>> well, once again, it is your interpretation of good news. in the weather department, we're just here to please. we may not give you everything you want on the same day but we'll give you a little bit as the week progresse anyway, let's begin with a look at our fox 5 accu-weather satellite-radar composite. nothing much happening here as you can see. we've got just a little bit of fog in some of our neighborhoods. warrenton is seeing some fog and some areas across the allegheny front. other than that, not too bad out there at all. not a lot happening like yesterday where we had a lot of cloud coverage which kept our temperatures down quite a bit. we also had some rainfall yesterday. here is a look at the highs. 84 at reagan national airport. 85 at bwi thurgood marshall. this morning, we are starting out not too badly at all. it is currently 74 degrees at annapolis. we have 66 to the south at fredericksburg. 72 at d.c. not quite as warp as it was yesterday. we are headed for 90 degrees for our daytime high. -- not quite as warm as it was yesterday. there will be humidity, not quite as humid as yesterday. i do know people would love the heat and all that humidity, but not me. >> i know. but it will drop off, the humidity at least next week, right? >> maybe. >> gwen with a tease. >> thank you. time now to say hello to julie wright and see what is happening during the morning commute. >> i can't wait until we just get a big bushel of tall leaves and then just let sarah nosedive right into it. >> then we can let her come to my house and cut the grass. >> i have pictures of me jumping in the leaves and that was just last year. >> you have to facebook it or tweet it. >> i will. >> and then you have to give it to wisdom because he has a lot of yard work for you to do. 66 here at nutley street hooking great. overnight roadwork all clears. lanes are open and the pace is great coming in from man aas towards the capital beltway. you will find yourself at speed leaving annandale. no problems reported on the beltway between college park and bethesda. that's a check of your fox 5 on-timetraffic. imetraffic. . making headline this morning. an eight-year veteran on the district heights police force is on administrative leave this morning after shooting a suspect in the back. it happened yesterday evening on county road. the officer says of his trying to prevent a man arrested for allegedly stealing a motorcycle fromescaping. police are investigating the incident. the district is reporting its first death from the west nile virus. health official say a second person has been hospitalized. these are the first two cases reported in d.c. this year but maryland has seen 21 cases including one confirmed death. in virginia, five cases have been reported but no one has died. five dematha high school football players are no longer on the team after they allegedly hired prostitutes from a call service. that is according to the "washington post." alleged incident happened early saturday morning at a hotel in north carolina after the stag won their first game of the season against a team from hillside, north carolina. the post reports two dematha players have withdrawn from school. two others may face expulsion and a fifth faces a disciplinary hearing. sherry ly is live in mclean near a toll plaza with details on what people are doing to make their concerns know about this fare increase. >> reporter: a lot of people feel like, even if they speak out against this, it won't help a lot. and drivers shouldn't be surprised by this proposal. that has been the plan all along, that metro -- to pay for the silver line metro out to dulles, that the toll road here would see increases in tolls. but that doesn't mean that driveers have to like it. they got their chance to speak up at the first of thee public hearings by the metropolitan washington airports authority last night. the agency operates the toll road and is building the silver line. the proposal calls for doubling the toll to $4.50 by 2015. the airports authority said the tolls have to go up but they could have identify other funding sources in the future. >> a lot of people can't afford those or just refuse to pay that amount. so it will cause traffic to spill off on local roads. that is one of the thins that really concern me because they are already pretty crowded and it is going to be disruptive. >> reporter: that man is leading a petition drive to galvanize people against the toll increase although he does believe that this is really just a formality to hold these hearings and the toll like is a didn't deal. he says it is like putting lipstick on a pig. that is the latest here in mclean. back to you. turning to politics now and the democratic national convention t wrapped up in t ni president barack obama accepting his party's renomination for president. lets he get more now from fox's nicole collins live in charlotte this morning. good morning. >> reporter: good morning w just two months until election day, president obama last night trying to win over those undecided voters and also trying to revive that same enthusiasm that powered his