refused and the white house backed down. on and on it goes, thousands line up at a job fair in los angeles and it is against backdrops like these president obama wants to address a joint session of congress but when? at first it was next wednesday, the same night republicans have a big debate planned, first to include rick perry was that a snub? at first the white house wouldn't back down. >> one debate of many on one channel of many was not enough reason not to have the speech at the time that we decided to have it. >> but there is one problem the president needs an invitation to speak to congress usually it is a matter of routine but this time john boehner put his foot down and only offered up thursday the opening night of nfl season. and now, a political spat. the president and his team started it by picking a night they knew was pretty much already taken. >> on the other hand the history of these requests are the president asks you know i want to come up on the state would you extend me an invitation he gets invited. >> not this time the president decided to wait until thursday and lost in all this, what if anything to do about millions of americans looking for work. and the big complication now for the president is going head to head with the green bay packers and new orleans saints, so the keep those football fans from tuning out, the white house says it is now working on a time for the speech that won't interfere with the game that is the latest here on capital hill back to you. thanks another after shock of last week's east coast earthquake this one once again in mineral virginia, 3.4 magnitude after shock struck around 5:09 a.m. centered four miles from mineral near the location of the original 5 .8 quake that hit august 23rd folks around the region told us they felt it. >> meanwhile rivers in the northeast, new england are finally receding in the wake of hurricane irene towns in vermont cut off for days are finally getting help president obama will visit new jersey sunday to see damage caused by the passaic river there. here in our region thousands are without power most bge customers in baltimore a state lawmaker from that area wants a public hearing about the power company meantime on capital hill debate over spending threatening to make it more difficult to find new money to help cities devastated by the storm. >> but we have had discussions about these things before and those moneys will be offset with appropriate saving or cost cutting elsewhere to meet the priority. >> we need to respond, now the try to hold that leverage to accomplish some other agenda is just wrong. >> eric canter says it is the democratic lead senate holding up legislation to authorize funds from fema the house has spent billions in savings for disaster relief. >> an alleged case of road rage a silver spring man allegedly assaulted by another driver who followed him, ran into his car and attacked him with live downed power lines the suspect is facing serious charges now. karen grey houston has the story >> he started punching my window, kicking my door. >> reporter: a terrifying incident from the out set the victim we are not identifying him says he was minding his own business sunday coming home from work when he noticed someone in a car behind his following him. >> since he kept following, i drove past my house. >> reporter: it happened near the intersection of brewster and worth avenue when he came to a dead end because the street was blocked by downed power lines the defendant identified in court papers, stepped out of his car. >> proceeded to tell me his bosses have him following me. >> reporter: the victim got back into his own car honda civic he had prepped for a paint job when the attack really started first he says the man hit and punched his car with his hands and feet snacked at it with an antenna s then got back in his car and rammed the hyundai into his car. >> backed it up and rammed it into the back of my car backed his car up and rammed it into the back of my car again for the third time he backed up in and smashed into the back and then tried pushing my car forward into the power lines. >> the assault was relentless he got out of his car went around to the front, grabbed two live power lines, and attempted to throw them on to the car. >> he says the lines sparked when they hit the ground and caught fire. >> this was a very dangerous act, i mean the gentleman could have electrocuted himself or the victim or by standers. >> people in the neighbourhood are shocked at least one resident thinks it snacks of road rage. there is a lot of crazy going on you get in your car and hope you get home gain the same day. karen grey houston reporting the man was released on reduced bond, even his lawyer agrees the facts are bizarre but will be disputed. shots fired at an off duty police officer interstate 270, the prince georges county officer started following a speeding silver audi with connecticut tags on the outer loop 495, around 2:30 a.m. well, that continued on to northbound 270, someone in the audi fired off several shots at the officers car and exited route 121 then fired off more shots as the vehicle got back on to northbound 270, no one was hurt during this the audi was last seen near the weigh station hyatts town maryland. >> increase in venomous snakebites in maryland has some wondering if mother nature is to blame three people in montgomery county are recovering after being bitten by copper heads while there is no concrete proof the snakes were forced from the ground by recent weather but