today winds are out of the south, 5 miles per hour pushing in that warmer, more humid air out of the south here. pressure up 30.14 inches. one or two showers to start the day, clouds as well. we have a warm front off to our south and west later today that will start to move across the area and help push temperatures up and also, increase sunshine around here. we will see a little more in the way of sunshine later this afternoon although, showers this morning a scattered thunderstorm or two as well. here is a look at your forecast more details on the heat wave. humid conditions warmer temperatures too. mid- to upper 80s by 4:00 p.m. afternoon highs, 85, 86 in washington. again, let's do traffic and julie. we are checking in with our wazers it is a free ap on your smart phone thanks for checking in. our fox 5 wazers, checking in, just below speed. bumper to bumper through rockville no incidents in your way but remains slow out of gaithersburg toward the split on the ramp, southbound 270, exit to the inner loop, object in the roadway. again one more shot from the crew in sky fox hovering above the belt way. westbound, 495 headed to that work zone university boulevard that separates the lanes, through the left one on the right will get you through delays on the outer loop halfy, slow and steady. back inside the commute if you are travelling off the ramp, prince william parkway northbound i-95 remains of the incident here, that will dump you into the hov lanes. the road is open pace slowing from 66 fair oaks headed to 123. that is a check of your fox 5 on time traffic. all right thank you our big story, the university of virginia has a new leader his name is carl zeithamil he has served four terms as dean of mcintyre school of commerce. >> his election came at the end of the day where we heard publicly from the ousted president and the board leader who led the moverid of her. lauren demarco live in the newsroom with more on what was said. good morning. >> good morning. fox 5 has been e-mail being the new interim president he said he was in london when the board made their decision overnight. he was there meeting with stupids abroad. the campus is destudying abroad. >> the campus is described as in turmoil. >> since it was made public the university president was ousted june 10th. faculty and students have been rallying around here. this large crowd gathered on campus yesterday as she headed in to address the board privacy and defend her two year tenure at the school. in a public statement she said we are all aware uva needs change and there are financial challenges she said she was working to better the institution and laying the ground work for greater changed. sullivan answers saying being an inclement allis does not mean i lacked vision. they spoke of the boards decision at a special meeting. >> this board has never or will we ever direct particular programs or courses be eliminated or reduced. these matters belong to faculty. simply put we want the university to be a leader in fulfilling its mission not a follower. >> regret, not for removing sullivan but how the transition was executed, faculty leaders are demanding she be reinstated, as university president and calling for the resignation of draget and the deputy director. sullivan will receive her compensation package. >> thank you. high profile trials topping our other story. first jerry sandusky the last prosecution witness was the mother of victim number 9 who said her son was raped by sandusky. you can imagine she cried on the stand when she testified saying she encouraged her son to hang out with the defendant and remembered a possible sign something wasn't quite right telling jurors i always wondered why he never had underwear in the laundry. defense began presenting its case. the judge indicated closing arguments will likely take place thursday morning. five years of legal drama over for roger clemens. the former baseball great will have to restore his reputation. a jury acquitted him on all six charges. it appears defense was able to discredit the prosecutions star witness who testified he injected clemens with steroids several times. clemens got emotional when he addressed the media after the verdict. >> all you media guys who know me and followed my career i put a lot of hard work into that career, and so, again i appreciate my teammates that came in and all the e-mails and phone calls. >> u.s. attorneys office put out a statement saying quote if jury has spoken in the matter we thank them for their service we respect the judicial process and juries verdict. you will want to stay tuned for coverage next hour. around 8:30 a.m., clemens lawyer, joins us in studio to talk about the case and tell us what's next for the baseball great. will. newly released phone calls shedding light on the purgery charges against george zimmerman's wife. zimmerman made the calls from jail after he was charged with 2nd degree murder. prosecutors say these calls are proof the couple knew about $135,000 raised on a website created for his legal defense. >> i asked him to double up on it, you know, $10 in the morning and $10 in the evening and then you can take 10 for you and 10 for -- >> these calls are an indication they were being smoky. he remains in jail -- sneaky, he remains in jail due back in court next friday. the g 20 is supposed to focus on the global economy. president obama's awkward meet being russia's president is grabbing a whole lot of attention today. we will see a statement of unity as the g 20 summit comes to an end. it wasn't hard to spot the tension in the air. >> reporter: this may be the most enduring image of the summit and had almost nothing to do with economics. president obama and putin seemed to barely stand the sight of each other at odds over continuing violence this syria. >> we discussed syria, where we agreed we need to see a cessation of violence. >> reporter: was this just for show? a short time later what appeared to be a candid moment the two leaders shared a brief exchange and a laugh. it may also under score the begrudging alliance that will emerge when g 20 nations agree the take steps to stabilize the crisis in europe. when voters in greece decided to stay with the euro there was relief. spain and italy can have a big spill over effect on the u.s. economy. >> i think you will see coming out of these meetings a high degree of resolve to work together to address financial market, tension and more clarity about the need to strengthen demand. >> reporter: but that idea of strengthening demand can mean more government spending and more debt. in washington, doug luzader, fox news. on the campaign trail mitt romney says he can win michigan republican presidential candidate originally from michigan says if he does win the state he will win the presidency he grew up there and is continuing a bus trip with several stops there. romney has been touring six states in the upper midwest. 9 minutes after 7:00 a.m. coming up 7:10 a.m., we are going to talk about shortly, haves good and bad news in the battle against those raging wild fires in the west. it has been so tough for those firefighters. check this out, serious death in a popular eastern shore beach down. all about that and who this man is. how metro's rush plus program is working out on day two. as we head to break, a live lookout side, it is heating up and only getting warmer this week. the latest from tony and julie and tucker and the whole gang after we continue. stay with us. the middle class is shrinking. in this day and age you can only accomplish so much without a degree, and traditional institutions are simply not set up to accommodate people who have jobs and families. university of phoenix works for those people who have real lives and real demands. the degrees that we offer are things where people can fulfill their goals with even brighter hopes for the future. my name is katy white, i'm committed to making a difference in people's lives and i am a phoenix. