breezy as well with rain showers and drizzle continuing through the day. high only about 60 degrees. many of you will top out in the upper 50s. we'll have more on this coming up in just a little bit so stick with us for that. >> thank you. let's check in with julie wright and say good morning to her. >> good morning. if you are traveling around town this morning as gurvir had mentioned, you are definitely using the wipers. allow yourself some extra time on that wet pavement. coming in out of germantown, not so busy, at least not right now. easy commute headed down into rockville and no problems reported on the beltway between college park and bethesda. traveling northbound i-95 out of lorton, lanes are open so you are at speed continuing up towards the capital beltway. inner loop, callers tell me there is a large pothole near telegraph road. that's a check of your fox 5 on-time traffic. our big story, the search for killers who ambushed a man in centreville an shot him to death. >> neighbors say they don't think this is a random crime. it happened in the is he lewded part of the city on compton road. we get the latest now from stacy cohan. >> he is a very nice guy, a neighborhood fellow. he owns several businesses in northern virginia. >> reporter: mark morgan says he called his friend down the road as soon as he heard about their ordeal. police say just before 11:00 a.m., two armed men approached the garage area. the family was home but according to sources, the gardener somehow intervened and was fatally shot. >> we talked to them and they're pretty shook up. >> reporter: despite an aggressive search, the suspects escaped leaving others in this area of fairfax county double- checking their security. >> my mom usually turns on the alarm every time we go to bed just in case if something happens so yeah, just to keep us safe and if somebody breaks into the house, the machine will call the cops. >> it is kind of scary t make you want to come home, turn your alarm system and lock and load and go from there. >> reporter: stacy cohan, fox 5 news. the widow of the d.c. attorney murdered four years ago will be back on the stand this morning. three men are charged with obstruction of justice. prosecutors say they made a pact to cover up the killing of robert wone. he was found stabbed to death in a dupont circle home in 2006. the defense maintains that wone was killed by an intruder. nobody has been charged with his murder. yesterday, wone's widow testified about the awkward relationship she had with the swan street house mates. an investigation continues into a death on metro. officials say a man was found dead on a train at the shady grove station. no word on how long the man was on the train. there are new concerns this morning regarding the oil spill in the gulf of mexico. while bp has finally gained some control over the amount of oil gushing into the gulf by siphoning it through a mile- long tube, scientists are worried that the oil could be reaching a current and be carried to the florida keys. the u.s. coast guard says 20 tar balls have already been found off the coast of key west. lab tests will determine where they came from. bp says it will take another crack at shutting down the gusher for good later this week. scientists say the sheen on the surface is one problem but the trouble runs much deeper. >> clouds of oil that are well down over 2,000 feet down in the water column, some of them much lower than that. >> the obama administering is having a presidential commission investigate the cause of the rig explosion that started it all. voters head to the polls today in several big primaries. voting will take in oregon, arkansas, kentucky and pennsylvania. two veterans ever the u.s. senate, blanch lincoln of arkansas and arlen specter of pennsylvania are fighting for political survival. >> reporter: two democrats of the u.s. senate are fighting for their political survival. arlen specter's closing argument, keep my seniority. >> the i believe that the seniority, the experience is what it takes to see to it that pennsylvania gets its fair share. >> reporter: specter is facing off against joe sestak. >> i appreciate my democratic establishment but the status quo is not acceptable. i respect arlen specter but his time truly has come and it's gone. >> reporter: the latest poll show a virtual tie statewide. specter is getting help from the white house. >> i love you and i love arlen specter. >> reporter: also in pennsylvania, democrat mark krits is running. >> there is no point in being mad or frustrated or just screaming or doing something to lash out. we need to roll up our sleeves and go to work and do it together. that is what mark will do. >> reporter: arkansas voters could knock blanch lincoln out of the senate with a vote for lieutenant governor bill holter. holter says lincoln represents nothing new. >> just trying to get the message out to folks that if you send the age people back to washington, you are guaranteed