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87 the daytime high in washington. that will be our coolest day so far this month, even cooler air expected this weekend. details on that in a couple of minutes. tony, back to you. tucker thank you very much. new this morning, three u.s. service members killed in afghanistan. military officials say this happened overnight in the helmond province. prince william county a church was damaged in an early morning fire, happening in gainesville. this was the scene earlier at mount pleasant baptist church. this photo was sent to us by a fox 5 viewer. fire officials confirm extensive damage to the church. no one injured and no word yet on a cause. in maryland, a second person has died from that house. 15-year-old ricky cole has died. it also killed cole's five-year- old niece, jade buffalo. investigators say they know what sparked the fire, an overloaded electrical circuit. d.c. police searching for a man they believe may be linked to several reports of attempts to entice minors. three times this month in mount pleasant and wilson high school and northwest police received complaints about a man matching the same description. the most recent case, the man driving a blue four door chevy followed a juvenile on 36th street northwest repeatedly offering him a ride. if you have information in this case, you're asked to call d.c. police. new this morning, fairfax county man is accused of inappropriately touching children at a day care. 28-year-old elwood thomas is charged with two counts of aggravated sexual battery. thomas lived on the grounds of a home day care facility which is now closed. he was arrested in june and since then other children have come forward. in this morning's other big story, expanding gambling in maryland. today is the second day of a special session in the state capitol. >> governor o'malley called lawmakers back for the special session. we get more now from fox 5's sherri ly. she is live at national harbor this morning. sherri? >> reporter: tony and allison, they are making progress in this special session and that is good news for national harbor, which wants to put a casino here as well as a raceway, which may be another possible location. the full senate is set to begin debate just about an hour from now. it could pass that bill as early as today. legislators returned to the state capitol yesterday. a senate committee passed the bill. the bill would add a sixth casino in prince george's county, allow table gaming and allow compensation to as you set losses. the house which didn't meet yesterday, will hold its first meeting at 11:00 this morning. national harbor and mgm are lobbying for a high end casino. opponents urge legislators to vote down the bill. but backers point to an analysis that projects the addition of table games and another casino could raise $200 million for the state and add more jobs. >> the response i get going around the county has been very positive. >> it is unconsciousble to come in a residential area. this isn't in the middle of a corn field. this is a residential area, and bring organized crime, to bring gambling, and there are vices that go along with organized crime. >> reporter: the house and the senate is like -- the path in the senate is likely to be easier where mike miller wants to add a casino in prince george's county. but house speaker michael bush, who is in anne arundel county, is skeptical. of course, that is where the state's biggest casino is. miller, though, did say yesterday he believed that they can find common ground and reach a deal on all of this to expand gambling by tuesday. that's the latest here at national harbor. back to you. >> sherri, thank you very much. making headlines this morning, thousands of mourners are expected to gather in oak creek today to say goodbye to six victims killed in last weekend's sikh temple shooting. the community will hold a service, a wake and visitation. wisconsin's governor, and u.s. representative paul ryan and attorney general eric holder are expected to attend the service. afterwards, mourners plan to go back to the temple. there they will hold a traditional ceremony that will last 48 hours. it seems the attorneys representing the alleged colorado movie theater shooter may be laying the groundwork for an insanity defense now. during a hearing yesterday, holmes' lawyers told the judge their client is mentally ill. cameras were not allowed in yesterday's hearing. holmes is accused of killing 12 people and injuring 58 others during a mass shooting outside of denver last month. the latest now from the campaign trail. mitt romney kicks off a multistate bus tour of key battleground states in virginia tomorrow, where he'll appear with governor mcdonald. the attack ads continue, the latest from the obama campaign questions whether romney paid income taxes. redskins nation breathing easy after a solid start in buffalo. >> rookie quarterback robert griffin iii hit the field for his first pro football game, looking sharp in the burgandy and gold. wisdom martin is here with more. >> i get to pretend to be a sports reporter. you saw -- >> i saw a little bit of it. >> only a little bit to see. so far, so good, right? so far so good. >> yeah. >> now, this is only a preseason game. the first preseason game, all right. so rg3's performance is giving fans hope, and excitement for the regular season, even though a small sample. let's go back to buffalo last night. the rookie quarterback