did not get the snow that some had feared a week ago we might get. but we're letting you know that would change and tony and tucker, kudos to them. they were right. march 3rd, 2010 and wet roads, but snow staying away. i'm steve chenevey. >> and i'm allison seymour. there has been snowfall to the north and west and there are a handful of schools delays. page county virginia, grant and hampshire counties in west virginia and garret county maryland delay two hours. and and middletown high school and feetor schools are on a two- hour delay. and let's check in with mr. perkins once again. >> good morning to you and everybody. i don't think the atmosphere will support much if any snow across our region as our temperatures are too warm and having a hard time getting the colder air in here. let's take a look at hd radar and we'll show you where the precipitation is. and it is dissipating and light rainfall. and bwi a short time ago was reporting some light snow flurries and some activity well off to the west. but more the most part, misty conditions and light rain to the east. you're seeing it there. and let's go to max ii. this radar over plays it but it does pick up the light snowfal at bwi. again any snow that anyone in this region sees will be light in nature. for the most part we are seeing rain mixing with snow in some locations and that's about it. and if we have any accumulations it will be in grassy areas. currently 38 degrees and the temperatures are too warm. 38 in the district, 37 in baltimore. 37 at dulles airport. ocean city at 36, winchester, virginia, 35 degrees. your day planner for today, breezing late today and periods of light snow showers or rain mixed with snow here and there and r high of about 42 degrees. we'll have more details on the forecast coming up in a bit. right now let's good to julie wright and find out what is happening on the roads. a lot happening right now, especially if you are traveling in crystal city. we're dealing with a 12-inch water main break that still has the jefferson davis highway closed this morning. avoid the area because you can go no further than 23rd street that will go toward eve and work back around the closure. from 110, you can make the south turn on to route 1 but no further than 23rd and again it's a right turn that will make it toward eaves and then go left and that's the workaround. they have the front loaders and trying to repair this water main break. this is the hot spot. crystal city is blocked off between 23rd and 27th and all traffic being diverted on to 23rd. over toward national airport, this road won't work. stick with the george washington parkway. updating the ride and show you again, route 1 here at 23rd street and we saw from another angle on the ground where the crews can zoom in and you can see the work being done and this gives you a better idea of the pace there and the volume continuing to build as the rush hour continues. so inbound they're going to make you turn on to 23rd street and use that as the work around. tucker man lane, the top side of the screen, broken down truck is tieing up the left lane of 3 toward the lane divide. no incidents out of 70 but delays in germantown and more delays in rockville. that's a check of your fox 5 on- time traffic. it is the day that many same sex couples waited for. they can now apply for a marriage license in the district. >> the courthouse opens in just a few hour and officials are expecting a rush of applicants. sarah simmons is live now with more. >> reporter: the courthouse is going to open up in just a few minutes. the marriage bureau is going to open up at about 8:30ut we have some applicants standing out in the cold. and the first ones in line -- you can see they gave them a number -- the first ones in line. this is angela young and sin joy townsend. why did you feel it was necessary to be the first in line. >> i just wanted to experience this moment and so i want to be the first person to experience it. it's such a great moment. it's like a dream come true. and i couldn't wait for the dream to come true and so that's why i'm first in line. >> reporter: i have to imagine this is an emotional time for you both. >> absolutely. i have butterflies in my stomach and i can't wait to signing my fame and giving my papers. i'm just excited. >> reporter: and you two have been waiting for a long time because you have been together how long? >> 12 years. >> reporter: did you go through a civil union or anything like that? >> we had a commitment ceremony in 2005 and we're domestic partners as well. >> reporter: so do you have a ceremony planned and are you ready to go on march 9th? >> we're planning the ceremony as it goe along. the only thing we know is where we are getting married, the location. it's kind of unfolding day by day. so getting people together and getting people in different locations and so what most people take six months to do, i'm doing it in six days. >> reporter: well congratulations both. i know they're opening the doors and you're first in line. thank you for talking with and application process. right now there is a three-day waiting period. march 9th is the first day that same-sex marriage unions will be allowed and we know there are several people who we have talked to that are already planning the ceremonies. back to you guys. we'll send it over to allison now. >> the d.c. council votes unanimously to censure marion barry ankicking him off the powerful finance committee. he could also face prosecution over the contract that led to the kensure. and joining us marion barry. >> good morning. >> and i'm just asking your reaction to this action by the council? >> first of all, the report was benedent. it was inflammatory, accusatory and very few facts and done the wrong way. we should have had an opportunity to see what it was in the report and see it before it was made public. the first thing we saw that morning -- hadn't even read the report and so how could we react to it and then you all got in and the news people just ran with the scathing report that set a tone for the council. they just felt boxed in to some extent. but even then, they did something that was really ridiculous. they referred us to the board of elections and u.s. attorney. there was contention between mr. bennett and my lawyer. they are not the board of election. but yet they censured me before they had a chance to look at it. that was sort of an injustice, no question about that. the chairman made the rules as he went. >> were you surprised it was a unanimous vote? >> no, i'm not surprised. they were back there saying let's all stick together and hang together and that way nobody can be criticized. it happens from time to time. they did that in the gay marriage situation and a couple of other things. but i know that very, very well. but i don't really agree with this but i have to hang with it because the chairman said i have to hang with it. and so what mr. gray did was do something that -- without due process that will come back to haunt him on it. and take my chairmanship