it is possible one woman was just trying to show a baby snake to her kids not realizing it was poisonous. >> you could see some is blue here but nothing like it was i was trying to teach my girls don't be afraid of every little spider and squirmy thing which i guess not a bad idea. her treatment included 18 viles of anti venom and by the way there are only two venomous snakes found in maryland copper head and timber rattlesnake. >> we now know the identity of a man found inside a burning car in prince georges county officers were called to the scene early yesterday morning for report of a fire jefferson heights drive fairmont heights, 34-year-old antoine henderson was burned beyond recog nice, they are working to identify a suspect. crittenton waived extradition and will be sent to georgia to be tried for murder he is charged with shooting a 23-year-old mother in atlanta nearly two weeks ago police arrested the 23-year-old in los angeles monday you may remember he pleaded guilty to bringing a gun into the wizards locker room with gilbert arenas, police believe the victim was not the intended target. >> maryland man detained in the presumed death of his travel companion will remain in a aruba jail he and gardener went to aruba last month he maintained she disappeared while snorkeling but her body has never been found. he took out a $1.5 million life insurance policy on gardener and he has not been charged. >> most of the power left back on. how did pepco do they are under heavy fire for outages over the years. more problem s with the washington monument after last week's quake what crews found that show more damage than originally thought back in a moment le all right back now fox 5 morning news, a look at remaining power outages from hurricane irene. bge has customers out still. smeco 5760 outages and pepco 190 customers without power. joining us today to talk about the pepco restoration process montgomery county council vice president roger berliner thanks for coming in. >> nice to be with you. >> talk about your thoughts how they did with hurricane irene. >> first we were so fortunate montgomery county the storm didn't hit us particularly hard other parts of the state baltimore county got hit very hard so bge is suffering in ways pepco did not but and i have been a strong critic of pepco because their system is way too weak none the less they did prepare better this time they called in over a thousand people from outside the state, to be available should the storm be particularly tough they prepared better, communication was better, they had more people on the phones available communication is so important i give them a c so i give them a for preparation, c for communications and incomplete on service improvements overall because the storm really didn't test their system very much. >> i know in past storms other issues we have had they have called in other crews do you feel they just had more this time around and they got here sooner than before. >> yes i think they made a decision early on they were not going to drop the ball this time. just too critical to be prepared and i think they did a good job. >> do you think so we talked with pep coleading up to the storm beforehand thomas graham was in here we talked ability how all this past year they had been working to improve on reliability they had been out there cutting down trees or limbs in the way do you thing that really contributed to the io guess, ability to get the power back on, faster because there wasn't as much around or do you still think it was the severity of the storm? >> i think it is mixed the storm didn't really it's their system. i do believe they made improvements in their system i just can't tell the extent of which their improvements were correlated with the results we saw. and i would say my constituents experienced outages on sunny days all the time and that is fundamental problem, not really how they do storms as much as it is, what happens day today and that is where we really need to see marketed improvement. >> before hurricane irene hit were you still having a lot of constituents telling you, i still have issues with pepco leading up to the storms there were problems on sunny days. >> we hear almost every day from our constituents who experience sunny day outages but my hope is that pepcos improvements, they have been doing tree trimming although maybe not as environmentally sensitive as we would like they have been making improvements in the system but when you are in the lowest until the system for years in a row you have a long time before you are a top performing you till di. -- utility. >> maryland public service commission is someone they have to answer to have you spoken to them about the severity of the storm and what will happen from here? >> what typically happens after the storm pepco makes a report with maryland public service commission we will await that report to see what the real statistics are. again because this storm was not as severe as we feared i don't know to the extent which this is a fair measure. >> you know we also know there was a state lawmaker up in the baltimore region, now wanting a hearing into looking into bge outages which they still have quite a few there do you thing it is an issue with bge or just they got hit harder? are people coming down too hard on them do you feel? >> i don't know the facts as to how well bge repaired i heard they didn't call in as many crewses pepco did now they have more people employed to be prepared for themselves so they don't generally need