photo. fox 5 morning news continues right now. good morning. state up 6:00 thursday, june 9th, 2011. taking a live look outside right now. you can see it is hazy. can you also see it is kind of dirty on our lens there. we'll try to clean it for you. thank you for waking up with fox 5 morning news. i'm sarah simmons i'm steve chenevey. glad to have you with us. i might trade a few flecks of dirt in exchange for dropping the temperature about 10 degrees or so. >> that would be nice. not going to happen today. we have more heat and humidity in place today. today will be another potentially record setting day as far as our high temperatures go. let's take a look at yesterday's high temperatures. we did set some words yesterday. at reagan national, it made it up to 99 degrees. that is a record for the day. dulles, 96 yesterday. no record there. bwi marshall, 99 degrees, set a new record for the day. current temperatures around the region, a warm start to the day. 79degrees now here in washington. we've just dropped off a degree so it is 79. 80 out in annapolis. 76degrees down in quantico. frederick, maryland is at 73. manassas, 72. in cambridge, maryland,ments 70 degrees. we are actually at a slight risk for severe thunderstorms later on today. that would be late in the afternoon and during the evening hours as we could see a system that is up to our north and west push through here. your day planner for today, a hot one, heat advisory goes into effect at noon, hot, hazy, humid, sunny, highs today into the upper 90s. i do think we'll set a few pore records here and there across the region. we are looking for a high actually in d.c. of about 99 degrees. so we'll have more on that coming up in just a little bit. >> i like how you emphasize each one of those words. >> hot, humid, drive it home. >> just so you know. >> let's check approximate julie wright. it is a treadmill day today. >> i think you're right on this one. i think you're right. on the beltway, you will fine the crew in sky fox, we september them out to check for a car fire. so far -- we sent them out to check on a car fire. so far, nothing has popped up now. 95 coming southbound in good shape. no problems to report there. this is a live shot of the beltway as you make your way around from 95 and you will find on both loops, the lanes are open, traffic flowing freely between college park and greenbelt. we'll update the ride southbound along 270. not a bad ride but starting to slow out of the truck scales. 395 is a mess in the hov lanes. accident activity that was tying up the right lane still here, still the focal point of the big delay coming northbound from at least king street. so hovs very slow this morning, king street headed north up to washington boulevard. main line doing much better. no accidents to report. that's a check of your fox 5 on-time traffic. more on the developing scandal of congressman weiner's sexting. first, republicans called for him to resign and now more and more democrats are calling for him to resign today. the x-rate photo he took of himself has now turned up on the internet. >> it surfaced after opie and anthony took a picture of the picture. so far, none of of weiner's fellow democrats have come to his defense and now tim kaine says he should go. >> on both sides of the aisle, things like this happen in unfortunate ways. lying is unforgivable. lying publicly about something like this is unforgivable and he should resign. >> the new york time is reporting that joaquin are -- that wiener's wife is pregnant. councilmember harry thomas, jr. stepped down as chair of the economic development committee. thomas is under investigation for the possible misuse of more than # hundred thousand in funds. thomas denied the allegation is and defended himself here on fox 5 news at 10. >> did you use public money to buy your luxury suv? >> absolutely i did not. let me just say that, for the conversation, that is why i came on the show because i understand there is a due process that i need to follow through out of respect for the legal seriousness of this issue that i will not go into. so i just said to you absolutely i did not. i think people know that. i think what i have adone in this committee's regard is making sure those kind of questions don't always come up. >> the d.c. attorney general has filed a civil lawsuit in the case. thomas says he has no plans to resign. now to some of another top stories we are following today. a dramatic scene on freedom plaza and it unfolded right in front of fox 5 damras. >> you should be ashamed. >> d.c. council member yvette alexander scolding a suspected thief. a man was robbed of his kind until front. city hall. he start stood cream and chase down the guy. council woman did me thing. a random hero actually tackled the suspect. the victim, matt kurz says he is happy so many people came to his aid. >> he got a head start on me. i'm wearing my business clothe and i wasn't really gaining on him. i was yelling and she kind of took action and started going after him. >> we were yelling out the window, gloria high it is tower and myself went around the corner and