to get the same results. >> have you to stand up and be counted and you have to take a vote. of a done that. >> reporter: graham paul faces off against the condition kentucky secretary. state tray grayson. >> i exbl kentucky will be any pretty republican mood this fall. -- i expect kentucky will be in a pretty republican mood this fall. >> that was will thomas reporting. an effort to get grounded flights back in the air following volcano concerns. we'll tell us what happening today. the crew of the space shuttle is hoping things go a little bit better today than they did yesterday. we'll take a break and come right back.  making headlines, aviation officials want to get grounded flights back up in the air so if a limit time, they have relaxes certain flight safety rules to cut down from disruptions from the volcano in iceland. planes will be allowed to fly at higher ash densities than normally allowed. the crew of the space shuttle atlantis will embark on another mission today. astronauts will attach a new russian built compartment to the international space station. they ran into deck nickal difficulty yesterday when a power outage knocked out cameras at the space station. the two spacewalkers had to stop what they were doing. nasa says they were in in any danger. the agency in charge of airport security my have a new leader now. john pistoli expected to be nominated for the top spot at the tsa. he would be the president's third nominee. the search continues this morning for a gunman who robbed an armored car in our area. sky fox was above the scene. coming up next, details of where police believe the suspect may have been spotted just a few days before the heist. tony is keeping track of our weather. >> tucker and i are both here keeping a watch on the rain showers moving through the area. we've got more rain this morning. expect more rain during the course of the day as well. also, julie wright will update us on this morning's rush hour traffic. stay with us. fox 5 morning news will be right back.  t .ie ♪ [ instrumental ] hey, max. [ announcer ] your dog's one of a kind. and now, you have the power to help significantly extend his healthy years. a groundbreaking 14-year study by purina, proves that puppy chow, then dog chow nutrition, fed properly over a lifetime, can help extend his lovable antics up to 1.8 healthy years. long live your buddy. oh, max. long live your dog. purina puppy chow and purina dog chow. welcome back. there is a live picture from tower cam. you see the roads are wet out there. it looks like we may be in for it the rest of the day today. that caused quite a mess in our area. our crews came across this along nebraska avenue. a tree gave with a taking down power lines and slamming into that suv. luckily, nobody was hurt. >> not a situation you want to be in. >> the wides were pretty strong too. >> we're going to have a breezy day today as well. >> the winds were pretty strong too. >> some of the trees topple over us as the ground weakens. more rain on tap for today and we are seeing some areas of heavy rain off to the south and east. we'll start with hd radar and show you where the precipitation is right now. can you also see by looking at these images where it is going, how much we're seeing. again, the heaviest rainfall amounts at this hour are off to the east across rehoboth beach, parts of delaware, parts of eastern maryland, southern maryland down there, a couple of blips too. here are your rain showers. right now in washington, it is mainly misty conditions we're seeing. at reagan national, they are reporting light drizzle and mist. we have more rain just to the west of front royal. all of this will be moving through during the course of the morning hours an more rain building in for the bulk of the day today. how much rain have we seen so far? as of midnight last night, reagan national, a half inch of precipitation. just about the same at dulles international. bwi over a quarter of inch at midnight last night so we've added on to the totals and we will for the course of date today. let's take a look at the bigger picture. you see more rain building in now off to our west. can you see that filling in. you can see a lot of precipitation and moisture across the mid-atlantic area. two culprits really. a low pressure system building off the coast and then another low pressure system off to the north and west which will slowly make its way through here. it will take its time so we'll get rain showers through the course of the day today. current temperatures around the region are prime you'rely in the 50s. reagan national airport, 53 degrees. dulles at 51 degrees. your forecast for today looks like this. plenty of clouds around. a cool day with temperatures well below normal. drizzle and showers through the course of the day. high will be in the upper 50s to about 60 degrees downtown and it will be breezy. your five-day forecast, some more rain showers tonight. maybe a lingering shower in