played for three possessions and finished four out of six. pretty good, right? >> uh-huh. >> had 70 yards passing and a touchdown. nice touchdown. and the most important thing is the skins win, even though it's preseason, a win is a win. >> a win is a win. >> same thing, you know, at the end of the day this is what we do for a living. i played football for a long time, so the game hasn't changed, just the size of the people changed. the talent level. so it was fun to get out there, run around, in the redskins gear for the first time officially. something i won't ever forget. >> he's calm, cool and collected right now. you can't make too much out of this, though, because again, very limited action in a preseason game. for real perspective on this, we could talk about this all day, but for real perspective we talked to a former redskins linebacker, ken harvey, about what he saw last night. >> the game plan was not to give so much that guys will see what you're going to do. toss the ball out, roll out of the way. if you look at it, that opens up the door for him to move, go down the field, throw it to the tight end. i think they'll start using the tight end. had a special receiver, that was his boy, and i think you'll see more of that combination and it's going to work. >> now, progress is what we're all going to be looking for next, because again, small sample. next game, maybe a little bit more playing. little bit more action. but they're not going to give you the whole game plan. >> no, nor should they. >> nobody ever does that. but you do want to see more as you progress. by the last preseason game, you should expect to start seeing more action, more playing time, different things here and there. >> very interesting. >> exciting. >> i thought there was a lot going on. i think it will be interesting to see how the quarterback positions play out. will rex grossman remain at number two? >> whole other story there. >> cousins? >> as soon as grossman got in the game, first half, almost intercepted. next one hit the ground. let's just hope robert griffin stays upright. and that line can protect him. >> they protected him last night. >> yeah. if he goes down -- >> buffalo, it's clear to me, they want banks to be one of the wide receivers. >> yeah, but it's crowded group. have to see what happens. looking forward to the next game. >> new sports reporter wisdom martin. >> got to do whatever you got to do to keep a job around here. cucumbers, whatever we were doing over there. >> zucchinis. still ahead, the rental game in the district could soon change. >> that's right. thousands of new rentals will be popping up, so how will this affect the current prices? we'll hear from an expert straight ahead. we'll be right back. it's 9:10.    q finalllly carpet cleaning got easier. try resolve easy clean to deep clean your carpets. just 3 easy steps for beautifully clean carpets. it removes 3 times more dirt than vacuuming alone. don't just vacuum clean. resolve clean. in the black forest. [ metallic bell toll ] [ car speeding down the road, lightning strikes ] where things aren't always what they seem. [ wolves howling ] because thrills hide in the shadows just waiting at every turn. [ coaster whoosh ] brave the black forest on verbolten. the all-new multi-launch coaster. only at busch gardens. head north, to someplace pristine like acadia national park. there is nothing like the parks this time of year. the falling leaves, the crisp air, the perfect inspiration for air wick's fall collection. yeah, when i smell all those things, i know fall is in the air. the fall collection brought to you by air wick and the national park foundation. something in the air wick. well, if you still have back to school shopping on your list or to start, listen up. maryland tax free holiday week kicks off this weekend and runs from sunday august 12th to saturday the 18th. you won't have to pay taxes on clothing or shoes that cost $100 or less. more rules could be put in place to protect owners. the consumer financial protection bureau is proposing several changes on mortgaging, including easier to understand statements and faster payment processing. the changes could be approved early next year. tony? by the end of the year, there will be an estimated 6,000 new rental units available in the washington area. industry analysts say that could giver renters from fairfax to the district more choices and perhaps more bargaining power. joining us to explain is paul valentino, president of coldwell banker. good morning. >> good morning. >> why all these apartments becoming available? >> convergence of several things in d.c. number one, we have one of the strongest, or lowest unemployment rates in the country. we have very strong economy, and if we go back a few years in terms of the instability in the financial markets that we had, a lot of ne coming out about everything in the economy nationwide, then what we end up with is a period of time when there was virtually no new housing stock getting added anywhere. so we had no new houses being built. we had no apartment construction going on. during all of that time, if you're an investor, managing a group of assets, large institutional money, you'll start to look around for the place you need to invest your funds in order to gain that greatest return on investment. you're going to look at markets that are strong where you can invest your money. you're going to get out of the second tier market possibly, move into