first presidential run. president obama making his case to voters that america is on the road to economic recovery but he needs more time to make it happen. >> it will take more than a few years for us to solve challenges that have built up over decades. >> reporter: the president, full of zingers, slammed republican nominee mitt romney's policies. >> feel a cold coming on? take two tax cuts, roll back some regulation and call us in the morning. the morning. . >> reporter: vice president joe biden also renominated thursday. >> one more thing. our republican opponents are just dead wrong about this. america is not in decline. america is not in decline. >> reporter: the president speaking in the soaring rt rick the country is now accustomed to asked voters to rally around a set of goals that he wants to achieve. >> goals in manufacturing, energy, education, national security and the deficit. >> reporter: he criticized republicans for being vague at their convention last week but they say the president's speech fell short of the specifics the obama campaign promised. >> we know he can deliver losty goals. that was part of his allure and his attraction in 2008 but it is wearing thin. >> reporter: both candidates are back on the campaign trail today and preparing for their first debate on october 3rd in colorado. >> i know some new jobs numbers are expected out today. is anyone expecting a pump in the polls for the president due to this? >> -- a bump in the polls for the president due to this? >> hard to say what might happen. if those numbers are bad, some are saying it could negate any momentum that the president has coming out of this convention. a d.c. police officer accused of making threatening remarks against first lady michelle obama, will he have a day in court? up next, appear update on that case. a horrible accident caught on camera. it left a state troop are injured. we are checking more headlines when we come back. -- it left a state trooper injured. [ romney ] this president can ask us to be patient. tthis president can tell us it was someone else's fault. but this president cannot tell us that you're better off today than when he took office. [ female announcer ] here in virginia, we're not better off under president obama. his defense cuts threaten over one hundred thirty thousand jobs, lowering home values, putting families at risk. the romney plan? tax cuts for middle class families. north american energy independence. create over three hundred forty thousand new jobs for virginia. [ romney ] i'm mitt romney and i approved this message. . trooper david avila was standing on the shoulder after i apolice stop in june when a tractor-trailer driving too close to the shoulder hit his cruiser and then hit him. he suffered injuries to his shoulder, back and legs. he is asking drivers to obey the move over law. drivers are required to move over or drop their speed when passing a police officer on the shoulder. the secret service will not prosecute a d.c. police officer who may have made threatening remarks about first lady michelle obama. the officer was accused of threatening the first lady in july. police chief cathy lanier says her department is now looking at the issue. >> so now, it is back in our hands and our internal affairs is handling an administrative investigation. >> do you consider it poor judgment or a potential threat? >> can't comment on it yet. >> lanier says the unnamed officer is still working while the investigation continues. >> the wife of republican nominee for president is rallying women in northern virginia later on today. ann romney is coming to leesburg and is holing an event, women for mitt, that kicks off about 11:45 this morning. d.c. police are doe employing yet another camera device that could end up giving you a ticket. details just ahead. >> plus the clues authorities want to you see to help solve a robbery inside a local church. first, here is gwen. >> it is a start to the weekend. we have some changes in our weather forecast that you may just like. i'll have the details and a look for you after the break. stay with us.  sit welcome back to fox 5 morning news-- welcome back to fox 5 morning news. >> happen tbri friday. >> i don't care if it is humid out today. its afriday. that is the attitude i'm going to have. >> okay. on that note, let's begin with a look at our fox 5 accu- weather satellite shot and show you what is going on out there. a little bit of fog in some of or neighborhoods. some of the moisture that is in the atmosphere from last night but other than that, not a whole hot going on. we actually are going to have a day that will have a lot more sunshine than yesterday and the other factor, not quite as humid. so, here is a look at what is happening here. we don't have much to show you as i mentioned temperature- wise, we are not quite as wam as we were yesterday. but 72 degrees at d.c. 74degrees at annapolis. we have the double 6s at fredericksburg. the same thing at manassas. 