anything inside, must be removed to comply with these new rules, and park service may begin enforcing those around noon this is a fall out from a congressional hearing that happened last week where california republican was addment the park service was too lenient with the protestors out here and he did not accept the fact they were allowed to maintain their encampments however protestors we spoke with here were insistent they have every right to exist. well, it is pretty clear the park service really feels they should protect it for the sake of everything that is american, that was made clear in the hearing. daryl isa is a very powerful man he made more money off insider trading than anybody he wants us gone. >> what i am going to do is peacefully sit out here all day and not do anything like ghandi when you come out with your pepper spray and mace and your none chucks and tasers, phase me. well, tase me is what happened yesterday when one of the protestors had a squirmish with police police were handing out no camping enforcement pamphlets there was a dispute the gentleman was arrested police did use a phaser, something the occupy dc folks say was unnecessary and excessive around noon police are permitted to come out here and begin their arrests as you heard some occupiers say, they will willingly stay and peacefully be taken away if necessary they do not plan on abandoning their encampment. a lot of people will watch that later on this afternoon. >> just one full day of campaigning left, until the pivotal florida primary, the two top candidates are using the remaining time to attack each other the latest maris poll shows mitt romney leading newt gingrich by 15 percentage points gingrich is trying to make up the difference going on the offensive he is slamming romney for waging a negative campaign, and allegedly lying about his record. i belief the republican party will not nominate, a pro abortion, pro gun control, pro tax increase, moderate from massachusetts they will not nominate some body who raises millions from wall street. the speaker had one chance to lead our party in 1994, he came in and after four years, he had to resign in disgrace. the other two candidates are staying out of florida, rick santorum will resume campaigning in missouri after spending time with his daughter who is sick ron paul is focused on caucus states like maine and nevada. washington post is out with a new poll result about maryland governor martin o'malley's approval levels it appears he is lacking support for key proposals, joining us this morning aaron davis maryland political reporter for the washington post, good morning aaron thanks for being with us. overall the gover forlooks pretty good with an approval rating of 55% can you give us a big picture. >> this was the biggest poll we have done in about a year, his approval rating stayed high, about 50%, however this year he has an ambitious agenda marylanders are not sure if they want to go along with his proposals the biggest thing about the budget governor o'malley said after years of depressed tax revenue, this year, the state can't afford to just close the budget short fall by cuts alone s the revenue is needed to make sure the state can still invest in infrastructure he wants a higher gas tax, higher income tax on people making six figures or more, higher flush tax, all these things and marylanders are split about which ones they like and how they should do this. >> there is the numbers to prove it 51% overall job performance, 41% approval of the fiscal handling, that pretty much speaks to new programs you are talking about. >> right. >> i was going to ask you why now, with the bold initiatives and why now with the post but it does seem you have already answered that question we need some money. >> yes, and maryland consistently had a billion dollar short fall for the past several years this year, to make this more sustainable to close that gap a billion dollars is a billion dollars every year the governor wants to shift future pension costs to the county marylanders are about 6 and 10 against shifting future pension costs, wants to increase income taxes on you know six figure earners. >> $100,000. >> yeah, marylanders are for that, 66% say they are for higher taxes on people making $100,000 or more. it jumps up to support for people making higher taxes on $250,000 or more but not for an increase in the gas tax if they are for that they are equally against raising the gas tax 7 in 10 say they are against that, about what lawmakers say the governor would need to make a dent in the backlog. you mentioned there are some social moves with this budget, or this agenda as well and we talked about it let's talk more about gay marriage now, first of all, do you thing this will go any where, and secondly, what are people saying about it, are marylanders behind the governor's push. >> there was a shift in this last poll in support of same- sex marriage a couple years ago we took this poll and pretty clear majority was against and it is slowly moving to, majority of maryland could support same-sex marriage right now 50% support same-sex marriage 44% against. that overall number might not be the key number as to whether this moves forward this year in the legislature, the key number is the percentage of