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ making headlines a mysterious death at a popular delaware beach. a woman was found dead inside her motel room yesterday morning. delaware police released this surveillance picture of a man they would like to talk to about the case they are still trying to figure out who the woman is and how she died. >> good and bad news in the massive wild fire out west. the blaze near fort collins is 50% contained, that didn't happen before flames burned more homes that -- 8 more homes that brings total number of houses destroyed to 189. flames have charred 92 square miles. take a look at this video, amazing, it is a time lapse of a massive dust storm sweeping over the phoenix area, this past weekend. wow. a resident posted this to youtube it has had thousands of hits you can see the wall of sand and dust swallowing up the land and sky. sand storms are most common during summer monsoon season which started friday. wow, ominous. >> yeah, and it is not unusual, but that is something i have to say i am glad we don't have that here. >> that would be awful >> i would hate that. >> i am thinking that would be a good place to own a car wash. well, we had another sand storm boys let's get the car washed. hold your breath and go through the car wash. >> good morning sounds like we got to get ready for heat. particularly tomorrow when we transition. lookout, dangerous heat plus heat advisories, certainly by thursday. our heat index will push 100. >> you might be wearing shorts under the desk here >> i might be wearing them right now. i'm not i'm wearing long pants but i have flip flops on. just kidding. showers light, sprinkles, montgomery county, we lost it, 1 or 2 more in baltimore thank you and down, there you go, south of washington potomac, showers fairly persistent. one or two showers to start your day cloud cover low clouds, maritime layer, that will slowlier road and warmer air off to our --er road and warmer air off to our south and west. humidity later this afternoon as well a few scattered storms late this afternoon. out to the west, chicago, st. louis, temperatures overnight only falling to 70s. 78 degrees chicago, 77 st. louis all that heat heading our direction, a couple days with a heat wave. bottom line, 90s in the forecast here as we get into wednesday, thursday and friday high temperatures peak thursday, 99 degrees. close to records by thursday afternoon. >> okay thanks tucker. >> let's find out what is happening on area roads julie wright with the latest on traffic. please tell me you have your pants on not in your shorts or anything. >> fully dressed. >> you are not asking about me? what is up with that >> i figure we have been together since 4:30 a.m. this morning, at this point whatever. >> true true. >> all right you guys on the roads right now, it has been quite a busy commute. problems on the roads southbound 270, as tucker was doing the weather they were in the process of doing accident activity out of your way. lanes are open big delays approaching, passing 109, slow traffic leaving montgomery village avenue, headed toward rockville again as you approach the lane divide. outer loop we had problems because of this long term project, university boulevard just out of camera reach. three lanes get behind to the left two to the right. contributing to the delay westbound georgia avenue. university slowing down our ride, colesville road headed in the direction of college park. this is 395 northbound as you work past duke up to king. that is a check of your fox 5 on time traffic. all right julie thank you very much. day 2 of metro's rush plus program it aims to ease crowding and improve commuter experience ahead of the silver line opening next year. how is it working so far? dan is the director of communications for metro he joins us live this morning from the plaza thanks for joining us. overall how did day one go? >> most customers knew about it and what to expect. we didn't see a lot of confusion especially during the pm commute yesterday morning and didn't get too tripped up with the new destinations and routings for trains. >> there were some issues as you would expect on the first day of something like this. thousands of people riding particularly the orange and blue lines orange line trains we understand were pretty full by the time they got to courthouse and rossland and it was hard for people at those stations to get on. why do you thing that happened and how can that be alleviated? >> well, i was out at courthouse yesterday morning and really, it was a noticeable improvement over what you would have seen if you were there last week or prior to this. you know conditions at courthouse, that section between courthouse and rossland prior to rush plus is the busiest place on our system nowhere else were trains more packed than that segment, times customers couldn't get on the trains they were so full. the fact customers got on and in many cases were able to get a seat were improvement. >> so it was an improvement from what you are used to at that stop. >> that's right. rush plus is meant to alleviating some crowding we saw and has a name called orange crush and that again is that very very crowded condition between courthouse and rossland. we have alleviated that priding three additional -- providing three additional trains every rush hour and we have converted some blue line trains to yellow line operating them over the bridge. >> conversion to blue line to yellow line trains means for those who ride the blue line longer waits for some of those trains right? >> that's correct. the trains now run every 6 minutes and then every third train there is a 12 minute gap between blue line trains and during that 12 minutes you will see three yellow line trains. what we have done for blue line customers the trip planner has schedule information it may be a matter of simply adjusting your morning routine by 6 minutes on either side. that can make all the difference or if you miss one of those blue line trains and faced with a 12 minute wait it may be to your advantage to get on the next yellow line arriving train and transfer downtown, to make your connection. >> you guys making any tweaks to the program today to address concerns from yesterday? >> not at this point. this is the service chain was well accepted yesterday and trains went where they are supposed to go. it is an nagas to when you make a traffic -- analogous when you make a traffic change on the highway it takes a few days for human behaviour to catch up. we will give it a few days continue to support customers with additional staff to help them find their way and get used to the new pattern and see where we are next week. >> more people out there again for the rest of this week and then re-evaluate for next week. >> that's right. >> director of communications thank you for joining us we appreciate it. >> you bet. as we continue here on fox 5 morning news, u vas interim president joins us live on the phone. we have been talking about him all morning long. it is will thomas can you hear us? >> hi how you doing? >> good. thank you sir for joining us. where were you when you received news you would become the interim president? >> i was in my hotel room in london. >> what were you doing there? >> i was in london with we have a group of commerce students here studying, and i was going to spend the day with them, and go to some of our corporate contacts here, and then tomorrow night we have a uva alumna event i was planning to attend to represent the university. >> were you surprised, sir, they did name you as interim president? did your see this coming? >> um, they had asked me about it, last week, and we discussed it briefly when i was at home. >> let's talk about the campus now. many have described the uva campus currently, as a campus in chaos. what would you do now as interim president to turn things around there? >> well, the most important thing i can do is first i am going to fly home, and i am going to spend the next couple days meeting with as many people as i can. i understand the feelings that people are having, i have nothing but tremendous respect for president sullivan, i understand people are upset and have different views on the resignation but there is a mission to fulfill and the mission is we have to teach students, conduct research, take care of patients, do all the things that made uva great. my goal is to meal with as many people as i can -- meet with as many people as i can i want to hear their concerns everything on their mind and then try to move through this, try to you know heal as much as i possibly can, the problems and rifts that have been created, and then frankly, i need everybody to pull together and help me, to move the university forward. we do face a lot of challenges. president sullivan knows that, the board knows that i know that we need to figure out the best way to move the university on so it will be not just a great but pre-eminent. >> but with all due respect the uva board of visitors ousted her after just two years on the job are you confident you will get the time to do what you need to do, to turn thingses around? >> well, i am an interim president i am not a president and i am going to attack the job, with all the enthusiasm and determination and commitment that i can, but i think that the things that i will attempt to do are going to be involved primarily on the academic side of the house. we've got actually some very exciting plans under way i will work very closely with pro vest, john simon and we are going to proceed with ideas and plans we already have in the works and work closely with michael strine and people on the business finance side of the house to understand all the issues there and all i can do is work as hard as possible. >> sure. >> and the board will obviously, be looking for a permanent president. you know i hope they do so quickly and i expect they will find an outstanding person, to take over you know hopefully, within a short period of time. >> my final question we often see boards donor fall searches in cases like this -- do national searches in cases like this. but do you not want to apply for the job? >> the job i have dean of the school of commerce is the job i love i am stepping in, to try to help the faculty and students and staff get through a tough time. but, i