68degrees at frederick this hour. we are talking about a frontal system that will affect us. it is a weak front to the south of us but this is the big player that we're keeping a close eye on. today, we'llened up seeing mainly just mostly sunny skies. a couple of the models in a little bit of disagreement. one of them wants to give us a little bit of a shower later on today and the other wants to give us absolutely nothing. this front will move its way across the region as we head through into tomorrow and that is going to set us up for a day of rain showers and a chance of thunderstorms for your saturday. expect it to be a pretty day where you can't plan a whole lot outside. i expect it to be a soaker once it gets started. take a look at saturday. we start to see the storms moving in by saturday around the 4:00 hour. by 7:00, from 4:00 to 7:00, we are in the thick of it and it doesn't get out of here until the overnight hours into sunday. 90degrees for today. light south westerly independent flow. it will be sunny and hot. here is a look at the accu- weather forecast. look at the sunshine here. i think julie wright like all that sunshine. >> no complaints here no . no problems to report on the wilson bridge. 95 and bw parkway quiet. no problems to report on 50 between annapolis and bowie. northbound i-95 still in good shape leaving woodbridge headed across the occoquan. that's a check of your fox 5 on-time traffic. drivers need to watch out if another kind of camera in d.c. now. i know. i know. stop sign cameras. police chief cathy lanier says the city is adding about a dozen stop sign cameras to catch drivers who don't come to a complete stop. the cameras will be in mace by december. it will be a 30-day grace period in which they will issue warnings. after that, drivers will be fined. i'm just the messenger, folks. i'm just the messenger. all right. well, police have released a new clue as they try to track down a gunman who robbed two people inside a church saturday. take a look at this surveillance video. we are told that is the suspect running across the street and following a man inside st. steven's church in northwest. police say he held up the victims moments later. fox 5's karen gray houston has the story. >> st. steven and the incarnation episcopal church on newton street northwest is an activist congregation known for its good works. >> it has i agreat tradition and great history of helping others self-lessly. >> reporter: located in and historic district, it's diverse church. civil rights radical h. rapp brown once spoke mere. ward one's councilman is outraged that someone with a gun came here to steal. >> just absolutely appalling. >> take a look the this surveillance picture. police say this armed robber followed a man into the church around 12:26 saturday afternoon, forced him on to the floor, put a handgun to the back of his head and said yo, do you have any money. >> an armed robbery inside a church is particularly heinous. >> reporter: alicia horton is executive director of thrive d.c. which runs a homeless ministry in the church basement. she wasn't exactly shocked to learn that i man had stolen a wallet, money, iphone and other personal items from the victim's pockets. >> practically every staff member who drives here has had their car broken into into this very parking lot, including myself. we had an invasion one time during the course of the day. >> reporter: the pastor heard the commotion and walked in on the crime in progress. michael ocean has worked with the thrive d.c. program for a number of years he thinks somebody participated pating in the males program that day may have seen what the church surveillance camera saw. >> i think someone did see it. would they tell us? i don't know. >> reporter: police say the suspect is a black male, medium complexion b 5' 10", 18 to 20 years old. he was last seen wearing a blaskask, a striped polo short with short sleeves and blue jeans. -- a black mask. what is the word at the movie heater this weekend? the word. >> is that the new movie out today. up next, actor benefit barnes sat -- ben barnes sat down with kevin mccarthy. stay with us. world-class resort casino in maryland. creating thousands of jobs and... ...according to the official department of legislative... services, hundreds of millions for our schools. while saving taxpayer money by cutting casino subsidies. question seven. good jobs and better schools in maryland. not west virginia. this president can tell us it was someone else's fault. but this president cannot tell us that you're better off today than when he took office. [ female announcer ] here in virginia, we're not better off under president obama. his defense cuts threaten over one hundred thirty thousand jobs, lowering home values, putting families at risk. the romney plan? tax cuts for middle class families. north american energy independence. create over three hundred forty thousand new jobs for virginia. [ romney ] i'm mitt romney and i approved this message. >> thank you to each and every one ever you in here tonight and also to all of our fans, friends, family. >> the crowds went crazy. can you hear them for british boy band one direction as they accepted the best new artist award at last night's 29th annual