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and again, that will pump in the more humid air. that's the only big change in yesterday. highs 90 in washington, let's see, 87 in manassas, and 91 in fredericksburg. could be a scattered shower ors thunderstorm later on. that's a quick look at theick the workweek coming up. allison, i'll toss it back to you. >> thank you.nk big story this morning, james holmes, the man suspected of unloading a hail of bulletsbu in a colorado movie theater will make his second court appearance today. >> we have awful the details. good morning, >> reporter: you know, cameras will not be allowed in this appearance, and it's still unclear if prosecutors will seew ilthe death penalty. james holmes will appear in court today to learn about theab magnitude of the criminal charges that will likely be held against him. >> potentially, we're talking about over 100 charges, 12 counts of first degree murder,mu then you may have 58 counts of attempted first degree murder. >> reporter: during the first court appearance last week, he seemed somewhat withdrawn, and some speculate he was drugged or putting on an act. act possibly making a stance for an insanity plea. sa >> this is going to be a casebe where athe focus is going to be on his mental state, his mental state during the process in terms of whether he is competent to even go through this process now, and his mental state at the time that he committed the acts. >> reporter: meanwhile, theorte judge overseeing the case has increased the blackout of information being released to the that includes details of holmes' visit to dr. fenton, an university of colorado psychiatrist.. >> the judge is trying to, heto wants to be the filter of theer information. he doesn't want any information to be out there that potentially would be inadmissible at trial. >> reporter: one psychiatrist says we may learn more about thm visit, as there is precedent with the doctor/patientdoct privilege can be broken. >> you can't sit on it if there's a real your confidentiality doesn't override your obligation as aio human being.n >> reporter: as james holmesr: premiums for court. tmz learned that the mother ofte one of the victim has hired a lawyer, ready to file a lawsuit against the movie theater. tony and allison, as i toss itto back, a sslot of talk on the internet about whether they had enough security or not at the theater, so that's the big question, and that may play inta this lawsuit as well. >> thank you very much, sir. back at home, we aree, learning more about the suspect police believe may have been plotting a mass shooting in our authorities say neil prescott could be held for a week for prosecution before filingec charges.ut police arrested the 28-year-old- early friday after allegedly threatening a former supervisors. they found dozens of weapons anp thousands of rounds of ammunition in the suspect's crofton apartment.tot. to virginia, where anwh alleged murderer is still on th loose. police say the suspect killed a business owner friday afternoon at his jewelry store in that's where sherri ly is live. >> reporter: police say theyor have got ten tesome tips, but still haven't made an arrest in this murder. tommy wong's family say this was his american dream, but he was killed inside his own jewelryry store, the motive apparently robbery. the 52-year-old hong kong native was a natural aisled american citizen, opened doors after working for years as a watchwa repairman. about 4:00 p.m. friday, a man came into the store on busy columbia pike, robbed a murdered honk.d they believe that pictures captured, the suspect was wearing a brightly colored safety vest, a black man in his 50s, 5'7", sources close toe the investigation say the cameras caught the actual hard to believe, say customers, since wong was so careful about security. >> i would open the door, and get inside the middle, and he would buzz again. and that's for insurance reasons, to be careful of who came in. >> i recall him working like to 3:00 a.m., almost every day. very hard working, dedicated. >> reporter: wong's family iste: hoping the security cameraec photos will lead to an arrest. workers at the restaurant nexts door sayta they did not hear anything unusual on friday at the time of the murder.f around the store here, you can see they still have some flowers, some letters, and other momentos at a mick shift memorial, people have been passing by, stopping to look at that thought the morning. police actually didn't discover wong's body until several hourso after the murder. that's because family members called police when he didn'the show up at home that night. that's the latest here in arlington. back to you. >> thank you.yo new this morning, dc policed c are investigating a shooting that happened near the verizon center. it was reported around 5:30 a.m along the 600 block the f officials say a man was shot,wa but is expected to they believe it was the result of an argument and police are now questioning the suspect.sp several streets remain closed. they are now open in that area. montgomery fire officials say an electrical problem is to m blame for a massive fire that displaced 14 people. p the flames broke out plate last -- late last night. 