at 6:00 this morning, we have a lovely view of the sky. beautiful out there this morning. thank you for waking up with fox 5 morning news. i'm sarah simmons. >> thank you for being with us this morning. talking about the flood waters and the mississippi and its tributaries submerging streets and homes across the delta region. the mississippi governor urging people to leave even if they think there is just a chance that their home will flood. many of the victims already don't have much. nine of the eleven counties that line the mississippi river in mississippi have poverty rates that are at least double the national average. very tough situation down south now. bracing for more all the way to new orleans. >> will be a mess. >> and it will go on if a while t will take a couple of weeks for the waters to subside. >> then the clean-up -- it will take months. >> it has been a difficult spring across portions of the country, that is certainly true. here in our area, thankfully, we have another nice day today. you saw the live shot as the sun came up. let's take a look at the bus stop forecast as you get the kids ready for school. we have some clouds out there. this says sunny skies but there are some clouds out there along with that sunshine. temperatures in the mid-50s for the most part. right now, at reagan national, we are getting a temperature of 54 degrees. relative humidity, 90%. winds are calm. forecast for today, we'll see a good a sunshine during the course of the day today, look if highs again into the 70s. 75 in washington. 75 in winchester and 73 in annapolis. we'll have more on the weather coming up in just a little bit. let's check with julie and get a look at traffic this morning. >> we'll say good porning to the crew in sky fox. they are checking out your ride along the baltimore-washington parkway. as you travel southbound out of laurel making your way past 197, you will find the lanes are open continuing down past the capital beltway. northbound looks good if you have a trip out of bwi this morning. no problems to report there. let's continue with the maps so can you update your ride elsewhere. if you are traveling along 210, that is where we have the crash at swan creek road. once you work your way past the scene, the pace improves up onto 295. outer loop of the beltway at colesville road starting to slow just a bit through silver spring. no incidents to report and that change in our traffic pattern coming across the 14th street bridge. here is the barrier right here in the center. you can see it flashing just a little bit. take two lanes to the left and two lanes to the right. four lanes maintained coming across the bridge. it is split in the middle as you work your way across the potomac. that's a check of your fox 5 on-time traffic. we continue to follow breaking news from prince george's county this morning. a 7-eleven store clerk has been shot and killed during a robbery. this happened at the store in the 9200 block of oxon hill road around 3:30 this morning. detectives are still on the scene. no word at the moment about any suspects. we do have a crew there. we'll bring you more information as soon as we get an update. another big story that we're following. the fight to d.c. rights taking center stage on capitol hill today. >> mayor vincent gray and council chairman kwame brown are set to testify before a house subcommittee about the budget. some are concerned questions about d.c.'s recent string of scandals may be coming up. congresswoman eleanor holmes norton says she is worried the committee might ask chairman brown about his controversial suv and ask mayor gray about the sulaimon brown investigation. >> i think they probably won't be able to resist but they claim that is not what they are interestedded in. let's see whether they stick to what the subject matter of the hearing is and that is making sure the district is doing well fiscally. many are concerned today's hearing could be a step towards congress gaining more control over the district. just yesterday, eight district residents were arrested while rallying for equal voting rights. also on the hill today, top executives from the nation's five biggest oil company will go before a senate committee. they will likely get an earful about earning massive profits while americans struggle with high gas prices. democrats are pushing to get rid of big tax breaks the oil companies enjoy. those tax breaks average about $2 billion every year. d.c.'s attorney general investigating the region's largest owner of gas stations for possible antitrust violations. attorney general irvin nathan says he is looking into allegations that capitol petroleum group was engaging in practices that could be leading to inflated gas prices. the company is based in springfield, virginia and operates 164 gas stations in the tease area. drivers in the meantime continue to deal with the pain at the pump. according to aaa, the average price if a gallon of regular gas in d.c. is now up to $4.21. maryland now over the $4 mark to $4.04 and virginia just shy of $4 a gallon at $3.90. some other top stories we are following this morning, the battle over the national deficit. president obama says lawmakers may have to rely on automatic