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seymour. cold here for the day. gtonn the 20s. hi temperatures only expected to be in the low 40s. a lot of 20s out there. frederick 21. winchester 22. down in ocean city, 28. so even cold down at the shore. 27 at fredericksburg. 28 at patuxent naval air station. after a cold start, should be a beautiful day. a lot of sunshine in the forecast. we have clear skies right across the mid-atlantic. clouds out to the west associated with an area of storminess that will bring us showers tomorrow but today if you're traveling back home from the washington area, no problems up and down the easten seaboard from boston down in georgia, quiet conditions. here is your forecast. straightforward with a lot of sunshine, high temperature 52. but much of the day climbing through the 30s and 40s. winds will be light out of the east at about 5 miles per hour. i'll have more details coming up. let's get to julie wright. >> heat warmers are working overtime today. on the roads, lanes are open but the pace is slow. slow toward 66 and delays on braddock from burke lake to the beltway. slow toward seven corners. this is a live shot of the outer loop, from the springfield direction of the bridge. from eisenhower to van dorn, the lanes are open but a slowdown toward the wilson bridge. finding 395 on the brakes from the beltway to seminary road. the outer loop not too bad. it is below speed approaching university boulevard. more slow traffic approaching georgia avenue. southbound 270 on the brakes at 109 and again in germantown and leaving montrose road heading for the lane divide. that's a check of your fox 5 on- time traffic. our top story this morning, hundreds of thousands of sensitive u.s. documents are released by the website wiki leaks. the white house is calling the latest leak dangerous and illegal. sarah simmons is live outside of the white house with a closer look at the exposed secrets. >> reporter: tony, the latest wiki leaks documents include 250,000 copies of cables from diplomats. is from back and forth from the embassies around the world. and classified documents. and several news organizations had advanced access to the material containing information about critical foreign policy issues, north and south korea and pakistan and iran. some cables show that the u.s. was gaining out the collapse, and others urging the u.s. to attack iran and destroy it's nuclear program. then some candid takes on some of the world leaders. for example ramid karzai described as driven by paranoia. now the wiki leaks founder said this all shows that the u.s. is spying on its allies and maintains no one has been harmed. he spoke to a group of journalists in jordan where he was responding to the state department's reaction to the release of these documents. take a listen. >> they understand we are a responsible organization. so it's trying to make it as hard for us as possible to publish responsibly in the hope that it can get us to not publish anything at all. because not publishing anything at all would mean not publishing the abuses by that organization. >> reporter: now the white house obviously not very happy about the release of the documents. robert gibbs over the weekend releasing a statement saying, to be clear such disclosure put at risk or diplomatics, intelligent professionals and people around the world. secretary clinton is expected to address the diplomatic repercussions sometime today. back to you. >> thank you, sarah. >> meanwhile the wiki leaks founding is being investigated in australian. he said he was not aware of a u.s. to cancel his australian passport. mcclellan added that a number of criminal laws may have been breached. for the latest on the updates, go to and click on news. the war games of south korea are canceled because of bad weather. the joint exercises with south korea were supposed to last four days. also this morning the president of south korea speaking out for the first time since the attack. he is promising tough consequences for the shelling by north korea and he said, quote, he feels deeply responsible -- a responsibility for failing to protect his people. china is calling a meeting of all companies involved in nuclear talks. in oregon federal agents are looking for whoever started a fire at the islamic center. it is the same one attended by the mosque 19-year-old accused of planning a tree lighting attack. the fbi is offering a $10,000 reward on the arson attack. new this morning, police are investigating a deadly accident on pennsylvania avenue. a person was killed around 2:00 a.m. in a two-vehicle crash at pennsylvania avenue and waltered lane in forestville. one other person was seriously hurt. it is not known right now what caused the crash. d.c. police are investigating an apparent robbery and vandalism as the peace a holiks headquarters. some items were stolen and the office was ransacked. we'll continue to follow the story as we learn more. the recent arrest of three prince george's police officers in a public corruption investigation involving jackson only scratches the surface. according to documents obtained by the washington post, 36 officers are suspended or have violations. there are 19 cases in which it is believed officers committed crimes. so far only three involving jack johnson. this morning the entertainment world is remembering leslie nielsen. he died yesterday at age of 84. >> he spent decades in hollywood as a serious actor until his act as a doctor on a airplane. >> he had broke out in 1980s airplane where he dead panned some of the funniest lines. >> can you fly this plane and land it? >> surely you can't be serious. >> i am serious and don't call me shirley. >> and he was in the naked gun. >> nothing to see here. >> it would put nielsen with famous names, including oj simpson, and press illa pressley. >> how about this little place i know of that has viking food. >> i'm afraid i'll have to get my rest tomorrow being arbor day and all. >> he lived a few hundred miles south of the arctic circle. after radio jobs, he won a scholarship to go to new york where he got his start in live tv dramas. but it wasn't long before he went to hollywood and after 50 years on the big screen, he goes out at the top of his game. >> bingo! >> you cannot help but laugh when you see the scenes. and he was great. nielsen passed away from complications from pneumonia. he was married two times and had two kids. he would pull that out on movie sets and crack everybody up. >> he was ageless. it is 7:10 right now on this monday morning. people are ditching the stores today for their computer screens. >> coming up on fox 5 morning news, we'll check out some of the best deals available this cyber monday. and as we head to break, take a live look outside. we'll get the latest weather and traffic updates next. it is cold out, i'll tell you that much. tucker barnes will have more. right now it's 7:10. we'll be right back. - ( music playing )  - we know technology can make you more connected. but now it can make you more connected to your doctor through e-mail. test results from home. check records. change appointments. now doctors, nurses, techs, pharmacists are all digitally connected to each other. and ultimately connected to you. at kaiser permanente, we believe that if knowledge is power, shared knowledge is even more powerful. kaiser permanente. thrive. welcome back. it is 7:13 right now as we're taking a live shot at what we have outside. not much happening in the way of weather. tucker barnes joins us. can we lose the sound? i think we're getting two feeds at the same time here? tucker. >> i'm excellent, tony, good to see you this morning. cold temperatures across the area. we have 20s and low 30s here. probably our coldest day yet. let's get to the maps. and we'll talk about travel here locally and across the country. 33 degrees now at reagan national. dulles 23. manassas, i just looked, you are 21. 26 right now at bwi marshall. so you get the idea. good hard freeze across the area. clear skies that led to radiational cooling overnight. and bright sunshine throughout the day and light winds but on the brisk side. there are local temperatures and you can see off to the north, rochester 24. a little tongue of warm air stretching up towards minneapolis where it's 39 degrees. and you some 60sin dulles. we'll have a brief warm up tomorrow before more cold air from the west gets in here toward the end of the week. right now san francisco 29, and denver 21. that's our weather for later in the week. right now looking at the satellite radar, cloud cover across central sections of the country. a winter storm warning for portions of the northern plains and into minnesota. and here in the washington area, should be a nice one. out to -- the storminess out to the west will bring us showers and a good soaking rain tuesday night and into wednesday. 52 this afternoon. 