to call in as many people but that issue, those are facts i don't have at my dispostle. clearly the -- disposal clearly the storm hit them harder. >> we will see how things shake out robert berliner thank you for coming in. >> thank you. the earthquake may have caused hidden leaks in the washington monument engineers, sealed cracks from the quake but discovered water inside the monument after the storm a spokesperson said there were puddles on stairwells towards the top of the monument engineers are searching for the source of the leak but says the structurally sound. today for the first time since the earthquake national cathedral will be open for news reporters for a tour and update damage from the quake will keep it closed to public for another week. the 5 .8 magnitude quake caused three of the four spires to break off and cracks in the upper inside of the building officials hope to reopen the church for a commemorative event on the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 attack. >> disturbing study about the mortality rate of newborns in the u.s. surprising ranks we now hold behind still developing nations. a look at why coming up. >> holly is hitting the maryland state fair good morning. >> good morning to you you know forget that regular old fair food maryland state fair all the really good stuff has a decidedly maryland connection. we are checking it out this morning, coming up live later we will show you first hand why you need to make maryland state fair part of your labor day weekened plans. all live later. pgh >> first, a look at the trivia question what serious actor worked as a lion tamer during summer break from acting school in new york city was it harrison ford, alex baldwin, paul newman christopher walken. don't go any where 3q septic system breakdowns affect over one million homes each year, causing a disgusting mess and hours of repair. the powerful formula in rid-x has enzymes to immediately break down waste and bacteria that work continuously to reduce tank build-up. use rid-x once a month and help save yourself from disaster. disturbing details out before the 10th anniversary of the september 11th attacks member offs the expired commission release add new report card showing 9 of 40 security recommendations have not been fulfilled the government has not done enough to improve airport security they are concerned first responders still can't communicate with each other in the field. >> general patreus is cautioning the government not to make excessive cuts in pentagon budgets in the coming years. he retired from the army just yesterday, he will take over as cia director next tuesday patreus says cuts must not be allowed to undermine versatility and flexibility u.s. forces have developed fighting in iraq and afghanistan. >> un officials are in somalia to delever aid and get a first hand look at the crisis in the nation. the un high commissioner spoke saying millions will die of starvation if more is not done to help he says the international community must step up to help refugees and those who stay in somalia, more than 25,000 children under the age of 5 have died in the past three months alone. now to a health alert, babies born in cuba, poland, malaysia have a better chance of survival than newborns in the u.s. researchers studied 20 years of data from 193 members of the world health organization the newborn death rate in the u.s. is on par with qatar, crow with a shea and the united a-- croatia and the united arab emirates. >> imagine going to your garden for green leafy veggies but finding a different green like $100,000. >> why is it not in my garden. >> i can guarantee you it is not in mine either. >> more on this next. >> she has dazzled audiences for years as a gymnast now on stage kathy rigby joins us with her role as peter pan details on the other side of the break. don't go away we will be right back >> money doesn't grow on trees but in illinois a man found $1 million in his backyard. he went to grab veggies from his garden and saw bags he thought was litter. he looked inside and found money. he turned to his local sheriff's department. earlier when we played this story he was saying he worried it could be a bank oner and didn't want to go spend -- robber and didn't want to go spend it. >> i am thinking money really does grow on trees. >> maybe only on his trees. >> right and so would you turn all of it in? >> after he said yeah, if you thing it is a robber you are thinking the bills are marked i won't be able to spend it. >> i know. >> it would be so tempting. i would send it -- >> yeah tucker would you? >> absolutely i would send it back. >> out of fear or your good heart? >> hmm, that is a tough one to answer isn't it. >> ponder that one. >> maybe he would get some for a reward. >> was someone missing $100,000? >> we don't know yet. >> perhaps there will be an update >> chef we just do the sensational part we don't worry about what happens. >> don't count on us for a follow up. the forecast will be another nice day today more summary i know some people are saying hey, all of a sudden it went from being 95 to 80, you will get one more weekend with the heat and humidity cooler temperatures next week but with the possibility of more heat to more thunderstorms, not today but as you get into saturday and sunday temperatures 71 degrees now 71 regan national warming up after a pleasant overnight temperatures falling back into the 50s. 59 degrees, frederick, 73 66 monassis. so just another very nice morning lots of sunshine expected first half of