the morning tomorrow. and then we may have a little bit of sunshine during the course of the latter part of the day. 75 on thursday way lot of sunshine. friday, clouds build in late but 80 degrees for your high. over the course of the weekend, right now, we have a chance of rain both saturday and sunday. now, let's go to julie wright and get a look at the roads. >> you will find the lain are open if you are continuing to work your way along 95 and 295 out of laurel. light traffic volume continuing out towards the lane divide and approaching mva. no incidents reported along 355. close in 66 as you leave fair oaks headed in towards 123. you will find all lanes open here as well. that's a check of your fox 5 on-time traffic. >> thank you. the search continues for the gunman would robbed an armored car in montgomery county. police say the suspect approached the armored guard as he was walking from the truck to the bank and held him at gunpoint. sherry ly has our story. >> reporter: as the armored car pulled up to the bank of america in the morning, one guard stayed with the truck. the second guard headed inside with the cash. that is when police say a robber confronted him at gunpoint, grabbed the money and ran. >> k-9 did respond and was able to get a track. tended a short distance later. >> reporter: police initially put out a lookout identify box- style u-haul truck. sky fox shows them stopping similar tile trucks. jr harris who runs the barbershop next door just missed it all because he got to work late. >> i'm glad i wasn't at work because i didn't want to be involved with something like that. life is too short for be involved in situations like that. >> reporter: one person says a witness saw the suspect before the armored car arrived asking questions and that the suspect was spotted around the bank a week earlier. >> we are reviewing tapes if there are any available. we are looking at those trying to figure out if he was casing the area or if he wasn't. it is unclear. we don't know. >> police don't know if the suspect had any help. he ran toward the back of the building and got away. that guard was not hurt during the robbery. so far, police only have a vague description of of the suspect and say his face was covered. no word on how much money the robber got. the armored car guard was not hurt but police don't have a good description of the suspect because, as sherry said, his face was covered. no word on how much money he got away with. here is something people might want to get their hands on. designers katherine and stewart hughes are selling the tricked- out ipads for $190,000 apiece. it comes with 53 gems covering the apple logo. it is made from a single piece of 22 karat gold. working on plenty of things throughout the morning. at 6:00, a health alert for parents. at 7:00, super tuesday, key primaries in several states today. we'll talk to a political analyst about what is at stake. at 8:00, we'll take a look at home values in our area. where is your best bet to find a good deal. all of that just ahead. next. >> he is a 4-year-old trying to fight leukemia here at georgetown university hospital but his is now a battle heard round the world.  welcome back. a live look right now at the roosevelt bridge at 66. a little bit wet out there today. we'll talk with tony more about that in just a moment. we'll find out how long the rain is going to stick around. a big change could be coming to your dinner table. my shoal obama announced the first of its kind agreement. major food and beverage companies have agreed to cut one and a half trillion calories from their products in the next years. >> this commitment represents a miamior step forward to providing americans with healthier choices so that they can choose to lead healthier lives. >> the robert wood johnson foundation will track their progress to make sure the company are living up to their pledge. a four-year-old boy is fighting leukemia and his family is now on a mission to find a life saving bone marrow donor. they set up a web site that is so popular this some celebrities are taking notice. beth parker has our story. >> reporter: devon comes here to georgetown university hospital every day for chemotherapy but it is the art therapy he enjoys. devon is only four years old but he knows that some cells in his body are sick. >> it isen understatement to say this is the worst thing that has ever happened to us in our life. >> reporter: his mom and dad have counted on each other as their son fights leukemia but they are not alone, far from it. friends and relatives created a web site, match it is, and they are on a worldwide mission to find a bone marrow donor who could save devon's life. >> in the first three days since the web site went up last week, they got 40,000 hits from 154 different countries and territories. >> reporter: the search has even hit hollywood. jessica alba, paris hilton and randy jackson have all tweeted devon's story. the family doesn't know