60 tomorrow and there is your brief warmup and then another cool down with highs in the mid- 40s by friday. >> up and down. >> and that's this time of year. >> thank you very much, tucker. julie wright standing by. she's going to tell us what is happening on the roadway. >> well if you are making the trip down south of the wilson bridge you'll find lanes open in each direction. but getting there won't be easy. leaving springfield in the direction of the wilson bridge we have slow downs approaching eisenhower. outer loop slowing before you reach 650 new hampshire. southbound 270 on the brakes at 109. slow trav nick germantown and again leaving 370 toward falls road. 395 at duke street. delays from the beltway toward seminary road. traffic slows again across the 14th street bridge where we have a stalled car eastbound on the free way before the entrance to the 12th street tunnel tieing up the left side of the highway. an accident at union mill road in front of centreville high school and union mill is blocked off in each direction. on the dulles toll road, delays from the toll plaza to the beltway. that's a check of your fox 5 on- time traffic. i think we're on tv right now. anne has been checking out cyber monday deals and you have three cite that's are good. >> the first one is and this is good for a bunch of products. it ranges from books, cameras, electronics, toys, sports, everything. and they have this little section called lightning deals and they're putting out the most amazing deals. some are in limited supply and will go quickly, but as you can see down here, sam, if you can scroll back, you see a timer that indicates how much time you have left until it stays up under the lightning section and you'll see how much product is left in their inventory. that's a huge, huge help and it's organized. and so check out >> and it's cool and it's exciting. like your playing a game with it too. like that one said ipod touch. >> this is a way to keep checking it. and then they'll be updating the cites so keep this up. now the next one is toys "r" us. of course they are one of the biggest ones out there. they are offering free shipping on items with a minimum purchase of $49. you have to shop from the free shipping store but they have a bunch of toys so you can't go wrong. and others like, banana republic are offering free shipping on some products and you can do free pickup like on and if you scroll down you'll see toy sellers and you'll the hottest toys, including zhu zhu pets and pillow pets. you can get a free box of crayons with a $25 purchase. that is something free you can put in as a stocking stuffer. the next thing is best and they started their cyber monday deals on sunday. so they get ahead of the game and they are doing a two-day event and offering free shipping on hundreds of thousands of products and they have a lot of sales going on. if you click on television, you'll see things like 65-inch mitsubishi home cinema selling for $799, originally $1,299. you're saving $500 toward other great gifts and some viewers maybe want to send you a gift with that extra money. >> highly doubtful. >> we checked out rr craig and we didn't see anything offering free shipping. >> that's the thing, the shipping. i could have just gone to the store and got this. >> and saving 10% off is big savings. if you recently purchased something for full nline today, online and take advantage of the sale and return the other item in store and get your money back. another thing is many retailers have customer service reps online, it's called like web chatting so i take advantage of that all of the time and ask them about products, colors, material, things like that. >> because you can't touch it. >> and you don't want to go ahead and do that. >> save your tips. got to end it there. for all of the great tips and maybe we'll let you in on the last one too. you can tell me later. 7:20 now. washington's cardinal wuerl celebrating his first message since coming back from the vatican. and coming up, how one neighborhood is welcoming all visitors. holly has more on that later this hour. stay with us. it's 7:20.  ♪ oh oh oh ♪ just love me ♪ oh oh oh ♪ just hold me ♪ oh oh oh ♪ just kiss me ♪ oh oh oh ♪ just want me ♪ l-o-v-e ♪ love, love, love [ femalthe moisturizeran your body in other body washeseply? sits on top of skin. only dove has nutriummoisture, which can nourish deep down. dove body wash with nutriummoisture. superior natural nourishment for your skin. a man fell about 50 feet from a ledge during a game between the bears and the eagles at soldier field yesterday. he died at a local hospital later. witnesses tell police that he ran to the ledge, then jumped and landed on a small rooftop on the outside of the stadium. officials say he was in his mid- 20s and his name has not yet been released. the district's newest cardinal got a warm welcome home. thousands of catholics gathered to congratulate him. nuns, bishops and retired cardinals wanted to hear him talk about the moment the pope made him a cardinal. >> as i went up to greet him and he smiled and put out his hand, he said, washington. and then he said, take back to washington my blessing, which i gladly do. >> and we gladly receive it. the pope elevated him to cardinal last week in rome. unemployment benefits, the bush era tax cuts, "don't ask, don't tell" -- all on the agenda as congress returns. we'll look at the priorities on the hill coming up. and as we head to break, a live look outside. we'll get the latest weather and -- traffic updates from tucker and julie coming up. ♪ [ sneezes ] [ sneezes ] ♪ [ female announcer ] kleenex brand tissues are america's softest. [ sneezes ] [ female announcer ] no wonder people go out of their way to share them. ♪ oh! oh! [ female announcer ] now it's even easier to share. [ sneezes ] [ female announcer ] send a kleenex brand share package for free today at softness worth sharing. ♪ i feel fine [ music ] ♪ >> a little bring crosby for you. fox 5 needing help to trim our tree. we would love it if you send in the ornaments to decorate it. send them in with your name and why you are from and what you would like us to know and send it to the address here. 5151 wisconsin avenue northwest, washington, d.c., 20016. and we will also again be featuring our fox 5 friends in the region who would appreciate your generosity this season. and it sounds like we don't want to go the extra set with the ornaments. we want to together spread the joy this holiday season. >> the way we've done it in the past. the ornaments mean something special. there is an interesting story about them. you will not get them back. because we donate the whole tree to a charity. >> that's the part i want folks to know. not just for our beautiful studio. >> but it will be beautiful. it worked last year. >> right. tucker just made it sound like we have a tree and we need your ornaments. it's for a good cause. >> we give the whole thing to another group. >> and it's beginning to feel a lot lot christmas. >> it's cold out there. teens and low 20s across the area. hang in there and the sunshine will warm up the atmosphere and we'll see temperatures in the 40s and 50s today. i know people are still traveling today. and it should be just fine. cold start this morning. i'll show you the temperatures in a minute. bundle up if you are out walking in the next couple of hours. temperatures will remain below freeding across -- below freezing across the area. should be a dry one this afternoon. rain showers turn tomorrow and tomorrow night we could have a good soaking rain around here and chilly air on the way by early december. by the end of the week our high temperatures will be back into the middle 40s. so temperatures will be trending below average toward the end of the week. right now 33 degrees at reagan national. that's the warm spot. check it out, manassas is cold at 19 for you. 23 at dulles. frederick 19 degrees. martinsberg, 19. hagerstown 27. no relief closer to the bay. 28 in leonardtown. baltimore 26. so cold this morning. and even with a lot of great sunshine it will take several hours until we can warm up the atmosphere as we've had time to cool down overnight. here is your satellite radar. very quiet conditions. not a lot happening across the mid-atlantic. if you are traveling up toward new york and boston. no reason legals. if you're headed toward richmond and the carolinas, no problems. we do have cloud cover out to the west. and this is our next weather- maker. storminess will get in here during the day tomorrow. an increase in clouds tonight will warm up overnight. and then some rain showers by tomorrow afternoon and, as mentioned, cold front could bring us a soaking rain late tomorrow night and on wednesday. good morning looking forecast and still 52 degrees your daytime high. winds out of the south and east at 5 miles per hour. 42 the overnight low. mid 30s outside of the beltway. winds out of the south and east at 5-10. and tomorrow a nice mild one. a lot of clouds and showers return by afternoon. we'll get them out of here by early wednesday and then more cold air toward the end of the week. high temperatures thursday and friday. only in the middle 40s. let's get to on-time traffic with julie wright. >> i thought about you when i was shopping friday morning. >> you were going to buy me something. >> oh, i that's talking about the weather. it was like 66 degrees when i was standing in line at the best buy. >> it's always nice down there. >> got to love the 757. and down here at shady grove, checking for the crash, a slow go out of rockville headed for the lane divide. no incidents on college park toward 270 but the outer loop is slow leaving 95 to georgia avenue. inbound new york avenue slowing approaching bladensberg road and again at the third street tunnel. 