65 firefighters found massive flames, four town homes wereom damaged. luckily, no one was hurt. and in maryland, a hazmatan situation at d,an u.p.s. faciliy in laurel. around 2:30 a.m., prince george fire crews were called to reports of a nitric acid spill. no a word on any injuries. u.s. park police have released a sketch of a man wanted for sexually assaulting x woman on uaa popular trail.po. police say a man who looks likeo this attacked a woman as she shh jog. he choked her until she passedhe out. when she woke up, he was touching her, she screamed andr he ran off., if you recognize him, policeze want to hear from you. to the campaign trail where it's coming down to the wire for president obama and mitt romney. we are now just 99 days awayda from the 2012 presidential election. republican mitt romney is holding a fund-raiser in israel this morning, after earlierea meeting with netanyahu. he will be tiheading to poland later today. romney left a prayer on the famh news western wall. he is there to beef up his ties to israel, as well as jewish and evangelical voters back home. but palestinians are angry about the comments he made thatade jerusalem should be the capitol of israel. he said the united states had a mortgage duty to block iran. -- a moral duty to block iran. >> my message to the people ofof israel and leaders of iran is one of the same. we will not look away, nor willn my orcountry ever look away.ok >> mitt romney wondered allowed whether london was ready for the olympics, and i think it's clean thatd voters in this clear wonr allowed if mitt romney is ready for the world, and i don't think the world is ready for mitt romney. >> we have learned more about the cat democratic convention in september, he bill clinton has been given a prime speaking role, and will officially putoff president obama's name in for the party's nomination.s president obama is campaigning in new york cityrk later. this week, he has stoppede ha planned in virginia, ohio and florida. he will be in leesburg thursday. this follows campaign stops in virginia romney visited the commonwealth last month. chief leon panetta is in tunisia. topping his agenda, iran and riria. in particular, there arer, concerns about syria's chemical' and biological weapons, as wells as the hundreds of thousands. refugees pouring over the border. the crucial battle for alepo continues. >> reporter: it looks like a war zone in more than 100 civilians havevi libeen killed or wounded. >> i think another tragic example p of the kinds of indiscriminate violence that p the assad regime has committed. >> reporter: government forces,n trying to retake control. secretary pa knelt says the government attacks will lead to assad's demise. >> i think if they continue this kind of tragic attack on their own people, in alepo, i think it ultimately will be a nail in assad's coffin. >> reporter: a large number of syrianing continue to flee seeking safety across theth border, hundreds have made thei way to the first official refugee camp in jordan. >> when you have 1600 people to a thousand people every night, we've got to do what we can. [ inaudible ] >> reporter: there are thoughtse of tents set reup, and they are likely to expand. >> we will keep moving forward. we've got 3000 tents, and frankly, i think we'll be seeing more tents being put up. >> hundreds of thousands haveou fled syria with an estimated 200,000 just in the last fewhe l days alone. in new york, fox news. coming up, another local utility want to raise its prices. find out how much more customers could be >> college is expensive, but itt turns out fewer families are putting money into college savings plans. washington examiner staff write joins us after the break to explain the drop-off. stay with us. ththe first time i saw fios, it was absolutely amazing. for years and years we had to put up with cable. once we got fios, it was like somebody like took our computer, shook all the junk out of it. 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[ male announcer ] call 1.866.569.fios. that's 1.866.569.3467. contact the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800-974-6006 tty/v. say goodbye to your old technology. welcome to life on fios. ♪ another local utilityan company is asking for ota rate increase, baltimore gas and electric customers could feelto the pinch. bge asked regulators friday to approve rate increases forf electricity and natural gas description. th e company says the hike is needed to make improvements to comply with reliability and public absafety requirements thq were recentlyui in acted. if approved, the typical bill would go up about $7 a month.abn the typical gas bill would increase by almost $5 a month. metro is testing a pay by phone system for parking in its lot. starting today, customers atod rockville can use park mobile.ay it will work for -- in addition, to regular parking fees, the system charges a $.32 convenience fee per transaction. it's the same system used atat about 17,000-metered parkingeted spots in the district. over the past nine years, families in virginia and maryland have sharply decreased investment in state running college plans. steve kantorri found out the