mtv video music wards. the group broke out on to the music scearlier this year with their hit song, what makes you beautiful. >> i wonder who did their hair. they look like vanilla ice haircuts back in the day. wow! >> tonight's grand prize went to rihanna. the pop star was awarded best video of the year for her smash single we found love featuring calvin harris. taylor swift end the the show on a high note performing her new song, we are never, ever getting back together. >> a great message she is sending. in the new movie, the word, ben barnes plays an aspiring writer whose work is stolen and published under another writer's name. >> the movie hops back and forth showing the parallels in the lives between two authors. kevin mccarthy talked to him about the movie. >> an amazing decision that bradley cooper has to make. looking back at your previous characters you played in your career, which one would have stole it and which snow would have been more honest about it. >> dorrian gray would have stolen it. >> for sure. >> caspian would have not stolen it and outed everybody about it and printed on a decree. neil mccormack i played in a movie, he would have stolen it. >> as an actor, you have to constantly strive to do more and more. had you ever had to accept any limitations you might have. >> i always want to play whatever i haven't just paid. every time. if i have a just done a ridiculous musical comedy, i want to do a desperately sad story about a drug addict trapped in prison with crack addicts. i don't know. it is that sort of chameleon urge for an actor to just be different. i think it is because we are all a bit ocd and a little bit add and just be something else. >> if you could be one of your characters for one day in real life. >> i realize that almost every single character i've ever played apart from narnia ends up really miserable or dead. i'm always miserable or dead by the end. >> leerily doesn't want to be one of his characters. i can understand that. in our next hour, kevin joins us live from the toronto international film festival with his review. president obama's pitch for re-election. what did he tell the american people in we'll have more on the final night of the democratic national convention straight ahead. >> a heated debate over some rising tolls in our area. we'll be right back. the five stages of muller. ah yes... stage one: suspicion. "it's a yogurt, how good can it be?" stage two: revision. "actually, this ain't bad." stage three: surprise! "look at this cool cornery thing! i love this stuff!!" stage four: desolation. "it's gone!" stage five: anticipation "i guess i could always have another"... "have you been through the five stages of muller yet?" "yeah, just now." [ male announcer ] muller. the european for yummy. and there's juicy chicken hellmann's is the secret to making parmesan crusted chicken so juicy so delicious it's your secret to making dinner disappear hellmann's. bring out the best this president can tell us it was someone else's fault. but this president cannot tell us that you're better off today than when he took office. [ female announcer ] here in virginia, we're not better off under president obama. his defense cuts threaten over one hundred thirty thousand jobs, lowering home values, putting families at risk. the romney plan? tax cuts for middle class families. nth american energy independence. create over three hundred forty thousand new jobs for virginia. [ romney ] i'm mitt romney and i approved this message. welcome back. it will be a fantastic friday, i think, regardless. i'm giving you that word right now because the words that gwen is going to give you may not be so fantastic. >> it is not as humid. but we will have more sunshine than we had yesterday ishould have waited to do that yard work. i knew i should have waited. >> you can come to my house and do it today. >> i'm at my limit. >> anybody out there want yard work done? call wisdom. not a lot going on on here, folks. there was a little bit of fog in some areas but other than that, things are looking pretty nice. today will be shaping up quite nicely as well. 73 at quantico. 69 at both bwi and dulles. 71 at hagerstown. hears look at your day planner. by midday, 84 degrees. i've got lots of sunshine for you. it will be muggy today but not quite as bad. we are headed for a high of 90 degrees. >> all right. summer still there. >> still hanging on. >> julie wright, what is going on outside? >> i saw the picture you tweeted of you in the leaves. >> isn't that i great picture? >> isn't that great? >> that is from my yard and that was like the first wave of fall leaves. >> i won't mention what bailey does in those leaves but it was a great picture of you. all right. on the roads, northbound i-95, as you can see, already starting to slow out of woodbridge headed across the occoquan. we've got lanes open right now on the beltway between annandale and merrifield. chopt. chopt. -- that's a check of your fox 5 on-timetraffic. etraffic. at the democratic convention last night, president obama says he is a go for another four years. >> the president got a standing