he actually ran into us head-on. so all of the security outside, they nailed him. >> we shot more video of the scene on an iphone too. it is posted on police in prince george's county are investigating the murder of a tow truck driver. he went out on a job late tuesday night and never returned home. his body was found just outside oxon cove park in oxon hill farm. he had been shot. his family said the truck's lights were still flashing. police are still investigating a motive. we talked with the rick tim's wife. >> was it a set-up? it very well could have been. why, i couldn't tell you. this is truly a senseless act. this is nothing that i no that he did to deserve this. >> that park closes at 40 in the afternoon and there is no reason for number to there be at 1:10 at night scientist bond hearing for the driver accused in last month's deadly tour does bus driver in virginia has now been delayed. driver will stay in jail until at least the next week until his lawyer provides his passport. investigators say he was too tired to be driving when his bus flipped over just north of richmond on i-95. four passengers were killed. coming up next, it pulls in billions for banks and credit card companies each year. >> it takes a big bite out of prove feats businesses. now, congress has stepped in to curb debit card fees. first details on what is being revealed by the intelligence found in osama bin laden's compound. and a word of warning from the f.b.i. it is now 6:08. new intelligence continues to come out of osama bin laden's compound t has helped high lit new suspects. fbi director robert mueller said al-qaeda remains committed to attacking the united states and while there is no indication of an imminent tax, work is under way to protect potential targets mentioned in the files. stores may not have to pay bancos those high fees to swipe debit cards. it's victory for retails in a long-running fight with the banks. banks say they will have to raise other fees. we'll be talking about what it means for you coming up in this morning's business pete in just a little over 10 minutes noted. massive wildfires continue to burn out of control in arizona. parts of new mexico and text i don't are losing power as the raging fire continues it burn. the second big of the fear in arizona's history. it is still growing. two towns are septembery after police forced 7,000 people to get out. also making headlines ache heat we've has a tight hold on much of the u.s. >> we are in for another day of near record heat t may be a record setting day in some areas. we'll check in with tony to find out if things will cool off. today's record high at reagan national, 102 degrees. we'll get close.  man: we need a sofa. something i can stretch out on! woman: ooh... that will go with those lamps my mother gave us. or we could get some new lamps. or we could get no sofa. negotiating, eh? you got it! we take a look at what is happening outside. live picture right now in d.c. and there were some folks out there jogging on the mall earlier, which, if you're going to do it, i guess this is the time to do it. there we go. >> we just had to move the camera a little bit. >> they don't jog in the sky too much. you probably feel like it. you could probably climb right up into the air. >> i can't believe they're running in this. >> look at the guy running in the shirt and full long pants. >> i think he is just late to an appointment. i actually did get out and run in that ridiculous heat. i like the hot weather. i like to sweat if i'm working out. long story. but it felt good for about the first mile and after that, i was like this is ridiculous. this is not the bested idea. if you are going to do it, do it now while it is still a nice breezy, chilly 79 degrees. >> or go to the gym. get on the treadmill. i know that is not fun. >> oddly enough, i was out in it too helping my son's flag football team. >> look at you. i'm thinking why am i picking this day to be doing this. >> and how did i get involved with football? >> i love football. that is the one sport i can kind of play. >> the kids were playing out yesterday. >> and i beat them all. >> i'm sure you did. you are a little taller than they are. >> some of them i just ran right over. not true. let's take a look at your weather headlines. it's going to be -- you're no match for me. put that juice box down and get out here. another steamy day today after temperatures well into the 90s yesterday, upper 90s. we'll do it again today be folk. difference between yesterday and today, we could see some late afternoon and evening thunderstorms. there is actually a slight risk for some severe weather rolling through here later today. indeed, we have some unsettled days ahead. by that, i do not mean it will rain every day for the next several days but starting today, we'll have at least a 30, maybe 40% chance of some pop-up showers and thunderstorms primarily in the afternoons and evenings. this weekend, cooler, highs in the 80s. here is a look at the heat advisory for today, just like yesterday. goes into effect at noon. lasts until 8:00 p.m. all of the areas that are shaded