reasons before the drop-off. i suspect i know what's going on' people gjust don't have much money to spread around knees days, but is part of it, the icollege costs are escalating so much that people are giving up? saying i just can't afford thisi >> they have gone up a bit. it's been close to double. what we see is, as tuition rates go up, people dropping kids off in college. >> when the 529 plans were developed, they appear to bey ap great. this is a very good break tobrea start putting that mobile money away. >> there's two types of plans,pl prepaid college tuition, a plan that nine states have, maryland and virginia are two of the states, and these plans lock you into a certain rate, and you make a monthly contribution towards that rate. >> they realize the cost ofof tuition has gotten so high, and two people are able to afford four years of college. there's a 401(k) style plan that basically offers, you can make a month their contribution, and id will grow with the market, however, those can be riskier, and you can just contribute as little or as much as you want. it's a nice option, but still may -- is that an option thatan has grown in popularity? >> most states have the 401(k) plan, and there has been a lot of parents choosing that option, but they may not be putting aspu much away, ttand if you're puttg 25 that dollars away every month, 10 years ago, that wouldo cover a four year scholarship or tuition, but now it's 25 bucks's may not 2get you a semester. >> this is one of the things in the article that you wrote, one educator said one year of college now costs what a full four year program costs just 15u styears ago.o. >> it's astounding. >> what, i'm sure a lot of factors go into this, but what is causing this quick rise in tuition. >> we have seen a couple of bad spells in the last decade, including the last few years, but the state contributionte towards higher as decreased dramatically in the last decade, and two decades, and it seems to be an easierr option for, when you say you're going through k-12 -- cut k-12. college age students don't tendd to vote well, so they don't get represented as well in congress or in state legislatures. >> you were researching all of this, what did you find? fi even if we have limited means,mt should we still be contributing to some kind of program?f with the hope that well he bewel able to make it up somehow? >> one thing that maryland andma ryvirginia said, they want to stress you should be saving no matter what. that's why they offer plans like a semester of college. if it's a semester, your parents are able to put a semester, -- sooner or later. you. >> reporter: look at me, we've moved -- to the fitzgerald tennis center, where we have live, and where the city open is underway. look who is moving up the court. 2012 junior wimbledon they are here with us, getting early morning -- they areh usgg to talk about the game, chances and why they wanted to play in this tournament. this tournament at sleep number, individualizing your sleep is at the heart of every innovation. with the sleep number bed, it's not about soft or firm. it's about support where you find it most comfortable. the magic of this bed is that you're sleeping on something that conforms to your individual shape. wow! that feels really good. you can adjust it to whatever your needs are. take it up one notch. my sleep number is 50. i'm a 45. and now, for those interested in trying memory foam, sleep number introduces our new memory foam series the only beds that combine cradling memory foam with the amazing dual-air adjustability of the sleep number bed. the memory foam bed that's perfect for couples. so whatever you feel like, sleep number's going to provide it for you. memory foam just found its better half. sleep number. hurry in now and enjoy introductory savings of $500 on our most luxurious memory foam bed set. plus, two free coolfit pillows! ends august 15th. only at one of our 400 sleep number stores, where queen mattresses start at just $699. after more than 200 years of service, gray's general story in rhode island is closing. the new owner has decided tocide sell the family he inherited the store after his father passed away last month. he's decided to follow his dreao llof becoming a sports journali. >> really? >> it's not closing because ofge the economy, because he -- >> okay. little copy ton, you know that?? still ahead, a first for phelps hopes as he nears aars record. >> i hope he does become a sports journalist. >> dave is live at a redskins park. he's a sports journalist. >> he couldn't even get the words out. >> well coming up, it is day four, canf, you believe it? redskins training camp is flying by. we will catch up with a local product. is. another thriller in the pool last night.t. the freestyle relay. ryan lochte. could not keep his lead in the final leg, michael phelps won his first-ever silver in the event. and is now just one medal shy o tieing the all-time record. so there's good news, bad news, good news. and in women's gymnastics, jordan wiebeer made some uncharacteristic mistakes, and failed to qualify for tomorrow' team finals. here's how it works, just twotw athletes from each team can compete in that event. she