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let's get straight to tony perkins. >> we have new tornado warnings issues during the last two minutes. we'll go to hd radar and show you where the boxes are. these are warnings. that means there is a possibility of a tornado existing and could be imminent. all of this activity is to the east of the district right now. there you see the line of thunderstorms. it is racing eastward moving at about 50 miles per hour. these tornado warnings are in effect. i'll read the list. it includes southeastern prince george's county, southern calvert county, east central charles county, st. mary's county in southern maryland, central anne arundel county, east central prince george's county. these are tornado warnings that are very specific. forgive me if i'm repeating myself in some instances. south central anne arundel county. southern prince george's county. northwestern calvert county. northeastern charles county. generally speaking, the areas that you see in these red boxes here to the east of the district, cities include upper marlboro, mitchellville, heading towards annapolis, prince frederick, sheridan, leonardtown, hollywood, all of these location to the east. want to find the other cities. there we go. southgate, glen burnie, pasadena, severna park, road river, places like that, these are some of the cities that could be impacted. dunkirk, i know tucker mentioned them a short time ago. these tornado warnings in effect until 5: 30. bwi is getting hit hard with very heavy rain. there has been a lot of lightning with this system and strong, gusty winds. here is the good news. right now on our hd radar, we are not seeing rotation. we were seeing rotation earlier. we are not seeing it right now. we'll continue to monitor it. the new news is we have these new tornado warnings in effect just to the east of the district. i want to go to max # and show you the areas covered by a severe thunderstorm warning. -- i want to go to max 2. it includes washington, d.c. and to the east where the storm are moving right now. in addition to that, we have a tornado watch that is in effect for the entire area until 10:00 this morning. tornado watch. but again, for those of you just to the east of the district, that is superseded now by a tornado warning. we have no reports of tornadoes on the ground as of yet but it is certainly possible that they could exist. more rain coming. we'll talk about that coming up in a little bit. temperatures right now in the 60s but they will be falling during the course of the day. >> thank you. no doubt the weather conditions out there making it probably very bad for people on the roads. julie wright now with your on- time traffic. how is it looking out there? >> we are actually telling people that work the overnight shift, if can you stay put, do so. let a lot of this rain if you can move out of the way for a little while. it is blinding and deafening in some areas. it is coming down so hard, it was difficult to hear the radio on my trip in. we've already got some problems to report. this is a live shot of traffic coming south along 270. the pounding of water will affect your drive. you have to watch your speeds. enough to send you into a spin. be careful out there. you know on a day like today, you are not going to get anywhere fast so forget about it. double your commute time this morning. grab whenever you can to go and hit the road now because it will get worse as the volume continues to increase. make sure you're patient because it will take extra time to get into work. no incidents to report out of hyattstown headed through germantown and out towards the split. if you are traveling the beltway, you will find overnight construct was cleared early because of the rain. you will fine the lanes are open on the beltway annandale to merrifield. this is the hov land and already it is below speed. wall-to-wall traffic to say the least. we have a crash blocking the lanes on the occoquan river bridge. main line open for business. if you can coming from dumfries, this is where you want to be in the main line until we can clean up this wreck. no incidents at the 14th street bridge. lanes here are open. that's a check of your fox 5 on-time traffic. our big story as we experience the severe weather, pepco is under fire for its reliability during storms. sarah simmons joins us from the newsroom with more on the findings of the most recent survey. >> reporter: this survey not only asked how many people lost power and how long it took pepco to get it back on but the county wanted to know about the financial impact of these outages. according to the survey, customers are saying it costs them big bucks too. nearly 1,000 residents and businesses participated in this survey about pepco's reliability. 