african americans still opposed to gay marriage that is the majority, and as long as that remains a majority, it is unclear if it gets to the legislature a lot of lawmakers have remained opposed to this and cited deep religious beliefs as the foundation of their position and that might not change, quickly, especially, in light of some recent developments just on friday, first lady called those who didn't vote for gay marriage last year, cowards, that got up emotions over this issue. >> all right. as we end this, wanted to get some of the methodology of the poll, where exactly did you do the polling was it the telephone poll and margin of error. >> sure this is over 1,000 people statewide poll we are really deeply polled numbers in prince georges county it is key to some issues that are here error margin of 3.5% and this was done as we do now with not just land lines but lots of cell phones and so we get a good range of people. >> we appreciate you coming in and talking about it, read about it today in the post and that of course talking about the approve numbers for maryland governor martin o'malley this is aaron davis local reporter with the washington post. >> thank you. >> tony. >> meanwhile maryland leaders debate bringing slots to prince georges county most residents are in favour of that idea. washington post poll, 57% support it. 41% were opposed, the idea is being debated during maryland's 90 day, state legislative session. >> dc councilmember, holding a public hearing on the city's taxi cabs she will discuss immoving service and making wheelchair hack -- improving service and making wheelchair accessible cabs a priority, more than 4,000 people answered questions about service and pricing. we know one big question was about the color of cabs, 38% of respondents believe cabs should be yellow, 18% think red. deadly weekened on the roads in our area, police chase northeast dc ended up with two people dead three others hurt, a van slammed into a tree landed on top of a police cruiser early sunday morning on taylor street near hawaii avenue. three men in the van were thrown from the vehicle. two died. two officers were hurt both are expected to survive. police believe just before the chase someone in the van tried to shoot at someone and then sped off. police identified the fourth victim in a deadly crash on route 50 meantime 55-year- old terry wayne died on the way to hospital his car was hit by another car driving the wrong way. this happened 3:30 a.m., saturday morning, three teens in the other car also died right now it is not known if alcohol or speed were factors. coming up, search for bodies on the costa concordia is halted once again how crews plan to continue later this week. >> incredible rescue in texas when a car sinks. hear from the heros and survivors ahead. mentoring monday here at fox 5 help save someone by calling (202)895-3307 we will speak with organizations involved after the break. 9:10 a.m. @@@@@úhd@h making headlines, crews will bring in a robot this week to search for more than two dozen people still missing from the costa concordia accident. you are looking at new video of the ship that moved an inch and a half over the weekend crews made preparations to pump out fuel from the wreck but search operationfuel recovery have been put on hold due to strong windrough seas. authorities are trying to figure out exactly what caused a multicar pile up in florida. rescuers who first arrived had to listen for screams and moans to find victims due to poor visibility created by fog and smoke. a quick thinking school bus driver in texas will be recognized for her actions ultimately saved four elementary students from a dangerous situation, heavy rain made a bridge she drives over every day too dangerous to pass so she stopped and got all the kids off before the bridge started to crumble within 45 minutes of the evacuation the bridge fell and the nose was underneath the rushing water of the flooded creek. wonderful ending to a dramatic water rescue in dallas caught on camera, deputy camera shows a car submerged the deputy swam to the sinning car and cruise -- sinking car and used his window punch to break out the back windowget the women out. >> they are screaming help me help me and telling me at the same time i can't swim. >> the water was up to my neck and then i said to them, oh, i can't breath any more i don't know where i am and then i saw the light and i am so happy and i saw he saved my life. the women survived the or deal with only minor scrapes and scratches from the broken glass >> amazing stories tony over to you. >> all right once again we have been telling you all morning about mentoring monday this is something we do every now and effort to find volunteers, willing to help mentor our young people throughout the community we have a number of organizations with us among them are folks from the court appointed special advocates and ann marie is the executive director, good to see you again thanks for coming out. >> thank you for having us. >> we have you here answering the phones, tell us about what your organization does. we train and super vise volunteers to advocate for the best interests of children living in foster care in prince georges county we ensure their best interest is the forefront of all decisions