the day then a few clouds filter in during the afternoon not going to be mostly cloudy but i think partly cloudy mix of sun and clouds, the storm is off to our north and west. doing great sunshine here in washington sunny at the bay and beaches and pretty good thunderstorms north and west of the city i don't think the rain will get in here but clouds spill, south and east of the afternoon. more cloudiness later. let's get to our storms first of all that is hurricane kattia i am struggling with this kattia. >> thank you. >> it only took 12 tries to day. winds 75 miles per hour it doesn't scare me not so much because of the storm but the name of it. it will become a hurricane over the next several days, puerto rico, haiti and dominican republic right here we will watch it and national hurricane center curious about that, see it blossoming here it could become a tropical depression maybe a storm later this week if so that would be lee. we have a lot going on the peak of hurricane season, september 9th we are getting right there. our forecast, 85 partly sunny skies, winds ahead of the south, 25 miles per hour very nice afternoon as we expect another dry one. partly cloudy, best chance west of the city as the thunderstorm tracks west. that will help increase humidity, tomorrow more humidity around partial sunshine 85, the weekend, summary chance of a thunder storm, saturday, sunday, holiday monday outdoor plans, barbecues want to go to the beach you name it go for it this will not be a rain out but the possibility of an isolated storm. over to you. >> thank you tucker. >> she gained international respect as a gifted gymnast then as a sportsman traitor and kathy rig by is still flying high in a slightly different venue as an actor she played a variety of roles in wizard of oz, south pacific and more but she is best known for her turn in title role of peter pan and she has brought that performance back to wolf trap. see her this weekend but we can't wait to talk to the kathy rig by good morning. >> good morning. >> i feel like i am sitting here with a beautiful legend in her own times the fantastic you have just always been in the public spotlight it seems. >> well, it seems if you get old enough i think that happens but yeah, i think that you know, the gymnastics -- well, when you retire at the age of 19 you have to figure out what else you are going to do for me getting into the theatre happened to come along and i studied and trained and then i never would have believed years ago that peter pan would have been right you know, a signature role but every 5 or so years you have this new generation of familychildren very few people under the age of 30 know my gymnastics career >> i was trying to find a tactful way to say that i know that but a lot of people probably think this is the actress i know her from peter pan how old are you on that cover of life. >> 18 -- about 17 or 18 right before the 72 olympics and it was right already life went to a smaller magazine it was long beach california on the beach the balance beam is made of wood it wasn't padded back then just a nice 4-inch piece of hard wood. >> you really had to be good. >> that's right. >> since that time 3,000 performances of peter pan how do you keep it fresh for you and for those new people to the show? >> well, actually it is one of those roles i played many different types when you go back and become a child every night, 8 shows a week, there is so many different ways and spontaneous and mischievous ways of playing the characters and of course flying never gets old and soaring through the air we also with this production we have new sets new costumes and a whole new cast and i always tell the cast you know, while they wear similar looking costumes you see a different personality come out from it and a different way of playing the show, it always takes on a new feel and so it doesn't get old i get to be a kid. it is so physically demanding though looking at that i am like feeling sick from the turn and then the split and the whole thing but you are an athlete how does one sort of like lend itself to the other for this role and how do you do it night after night? >> you train. >> physically. >> you train i think probably the biggest thing that helped me is pilates and i have to say i wasn't sure i didn't want to do the role again if i wasn't as physical as i have always been you train for it you get flexible and strong and focused how you do dance steps and flyings exactly correctly you are not 20 years old and you don't jump into a role with abandon, you know it is like training for gymnastics there is a precise way to do it you don't get hurt and i haven't had to compromise any of it we are doing different flying we have a double wire this time and our choreographer, patty column bow there is one number it is a ball listic drumming you know lots of energy called ugawug i know doing 8 shows, but it is just i don't know i just put the harness on and the fairy dust and tunic of leaves and you become. >> you become peter pan. >> you are of course busy doing other things as well you and your husband have opened a neat inner california you also do motivational -- theatre in california you also do motivational speaking. >> the newest thing we have done is open a conservatory of the arts and we have 700 kids now that dance and sing and act and put on productions and i have been around kids my whole life it is an absolute joy to see these kids blossom regardless whether they go into the theatre or whatever to stand on stage and sing a song