95% report losing power in the last year. they say it took more than five hours to get electricity restored and half report losing power for more than an hour during a nonmajor event. the montgomery county executive's office issued a statement saying the survey revealed outages had cost customers and businesses several millions of dollars. pepco then issued its own statement saying it is taking major steps to improve reliability. one example they say is increasing the number of tree trimmers from 80 to 300 currently. some customers agree they have seen pep owe out there hard at work. >> when they get to the neighborhoods, they seem like they're really working hard at it. it doesn't seem like some are working, some are sitting around saying i'll take my turn in a while. i don't see that kind of thing happening. >> reporter: pepco says it is in the process of hiring new customer service representatives and even new technology that would allow customers to use their smart phones in order to report outages. maureen? >> thank you. new this morning, police need your help finding a 12- year-old girl who has not been seen since friday. take a look. this is 12-year-old anna garcia. she was last seen getting off the school bus in the area of spice berry lane in gaithersburg on friday afternoon around 3:00. anyone with information is asked to call montgomery county police. site major reversal for the obama administration. >> just ahead, we'll take a look at the action expected from the faa because of the southwest jet that blew a hole in the roof. we have tornado warnings and some watches. stay with us. we'll have the latest on the other side of this break. ♪ hello sunshine, sweet as you can be ♪ [ female announcer ] wake up to sweetness with honey nut cheerios cereal. kissed with real honey. and the 100% natural whole grain oats can help lower your cholesterol. you are so sweet to me. bee happy. bee healthy. that's ever happened to cinnamon. introducing cinnamon burst cheerios. 20% daily value of fiber bursting with the delicious taste of cinnamon. new cinnamon burst cheerios. prepare your taste buds. the fallout continues from a hole found in a southwest airlines yet last friday. government is getting ready to order emergency safety inspects on some 737s. the order is for 08 boeing planes. most are ownerred by southwest. since last week's incident, three other planes were found with cracks. a major shift in the trial plans for the five suspects accused of plotting the attack on 9-11. the mastermind behind 9-11 and the four alleged co- conspirators will be tried before a military commission at guantanamo bay. this move mark a major reversal of the decision made back in 2009 to friday the five suspects in a federal court in new york city. attorney general eric holder spoke of the change. >> decision abouts who, where and how to prosecute have always been and must remain the responsibility of the executive branch. turning now to the latest in japan, more radiation is leaking into the sea from the damaged nuclear plant. over the weekend, the radiation measure the more than seven million time the legal limit. it is now down to five million times the limit. engineers say the readings were tape close to the leak and do not show the contamination is getting any worse. experts have said radiation break up quickly in the ocean but it is up clear what impact large amounts of radiation could have. today mark the one-year anniversary of a west virginia coal mine explosion that killed 29 men. that blast at the upper big branch mine forced big changes in the industry. massey energy says it will stop production at mines in west virginia, kentucky and virginia today. it is also planning one manhunt and 29 seconds of silence at 3:02 p.m., the exact time of the explosion. president barack obama getting an early jump on his bid for re-election. he has some losty fundraising goals. >> but the white house is already facing criticism about the new campaign. up next, hear why. let's check in with tony. we are trying to keep on top. the various warnings and watches that are in effect for this morning. there are some tornado watches in effect to the east of the district and portions of maryland. we'll tell you about that. severe thunderstorm watches although in parts of the area that, vied is being taken down. we'll give you the latest on that as well. also, julie wright is here. she as a look at the morning roads. they are wet and some in places pretty tough to get through. stay with us. fox 5 morning news will be right back. c you've got a strawberry pop-tart, but i've got a warm, fresh baked strawberry toaster strudel. see the difference? mmmm. i do. (announcer) pillsbury toaster strudel. the one kids want to eat. than listening there'to our favorite songs. there's nothing we love more than listening to our favorite songs. but our favorite thing is eating totino's pizza rolls. but our favorite thing is eating totino's pizza rolls. ♪ we're the kids in america ♪ oh, oh, oh we take a look at what is happening in chevy chase, maryland right now and can you just kind of see a tree down there off the side of the road. this is off the east-west highway in chevy chase. we'll keep an eye on what's happening. the rain coming down real hard out there for a while. starting to pass through some of the areas to the west. still some things are we are worried about to the east. that is why we have mr. perkins with us. >> we'll start with the tornado warnings. they are numerous. they are in effect for portions of maryland east of the district. let's show you hd radar. there are several tornado warning boxes that are in effect. most of these warnings are in effect until 5:30 this