in here including washington, d.c. this is because when you combine the actual air temperature with the humidity, it will feel like it is over 100 degrees. i think today for many of you, it will feel like 103 to 107 degrees later on today. it will be a warm one. temperature across the region at this hour look like this. 79degrees. how about annapolis at 80 degrees. our average high for today is 82 degrees. these temperatures, these early morning temperatures, very close to what our average high actually is and we'll add 20 degrees on top of some of these temperatures across the region today. want to show you the satellite- radar. haven't been showing this much to you this morning. not much to see here. we do have the haze out there. up to the north and west, that is where we're seeing some shower and thunderstorm activity. that is what could eventually work its way in here again late in the afternoon and during the evening hours. we pull this out and you can see that much of the eastern united states still is quiet but up to the northwest, that is where the problems are generally around the great lakes region. forecast for today, here advisory in effect. code orange for air quality. it is unhealthy air. bright skies today. haze this morning though. hot and humid. high, 99 degrees. that would not be a record for washington but i do think we'll see some records set across the region. five-day forecast, tomorrow, possible thunderstorms and showers in the afternoon and evening. 94, then cooler for the weekend. but still in the mid- and upper 1r0. that is higher than normal temperatures and then by monday, we do really cool off to 84 degrees -- but still in the mid- and upper 80s. >> you were outside yesterday? >> i go out. i get some exercise. people think i don't. can't have this physique and not exercise. >> let me just take a stand back and check that out. hopefully, you had some freeze pops for the kids gentleman yes, i did. >> i got this mental picture now. the crew in sky fox, please help me out. here we are live at the american legion bridge. i need something else to look at right now. if you are traveling between montgomery county and fairfax, you are in great shape. no problems reported between 270 and tysons corner. nice easy ride. outer loop looking good, no problems to report headed out towards the bw parkway. we'll show you southbound 270. the gang is all here. we are starting to slow germantown headed out towards montgomery village avenue. you will fine lanes are open continuing down towards the southbound spur towards democracy boulevard. lanes are open headed out towards the beltway. that's a check of your fox 5 on-time traffic. >> thank you. business beat. oning up next. we are talking more about some big changes for debit cards. >> lawmaker have approved a bill that would save businesses big buck. we'll talk more about whether it will save you any money in the long run. that is coming up next.  > welcome back. time to talk business. banks and credit card companies rely on it to pull in billions of dollars. but lawmakers are siding businesses aened slashing a debit card fee. so will you see any changes from all this. lauren seam knit yes with fox business network is live in new york with this morning's business beat. good morning. >> good morning. >> another down day on wall street. let's talk markets first. we have got two reports coming out today. are these going to help anything today? >> well, jobless claims come out in about two hours from now and we are expecting a decline. that is always good news. so long as the number is above 400,000, that is not good news. this would continue to week number nine, not the best news for the labor market. we've seen so many signs as con furthermored yesterday by the feds' beige book report of the regional economic activity that there are pockets of slowing economic growth in this country and that is what took it down yesterday, 21 points lower on the dow. many traders are ring october of twoat t 2008, last time we -- of 2008, the last time we started a month with six days of down days. the senate just voted to limit the bank fees. >> every single time you swipe your plastic, 44 cents. there has been a vote to get that down to 12 cents. if the retall are is paying the bank less every time you use your debit card, that could mean savings for the consumer in terms of lower prices so we have to wait this one out. it could be a major boone for retailer as well as shoppers. >> let's hope so. we'll talk with you tomorrow. another day of dangerously hot weather out there. a live look now at the national mall. you could see a lot of people out there running this morning. be careful out there. make sure you have plenty of water as well. we are closing in on some records again today. tony has your full forecast coming up next. the d.c. council member accused of using hundreds of thousands of dollars of city money personal purchases steps down from a key post and talk with fox 5 about the scandal. somewhere in america, a city comes to life. it moves effortlessly, breathes easily. it flows with clean water. it makes its