and dance and compete, it is absolutely one of my favorite things i love teaching. >> so, man, who is a better teacher than you, so happy to meet you. >> thank you. >> want to give you information for the show wolf trap september 1st and 2nd you have show tonight. >> tonight tomorrow and full weekend. >> times are on the screen tickets are still available you put the show to bed in 2005 with farewell tour of peter pan. >> changed my mind. wolf trap is one of the most glorious places to do peter pan you feel you are in inner land with all the trees. big theatre. >> continued success as if i have to give you that but keep doing what you are doing we appreciate and enjoy you. >> thank you. >> alison i am glad you asked her how she does it i am making the notes pilates. >> concerns at nasa about astronauts at the international space station why they may have to take an emergency rocket back to earth. >> you thing you drive safely? think again america's best driving cities our ranking not so good. details up next and another look at today's trivia question what serious actor worked as a lion tamer during a summer break from acting school in new york city? we will have the answer coming up in a bit don't go any where e a russian rocket crash has nasa astronauts wondering when they will return to earth an unmanned rocket headed for the space station crashed after launch last week with nearly 3 tonights of food and supplies those unmanned flights are suspended until the russian space agency figures out what caused the engine to quit. nasa was relying on those flights to retate as owe naught there are six people on -- rotate there are six people on the space station. >> we are ready to execute the plan if need be but right now, nasa managers are talking to the russians, they are guardedly optimistic they will figure out this problem. the space station can operate without anyone onboard but space agencies would lose research without anyone there to monitor it. >> all state is out with its annual best driver report and dc is dead last the district ranked 193 on the list of american cities. >> you can see other results there fort collins colorado take it is top spot, two years in a row the average driver there experiences an accident every 14 years, 20% less than the national average. >> what is it with us with the earthquakes, hurricanes after all that. you may be looking for something fun to do outside. >> how about a trip to the maryland state fair holly is there and has more on what you can expect. >> and irene left a lot of damage behind in our yards and gardens so how do you repair the damage to your plants. >> good question, derek thomas is up next with more back in a >> maryland state fair is going on now through labor day. >> the day holly morris traveled to experience some of the fun things you can do at this year's fair. holly the pig lets were so cute can you top that? >> reporter: yeah i think i can what is the most fun thing you can do at the fair? eat exactly girls after my own heart i love it. so we have come over here to the maryland food pavilion their food here has a huge maryland connection steve is mixing up the maryland -- stan sorry i was so distracted by the whipped cream. he is whipping up a fresh patch sundae. >> let's start off on the right foot. breakfast. >> bribery will get you everywhere. >> tell me about the pavilion. >> it starletted 27, 28 years ago and commodity groups featuring their products we have the pork producers cattle men, lamb, turkey and the chicken producers all here serving maryland products. >> sam why are you stopping talking i am still eating. >> okay then what else would you like to try? >> you guys must have thought this was important to do something like this as opposed to just the tunnel cakekettle corn every fair has them but this is different. >> this is home grown we have peaches from caroll county, we have french fries from ham stead we have a fresh patch dumpling made this morning in hamstead maryland. >> if you would like to try that. >> we have something special here not from maryland this is a deep fried buckeye just for you. >> deep fried buckeyes i know all about those being from ohio it is like this peanut butter fudge dipped in chocolate so it looks like a buckeye what is this whole fascination with state fairs wanting to deep fry everything. >> it is delicious. not necessarily the best for you but does normally taste good how is that? >> that is pretty good. >> okay i will let you try something from my state as you are letting me try things from your state. >> do you find people are seeking this stuff out? >> positively this is a lamb gyro that is great i don't really like lamb a whole lot but this is a wonderful sandwich what is delicious. we have pork barbecue we have some great locally raised food. >> what about prices some times people go, oh, i go to the fair and get gouged on prices. >> right well our prices are fair prices they are not extremely high. >> fair market value. >> for what you are getting here you are getting your money's worth. >> what about that watermelon. >> fresh fruit cups again all maryland grown food. >> you marylanders even roll with the punches after hurricane irene you put a twist on your sunday. >> hurricane irene sundae french fries, whipped cream, kettle corn fresh peaches and blueberries. >> she sounds ferocious. >> but a lady stopped yesterday and wanted i can't like paean owes on the patch -- jalapenos on the peach sunday. >> what is your favorite thing about the fair. >> you got to try a little