morning. there have been numerous changes touring the last few moments. i'll try to read through these and again, wear looking to the east of the district -- we're looking to the east of the district. the red boxes, that is where we are having tornado warnings. can we get this turned to air so i can see that? tornado warnings in effect for south central anne arundel county. look like some of these boxes have just come down. south central anne arundel county in central maryland. northwestern calvert county in under southern maryland until 5:30. a tornado warning for southern calvert county and st. mary's county in maryland. tornado warning, central anne arundel county in central maryland and east central prince george's county until 5:45. these are tornado warnings that have been issued by the national weather service. and let's see. we gave you that one. all right. those are the tornado warnings in effect just to our east. you can see that is where the heaviest thunderstorm activity is right now. this is racing eastward, about to cross the chesapeake bay and these storms are moving east at about 50 miles per hour. a lot of cloud-to-ground lightning and strong gusty wind as well. let's get to the graphics. we have some changes to the severe -- or to the severe thunderstorm warning. the district of columbia has now been taken out of that box. also, let's see. portions of the rest of the viewing area up to our north out of the thunderstorm warning box. but we still have all those county in yellow off to the east under a severe thunderstorm warning. now, let's get to wind gusts and we can show you how the winds have been gusting most recently and where the severe storm activity is, that is where you see annapolis. stevensville, 30-mile per hour gusts. washington, 21 miles. these are the win gusts we've seen recently. temperatures will be a little misleading. it was 64 degrees a short time ago. now, it is 60 degrees in washington. 63 in annapolis. all these temperatures will drop. it's vigorous cold front coming through. we've seen our high temperature for the day. during the course of the day, our temperatures will be in the 50s. current conditions, look at the difference. 60 here, 40 in pittsburgh. the current conditions being reported at reagan national airport, it is actually 60 degrees. relative humidity is up there at 81%. we'll end it here. here is what you need to know for today. tornado watch in effect until 10:00. however, the tornado watch has been canceled now for washington, d.c., howard county, montgomery county and portions of prince george's county. elsewhere, tornado watch in effect until 10like but i suspect that will change shortly. early showers, thunderstorms now to the east of the district becoming partly sunny, believe norte eventually, cooler this afternoon. we've already seen 64. temperature will be in the 50s during the course of the day today. we'll keep you updated on everything that is happening. if you live east of the district, you need to take cover. be aware of what is going on. you do have tornado warnings in he can for parts of that area until 5:30 or 5:45 this morning. >> thank you, tony. the rain certainly not making things easier on the roads. julie wright with your on-time traffic. >> we have a lot going on. wet pavement to accompany this drive. this is the hov lanes on northbound i-95 headed up to the occoquan. we had that band of rain come through the area at the begunking of the show. we are told from police that some traffic under police direction is able to squeeze by single file to the right but as you can see, it is clearly bumper to bumper slow on the northbound side of i-95. the main line is what you want to stick with at this point. this is the accident activity that was in place. they are in the process of clearing it all out. we just showed you this a few moments ago. this happens to be 410 at jones mills road where we have a tree down across the highway and on top of a car. so again, this is what we are waking up to this morning. the rain is still coming down in buckets, as my mother who say. very difficult to so a car length ahead of you. you have to watch your speed. you hit that, you will be in for a spin this morning. be patient, folk. you are not going to get anywhere fast. -- be patient, folks. you won't make it in in regular time this morning. plan on doubling the time of your drive into work. that's a check of your fox 5 on-time traffic. president barack obama getting an early jump on his bid for re-election. he has some losty fundraising goals. >> the white house already facing criticism about the new campaign. up next, found out why. pe ♪ [ female announcer ] why choose between delicious or 100 calories? ♪ with yoplait delights, now you can finally have both. ♪ it's the perfect parfait, with two indulgently rich layers of chocolate and raspberry yogurt and only 100 calories. yoplait delights. get rid of the "or." welcome back. we've been following severe weather in our area throughout the morning. >> let's check in with tony on this. i got caught on this coming in and it just rolled through in a hurry. >> it is continuing to move fast. that is why we are getting all these new updates because it is moving with such speed. let's go