spending cuts and tax increases in order to reach a deal on deficit reduction. both republicans and democrats agree something needs to be done to reduce the growing deficit but are at odds over how to do it. house republicans announce plans to cut $30 bill wrong from day to day budgets of cabinet agencies. gop leaders have also proposed restructuring medicare and medicaid and are calling for trillions of dollars in cuts. democrats have proposed raising taxes on those making $200,000 or more and wanted an end to tax subsidies for big oil companies. that issue will be taken up on the hill today. >> the american people do not favor more taxation. we need to establish that we can contain spending and will do so before we ask them to give any more to washington. >> we totally reject their approach of saying we're going to do it by ending the medicare guarantee. >> congress has until august to increase the $14 trillion debt ceiling. we're finding out more about what was discovered in osama bin laden's compound. officials say the terrorist leader kept a journal. that journal and other documents detail directives for planning future attacks and provide proof that bin laden was still very much involved in running al-qaeda. among his orders, consider tax smaller cities, not just high profile targets like new york city. president obama has said the white house will not release photos of osama bin laden's body. >> however, a select few will have access to those images and we'll tell you who coming up next. also ahead, back-to-back earthquakes strike spain killing at least 10 people. we'll have the latest on the scene there this morning when we return. somewhere in america, a city comes to life. it moves effortlessly, breathes easily. it flows with clean water. it makes its skyline greener and its population healthier. all to become the kind of city people want to live and work in. somewhere in america, we've already answered some of the nation's toughest questions. and the over sixty thousand people of siemens are ready to do it again. siemens. answers. two back-to-back earthquakes killed eight people in spain. they were not very powerful. the first measuring 4.4 and the second two hours later was a 5.2. you can see some of the damage. major damage to buildings. spain usually doesn't get this type of earthquake. the last earthquake this strong there, more than 50 years ago. president obama is getting ready to make a key speech for the muslim world next squeak. a group of senators pushing him to speak out about the brutal crackdown that is going on in syria. they are using a resolution in the senate calling for tougher u.s. action. u.s. lists four countries as state sponsors of terrorism. several people will get to seat photos of bin laden's body. cia is granting access to the house and senate intelligence committees and armed services committee. they will only be available for viewing at cia headquarters in lackly. coming up next, more tsa outrage. why a baby was subjected to a security patdown. we are checking in with tony for your forecast. a little rain heading our way just in time for the weekend. looks beautiful out there now. get out and enjoy it. take a look at. this that little youngster right there get a full patdown from tsa, a security patdown at kansas city international airport. apparently the baby's stroller set it off. a fellow passenger took the picture and we ?ashed it off the internet. >> you can see the tsa agents are smiling and it looks like they are doing the best they can under the circumstances. >> this was a threat out there that they could potentially do things with children as well. it is kind of awkward. let's take a look at our weather. >> let's start with the pollen count. we'll get you informed as to what is going on out there. it is the tree pollen again. that is the culprit. the number is much lower than it has been but it is still in the high range. i don't make these things up. that is how it is. 327 for trees. grasses are moderate. mold is still low. not just here but we'll broaden this and show you temperatures around the country. 54degrees in the nation's capital. 60s not too far out for the south and west. 73 right now in st. louis. del rio, texas, 77 degrees. denver, colorado, 35 degrees at this hour. cold start to the day there. here is a look at the satellite- radar for the region. we do have some clouds out there this morning but they will be breaking up during the course of the morning, of course. and we will see more in the way of sunshine. but reagan national reporting mostly cloudy skies now. still quiet conditions across most of the eastern united states. an area of low pressure out to the west will gradually work its way in here but it won't be today. could be a few stray showers overnight tonight into tomorrow and then a better chance of rain develops late friday night into saturday. for today though, here is what the forecast looks like. morning clouds will give way to mostly sunny skies. another warm one, high about 75 degrees today. that will be pretty good. for tonight, an overnight low of about 06 degrees in town, 50sout side of ght chance for a overnight. five-day forecast, tomorrow, not bad but the clouds do start to build in and