of that with the ice cream with the -- >> with the patch. >> you are a brave woman. >> what is your favorite thing about the fair. >> the people i am blessed with hundreds of friends that come here and celebrate agriculture in maryland it is a great time. >> that is a very unique taste so much so because you are my new best friend here stan i will let you try a bite too. >> hmm. >> he is like i didn't agree to do that. >> i am so happy that irene is gone. >> exactly me too. >> i am going to lower the price on that. >> i think you have to pay people to eat that. >> hey hey watch yourself. >> we have a link on the maryland state fair website. runs through monday labor day come out and enjoy and engorge yourself maybe skip the irene sundae everything else back to you. >> not sure baby will like the jalapenos there. hurricane irene inflicted a lot of damage in greenery in our area you can take steps to restore your trees shrubs and flowers derek thomas here with thomas landscape we are inside today. >> we are inside talking about what needs to be done before you get out there and become you know road warrior with the trees that have come down and stuff. you know, now is the time you should be assessing the damage take a look around your property see if there are limbs that may have snapped but not broken it may have had a break in the limb but in future storms, perhaps in up season storms you see the break-in this young tree that needs to be removed and right at the main stem. you know, so take the time to assess the damage, check your shrubs and ornamental plants to see if any damage occurred to them. some times if you have had bigger shrubs lining the property they may have been haved also, you know one of the things you want to take a look at once you assessed all the damage is be realistic about what you are able to take care of don't get out there you and your buddy, six pack of beer and chain saw does not make for good tree pruning call the experts if it is really big. >> yeah, a lot of people know they want to try to save the money but it could save your house or someone else's. >> right absolutely. >> okay so the other thing you were talking about after storm planting trees that you can take care of for instance what do we have. >> this is a baby gingko know the tree >> looks innocent. >> this looks innocent within the next you know decade, it will be a 30 to 40-foot tree and in 20 years it can be 80 to 100-foot tree they become huge and tower over houses this is not the tree you want to put next to your house the other thing that you want to look at this tree has damage at the bottom there. and when you are pruning a tree you want to make sure that you do regular maintenance to the tree make sure you are cleaning it up make sure you are having cross limbs removed make sure if damage occurs the damage is properly removed, if you leave that damaged portion at the bottom of the tree there, overtime, it will not properly heal and could rot causing another problem also, this is something people need to know stop staking newly planted trees. >> i see them everywhere. >> done all the time weakens the trees roots roots are lazy they are only going to do what they have to. a tree when wind hits it it sends messages to young roots telling them they need to be stronger when you stake it it may be okay if you have a tree installed and they put a stake for about a month just to get the tree established get rid of it after that i see stakes left on for several years that weakens the tree the tree mast becomes weak you end up with eventually an adult tree that has a shallow root mass and that is not good that is when we see a lot of the trees that have come down especially in tree boxes where those young trees were staked years ago they don't have the root mass. >> this was edmunds street two trees came down these massive trees. >> this is what we are seeing all over the city first of all being confined into a little tree box maybe 20 by 5. so the tree roots are already compromised and then you've got this whole thing where it was probably staked, also if you look at this picture, there is two separate side leads that have come off and weakened the tree this is where you get in touch with an arbourist and get someone to take care of those trees so in future storms we don't have as many problems. >> all right derek thomas of thomas landscape thank you for coming in great advice get out there and cut the things down now. >> be a good steward take care of it now. >> well, the answer to today's trivia question coming up next we will be right back e .usin. >> all right the answer to today's trivia question coming up next or actually

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Fredericks Burg ,Virginia ,United States ,Qatar ,Vermont ,Turkey ,California ,Croatia ,Russia ,Washington ,District Of Columbia ,Connecticut ,Prince Georges County ,Maryland ,Aruba ,Cuba ,Jefferson Heights ,Poland ,Los Angeles ,Baltimore ,Haiti ,New York ,Washington Monument ,Malaysia ,Afghanistan ,Baltimore County ,Atlanta ,Georgia ,Dominican Republic ,Illinois ,United Arab Emirates ,Puerto Rico ,Iraq ,Fairmont ,Colorado ,Houston ,Texas ,Somalia ,Ohio ,Capitol Hill ,Montgomery County ,Americans ,America ,Russian ,Marylanders ,Russians ,American ,Kathy Rigby ,Derek Thomas ,Barack Obama ,Roger Berliner ,Fox Sherry Lee ,Holly Morris ,John Boehner ,Harrison Ford ,Robert Berliner ,Thomas Graham ,Alex Baldwin ,Antoine Henderson ,Paul Newman Christopher Walken ,Rick Perry ,

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