to hd radar. we want to show you a new or extended tornado warning. this is for southeastern calvert county and southeastern st. mary's county. both of these areas in southern maryland. this tornado warning in effect until 6:00 this morning. so that is an extension and i think in the case of st. mary's, part of that is new. but this is in effect until 6:00 a.m. this morning. again, the warping means that there is the possibility that a tornado is on the ground or will be imminent. again, we have a had no con furthermored reports of tornadoes this morning but we've had a number of warnings, this new one until 6:00 a.m., southeastern calvert county, southeastern st. mary's county, both in southern maryland. i will mention that several the other tornado warnings to the north of that area have been canceled. that is the good news. much of the region remains around a tornado watch. we'll continue to monitor these storms and bring you the latest on the storms coming up in a little bit. stay with us. fox 5 morning news will continue. experience the limited edition white collection from air wick, a choice of elegant fragrances, like white lily and orchid, to brighten up your world. add a touch of sophistication to your home, with the white collection from air wick. looking for fragrance that lasts ? try new air wick double fresh. it warms two refills simultaneously, filling any room with long-lasting fragrance. [ female announcer ] important events can sneak up on you. oh, i am not ready. [ female announcer ] but in two weeks, you could feel ready. introducing yoplait light's two week tune up diet plan. you could lose 5 pounds in 2 weeks when you replace breakfast and lunch with a fruit, grain, and yoplait light. betsy bets. you haven't changed a bit. oh...neither have you... sean. well, yeah. [ female announcer ] go to to start your two week tune up. welcome back to fox 5 morning news, tuesday, april 5, 2011. severe thunderstorm warnings and watches throughout the area this morning. you can see right there, we are taking a look at this. >> can you just kind of see that tree there. the branches sticking out there. a little tough to see because it is so dark and wet out there this morning. we have seen some trees down throughout the area. if you are driving, be extra careful. a little bit brighter as the vehicle is approaching. that tree is down across the road. more from julie in a couple minutes. but it is the actual weather that we are keeping a very close eye on. >> tony perkins, you look like you have new information. >> no, the warnings that i told you about still in effect. this picture is a better picture than we showed you just 10 minutes ago with a number of those tornado warnings having canceled or expired. a pretty strong line of thunderstorms coming through eastern maryland, the dheb, places like that -- the chesapeake bay, places like that and southern maryland. this could change at any point. tornado warning in effect until 6:00 a.m. for southeastern calvert county and southeastern st. mary's county in southern maryland under a tornado warning box with the possibility of tornadic activity. tucker and i have not seen any rotation in the system recently. that is good. you want to be ware that there is at possibility of a tornado. very strong gusty winds, severe storms racing through and cloud- to-ground lightning as well although we've seen that decrease too during the last 30 minutes i would say. we pull this out and you can see now it is moving across the chesapeake bay soon to move into eastern maryland. it continues to race through. here in the district, always flight rain falling in d.c. we have more rain showers in frederick, manassas, places like that. the severe weather has come through and i think once it gets through, we'll be done with the severe weather. let's take a look at the wind gusts. here we go. we'll go to the graphics. most recent wind gusts have increased now out to the east in advance of the storm coming through. 35-mile an hour winds in stevensville. 38-mile per hour wind gusts in salisbury. 21 still in d.c. that was the last big report. 24 up in baltimore. check out leonardtown, 44-mile per hour wind gusts. now, temperatures, big difference. 61degrees here in d.c. it is 69 in baltimore but these temperatures will drop during the course of the day and basically our temperatures will be in the 50s today. all right. that day planner is the wrong one. sorry about that. essentially, temperatures in the 50s. more rain showers touring the course of the morning and we'll see partly sunny skies later on today. >> let's get a check on the roads with julie wright. >> we had a number of accidents pop up in montgomery county, 9 at stewart lane, southbound 118 at 355, both now cleaned up and moved out of the roadway. we have a tree down across the highway in you are traveling along 410 over at jones mill. that is what we're dealing with right now. the strong, gusty winds coming through the area. if you can stay home and stay put until the storm moves out of your area, i suggest you do so. i know that is not easy for everybody to do. if you have to be out there this morning, just plan on a long commute, a slow drive. even double your time for your commute headed into work. if