a top tier market in terms of real estate. what economy is in the top tier? washington is recognized nationally and internationally as probably the number one real estate market in the country, both for residential ownership as well as apartments and investments. >> still takes a leap of faith, because a few years ago things were looking down. to look ahead and say things will recover at some point. lower rents, will this boom of apartments mean lower rents and we suggest it might be better for renters, but can we really negotiate? >> let me explain what it's going to do here. i think you're going to have a great influx of rental units into the market. that's great news. again, they're making up for several years when there was no new additions. they're filling in a gap of the one of the things we have to remember is in the d.c. market area, there have been over 100,000 households move into the d.c. metro area. they have to live somewhere. they're either going to buy or rent. so that's what has spiraled rental prices and resale values of homes. it's this influx of new households coming here for jobs. they want to get in on the action in d.c. again, it will go back, what you'll see towards the end of the year, i think most are forecasting, not my forecast. you'll see a potential of flattening rental price increases. maybe a slight decrease, 1 to 2%. i don't think anybody is projecting a 10 to 20% drop. >> still that demand? >> still a lot of demand. >> how do rental rates for apartments, new apartments in particular, compare to individually owned properties, like if i have a house and i'm renting out my house or something? >> sure. values are comparable. and there's two segments. there's the apartment segment. and there's the other, take tony, for instance, who has owned his own property and wants to rent, or maybe forced to be a landlord. those prices have spiked as well also. great for tony, because he has more rent revenue coming in. >> i think we have a graphic to illustrate the point you're making now. so there you go. those rates up, too? >> right. as a chart you can show that we have here on the screen the rental prices of the owner occupied investor units went up over 16% over the last two years. and the other piece of the equation is mortgage payments have decreased over that same period of time. so that adds to the conundrum of do i rent versus buy situation for most households in d.c. why has that gone down? we've had significant price aappreciation in real estate resale properties. and the decrease in the mortgage rates to historic lows simply means even with an increase in price in loan amount, your mortgage payment has gone down over that same period. >> i'm out of time, but one last question. if you can afford it, if you have a job and what have you, should you rent or should you buy? >> tony, that's a great question. it's a lifestyle question. it has to do with whether you have the mentality to purchase or you want to remain a renter. choice of lifestyle. >> thank you for coming in. allison. a lot more ahead, including a preview of styles at this week's fashion style? >> have you seen this man? the answer is coming up in today's ask allison. let's economic in with holly -- check in with holly. >> reporter: it's often been dubbed the war of unfinished business, the war of 1812. this weekend there is a reenactment going on. we are live this morning at riversdale house museum, where they are gearing up, literally, as you can see, they are gearing up for the 17th annual battle of bladensburg. coming up we'll talk about why you want to make it a part of your weekend family plans. ♪ tell me something good ♪ it is friday. it's time for ask allison. today's question is about a picture or a poster, something plastered around the city. this one viewer says she's seen it multiple times around the city. she writes -- >> very interesting question. there is the picture. thank you for writing in. this e-mail came in so long ago, and i tried to find out who this character was for all this time to no avail. until my friend, and you know her, lauren demarco, my coworker, she googled in key words, which i never thought to do. typed in glasses, top hat, high collar and got an answer, sort of. here's the picture again. in this rendition of it, he has 2012 across it. in the e-mail that she sent the picture, it was a far away poster of this artwork. we tried to reproduce it here so you could see it. but this image has been around. she sent me this like last year, last december. it shows how prevalent it is. it's still out there and somebody has updated it with that. shows the man wearing the high spectacles and a man with a high collar. looks to me like arthur ashe in a high collar. it's not him. it's a blog and the writer believes it's the work of steven cummings. here is what she wrote about the artwork that you see. she says, one of the most widely disseminated images appears to be a portrait framing of a somber man -- please show it again -- who stares directly ahead through large circular glasses, a hat, high collar complete with vaguely victorian ensemble. the artist has deployed the image all around the city, on telephone booths and boarded up windows and stickers on free newspapers. that's all we could learn. the good news is people are talking about this image as you are. i have seen it before you wrote in. the bad news is, we don't know who this gentleman is. think of it like the mona lisa. it's intriguing, but we