skyline greener and its population healthier. all to become the kind of city people want to live and work in. somewhere in america, we've already answered some of the nation's toughest questions. and the over sixty thousand people of siemens are ready to do it again. siemens. answers. from palmer park, maryland to olympic gold to a professional boxing career that mashed records but all of that success came at a price and sugar ray leonard had many mountains to climb along the way. he tells it all in his new autobiography called the big fight. stay tuned because later on this morning, sugar ray leonard joins us live in studio. that is coming up at 8:15. >> i want to see you arm wrestle. >> me? arm wrestle sugar ray leonard. >> bragging about beating up the kids. >> those were little kids. he is a former championship boxer. >> i would love to see it. >> maybe we'll to it just for the fun of it. he is a nice identify. he might even let me win. >> i bet he would. >> he is pretty competitive. >> that's true too. is this what i want? no. can we go back to -- i don't want that either. >> here is your heat index. this is what it feels like right now new step outside. 83degrees is what it feels like currently in the district. 74 at dulles airport. it feels like 08-degree at baltimore. this is a heat index is what you get when you combine the temperature and the humidity. all right, current temperatures at the area airports. it is latch a 79-degree at reagan national. 7 # at dulles an 77 at b -- 72 at dulles and 77 at bwi marshall. -- it is actually 79 degrees at reagan national. i do think we'll set records in some of these locations. a chance of thunderstorms late in afternoon and during the evening hours. coming up in about 15 minutes, today's edition of ask weather guys, it is all about heat. you think it is hot right now we'll talk about when it has been even hotter here in washington. >> is that supposed to make us feel better? >> it may not actually. >> can't wait. >> let's check in with julie wright find out what is happening out there on the roads. >> i don't understand it, steve. those two to your left act like it is a big deal that it is hot outside. >> it is a huge deal. are you kidding me? >> it's okay. >> i love how you guys were both outside and i was nowhere near the outside. i actually listened to tony and he is the one outside. >> i know. >> sarah is at home permanently handcuffing herself to the ac. i can't go work out, i can't. >> the crew in sky fox is out there in this heat. they are checking out the roads for us on the beltway near 236. traffic is starting to slow just a bit as you travel out of annandale headed up towards 66. 66 eastbound on the brake as you travel inbound this morning not only through manassas but again leaving fair oak headed eastbound towards 123. you will find all of your lanes are open but you are definitely below speed. 395, that is where we had some problems earlier this morning. accident activity at washington boulevard in the hov lanes cleared but now we're looking at about a 17-minute delay coming from come edsall road coming up. that's a check of your fox 5 on-time traffic. police are looking for this man. he is 83-year-old nimrod james harris. he was last seen leaving his home on garden drive in clinton, maryland. he was driving a 1997 light blue high-def chevy lumina with license plate 9 ecc 74. if you see mr. harris, contact prince george's county police. a major shake had been up for a powerful committee for the d.c. council. harry thomas, jr. has stepped down as the chairman for the economic development committee. he is facing allegations of funneling public money for personal use. thomas spoke about the scandal with fox 5. sherry ly has more details. >> reporter: councilmember harry thomas, jr. hay have resigned from his powerful committee chairmanship but he says he has no plans to resign from his position on the city council while he is under investigation for using taxpayer money for his personal luxuries. thomas submitted his resignation as chair of the economic development commitee to kwame brown yesterday afternoon. he has been embroiled for months about his nonprofit, team thomas which is supposed to support youth sports. d.c.'s attorney general filed a civil lawsuit against the ward 5 councilmember claiming steered more than $300,000 in city funds to his nonprofit and another business while a councilmember. the suit claims that money went into thomas' pocket instead paying for travel, a suite at nationals park, golf an a luxury audi sports utility vehicle. the u.s. attorney is also investigating whether there was any criminal wrongdoing and in an interview to fox 5 news at 10:00 last night, thomas defended his actions. >> just a fall days ago, you said stepping down from this committee who be like an admission of guilt. what should we infer from your stepping down gentleman it is not an admission of guilt. what i did was ask the chairman to remost responsibilities and make sure the issues that come before the committee are not mired in me taking care of the legal issues that i need to take care of at this time. i