the selbyties but they'll take the help they can get. the cells have specific proteins based on your ethnicity. devon's father is of northern european ancestry. his mom it is part indian. only 3% of the people registered as potential bone marrow donors in the u.s. are of mixed race so that means finding a match for devon is like finding one of these in all of this. a need until a haystack. >> the number are thin on the ground and we have agot to really try to get the message out. beyond that, we'll do everything we can for our boy but, you know, there are all these other kids who down the road will face the same awful situation we're in and we want both kids to have that chance. the national marrow donor registry includes about eight million people and it is not enough. >> when you are donating, you have the chance to save a life. and that is a gift that is so important. >> reporter: to this family and to others would will need help and may not even know it yet. in washington, beth parker, fox 5 news. >> there is another bone marrow drive in d.c. coming up soon. we have more on devon and how can you donate on our web site. look for the web links tab on we still have plenty more ahead on fox 5 morning news. an attempted robbery turns deadly in an exclusive and isolated part of fairfax county. i'm he a sarah simmons. i'll have a live report on the latest with the investigation when fox 5 morning news returns. "os taking a look at traffic out on the beltway, new hampshire road. still a little wet out there this morning. glad you're with us, mr. perkins. it look like it will be that way for a while. >> yeah, some pretty good rainfall out to the east. we'll see more throughout the course of the day today. we've got the cloudy skies. you can see we are not the only ones wet. eastern north carolina, off the coast, the jersey shore, it is raining up there. a lot of rain to go around across the mid-atlantic and into the northeast. we are not done. take the umbrella with you again today. current temperatures at the area airports in the 50s. 5 # degrees at reagan national. 51 at dulles. bwi marshall is at 54 degrees and we will see some movement in the temperatures today. -- 53 degrees at reagan national. cool, cloudy, our average high for this day would be 76 degrees. we'll be well below that. rain showers and drizzle and breezy with those winds coming to us out of the northeast. whenever we have the easterly flow t keeps the clouds in over us. keeps us damp as well. there you go. more of the same today. >> a lot of debris out there. you got to watch out for the road spray too because that is rough. >> it is tough in you get stuck behind a tractor-trailer and it seems like it multiflies. we have to keep an eye open if a large pothole reported on the inner loop of the beltway near telegraph road. that along the right side. keep your eyes peeled in the direction of the springfield interchange. southbound 270 starting to slow out of hyattstown. all of your lanes are open. traveling in virginia, outbound route 7 approaching route 9 in loudoun county. authorities checking for a crash there. beltway in the direction of the wilson bridge, all lanes here are open. but it is the inner loop at telegraph where we have received word of a large pothole along the right side. our big story this morning is a who done it in virginia. two men with guns ambushed or rather stormed a mansion and ended up killing a man hue there. >> this happened in a quiet neighbor in centreville. neighbors say the crime still has them rattled this morning. sarah simmons is there with more. good morning. >> good morning. after it happened yesterday, neighbors say they were double- checking their security alarms very fearful of what happened here. but police are saying that there is a possibility that this may not be a random crime. this is an area as you mentioned that is very isolated. this is the driveway to the home. you can't even see the home from where we are. it sits on about an acre back here. it is very isolated. neighbors we talked to yesterday say the couple who owns this home, they own a couple of check cashing stores and that a couple of those stores were robbed at least once recently. let's get you up to speed as to what happened yesterday. police are called to the home just before 11:00 a.m. development armed men apparently approached the garage of the home. the family of four was home at the time. police say there was some type of scuffle including the family's gardener who was shot and killed. >> this individual and some of the family members and the suspects got into an altercation and during that altercation, this other acquaintance was shot and then the apparent robbers fled. >> now, police are still not identifying the man who was shot yesterday. they are also keeping a pretty tight lip about whether or not there was anything actually stolen from the home and whether or not a weapon was found. we hope to learn more information in the coming