsw in of the 45th president of the United States. Steve and allison . On . Wisdom, thanks very m continuing to watch more and toe more dignitaries arrive. I see Newt Gingrich john j boehner and Newt Gingrich gingrh together as they are at the they capitol right now. Atol right nw getting ready to walk out andutd take their place now and it is i almost crunch time, al. ,l. Just about an hour away now frof the beginning of the festivities of course we know the oath off office must be given before befe noon. We dont know the exact time. Tht we have an idea when we think tk its going to be. But as we know that can change g within a range of minutes. Always one of my favorite my parts of watching this unfold is usually were out somewhere watching the small monitorsitor talking about the dignitariesnis and who are coming in. G in. Here we have a front row seat tt see as we watching john boehnere walk down the steps there. Tre its exciting to see people comm together, i know this year and this inauguration were dealingo with somen decent, not all a Congress People will be inwill n attendance today for political c reasons. But for those who are there,re, its always exciting to see s people come together, and in ann this case, names from the past. Especially speaking of tht past its fun thinking as watching peopleg p walking through the halls of the capitol right now thinking backg to eight years ago when you and i were on the roof of the wseueum. Right. For president obamas firstmr inauguration and we watched this exact shot right here that wasaw the first time we saw michellehe obama in her gown and thatss what we were talking about atkia the time. Th hard to believe e to be and the girls. Lie and eight years have gone byy since that point. Poi we were out there on the roof oo the newseum watching this all unfold. Unfold. Now eight year later, were doing it again much tyehisar ti are anchoring the coverage fromm inside the confines of fox5. Ox but our reporters our crews ouro correspondents our good day dc co hosts out and you go about. Theres Newt Gingrich and hisis wife walking through right nowgg about to assume their spotir spt outside of the capitol. Newt gingrich ardentt supporter of the incoming president. Of lets get now to our annie yu. Annie is at 12th and madison mis much she is with the masses onso the mall. Theall. Good morning. Od morng reporter hey, good morningdi everybody. Good morning to you, steve andye allison. N. Yeah, weve been out here all al morning belong meeting a bunchna of people from across meek. Pe gathered here on the nationaliol mall to wit have the farnum family here froo Houston Texas with all of theirr beautiful children all five ofif them. Good morning to you, mom and dad. What a time to be in the t be nations capitol . Apitol yes. Its been really great. Ally gre. Reporter so did you guys yoy come here just for this . Yes. Also because we home school andd so its an occasional field trit also. Reporter what better way wte to learn than see it firstfi hasnt, right . And so did the children learn aboutut president elect donald trumpelea before coming here . Did youou give them lesson and what theyte need to know . Yes. We talk about donald trump. Out d we tal tk about the senate, thee congress, why its important to vote, and passing bills and alll of of that stuff. Ff reporter i have to show this little guys shirt. Shi it says future member of o congress. That is so darling and cute. Cu. Okay. Ok so who wants to answer ar a question about president elect donald trump . Any volunteers . Do you know the name of allfa of his five children . N . No. N i know two. Yeah. I dont know the rest. Oh, thats not very kind. All right. Reporter thank you so much, guys. Orter stay safe. All right allight. I also have these two guys herer who drove all the way from if f any quitsville, north carolina. N thats quite drive. Thats quitee what brings you here to the. Nationsng cs apitolyo . The inauguration. Reporter yes. R but why is it so importap for you to be here . Here . Were both military retired. And we know that the military is in great need and we know that h trump will give us what we neede to make this country safe ande great again. Eat aga reporter and so as a a former military, what do you see happening in the next four yeara for yourself or the country . Well, i think it can get back an element of hope, if you willw that the country is going in tht direction to make it, you know, as trump says to make it great again. I think its a little cliche to say that, but the directionireci weve been going in the lastas eight years has just has just, um, wha and depressing. Ssin and i think that we can become c more than we are now. Now i think economically we can be b sound from an educational standa point i think we can bring backc education to the family and thet parents and the states andtes a thats some of the things imhes g foing for. Economically i think were goini to do wonderful. Reporter all right. Thank you, gentotlem deporen. Te thank you. Tawarm andr stay warm and stay dry. Stay d all right. All ght so, guys, as you can see, we s, have people from all acrosscros america here. He. Weve met some people who are wa not in support of donald trump. P weve also obviously met some mm people who are in support butrt regardless, they are all here to celebrate this great americanate tradition. Back to you in the studio. Yo annie, thanks veru y. Watching members of our our military, members of congressmef getting ready to take theirake e place outside the capitol for todays inauguration. Ys a 19 out with the people. One person who canut wit connect anybody when it comes to thees people its our good friend r kevin mccarthy. Ccarthy. You got it. Kevin, good morning. Orning. Where are you . Steve and allison, first ofrt all ive been in on dc all morning capitol hill this p minutes ago. A there are lot of people here he still. A lot of Trump Supportersuppr this table right here was fillef with just a bunch of Trump Supporters earlier. Er. Incredible to be here like ae a sporting event. Ys where you from . . [ inaudible ] we were afraid of that. Red kev, what the enthusiasm just jt knock that shot right out of ouo there. We hope to get back in touchnou with kevin mccarthy. Ary hes at the tune in on capitol hill. Interesting face in the crowdfar when we let you go looking at a Newt Gingrich also carla haydene the librarian of congress theree so many dignitaries. Well be right back with more coverage right after this. Rig fios is not cable. Were wired differently. So were offering incredibly st 150 meg internet, hurry, freddy, youre gonna miss it coming. I cant believe he is doing this. Its so fast that in the 3. 