really hope that the university will conduct a thorough search and find some body t that will as i said earlier, really gain the confidence of everybody and lead the university to pre- eminence. >> uva interim president, you were kind to join us this morning safe travels as you make your way back to campus. >> thank you very much. >> fox 5 morning news will continue after this  i'm drinking dunkin'. medium iced, cream and sugar. dunkin' iced all day long. dunkin' keeps me going. it gives me the boost i need. dunkin' iced keeps me moving and grooving. i run on dunkin'. america runs on dunkin' coffee. "planned parenthood we'res gonna get rid of that." romney is saying he'll deny women the birth control and cancer screenings they depend on. when romney says "do i believe the supreme court should overturn roe v. wade? yes." he's saying he'll deny women the right to make their own medical decisions and when his campaign can't say whether he'd support equal pay protections. "and we'll get back to you on that." romney's putting your paycheck at risk. planned parenthood action fund is responsible for the content of this advertising because mitt romney is out of touch and wrong for women. take a look at this. people in beijing last week feared some explosion when they spotted what looked like a giant mushroom cloud. the formation took about an hour during which time the chinese government told people to stay inside. while theories are circling the web it appears this was just a storm cloud >> that is all it is. >> is that all it is tucker. >> yeah although, it looked like the jolly green giant might come out. >> say, who can blame them for thinks it was -- >> then when the government says stay indoors for a little while >> do we thing it was just a cloud? >> i do. that is what it is saying on the wires but you never know. >> the wires. oh, okay i feel safe now. >> that looks like a cloud kingdom of some kind. >> a cloud kingdom. >> like jack in the bean stock when they climb up into the clouds. >> okay mr. weather man. >> well, -- >> heat already. >> didn't i read that when i was a kid. >> was it a cloud. >> thanks for making me feel better. >> i think it is a cloud kingdom. >> you know you need to worry when they start handing out the maps. >> that would be a true sign. >> glad it is a cloud. >> look at your forecast. hey, we set a new mark, a cool mark check this out from yesterday. high regan national 71, high at dulles 68 degrees record low maximum temperature. >> quite cool those clouds hung in there. >> we don't know how good we've had it. >> yeah. hard to believe in a couple days time we could go from a record low to record high. dulles, 98 thursday. saturday daytime high yesterday, bwi marshall. 70 washington 70 annapolis, 68 lea in regard town, off to the north and west -- leonard town, off to the north and west. 66 manassas and frederick. looking at the satellite radar, one or two showers to start your day not going to amount to much most shower activity from yesterday is out of here. fairly consistent south of washington down across the potomac. one or two popped up across columbia. that is about it. when opened up for you, what is happening we have warmer air and more humid air off to our south and west, ride up and over our cool maritime layers close to the surface that is why we get a couple sprinkledrizzle to start your day. eventually warm air will win out late they are afternoon high temperatures much warmer than yesterday. mid-to upper 80s. plenty of sunshine or decent amount partly sunny expected with one or two storms talk about that heat out to our west that will build in during the day tomorrow 90 suspected wednesday, thursday and friday. 86 today partly cloudy skies, storms later today winds south, 5 miles per hour and then, partly cloudy could be a storm early, overnight lows, so, air conditioners will be humming area wide for the next couple days. 96 tomorrow near 100 thursday. likely get some heat advisories for the next couple days starting tomorrow afternoon, certainly thursday. good news cool us down late in the day thursday, friday, 87. that is weather let's do traffic and there she is, the wazer. i am wazey for you. >> really? are you tweeting? now you can waze with us. >> i am tweeting not now but i will be shortly. >> then you can waze it is free on your smart phone. >> yeah, but when i drive in there is no body to waze with. >> you can always waze with me tucker. well, wazers are checking in complete stand still to the west, 66th, thanks for checking in telling us they are down to 20 miles an hour as you work your way eastbound inbound toward the belt way, 40 miles an hour inner loop of the belt way, as you work your way in, inner loop, toward your exit. but again out toward your exit, 270, on the other side of town, belt way so stacked up as you work your way down around college park partially due to the work zone university boulevard. inbound, new york avenue, lanes approaching blattensburg road all lanes are open 295, leaving the belt way towards the 11th street bridge. traffic heavy and slow used to that headed to silver spring now because of the work on the inner loop, university boulevard, delays headed toward college park. southbound, 95, to the belt way that is a check of your fox 5 on time traffic. turmoil in the middle east leading many to ask did the cold war ever end. jay jay green is here to talk about russia's relationship with syria and impact it is having with us coming your way next. public outrage leading adidas to cancel plans to release this sneaker. >> shackles? >> yeah. >> coming up 7:35 a.m. that fridge in your kitchen may have crossed this bridge. your new car probably rode these rails. that shipment you just received was tracked by satellite. we build and maintain. we invest and innovate. so we can deliver what america needs. this year alone, freight rail companies plan to spend twenty-three billion of their own money, not taxpayer dollars, to build bridges, maintain track, and develop new technologies to keep freight rail and our economy moving. there's a lot riding on these rails. [ male announcer ] it started like this... i speak the language of business. i know how jobs are created. [ male announcer ] but it ended like this. one of the worst economic records in the country. when mitt romney was governor, massachusetts lost 40,000 manufacturing jobs. a rate twice the national average. and fell to forty-seventh in job creation. fourth from the bottom. instead of hiring workers from his own state, romney outsourced call center jobs to india. he cut taxes for millionaires like himself... while raising them on the middle class... and left the state two point six billion deeper in debt. so now, when mitt romney talks about what he'd do as president... i know what it takes to create jobs. [ male announcer ] remember, we've heard it all before. i know how jobs are created. [ male announcer ] romney economics. it didn't work then, and it won't work now. the cold war supposedly ended decades ago but russia is playing a role in the moody conflict in syria -- bloody conflict in syria. just one of the troubled spots in the middle east, jay jay green is keeping his eyes on the conflict he is a national security correspondent with wttop radio. thank you for joining us. news out this morning, u.s. and russia,. well, what happened the president putin, sat down and talked about the violence thisn syria and president obama and russian prime minister putin said okay, look, we agree the violence has to stop but they didn't talk about what they disagreed, russia has been sending advicers to syria they are on the ground training syrians to use weapons including attack helicopters that have been sent there. and they have also been there, supposedly helping them to plan strategically what they will do as time presses forward and pressure on them gets more intense and this is what they didn't talk about. >> you would agree, that these weapons, helicopters are being used to attack civilians, women, children, children used as shields we have seen many reports on this. >> no doubt about it. images, video bears it out and monitors from the un have seen it and in fact, have been victims of that pressure and intensity, that has been brought to bare on the syrian people from the air and on the ground as well. there is no doubt about it, the syrians are using this training and russia's help to oppress. as we go to video these are residential areas being devastated by the floody conflict, let me -- bloody conflict let me show you the g 20 summit in mexico president obama president putin if you read their body language jay jay look at this, it is icy at best. >> look the thing about this relationship the u.s. and russia are not on the same page on a lot of different things. and not the least of which is the u.s. is a super power russia is not a super power and some years ago before he died, sergei t rechikov who defected, from the kgb said to me the russians, the cold war never ended they just lost their footing their platform their perch and they were looking for another way to assert themselves internationally. >> do you agree? that was my next