we could see a shower or two here or there. the best chance of that is really super late friday night into saturday and saturday we do have i would say a 60% or so chance of showers and thunderstorms at this point. i would say a better chance saturday night into sunday and then continuing threat of showers and thunderstorms on sunday. now, here is julie wright with an update on traffic. >> reporter: off of twitter, people are telling me not only do we have an accident traveling northbound along 210 approaching swan creek road but in the backup, there is also a stalled car. the accident activity is tying up the two right lanes. just before the accident scene, we are receiving word of a disabled vehicle tying up the late side. delays are forming back at farmington road. southbound 270 below speed mere in germantown headed south towards mva. no incidents, just volume delays. the outer loop slowing between university boulevard and colesville road. we all have some delays now at the beltway headed past duke street. boundary channel drive across the 14th street bridge where the overnight change in our traffic pattern has occurred. that is where they have the barrier set up here. you can see it flashing. it pushes two lanes on the left, two lanes to the right crossing over the potomac. what is important to make note of is if you are coming across the 14th street bridge, and you want to head eastbound on the freeway towards south capital street, you want it line up in the two right lanes. that's a check of your fox 5 on-time traffic. >> thank you. fox 5 continues to monitor metro with a new study from the brookings institution that ranks transit systems in 100 major cities. the d.c. region took the 17th spot. cities were judged mainly on access billeted to areas where jobs are, also how much of the geographic area the systems cover and how protectly trains and buses ran. the top ranked cities were hon lieu will you and san jose. new york was ranked 13th. some trouble with smart trip cards for metrobus riders. we have heard from at least one passenger would told us he loaded fare onto his card but it didn't work. apparently, a larger problem mostly affecting customers in the silver spring area. according to the "washington post," metro says there is likely a software problem and it may be several weeks before it is fixed. if you see something wrong on metro, we want to know about it. send your news tips or your pictures or video to fox 5 metro at our business beat is next. we'll talk about two factors that you think who drive down high gas prices but they are not yet. as we go to break, super models earning super sized paychecks. forbes is out with the latest list of top earning super models. gisele is number one. the toll three pulled in $112 million in one year. i'll take some of that. -- the top three pulled i n $112 million in one year. ea soy the energy department says gas supplies are strong and so is the u.s. dollar so why aren't we seeing anything reflected at the pump? for more on that and a look at the market, let's join lauren simonetti up in new york with fox business this morning. this is the fun you with a how the market works. we had gains earlier this week and yesterday we just gave them all back. what happened yesterday? >> exactly. it is funny how these markets have been operating lately. yesterday, the u.s. dollar got pretty strong and commodities got really week and all of the stocks soaked with commodities and oil companies, oil refiners -- associated with commodities and oil companies, they all sank and so did the dow. i would like to tell thought arrows are green this morning but they're not. dow few you ares are lower by 70. >> we are not seeing this reflected at the gas pump. >> this is an interesting story. because of the high price at the pump, demand is actually cooling off. the energy department reported that demand for gasoline was the lowest in seven weeks. it fell last week and supply out there is plentiful for both crude oil and for gasoline. there is typically a lag in the price of oil and the price of gasoline once it is refinded. f i nd -- refined. it has been a very volatile market the last two weeks. we have aseep huge fluking with -- huge fluctuations in the price of oil. we have on cavuto the black rock cofounder and ceo larry fink and on freedom watch, rand paul. back to you. we have a gas price probe going on here in the nation's capital. what the district's attorney general wants to know about the man who owns more than 100 gas stations in the city and across the region. tease lawmaker head for the hill to fight for control over how the city spends its tax dollars. that is all coming up when fox 5 morning news continues. what -- we make the time to celebrate birthdays and anniversaries. but what we should also be celebrating, are the moments. the ones that could have been just another day, but became extraordinary memories. moments when we learn about the world that came before us, and a little more about ourselves. let's celebrate together. colonial williamsburg. come be part of the story. and now is the perfect time to celebrate with the summer bounce package. plan your stay at bree: sis, help me create my oasis. marcy: ok, romantic