7 seconds it takes gary watson record, held by gary watson. Fly, gary, fly. His friend can download 13 different versions of the perfect song. His sister can live ream it. While his mom downloads how to se a dislocated shoulder, all at the same time. Gary. 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Adr lets check in with ronica rona cleary because we know that wkna there have been some situationsn involving guests getting accesss to the events right now. Ronica, there will been b blockades that had been place. Are guests able to get inside. Right now those folks who wantho to be a part of this w today . Od . Reporter absolutely. Bs so we were just a few blocks blk down. Wn there were some major protestsst really blocking the area entranceway. Y. But were here at 12th and end we found a huge line of people o waiting to get into these into h inauguration festivities. Ration. We got some people in line who are, you know, want to talk witw us and tell us a little bittl b about what brought them out herh but the line is moving prettyrey quickly so let me come up toco these guys again. E again hey, guys. Y, what are your names. Grief. Grief. Patrick. Grief and patrick. Where you guys gri from. Montgomerco gaithersburg. What brought you out today. Y just celebrating its inauguration day. Iniss th miss it for anything. Reporter have you beenr youn waiting for long. Not long at all. N its been great. N gre this is awesome. Reporter awesome, guys. Uy thank you very much. Thank u ve so, you know, there you have ita some Trump Supporters in line. L and its moving pretty quickly. K so were zenning it back to you. Ronica, thank you very much. We are seeing former president bill clinton and secretary of state hillaryte hla clinton just walk in. St wk i you can see the back of of president clintons head l a better Vantage Point. Geoi hopefully well see as they come around. Arou steve, i was just looking up tht age of former senator bob dole. D 93 years old. Ears o i know. 93 years old from kansas. Kaa so much history right there. E well learn more about thatabt a coming up little bit as well asa we continue to watch folksch fol arriving. We can keep this shot and seehoe more and more familiar facesr f walking into the capitol. Ing inc lets see one ofap our familiarr faces. Tom fitzgerald rightfa now who w right on the on the side ofhe of where these folks are. A they will soon be walking out, tom, to the out of doors where you are. Oors who are you seeing walking in so far to the area where are . Reporter that wasr t w remarkable scene you just had there with bill and hillaryilry clinton walking and bob dole d dont forget bob dole even at 93 played a very vital role in thii republican party. P he was very early on to throwhrw his support behind donald trump once he became the presumptivete nominee. A lot of peoples views bob dold played a very big part in a lott of the establishment republicann party coming along to acceptingi donald trump once he had clearee the mantle the number of nf delegates he needed to clincho n that election. At so when bob dole comes here today, bob dole is not just notj coming here as some bystander. He actually played a very vitaly role in getting donald trump to this position today. Ay. Where hes going to take this tt oath of office. That on the other side of your u screen that is where we arere w right now were on the westre e front of the United States sta capitol. Pito you saw those scenes just at a moment ago. Ago protesters in the streets tryint to keep people out of here. Up here on the west front. Est fg to. Well show them to you. Showhem. That section of seating rightone behind me, that is where many members of congress sit. It now, we had heard about thisbohi protest that was going on. Where people were not going to attend this inauguration. Ation. Take look at that for yourselfrs behind us. People are sitting there. Re. Were not seeing any empty seats. So if there was this concernon whether or not we were going ton see, you know,ot w folding chais behind donald j. Trump withoutit anybody in them that wholehat we section you can see there somets of the senate has not arrivedotd and you can see members of themt filing in as well right now. N but that is not the case. C all right. Now, thats the podium. M come back out here, let me shows you this crowd. Crowd. Because for all of the ranker rn and some of these protesters yos see out here i got to tell you y was down here on the west fronto down by the fountain in the the seated area. This is a happy group of peopleo out here today. Od we had seen other cases you know, there were argumentsrm going on between people in past times, you know, there washere w ranker going on but, you know, every time we went down there to talk to these people theyree r hugging each other, theyrech oe taking selfies. Y they are glad totaking be here , and really now the mood has kinn of even been more the last 25, t their minutes or so becauseau frankly the weather has taken a dramatic improvement out hereuth right now. Gh now you know, we had pretty good goo clip of go on here an hour and half ago people were starting t cover themselves up the sun is s starting to come up a lot more. M the weather is clearing. In its a very pleasant amenable al day out here today. T if it continues like thistinuess through the recommend of this os inaugural ceremony, this iscereh going to go right up there witht some of the best weather weve w ever seen at one of thesef inaugural ceremony. Inaugural cer well zen it back in to yemou. Only have to go back eightac years to realize how freezing f cold it was out there, tom. Re,. Thank you very much, tomk fitzgerald. Yo of the folks folks as the mallml starts to fill up a little bitfl more now. U were just a little less than an hour away from the official ceremonies taking place. La as were taking a look right now of some of Donald Trumps top advisers, one of our longtimeoi advisers as well joins us our uu good friend of the show bob sw b cusack editor and chief of theef hill. Bob, good to see was do you makm so far as to what eve scene sove far . Weve done this many, man, times here in washington,sh d. C. Not many, were not that old. Old. Right. Number of times here in washington. What are you taking away so far fulber is peace transou tition oakfit power compared to others . Well, this one you hear the h word over and over from bothm bt republicans and democrats iss surreal. Su we did not all the pundants basically thought Hillary