made for them living in foster care. >> if i am hearing what you say who are you looking for, to come in to help out >> as we have been saying all day it is just an average citizen ordinary person looking to make a difference in the life of a child just any time it can be given to that person, to help them ensure their needs are met while they are living in foster care that is the only requirement that we have. >> can you give me an example what some of those needs might be based on past experience? >> well, a lot of our young people aren't succeeding in school or perhaps they have mental health issues not adequately addressed our volunteers advocate for those needs and make sure that the people responsible are addressing those needs and our young people are growing up in communities so they can become strong, stable adults. >> you said -- so you are looking for a wide variety of people earlier we were talking about some groups in particular they need male mentors for young men as far as you are concerned men, women anybody. >> we only serve 20% of the children in foster care in need in prince georges county we need everyone who cares about children to come out and help us, men certainly make a difference it is a powerful statement, to be a man working with a younger boy or a young adult, and helping them grow up in the community, but anyone who is willing to make a difference in the life of a child is needed. >> group is court appointed special advocates, ann marie, executive director if this is something in particular you want to find out about, get information about call in (202)895-3307 ask for those folks specifically or we have a number of organizations here as well. good to see you. >> thank you. >> best of luck to you. >> thank you. >> alison. why nfl officials forced toe evacuate fans from a tent in indianapolis. and dave ross is here. >> alison, it is a wild weekend in the world of sports we will tell you about it because we are wondering is tiger woods back to being tiger woods and an epic australian open tennis match that lasted nearly 6 hours. first, annie yu at the auto show can you pick me up a new ride please. >> you really do need a new ride >> i do annie. >> you stick around we will show you some really cool cars and we will tell you what is in store for the future, automakers are constantly coming out with new and impressive fun details. stay with us on fox 5 morning news never in my lifetime did i think i could walk 60 miles in 3 days. if my mom can fight and beat breast cancer, i can walk 60 miles. (woman) the fund-raising was the easiest part. people were very giving. complete strangers wanting to help. i knew someday i was gonna do this walk. if i can do this, you definitely can do this. we can do this. we can all do this together. (man) register today for the... and receive $25 off your registration fee. because everyone deserves a lifetime. welcome back 9:22 a.m., strong winds prompted nfl officials to evacuate a tent filled with football fans waiting to get autographs from current and former players the tent set up in the stadium where super bowl will be played this sunday in indianapolis was closed two hours in august, high winds caused the stage to collapse on to part of a grand stand, at indiana state fair killing 7 people. >> dave ross is here, the big game six days away but there is more to talk about. >> yeah, we have had two weeks to talk about that. real quick a preview of the game giants and patriots, you can't spell leap without eli >> -- spell elite without eli. >> there was a big golf tournament in abu dhabi after three rounds he looked like the old tiger woods tied for the lead coming in, when he did this you thought this is tiger is backdrops in like a 07- footer here -- 70-footer here but finished the day even farther and in third place you are like well, he is supposed to close here is rory mcilroy, won in dc last year congressional u.s. open, robert rock, who? >> what? >> from england look at the hair alison he doesn't wear a hat if you had hair like that would you wear a hat? >> i don't think he needs one. >> like the beatles hair cut. >> very english what we are wondering if tiger woods can't beat this guy, robber rock how is he going the win back over here at augusta national we thing he is back but until he closes on a sunday, i am not thoroughly convinced as of yet. only time will tell. >> another match that took place this weekend overseas australian open, tennis fans unbelievable you know that vehicle, number one in the world raphael nadal. took almost 6 hours to complete >> i am tired hearing you say that. nadal gutted it out here is match point and just great forehand. >> look at that. >> but alison we want to know what you thing of this, when is the match -- oh, hello. it was a family show what is going on here. >> that is what i am talking about. >> mama likes. >> well, you know what, what is the pose. >> you got to give the fans something after all that >> i guess. so he can do that. hulking out, it is tennis. >> makes me feel better. [ laughter ] >> your throat suddenly feels better. >> we got to give props to novak it was incredible. now maybe not as incredible as the pro bowl a quick look at these highlights, my beef with the pro bowl is only one thing if you are not going to play