14th street bridge heavy crossing the potomac. on 12th street, a car just cleared. no incidents to report on 295, pace is slowing at the inbound 11th street bridge. that's a check of your fox 5 on- time traffic. there are many priorities for congress before the december break. but what is on the agenda? we begin with fox's marianne rafferty. >> reporter: congress must pass an extension of unemployment benefits before next tuesday or millions of americans won't receive their holiday season benefits. >> we do have unemployment running out by christmas, 2 million americans will lose their unemployment benefits because they expire. we should focus on what it takes to move this economy forward. >> reporter: renewing the bush era tax cuts is another issue awaiting lawmakers during the lame duck session but it's not clear how far-reaching they could be. >> we have a lot to do on our plate before christmas rolls around and all of these things need to be done. but let me make something clear. nobody is talking about tax cuts. we've had the rates in existence now for ten years. all republicans are saying, keep them in place. don't raise taxes on anyone. >> but i think it is ridiculous, with the deficit looming, that we could actually be held hostage -- the middle class could be held hostage by trying to give tax cuts to families like mine and others that the last thing in the world that 3% deferential is going to mean is more jobs. >> and with two wars, don't ask, don't tell is a hot-button issue. >> i don't think there is anywhere near for the votes for don't ask and don't tell on the republican side. and the study i'm looking for is asking military members should it be repealed and not how to implement once you as politicians decide to repeal it. and i think in a lame duck session "don't ask, don't tell" isn't going anywhere. >> reporter: and there must be a spending bill running past december 4th f. they fail to do that, the government shuts down. >> joining us, bob hughes. let's start with the last issue. are they going to fund the government -- i mean government shutdowns are bad for everybody. >> they will fund the government. they'll do a short-term extension that will push it to the new congress to next year. republicans have the momentum on a series of issues, even though they don't have the numbers because the new congress has not been sworn in yet. >> so generally speaking, when we think of lame duck sessions, we think nothing is happening. but there are big issue this is time around as we just saw. are they going to get some things done? >> i don't think the unemployment insurance will continue on. >> you don't? >> i don't think so. i think republicans will hold the line on that. i think don't ask and don't tell will be close with the vote. on tax cuts, democrats are floating an idea they had before. instead of raising taxes on people with more than 250,000, just the millionaires. they thought about this before the holiday and they didn't do it. do i think republicans will go along with that? absolutely not. and even retired democrat yesterday said he thinks the tax cuts will be end extended even though he doesn't agree with it. >> there is not that much time between now and the christmas break or the holiday to do a whole lot of negotiating and instead let's do this. >> no. the obama administration wants this u.s. arms russia treaty done, that republicans want the tax cuts, could there be some horse trading, one for the others. michelle obama wants a child nutrition bill, there is a food safety bill. this was supposed to be a week. they were supposed to get out of the town ahead of the week and they'll be here just like last year with the health care bill, right up until christmas. >> and talk about horse trading. at the white house some of the new republican leadership will meet with president obama. this was supposed to happen a couple ofs -- a couple of weeks ago and it will happen now. and are they going to talk in general terms of here is what we see down the road or might some real work get done during the meetings? >> i think they have to negotiate with what is on their plate right now and what they are going to do. but i think it's a key meeting because this is the beginning of a new relationship between john boehner and president obama. they have had banter back and forth where they needle each other. now their relationship with him becoming the speaker next year is going to be about policy. how is their relationship going to change, how is the change between harry reid and boehner be. and where will nancy pelosi be? and it looks like she doesn't have the votes to force what she wants. >> and i'm fascinated by this with boehner and the president. there has been back and forth in the radio and the in the press. but when you get into the white house and is there a meeting, does it soften a little bit? it seems to be there are sharp lines being drawn? does it soften when you get face-to-face? >> i think it does. behind closed doors, both the president and john boehner are relaxed and easy going. but when it comes down to drawing the line in the sand, and republicans don't want to compromise with the president, and if they do compromise, it better be good for the g.o.p. but they need to make the decisions and strike the deals and that's where will be fascinated before the next presidential election. >> bob cusak, thank you for joining us. happy holidays for you. it's going to be an interesting three weeks. allison, back to you. it is 7:38 right now on a monday morning and the redskins face off against an underachieving vikings team and rookie head coaches but fans are left saying yeah, yeah. mistakes doom the skin all day long. dave ross joins us for monday morning quarterback coming up. m ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer every day thousands of people are switching from tylenol® to advil. to learn more and get your special offer, go to take action. take advil®. look at that, the faces say it all. the redskins lose to the vikings 17-13 at fedex field. the redskins are 5-6 with four of the losses coming at home. remember we lost three out of the last four. >> and you can't lose that many at home because you have to go on the road. and that's what is going to happen here down the stretch for the last five games. it's not easy, tony. we know it's not and they know it's not. and that's one they had to have yesterday. so many ways they could have had it and so many things that came up a little bit short. and especially in the passing game, i thought yesterday. moss, not one of his better moments. he's been a good player for a long time for this team. this was in the first quarter, a big first down dropped right there which would have extended the drive when it was still scoreless. and right there, i mean that's the key play of the game in the third quarter when it's 14-10 at that point, and they kick a field goal and make it 17-7. and great athletic play by henderson from maryland. but santana needs to catch those. when you look to drop the hammer and there is a play when you're down and you need it. and you can't have those in the first quarter and third quarter. we heard from santana last hour. no one wears it more on they're sleeves than these guys. i'm going out there in a while and you know they won't be in the mood to talk. but they still have work to be done. it can be done, tony. we've seen this year where they've had really bad losses and rebound the next week and improbable places. like philadelphia. remember early in the year michael vick got knocked out and they came back and won. two weeks ago, they go to tennessee and get a huge win. is it probable? no. is it possible? yes. so it's still there for the redskins. now brett favre made some plays we didn't think he could make. this was the biggest one. third and 8, redskins with zero timeouts and favre with a busted ankle runs it to get the first down and they go to the two minute warning and kneel on it and the 38-year-old was feeling older at that time. and here is what favre had to say after getting the win. >> we needed that win. all wins are important, but that one -- it's funny how sometimes what seemed so insignificant to other people seemed so big to the person or the team involved. and that was the case for us today. >> it's funny, because they are going nowhere. and favre comes out and said he's done after this year, to come here and get a win yesterday meant the world to him. i think it meant more to his head coach, denzel washington. so i guess the vikings are still alive. >> and they are playing for finishing up strong and letting favre have a good end of the year and maybe getting this guy a job. >> i think he's the odds on favorite now, like jason garret in dallas, maybe this interim thing isn't so bad at all. >> thank you, we appreciate it. >> i have a surprise for you next hour. a surprise solely for you next hour. >> is it that yesterday's loss will be a win. >> no, i can't do that. >> then this is meaningless to me. no, i'm just kidding. i'm looking forward to it. for more, click on to and click on the sports tab. >> the redskins are in every game. except for the philadelphia game. >> i thought they were going to win yesterday. >> they were right there. >> the nail skins. >> right down to the minute. and listen, cold out there. as soon as you step outside, you know it's cold. temperatures in the teens and 20s across the region. 