ovation from a tracked crowd inside the time warner cable arena in charlotte. >> america, he never said this journey would be easy and i won't promise that now. yes, you are on path is harder but it leads to a better place. yes, our road is longer but we travel it together. we don't turn back. we leave no one behind. we pull each other up. we draw strength from our victories and we learn from our mistakes but we keep our eyes fixed on that distant horizon knowing that prove is with us and that we are surely blessed to be citizens of the greatest nation on earth. >> the president says voters have a choice in november. that is, quote, between a strategy that reverses progress or one that builds on it. an emotional moment inside the convention hall last night as former congresswoman gabrielle giffords led the decembers in saying the pledge of allegiance. take a listen. -- led the democrats in saying the pledge after leamingance. >> i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. >> giffords was critically wounded last year during a shooting spree in tucson. she resigned from congress to focus on her recovery. her rec some of another stories making headlines this morning. district heights police are investigating a shooting that involved an eight-year veteran on the force. this happened yesterday evening on county road. police say the officer opened fire to prevent the escape of a man arrested for allegedly stealing a motorcycle. suspect was shot in the back and taken to a local hospital for treatment. the officer is on administrative leave. the first two cases of the west nile virus have been reported in the district. health officials say one person has died from the virus an another one is in the hospital. maryland has seen 21 cases so far this year including one confirmed death. in virginia, five cases have been reported but no one has died. five dematha high school football players are no longer on the team after they allegedly hired prostitutes play call service. this is according to the "washington post." the alleged incident happened early saturday morning at a hotel in north carolina after the stags won their first game of the season against the team from hillside, north carolina. the post reports two dematha players have withdrawn from school. two others may face expulsion and a fifth faces a disciplinary hearing. drivers may have to shell out more money to ride the dulles toll road and that isn't sitting well with some of them during a public hearing in ashburn last night, dozens came out to make their concerns known. fox 8's sherry ly is live in mclean with the details. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. you can bet a lot of people didn't like the idea of raising the tolls here along the dulles toll road. it would go to pay for the avril line metro to dulles and would double what driveers are paying right now. that has some people calling for people to just say no to a toll increase. in the first of three public hearings by the metropolitan washington airports authority which operates the toll road, people last night called the hike unfair. divers now pay a base rate of $2.25 but that would go up to $4.50 by 1015. the plan all along has been to raise the toll to pay for the silver line. >> people are very irritated, i think, both by traffic and tolls. so hopefully, we'll get them to go to the web site. we can pull enough people together and let the elected officials who are really the decision makers here know that it matters to people. >> reporter: the hearing last night was part of a 30-day feedback period. the airports authority says the hearing could help officials identify alternate sources of funding down the road although many driveers believe this hike is already a done deal. it is not just about the increase in the tolls. some people are concerned that it could have a negative impact on surrounding roads such as route 7 or route 28, even 66. these are roads that are already congested but people could turn to to try and avoid paying the higher tolls. that is the late here in mclean. back to you. some moments captured on surveillance video get a police officer in trouble. >> just ahead, what the officer did to a woman who was already in cuffs on her way to jail. a huge surge in world stock markets yesterday. the dow soared over 240. the nasdaq rose more than 66 points and japan's nikkei jumped 190 points overnight. all global markets are up as the european central bank announced a bond-buying program to save the euro. investors are waiting for the jobs report expected to show modest jobs gains. we're back in a moment.  