defense, how do you this is beautiful right all the time i get it don't play defense, then take the pads off. >> right. >> take the pads off. >> no. >> take that off and put flags on these guys and play look they are not even rushing. watch. he stops running. that is not football. >> no, it is not. >> fun and i hope con nor, they are not even really. this is ridiculous. >> there is brandon marshall i didn't know he was a pro bowler they scored 100 points it is like a video game 59 and 41. i had people on twitter asking me, hey, ross what did you expect? it is funny london fletcher was our only player out there, people were getting on him for playing too hard. he was tackling people. that would be funny take the pads off. get the shirt off it will be better >> thank you dave. all right. well, a futuristic ride gets you around on ground and in the air but comes with a pretty hefty price tag. >> also dc councilmember brown is calling for an investigation into the city's housing and community development department he joins us to talk about that plus the push for state hood. >> first, help some body, help one of the young people in need of a mentor volunteering with a local organization it is mentoring monday here at fox 5 call (202)895-3307 for more information. we will be right back 9:26 a.m. . is there a prize in there? oh, there's a prize, all right. is it a robot? no. is it a jet plane? nope. is it a dinosaur? [ laughs ] [ male announcer ] inside every box of heart healthy cheerios are those great tasting little o's made from carefully selected oats that can help lower cholesterol. stickers? uh-uh. a superhero? ♪ kinda. [ male announcer ] and we think that's the best prize of all. ♪ well, look another what could be the future of travel it is the transition a car and plane the wings fold up so the vehicle can be drip on the road. anyone who can -- driven on the road anyone who can afford, the price tag can use public airports in the united statewould need a pilot license. >> can we get it right now. >> i think we need to work on our cars. >> flying to work. >> okay. >> but the price tag though, is doable some people pay that for a car now right? >> not me. >> well, no. >> certainly some people do. >> right. >> bentleys of the world. >> yeah. >> what would be great is a car that could convert into a helicopter, so when traffic is really bad move right up rather than needing to take off like that. >> you and your other 8,000 friends are getting helicopters at the same time. >> not a good idea. >> theory is great we all thought it would be out there sooner those of us who watch the jet sons. >> everyone was like you are going to be able to see each other when you talk on the telephone one day. >> that is true the transition is here. >> to positive weather. the weekend was beautiful. >> it was. >> the big warm up is on the way. >> let's get to it, tony, once again enjoyed the rising thermometer. >> very cleaver. >> very nice. >> big warm up on the way s as we have been talking about all morning we will talk about temperatures in the 60s not today, but as we get into tomorrow well into the 60s tuesday and wednesday comfortable on the way spring like in case, you might have noticed, the plants here, the daffodils, crow curses, they are off -- crocusss they are off and running. >> 30 martins burg and 30 hagerstown. leonard town 37, across the bay water temperatures i checked the bay, 47 degrees, 37 cambridge. all right satellite radar, quiet weather to start your day, we did have that front come through during evening hours, winds pick up snow showers across the northern tier of the viewing area, now just sunshine and a pleasant day our highs for your monday afternoon mid-40s later today some of this will get in here some of this cloud cover, let me try that gain we will remain dry some to have clouds will get in here later this afternoon partly sunny night time hours this is the leading edge of warmer air that will get in here and then we will be off and running high temperatures 60s. hard to believe it is end of january. 47 today lots of sunshine, seasonal temperatures average daytime high 44 degrees cooler than what we had around here, this weekend winds out of the west a to 10 miles per hour. as warmer air moves in, cooler, 45, in the city, upper 20s low 30s notice the winds shifting out of the south at 5 to 10 miles per hour all right there is a good looking 5 day forecast end of january and first couple days of february, 47 today, 62 tomorrow, 65 degrees with a few showers wednesday and then cool it down towards the end of the week looking for some signs of winter next weekend we could have a coastal system by the end of next weekend. something to look forward to if you like winter. that is a look at the forecast get out and enjoy today back to you. >> thank you. members of the dc council are today calling for investigations into the city's housing and community development department after allegations that millions given to a youth outreach group to develop housing for at riss mis councilmember michael brown joins us from the wilson building good morning councilmember brown good to see you. thanks tony how are you. >> good i want to start with this we will talk about dc state hood but saturday you put out a press release talking about