garden? bree: oh, is there a castle nearby? marcy: no, but there's a charming farmhouse. bree: right next to my posh castle! i'm sensing a theme here. well, i am the queen, dear sister. welcome back. flood waters from the mississippi and its tributaries are submerging streets and homes across the delta region. the mississippi governor is urging people to leave even if they think there is just a chance their homes will flood. many of the instruct tim don't have much. nine of the 11 counties that line the some miss river in mississippi have poverty rates that are aat least -- at least double the national average. >> here, absolutely no problems at all this week. >> we have another good day on tap today. we do have a few clouds out there. morning a few. we have some clouds out there this morning. it is another day where we'll get the sunshine breaking out and it will be another nice one. temperatures in the 70s again. made it up to 77 yesterday. take a look at what is going on right now. here is a look at the satellite- radar composite and you can see that there is nothing in the way of precipitation. remember yesterday morning, we had a couple of sprinkles. not this morning. there are some pretty good clouds out there. it is raining in cleveland. of this a few areas of heavy rain and storminess in northeastern portions of ohio. temperatures around the region. in the district, we remain at 54 degrees at this hour. baltimore is at 51. owe someone city, 49. dulles airport at 53 degrees. harrisonburg, 62 at this hour. forecast for today looks like this. after some morning clouds, mostly sunny skies will develop. it is another beautiful afternoon with highs in the mid- 70s. that is a look at the weather. coming up in about 15 minutes, today's edition of ask the weather guys. you know, we bring you the five- day forecast every day. how would you like a 25-day forecast? >> is that possible? >> is it possible? that is the question, sarah. we'll answer that coming up. very good. >> let's check in with julie wright for the latest on the roads. >> but is it accurate that far out? >> that is the other question. >> i wasn't going to go there but i was thinking it. >> i mean yeah, i think i would like to know 5 days out. i think it would be kind of cool. >> who wouldn't? >> we'll discuss. >> and the powerball number too while you're at it. on the roads, you will fine the crew in sky fox hovering above southern maryland. they are checking out the ride along northbound 210. we mentioned there was not only a disabled vehicle but an accident northbound 210 approaching swan creek road. the activity now cleared. coming northbound off of 210, we had the accident and the stalled car. it looks like all of the activity has cleared. this is really jamming up our commute northbound on 210. callers are reporting delies from as as far back as farmington road. the lanes are open once again and traffic is starring to move. we'll take it back inside and update your ride elsewhere. if you are traveling along 270, you will find lanes are open coming in out of germantown. no problems to reported headed towards mva. falls road headed out to the lane divide. we do have four lanes open coming across the 14th street bridge. the change in the traffic pattern now has two lanes to the left getting by. two lanes to the right. if your destination is the eastbound freeway, your better bet is to stick with the right side of the bridge headed across the potomac. that's a check of your fox 5 on-time traffic. we tonight continue to follow breaking news out of prince george's county where a 7-eleven store clerk was shot and killed during a robbery. this happened at the store in the 9 # hundred oxon hill road around 3:30 this morning. detectives are still there. no word of suspect at this point. we'll bring you more information as we get it. the d.c. region's largest owner of gas station is being investigated by the district's attorney general for possible antitrust violations. >> he is looking into allegations that capitol petroleum group is engaging in practices that could be leading to inflated gas prices. the company operates 164 stations in the area based out of springfield. nathan says he is prepared to issue subpoenas if necessary. >> this is an active investigation. it is one of the priorities of the antitrust part of our office. it is an active matter. everyone knows that gasoline price are high and we will do everything we can to bring them down and be sure that it is a competitive market. >> in the meantime, the top executives from the nation's five biggest oil companies will object capitol hill today where they will go before a senate committee and most likely will get an earful about earning massive profits while americans struggle with high gas prices. the tax breaks average about $2 billion a year. the fight to d.c. rights takes center stage on the hill today. mayor vince gray and council chair kwame brown are set to testify before a house sub committee about the budget. back to the gas pumped now. drivers continuing to deal with the pain there a cording to aaa, average price for a gallon of regular gas in d.c. now up to $4.21 a gallon. maryland over the $4 mark at $4.04. and virginia at $3.90 a gallon. there is a