think chairman brown being the former chair of economic development would be the bestperson to oversee and understand what has recently happened and many of the projects we worked on in this city. >> reporter: for for you, the committee on the whole, essentially the entire 13 member council will take over the duties of that committee. in his resignation letter, thomas said that he had the highest regard for the council and, when this investigation is complete, he said he expects to be fully reinstated to his committee chairmanship. that is the latest here at the wilson building. back to you. >> thank you. other top stories that we're following on this thursday morning, a tow truck driver killed in prince george's county. he went out a job late tuesday night and never returned home. his body was found just just side oxon cove park in oxon hill farm. he had been shot. police are versioning a motive. that park closes at 4:30 in the afternoon and officials say there is no reason for anybody to be there at 11:30 at tight. of his a loving father and husband with a voice that left many crowds speechless. >> it has been one year since don joan was found shot to death in northeast d.c. there are still few answers for the family. bob barnard has more. >> reporter: i know god is with me but it is different when you don't have the physical person with you who you love so much. i miss him. >> reporter: sherita jones lost her husband of 10 years one area ago tonight. >> so many people loved don. of his just snatched away from us. >> reporter: and he would are at a temple hills baptist church, don joan was i social work are by day -- a social worker by day and an opera singer by night seen here performing at the funeral for coretta scott king. that heavenly voice was forever silenced last year june 8th. police say the mckinley tech and howard university graduate was found shot to death near his car at fort dupont park in southeast. his murder still a mystery. >> it has been very difficult, been very difficult, very difficult. very heartaching, miss hum a lot. >> he was dorothea best's youngest son. >> my brother was a find person. when my brother walked in the door, you would instantly light. >> reporter: his hoare says jones was to perform in a free concert at fort dupont park the following saturday. >> so you don't know if that is the reason why he went over there, jut to see exactly where they were going to be doing the performance or not. i don't know. >> just whoever did this, i don't want them to ever have the opportunity to do it again. elsewhere can't bring him back but maybe it can keep somebody else from feeling such a loss as what we have felt in the last 12 months. >> it is almost like he is for gotten about. it is like someone can just commit a crime and they've gotten away with us. >> the investigation is still active scientist manassas basketball coach is now under arrest. he is accused of having sexual relationship ways former student. police say he sexually salted a stone wall jackson high school student in 2004 and 2005 when she was 17. white is charged with crimes against nature and taking indecent liberties. he is the fisk prince william county school employee to be charged with sexual relations with a student in the past two months. an alert now for metro riders this morning. metro says it will not extend wait time between trains on weekends to save money. it was a move that would save the cash-strapped agency some $7 million a year. according to the "washington post," metro says it strap scrapped the plan after hearing opposition from riders. coming up next, this oppressive heat has a good bit of the country in its grips once again today. we'll show how some other cities are handling the heat. >> first, it is a move many feel will bring gas prices it a more reasonable level but you won't see any oil production boosts any time soon. more on that when we return.  gas prices a little bit better now as aaa says the average if a gallon of regular in d.c. is now below the $4 mark. in maryland, $3.75. in virginia, $3.60 on average. crude oil prices spiked yesterday after a heated meeting of opec so we'll see if the gas prices stay down. the group was expected to increase production but iran chaired the meeting and openly disagreed with saudi arabia. we have a report. >> members of the organization of the petroleum exporting countries or opec meet in austria. >> we have to be use. we have no other choice,. >> reporter: wednesday's meeting ended with the 1-nation group deciding not to boost oil production. after meeting. the inject general remained optimistic. >> we are not in crisis at this time. now, as of today, we are not in crisis and we have enough stocks. >> the lack of couldn't sense is sent oil prices higher in wednesday trading. oil settled back above $100 a barrel and that sets the stage if higher prices later this year. >> americans are struggling to make end meet and when prices go up at the pump, it affects everything they do. >> rising energy prices since the beginning of the year have impact the the u.s. economic recover where you. the federal reserve