question jay jay did the cold war really ever end? has russia just been quiet? >> i believe what sergei said and if you look at what you just asked, that body language look at what is going on in syria, look at the other areas around the world where the u.s. and russia disagree, yes, you know, there is some evidence that you know that kind of stance never changed but if you ask some experts today they will tell you, it is not the same kind of cold war. russia doesn't have the platform it used to have. it doesn't have the money it used to have and doesn't have positioning but, it still has the capability to be obstructive and insert itself in parts of the world that it is not expedient for the u.s. for russia to be in the middle. >> based on your coverage do you think the u.s. will engage in military action or be forced to. secretary of defense, leon panetta said the u.s. would not send troops there unless the rest of the world, europe and nato were involved we don't see europe in that position having the resources or the disposition to get involved in syria at least in near term. >> we saw it in libya but apparently not in syria. thanks for coming in. >> thank you. >> tony over to you. picasso painting vandalized inside a gallery, caught on camera. how it was ruined ahead. >> before you apply for a new credit card how well does the company treat its customers up next the new website that will tell you just that. 7:42 a.m., we will be right back ♪ ♪ [ multiple sounds making melodic tune ] ♪ [ male announcer ] at northrop grumman, every innovation, every solution, comes together for a single purpose -- to make the world a safer place. that's the value of performance. northrop grumman. 7:45 a.m. starting today you will be able to see what other people have to say about other credit card companies before you decide to do business with them. a public data base website is being launched to pose customer commentcomplaints and explain how the banks responded to the problems it will not include personal information. take a look at this, you might want to hold your breath too. yep, police in houston releasing video showing a guy spray painting a picasso painting he stencils over it called the woman in red armchair at a houston art museum. security noticed it immediately, repair work is already under way to restore it. the video was taken by a horrified witness police are using it to try to catch the vandal. wow. crazy. crazy. >> mm-hmm. >> not quite thomas crown affair he would have stolen the painting. >> better to have it stolen than painted on. >> yeah. >> but they can do remarkable work they may be able to remove that. >> i am sure they can a reduced value of a half million now. >> for the painting. >> yeah. >> good morning. >> good morning your forecast, take a real quick look changes of course tell you about the warm temperatures on the way. today 80s then get ready for 90s tomorrow well into the 90s tomorrow afternoon. 70 city, 68 baltimore, temperatures comfortable start to the day, cloud cover, cool maritime layer, holding intact for now. 66 fredericksburg. big dome of high pressure building from the west already temperatures out to the west, been in the 90s our jet stream has temporarily retreated to the north. you know what that means, heat, haze, and humidity on the way, with 90s after a heat index will approach 100 by about thursday afternoon, you can see some other high temperatures later this week, washington, philadelphia, upper 90s. we will do one of those old fashioned east coast heat waves as we begin summer starting tomorrow afternoon. 96 tomorrow 99 thursday, good news we will cool down quickly by late in the day friday thunderstorms and saturday's daytime high 80s. >> we don't have it for long. >> yes. >> thanks tucker. >> one woman who will enjoy that heat, julie wright with a look at traffic. >> well, will coming over sticking his feet into the pool, for me and beagle bailey >> i thought that was just between us people will start talking. >> oh, well. >> they have been talking any way. on the roads, i-95, slow go out of newington towards the capital belt way, southbound side, passing and slowing southbound there all lanes are open. problems out to the west, 66 below speed as you work your way inbound, through manassas, 19 miles an hour east of fair oaks, dulles toll road on the brakes. kennel worth avenue, approaching pennsylvania avenue, average speed down to 18 miles per hour. thank you. look at these pictures after growing backlash adidas cancelled its plan to release a new sneaker with a shackle like ankle cuff. critics complained that the js round house mid-s resembled shacks slaves were forced to wear. they maintain the sneakers had nothing to do with slavery jeremy scott is known for his outrageous and quirky shoes. i don't see how some -- even if that is not what he intended i don't see how once you see the diagram the drawing, maybe we shouldn't -- >> it is a good point, you understand artists will do what they do but at a corporate level you would think someone around that board room table would say no. >> all right. >> coming up dc areas best chefs are battling out like iron chef style they want to be named the very best. >> holly is back she is previewing this year's rammy awards. >> you know i only hang out with the best that is why we are live this morning at hanks oyster bar where we are indeed getting a preview of what is the oscars of the restaurant scene here in dc. it is called the rammy's four of the best pastry chefs nominated for that coveted award are here cooking up for us this morning coming up we will talk about their nominations and about what it means to win, the coveted rammy, all next stay with us  metro regions top restaurantchefs will be in the spotlight at the annual rammy awards >> holly morris is at hanks oyster bar downtown. hi holly. >> reporter: hey guys. you know what, hanks oyster bar is a nominee in and of itself, nominated for best casual dining a new category this year. it is a really big deal to win a rammy it is the oscars of the restaurant scene. we are getting a preview and starting with dessert first. i love it. we've got four nominees here for best pastry chef we have given them a challenge here this morning they have had to come up with not just a dessert but a spirited dessert because there has to be a spirit as one ingredient. let me get started, peter with blue duck tavern. >> good morning >> have you been nominated before. >> yes. >> how many times. >> once before. >> this could be the year. >> could be. we'll see. >> what are you making. >> bourbon sauteed apricots, and we are going to serve it over ice cream with pound cake crew tons and salted almond brittle. >> oh, my gosh. what is the key to being a good pastry chef? >> dedication, and a work ethic. >> what will it mean for you to win? >> it would be fantastic i would love it. >> i think that looks fantastic i will love having that but i also will love introducing you to fabrise he is also nominated. congratulations. >> thank you. >> have you been nominated before? >> yes. >> how many times? >> third time. >> the third time. can they all win? okay so what are you making? >> like a baba rum. >> simple for the executive pastry chef i don't know about me what do you like about your job? >> i love the passion i have so much you know to bring you know, there is always something new you can bring to the table. >> you are french you got a lot of passion it just comes with being french doesn't it? >> i don't know. >> i know. look i got to get my other nominees in. this is sicily, nominated for the oval room but also for the bombay club. >> i am making a sweet corn crepe with blueberry bourbon come poet. >> have you been nominated before. >> my first time. >> are you nervous? >> a little. >> what will you do if you win? >> no idea. >> got your speech ready. >> no. >> first line is i would like to thank holly. just kidding you keep working on there. last but not least, susan wallace, nominated for black salt but executive pastry chef for black restaurant group good morning. >> good morning. >> this is a lime goat cheese cheese cake with coconut graham cracker crust, white chocolate strawberry margarita truffle dipped in colored sugar, sea salt, tequila strawberry come poet. >> just need an extra minute to get through the description. okay have you been nominated before. >> my first time. >> what did you do when you got the nomination? >> i was excited and told all my friends and family. >> tweeted it righty way. very good. i wish you all the very best of luck. i am looking forward to trying these you need to go out to each of these restaurants and order dessert first yourself. we have a link to the restaurant association of metropolitan washington rammy's are this sunday next hour we will talk more about the theme and we have two more nominees coming out the cook just for us. back to you in studio. >> thank you holly. >> all right. >> how does she do these segments and stay rail thin? >> because she does other segments where she is running around. >> roger clemens defense attorney, joins us. just yesterday a jury acquitted the baseball great. >> many