grave side mystery ate maryland cemetery. two families are frustrated and angry after their loved ones grave sites seem to have just disappeared from harmony memorial park in landover. they went out to the cemetery this past weekend to lay flowers down for monday. they couldn't find the grave site and spent hours looking for it. >> the mark was purchased so that when we came out, no one would have to keep trying to find her. >> very frustrating to come out to your mother's cemetery on mother's day and cannot present the flowers or the blooms to them. it is a hurting feeling. >> the cemetery manager tells fox 5 they understand the two families' concerned but need to speak with corporate headquarters before giving out further information. prince george's county police investigating a homicide in oxon hill. this was about 7:00 last night on wheeler and wheeler hills road. officers found a man lying in the parking lot with trauma to his body. no word on a possible motive or suspects in this case. virginia governor bob mcdonnell has released a letter he sent to the department of defense asking for a delay of the full implementation of the brac relocation to alexandria. the governor says more time is needed to complete the work on the traffic congestion. as of now, the department of defense plans to transfer some 6400 jobs to that center in september. i know they are still doing a lot of work around there too. there is a lot of construction trying to get the lanes ready for it. so it is going to be interesting to see how that all turns out come september. we want to get back to what was our top story this half hour. that is the robbery and murder in prince george's county at a 7-eleven. let's get to stacy cohan on the scene with the latest information for us. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. the 7-eleven behind me is where this happened. police got a call around # 30 this morning for unknown trouble. it was a 911 phone call. they still have the crime scene investigators. it appears it was a robbery attempt at this 7-eleven. there were two employees inside the store. one of those employees, a male, had been shot. he was pronounced dead. the suspects fled. you know most of these stores are equipped with surveillance video cameras. it would appear that prince george's county police are seeking access to the videos to try to get more information. to give you some perspective of where we are, we are on oxon hill road but only about two and a half miles down from national harbor if that gives you an idea of where this is. right now, the shopping center remains closed. we do not have any more information on the identity of the victim in this case or of the suspect. this is a developing story. i'll have more for you coming up in the 7:00 hour. i'm stacy cohan. back to you. >> thank you. we'll be right back. what -- -- a you see them just about every friday. >> we have a thursday special. kevin mccarthy going global with his charm and his wonderful outfits. he joins us via skype from nice, france. how did you pull this one off? >> i still have no idea what i'm doing here. this is hike one of the craziest experiences of my life especially for a film nerd to be at the biggest film festival in the world. there are literally actors just walking the streets like normal people. you wouldn't even like -- you would just -- you wouldn't stop them. they walk around like everything is normal. >> wow! we hear that your mom is there with you which i think is great. but i think it is interesting that she kind of got involved with everything and sort of witnesses something interesting with faye dunaway. what is that all about? >> yeah, my mom came with me. she has family that lives in nice. yesterday, we were at the hotel in cannes and she went downstairs to go to the elevator. she saw faye dunaway at the end of the hallway getting on the elevator and she was yelling at her hairstylist. she was going off saying i can't be late for this person. oh, my gosh, air ruining this. my rome runs into this. her jaw drobz -- my mom runs into this. her jaw drops. she stands there watching faye dunaway getting mad at her hairstylist. my mom tiptoes away. faye dunaway says i am sorry about that. my mom gave her a thumbs up and walked away. >> what movies have you seen? >> i saw kung fu panda 2 and an amazing presentation for puss in boots. it was an amazing experience. antonio banderas and salma hayek, of a been in love with them. he does this dance called the litter box. i'm going to incorporate that in the club when i go there from now on. you kick your feet out underneath you when you're dancing. i asked antonio banderas if he could show me the litter box and here is the clip right here. >> can you show me a good litter box? i want to see a good litter box. >> no! i don't want to. >> i do the litter box. >> i'm going to do that in the club next time. >> that will be my new dance move. girls will love it. >> i'm keep of like you. i have abeen in love with one of them. you can get which one. >> what were the other highlights of the festival for you? >> i have to say sitting down with angelina jolie. i interviewed her and jack black for the movie kung fu panda. they were talking about elizabeth