had been a favorite to win gold. some upsets and stuff going on!! >> all right. kevin durant led the u.s. men's basketball team to victory withr 22 points in the opener againstg france, winning 91-71. kevin love had 14, and lebron james added nine. they play tunisia tomorrow afternoon. a look at the current medale counsel, china leads with 12, u.s. is right behind with 11,th three gold, five silver, and three bronze. china has more gold, they haveld six. ily in third, and just pickedpi up, a 8th medal. so there you go. mrs. obama was in london, and while she typically makes headlines for fashion, the latest may not be within our reach. friday night, the first lady wore a cap sleeved jacket.eved she was attending a reception ae buckingham palace. one website lists the jacket at nearly $7000. not even in stores. she has been criticized for not dressing up enough for visitsfo with r the queen, and you know, now the expensive jacket. it's tough. tough being in the public eye. >> darned if you do, darned ifda you don't.y she's not dressing, she needs to up the level of dress, and now it's too expensive. yeah. >> first lady. come on. in other news, it was coolth to seeer the nba players walkin with the group. >> oh, yeah, yeah, for the opening ceremony. of course, they're going to. >> some people were too good tod walk. >> really? i'm not aware of this. >> him not going to say names. >> tell us. >> i can't! >> it's news.>>. >> i don't know if it's true or not. >> well, okay then. >> you haven't seen it okay. >> we'll check on it ourself. forecast, lots of sunshine, partly to mostly sunny start tou the day, could be an afternoon shower or storm. >> some athletes who were beginning their stuff the next morning did not walk. >> right. >> because they got to get upg early, and do their thing. >> 81 at reagan national, 79 in annapolis, 79 in leonardtown. low 70s, so again, comfortable start to the day, should be a decent afternoon. not only today, but much of thif week, temperatures in the seasonal department. d little cloudiness through, butto you know, i will see periods off sunshine, and there could be aer pop up shower or storm, conditions are going to get more humid. high pressure to the north, and that will float offshore, and winds from the south, i think i you notice humidity on the increase.ea got a cold front to the west, that will get in here late tomorrow and early wednesday, and it won't really cool us dow but dry us out. otherwise, quiet weather pattern. er not at too much in the way of extreme temperatures, not dealing with too much in the way of extreme thunderstorm activitt here for your monday. future cast, there you go, 3:00 p.m., one or two showers starting to pop up in southern pennsylvania, and best chance o showers will be out to the west in the mountains where you get the best lift later today in th atmosphere. there, more shower activity in western maryland.we that's about it, otherwise, partly cloudy conditions later tonight and do it tomorrow. 90 the daytime high, average daytime high, 88 degrees, sod we're close. partly sunny skies, scattered around showers and storms. and winds south and east at about 5 to 10, and later, plenty ofof clouds, could be a shower storml early, 73 the low, and then wed do it all over again. scooter tomorrow, with highs in the mid-80s. wednesday, upper 80s to about 90, then that front loal, ergeth here, and doesn't cool us down,o but it will esdry us out again thursday and friday. so less humidity for you. let's look at weather, getting back to the desk with tony and allison. >> thank you, sir. after a day of rest, the redskins are ready to hit thet field last week, all eyes werewr on robert griffin the iii. but we are looking at some of the skins returning dave ross is live. i went out there friday afternoon, and it really, there's a real air of excite around the team this year, there really is. >> reporter: you know what? we say this every year, and som it is, it is true, hope springs eternal, but this year in particular, there is a buzzi around s here, more media outou here, more fans at 3:00 p.m. for the afternoon practice, because of robert griffin iii, but then you have to worry about who isth he going to throw the ball to. e it's a running back position. hello was banged up, and played through those. we're hoping another guy might be able to help out, that he evan royster, we knowwe hypothetical well from -- him from this area. he's a local product so he'so hoping to have a bigger rolea this year biafter splitting time withheld low and high tower. penn state all-tile leading rusher last year, he gainedh 328 yards in limited duty forim the itskins, but a very impresse 5.9 yards per carry, to how doe he envision number two going? >> coming out fresh of college is bunch of the most exciting things you could hope for.hop it's just a different month here. i'm coming out as more of amo business.r and i need to get something done. >> i think last year, evan was happy he mailed the roster. this year -- he mailed the roster -- made the roster. we always talk about rgiii, but the other rookie quarterback in kent, kurt cousins, out of michigan state, the kid is verye impressive, intelligent, and hei also will