never know. perhaps it's not a real person and the artist did the image. >> the artwork? >> it's artwork. >> the artist is steven cummings. >> didn't address the blog. but he is -- from what i could find, well known as far as art around here. i don't want to say street art or anything like that. street art and becoming more of an artist that we know his name. it's interesting and out there. it's not an historical figure as far as we know. >> maybe someone will recognize it. >> and say it's me and i posed for that. finally we got to it. if you have a question you would like answered, send it to me, head to and click on the morning tab for a link to ask allison. very good. on the run, coming up next, a cat's clever route to safety as it's being chased by a dog. you won't me this video. >> take a look at who is in studio this morning. comedian michael mcdonald. he has a few shows in town. i'll sit down with him after the break for a few laughs. he has been super busy after mad tv. don't miss it. we'll be right back. [ male announcer ] in 1996, president t clinton and a bi-partisan congress helped end welfare as we know it, by requiring work for welfare. but on july 12th, president obama quietly announced a plan to gut welfare reform by dropping work requirements. under obama's plan, you wouldn't have to work, and wouldn't have to train for a job -- they just send you your welfare check. and welfare to work goes back to being plain, old welfare. mitt romney will restore the work requirement, because it works. [ romney ] i'm mitt romney and i approve this message. take a look at this. we got a couple of pieces of video to show you. this is a competitive motorcyclist, when a deer came crashing into him. it was caught on his helmet cam during a race in west virginia. take a look. he was able to get back up, and keep on going. the deer appeared to be uninjured as it ran back into the woods. >> great. >> that's what happens a lot. this is after he gets back up. there it is. oh, oh! >> i can't stand to watch. >> they're all okay. everyone is okay. >> i'm going to tell you something, we don't know if he's okay. he ran back into the woods. >> did we call the deer? >> thanks for ruining it. the other video. a cat being chased by a dog jumps onto a surf board and goes across the pool to safety. the video is posted on you tube. it appears the person filming was giving a tour of the property when the cat came running outside with the dog in tow. let's check this out in slow mo. >> watch the reaction. >> cats don't like water. desperate, right? >> the dog is like, really. >> you can swim doggie. dog paddle. the cat is the one who doesn't like the water. >> why doesn't the dog jump in? >> maybe it was all just fun. they're brothers. >> that's cute. >> that is cute. >> we went hard on that deer video. >> that was tough. i thought it was great. michael mcdonald is here. >> i'm so excited. i went over there and katie in my ear is, i hate to burst your bubble -- >> weather and then we'll get to michael. >> severe thunderstorm farther east, dorchester county, and several counties in delaware until 10:00 this morning. >> oh, boy. >> active morning. >> yeah. winds gusting to close to 60 miles per hour out there. live shot here in washington. and we're getting generally a break here after overnight rain and thunderstorm activity close in, montgomery county had a pretty good thunderstorm and south and east of the city down into parts of prince george's county and charles county. very heavy rain in the past couple of hours. all right, you can see most of the rain is east of the bay. left overshowers working out 50. probably more rain in annapolis, too. you can see the flashing, cloud to ground lightning. severe thunderstorm to our east until 10:00 this morning. winds clocked about 60 miles per hour. so this will lift off to the northeast. bit of a break. but the potential is out there later this afternoon we could do another round of showers and thunderstorms and some of those could be severe as well. a lot of action today in the weather world. that's the first piece of energy moving through. rain showers from central virginia into upstate new york. most of that will be out of here shortly. i think the next hour or two we'll see that dry spot move in and might be peeks of sunshine or periods of sunshine during f another band of rain to the west and enhanced later this afternoon, as it moves into our humid atmosphere. we could see additional round of showers, maybe strong storms later this afternoon and tonight. here's the good news, area of low pressure into southern michigan, another piece of energy will get through here later tonight and early tomorrow. that's the actual cold front and i think tomorrow morning we wake up, still cloudy. notice a little less humid than today. by tomorrow afternoon, sunshine, less humid, and high temperatures in the middle 80s. forecast gets better after today. currently, 72 in washington. that's as cool as we've been all morning. 79 quantico. 75 in annapolis. pushing upwards of 70 to the north and west. generally rain cooled region here. 70 in frederick and martinsburg this morning. let's do future cast. at 9:00, the worst of the weather to the north and east here by noon, 1:00. a couple of spotty showers around. maybe sunshine the middle of the day. later this afternoon, early evening, look out for that possibility of that second round of showers and thunderstorms out to the west. that will be moving through. we'll get that out of here and finally we'll get cooler and drier weather for the weekend. 