hours. back to you. in the nipple, the trial of three men accused of coring up the murder of a d.c. attorney is under way now. the victim's widow is back on the stand this morning. robert wone was found stabbed to death in a dupont circle home in 2006. the three were all house mates and were charged with obstruction of justice. prosecutors say they made a pact to cover up the crime but the defense says police never considered that wone was killed by an intruder. no one has been charged with wone's murder. if convicted, each defendant could get up to 38 years in prison. an investigate continues this morning into a death on board metro. officials say a man was found dead on a red line train at the shady grove station. there is no word on how long that man was on the train. now to the latest developments with the oil spill in the gulf of mexico. british petrol abu ayab al- masri has finally gained a little bit of control over the amount of oil gushing into the gulf. british petroleum has finally gained a little bit of control over the amount of oil gushing into the gulf. the u.s. coast guard says 20 tar balls have been found off the coast of key west. it is not clear yet if the tar balls came from the massive spill. members of the the senate homeland security committee say the government isn't ready to handle this disaster. >> we were not prepared, either the government or the company by demand of the permitting authorities to deal with this kind of blowout of a deep water well. >> i can assure you that he with and the entire industry will learn there from this terrible event and emerge from is it stronger, smarter and safer. >> the white house has announced new steps including a presidential commission that will investigate the leak and all the resignation of a federal official who is in charge of overseeing the government's watch of offshore rigs. we should have a better idea about the mood of voters by the end of the day today as several big praimedz are being held in oregon, arkansas, kentucky and pennsylvania -- several big primaries are being held in oregon, arkansas, kentucky and pennsylvania. a local student on crutches and in a cast. he says his teeners to blame and now that teacher could be facing serious trouble. first, let's take a look at the markets and how they did yesterday. big rebound late in the day for the stocks pushed the dow into positive territory. same deal on the nasdaq and overseas. nikkei up just about seven points in tokyo. om new efforts to free three american hikers being held in iran. the mothers of sean bauer, sarah shure and josh vital plan to head to i ran today. they will appeal to leaders to release their children from prison. iran has accused them of spying. here in our area, trouble if a pair of virginia massage parlors. voice and narcotics agents have busted two businesses in loudoun county. -- nice and narcotics agents have busted two businesses in loudoun county. imagine getting a call saying your child's ankle was broken at school and a teach are may be to blame. tie roone woods is a seventh grader at maya angelou charter school. he says a substitute teacher accused him of flowing yelly beans. >> i backed away from him. that is when he picked up the chair and he threw it towards my way and i jumped up. it hit the inside of my ankle. >> the charter school board says it is investigating the incident. they've removed the teacher from the school. tyrone will have to wear a cast for the next three weeks. all week long, fox 5 is helping you to eat they would theyer. five foods that can improve your health and perhaps make you smarter. we'll check out your morning commute and take a look at the weather. you are watching fox 5 morning news. a little foggy out there this morning 567:89:44 now and along with the fog, we have some rain. some places a little stronger than others. so just be aware of that as you get going for the day. >> some fog, some mist, some drizzle, some rain. >> a little bit of everything this morning and temperatures are kind of cool too. >> our temperature are in the 50s across the region, low 50s for the most part. a cool start to the day, a damp start to the day and it will be a wet day again today so you want to be prepared for that. lets astart by showing you hd radar. we can show you where the rainfall is at this moment. you can see not so much in the district but that live live shot was from our tower cam in northwest washington. you know it is moist out there. and at the very least, misty. but we've got some pretty good rain showers off to the east. some areas of heavy rain moving across the chesapeake bay, eastern portions of maryland into delaware as well. ocean city seeing a little bit of heavy rain at this hour. not so much going on in the district but we have thatand th and then off to the west near front royal, some more rain showers including a couple of spots of heavier rainfall. let's go to the graphics and get the bigger picture on the satellite-radar. can you see here clouds and it will be cloudy all day today with those periods of rain coming through. we'll broaden this pictured a little bit. you can see it is a pretty good system out here. there is a lot going on. there is an area of high pressure out to the north and west and an area of low pressure developing off the coast as well. and that is bringing us the rain showers reunforcing rain showers coming in from the west with that area of low pressure out there. our current temperatures, as i mentioned, are cool this morning in the 50s. 53degrees right now in the district. 