33 now in downtown washington. and there is the regional look. you can see the cold across the mid-atlantic. 23 in pittsburgh right now. 36 in boston. a little warmer at cape hatteras. we're going to look at the future cast and today is going to be just fine. a lot of sunshine in the forecast. and slightly warmer temperatures, we'll go with highs in the low 50s. there is your future cast. clouds move in tonight and by tomorrow afternoon we'll have some showers back in the forecast. and you notice out to the west, that's a pretty good cold front which is not only going to cool us down toward the end of the week but give us a good, soaking rain. and there you go at about wednesday morning at 8:00 you can see the rain across the washington area. once that presses east, here is the mountain snow and then temperatures around here only in the mid-40s toward the end of the week. so get ready for more cold air. here is your five-day forecast. later today a lot of sunshine and 52. not as cold overnight. 42 the overnight low. mild tomorrow and 60. and then the cool down by thursday and friday. highs only in the middle 40s. going to feel like december. >> trade-off tomorrow, warmer temperatures but the showers. >> most of the day should just be cloudy. >> tucker, thank you so much. >> i didn't know you were back, sir. >> yes. let's find out what is happening with traffic with julie wright. >> allison, there is only so much room on the desk. >> i thought he was doing something else. i didn't know he was here. >> i slid in very quietly. >> just like santa claus. on the roads right now, we're talking about an incident northbound 95 traveling in virginia making your way up toward route 1 in woodbridge. the accident activity squeezing in the main line toward lorton and keeping you on the brakes out of dale city headed north. 395 slow from the beltway to king street and crossing over the 14th street bridge. southbound 270, the incident in the main line cleared to the shoulder. laborers open -- lanes open toward 370 and toward the lane divide. that's a check of your fox 5 on- time traffic. >> julie, thank you very much. the holiday season is upon us, and one d.c. neighborhood is getting into the spirit of giving. >> this weekend some select homes in logan circle are giving you the chance to come out and check out all of the neighborhood has to offer. holly, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. and this is a gift you want to take advantage of. we are live in logan circle. one of the most charming neighborhoods in the district and one of the most eclectic. and they are gearing up for the logan circle holiday home tour. how you can take advantage of it this coming weekend live next on fox 5 morning news. stay with us. lightning fast. lightning strong. verizon 4g lte. rule the air on the most advanced 4g network in the world. our facebook fan of the day is carmen davis. carmen said she's been patiently waiting for her turn and we're happy to say on this monday morning it is your turn. to be tomorrow's fan on the day, find us on facebook by searching fox5 morning news and then post the comment under carmen's photo. there are many different neighborhoods in downtown d.c. you may not know a lot about. >> holly is in logan's circle to learn about the air why hosting a -- the area hosting a house tour this sunday. that is a great way to spend a day. >> reporter: i love home tours. and i love them not because you get a chance to go in and see beautiful homes and how people deck or aid, but i like to go inside because that gives you a feel for a neighborhood because it's such a statement of who peel are when you are on the inside. and so when you are driving through on the outside after you've been inside you know where you've been. and when it comes to logan's circle you won't be disappointed. dara dogay joins me. and you guys have been doing this home tour for 32 years. >> 32 years. >> reporter: and let's say logan's circle has changed. >> and it's a change for the better. when the tour started it was victorians but now with the changes in the neighborhood we have a mix of victorians, modern and there is something for everyone. >> and that's what is great about this home tour as far as getting to the inside of the homes because you still have the wonderful charm on the outside that everyone is familiar with as we drive through but i think people will be wowed once they go inside some of the homes. >> they may assume it is victorian on the outside and it should be the same ip side -- the same inside, but in most cases it's not. the owners have given it their particular charm and style. >> reporter: and the art is about taking some pace and crafting it to your own living style, correct? >> correct. and the art of living is about looking at fine wine, your going to see some fabulous wine cellars, some great art, great interior decorating and so it's really something that will stimulate all of your senses. >> reporter: i was reading, it said it will indulge your senses. what does that mean? now there are 12 homes on the tour, so how do you go about selecting which ones will be a part of tour? >> most of it is word of mouth. we hear about spectacular renovations, or we hear through previous home tour owners that their neighborhood has just done amazing things and so it is through word of mouth. >> reporter: and do you find that most people when you approach them saying you have a beautiful home and we'd like you to be on the tour and most people are receptive? >> they've been really receptive. and we say we've been doing it 32 years and there won't by any problem. most people are flattered to be asked. >> reporter: and tell us how people can take advantage of what is offering. >> you can take advantage at logan's circle and get a ticket and you can go to the studio theater and get a guide book. and we have a route preplanned for you if you would like to follow that or just go at your own lease you are. >> reporter: and you brought up the studio theater. because it's not just about the renovation of the homes but this whole neighborhood has new life because studio theater got a face lift. and whole foods is here now. and how much has that made a difference in the neighborhood. >> it is a huge difference. and they just celebrated a 10 year anniversary. but in this neighborhood it's an arts district now and we have 40 art studies, 20 galleries so it's a fabulous place to come to if you are an art lover. >> reporter: and this helps raise money for the logan circle community association which is one of the most effective in the district and how do you do that? >> well we raise money for this tour. it's a primary fundraising activity for the local community association and they work on historic preservation, community development. so it is the con -- contributing to a wonderful cause. >> and if had you to pick one word to describe this neighborhood how? >> in-change. >> reporter: that's two words. still in transition. it's been in transition for a while. but where do you say it's headed? >> now you see a the love couples with babies on the streets in strollers, you've never seen that before. we're seeing people continuing to come here. you don't need a car. you can walk to work to the metro. work and play. >> reporter: thank you so much. is our website. we have a link to theirs to get your tickets in advance. it's this sunday. $25 in advance. we are headed inside this wonderful victorian townhome where they say there is a wine cellar that holds 2,000 bottles of wine. any way, we'll take you on that tour in the next hour. back to you guys. >> holly, thank you very much. coming up on this monday morning after 8:00 you are oh, coverage of cyber monday continues with a look at the best bargains out there including one website offering everything at half price. and buy one get one free at another one. plus the author of how to get out of debt joins us with some advice you need to hear before the end of the year. taye with us. four minutes before the hour. [ female announcer ] keurig has over 200 varieties of gourmet coffee and tea to choose from. it's the way to individually brew fresh, delicious coffee in under a minute. way to brew, hon. [ female announcer ] choose. brew. enjoy. keurig. caw caw! [ director ]what is that? that's a horrible crow. here are some things that i'll make as little portals. honestly, i'd love to do this for the rest of my life so i've got to take care of my heart. for me, cheerios is a good place to start. [ male announcer ] got something you'll love to keep doing? take care of your heart. you can start with cheerios. the natural whole grain oats can help lower cholesterol. brrrbb... makes you feel ageless. [ male announcer ] it's time. love your heart so you can do what you love. cheerios. [ bob ] squak. from 15 leading brands, including green mountain coffee. it's the way to brew everyone's favorite cup in under a minute. woman: way to brew. [ female announcer ] choose. brew. enjoy. keurig. it could be the largest intelligence leak in u.s. history. hundreds