87, mostly cloudy, showers and storms likely. lingering into the night time hours. 72 overnight low. the weekend forecast, gets better and better after today. tomorrow afternoon looks good. 85. less humidity. 86 sunday. beautiful. near 90 by next week. sunday and monday look great. that's weather, allison, over to you. this is my foot pedal, michael mcdonald. we'll talk about it. he spent a decade on the fox hit comedy "mad tv." he's done a concert special for pay tv and worked as actor, producer and director and a writer. he stopped by this morning before a weekend long shows at the d.c. improv. i am happy you're here. >> you have excellent taste. >> michael mcdonald -- >> yes, ma'am. >> can i tell you something? >> sure. >> okay. >> you may. >> my children, the youngest is 7, has been introduced to you and your work on mad tv. they watch it constantly on like youtube now. i mean, how does that make you feel? a little fearful? >> maybe your children need some guidance. >> some more age appropriate television. >> maybe you need parenting skills. that's the weird thing about you tube -- >> right. >> it's all over the world and everything. i've had policeman pull me over, maybe, perhaps for a good reason, i'm sure. i was pulled over and a cop came, and i need to see your i.d. i give my i.d. and i watch him walk away and he stops and goes, i can't give stewart a ticket. >> does it get on your nerves, though? >> no. getting out of a ticket? no. >> being like, you know, you have so many iconic characters. you could be dr. phil like that. i'm not asking you to do it. he's not on our network anymore. look, and there it is. >> that's the real dr. phil? okay. that's what i'll look like when i lose my hair. >> you will never lose it. >> it could happen. >> is it times so big it gets in the way of doing other things? >> i think it could for some people. i think the good thing is it's been a while. it's kind of why i think i transitioned into other stuff as well. to make sure -- it's mostly fear of unemployment, i think. >> a lot of folks know you from my life on the d list and other tv appearances you've done. who knew you were this writer and this director and this producer for some of the shows we have loved through the years. it's fantastic. what do you love the most? your own lines or making other people do your lines? >> i think, i mean, doing standup is really great, because it's immediate. you write it, you say it, and the audience laughs or doesn't laugh. the immediate moment. that's really very intoxicating and powerful. the down side is you have to tour a lot. essentially you're working in a bar, which is what i did before i made it, and now that i made it, i'm back in a bar. >> you also were -- >> the washington improv. >> we're going to hit those hard. don't worry about that. let's talk about when you were a banker. when i interviewed you 10 years ago in l.a., when i just first had gotten here, actually it was longer than that now, and you and mo colins of the mad tv, i said, i can't believe that you used to be a banker, because you're so funny. do you do that in your standup routine, how you were there and what you were thinking of as a loan officer? >> i talk a lot about the past. i talk about childhood stuff and everything. but the loan officer thing, that was a terrible choice for me to make. i went to business school, became a loan officer at a bank. and then decided to go into comedy and i had to wait tables. i waited tables on people i had given, i had failed to give a loan to. people i turned down the loans to were giving me orders. >> you're not hard to miss. 6'2",, handsome. you're like, can i help you? >> they're like, you sure can. i have one too many cubes of ice. >> do it again. your work on cougar town, splitting that with now and what you're doing now, the improv appearance. >> yes. >> and that's going to -- will you stay with it when it switches networks? >> i'm going to direct a few episodes of cougar town which moves to tbs in the spring. i have a sandra bullock melissa mccartney movie coming out. >> you play a villan. how can you play a villan? >> it's weird. in the end when i kill sandra bullock -- oh, i blew it. kidding. >> we have to go. i'm sad about it. >> the cat had to be shown. [ laughter ] >> michael mcdonald -- [ laughter ] the d.c. improve of course on connecticut avenue northwest tonight, tomorrow and sunday. there are the times. it's linked to our web site, we'll be right back. [ male announcerer ] in 1996, president clinton and a bi-partisan congress helped end welfare as we know it, by requiring work for welfare. but on july 12th, president obama quietly announced a plan to gut welfare reform by dropping work requirements. under obama's plan, you wouldn't have to work, and wouldn't have to train for a job -- they just send you your welfare check. and welfare to work goes back to being plain, old welfare. mitt romney will restore the work requirement, because it works. [ romney ] i'm mitt romney and i approve this message. it's time to free ourselves from the smell and harshness of bleach. and free ourselves from worrying about the ones we love. new lysol power & free has more cleaning power than bleach. how? the secret is hydrogen peroxide. it attacks tough stains and kills 99.9% of germs. new lysol power & free. powerful cleaning that's family friendly. another step forward in our mission