of us hate catching the cold but it might be your new best friend if you are fighting cancer. the fox medical team discusses the length researchers discover -- the link researchers discovered between the two [ crows cawing ] [ male announcer ] strange things happen in the black forest. [ metallic bell toll ] [ car speeding down the road, lightning strikes ] where things aren't always what they seem. [ wolves howling ] because thrills hide in the shadows just waiting at every turn. [ coaster whoosh ] brave the black forest on verbolten. the all-new multi-launch coaster. only at busch gardens. back now at 8:00 a.m. big new developments concerning the leadership shake up at university of virginia. hours after a rally to reinstate the ousted president, uva board names an interim leader. legal drama ends for roger clemens. what lies ahead for the baseball great. his attorney joins us live this hour. in this mornings medical team report, having a cold is a drag but could those viruses that give you the sniffles, help you fight cancer? we are looking into that. a fascinating story stay tuned for that. welcome back, i am tony perkins. >> i am sarah simmons allison seymour has the day off. i wonder what that cancer story -- we have all been so sick in the newsroom none of us should be able the debt cancer because the colds just keep going -- get cancer because the colds just keep going around. weather. >> fantastic idea. made me nervous, to wash my hands. radar and shower activity is limited, drizzle out there, here and there, quiet conditions at the moment still a lot of clouds to start your day more sunshine than yesterday hang in there. by afternoon partly sunny conditions and warmer too. well into the 80s more humidity building building towards this heat wave we will get starting tomorrow 70 regan national, humidity up, winds out of the south, 7 miles per hour. partly sunny conditions late day storm, 86 daytime high in washington 88 waldorf, 87 warren on the. if you like 90s you will love the next couple days. >> thanks tucker. julie wright and find out what is happening on area roadways. >> good morning once again to all of you yes it has been busy on the highway we have had our hands full delays on the outer and inner loop of the belt way, what they have done, install add jersey wall that separates the three left lanes from the three right lanes outer loop, extremely slow, arena drive to 50, 95 to georgia, southbound 95 we have reports of tire debris in the roadway before 198 tieing up the second lane from the right, westbound 214 now reporting accident activity, travelling south, 270, lanes are open out of rockville. traffic remains below speed headed for the split a check of our fox 5 on time traffic. thank you our top stories this morning a mysterious death at a popular delaware beach a woman was found dead in her motel room yesterday morning. delaware police released this surveillance pictures of a man they would like to talk to about the case. they are still trying to figure out who the woman is and how she died. in the jerry sandusky trial, the defense team could wrap up tomorrow if that happens the jury could begin deliberations thursday. his defense team called six witnesses to the stand yesterday, former friends, two coaches talked about his spirit one testified that in sports, it is not uncommon to quote, shower with children. here in dc a jury found roger clemens not guilty on all six charges in this purgery trial, former clemens trainer, brian mcnamee testified he injected him several times with steroids. clemens was accused of lying to congress in 2008. coming up 30:00 a.m., which he -- 8:30 a.m.,clemens lawyer joins us live. will louden county pony up and pay to have the silver line extended out west. good morning lauren. >> good morning. rush plus is designed to alleviate congestion at 21 stations along the blue, yellow orange and green lines it off y the yellow and orange lines are seeing a change in service. both lines split off at rush hour to reach additional destinations orange line riders are seeing an additional six trains per hour, between vienna and largo town center and yellow line riders can commute between franconia and green belt without transferring it is important for passengers to carefully read the destinations posted on the sides of the rail cars, earlier this morning we spoke with the spokesperson. >> overall it went well most customers knew about it and knew what to expect and we didn't see a lot of confusion especially yesterday evening as folks made their way back home and didn't get too tripped up with new destination signs or new routeing it takes a few days for human behaviour to catch up. we will give it a few days continue to support customers with additional staff out at stations to help them find their way and then we will see where we are next week. silver line will eventually feed into the orange line which is another reason metro is working to get the crowding under control. meanwhile time is ticking for louden county to decide whether to invest big money to bring the silver line out west. louden county officials are still debating how to pay for the $270 million it will cost to get to metro dulles international airport and beyond. leaders met again last night they have until july 4th to make that decision. phase one through tyson's corner on the rest on is expected to be up and running through next year. tony over to you. thank you lauren. former dc councilman harry thomas junior heads to prison tomorrow to begin serving a 38 month sentence. he is scheduled to report to a federal prison camp in alabama. he told supporters at a northeast church he was humbled by his prosecution he admitted to taking more than $350,000 ear marked for youth programs and spending it on luxury vehicles and travel. world leaders wrapping up the g 20 in mexico where the european debt crisis was supposed to be the focus. >> when president obama met with russia's president putin for first time in three years he seemed uncomfortable they said they agreed the violence has to stop even though their body language may indicate otherwise their aids say the press should not draw conclusions from it. >> on the campaign trail, mitt romney says he can win michigan where he was born. he says if he does he will win the presidency. romney has been on a bus tour of six states in the upper midwest and due to wrap up the tour in michigan later on the day. sarah, the fire danger continues in much of the west an update on the situation after the break. after a week of drama over removal of uvas president there is a new interim lead they are morning. an in depth look at developments from overnight and what is ahead coming up next  homicide of young people in america has an impact on all of us.  how can we save these young people's lives? as a police chief i have an opportunity to affect what happens in a major city. i learned early on if you want to make a difference you have to have the right education. university of phoenix opened the door. my name is james craig, i'm committed to making a difference and i am a phoenix. a slew of wild fires continue to burn across the midwest. a monster blaze near fort collins is 50% contained so far it has scorched 92 square miles and destroyed homes. new statistics on immigration there are now more new asian immigrants in the u.s. than hispanics that is the conclusion of an extensive study. for the first time the influx of asians moving to the u.s., has surpassed the number of new hispanics moving here. an octopus in greece takes the ride of its life as it clings on to a leaping dolphin i don't know if you can see it on the bottom there. check it out. the octopus attached itself to the dolphin's belly. researchers have never seen anything like this so what happened under the sea? one hypothesis the dolphin may have been trying to eat the octopus and this was its way of staying alive. so bizarre. >> so the dolphin is probably trying to get it off. >> isn't that weird. >> yeah cool picture. >> no word on the octopus. >> 12 minutes after 8:00 a.m. want to mention during the 9:00 a.m. hour ice t will be here he has a documentary he directed where he is talking to legendbiggest stars of hip hop about their craft. it sounds like it is fascinating he will be live in studio. >> very exciting to have him here in studio. also excited to talk with tucker and bet the latest on weather but before we do that, we know what times the. >> time for my first five photo of the day. >> let's do it everybody. this is sienna. >> adorable. >> i love her wings. >> she is almost 3 years old. and if you are wondering where she is sitting, on the butterfly in children's garden, at johns hopkins hospital where one of her parents is being treated for leukemia. >> adorable. >> we wish her well and her parent well the whole family obviously and hope everything goes okay with that. >> yeah. >> so cute. >> really nice shot and neat little chair. >> very nice they have that children's garden. >> sure is. we wish you well, to send your child's picture go to and click on mornings. sienna have a great day and you have a great day with your parents. >> let's get