of thousands of classified documents now on the internet for everyone to read. we're live on the hill with more on how the government is doing damage control. then don't call him shirley. hollywood is mourning the death of actor leslie nielsen this morning. and forget battling the crowds at the mall. today you can shop online and get big discounts. we're going to run down some of the best cyber monday bargains, including one online store that is offering everything at 50% off. i hope it's a good store. >> it is. i just checked it out. anne has great tips. good morning. i'm tony perkins in this morning for steve. >> and i'm allison seymour. and we have this note for parents to pass along. benjamin stoddard middle school in prince george's county will be closed due to flooding today. all students that attend stoddard middle school will be transferred to potomac high school for the day. again, benjamin stoddard middle school in prince george's county closed today because of flooding. all students will be taken to potomac high school for the day. well we don't have any rain out there. tucker barnes is with us. i assume that's another kind of flooding. he has the latest on the forecast. >> maybe it's a broken pipe. because temperatures falling back into the 20s and low 30s in the city and should be a nice looking afternoon. our highs later today in the low 50s with sunshine. and let's get through the temperatures and wait until you see these. they are impressive if you like cold air. >> bring it on. >> 19 right now in frederick. winchester 23. good morning to you. fredericks -- you don't want to mess with old man winter. 26 in fredericksberg. 26 in ocean city. and 29 at patuxent naval air station. i mentioned the quiet conditions. clear skies across the mid- atlantic. out to west, a little cloud cover moving in later today and by tonight we'll have increasing clouds around here with some storminess back in the forecast for tomorrow. but today's forecast is straightforward. a lot of sunshine, still cool. 52 degrees. we have light winds out of the south and east at 5 miles per hour. and le me mention that 52 degrees is right where we should be this time of year. so even-steven. >> can't complain. >> more details coming up. >> thank you. and here is julie wright with the latest look at the rush hour traffic. >> making the trip on the orange fond side of 95, before lorton has cleared. trivic still -- traffic still heavy across the occuquan toward 95. and slow at king street and washington boulevard over the 14th street bridge. outer loop of the beltway slow west of new hampshire. and incident here pulled over to the shoulder. 495 on the brakes approaching the beltway. that's a check of your fox 5 on- time traffic. well hundreds of thousands of sensitive u.s. documents are released by the website wiki leaks. the white house is calling this latest leak dangerous and illegal. sarah simmons is live outside of the white house with our top story this morning. sarah, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, allison. we're talking about classified documents. 250,000 documents that show a back and forth between u.s. embassies around the world and the state department. it revealed a lot about international diplomacy going on behind the scenes. several news organizations, including the new york times, had advanced access to the material containing information about critical foreign policy issues, north and south korea and pakistan and iran. the new york times say there is a show of the collapse of korea and others showing saudi arabia urging the u.s. to atalk iran and destroy the nuclear program. and then there is the personal stuff. hamid karzai described as driven by paranoia. germany's angela murkle described as avoiding risk and rarely creative. wiki leaks founder juliana sang said no one has been harmed by his public releases but the without said it's dangerous. to be clear, such disclosured put at risk or diplomatics, intelligent professionals and people around the world. >> leaking the material is deplorable. i agree with the pentagon's assessment that the people at wiki leaks could have blood on their hands. >> the people who are leaking these documents need to do a gut check about their patriotism. >> reporter: in the meantime, secretary of state hillary clinton will be dealing with the diplomatic repercussions from this today. and also israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu has said this morning that the cables provide proof that the arab world agrees with them, saying that iran believes -- they believe that iran is the chief danger to the middle east. we're live here near the white house, sarah simmons, back to you. >> sarah, thank you. now to another story making headlines around the world. bad weather is causing the stop of south korean drills. they were removing tents on a beach where the artillery exercises were supposed to take place. they are loading trucks and packing up gear. off shore u.s. and south american warships are conducting their exercises in the yellow sea. in oregon the fbi is offering a $10,000 reward this morning after someone set fire to an islamic center. it's the same mosque attended by the somali born teenager who is accused of plotting a car bomb attack. the feds say the attack on the mosque was definitely arson. it comes as 19-year-old mohammed os man mohamud is due to appear in federal court this morning. congress has plenty of leftovers to deal with today. at the top of the lake duck session are bush era tax cuts due to expire and the repeal of don't ask, don't tell. and congress has a december 3rd deed line to -- deadline to avoid a government shut down. and the president has urged lawmakers to work together and a meeting should take place tomorrow. former virginia congressman tom davis was the lead g.o.p. supporter before he retired in 2008. he said the republican takeover of the house has all been ended the voting rights effort and that democrats missed their chance after president obama took office. however d.c. delegate eleanor holmes norton plans on meeting with new house speaker john boehner. president barack obama back in the game. yesterday he played basketball with his daughters inside of the building that houses the interior department. he took an elbow to the mouth while playing a pick-up game with friends. it took 12 stitches to close a cut to the left side of his lower lip. today as we've been telling you is cyber monday. look at shipping deals at your favorite online stores. >> today is expected to be the busiest shopiest day of the online season. and anne yu is here with some of the best bargains. >> we all know hopefully by now people have a good idea of what to get for loved ones and friends but if not, don't worry because we have you covered with great deals going on today. let's look at bargains we found. banana republic and gap and old navy are offering 15% off today. and remember these retailers are offering free shipping on orders over $50, which is something new this season and that offer is good all year round. kohl's is offering 15% and american eagle outfitters is offering 20% off, plus free shipping on any order. and now for the little ones, you can save 20% on clothing items at gym boreee and carters. and our friend gave us a shout out at 25% off at children's place. and for the laddie's you can save 30% off chico's and ann taylor. i took advantage of that one. and then new york and company, 50% off, plus free shipping and men's warehouse is a buy one, get one free on everything. guys take advantage of the free shipping because in most cases you can return them back at the store or use their free shipping label and ship it back. so you have nothing to lose. and also if you -- just a reminder, if you bought something for full price and you see a better deal today plus free shipping, make that purchase and return the other item back at the store for full price. we're going to have more on the website at so check them out. tony and allison, back to you guys. >> you almost have to shop. >> that's right. >> anne, thank you so much. >> if you know what you're going to buy. i don't know yet. >> you have to peruse. it's 9 minutes after the hour on this monday morning. sad news coming out of hollywood today. actor leslie nielsen died today. we'll have more coming up. and advice you need the en stay with us. 9 minutes after 8:00 now. lightning fast. lightning strong. verizon 4g lte. rule the air on the most advanced 4g network in the world. 