Clinton would be the one o inaugurated into office today. I you saw kellyannet conway theree its her 50th birthday today. Y d quite a birthday for kellyannely conway. I just think this is such a stunning turn of events, and a donald trump is going to change this town. Own. Will it be successful, i dontfu know. There are a lot of democrats and some establishment republicansls who are kind of bracing and fearing for the Trump Presidency because as we have seen this hih twitter account he can go afterr anybody, major corporations,orpn democrats, republicans and hensd has shown in his press pre conference and with republicansa on capitol hill hes the boss. Hes leading this. T as editor of chief of the the hill and someone who is, you y know, with the media, with the press, what do you feel aboutbo these years were going into tht trump years here . . I mean i think that trump isi going to continue to go aftero r the media. He thrives on it. Weve interviewed him four times, and certainly he has a ha certain style. S if he likes your questions hel let you finish the question. Que if he doesnt like yourte you question, hell cut you off. But he views the media as thehe enemy, and he likes, n washington, if youre dividingin and conquering your enemy yourr winning and i think hes doneinn that with the media. But it all comes down getting stuff done. Stu can he repeal and replace obama care . Thats not going to beoi easy. Tax reform hasnt been done since 1986. 986. Theres tough things he wants tw do. Build a wall. I dont think its a surprisr from somebody had made his lifel in the board room where deals are behind closed doors. Government theyre mater out ine the open in traditional timesyt with the media. Bob, you mentioned youon you interviewed him four timesd himm recently. Rece i think we talked to you prettye much time that youve gottenv g back from new york or youveyoue talked to him. As that progressed throughoutouh the campaign, though, each each interview that you had with himm did you sense any type of changa along the way . Yeah. The first one was in july of 2015. And i dont think he even even thought he could win. Win the presidency much less the nomination. Bob, i think we had this chat back then and i know i posed the question do you, did he want to win or did hwae just want to knk that he can win . I think that he thought heht could compete. Compete he obviously has h and the polls eveninnumbers butq great numbers and then i thinkik he look at his arrivals and is a think he thought, im better bee than them. Than the if you run for president , younto have a healthy ego and i think t he look at them, these guysuy arent that smart and so i doo think that hes like listen imn going to win and history thatst what he thinks about. Bo thats why i think his speechh today who knows how divisive his presidency will be much hiscyl s speech today will not beay wiln divisive in my opinion. Pini bob while you were talking w saw former vicepresident dicked cheney and his wife enter thente area there. Here but when we talk about peoplebot who are coming in and talkingal about divisiveness, we do know w and we are bracing for some se empty seats there today. Tod yes. Es. At least that hero whetherher tickets have been given away orr what have you someone we sawe virginia bobby scott there. How big of a statement is heh sending by breaking ranks withkt some of these congressmen ofsmen color quite frankly who are note going today . Going tod i think it was a tough callw for a lot of these houseouse democrats. Ats. Not one today. And so i think it came down to t what their districts want and what theyre hearing and i thini everyone was making their owniro decision, most democrats will bw there. Th roughly 60 House Democrats boycotting. Boyc weve never seen that before. Right. Maybe some times people wont show up or theyve got somethint else to do. Else but these guys are putting outrt press releases on this. So i think tough choice and and might have been tough choice for bobby scott g governor Nikki Nik Haley walking in right there. He. If those who are not attending today those who opted to skipedk out as far as the democraticocri Congress Members held against a them for lengthy period of timef or back to work all is forgottet and forgiven . N i dont think trump will bele forgetting that. Ng theyll keep that list. Eyll weve been keeping it on ouree n website. E hell keep that list. Keep tt li we looked at all these democrats decr but doesnt he have the, the onus on him to rise above and to deserve the people there . Imh sure not everyone in georgia iss behind john lewis stand. Nd thats exactly right. Ig and theres one democrat hampshire carol shaye border she actually trump actually won herh district and shes boycotting. Tt so i do think he has to reachoea out but politicians they all t have enemies lists and they just do it veryhe lis quietly and mae arrively. Arri i just got chills, bob. Gochil thanks for that. Ha im not in politic. Polit how about before we let youuf go, i do want to ask you about o the role of the media, though,hh because youre editor of chief c of publication that literally ii called the hill is on the hill. Youre dealing with political pt dealings every single day. Change course, adjust, keepee going the way you have have been going . What happens now justowt based on this change of the addd vision . I mean were not a non part p son media outlet. T what he want to be is fair. S so if donald trump does well,s w were going to report that hess doing well. G ll. People talk it if he does poorly, however, i dont thinkok its healthy for the media to be adversarial. Ia i think you want to ask toughyoh questions but you dont want tou be negative all thet yo time ana thats what weve done and thats what we want to continuei to do in the its a tightrope. Tightrope it is. Were all walking now. Because you have a base and now hopefully we are all one but yob have a base of vy vocal Trump Supporters who have a vehicle to sort of drag you down as far asa social media goes. S. Mhmm. But, you know, the onus is is use that word again, because isi believe it is truly on us to call it still. Sll yes. Were the referees if werewee getting yell at by both sides s equally i think were doing ak n good job. Bob so cusack editorinchiei r the hihill. Always great to talk to you. Ou thank you we want to check ik with Melanie Alnwick we want tot get along the parade. Pare theres marine one. O i know youd love to be able abl have nice sweet ride to geto get around from the crowds butwd b youre immersed in the middle o it. Reporter im in great