to a current look at radar you can see shower activity is very limited in soap max two and we have one or two sprinkles, that is about it, still a lot of cloud cover breaks in the clouds by early afternoon should be partly sunny as we have warmer air starting to move in, south and west and it is moving right over this cool air mass, getting drizzle and rain this morning. warmer temperatures they are here to stay in fact, as we get into the middle and end of the week heat wave will be upon us for the first day of summer which arrives tomorrow, 70 washington, buffalo, 75, chicago, 78, early morning, and with a lot of heat out to the west, high pressure, will start to build into the washington area, 90s around here tomorrow, and even today, i think you will start to notice the warmer temperatures and humidity by the afternoon your five day forecast, could be a scattered storm later this afternoon wednesday, thursday and friday, we are plain old hot heat index temperatures approaching 100 tomorrow and thursday and by late friday a cold front will start to cool things down for the weekend 87 by saturday. okay that is a look at your weather let's do traffic and julie good morning. >> good morning tuck. on the road right now you will find your lanes are open but still very much a slow go as you work around toward the capital belt way expect to find delays as you travel from college park past university boulevard through that work zone inner loop below speed, coalville road. 395, leaving the belt way, king street, across the 14th street bridge all lanes are open. inner loop of the belt way, braddock headed up, main toll plaza to the belt way, westbound 214 at addison. that is a check of your fox 5 on time traffic. major changes at uva an interim president named at the university as some members to have governing board call for the former president theresa sullivan to stay on. he is the university's new leader, served four teams as dean of mcintyre school of commerce. we spoke with him this morning. >> and that people are upset and that people have different views on the resignation but there is you know a mission to fulfill and the mission is that we have to teach students, conduct research, take care of patients do all the things that made uva great. anita kumar one of several washington post reporters covering this story she joins us live via skype from richmond thanks for talking to us. hopefully you heard that clip there, with carl. he has been named the interim president already, a lot of people are coming out in support of president sullivan, the fact that they have now moved on to an interim president does that suggest sullivan is out it is done or might she be able to come back? >> it is still unclear but obviously if they appoint a new president it seems unlikely at this point the board met for 12 hours yesterday obviously they were undecided about what to do there were members who wanted her to come back but did not have the votes. prior to this meeting we heard they had up to 8 members supporting her return, but she needed 9 and i think she would have wanted more to have that support before she would stay. >> can you put this in some perspective for us. what is going on there? she has not been accused of any wrong doing, any malfeasance or anything, i get the sense that you know, some people just feel like she wasn't moving fast enough to make some changes at uva is that what this is all about. >> exactly it. when the ousting happened a week ago people were sure there was one incident or one scandal we would hear about but haven't and it does not sound like that is it. the board merely wanted her to move faster, make cuts to save money, to treat uva more like a business, than an academic institution and she had resisted that. why did she resign? i mean i understand, that one member of the board there had conservations with the other members and found out that okay, we can -- i've got enough votes here to get her out of here but why not go through the process, and see if they have enough to get her out. >> president sullivan gave a statement yesterday she mostly talked about her record at the university one can assume when the director, chairman of the board, approaches you and says i have 15 of 16 members who want to remove you she thought for the institution and maybe herself why go through the public spectacle. no one could predict what would have happened over the last week because there was a public spectacle >> i want to ask, if college campuses are very political. are there any politics at play here whether it is campus politics with the board there has been some talk about half the board was appointed by bob mcdonald although the other half was appointed by tim cain any politics going on on campus there that resulted in all of this? >> i don't see anything thatis republican democratic politics the board was equally split but what we are seeing is sort of a greater issue happening across the united states which is you know, the problem with universities is they still want to be universities but all this financial pressure money is cut back and so it is more of a business model versus academic model. >> now you mention the money is being cut back, some donors have said well, we might not give any more money or we will withhold money unless this is addressed and she is reinstated or looked at further, that is a lot of money could that have an impact. >> it could. i talked to several donors in the last few days we are talking multi million dollar donors, they have buildings named after them. a couple said they were very very concerned one who has given $60 million, she and her husband, said she would not -- she would withhold her money until changes are made on the board. >> we will see how it develops, anita reporting from richmond with the washington post thanks for joining us. >> thanks so much. >> 8:20 a.m. on tuesday, still ahead, microsoft looking to take a bite out of apples ipad success. a little later some of the best chefs in the district will show off their best dishes. holly has all that and more when she joins us for a preview of this year's rammy awards coming up  >> wal-mart will break ground on a new super center in orange county virginia with the new store, come about 300 jobs. wal-mart originally wanted to build that store near a civil war battlefield you will remember but changed its mind when protestors took the company to court. >> massive toyota recall includes 1.4 million used suvs, and cars. crews investigating potential of fires in power wind doe switches included in the recall, 600,000 camrys and rav fours from 2008 and 2009 clearly i don't drive one. and how about this sarah, yaris [ laughter ] >> where have you been. >> compact between 2007 and 2009 effected and 2008 highlander hybrids are under recall. >> just teasing you. all right. microsoft just announced it is coming out with a new tablet called surface this is the promotional video. the company ceo says it is part of a new family of devices they are creating less than a half inch thick and a kick stand to hold it up if you want to plus a key board built into the cover. the tablet should be available some time in the fall. we will talk more about it in the 9:00 a.m. hour. when they get so thin like that i am afraid i will break it easily. >> we will see. >> recent ad blitz to stop people from lighting up caught a lot of heat but appears those aggressive ads may be paying off. the fox medical team is here to explain just ahead. >> not guilty in roger clemens purgery trial. his defense lawyer joins us live this hour. time now 8:25 a.m. [ male announcer ] this was how my day began. a little bird told me about a band... ♪ an old man shared some fish stories... ♪ oooh, my turn. ♪ she was in paris, but we talked for hours... everyone else buzzed about the band. there's a wireless mind inside all of us. so, where to next? ♪ is important to any successful business. which is why at wells fargo, we work with you to get to know the unique aspects of your business. we can recommend financial solutions that can work for you that have helped millions of business owners save time, reduce expenses, and maximize cash flow. as the number one small business lender for nine years running... we're with you when you need us. so you can be there for your customers. wells fargo. together we'll go far. tucker with another look at weather. hot. >> yeah, going to be getting hotter and hot tore day mid-80s as you get into wednesday, thursday and friday, heat wave. just in time for summer. >> i know. >> is there any other way to kick off summer time in washington. >> begins tomorrow evening. >> exactly. temperatures, right now washington not so bad yesterday turned into a cool one high temperatures only, could see 70- degree mark again in a couple spots 70 right now washington 70 annapolis, leonard town and 60s off to the north and to the west of the city manassas. 