8:12 now. time foyear lie at stories making headlines this morning. place are investigating a stabbing at the petworth metro station. a man was on the platform when another man stabbed him in the neck. the victim is in the hospital, no word on his condition or if any arrests have been made. the prince george's county corruption scandal involving jack johnson and three police officers is casting unwanted attention on a county police department. according to internal police documents obtained by the washington post, 46 county officers are either suspended or assigned to administrative duties for misconduct or violations. police chief robert hilton said he's been aggressive in disciplining employees found guilty of wrong-doing. hollywood saying goodbye to leslie nielsen. he passed away yesterday in a hospital near his ft. lauderdale home. he was known for his role as the doctor in the 1980s hit airplane. he also played the accident prone detective in the popular naked gun comedies. nielsen was 84 years old. >> we have to mention he was well-known for the first half of his career as a great dramatic actor. that's what set up the comedies that followed because you saw him as such a serious guy and he pulls it off. >> hats up to whatever director thought he could do that and for him for making the leap because that's what we'll miss him for the most. anding it 8:00 -- and it is 8:14. and tucker will tell us about our weather finance. time for the warm factor of the day. >> time for the my first 5 photo of the day. take a look at this. ten-day old william is sticking with the redskins. he's still a redskin fan even though he endured their loss yesterday. >> good for him. >> a fair weather fan. >> i doesn't have the whole prior history. >> so far so good. he's 1-1. >> he's 1-1. >> that's right. >> that's great william. and i said before, i think that the redskins will win a superbowl in your lifetime. >> we like the center of that. >> how cute. he's a little baby. >> it's not too early to start playing football. to send us your child's picture, go to and don't worry, william, the redskins will be back next week. and it is cold. 34 in washington. but don't be fooled because most of the area currently in the teens and 20s. new york is 40. boston 37. cape hatteras is 54 degrees. there is warmer air out -- warmer air ought to the west. and tomorrow wee see highs of about 60 or so. a lot of sunshine and cool out there with highs in the upper 40s and low 50s. notice out to west, the cloud cover and light rain shower in the eastern missouri and southern illinois. that is headed in our direction. it will bring us showers tomorrow afternoon in time for the evening rush and then maybe a good soaking rain with a cold front on tuesday night and into wednesday. here is your five-day forecast. and again, no problems today, a lot sunshine and 52 degrees. warmer overnight and 42. there is your warm-up tomorrow, 60 and then cool down once again, feeling like december on thursday and friday with highs both days only in the mid-40s. burr. well let's get to some on-time traffic with julie wright. welcome back, julie. >> thank you so much. and 95, doing the construction in the middle of the day in lorton and newington. so that will be today at 9:00 so prepare for that on 95 leaving the capital beltway. but lanes are open on 95. traffic john jested on druke street and washington boulevard across the 14th street bridge. delays from nutley street toward 495. the toll road crash at route 7. the inner loop, spotty between brodock road and 66. braddock road, stay to the right to get by from the crash. and the wilson bridge and local lanes, checking for a crash reporting on the right side of the road. that explains the slowdown traveling from maryland into virginia. outer loop still below speed from 95 to georgia avenue. that's a check of your fox 5 on- time traffic. with 2010 coming to a close and tax season just around the corner, it's time to think about your finances before ringing in the new year. here is some helpful tips on managing your financial future is hair yet freedman on -- hairette freedman with how to get out of debt. and with the holidays there is a lot we need to concern ourself with for our financial help and you have a lot of information. let's start with roth ira conversions, what people need to know. >> people have until december 31st to convert their traditional ira to a roth ira and there is no minimum distribution limit or any age requirement. so anyone can convert to a roth ira. >> but you have to do it by the end of the year. >> right. by december 31st. >> let's talk tax changes for 2010. there are changes every year, which i think is problem. but there are changes every year and there are some that will effect most of us. what do people need to know about? >> people need to know that the energy efficient improvements, you can deduct those and if you were able to purchase a home before april 2010. you can write that off on your taxes. you can write off the hope credit for college education. and you also need to be acare of the tax changes for 2011. you will actually bring home less money because the tax rates will increase. so we currently have six and there will now be five. >> that's exciting to know. there was changes. head of household deduction changed and increased. >> that increased. the earned income credit have changes as well. >> a lot of information. and really you need to talk to a tax specialist, depending on how complicated your taxes are. >> exactly. >> and number three, and that is what your book is about, paying down debt. and you're saying that it's very important for all of us to do it as soon as possible. why? >> well because you know, every month you have interest and finance charges that accrue on a balance and so you will end up paying more than what the item is actually worth that you purchased. so there is a statistic that said each item you purchase with a credit card you end up paying 112% more. so it's important to pay down your debt. and also make sure that you keep your debt ratio low because it does impact your credit score. one of the factors of your credit score is the total amount of debt that you owe. >> and people can only do what they can do. but it's really to your advantage to pay more than the minimum payment that the credit card sets up for you. >> it's really important to do that because the way the credit system works is they set the minimum payment to keep you in debt longer and so you pay more interest over the term of the loan or the credit card that you've used. so if you pay more than the minimum payment you pay the debt down faster which is to your advantage because, like i said, you pay less and the credit card companies don't get a chance to make as much money off of you as they can. >> what are some of the top tips you have more planning for your economic future? >> planning for your economic future, you should try to save at least 10-20% of your monthly income toward retirement. that may seem like a lot, but you don't want to be in a position where you have to go back to work or don't have enough money in your retirement. some people have been forced to live on the streets or eat dog food or spam or things like that because they simply did not have enough in their retirement. so it's important to consult a retirement expert. >> we are not equating spam with dog food, how to explain that. and thank you very much for coming. >> thank you very much for having me. and it's 8:21. this weekend d.c. welcomed home it's newest celebrity. and we'll have details coming up next. and you may walk by them every day and today you have a chance to go inside the 12 homes for the logan circle holiday house tour. we have a preview for you because holly is out there. it's coming up in the next half hour. stay with us. the district's newest cardinal got a warm welcome home. thousands of catholics flocked to the basilica of the shrine of the immaculate conception to congratulate the wuerl. all wanting to hear him talk about the moment that pope benedict the xvi made him a cardinal. >> i actually came out and i kissed his ring and i called him by name and i'm just so excited to have that opportunity to get a blessing from him. >> the pope elevated donald wuerl to cardinal last week in rome. if you're looking for a new job, don't forget about our job shop. our job of the day is at chevy's fresh mex in gaithersburg. they're looking for a restaurant manager with two years experience. for more on this job and many other goes to and click on the job shop tab on the top of our home page. >> i love chevy's. >> i haven't been. i'll have to try it. it is 8:25 now on this monday morning. up next, we'll check out other stories making headlines today. >> we'll also check out some more good cyber monday deals out there. and as we take you break, we want to say good morning to our facebook fan of the day. our friend today is carmen davis. she said she's been patiently waiting for her turn. while carmen today is your lucky day. if you want to be tomorrow's fan of the day, find us on facebook by searching fox 5 morning news. no space between fox and 5. and then post a comment under carmen's photo. we'll be right back. it's 8:26 now. [ male announcer ] are you watching cable? here's what you should be watching: your cable bill, because you could be paying way too much. stop spending more for second best. upgrade to verizon fios and get tv, internet and phone, for just $99.99 a month for a year -- call now for this special holiday bonus. over 25 hbo and cinemax channels free for 3 months, plus hbo go and max go. watch you favorite movies and shows anytime, anywhere. there's no term contract required. if you don't love fios, you can cancel anytime with no early termination fee. get the best channel lineup, superior picture quality, more hd, plus internet rated #1 in satisfaction, speed, and reliability. why keep paying for cable? get fios for just $99.99 a month. plus hbo and cinemax free for 3 months. call 1.877.717.fios. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities that's 1.877.717.3467. at 800-974-6006 tty/v. it's time to get more this holiday season. it's time for fios. taking a look at some of the stories making headlines this morning. police are continuing their search today for three michigan boys whose father tried to commit suicide. the father told investigators that he left the boys with a woman he met online and then he tried to hang himself. he's now being treated for mental health issues and believe the children are in danger. police say in pennsylvania a couple kept five children hidden inside a house for years without heat or running water. children, whose ages range from 2-13, did not attend school, did not get immunized or receive medical care and did not have birth certificates. the couple has been charged with five counts of child endangerment. nine people living in the same apartment complex in fairfax county were rushed to area hospitals with carbon monoxide poisoning. they all live on stone wheel drive in reston and all complained of being dizzy, nauseous and sleepy and police took them to two hospitals and said they should be okay. 8:30. tucker and were talking about this, very quickly for those writing in, we don't know why the philadelphia bears game was not on channel 5 yesterday afternoon as was advertised in your guide, your tv guide. i was as upset that you were that it was not on. we don't know why that happened. >> but the eagles lost. >> right. and the ravens won. good news for the ravens. >> very good. let's get to the weather forecast. temperatures in the teens and 20s to start your morning. know slowly rising. by slowly i mean 1 degree in the past hour. and 34 at reagan national. 30 in gaithersburg. a lot of 20s. 24 in hagerstown and waking up in leonardtown, 32 degrees. so again, very chilly start across the region. going to be a cool afternoon, although we should see plenty of sunshine. there is your satellite radar. not much anything to talk about. traveling north, south, east west, just fine here locally. got to get out into the central portions of the country to find problems. we should be problem-free here. we'll get clouds tonight and maybe tomorrow. and with it mild temperatures. look at the five-day forecast. 52 this afternoon, mostly sunny. and we're going to remain cool out there with temperatures in the 50s. and there is your five-day forecast. tomorrow 60 with afternoon showers, steady rain tuesday night and wednesday. and cooler on thursday and friday and only in the 40s. going to feel like december. >> and it will be. thank you very much. well if you didn't get in on the black friday deals, guess what, it's monday. it's not just any monday, it's cyber monday. and to help us navigate, our next guest is with the washington post, elin molly is with the washington post. is it just hype or are this good deals today? >> it was started five years ago by which is a industry trade group for online retailers and they found people were going bac thanksgiving and shopping online, trying to get back into the work mode. and so they started to offer special deals for those folks. and these deals actually last beyond cyber monday. some retailers started offering deals on sunday, so they brought cyber monday into sunday and some will continue throughout the rest of the week. >> have you developed a strategy, and we're trying to navigate this worldwide web, have you discovered a strategy that you can pass along? >> i think there are a lot of different ways to find out about the deals you can sign up for retailer e-mails. a lot of are using social media as well. so if you subscribe to them on twitter or facebook you can find out about deals that way too. >> and we want to get into the websites that elin has found. and black friday -- excuse me, cyber monday, it's easy and it's nice because it has a lot of different stores. tell us about this. >> it is a website put together to show the retailers offering deals for this day in one easy place so you can look and see which retailers you like and what they are offering and making your decision that way. >> and now lowe's, we might not think of lowe's because i have little kids, they have some good deals today. >> i thought lowe's was interesting because normally you don't think about going to an appliance store but they are still participating. they are offering free delivery. and they are actually counting down the hours that you have left to buy some of the deals, like a 30% off off of vacuums and then they release new deals for today, specifically as well. >> and i love the countdown clock. it makes you feel like you're doing something. >> you know how much time you have left to find the deal. >> i do love that. and another one that snuck up on me is the group coupons. >> it is pard of a new trend called social couponing and it gets together a lot of people to buy one deal at an amazing price. so you may get $25 for $50 worth of products. you can have a great deal. and what they started was this year called group hanakis. and that means they'll last several days and that gives time to find the right gifts. so if you can't get in on it, the 24 hour frame, you can get it for a little bit longer. >> now we didn't talk about this one. we just talked about something. but let me ask you, i was looking at some of the apple gifts this year. there were big discounts like on black friday. with stores like this or retailers like this, that have a corner on the market, can we expect any more discounts leading up to the holiday? >> it was surprising that apple came out with the aggressive deals they did for plaque friday. but i will tell you that there are still four weeks left of shopping and retailers know that we're going to the stores and we're going to be looking for deals up until christmas and i'm sure they're going to do everything we can to make sure we go into their stores. >> you're with us this morning and we'll check back with you in 45 minutes. what are you doing to check back in with you on? >> i'll be looking for the deals and helping you find some of the best rock you cans -- products for the season. >> we might hire you. can you work here? we'll come back with your deals and for more information, go to our website at tony, back to you. soon you will not have to drive to ocean city to get maryland's famous smith island cake. the details when we come back. plus we'll look at new search that shows probiotics may help kids fighting certain illnesses. stay with us. we'll be right back. we're back now with the benefits of so-called good bacteria. a lead willing med -- a leading medical group said probiotics may help fight illinoisness in children. a viral infection may be shortened in otherwise healthy children. they should not be given to children who are seriously ill or with compromised immune systems. today government bob mcdonald's administration has been negotiating to help smooth over differences over a plan for the chesapeake bay. it is been viewed as a status quo for agriculture and sprawl that contribute to the bay's crippled environmental health. soon you won't have to cross the bay bridge to get to smith island cakes. giant foods will start selling them. the mini hand-made cakes will only have three layers not the traditional ten layers, but they are baked individually by the bake shop in west ocean city. the the report is that the original smith island cake company is doubling production. it will distribute the miniature cakes to 29 giant stores in maryland, delaware and northern virginia. not the ten but -- >> isn't that what makes it the smith island cake? but the cake is still good. can't wait. it's 8:40 now. redskins fans like myself are starting to kiss our playoff hopes goodbye. >> the burgundy and gold lose another one. this time to brett favre and the minnesota vikings. i think it's because dave taunted brett favre. >> but he was accurate about what would happen. >> dave ross joins us when we come back. holly good morning. >> forget about this past sunday. that is in the history books. focus on next sunday because you have an invitation to go inside 12 different homes all in one neighborhood. it is the 32nd annual logan circle holiday home tour. we're going to give you a nook -- a sneak peek and tell you how to come on out and join us. stay tuned.  welcome back. another week, another loss for the washington redskins. who wrote it that way? >> they won last week. >> yesterday the burgundy and gold fell to the minnesota vikings 17-13. dave ross joins us now to play monday morning quarterback. this was a win they needed, dave. >> in fairness to the writers, it feels like they've been losing every week, because even when they win, they're close. as allison says, the nail skins. they came out and looked fantastic first drive. 