for health. real big deals of the week. or how to get great prices on things you need. we know you look around for the best deals. that's why we give you real big club card deals each week. this week, seedless grapes straight off the vine are just 79 cents a pound. starbucks coffee is only $7.49. that's less than a quarter for a great cup of coffee. tropicana o.j. is just $2.88. real big deals this week and every week. only at safeway. ingredients for life. we're opening up the buzz bin with a look at movies hitting theaters today. a new edition to the bourne franchise. this time there's a new leading man. jeremy renner takes over the role for matt damon. he's playing a different character. but jason bourne figures into the story, despite matt damon's absence from the screen. our own kevin mccarthy gives it two and a half stars. >> also, the will ferrell political spoof "the campaign." hard r, but still four out of five stars. >> just in, hollywood is mourning the loss of another behind the scenes talent. >> mel stewart, best known for directing the movie version of willie wonka and the chocolate factory has died. he produced dozens of tv shows. he was 83 years old. coming up next, we're taking you back to the year of 1812. >> holly is learning about the battle of bladensburg this morning. how you can take part in an interactive encampment. that's next. last hour we told you about events taking place at this year's maryland fashion week. after the break, a look at some of the styles you'll find on the runway. stay with us. it's 9:44.   this is the plan for back to school. introducing share everything, only from verizon. a shareable pool of data to power up to 10 different devices. add multiple smartphones to your plan, so everyone in your family can enjoy unlimited talk and text. the first plan of its kind. share everything. get your student a samsung galaxy nexus for $99.99. with the sleep number bed, it's not about soft or firm. it's about support where you find it most comfortable. the magic of this bed is that you're sleeping on something that conforms to your individual shape. wow! that feels really good. you can adjust it to whatever your needs are. take it up one notch. my sleep number is 50. i'm a 45. and now, for those interested in trying memory foam, sleep number introduces our new memory foam series the only beds that combine cradling memory foam with the amazing dual-air adjustability of the sleep number bed. the memory foam bed that's perfect for couples. so whatever you feel like, sleep number's going to provide it for you. memory foam just found its better half. sleep number. hurry in now and enjoy introductory savings of $500 on our most luxurious memory foam bed set... and two free coolfit pillows! plus, a special financing offer. final days! ends august 15th. only at one of our 400 sleep number stores, where queen mattresses start at just $699. head north, to someplace pristine like acadia national park. there is nothing like the parks this time of year. the falling leaves, the crisp air, the perfect inspiration for air wick's fall collection. yeah, when i smell all those things, i know fall is in the air. the fall collection brought to you by air wick and the national park foundation. something in the air wick. ♪ get geared up to watch history come to life with the sights and sounds of the war of 1812. >> you can see it for yourself this week, the battle of bladensburg at riversdale. holly morris joins us from riverdale park with a preview. >> oh, hello! >> oh, my goodness! >> reporter: another thing i had in my closet. i really didn't have this in my closet. this is authentic. this is what they would call regency style, like what jane austin would wear. you'll see women out this weekend wearing wonderful dresses. they're reenacting parts of the battle of bladensburg. it's the 17th year they've done this. they can do it with wonderful people like this. good morning to you. i like your hat, too. >> thank you very much. >> reporter: which is not a hat, what is it? >> it's called a tarlton. >> unfortunately, in this battle, they didn't play much of a role at all. there were about 120 federal calgary and another 80 to 100 militia calvary. but they really didn't do anything much in the battle, because one of the things that went wrong in this battle was the secretary of state monroe came out, and felt obliged to rearrange some of the troops and he put all the calvary into a ravine where they couldn't see. >> reporter: not a good plan. >> not at all. >> reporter: if you're going to be a reenactor, why do you want to be part of one where you don't do much in the battle? >> you should always remember that calvary brings a touch of class what otherwise would be a disgusting common brawl. >> reporter: i'd rather be classy than good any day. i love your attitude! i have someone else i want to introduce you to. this is jim, with the baltimore united volunteers. good morning to you, sir. >> good morning. >> reporter: tell me about the role that you all played in this battle. >> our role was representing the regiment, the troops from baltimore. we came down and joined the federal troops that were down here along with the other militia. when the battle got hot and heavy, everybody started running. so they called it the bladensburg races. >> reporter: i heard that. >> they took off. >> reporter: i want you to take us through, because you're going to do a little firing demonstration for us. >> take care, load. half