66 degrees this morning, 68 frederick and 68 out at dulles. warmer temperatures yesterday, upper 60s, yesterday, today well into the 80s. notably warmer than yesterday. sentinel sat rad, a couple showers overnight, thunderstorm complex across the lower eastern shore and we are waking up with cloud cover and a little drizzle in a few spots. what is happening is we have a warm front just off to the south and west that will really start to kind of nose, north and east i think you will start to see breaks in the clouds later, partly sunny afternoon with a few thunderstorms developing as that warmer and more humid air starts to work in later this afternoon humidity on the increase and eventually, high pressure, big dome of high pressure, summer high pressure building in and our temperatures will be off and running not so much today but tomorrow 90s. close to 100, our heat index will probably be around 100, certainly by tomorrow afternoon and thursday afternoon here are some of your actual air temperatures new york 96, philadelphia 99 forecast tomorrow and thursday. won't just be us it will be eastern sea board. five day forecast, 86, a few scattered storms and good news with this heat it will be out of here by early in the weekend our temperatures by saturday, only in the upper 80s could be thunderstorms kicked off with that heat clash with cool air late in the day friday. that is weather sarahly toss it back to the desk. thank you. cdcs latest ad blitz to stop smoking appears to be working and the cold virus is helping researchers fight cancer, dr. joe good morning. >> good morning sarah. yes, cdc has good news as far as numbers. they are saying after those you know, those ads hit, the television, we had the woman with the traik yet my the man who lost his -- traik yet my, the man who lost his leg, 200,000 people called quit lines, 400,000 accessed, smoke we are talking a cost savings of $70 million. and a lot of happy people i must say. >> yeah, really having quite an impact what kind of impact are they tracking specifically. >> well, you know i think what is happening is these graphic photos, graphic pictures are sticking in their minds. they are seeing relatively young people with consequences of smoking when you see that you remember it and they believe that keeps coming back and getting them to call the quit line. >> real quick, let's switch gears we all hate catching a cold this has been cold season a lot of people have been sick recently. these viruses may be helping us fight cancer how so? >> well, you know this is not the same virus that causes those symptoms, sneezing and coughing this is part of something called a rio virus, and row at that virus something that causes diarrhea symptoms is part of that family. these rye owe viruses don't cause symptoms or problems in adults however they some how selectively attack cancer cells they took ten people and infused them into their veins with this virus. these people went on to have surgery, they had colorectal cancer, they looked at the cancer in the liver and they found, that actually the viruses had taken hold and they were replicating within the cells we know that what happens with viruses once they get into a cell they take it over make it into a little factory once they make enough viral cells it bursts open and kills the cell i believe the hope is these viruses will hunt down those cancer cells and kill them. >> what is next where are we at, in that stage? >> you know the good news it has already been used in humans we know it will probably get into more clinical trials who knows maybe they will be able to combine that virus with something else and give it a one two punch. i think long term the hope is, to treat cancer it may be something we do with multiple drugs multiple modalities and some day it will be like diabetes something we can treat and control. we can always hope. >> we can certainly hope that is a good goal to have. dr. jo in florida thank you so much >> thank you. sarah that is fascinating. i know because as we know, cancer is such a major problem around the world, so anything they can do would be great. >> coming up roger clemens acquitted on all charges his lawyer joins us to talk about yesterday's decision. >> next hour rapper ice t will be here he has a new documentary hitting theatres. coming up 8:34 a.m. p 8:34 a.m.q what's my secrcret for sunday lunch? my little helpers... and 100% natural french's yellow mustard. it has zero calories for me, and a taste my family loves. adidas cancelled plans today bow a new sneaker. the js round house mid-s were designed with shackles around the ankles. critics said they look like symbols of slavery or chain gangs. they said they did not have anything to do with slavery, and the designer is known for his quirky shoes. we will take a closer look at 9:00 a.m. >> why would you want to wear them any way >> i wouldn't. >> people living in durham north carolina can no longer have up holstered furniture on their front porches. >> the city hopes to improve the image of neighbourhoods. the new law is complaint driven. there is the good old couch. the city inspector will give offenders 10 days to remove furniture after that crews will get rid of it themselves and charge homeowners with those costs. i am laughing but that is a long time tradition, in parts of the south. >> i know. yeah, but you know some of those couches are looking unsightly. time to get some reupholstery. a local organization that helps at risk teen moms, may close its doors, coming up. >> holly is standing by to tell us about the rammy awards. >> it is one of the biggest nights of the year in dc s this morning, you could be looking at the best chefs, or the best rising star chefs, each of them are nominated for a rammy but this morning they are cooking for us. coming up all about the importance of these awards plus how you can come out and be a part of the big night stay with us  making headlines, five years of legal drama then it took a jury less than 10 hours to acquit roger clements in his purgely trial. the government, alleged he lied to congress in 2008 when he denied using performance enhancing drugs. >> will thomas, with rusty harden down in our newsroom. will. >> good morning to you. as you said, clemens walked out of the federal courthouse acquitted, the man who helped him do that, rusty harden. good to have you here sir. >> thank you. >> congratulations on your win. let's talk about the key witness from prosecution the government saying his former trainer, injected him with performance enhancing drugs, that is what mcnamee testified to. you went after his credibility didn't you. >> sure because we always knew and believed he was lying and we thought if we exposed him enough to the jury they would conclude the same thing. we talked to three of the 12 jurors they didn't believe him. >> can you tell us more. >> they said they didn't think he was worthy of belief they couldn't believe his stories collection of physical evidence, totally disregarded that, thought it was fabricated. >> why do you think mcnamee would go after clemens. >> we never had a good answer for that and i still don't, but, we can't always figure out, what makes some people, who are pathological liars, pathological liars. >> he is not here to defend himself you are the afence attorney. jason if you push back a minute let me show you what courtroom observers said when that was read, rusty harden went like this, sigh of relief? surprised at the verdict? maybe a little of both? >> big sigh of relief. you are always nervous, even though you think you know, it has come out the right way you thing the jury has been convinced but you don't know until 12 people tell you. it is a big sigh of relief when it came back as quickly as it did they only deliberated 3.5 hours last wednesday and yesterday, 4. >> about 10 hours. >> even less than 10 hours that's right. so we didn't think that jury was going the find us guilty so we isn't lex which you wily thought he was going to be found not guilty but scared to death. >> you would agree, fierce as a pitcher outside the courthouse he was emotional. let me roll some of that sound now. >> all you media guys that know me and followed my career i put a lot of hard work into that career, and i appreciate my teammates that came in and all the e-mails and phone calls. what did he say to you? >> thank you. a million times, i love you, listen, the guy outside the courtroom that is who he is off the field. on the field he is the fiercest competitor you will find but off the field he is a teddy bear. people don't believe it that was him. why he was so emotional, for four and a half years people believed he cheated. >> in the court of public opinion some say he is still at a loss he said himself when he testified to congress clemens said no matter whether we discuss here i am never going to get my name restored will he end up in the hall of fame? >> no idea. interesting thing about it, that has been more the media and sports question, roger has never talked about the hall of fame he never said privately he hoped to be there. if they put him in that is fine he deserves to be there but he will not lose sleep over that he wanted his reputation back how the public reacts to that, will depend on time. >> rusty harden, thanks for being our guest. >> sure. >> sarah to you. all right thank you so much will. well, the healthy baby project in the district, if you have not heard of it it works with young moms at risk to make sure they get preand post natal care and make sure they have skills to care for that child. this nonprofit is at risk of having to close its doors joining us regene and chastity one of the young moms helped through the project. thanks for coming in. >> thank you for having us. >> for folk who is haven't heard of the healthy babies project we get a sense how much you are really involved in these girl's lives what you do for them. >> there is a quote i like to use from abraham lincoln he states no man stands so tall as when he stoops to help a child. healthy babies has been standing tall for 22 years ensuring babies in underserved areas are born healthy particularly in wards 5, 7 and 8 where that is the highest number of young women that we see coming in, and support that we provide. 