spot here right at the national n archives at seventh streeatt and take a look at my Vantage Point. Im not complaining at all. T a you can see here weve seen a number of official vehicles goig by including one that appear ita could have bee definitely was part of theart t official motorcade we just dont know who perhaps might be waw in that but definitely look like cadillac one that knew vehicle with military grade armor thatot trump will be riding in in the motorcade. But you can see more vehiclesehe coming down here getting readyna to prepare for the official oic events of the day. Theay not too many people here alonglo the parade route lines just yety except for the early ones whosho want to get in there we see thet signs most of the signs weve seen are signs of folks that appear to be anti trump. Tru we have not seen any vocal Trump Supporters here yet. But we definitely have seen aava lot of them Walking Around mostm of them over on the national n mall right now. R n were seeing u. S. Air force here standing guard. Rd were seeing state police from f many different agencies acrosscr the country here as we know dcw police out in full force as well along with so many othery o security assets. 13,000 military personnel here. 5,000 troops and ceremonialia roll 8,000 national guardl grd officers providing securityit assistance. Stan now they call this i dont know if you guys talk about thisut ti before, you may have, amongng security circles really just jus call it the 2mile nightmare. Because its just a short shortt distant but this is so dull asol far as the security goes. We know that vehicle is gettingi ready to leave the white house. U it will make that trip down here down pennsylvania avenue to thet capitol where those officialffia ceremonies are going to begin. Eg quick note, folks. Ks people are still being able tobl get into here. Er were seeing Trump Supportersupr here now directly across the the street. Here we go. Lets take look. As youre doing that im trying to get a picture myself. Re this is the kind of stuff youff want to preserve, right . . Were seeing that motorcade godo by here on seventh street. Tr looks like it is almost reachedh its going get pretty exciting g here, folks. Herelks. But again, we think where fromrm where we are things are prettytt calm so far and melanie thank you very much much it is history no matter tha which way you look debbiebie wasserman schultz. Tz many dignitaries on the hill. Heh Melanie Alnwick bringing thatg t report on seventh. Enth. Thanks mel. We keep an eye on whatsohat happening there. Now, outside the white house h what youre looking at rightingg here the vehicles are in place p right now. The president elect donald trump meeting with president obamantba right now inside of the white ti house. This will be their last joint meeting together. R. Theyre last chance to chat oveo coffee and tea. Ee tea well keep an eye on that rightt now as we see some peopleeopl walking out. Lkinut we do know the vehicles areeh there and we will follow thatlo situation whenever we do see the president elect leaving to get in the vehicle to head down to the capitol. Ap pardon us looking down the dt monitors are right here and jusd like melanie said we dont wantn to miss anything either. It so weve got a look away foror moment. Maureen umeh joining us now. Mo, you have been meeting withit some very important people. T i see your pictures. Reporter i have. Ran into Jenna Bush Hager little while ago. Go shes gracious nudge to take aio picture with me im completelyue being a fantel today. But equal quailly as impressivev who i have with me lauren writei her name shes written book called owe on bow half of thewe president. Ent. President ial spouses and White House Community strategy today. D we talked a lot aboutbout president elect donald trump. T. What tone, what tenor hell takk during his presidency. Pre we didnt talk a lot about Melania Trump and sort of a s o first lady shes going to be. s a loft people looking to her for perhaps, you know, things, herng cues the way she dresses, the, way she stands, what she may or may not say trying to look foroo thing to sort of define her. H have you been able to study hery and whats your impression taket away so far . Away s i have a little bit actuallyl and i think whats important tot note about her people are fascinated with Melania Trump by nature. Re they are fascinated with firstws ladies in general but i think t because we dont know very much about her everything she does the public eye. But the studies i did actuallyll show she can be a very effective messenger for donald trump. T especially when compared topad other surrogates. Among independents out partys members and people who might want to be brought into thehe fold. Fold. Reporter the impressionte lot of people hr ave i think she beautiful model who just sort of silently stands by her husbandea but youre saying her messaging can help define him. How . Exactly. Ct hypothetically in a survey we we can tell that her words the sams words we would give to ao vicepresident or president , foo example, are more effective garnering support for trump than other people but thats that hypothetical of course. Th she does not have to play aetotp public role. This is an unofficial position. Its not in the constitution. Utn and so its her choice. Ho what she wants to do. To how much how often and with h whom. Wh reporter the role of the thf first lady has come further into focus in recent years Michelle Obama certainly bringing thatrit office more to the f you will. You do you see that happening withpw melania and future lady firstads ladies to come . C i dont. I d because i always tell people the best indication of what a spouso will do in the white house is hu what they did on the campaign ca trail so in her case, that was just a few high profile appearances. Ar a little bit of controversy witw her rnc address, and she reallya withdrew after that. But if she wants to do the Cyber Bullying initiative shes goingg to have to go public more toor share the message. Msa reporter Lauren Wright thege book again is called on behalfeh of the president , president ialdt spouses and white house communec it in strategy today. It ite pick it up its a good read. Rea thanks for joining us. Anks thank you. Reporter shell stick tepoorte heroly we get during course of this coverage. V back to you guys. Ckyou maureen, thanks very much. En we do appreciate it. Thiate i as we see more lawmakers members of congress coming in. Kevin mccarthy right in. Rth the kevin mccarthy. Yes. Isnt Mitch Mcconnell can he saw herl um