you are in the middle of that storm, you can't see. you don't want to run into something like this, a tree down across the highway. if it is trash day in your neighborhood, can you find a lot of the trash cans overturned and trash all over the place. here is the problem on 59 in virginia. we have two stretches of slow traffic. we have delays coming up past dale city. once you get past that, you've got more more delays this time around in dale city. only the left lane able to squeeze by the scene of this crash. most of the activity confined to the left. some activity is able to squeeze by at some point but it will be a slow go northbound on i-95 pretty much out of triangle headed up into woodbridge. that's a check of your fox 5 on-time traffic. big story we are following this morning. severe weather rolling through our area today as a new survey is out on pepco and its performance during recent storm. sarah simmons has more. >> reporter: this survey revealed a lot about how many people have had problems with power outages and the length of those outages. it also went into the financial impact and cut mrs say it cost them big bucks. nearly 12,000 residents and businesses participated in this survey about pepco's reliability. 95% report losing power in the last year. they say it also took more than five hours to get electricity restored and half report losing power for more than an hour during what was a nonmajor event. montgomery county residents have been hit hard by power outages backing up the result of the survey. we didn't have any trouble finding folk who have lost power over and over again. >> mostly in the summer months when we have storms. winter has beened about. >> there has been times when we don't lose power and somebody else does. >> reporter: councilmember roger berliner has been involved in the charge to hold pepco accountable for so many outages. he knew a majority of county residents had been left in the dark and says the survey con furthermored it. >> i don't think anybody in montgomery county will be surprised by it at all. >> reporter: just under 11,000 residents and over 650 businesses responded to the survey. county executive ike leggett's office issued a statement saying the survey revealed the economic impact of these outages was huge t ranged from 22 to $114 million for customers. # 1 to 211 million for businesses. >> dumping your refrigerator, having to get a hotel room, people investing in back-up generator faze public utility service. it has cost montgomery county upwards of $325 million in the form a hidden tax. >> reporter: pepco sent out its own statement following the results of the survey saying it has taken major steps to improve reliability in montgomery county. one example, pepco has gone from 80 tree trimmers in the field to 300 currently. pepco claims those crews have cleared 52 miles of power lines. some customers agree pepco is working hard. >> when they get to the neighborhood, they seem like they are really working hard at it. it doesn't seem like some are working and some are sitting around saying i'll take my turn in a while. i don't see that kind of thing happening. >> reporter: pepco also says it is in the process of hiring new customer service representatives and even new technology that would allow customers to use the smart phones to report outages. maureen? >> thank you for that. we continue to keep track of our big story this morning, severe weather including a tornado watch and warnings have been popping up all over. we'll check back in with tony in just a few minutes. a warning of a did i rent kind. what could be the latest online scam. we'll tell what you to check before opening your e-mail. but first, a check of the markets. they show wall street gained a bit yesterday. the dow was up 23 and the nasdaq was flat, losing less than half a point n japan, the nikkei dropped more than 100 points today as the nuclear crisis tragz on.   - - d rags on. [e . appear alert about your e- mail. hackers hit a marketing data company named epsilon. we talked about this yesterday. it stores information about millions of customers' buying habits and e-mail habits. fox 5's melanie alnwick explains what you should be looking for. >> reporter: here is one that i got just over the weekend. this is a really good example of how you can check out an e- mail without having to open it. if you see this internal link right here, don't click on it. must just mouse over it and check this line down at the bottom and see if the addresses match. in this case, they do not. that is include number one there is something fishy about this e-mail. the other thing you want to do is take this whole address and type it into your browser bar and see what google returns inform you get for a direct site or not. and did i not. i got a number of other addresses here with https which shows it is a secure site. nothing which says that that e- mail was not legit. >> epsilon is saying that only. mail addresses and names were compromised. the space shuttle endeavour will have to sit still just a little while longer. the april 19th launch is pushed back to the 29th. the scheduling conflicted with russia's plan to send a cargo ship to the international space station. nasa didn't want