54 in baltimore. fredericksburg is also at 54 degrees. in winchester, it is 51 degrees at this hour. your surface map looks like this. it shows you how things will develop. we've got the drizzle during the early part of the day. more persistent rain showers coming through later on today. there is your area of low pressure. by tomorrow, we'll start to get some movement in this system moving off to the east and gradually high pressure will begin to move in. i don't think it will do a whole lot for us during the early part of date tomorrow but during the latter part of the day, we could begin to see some sun break out and we'll start to get a drying trend in here for a couple of days. here is the forecast for washington for today. cloudy, cool, a little bit breezy, winds out of the northeast 10 to 15 miles per hour. drizzle and showers will continue. highs will be in the upper 50s to about 06 degrees. tomorrow, some lingering rain in the first half of the day, i believe. at least some drizzle. then maybe some partial clearing late, 68 degrees. thursday i think will be the best day, thursday and friday are the best days of the week. 75 thursday with sunshine. mostly sunny on friday. 80degrees with clouds building in late. saturday, there is a chance of some more rain showers. now, let's get an update on this morning's rush hour frsk from julie wright. >> all right. it is getting busy out there. the wet pavement and more volume out there the roads means we do have accidents to reported. let's start off in virginia, westbound 7 at route nine in loudoun county for the crash. this is a live shot of 395 northbound in the main line right here in shirlington. accident activity involving this panel truck and another vehicle, at least two more in the backup here. so it is the right side of the road that is blocked. main line of 395 here in shirlington. some traffic is get big to the left. as can you see coming around the curve here, traffic is starting to slow as you travel north of duke street headed up towards shirlington circle. accident activity involving a truck and a couple of other vehicles tying up the right side of the road. large hot hole reported inner loop of the beltway at telegraph road. now, on the beltway, looking through the raindrops, we to have reports of an accident on the beltway near route 4 pennsylvania avenue. crews are looking on both the inner and outer loop for that crash. 108 at old baltimore road for an accident reported. southbound 270 busy on the took place side. delays aappropriating and passing 109. north slow traffic starting to stack up south of montrose road. if you set a goal to eat healthy he, you know it is not always easy. we'll show you what foods are considered best for you and we'll give you some easy and unique recipes to make them a part of your diet. we'll do that with the help of a celebrity chef. >> reporter: imagine a food powerful enough to lower offcholesterol, reduce cancer risk and even make you think better. they are out there according to dr. tom sherman, a nutritionist with georgetown university. >> the super foods are typically defined as being abundant in something, antioxidants, owe megathree fatty acids, vitamins. >> reporter: like berries, high in vitamin c and antioxidants which means they can boost your immune system and help prevent diseases. another great food to eat a lot of, leafy greens. >> they have a complex set of nutrients that are dramatically different, lots of calcium, potassium, low sodium. the kind of ratios of nutrients that people are aiming for. >> reporter: they are all full of omega 3s, something you will hear a lot about. >> people think of fish, they think of omega 3 fatty acid but it is not the same kind that you find in flaxseed or green vegetables. it is a much more complicated longer chain omega 3 fatty acid that is somewhat unique to fish. >> reporter: dr. sherman says shawler fish like sardines and san chopper 4ies are better for you because they have purer nutrients. also packed with nutrients, nuts but watch out. they are high in calories. don't overeat on this super food. you could end up just gaining weight. looking for a good alternative to rice. you probably haven't heard of this seed. >> the new grain that has gotten to be very popular and is very favorle is quinoa. >> it is rich in essential oils and higher fiber. when you are shop for food with grains, make