yell as well. El paul ryan. Yan on the bottom of the screen r on the left you see omarosa oma walking in as well at the is the capitol. Is the capit on the right side what youretoe house the guards still standingd there. We do understand the vehicles are in place. Derstain pce which will take thehe president elect to the capitol l we expect that to happen tpen momentarily. All right. That. L wait for omarosa Bernie Sander there is s wearing his very familiariar overcoat. At. Umhmm. Hes definitely true to his d. And. There he is. There s. Coming in. Of course. E senator warner as well righth in front of him. Just like donald trump on the opposite side hes a game gam changer. R. He is there and hesd he representing today on this day that america comes together toht welcome the next president. Si when you think about it youk think about that collect ofco lawmakers and leaders right there. There. Pretty impressive. Crossing party lines, et cetera, everybody all in one place pla whether they be members ofe memf congress, advisers, et cetera, a lot of power on capitol hill hil right now. Ri check in with bob barnard. Barna bob has be to speak throughout the morningg bob, good morning. Ni reporter hey, guys. ,uys. I tell you its fun to watch tvh these moments where you see the outgoing president , the incoming president together at the white house. I will tell you if you seetoget beyohiu ndif you me people are i now so a lot more people here on the National Mall now and joining us is couple from northh carolina. Lina good morning. Morning how are you . Great. Were glad to be here. Reporter youre wearing weai pink but youre here to supportp the new president . Ne yes, i am. Im actually a navy veteran soes im here to support the incominn president because i believe hea going to be making ameusrica grg again. Reporter why not stay home and watch this on tv in northh carolina . Because its just about the spirit of being here, you it k, and ive this is my first mys inauguration i ever been to inoi my life. And we happy to see trump get it and we just want to support himm every way we can. Timeve. Tim have great thanks for stopping and talking to us. Lkinto u guys, this is like basically the 12th and madison entrancee and as you can see, people pl just lots weve seen a lot ot School Groups showing up. And indira pans down here theere mall toward the capitol youllou see bodies are definitelyefinel lling up. P. We spoke about an hour ago witho the school group out of new york, and the teacher who brought his Political Sciencealn class down here said at this time eight years ago they wereyr way i dont know the washingtono monument which is like maybe half mile toward the lincolnhein memorial from where we are standing. This has been open all morning r but as you see, people aree are filling in now as we get closere to the actual swearing in ceremony, and people are now n filling up this part of thet he mall, guys. Thanks lot, bob. Ob as we see corey booker the large box there on his face very outspoken lawmaker and we see se representative and we see him come into the chamber there. Tre clarence thomas. Ce tho we saw all of them. Saw them walking through ahe few minutes ago. Clarence e thomas willwa administer the oath of officeheo today. To that is correct. Orre elizabeth war len there. The. We were talking about there timing and whether or not things run exactly tonther time or noo expect that the president ialrest oath is administered at 11 46. just a little over an hour awayy frha that now. That could change. Ha it doesnt have to bet have tob specifically at that particular moment. But we do expect it will be iwil somewhere in the ballpark of 11 45. 45 pardon me i misspoke. I misok senator corey booker of courseoe from new jersey. So theyre seeing again the bunting as we were talking about earlier today. Such an impressive view on vo the right of our us capitol. It is does we see at thewe S White House now well switch stc gears and come back to 1600ack 1 pennsylvania avenue. Ania avenu you can see some of the memberse of the administration some ofomf the advisers coming out of the white house right now. T so we do assume thehe momentarily to get into thato t limousine travel down pennsylvania of a 16 blocks tols the u. S. Capitol. Ol members of the joint inaugural committee we saw new Yorks Chuck Schumer get into gt the car already. Waiting now. Not long now. Now we expect the ceremony to get under way quite shortly at capitol theyll take that trip t there and of course we wille w bring you every moment as ofo it as we wait for moree dignitaries to leave the white house. E. Time right now 10 40. Youre watching our continuousns coverage of inauguration day. The inauguration of the 45thn of president of the United States donald trump. Weve seen both donald trump and his wife melania, their children including their young son barror here all here in washington tott celebrate this day. Speaking of celebrating there are some folks who celebrate on a more modest level and thereeld are some folks who literally ler break out the bubbly and go alla out and celebrate on large level that you one of those good friends timent young who joins u as well as, good to see botheeb every you this morning. Morning. Good to see you. To see you hanging back in the wardrobeb this morning. Im a completely non biased journalist. Jo i wanted to bring my trump winee out. T. Im ready to be. Im excite. Have you tasted that. Av its blank to blanke whitest of the whites. Hi i dont know you take that however you want to. Nt to saving it for this specialeca occasion absolutely absolutely. T you through a little lite something together to dress upto for tv. I had these sitting in the ie closet i figured white not . Inauguration. Is that official make america grt agagain. This is the chinese one that i got it was 8 from a street ar vendor. Much cheaper than theve official one isnt if youre lucky itif u will last throughout the oath ot office. Its starting to crumble nowm thanks for joining us thisngt morning. Mo amber good to see you againoo as well. W when it came to the debates andd everything else. What are you taking away from this so far now that the day is finally her you tr noe . W er its interesting i was out in the field this morning with leadership and campus we were covering the protests pe going on. Going its actually pretty aggressivev they were protesters actuallys t bringing out polls and blockingn the entrances to theo inauguration some of them wereor broken up by police officersers with pepper spray. Rpr so its interesting to see justs how many protests