this now your fellow consul member, jim graham wants an investigation as well what is alleged here? what went on between the district department of housing and community development and specifically,. that is one of the reasons during our oversight tony a year ago we started asking questions about these trans actions as i am sure you know, the housing and development committee, what we discovered there were irregularities related to some trans actions and the irregularities raised to such a level we thought it was important enough to refer to the attorney general and inspector general as we go through the process of the investigation all the facts will come out and rumour and innuendo are out now that is why it will get referred and then we can see what happened keep in mind tony this has been going on quite some time this was happening during the fente administration and possibly williams administration. >> and attention was being called to this back in 2010 it is not brand new i don't want to deal in rumour or speculation but do i understand correctly housing and community development gave $4.5 million to overhaul some of these buildings and the like? this is not something they necessarily have any experience in doing is that right? >> well, keep in mind, not focussing too much on the outside entity my view extends to the agencies themselves but the inspector general the attorney general will have the ability to do, so far, do some more outreach related to other entities but my purview just deals with actual agencies themselves. we hope to have answers for the residents of the district of columbia >> any fear there may have been criminal wrong doing? >> again that is where we as the chair of this particular committee thought it was important enough to refer to see. there may not be. that is why we have these entities to do that checking to see if there is any criminal activity we hope not but i can't express enough this has been going on quite some time again probably during the fente administration possibly back to the williams administration. >> let's talk about the trip you and councilmembers and the mayor took to new hampshire pushing for state hood, why new hampshire why there why not start in maryland or virginia. >> if you are wondering if it is really 32 or 36 degrees out here it is it is cold just so you know tony what we wanted to do, we have a full 50 state strategy we are going to go around the country, new hampshire happened to be the first state we wanted to make sure we start to get our message out what we learned friday there are a lot of myths and misinformation about what this great city is, how it is governed how we are financed a lot of that -- we can't just talk about state hood here in dc we have to talk about it around the country no matter what pathway we take, the state hood will include other states being involved in that decision whether it is a constitutional amendment, a regular bill we have a lot of work to do not only new hampshire, florida, tennessee, texas, california, montana, michigan, obviously our neighboring states, virginia, maryland we are going all over the country to talk about why state hoods are so important. the lawmakers in new hampshire did they have a favorable response to your efforts? >> i think we did a good job on the education side, we are starting to dispel a lot of myths this is a learning process for us too this is an extremely aggressive strategy we will learn as we go a little bit and part of what new hampshire taught us we have to continue to frame our message we are not going to win them all. alaska and hawaii didn't win them all either we have to do what we have to do to move our agenda forward related to state hood. >> last question these are tight times, and you know i think some might wonder is this a good use of dc money to send five, six, seven people to all the different states to talk about state hood. >> frankly i wish our budget was larger the answer to the question is absolutely yes we need to be a state and unless we take some real aggressive proactive strategies and put them in place, i think it is the right thing for residents of columbia district and frankly we need more because if we become a state we are then able to do things other states are able to do relative to increasing our revenue, so actually it will pay for itself in the long run if the district of columbia became a state. >> dc councilmember michael brown good to have you on the show thanks warm up now if you can. >> thank you very much. still ahead, a week after demi moore is hospitalized a replacement is named in her latest film. quite a few surprises at this year's sag awards who took home the big win. before we take you to the break help make a difference in someone else's life it is mentoring monday for information on organizations who need volunteers, call (202)895-3307 307 well, material girl will roll out a new single and music video this week from madonna's 12th studio album it is called give me all your loving. featuring nicki minage and mia. >> sarah jessica parker will replace demi moore in love lace. she will play gloria steinam did i say that right. >> you did. >> moore dropped out of the movie a day after she was taken to the hospital for exhaustion. amanda siegfied stars in the role