not nttake a back sea to anybody. i caught up with him fridayfr after practice.ce >> what is that like? the pc answer is, yeah, you bide your time, but you want to play. you want to show your wares. >> i'm focusing on the positives. this enables me to buy time. that could be a benefit for me, to not be thrown to the wolves. at the same time, you do want t play, and i think if i'm good enough, the cream rises to the top, and if i do have the ability i hope to have, my opportunity will come, whether here or somewhere else, and i have to believe that and stayan patient. >> what's the relationship likeo with roberts? >> it's going to be exciting for two rookie quarterbacks. >> i think there's a mule mooch i'm in awe sometimes of his athletic ability, and the same with rex and john, we have a great relationship and we are competing, and that's part ofha' the job, part of the position, and you're able to walk that boundary. and understand it's a business, and so far, it's been a great thing, i'm looking forward tofo spending the next two years wit these >> john was not john beck, jonathan crumb, who is fourth string. that was interesting to hear hi say the cream always rises toal the wtop, because at the end ofe athe day, we all assume and hon thatd robert griffin iii will l the guy here for the nextthe decade. if things don't work out, theyku have a guy there, you don't throw away a fourth rounds pick. kurt cousins looks like he coulu push them, and if it doesn't happen here, it could happen somewhere else. it look like they have two capable rookie quarterbacks going into camp. >> and i think that's a good thing. dave, quickly, you're on the radio today and the next several weeks? in espn 980?? >> yes, two hours a day, if you can't get enough of me in the morning, then tune over there at 10:00, and i'll give you two more hours of redskins anddsk football talk. >> that's two hours away. have you prepped for today's show? >> reporter: oh, i better go! a look at the movies on top of the box office. >> more drama for christianr stewart. >> and nadya diagnose suleiman, hope -- nadya suleman hope her fans, does she have fans, help her get a home. the batman movie took first place by a land side. ice age, and the watch tied for second, bringing in $13 millionm step up revolution came in a close 4th with just about $12 million in ticket sales, and ted raked in $7.4 million. the woman known as octomom is reportedly getting evicted and is asking her fans for money. nadya suleman tried to make money stripping and selling nude photos of herself, but it wasn't enough to avoid foreclosure. tmz reports she has two weeks te move out of her home. she's now trying to raiseo $150,000 for a down payment on m new home, $150,000 for a down payment! >> she has 14 kids. >> all right. yeah. she has turned to a website called, so her fans, her fan, can sends her money. has she no skills? >> i think it's a sad situation. the break-up saga between christian stewart and robert pattinson continues.n reports claim the u-haul wasul there because.pat continue son -- pattinson has moved out.v and steward has aapologized forf her affair. there next, going to the citi open. >> hello, kitties. >> it's 9:44, we'll be right back. this week, we're joined by alicia, the president of dakota dream animal shelter.he good morning, to you. you and volunteer with the same shelter, wendy dunn. welcome! >> thank you. tell us about your shelter. >> dakota's dream is foster homes. we have several foster homes,fo and stthe winchester petsmart allows us to show our cats there so we have five cages at petsmart, and the rest are inar foster homes.h >> that's lovely. >> we're very blessed.e' >> i want to talk about who we have with us. i'm very jealous, you have a pet and i don't. >> look. he just turned four weeks old. so stale bottle baby. -- still a bottle baby. his foster mom has to get up and feed him, like a >> i bet he's vocal if that doesn't happen.doen >> so not ready for adoption yei unless you are ready to do that? >> usually we will adopt at 8at weeks, ideally 12 weeks is the best. . >> yeah. >> we tried it that way. >> got it. g and speaking of shots. s who is in your lap? we'll talk about the importance of those >> this is luke, and luke is about a year old, and he has a condition called kh, and it is a bacterial or viral infection that can happen, and unfortunately, haley and his siblings were born with it so hs shakes, and when he walks, you can see him right now, i can't control it, it's neurological, and both his siblings were adopted, and his special needs is he can't do stairs, so you would have to have a baby gate or home that was a ranch tile home, and -- style home, andho mthat's the importance. vaccinating, it happened in utero, and he was born likern this.e speaked before, his siblings as you said have been adopted.op he can lick a wonderful -- live a wonderful life, so if you're interested in adopting him, wha do you need to know? just have that one level home. h >> or be willing to have a baby gate. >> and we saw him kind of borough into the blanket. is that sort of a -- that's just what he does to feel good and safe.d there he goes. >> there he goes. >> i would imagine instead ofea