are going on o lot of College Students outge st there for sure. Campuses across country arentrya staging walk outs against donaln trump. I think the interesting thingth about today is watching howing people are reactioning to the to inauguration. How does that make you feelae seeing that . Are you accepting of the facc that its america and your voice can be heard as long as its didnt hurt me physically or arr you upset to see that andha saddened to see that this dayt s isnt i certainly respect everyones right to peacefulcefu protest i think whats disshats apartment pointing today is not about, you know, whether or not you support donald trump. Suppt o today is about celebrating aratg peaceful transition of power ana what people dont realize thisli is an search part of democracy. Y and so by protesting theing inauguration youre not juste n protesting drum donald trump you are pro he testing a peacefulceu transition of power. Er talk a mi talked about some of the College Students out there younger you people out there. T this is the era now of we talk l about the millennials we talk wt about the social media usage ana everything else. Els what type of sense did you getey from people just behind thisin t election in general whether thee supported trauma are or whetherr they didnt support trauma . Tram a lot of College Students are against donald trump which isnn a surprise to anyone they call him a bigot and what other termr they use but they dont have a lotting specifics about exactlyy they dont like about donald abn trump. They say that its because hese republican. Its becblause hes sexist oriso racist. But they dont have any specifie details. Tail. And we found at campus reformser that a lot of this comes from fo students professors, you know,oo holding anti trump teach insns even anti trump classes and thee feed this sort of propaganda tot the kids that republicans andub trump are evil and so students e are completely unable to back uk their positions on why theyhy t dislike trump. Just to play definitelys add vo indicate here we have seenave surrounded himself with. Specifically, the leader brighti bart publication and movement mm and what have you. That have spewed some rhetoric that can be taken as white w national lifts and we have seene the backing of organizations Oro David Duke with ties to theti t clan. You can see where it would len itself exception at least that he has hassled these factioni into his ranks. What do you think about that . U well, i think the first thing to note is that Hillary Clintonn has also been endorsed by clan members but regardless thees students arent saying that thee dislike him because of, you know, steve bannon or anyone aon hes appointing to his cabinetab simply about donald trump beingp racist or a bigot. Ig there arent any specific policl thing they disagree with, and even when you ask them aitboh,uh cabinet appointees they donthet know why they dislike them. Its to protest someone but at leasta know what youre talking about. O know why you dislike person. Know what exactly it is that you standactl for. Rather than just reiterating thg talking points of your oyour professors and universities. S. We saw theres former president S Jimmy Carter right there and rosslyn carter. Frterlycarte we saw other members of trumps team probes walk in. Sean spicer walk n tim young n u next to us right now. Tim, you have been i mean lookel were talking about your outfitt right now. Youve been following this from the start. Foll slutly. What do you take away from tm this as a america, as thee opportunities that we have as a americans to have this process o to be part of this procedure . Ru and when you watch people thatpt may have battled for the lastt few months here party wise andtw now you get a day like this andd it seems like knock on wood so o far mostly coming together atg o least the folks we see down at t the capitol. E catol about twothirds of theut twt democrats came together with thh republicans for today. Ans for ty i mean they talk about the onese that are here. The ones that are here, youe, know it really everyo come together on inauguration day. We try to statirton a new and me forward and this entire electiot from the get go was a referenduu on obamas policy. America has officially rejectedc it here. But werite all kind of workingg together to move forward, and ii think this is a good startingrtn point. A good celebration. Ebra real work had he said begins on monday. Trump apparently has somethingsg like 200 executive orders hes s going to start with. Go its going to be kind of ain wiw first week. Wee so thats when the real welleaw see how divided or together we e are in a couple of days. Hang tight. Dont pop the bubbly just yet. Ty lets head down right now keeping an eye ruth bader b ginsberg walking in. Ki i Tom Fitzgerald is right in theii middle of all the act. All th act its who a who of americann politic. Reporter like the spiritpoet of 76. 6. The red hat. At. Tom, can you hear us . U oh, my gosh. Reporter fits, good goo morning. Can you hear us . . Well try to reconnect withcw fits i think hes connecting with people downin thereg. Like hes a politician. I thought he was too, tim. T. Im a ego maniac. Mania i thought he was too. Hought. Let me ask you this. Let because not that youre outfitoo is not serious. Ious. Yes. But you do see the humor in this. Smart humor but the humor in in whats going on now. Now give me your take aways from f this whole process and where we are now 18 months later. As americans weve become this kind of adhd things have te happen immediately society thats why trumps messagege resonates so well because heecae hits you in twitter and hits you in a way that isnt that formalr politician the way that it usedt to be. To b and we kind of had this new this is a new era thatsw a t happening right now. Happ i mean, everyone were movingov forward in the twitter socialtt media era. Ra obviously wee see the spouses karen pence, doctor july biden leaving the white house rightth now as they beginwh this historc journey. Jo we want to pay didnt mean ta interrupt in you the middle ofof your thought, tim. Tim. I think it is important as weimt look there at former president e jimmy carter, there has been so much focus i think on the divisiveness and so much focusoc perhaps on the end is near. Nea whats going to happen next . I . Is important to as well as being educated on whats happening toi be able to find humor in this . Absolutely. Bsol sometimes its hard to do. Extremely difficult. Remely i have to tell you this de to started this division really started tim, every