on wednesday reported that the economy slowed in several parts of the country this spring and blamed high gas prices for sluggish consumer spending. >> this administration has been in regular contact with the iea as well as oil-producing countries during this time of elevate energy prices. we believe that we are in a situation where supply is not meeting demand. >> reporter: the white house press secretary says president obama is still considering other options to drive prices down including tapping the extra teamic petroleum reserve. aaa says the national average if a gallon of regular unleaded is $3.74. in new york, heather childers, fox news. police in southern california arrest i had a computer repairman for peeping at naked women. he installed software on home computers that let him snap picture of women taking showers and getting dressed. it took control of the compute are's web cam and sent faker. >> reporter: messages including quote, try putting your laptop near steam for several minutes to fix an internal sensor. we are not the only ones dealing with the heat wave. yesterday, it was over 90- degree in the new york city subways an even hotter above ground. the city set up 400 cooling centers around town and mayor bloomberg is urging people to take advantage of them since they are expecting triple digit temperatures today. speaking of the heat out there, already starting to warm up. >> yes, it is. we've got temperature in the upper 70s, low 80s across much of the region and take a look outside. before a live shot -- man, look at that. that is the sun right now. >> i feel it. >> doesn't that look like your midday sun. >> that is welcoming at this time of the morning. >> people are still out there running. this is best time to do it. if you are going to be exercising, do it now as opposed to later when it will feel like 104 degrees. let's talk about our temperatures as we jump into the weather forecast. we'll talk about what the record highs are for today. these are the current records for today. at reagan national, 102. i did not think we will get there today. i don't think we'll set or even tie a new record at reagan national. bwi, 98 degrees. before a very good shot at tying that record, maybe breaking it but i think tying it. dulles airport, i do believe we will blow through that and set a new record high for dulles airport for today and probably beat it by one, two, maybe other than three degrees. that is what we're we are looking for for today. 79degrees in the nation's capital. 80degrees under bright sunshine with a lot of haze. 75 in quantico. gaithersburg at 73. 72 at dulles airport. so srm a warm start to the day. the warmest air we've had this week during the early morning hours. we have a heat advisory again today just like yesterday. this goes into effect at noon. it lasts until 8:00 p.m. with our high temperatures in the upper 90s today. and high humidity levels, it will feel like it is over 100 degrees. i think for much of the area, it will feel like it is 102, 103 to 106 take or so and maybe 107 degrees, that is what it will feel hike across portions of the area. in addition to the heat advisory, we have a code orange in effect for unhealthy air quality. 90s today. one more day and then some relief ahead. but when this front at boundary gets through here, it will likely trigger some scattered showers and thunderstorms. some of those thunderstorms could be strong late this afternoon and during the evening hours but then, as we head into the weekend, we'll see our highs over the weekend in the 80s. here is a look at the five-day forecast. for today, we'reliking at a high of 99 degrees downtown. some of you might touch 100 degrees briefly this afternoon. hazy, hot and humid. chance of some thunderstorms late in the afternoon and during the evening hours. tomorrow, 94 so we start to get the, quote be unquote, cooler air in. saturday and sunday, highs still above normal but it will feel better, much like last weekend, same set-up. 80s for your highs. a chance of some showers and thunderstorms each day. generally speaking, the chance that i'm talking about for all of the next several days is about a 30 to 40% chance. not everyone will get thunderstorms but they'll pop up here and there. that is the weather. we've got something different for you today for ask the weather guys. >> we welcome that. >> here we go. it is time to ask the weather guys, segment where tucker barnes and i put our heads together to answer your most pressing questions, weather- related or otherwise. tucker is off on vacation. we have mike the intern who is helping out all summer long and has done a lot of the research. now, you know how some days i say accepted in your questions you can even upload your videos. nobody ever does. finally, we actually have a video that has been submitted. this video has been submitted by skyler is her name. it is very timely. you will notice this young lady has excellent on-air skills. that make sense because she has an excellent coach. her mom, who is allison seymour. it is kind of in-house but here it is. today's ask the weather guys question