looking at it as a, you know, a birth defect, if you will. how interesting and unique if i have the patience and love. >> he's pushing his way right behind me. he wants to be with you.ou he's even managed to get up on the bed. he can make his way up on a bed, it's amazing. he's truly --tr >> i was going to say a great lap cat. if you want more information on looking to see what dock's dream animal shelter has to -- dakota's dream animal shelter, we will link your website to ours. tony, over to you. it is a big week for tennis in dc. the this will crescent trail i -- the citi open.c we are getting an inside look. >> reporter: they are like you need to look more tennis-y. i put these on, and my forehand and backhand got better, and i haven't even picked up my racket. everybody in washington loves the 43 year tradition of having theg tournament it's always been men playing,pl but for the first year, there's a women's tournament that'sto going on, instantaneously, and that's why i'm starting with jeannie, a lovely 18 years old, and is the current wimbledon junior champion, and the current wimbledon doubles senior champion. so you must be pretty good. >> we're hoping you look thelo court here.ou tell me about coming to the tournament, why you chose thisos one and e what you're looking f. >> it's great to be able to play it the wta and main draw. i was the officials one to win that court, so they told me ild made it through, but i like the courts here. >> so europe's going to playto double -- you're going to play doubles tonight? >> yeah. >> how do you work your day?u what's your workout schedule. how to you get your rest in? i practice before my matches at night. i like to sleep in a lot. >> so thanks for getting up. >> just for you guys. >> reporter: with that, does the heat slt bother you?both are you used to that? anything you have to do differently? >> it was hot yesterday in my match. washington is one of the hottest places to play to me. but we both have to deal witha it. >> what are your chances, youncs think? >> i think they're good. this is only like one of the few tournaments. i'm kind of the underdog right now, but looking forward to it. >> if you could play anybody onn tour, who would it be. >> serene. s she's the best, and it would bet so cool to play her and she how the best player in the world plays. >> and beat the best. >> exactly. e >> i wish you the best of luck.f thank you for coming out. i'm going to let her take to tho court.ur steve johnston, come on over here.r the three-time and reigning caa champ. heavily low to you. you got in last night at 12:30. what does it take to compete ino tennis c in the professional level, you just transformed froa college to pros. what's the biggest difference? >> the competitiveness, the guys on this level, everybody is good, they want to bring in their a-game. i'm looking forward to having a blast and getting better. >> can it still be fun when it's a job? >> absolutely. i've loved tennis ever since i was young. tennis has given me so much, i can't wait to go out and enjoy the battle. >> reporter: is it heartening r disheartening when guys like federer are still winning? >> he's arguably one of the besh of all-time, and what he's donee with the sport is incredible. and gives us an opportunity to follow his footsteps and have half a raker. >> what does it take to compete. you need a whole game?le not the day where you can servea and win? >> everybody is good. were the beauty of the game. got to out think and outsmartan your opponent.d on something's not working well, you have to go to plan b. >> what's your goal here. realistically, how far would yoa get if you would consider this a success. >> i'm looking to win as many matches as i haven't had a chance to goal set. just looking to come out and have fun. >> i hope you win all the way. i believe in you.ou >> plea, too! >> very good, thank you.yo this is great tennis that is out here, it happens once a year, right here in rock creek. we have a link to their website at men and women taking to theng court. ur we'll have more fox 5 morning news after the break. q finally carpet cleaning got easier. try resolve easy clean to deep clean your carpets. just 3 easy steps for beautifully clean carpets. it removes 3 times more dirt than vacuuming alone. don't just vacuum clean. resolve clean. friends, donors, campaign supporters, special interest groups where did the obama stimulus money go? solyndra: 500 million taxpayer dollars. bankrupt. so where did the obama stimulus money go? windmills from china. electric cars from finland 79% of the 2.1 billion in stimulus grants awarded through it went to overseas companies. [ romney ] i'm mitt romney and i approve this message. hey, there's your five-day forecast. 90 degrees later today, could b a scattered shower or storm, and this week, relatively quiet asqi we turn the pages to august. >> i don't want to jinxnx anything, but --bu >> it will be relatively calm,te this just in, big storm developing -- just kidding. >> actually, it's been quiet. q might be something brewing, and i'll show it to you tomorrow.rr >> i jinxed it. >> we thank you for watching fox 5 or

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