the russian vehicle docking at the space station while endeavour was still there. bp is asking the u.s. for permission to resume drilling in the gulf again. the oil joint is contacting regulators to continue drilling at 10 existing deep water wells in july. this comes almost a year after a rig managed by bp exploded in the worst oil spill in u.s. history. president obama announced in an e-mail and youtube video that he is rubbing for re- election. we don't actually hear from the commander in chief in the video. the white house wanted voters to see real life people talking about everyday concerns instead. we do have some health alerts to talk about this morning including something happening to kids with a too often at the er. and the illness that beer drinkers may be more suspect septemberible to. tony will be back next with the latest on the severe weather that is now clearing out of the d.c. region. we'll find out when it will be good to go. tony is up with that. coming up after the break. rth6  . we take a look at traffic out on 270 right now. you can see how wet it is out there as we get more and more commuters out there. most of the actual heavy downpours have already passed this spot but still sticking around in some areas. >> yes, to our east. if you are wondering why all the changes, this storm system moving very quickly, about 40, 50 miles per hour eastward. earlier this morning, an hour ago, literally, we were getting very heavy rain and lightning and tornado -- we had no watches or warning out to the west but there was a rotation in the atmosphere out to our west. then it came through d.c. now, it is pushing off it the east across the chesapeake bay into eastern maryland. because of that, we have new information. lets ashow you hd radar and i'll let you no he what is going on. right now, we have the national weather service just issuing a severe thunderstorm warning. that is now in effect. can you barely see it there but the severe thunderstorm warning now in effect for dorchester county. this is all in southeastern maryland and portions of virginia. dorchester county, somerset county, this is severe thunderstorm warning in effect until 6:45. these are areas to the east as the storm continues to track east. but frankly, it loses some of its intensity. in addition, i remind you that we still have a tornado warning in effect until 6:00 a.m. for southeastern calvert county and southeastern st. mary's county. i've seen no indication that that has come down. but we'll keep our eyes on that for you. that is in effect until 6:00 a.m. again, you are looking at hd radar. as long as that storm is over the chesapeake bay, you want to be aware that it is windy there. you key some water spouts and the like. right there. that is where we're talking about. you want to be aware of that. let's get to graphics, max 2, and we can show you the big picture. that is the tornado watch box that is in of course there that you are seeing. you can see the motion of the storms moving to the east- northeast. very severe weather came through earlier. we con to is he a fairly strong line of thunderstorms to our east. out to the west, there is more precipitation but i don't think we'll get heavy stuff like we've had during the early- morning hours. we will see more periods of run and shower ask tuft during the morning and then all of this will dissipate i think during the course of the day today. let's take a look at the area covered by the severe thunderstorm warning. this is the new one. it is essentially eastern maryland, portions of virginia down to the south, southern maryland, delaware into pennsylvania as well. severe thunderstorm warning which is in effect right now. temperatures, this is part of our story today as we will see our temperatures continue to drop. we've seen it -- they've dropped five degrees during the last hour or so. 59-degree in washington. 52347 gaithersburg -- 59 degrees in washington. 57 in gaithersburg. pittsburgh has dropped to 47 degrees. some cold air making its way in here. i haven't had the chance to mention it was 85 degrees yesterday. we set a new record. today, you see that 60? we're done. it has already happened. temperatures in the 50s during the day today and back into the 30s tonight. sorry about that. should get some partial sunshine later today. partly sunny tomorrow, 62. thursday, nice, 70 degrees. friday, 63 with some showers. maybe some showers on saturday and 63. more details on all of this coming up in just a little bit. >> let's get a check of the roads with julie wright. >> a lot happening out there on the highways including trees down across the highway. be careful. happened to be 410 at jones mill road. they to have a backhoe on the scene. we are told this tree came done on top of a car. what we can see is that the roadway is partially blocked at this time. 95 northbound congested out of triangle headed up towards dale city. accident activity has you squeezes by to the right. hov lanes be trouble near the occoquan with only the right lane able to squeeze by at the scene of that crash. now, it appears like we do have the traffic squeezing by to the right at this time. if you are traveling the outer loop of beltway coming from 66 in the direction of