of amanda love lace. the grey bringing in a lot of green liam neeson topped the box office. under world awakening second place, followed by one for the money and and man on a ledge. hollywood stars from both the big screen and little screen came out to celebrate with the winners it was an exciting night for the cast of the help picking up some of the biggest honors they won the sag ensemble award, the helps octavia spencer won best actress. >> it has changed because i have allowed it to change me that i have gained a different perspective of the business, and the the perspective that i have gained is that i have a voice and that i have the power to make that change. to the tv side modern family won best ensemble, aleck baldwin who is eric baldwin there is a bunch of them. >> no eric. >> aleck baldwin and betty white won, best actor honors. >> all right future of automobiles on display at the convention center this week annie yu live at the 2012 washington auto show, where you will find more than 700 new makes and models details just ahead. and, look at those three little babies, these three pups are looking for their forever home how you can help them in this mornings pet project. >> speaking of helping, mentoring monday here at fox 5 if you would like to lend a hand to a young person call (202)895-3307 phones open for another 14.5 minutes that is it, (202)895-3307 please call before 10:00 a.m. we will be back it is 9:45 a.m. i'm in a tricky situation here. i'm bidding on a 1979 dukes of hazzard lunchbox, but my auction ends in 15 seconds ! even worse, my buddy's bidding on the same lunchbox. it's airbrushed ! but i've got verizon 4g lte. it's so fast that i can outbid him at the last second. i got it ! yes, i won ! woo hoo ! it's got a thermos ! rely on verizon 4g lte. because only the fastest survive. we're gonna erase breast cancer once and for all. once and for all. walking 60 miles... in three days. join us. join us. (woman) we're united. (woman) a family. (man) a movement. (woman) a coming together of thousands. (woman) thousands... (man) with one goal. join us. we're committed. relentless. (woman) we've refused to surrender. (woman) refuse to give up. (woman) we will never give up. (woman) never. never. never. join us. so that no one's life is cut short. no one has to suffer the agony of a loss. the agony of my loss. no one should have to experience what my family went through... go through what i went through. no one should have to experience that nightmare. no one. no one. we're going to erase breast cancer once and for all. (woman) walking 60 miles. (woman) in three days. join us. (man) register today for the... and receive $25 off your registration fee. because everyone deserves a lifetime. okay, so who ordered the cereal that can help lower cholesterol and who ordered the yummy cereal? yummy. that's yours. lower cholesterol. lower cholesterol. i'm yummy. lower cholesterol. i got that wrong didn't i? [ male announcer ] want great taste? honey nut cheerios. want whole grain oats that can help lower cholesterol? honey nut cheerios. it's a win win. good? [ crunching, sipping ] be happy. be healthy. can i try yours? ♪ [ female announcer ] if whole grain isn't the first ingredient in your breakfast cereal, what is? now, in every box of general mills big g cereal, there's more whole grain than any other ingredient. that's why it's listed first on the side. from honey nut cheerios to cinnamon toast crunch to lucky charms, get more whole grain than any other ingredient... without question. just look for the white check. getting a back story from our guest. welcome back look at these adorable puppies they are in need i know everybody is not a puppy here but they are in need of a good home. prince, presley and whoops that is really this chihuahua's name they are all in foster care but could be yours, shawn and dana field are volunteer foster parents with all breed rescue and referral. dana good morning to you. pam good morning to you. thank you for coming in today and bringing these little loves. look at whoops whoops is like what is going on. >> let's talk about all breed i have looked a at your website on many occasions you have some beautiful dogs in need of good homes tell us about all breed. >> they have been around for 15 years almost, we actually own a 14-year-old dachshund i adopted from all greed 14 years ago. >> how great. >> and we have another chihuahua we have two others from all breed as well that we have been adoptive parents too they do great work there is about i don't know maybe 20 or so dogs on the website whoops is one of them, and obviously presley and prince. as well. they get dogs from high kill shelters, often just before they are about to be well, we won't say the bad word because these guys are going to go to some good homes. check out the web feed all >> it is a good one folks if you are in need have room in your home. >> dana talk to me about prince because prince is about to fall asleep. >> we just got prince a few days ago. he came up with his brother and he had another brother that has been adopted already. >> excellent. >> we are really happy about that. >> interesting mix too, maltese and dachshund. >> yeah, i mean i wouldn't -- yeah. they are really really friendly, i think this one and that one would