sure the first ingredient is whole grain. otherwise, you will just be filling up on carbs. >> do yourself a big favor by avoiding processed foods, eating smaller portion sizes, avoiding fast food, get something exercise and eating foods you enjoy in smaller amounts. >> that is a great plan. so here are the ingredients for the meal that we're making today. we are making greens. you will need two quarts of kale, one onion, garlic, one and a half cups of chicken stock, 3/4 of a tablespoon of olive oil, one egg, one lemon an salt. for a complete shopping list and recipes go to our web site, just look under the menu tab. >> sounds good. the washington nationals hitting a bit of a road bum. a shown-high losing streak. coming up next, the showdown in st. louis. the deal of a decade if a popular member of the washington capitals. we'll hear from nick backstrom on his big new contract, all in our sports breakfast coming up next.  a good tuesday morning to you. timothy mcveigh ross here with your sports breakfast of the last night, the natsz are trying to avoid something that hadn't happened all season long, namely losing four games in a row. in order to do that, they would have to win in st. louis and that is never an easy thing. macmcbuyer back in baseball as a hitting instructor. his bays came south swinging. willie harris has it but the wall takes it away. two runs come around to score. he thinks he has a home run here but roger says no, sir and grabs it back. great catch. that is drew storm making his major league debut for the nats in the seventh. i think he is red question for the bigs. swing and a miss for matt holiday. when you get your first major league strikeout, you get a handshake from your catcher but the nats do lose their fourth game in a row. high drama in baltimore between the royals and birds. bases juiced. birds down a run. oh, the old ground ball to second base. that will do it for the bird. they lose 4-3 to kansas city. the redskins have made yet another interesting move signing yet another defensive tackle which begs the question is this yet another security blanket for one albert haynesworth if somehow, some way he finds himself off the roster when the season starts? i'm just saying. one guy who should be be getting all the playing time next year this, guy, 34-year- old vonnie holiday. the redskins signed him yesterday. he registered 33 tackles and five sacks last year. he played all 16 games while starting just three. he weighs 295 pounds. that is one of the lightest on the roster for the redskins. he is the sixth lineman the redskins have signed this off season alone. congratulation to the cawsht want tails and nicholas backstrom. they have agreed on a 10-year $67 million contract for backstrom. he is only 2 # years old. just completed his third season in d.c. he has played all 246 games consecutively. last year, scored 33 goals, added 68 assists to become just the fourth capital to register 100 points in one season. backstrom and alec ovechkin combined for # 10 points. the top two scoring line mates in the nhl. they are under contract for the next 10 and 11 years. what do you say, nick backstrom. >> i'm very satisfied. i am so happy to be here and stay in this organization. it is great. i think we'll have a great team too so we can build everything for next year. >> very well respected. very coachable and a great teammate. >> that is all for this edition of the break fast. do join dave feldman for more on the nats as they continue their series in st. louis. blues plus, it is game two of the eastern conference finals. we'll have all the highlights then. one more sports note, the nba draft lot rise tonight in new jersey. wizards with the fifth best chance to secure the top spot and they could finish no worth than the eighth overall pick. straight ahead at 6:00, a health alert for parents. are pesticides on food making children ill? we'll tell you about a new study. also checking your morning commute this morning and it is a foggy kind of rainy, wet start to this tuesday morning. we'll check in with tony and get the latest coming up at the top of the hour. we'll see you at six. 

Related Keywords

Dupont Circle ,District Of Columbia ,United States ,Arkansas ,Chesapeake Bay ,Maryland ,College Park ,Virginia ,Springfield ,Delaware ,Rockville ,Russia ,Washington ,Mexico ,Iceland ,Centreville ,Hollywood ,California ,Rehoboth Beach ,Georgetown University ,Jersey ,Baltimore ,Tokyo ,Japan ,Fredericksburg ,North Carolina ,Iran ,Kentucky ,Loudoun County ,Oregon ,United Kingdom ,Ocean City ,New Jersey ,Fairfax County ,Pennsylvania ,Germantown ,Montgomery County ,Americans ,America ,Russian ,British ,American ,Julie Wright ,Nicholas Backstrom ,Stacy Cohan ,Jr Harris ,Stewart Hughes ,Nick Backstrom ,Tom Sherman ,Randy Jackson ,Jessica Alba ,Beth Parker ,Graham Paul ,Willie Harris ,Timothy Mcveigh Ross ,Dave Feldman ,Sarah Simmons ,Sean Bauer ,Joe Sestak ,

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