taylor. angelina jolie recommended a movie to me, who's afraid of virginia woolf. we hay funny moment where jack black and i were sing august song together. i ran into angelina jolie about four hours later on the elevator. she said i want to let you know the interview was fun and make sure you recommend that movie. i will recommend it. it was just a moment for me and she goes brad and i were watching the movie the other day and we realized how amazing it was. that was just a surreal moment. >> you would probably do anything that angelina jolie asked you to do. >> yeah. she hooked at me in the sell straighter and she said i want to let you know that jack plaque is probably my only friend in the business. >> maybe you can be her second friend. >> yes, i've interviewed her three times. we are like best friends now. >> does she like your purple shirt? iasked her out on a date last time and she said i have to ask brad. i haven't seen brad yet. he is here for tree of life. i'll talk to him. >> show her your swanky digs. >> if she digs skinny fat guys. it is all in. i know brad pitt probably has six-pack abs. i can't rock that out. >> if all else fails, do the litter box move. >> i love the litter box. it is an awesome move. >> we hope you have a great trip back. we look forward to seeing you here. >> i do want to say i do miss you guys. tomorrow morning in my normal slot, can you check outs my interview with dustin hoffman. he gave me some amazing advice on how to solidify your life and find inner peace. >> we'll see you tomorrow. >> i do love you guys. i really do. i love you, tony. >> something about france brings out the romantic in everyone. >> he is there with his mom. >> it's sweet. >> it is very cool. >> he is hanging out with angelina jolie and salma hayek. >> here is the cool thing. all of these stars, they remember him. they do all of these interviews but they all remember him. >> how can you not remember him? >> they tweet with him. >> i think kevin has to come across as one of the more nonthreatening film critics. >> he is very nice and genuine. i can understand why they would remember him. >> now, he has to step it up and get them to come in here when they come in town. >> well, there you go. >> all right. you want to know what is going on in the weather? >> why not? >> the weather looks fantastic in nice but we'll have our own nice weather here as well. not a bad start to the day. we are used to the routine now as it has been this way all week long. temperatures in the 50s. we have a current temperature of 54 degrees in washington. 54 in gaithersburg. baltimore, 51. fredericksburg, 55. cambridge is at 45. winchester is at 55. now, i want to take a look into the few if you are -- into the future. it is our futurecast. today, not bad. a couple of clouds coming through during the afternoon hours. there is a little frontal boundary out to the west. that could bring some showers to us. high pressure moves out. for the most part tomorrow, we're fine. we just get the clouds building in maybe a shower late but a better chance of rain showers around here on saturday. if you've got morning outdoor events, you might get those in but then in the afternoon, we'll get the rain and thunderstorms on saturday. mostly sunny today. warm this afternoon, high about 75 degrees. same routine. we'll take it. tonight being becoming cloudy. slight chance for a shower late tonight. 60degrees. probably overnight if we see it at all. then for your five-day forecast tomorrow, as i said, clouds build in. 72degrees. i think any rain holds off until friday night is what i believe thank you point. we'll wasn't ad see -- we'll wait and see how that develops. saturday and sunday, both bring a chance for showers and thunderstorms. there will be some periods of showers and thunderstorms moving through. there you go. that is the latest on the weather. now, it is time to ask the weather guys. it is the segment where tucker barnes and i work very hard to answer your most pressing questions weather-related or otherwise. let me say this. we have currently in the bin hundreds of questions. we are doing our best to get through as many as we can. it will take a while though. today's question comes from alicia in rockville. she writes, you normally give also five-day forecast but i'm wondering how far into the future can you determine what the weather will be? could it ever be weeks or months? good question. i'll the let tucker handle this one. generally speaking and this probably goes without saying, the further out you try to forecast, the less accurate you are going to be. >> it who be difficult. >> yeah. we like the five-day forecast because we feel like we've got a good hand handle on that. these seven and nine day or longer forecasts we see, they're just making stuff up. tucker there are reasons for this. tucker actually has some in- depth insight into this. >> i do? >> don't you? >> i like to think i do. as much as we take pride in our work, the truth of the matter is we can't accurately give you a forecast much more than about five days out. let me just -- i'm trying to think about the right ray wei to put this. here is the deal. i can't tell you whether it will rain or snow. i can give you what the