be good in a family with children,. >> okay. >> or even just two adults but they are just a joy to be around. >> this one i said who am i going to hold ladies i love to get my puppy love on and presley looked at me like so i am holding presley litter mate as you mentioned tell us about presley. >> presley is just a sweet heart he -- we had him in our house for about a week and he just fell in love with he is just loves to be held loves to be cuddled he is a really really good boy. >> and his little heart is just beating. >> they look a little bit like dachshunds but have longer legs probably from the maltese. >> it is an odd pairing but i like it. so if you like it too why not find some room in your house. yeah, right presley? presley, prince and whoops all for adoption and the e-mail is -- the website is all and there is an adoption event coming up this sunday at the pet smart in bethesda. so hope to see ev thanks for coming in. >> great. >> where are you going back to you. >> they may be the calmest dogs we have ever had here. >> agreed. >> just chilling. >> thank you very much. >> good luck to them. >> all right it is all about speed and luxury this week at the convention center the 2012 washington auto show has rolled in that is where we find annie yu this morning annie, i am jealous because i love the car show it is very cool. yeah, it never fails i mean i am super impressed i have got a chance to go down stairs and take a look at the international cars, bentley, maseratis, they are beautiful. >> kevin riley is the vice chairman of the awe though show and president of -- auto show and president of alexandria hyundai people want to know what are the hottest cars out there. >> the first thing i want the let them know is this is one of the pre mere auto shows in the world now with the new convention center space we have 750,000 square feet >> try walking around in heels you had me running around here trying to look at all these cars. what are people going to experience when they come out here? what are some really cool cars >> different things first the exotic cars the ferraris, lamborghinis but a great only poor tunety to look at ford, toyota, -- opportunity to lock at ford, hyundai, honda. >> there is a lot of characterses here from pbs and the advanced super technology super highway >> we saw video earlier. >> if you are curious as to what is going to propel our cars in future this is where you will find it hydrogen, electric, bio fuel, 65,000 square feet of the latest technology and a car that runs on vegetable oil. >> really cool. so what really is the future of the car industry? what are people looking -- is safety still a big thing? and what are some fun details y'all are working on. >> three things styling is extremely important fuel efficiency and safety and that is something with the auto industry is going you see a lot of vehicles get 40 miles per gallon, from hyundai's view, elan track just won so people are looking for fuel efficiency. >> what are somethings you guys are working on. >> we have hybrid technology and hydrogen tucson that runs purely on hydrogen that was driven all the way from los angeless to washington dc. >> really impressive come out and check out all the fun things there are cool cars more than 700 cars from 42 manufacturers and there is plenty for the kids took into consideration you can check our website, we have a link to the auto show check out the sec celebrities et cetera. find out what was altered on a photo taken years ago. one more look at the 5 day. >> just 5 minutes left to call and get information to volunteer and help a young person, volunteers standing by for mentoring monday call (202)895-3307. we will be right back dinner's ready. [ female announcer ] hamburger helper stroganoff. beefy. creamy. stroganoffy. helpers. forty dishes, all delicious. gives us the most nutritious of gifts. but only when they are ready to be given. that's why green giant picks vegetables at their peak. ...and freezes them fast, locking in nutrients ...for you to unwrap. ♪ ho, ho, ho. green giant beth! hi! looking good. you've lost some weight. thanks. you noticed. these clothes are too big, so i'm donating them. how'd you do it? eating right -- whole grain. [ female announcer ] people who choose more whole grain tend to weigh less than those who don't. multi-grain cheerios -- 5 whole grains, 110 calories. creamy, dreamy peanut butter taste in a tempting new cereal. mmm! [ female announcer ] new multi-grain cheerios peanut butter. truth in advertising, 27- year-old cleo barry is featured showing him without one leg it warns people growing portions sizes in our meals can lead to diabetes, the only problem barry is not an amputee he is concerned the ad may hurt his acting career. officials are defending the practice as common in advertising. >> strange. tucker barnes, 47 this afternoon we will be cool, look what we got to look forward to, tuesday and wednesday highs mid- 60s, sunshine. >> unbelievable. >> beautiful. thank you mentoring monday, wrapping up we want to say a big old thank you to everyone who called in for information to make a difference in a young person's life and to volunteers all of you thank you so much. >> wonderful. >> for being the con due wit to connect you out there with a young person. >