93% of babies that we service are born, 93% of the babies are born normal birth weight a lot of the young moms that come in are struggling with issues of homelessness. access to food, depression, domestic violence, and we provide that support we provide that listening ear. we ensure that the mothers have access to what they need, so that they can survive and move forward in a positive direction in their lives. there is a lot of what i call gentle pushing you know, that occurs because it is more than just about ensuring that baby is born healthy, you know, that is definitely a key piece, but ensuring that moms move in a direction of change for herself you know because we are trying to impact two generations. >> right. >> that mom and her baby making sure that mom finishes high school, that mom goes on to college, you know, we are trying to create -- we are not trying to create tax burdens make the moms self-sufficient. >> you have been operating just fine for 22 years obviously right now with the economy everybody has taken a hit a lot of foundations, nonprofits you work with a lot of grants, you are just kind of at this point you need a little help explain. >> with the economic down turn a lot of foundations have definitely had a shift, the district government has been flat funded so we are looking to the community to provide us with that assistance, in helping the moms. >> $150,000 gap. >> right. >> real quickly because chastity is here it is good for people to hear how this directly impacted. give me a little about your story and how healthy babies helped you >> my mother passed away when i was 13 i didn't have that guidance i needed and i came to healthy babies when i was 8 months pregnant, i go to teen parenting program on mondays and get to bring my daughter and there is other moms there either pregnant or have babies of their own and it is just a good place to bond with other young mothers and you know, talk with the people there and you know they have helped me enrol to go to udc starting in the fall, so, it is just that extra boost and guidance. >> something you just really needed and she is adorable by the way. >> thank you. >> give viewers an idea maybe how they can help. >> sure, if they can help by going online at www.healthy babies they can call us at (202)396-2809 like us on facebook and twitter as well and they can come visit us as 801, 17th street northeast. one thing chastity didn't state when she mentioned the other day she was in my office she wanted to go to college, and i said so what is the issue with you going to college and she goes well, the registration fee and so i pulled out you know my credit card and whipped up the website and logged on and said all right let's just do this. >> that is a huge help. >> yeah, it is that gentle push because we want to redefine the teen mom statistics and make her dreams come true. >> well, thank you so much chastity, thank you and hopefully some viewers will watch and help out it is such a great cause thank you. >> thank you very much. >> tony over to you. >> cute baby. >> she is adorable. >> thank you very much. the battle of the best at hanks oyster bar in dupont circle. holly is previewing this weekend's rammy awards the top local chefs will have a minicook off now. good morning. >> good morning tony. every year we preview the rammy's and have fun show casing talents of nominees that come out every year we are reminded how awesome the restaurant scene is in washington dc area. here is what we have going on this morning i have tony, the executive chef of vermilion in old town and i have claudio the rising star chef nominee in the palisades, good morning. >> good morning. >> are you ready. >> yes. >> are you ready to battle here at hanks oyster bar? >> of course. >> all right. just checking want to make sure you had your game cooking face on they had a secret ingredient, that is australian lamb were you happen to hear -- happy to hear about that. >> i love lamb. >> what makes it so special. >> great favour. >> same. >> what he said. >> any advice for the rising star. >> keep doing what you are doing. >> thank you, you too. >> we are going to let them cook go ahead battle they have started preparing some ingredients they will come up with something special for us this morning as they do, i also have another special guest here, with me. this is lynn she is president of the restaurant association of metropolitan washington good morning always great to see you. >> ditto. >> it is going to be another great year. >> we are excited we have great parties how can you not. >> exactly people that specialize in throwing parties. >> right. >> having a party for them >> this is the night they get to party. >> this year it is hats off >> hats off to restaurants. >> how are we doing that theme. >> obviously with hats of all different types. obviously with the british things going on a lot of fascinators. i will wear one and a fedora, unisex a lot of guys are getting into the theme as they did last year with carnival. it makes dressing up that much more fun when you have something -- a look you are trying to go for how do you come up with themes. >> brainstorming. at a bar usually. >> lots of wine. you guys are going to serve up virginia wine. >> we have fabulous chilean wines, australia, excited about the pavilions. >> let's talk about the restaurant theme in washington. it seems like it gets more vibrant and bigger every year. >> it is explosive, we've seen it happening and it is just increasing and increasing and the restaurants the chefs they are so talented the food is phenomenal, the decor, i mean, here at hanks today. >> are we rivetted here? you are supposed to be cooking. >> cooking. >> so fascinated by our conversation hilarious. the change you have seen in the scene. >> increased diversity and increase and upgrading of the ethnic restaurants. >> mm-hmm. >> used to be like small little now they are focussing on a trend of different types of cuisines and in all the different neighbourhoods. >> speaking of we happen to be at hanks oyster bar here in dupont they are nominated for best casual dining restaurant a new category. >> yes, it is. they are all like different types of restaurants this fine dining, upscale casual and fabulous food, reasonable prices for casual. >> i would think that may be something we have seen more of, casual dining because of the economy encourages people to come out and be out and eat out but not hurt their pocketbook so much. >> true but, people like to dress more casually dc is getting more relaxed and even for the fine dining restaurants like the new york chic restaurant look. >> you have been able to get dc to relax. >> trying to. >> lynn is not going any where neither are my chefs i am just checking in are you both working in. >> yes. >> how is it going? >> busy. >> what will be the best thing about this dish? >> crust that i did the mix we have in belgium >> i know about that. >> how is yours going. >> wonderfully. >> we will do a simple greek salad, crust the loin of the lamb with mustard and fresh bread crumb. >> my chefs will keep working you need to work on your weekend schedule and make time for sunday night the rammy awards, marriott wardman park hotel, tickets available going fast our website we have a link and oh, yeah, forgot to tell you, sue palka and myself will be there presenting an award together. more in our next hour, back the you. >> that is reason enough to go. >> thanks holly. >> microsoft is getting into the tablet market can the surface give the ipad a run for its money. coming up, the features, the cost and the outlook for the new device. >> rapper ice t joins us next hour find out about his debut as film director a subject he knows a lot about. time 8:55 a.m.  >> a change of command at thomas jefferson university. the university virginia picked a new interim president we spoke with him and the latest in a live report. >> a rapper, an actor and now adding director to his list of accomplishments, there is the man coming up a little later we will sit down with iced t he is behind a new documentary, detailing the art of hip hop. >> first the sneaker slavery controversy. the shoes that had some critics up in arms and tell you why adidas decided to

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