straight from skyler. take a look. >> hey, weather guys. this is my weather question. what was the longest and hottest heat wave in washington d.c. history? hope you can answer the question. bye! >> she is adorable. >> i can see allison in her too. >> i can too. thank you for the have you had i don't. you are our first video submission and the a great question. what is the lodgest heat wave in the washington, d.c. area -- the longest heat wave in the washington d.c. area. the longest heat we've occurred in june of 1994. we had 14 straight days of 90- degree plus temperatures. i should tell you the did he have knifings of a heat wave, there is no -- the definition of a heat wave, this is no actual temperature that goes along with a heat wave. it is all relative depending on what your average conditions are. if you are in seattle and it is 80 degrees for six straight days being that is a heat wave. they don't usually get up that warm. it just depends on what your average weather is in the area that you live in. june1994, 14 straight days of 90-degree weather. however, the warmest summer that we've had was not 1994. you want to take a guess when it was? >> last year. >> you are both right. the average temperature for the summer 2010 was 90.2 degrees. >> for the whole summer, we averages 90.2 tailing. >> our average for most summers is 86 degrees. of the 9 # days between june 1st and august # 1st last. >> , we spent 5 # of those days above 90 degrees -- of the 90 days between june 1st and august # 1st last year, we spent -- and august 31st last year, we spent 52 of those days above 90 degrees. july4th to 9th, we had six days where it hit 102 two of those days. twelve days in july, maximum temperature during that time was 101. in august of last year, we had six straight days of temperatures over 90 with the maximum being 97. >> fools like we are on our way this year. >> including today, we have already had six days this year and that -- that includes may. we have had a couple of degrees in may. that is so far. so today would be the seventh day and tomorrow will be the eighth day. >> do you know offhand the hottest it has ever been approximate washington. >> we have answered that question. off the top of my head, i don't remember. do you remember? >> i want to say i think 106. >> oh, my gosh. >> that was actual temperature, not the way it feels. >> it was either 104 or 106. >> but it is up this. skill are, thank you for the question. she asked that question of allison. allison said hey, why don't you send that to the weather guys. >> it was not a set-up. if you have a question you want answered, go to and click on the weather tap. ella fitzgerald, too darned hot. >> you can upload your video question like skyler did. go to and we'll tell you how to do it. >> thank you. let's check in with julie wright. she loves the heat. >> i like that ella too. that was sounding good. i had my little dance moves working on that one. on the roads you will find the crew in sky fox back with us checking outs the drive in virginia. let's get live to the crew an as you work your way northbound on 95, not only do we slow out of dale city headed northbound up towards the occoquan, we have delays coming northbound out of newington headed up to 395. taking that back inside, coming in from the west, delays out of manassas fair oaks to 123 and nutley street to the beltway. the only two ingredients you need if a relaxing weekend being good food and good music. >> sound good to me. can you find them both in falls church. next hour, we'll tell you all about the tenor hills blues festival when we come back. sounding good.  navigating today's real estate market is complicated. you've seen the signs. that's why having the right real estate agent is more important than ever. at, you can find experts in short sales or bank-owned properties or commercial real estate, agents who can help speed up the process, no matter how intricate. and 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barbecue and get to the details on the events, some of them all still free. should be a fun morning. >> my toe is already tapping. thank you very much. we now want to say good morning to our facebook fan of the day, it is fans today. it is erin and lee hedlund. they have been watching for the last five years now. but today is their last day because they are moving to memphis. but we're glad you are watching us over the past five years and you can watch us online at they say they will miss the chemistry the morning team has. we are glad that you have watched. to be tomorrow's fan of the day, find us on facebook by searching fox 5 morning news and then post a comment under leanderin's photo. that does it for the 6:00 hour and now over to allison and steve. >> good morning, sarah. thank you so much. and coming up, another day of extreme heat. it's not only affecting our area. the teams are rising across the country. an x-rated photo now exposed. did the pressure mountain for anthony wiener to resign. and a shake up. a d.c. council member stepping down from a powerful committ

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