cock fire locks. hand on cartridge. prime. >> reporter: as they are doing this, i will tell you the firing demonstrations and other things like this will be going on this weekend here at the riversdale house museum. you can also take a tour of the house itself. they'll have a lot of activities here on the field, including that wonderful ice cream we showed you last hour and the beer as well. lots of family free activities. of course, the whole point is to learn about the history and the battle of bladensburg really was 1814, but this year marks the start of the centennial celebration of the war of 1812. lots of different dates to remember, but good history that is important to our area. before we go, let's see if we can get one fire off. >> fire! [sound of gunfire] >> reporter: allison, i think the only thing that is missing is you. i understand you, too, now are donning a hat. >> i am ready. thank you so much. tony, over to you, sir. allison, you look beautiful. but we have more beauty coming up now. bold and beautiful is this year's theme for a big fashion event that's taking place in maryland. it is fashion week in maryland. maryland fashion week, and we've got joining us now one of the designers is going to be taking part in the big finale that will be on sunday. this is [inaudible] i'm pronouncing that right? >> yes. >> she is designer for -- [inaudible]. pronouncing at that right as well? >> yes. >> thank you for being here. >> thank you for having me. >> give me a little bit about your background. the whole thing with this event, with fashion week, and there are many events going on, something tonight, something saturday, the finale on sunday, is to promote local fashion designers. tell us why that's important to you. >> that's important because there's a lot of talent in this area. so by doing this, it showcase some of the talented designers around here. >> you know, people think of new york, they think of paris and places like that for fashion. but there are a lot of talented people right here as well who are doing work that compares with what the other designers do? >> yes, oh yeah. because there's different types of people in d.c., which is the nation's capital, it makes it even more better, you see eclectic type of designs. >> did you come here looking to do design? >> no, i was doing it when i was home. when i came here, it became more present. so i decided to get in it. >> tell us about your line. >> studio d 'maxsi, it's bold and beautiful, like the title for maryland fashion week this year. >> we can see yet, but we will. we have a fashion show. want to bring in the first model? >> yes. >> what is her name? >> trida. she's wearing this va va voom dress. >> it's what i was thinking. what kind of material is that? >> garbanza and lace. >> why would you wear this? >> high profile event you can wear this too. >> very beautiful. thank you very much. next up we have? >> violeta. all made of bra. >> that's wonderful. >> maryland fashion week being a community based fashion -- >> before she goes away, can you flip the bras on the skirt a little bit. it's all black, so it's harder -- can you see that? that is amazing. that is so creative. >> it was donated by bali bra. >> wonderful. very cool. what else? >> our next model is mary ann. she's wearing this beautiful lace. this dress was actually worn by one of the local musicians at one of the grammy parties last year. >> wonderful. where do you get your inspiration? >> my inspiration comes from everything around me. it's a fusion of africa and western culture. >> this is very elegant. the fabric here? >> this is lace fabric, sparkly organza fabric. >> very nice. we have a gentleman out here. he is not wearing your line. who is he and what is he wearing? >> he's john and he's wearing -- >> hello, john. >> you can see from the lapel and the pockets the details. >> that is very, very nice. >> that's from george [inaudible] designs. >> we have to go. we thank you and all the models. it is maryland fashion week going on now. a number of events taking place throughout the course of the weekend. go to our web site, for all of the details. and we'll be right back.     it's time to change the way we clean. it's time to free ourselves from the smell and harshness of bleach. and free ourselves from worrying about the ones we love. new lysol power & free has more cleaning power than bleach. how? the secret is hydrogen peroxide. it attacks tough stains and kills 99.9% of germs. new lysol power & free. powerful cleaning that's family friendly. another step forward in our mission for health. [ sally umlaut ] it's greek-style yogurt. thick, scrumptious, and more protein than those regular yogurts. are those almonds i see in the corner thingy? caramelized almonds i think you'll find. well, who wants ordinary run-of-the-mill almonds when you could have the caramelized kind? if i was this girl, i'd caramelize my whole apartment. weird. this greek style yogurt has style. you can say that again. why thank you. this greek style yogurt has style. okay. stop saying it now. you're sending me mixed messages. [ male announcer ] muller. the european for yummy. most of the rain east of the bay. severe thunderstorm warning until 10:00 for parts of delaware there. possibility of showers and thunderstorms redeveloping this afternoon. five-day forecast, be ready for that late this afternoon, early evening hours. tomorrow, things gradually

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