time you ge started. Somebody else important comes out of the white house. We see first Lady Michelle obaml and incoming first lady Melania Trump walking together to their cars here. Er i think melania is the republicans jackie o. Awning lot of people are making compare sons to jackie oo and her choice today shes ss american diner ralph lauren in case anybody is watching and she looks stunning as she gets intog that car. Tim, let me ask you this. Because we have others on thisni morning who have studied sdi presidency after presidency after presidency. Ter not that you havent but i knowo you like to take a bit of humorous spin on things ands and theyve tried to analyzed what w just happened what thisappeneat conversation has been aboutee between the outgoing and what do you think was happening behind closed doors . [ laughter ]thinbehi give us your best give uss your best tim young right now. Hw speculate what you thinkculae happened. I dont think obama and truma get along. Get i think obama tried to be nice. N but you could probably seebabl throughout the entire talk that obama was very frustrated and very disappointed with whathat happen. I could not imagine being him. As most left tease hes talkingk to like the man of the people. Let me have the last word wer got to let you go. Got let but when you see this happen hpe what do you think as a young person involved in politics . I think its an exciting time for everyone involved. Nvve even given the divisivenessne thats hppened this election, ii think people are ready for a newt era. People soundly rejected obamas policies in a continuation withw the hillary presidency andsidey theyre ready to see change. Cha regardless of what that mayay mean, people are ready for something new. Some something different. Amber, tim, thank y todaaty. Thank you amber. T keeping an eye on the doornga rit nonow. N we obviously just saw thehe vicepresident s walk out. S leave the bottle ofwa wine. In joe biden, mike pence. E penc. I need this to make americaei great again. T what time are you going toti crack thatme thing o apen. Hing what time is it right now. Meg 10 51. 0 51 in 10 51. [ laughter ] ren rirs are open right now. Thanks you guys for joininggi us right now. Now we expect any moment now that president obama as we see rightg now now the moment is here. T the moment ishe here. President barack obama and inraa coming president donald trump. Om walking together one salutehn from president obama. Ba theyre meeting inside the white house is done. That conversation the last thatt president obama will have withit him as president. Si note the ties. Do you think that wasdo you intentional. Ntio 100 that was intentional. Interesting too to watch as they their body language asga they come into each other to iss president elect donald trumpectp first arrived at the white house. President obamas first words how are you . T obam congratulat. They had their meeting inside. Id they walked out and there saw a final salute fromute fro president obama as he of the white house as president h for the last time. Ouser e last lets check in now withh wisdom martin. Tin. Wisdom, we just saw the two president i wont say two t president s. Ts president elect and the outgoing president walk out of the whitet house, and is there a sense ofeo excitement building where you we are . Reporter theres a senseen this process is moving forward because this is supposed to be e peaceful transition of power. Pw whats going on right now is i well, theyre actually behind little bit behind schedule theyh were supposed to do this ato ths 10 35. 10 3 you know how these inaugurations go. They go as they go. They. So right now, whats happening e is theyre in the car. E theyre going to go down to theo capitol then theyll have thell swearing in ceremony and thenhen the obamas will go their t separate ways and then mr. Trumu then President Trump will get tt the front of the line and thenne hell come down back here to tho white house to the reviewing area, and he will watch the parade and then go inside. The cars are the white house right now. E ght the motorcade is actuallyuall leaving the without right now you can see the cars and r tighe suvs on their way to the u is. I capitol right now. Youre watching video right nowg of former president bill clintoi and former second of state o Hillary Clinton right there. T everybody is there. Evod theyre waiting on this event tt get started the inaugurationnaun 2017 to get started. T started. The swearing in of the 45th president of the United States. E we although now contentious the battle between Hillary Clintonry and donald trump was. W. How divisive it was. It w yes, it was. Es, it this is a live look, wis, actually were looking live at a bill clinton and hillary clintoc just wanted to you and and alsos behind them george bush andbu a laura bush. H. Right. Two living president s with u today forpr this inauguration. I. Yeah. Also interesting to note thate t the new president , once hes one sworn in he will be the newthe w president , donald trump hellump get a new state of the art it asking Edge Security vehicleityh that looks like this cadillac that looks like this lt one only the secret serviceter notice about the details of thet security suv inside as we watcht all these cars and this t motorcade come out on their way to the u is. Us. Capitol as the inaugurationnaugr ceremony gets ready to get intoi full swing they swear in the nen president of the United States. Wisdom getting greatof the vv rolling right past you rightghtt there. Wisdom martin right behind wherw that limousine is right now. N as we take a look at former president s theres george bushrb and laura bush and we just saw s bill and Hillary Clinton walk bk a few minutes ago. Few s ag jimmy carter is there. We saw him few minutes ago as a well. Want to get to holly more riceec right now because holly is alono the parade route. Ou. Holly a matter of moments rightr now before that limousineimou carrying the future president e i donald trump rolls right passedd you. You. Im keeping my eye tom pennsylvania avenue. Pe thats for sure. Nnats sur because people are definitelyefl eagerly anticipating theipin motorcade to come down this wayy we saw some other motorcadesade about 10 or 15 minutes ago takea some dignitaries down and so weo of course are sensing that the t big moment was coming. Weve also watched snipers come out on the rooftops on theon buildings surrounding freedom fm plaza ill step out of the way w hear them coming. Hem we have seen a helicopter flyiny over passed and now you see the first motorcycles