we are learning new details about that animal attack in northern virginia. and 38-year-old woman was bitten. initial reports indicate it was a beaver. it turned out the animal was a rabid nutria. police say it caused serious injuries to the woman. she was taken to a local hospital ped is now undergoing treatment for the rabies attack. an oklahoma police officer tases a handcuffed woman and it is all caught on camera. check out this surveillance video. you can see the woman who was arrested for public intoxication talking about the officers and they she spits on one of them. the police get out the taser. the police department says it was an act of retaal yags aped against policy. a small earthquake rattled the los angeles area overnight centered in beverly hills. -- it was an act of retaliation and against policy. >> this was the second quake this week to hit beverly hills inform china, a couple of deadly quakes have killed more than 40 people today. the strongest was a 5.6 in the farming areas of yunan and also the guizhou provinces. 100,000 people were forced to evacuate that area. here is one for all you school people. imagine income grade school but never having to do written homework all year. i already don't like that plan. don't like it. >> it is happening at one local school. ahead in less than 15 minutes, we'll explain. next, we're checking weekend weather and your traffic this morning. stay with us as we take a live look outside at the beltway right now. [ romney ] this president can ask us to be patient. this president can tell us it was someone else's fault. but this president cannot tell us that you're better off today than when he took office. [ female announcer ] here in virginia, we're not better off under president obama. [ female announcer ] his defense cuts threaten over one hundred thirty thousand jobs, lowering home values, putting families at risk. the romney plan? tax cuts for middle class families. north american energy independence. create over three hundred forty thousand new jobs for virginia. [ romney ] i'm mitt romney and i approved this message. a live look outside at reagan national airport this morning. not a bad idea to catch a flight and go to like hawaii. >> where there is like no humidity. or california. >> or california. >> are you dissing d.c.? >> no, we love the city. >> for all of you who may enjoy today's weather, i'm going to give you the forecast right now. let's start with the accu- weather fox 5 radar satellite shot where we have enough clear skies out there that you could catch a flight to go anywhere today without any problems. if you are going to stay right here, we are going to be doing very nicely. just a little bit of fog. here is a look at where our temperatures are. 69 at baltimore. we have 71 at hagerstown, 07 at winchester and 66 degrees at culpeper. we've got a weak front to the south of us. not looking at much happening there with that. but this is the big weather maker for tomorrow. today, we're looking at plenty of sunshine for you. there is one of the models that does want to bring is a little bit of wet weather later on this afternoon and our futurecast does show a light, light shower to our northwest at about the 4:00 hour or so. other than that, we are talk nice conditions. it will be hot today though but this is the front. this front will push its way across as we move through into saturday. it will bring us widespread showers and a chance of some thunderstorms so prepare yourself for it. could see a little bit in the early part of the day and than a break and a little bit more in the afternoon. primarily in the afternoon along and ahead of this front is where we expect to see some storms and showers. just prepare yourself accordingly. we've got dry conditions for your sunday. here is futurecast. between the 4:00 to 6:00 hour, just a little bit of ask tuft here near hagerstown. other than that, we do well. saturday a different story. can you seat line of rain showers and thunderstorms that is going to push through t stick around, starts to clear only once we get through into sunday night. -- saturday night. sunday, we're looking good. this is leslie which is moving its way to the north-northeast. it is headed straight for the canadian maritimes along the coast of the newfoundland. this one is take the same path except moving athe bit more towards the northeast. so that area will get hit. doesn't look like anything affecting the u.s. coast with either one of these. here is your fox 5 accu-weather seven-day forecast. you can see once we get past saturday, we have this run of really nice days and sunshine. hopefully, julie, we'll get wisdom and sarah to come back in up to by sunday so they ken yankee the seven-day forecast. >> i think this is wisdom's plan n november, he is supposed to be hopping on a plane with me to miami. right now, he is on a plane with sarah going somewhere. >> he is a two-timer. you got to watch him. >> and notice he is not denying it. >> no, i'm not. northbound i-95 below speed headed across the okay 12:01. no problems to report on 359 continuing out to duke street and seminary road. not sure why the clicker is not working. but let me talk to you about the traffic continuing towards the exits for colesville road. i have delays on 270 approaching and passing 109. that's a check of your fox 5 on-timetraffic. etraffic. if you are taking metro this weekend, get ready for some delays. several stations on the red line will be closed due to some track work. shuttle buses will replace trains between dupont circle and the noma gallaudet u station. other rail services there will not be affected. the work started last night and it continues through system closing sunday night. again, we'll remind you about this. imagine being in grade school but never having to do any written homework all year. >> it sounds great. well, it is happening at one local school. we'll explain coming up next. >> that ball way in on harper and we'll have issued. here come the benchs and the bull pens again. >> a heated affair at nat park last night and another beatdown. beatdown.  