13-play drive. fred davis, we want to see more of fred davis. >> best drive of the year for the redskins. >> 7-0 before you could drop a hat. who comes up with these. garr hart was in for peterson. sliding in for the score, 14-7. and then the play we're still talking about today, brandon banks. just a great effort. and the kicker has no chance there. it's like where did he go? he's out of there. banks is in. and even doc said, no flag. but there was a flag. it was late. i think they just threw it now. but still it was a flag and you have to look at it. and there is the rookie. and it happens. this is blocking in the back. it's the definition of blocking in the back. reilly gets him right there. and it's a cough ball because they say why don't they tell these guys not to do that. they tell them, but it's a -- a natural instinct. >> well they shouldn't hit them in the back. >> and the please and -- the players and coaches took it easily as rough. >> the first drive and everything seemed to be clicking and pretty much after that, it was just mistakes that we made that was really self- inflicted. >> i felt like offensively we had the chance and we didn't do it and that's frustrating. i think it's frustrating for everyone. i think there was a lot of yardage left on the field. >> you get it done or you don't. today we were off. just a little over 200 yards and we had a nice first drive. so pretty inconsistent against the defense that is fairly good. played a lot more consistent than we did and deserved to win. >> i mean, that sums it up right there from mike shanahan. and this was the toughest one so far of the year. you lose to st. louis and you lose to detroit and you say we had issued with mcnabb. when you look at the schedule coming up, five games to go, people, and three of those are on the road. two against the giants, home with them. >> and once again the cowboys. >> and how do you deal with it? >> how do you think we'll come out of it? >> what do you tell the players today? >> we're in on every game. and we cut down on the mistakes and these games are winnable. >> you are close. and i think this is the motivational inspiration right here. [ music ] ♪ >> what the redskins have to do from here on. this is it. keep doing what you do. hold on tight, we'll muddle through one day at a time. so whoop on your feet, somewhere there is music playing, and you can hear it now. don't worry none, just take it like it comes, one day at a time. and valerie bertinelli is going to come out. and whop on your feet. what does that mean? but get the tool belt from snyder and put on a hard hat. >> i would like to see for the next home game, i guess against tampa bay, bring out valerie bertinelli and it would be a theme. >> that would be great. but we want to bring back one day at a time to fedex field , inspirational. that's what we're doing. we're looking for inspiration today. >> dave ross, monday morning quarterback. thank you, sir. >> it's a style thing. so whuh on your feet. >> whup on your feet. i'll explain later. the logan circle holiday tour is in the neighborhood today to learn more about the area. holly, we're so happy you're there. >> reporter: i'm happy i'm here. this is a wonderful neighborhood. it's wonderfully eclectic and you'll see that this sunday. there are 12 different homes featured this year. the art of living is the theme. and we're giving you a sneak peek at one of the spectacular homes right now. art being a key word. you can see budda over my shoulder, they have wonderful art here. they travel the world and have wonderful pieces and you get to experience their travels in their photographs which they have so nicely hung here. we've come down to bottom floor because this is where the wine cellar is. this is the hint that we're leading into the wine cellar. the wine boxes they use to cover the wall. and you're going to be wowed. and two of my nearest friends. these are two residents here in local circle. good morning, good to see you again. this is a fabulous home. but this is part of what make this is house unique. perhaps maybe one of the reasons it's on the tour. >> this is a fantastic rule room we think it was the original kitchen and it is now a wine cellar. it stays at a constant 58 degrees and the owners have saved 2200 bottles. >> i shortchanged them 200 bottles. but as an architect, to see a space like this transformed is pretty amazing. >> it's pretty wonderful. and as a neighbor, i live i saw the work craig and albert were dos firsthand, which was fascinating. moldings that they replicated, the bathrooms they restored. this is an incredible house. it was built as a single family house and then over the years had become a rooming house only to be converted by the former owners in 1970. >> in fact, we have some pictures of the house. we took a tour earlier so let's share those with everybody. and as they are kind of enjoying the tour, talk to me about what it takes to renovate a home like this, especially when you have a historic property? >> well as a historic property, the house itself needs to be reviewed by the local agencies. any of the exterior work that is being done, when windows are replaced, exterior trim and what have you. so there is a whole review process that happens in a historic district, this is the local circle historic district. and beyond that, just the specifics of taking a house this size and the construction type and restoring it is a hurk you'llian task. the amount of work and the structural restoration, putting in hvac systems, as you can imagine, is not a small fete. >> reporter: and you have to take that into account and while putting your own stamp on it. one of the things i loved was the second floor. there are no doors on the bathrooms because they made the whole second floor like their suite. >> it is. >> and so there are other -- other things that people -- what should they take note of when they look at the houses? >> take a look at the styles. exterior wise you may see a victorian, but when you step into the interior, some of the homes are modern. and during the house tour you'll see a mix between the old and the new and victorian mixed with modern and all of your senses indulged and that's why we themed it this year sort of the art of the indulgent and the art of living. >> reporter: and for you as a resident and the owners of this house were bidding against you on your house and that's how you met. >> back in ' 93 my house was on the market and the owners and myself were in a lively bidding war for the house. >> reporter: i'm thinking you won yours but then they won this place. >> well, yeah. sometimes they say it's almost better to look at the wonderful architecture from the other side of the street because it is such an amazing house. >> you can come down here and enjoy one of their 2200 bottles of wine. thank you very much. we have a link to the logan circle house tour website at so you can get your tickets in advance. it will save you $5. $20 in advance and $25 the day off. and they also have a little reception at the studio theater at the end of the tour. coming up in the next hour, we'll move on with the tour and show you two other homes that are on tour that are totally different than this. so i don't know if i want to leave the wine cellar. but back to you guys. >> holly, thank you so much. beautiful. well tis the season for giving and charities need your help more than ever. a new report shows an increase in donation this is year but shows the increase isn't strong enough to keep up with the higher demand for services. nonprofits hope the uptick is the beginning of economic recovery. and it doesn't take much to brighten someone's holiday. we set up the fox 5 christmas tree and now we need ornaments. and once this tree is decorated we will donate it to charity. if you have an ornament to put on the tree, send it with a name and where you are from and anything you would like us to know about that ornament to our address. it's 5151 wisconsin avenue northwest washington, d.c., 20016. we are continuing to track online holiday shopping deals. what is the best out there today? we'll check in with the washington post retail reporters who has been serving the net this morning. and then his black d.c. is here. hers is an amazing story of a community that lifted her in and up after her mother's murder. she's here to share the story of angels in her life coming up. important. we use our american express open gold card important. to further those connections. last year we took dozens of trips using membership rewards points to meet with the farmers that grow our sweet potatoes and merchants that sell our product. we've gone from being in 5 stores to 7,500. booming is using points to make connections that grow your business. we're coming up on 9:00 now. here is a look at stories we're following for the upcoming hour of fox 5 morning news. the united states is doing damage control after more secrets are exposed on the wiki leaks website. the latest release includes hundreds of thousands of diplomatic documents containing sensitive foreign policy reports and less than platterring assessments of foreign leaders. we're live with the latest. plus shoppers are ditching the stores today to cash in on the big deals online. cyber monday is here and we are continuing our coverage. we're going to take a look at what kind of deals you can expect to find on the web. >> and we're remembering an iconic hollywood actor. >> can you fly this plane and land it? >> surely you can't be serious. >> i am serious, and don't call me shirley. >> leslie nielsen, the man behind some of the funniest one- liners in movery hist or -- in movie histories. we'll look back on his career where his laughs came late. he really had two different careers. the first half and second half. >>

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