coming down an they make their way to the us capitol for the actual swearingn in of our 45th president. De so theres the first pass. P it look like were still s awaiting the rest of the cars to come over. Come i just want to make sure you you dont miss anything as we get this birds view of history. Hto as i was saying we do have aav stepped up security presence prc thats going on here the security on each side of pennsylvania avenue is twos officers deep. Eep you have officers facing the the parade route and then you haveh officers facing the crowd. Crow. Im going step out again so that you can make sure that you get g to see this as i am experiencinn it. It. Just the same. T s you know, security calls this t whole parade route here 2milem nightmare because for them thats exactly what it is. Thats kind of what, you know,oo because theyre transportingrt very important people obviouslyo and theyre doing so its not at quick as a normal motorcades go. If we live in the dc area yourr used to seeing motorcades comeds through and they come through at a pretty good clip. C when youre coming along thelone parade route here they travelyra much slower, of course. Ou its interesting when youre talking about the feel here, i r was just talking with someom colleagues, um, its not not particularly jubilant right nowt but its also not particularlyly hate phil. Hatehil. Its just very peaceful and kind of quiet. Quiet there are people here that are t Trump Supporters. Er you can see theyve got their t cameras at the ready. Rea there we go. There we g we see the limousines going by. Theyve got their cameras readyy so that they can take thesese amazing pictures of what theyr witnessing. Witnsi we do have people also withh protest signs up. P. Now were hearing some cheershe and here we go. Theres the pool camera going gi by, and there you can see them t wavi o we got a few screams here ases he not anything thats out of control one way or another. But, people very much taking inn whats happening in front ofon them and i can only imagine the feel inside of the limousines as they head up to be a part of this very monumental and historical occasion. So now we are witnessing the the peaceful transition of power. Pr its happening before our eyes. E one of the things that is so amazing about living where weg h do. Guys, back to you. Its unbelievable when youou think about it you see former fe president jimmy carter and hisnd wife rosland carter just nowtow walking out as well to get intoi that position. Ion holly f youre still with us ihi do want to you ask you, as far,f as the parade route, theyll dod this again obviously after the t ceremony theyll go back andk retrace the steps as far as f folks to watch the parade. How close do you think folks cal actually get to seeing theing t vehicles go by are they in aheyi position where they at least caa see even if the president electe who wi t decides to stay in the vehicle . E reporter o . H yeah. H yea they definitely can. Yan i hope you can follow with meitm here max. M there are several roads ofds of barricades there. Adesre but the outer most barricade ini front of the officers there areo people that areff just rightht behind that. T so i mean even from my locationt i can easily see president elece trump waving from the window. W even if they decide not to get o out of the limousine they t definitely will get a very goodd view. Ew. I mean they havent pushed backk people so far that they canthen it. It. But they have just reinforced the route like i said the numben of officers is amazing. In aisle as im talking right now g theres protesters very close. O theyre walking through rightig wow. I believe this is a same group o of protester that is cameeforeee and they said build bridges, no, walls. Ll and thats what hey beenn chanting. Anting but you can see there are trumpu supporters right there next toet them and they are literallyeral right up against the parade route. So theyre not necessarilyessaly limiting access. Es theyre just kind of reinforcing and making their presence knownk and letting everybody know thish is going to be a safe and secure area. But people are still getting the full inaugural paradeugur par experience. However, i will say as imsaas saying it right now, you canan probably see there are somee protesters that are being metarg with a group of security guardsa it doesnt look like theres much a brew haha going down goid other than the fact that peopleo are just kind of raising theirgt voices little bit. Ices but the protesters are going goi through. Ro and it looks like theres the security there kind of making aa little bit of a wall between the protesters and the people thatpa are here trying to enjoy the parade route. We just had a great shot shot holly from overhead just showino how much security is in factac lining that parade route as you could see literally officers arr to arm along the length of thatf pade routete. Also on the left were seeing sn Hillary Clinton and formery cli president bill clinton justust walk also all smiles. Sle all smiles but you have toleo wonder what Hillary Clinton isnt thinking as we saw her in the that entranceway standing with w her husband bill clinton, and, a what i noticed was really ineay that moment no miles. No mil i wondered and resort of wast ow holding her hand and shaking itg it really regardless of how you voted to stand there knowing that you lost this contentious election but knowing you have tg come out and put a smile on your face there. What a moment and we see that sa moment right here. He taking a page and taking higg road there as well,. Wl, taking the high road. Ing and being there and being ane part of this and recognizing this as American History and powerful for her to be theree as well. As well. Despite the protesters youtee see on the bottom what is as we hope will continue to be a peaceful transition of power now. Chris christie there on the big screen. Scre but today the day is aboutut donald j. Trauma hoop will soons become the 45th president ofntf the United States. Sta we joining us this morning. Ni our coverage continues with foxx news and shepard smith. Mi thank you for joining us forni your early coverage. Arly well be back with paradee coverage. Well see you then. Coyothen this is a fox news special presentation. Sea. Im shepherd smith from your nations capital. Today, well watch along with you as the nation welcomes our next leader to the white house. Today is rich with pomp and pageantry and parade right down pennsylvania avenue. Its also a day to put aside

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