anncr: this casinono's in west virginia. but it makes millions off marylanders every year. now they're running dishonest ads. why? because voting for question seven is a vote to build a... world-class resort casino in maryland. creating thousands of jobs and... ...according to the official department of legislative... services, hundreds of millions for our schools. while saving taxpayer money by cutting casino subsidies. question seven. good jobs and better schools in maryland. not west virginia. it was a fight to the finish last night, literally. the cubs didn't like it. there was nearly a brawl when the cubs reliever threw behind bryce harper. the benches and bull peps emptied and there was pushing and shoving. earlier in the game, the cubs bench coach jamie kirk was ejected after he got into a testy exchange. quirk wasup set that worth swung on a 3-0 pitch with the nat leading 7-2. they are so sense any of. adam laroche added to his home run tear with a two-run shot. let's talk to the orioles now. hosting the yankees and it was cal ripken night as his attach statue was unveiled. the os built a 6-1 lead. the os won 10-6. here as story for all you parents out there struggling with homework at night. traditional homework is a thing of the past at one public elementary school in maryland. instead, students are being asked to read about a half an hour every night. >> and so far, students and parents appear to like what is happening. john henrehan has the story. >> reporter: some many ways, local elementary school in downtown gaithersburg, maryland looks like any other public school. it's got hallways, a cafeteria and teachers in every classroom. what it doesn't have is traditional homework. when stephanie brandt came aboard ads principal two years ago, she and her staff conducted a review of homework assignments. >> we started evaluating the work we sent students home with. it was a lot of work sheets and the work sheets didn't match what we were doing instructionally in the classroom. it was just we were giving students something because we felt we had to give them something. >> reporter: so principal brandt got permission from the school district to implement a radical experiment. the only homework assigned is reading. don't you miss those math problems and stuff? >> well, that is why we do it in school. >> reporter: so you do the homework in school? >> uh-huh and we read in our house. >> reporter: how much do you read each night? >> like 30 minutes. >> reporter: is that the principal appear goal, 30 minutes a night reading for every student. parents appear to be generally supportive of the abolition of traditional homework. >> when he comes home, he has relaxing time and i think he needs that rehacking time. >> reporter: principal brandt believes the junoized order to read something every -- the generalized order to read something is sparking maturation and motivation. >> she would check off she had done her reading homework. >> reporter: in most elementary schools, the cha as a group goes to the library about once a woke. each child picks out a book or two. they tend to finish the books in the first night or two. it spends the rest of the week in the backpack. here, students are allowed hall passes to go to the library every day and they wound up reading many more books. principal brandt knows this reading only home work policy is a risk but so far, the standardized test scores remain solid. in gaithersburg, maryland, john henrehan, fox 5 news. >> i like that she is brave enough to take the risk. >> now that i hear that, that sounds like a great idea. that is an excellent idea. >> three hours for you to help your children. >> more than that. >> as we talked about, they are at school all day doing the works. but then they have to come home and do it again. >> the teachers there to help guide them through it. >> instead of a parent who is clueless like me. >> what math are you doing these days? wee with can read but that is about it. >> moving on now, do you think you'll got a raise any time soon? we are full of all kind of exciting stories this morning. find out what most people are saying about the chance of a paycheck boost. >> today, we say hello to lexy gail. she says she loves tuning in every morning with her mom and we are glad that do you, lexy. thank you so much for being our fan. the day. congratulation to you. just log on to our facebook page and leave a comment under lexy's picture if you want to be fan of the day. thank you. we'll be back after this. i think that is reagan national, isn't it? >> i think so. >> we'll be right back. ght bac

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