springfield, accident activity had the two left lanes blocked. a number of accidents are starting to pop up on us as more people get out and about this morning. that is why we're encouraging you to slow down. we do have another crash to report this time around on the southbound stretch of the bw parkway as you work your way out towards the split. as you travel from prince george's county trying to work your way into northeast washington, be careful. allow extra time out there. it is nasty out there. visibility is at a minimum. it will take you extra time to get into work today. that's a check of your fox 5 on-time traffic. before a health alert. concerns about ct scans given to kids during emergency room visits. a new study found that he more than quadrupled between 1995 and 2008. the number of kids' er visits did not increase measurably. researchers say a fear of lawsuits related to a misdiagnosis may be spurring that jump in ct scans. heavy beer drinkers might be face august higher risk of developing stomach cancer if they also carry a gene mutation involved in the metabolism. alcohol. spanish researcher says there is a 75% increase for cancer for people with in mutation. wine and hard liquor apparently did not increase the cancer risk, just beer. research areers say more studies are still needed. -- researchers say more studies are still needed. up next, we'll talk live to the sports junkies. [ male announcer ] perdue. the first chicken company to have usda process verified programs. [ female announcer ] important events can sneak up on you. oh, i am not ready. [ female announcer ] but in two weeks, you could feel ready. introducing yoplait light's two week tune up diet plan. you could lose 5 pounds in 2 weeks when you replace breakfast and lunch with a fruit, grain, and yoplait light. betsy bets. you haven't changed a bit. oh...neither have you... sean. well, yeah. [ female announcer ] go to to start your two week tune up. . there is your new national champions, the u. conn huskies. they beat lotter in the title game last night. 53-41. poor shooting all the way around for both teams. third national tight follow u. conn and coach jim calhoun. butler suffered its second straight loss in the title game. for more of the grand finale now, let's put the junkies on tv again from 106.7 the fan. >> good morning. >> i know it was a late start. i don't know how much you watched. i tried to watch the first half. as soon as i heard 28% shooting percentage for both teams, i shut it off and went to bed. >> we're troopers so we watched the entire ugly affair. >> good for you. >> i think it ended around 11:30. but it was an ugly game but u. conn wins the third national title since 1999. jim calhoun now among the greats like bobby knight. give butler credit, they made a nice run again but they just ran out of gas there in the second half. >> it was the worst college basketball game i've teen in a long time and forgive me, steve, i'm sick but it was the worst title game of a seen and i have avenue been watching basketball, you know, 30 years. when you only make three shots inside the arc as butler did, you won't win basketball. u. conn didn't even play that well. >> i know. nobody had a really standout game. let me ask you something about butler. they have been on quite a run the last couple of years. brad stevens has only been there for three years, great young coach. before last night's game, everybody was saying put this guy in the hall of fame now. since he has lost both games, does that tarnish this at all? >> i don't think so. you got to remember he is coming from the league and look at what he has done at such a young page. people talk about his transition defense. they will lose a couple of guys. lets asee how they reload. i expect them to fully be there in the tournament for years to come and it will be somebody you always have to reckon with. >> they picked the wrong night to shoot 18% from the field. >> i agree with you there. how about shaka smart staying at vcu. >> i thought he hay shot of stt they gave him a 300% pay raise. he gets his his pay jacked up to 1.2 million, eight years guaranteed versus going some place like oklahoma and loss nation couple of years. be the jim larranaga of vcu. >> he can own richmond. he turns 4 this try and now he can walk into redoes recruits living rooms with his business card that has a final four on it. a nice life. >> i think that is a great point about the recruiting aspect if nothing else. can vcu come back in will they have a strong team. is this a one and done for shaka smart. >> no, vcu has made had noise in the tournaments in years past. if you go for a school like nc state, you will beat your head in the conference against duke, carolina, maryland, uva. in the caa, sure, you got to deal with mason and old dominion but it is not necessarily as deep a conference and you have a better shot of getting into that dance every year, i think. >> all right, dpriez. we'll have to leave it there with the weather and everything else. -- all right, guys. >> thank you, man. >> see you. much more coming up this morning including more on our severe weather rolling through the area. see you on the other side of this i an

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