temperature trend will be like several week out. looking towards the end of next week into the next weekend and the following week, temperature are likely to be well above normal. i can tell you that with some accuracy. i can't tell you whether or not it will rain saturday morning at 8:00 a.m. right now or saturday afternoon at 2:00. so we can get parts of the forecast right well in advance. but other parts, there are a lot of question marks. >> and there are trends. for example, we have models. it is very funny. you all know this because you are here. during the wintertime, tucker gets very excited about the models and he will say look at this, look at this and it is for like two weeks out. we're going to get hammered with snow and i always say to him talk to me two days before. some of the models do a fairly good job. it who be irresponsible to come out and say two week from now, it will relate lay snow like crazy. there are certain trends that we can tell. >> another big hint we get in the world of weather, we can look back at past seasons. i can look back at the past 10 years on may 12th and tell you swat weather was like. i can have a pretty good sense of what the weather will likely be like. it gets into a lot of deep thoughts about butterfly effect, real simply, that is the idea that a butt are fly flapping its wings in arizona will affect the weather in washington four days later. it is just impossible. the system is too complicated for any one person or group of people even to be able to forecast too far in advance. >> generally speaking, i do want to let you know we don't tend to use butt are flies. >> i was going to say where it that come from? >> there is a better chance that say a seven or nine-day forecast who be highlien accurate. >> i wouldn't even pay attention. five-day forecast is what you want. >> can you put your guarantee on it? >> as much as i can. >> a five-day is good. a seven or nine-day is bad. >> if you see this somewhere, it is being made up. if you have a question you want answered, go to and click on the weather tab. we will answer it for you. >> i guarantee you all that julie wright heard about was tuck are saying but temperatures, i can pretty much figure that out. >> now, i've got my run schedule, my tan schedule, what am i flipping on the a kiro 7. that is me calling you right now. pick up the phone. earlier we had a huge accident on northbound 210 at swan reek road. all of that activity has cleared. our lanes are open once again. we'll take it back inside. callers are telling me it is a ride that is about 15 minutes leaving ask keek headed up towards swan creek road but because of the accident and the stalled car, it is a 45-minute commute. it is jammed up badly at this point and now another accident in southern maryland will tie p your ride. piscataway east of temple hill road, this one involving a truck. business 4, all of our lanes are open. definitely slow going right now. 3959 congested from the beltway headed northbound up towards duke street. delays boundary channel drive to the 14th street bridge. that's a check of your fox 5 on-time traffic. >> thank you. it is one those places where you would love to get a few free samples. coming up in our next hour, our offbeat experts week. it continues at the place where money is made. i would like a few of those. >> make for great souvenirs, holly. not that long ago, many families were priced out of an overheated housing market. but the times have changed. get the facts at it's a great place to see all the listings in thousands of cities and towns. with lots of houses to chose from and down-to-earth prices the dream of owning a home seems more attainable than ever. find out what an experienced re/max agent can do for you. nobody sells more real estate than re/max. visit today. >> reporter: good morning, everybody. i'm holly morris. and we continue our off-beat experts week today. and it is fair to say that the experts we introduce you to today make more money than any off-beat expert we've ever introduced you to and that's because they are the people that make our money. we are live this morning at the bureau of engraving and printing. we're starting in the visitors center. but they make money 24 hours a day. it is around the clock operation. don't we all wish we could make money 24 hours a day. and we'll take you through the process. i think in fiscal year 2010 they produced $394 million. and by the time we're done i think you'll have a new appreciation for the cash in your wallet. assuming that is cash in your wallet. >> i was hoping you could help me out a little bit here, holly. >> reporter: i think they're on to us here. >> just maybe. thanks, holly. let's say good morning to our facebook fan of the day. it is grace begazo. seven years ago today her daughter was born. and there was a campaign to make them our fans of the day so congratulation and thank you for watching fox 5 morning news. we appreciate it. if you would like to be tomorrow's fan of the day find us on facebook by searching fox 5 morning news. no space between fox and the number 5. and then place a comment under grace's photo. >> good morning, sarah. thank you so much. and there is breaking news at a local 7-eleven, the clerk