on the committee. it may hurt me, but it won't hurt my pocket book, but it will hurt people who needs job the most. everybody knows in this city that marion barry is the jobs czar. 70% of the jobs of the district are held by nond.c. residents and so those who need work will be hurt and mr. grayson is responsible for that. the same thing is true with the financial revenue. i've been the most vigilant on african-american bonds getting some action. i'm still going to go to meetings. one thing they can't take from me is my vote. i ask people to judge me by my whole book not just three or four pages in my book. but this is just a temporary situation as far as i'm concerned. the people in ward 8 love me, i love them. i'm making a lot of changes over there. and i don't have to be chair to advocate for jobs. i don't have to be chair to advocate for adequate health care and to try to bring businesses to ward 8. in fact it escapesthat time as chair and now i don't have the senior responsibility. >> would you agree, sir, that there needed to be some action by the city or council. and i don't want to put words in your mouth but you've spoken on the issue and you said there were things that you used, i believe you said poor judgment on. something had to be done, i would imagine that you agree with that. in your opinion was there a middle ground to this? was the action to severe? >> it's too severe. it's a sledge hammer. mr. grady knew it was a sledge hammer. i talked to him about it. but the people know what's right. and i've been wronged before. and i got up and kept going. and so i'm just very excited about what the future holds. >> and what does happen now? >> and one thing they cannot do is take away my vote. they can't take away my dignity or all of the good things i've done in washington in terms of transformation. in fact this is going to help me. it's hard to highlight and pick up with the media on all of the things i've been doing and so i'm going to talkabout it now and say you can't take away my vote. and chairmanship is really sort of overglorified. the chairman has one vote just like everybody else. and the downtown, i'll have to do with that, the convention center, the verizon center, 7th and h., joyce town, water front, all of that, they can't take away from me, the reed center from me and my love of people from me. so i'll be all right. >> what do you do now? censureship, how far does that go? what are you able to do and what will you spend your days doing now? you are still a council member? >> absolutely. and i'm committed and so i'm going to work every day and work on the committees i'm working on. i'm still on the housing and jobs committee. i'm a member. mack and ron will be the chair and we're good friends and he'll work tandem with me. but it takes away the administrative stuff. in fact i'm going to work even harder as we go forward. >> sir, they've also talked about possible criminal charges because of this. your reaction to that? is that something you're worried about? >> that's all hype. obviously i take it seriously. but if you look at what mr. bennett said, and he was inflammatory and he was biased and he looked at my -- there was 16 other groups that didn't comply with the policy and the fiscal agent. i think he went into this with his mind made up and then he tried to shape the facts to fit his theory. something is wrong over here. something is going on. for instance he used words like misled. there is no evidence i misled anything. the secretary didn't say it, i didn't say it, nobody said it. but he didn't even ask me about that. plus we disagree. and he admits himself that there is nothing in the code that said i had to notify them. but the council members got caught up in the publicity and they felt they had to do something. they have to do something. but the truth is i'll rise again. i'm still the fighter that i have always been for people. i'm not going anywhere. i got two and a half more years on this term. you never know what may happen in 2012. >> and i'm getting word as a result of this, some staffers might have so be let go or lose their jobs. is there truth to that? >> number of people on my staff were on my committee, but mike and i are working on a traps is period. he's a good guy. and so he's not going to put anybody out just like that. we're going to have a transition period. >> and i guess the final word, is it going to be possible to work with your fellow council members now when you walk into chambers there, do you walk in with this on your mind or what is the approach as you greet your colleagues? >> no. first of all i turn this over to god and i believe in god. he has it. and there is hypocritical stuff going on. but mr. grayson didn't have to do what they did and when people can't findobs i'm going to say call him because i had a whole big plan to go forward and it was heavy handed, didn't nothing happened. he had not been -- i had not been convicted of anything and yet i'm punished. i'm not whining or a victim, i'm just staying the facts. mr. grayson could have done it another way, but he chose not to. >> mr. mayor, thank you for joining us today. weappreciate that. looking outside and 7:15 and it's not the prettiest day out there as you look at the beltway. 38 degrees and you can see how wet the roads are. but no white stuff out on the roads this morning. >> it's a damp start to the day. what most folks in the area, if they have seen any precipitation, it's been in the form of light rain. there have been a couple of spots where there has been a little bit of snow here and there, but for the most part some light rain falling and even that has dissipated at this time. let's look at the radar. first i'll show you what is happening right now with the current conditions being reported at reagan national, 38 degrees. relative humidity at 79%. now, i do want to mention, earli, a few moments ago, i said the winds will pick up later today but they're starting to. winds out of the north and up to 17 miles per hour and gusting up to 24 miles per hour at reagan national. we are at 38 degrees. and temperatures around the nation are consistent in the eastern u.s. 20s and 30s most places. out into the plains, the teens and 20s and out to the west, 40s and 50s. dallas is cold at 34 degrees and so it atlanta. looking at the satellite radar, most of the action is in our part of the world. the mid-atlantic and portions of the northeast dealing with yet another storm system. but the good news is the bulk of the storm system is off the coast and out over the ocean and that's where the serious precipitation is. we do have the wraparound wind so it will be breezy today. and those winds could bring in colder air for us for a while this morning and during that period we could see snow showers developing. but for the most part it will be a nonevent aside from wind and nuisance precipitation for us. periods of light rain or snow activity during the day today. 42 degrees for your high. maybe even a snow shower this evening. 44 degrees for the high tomorrow. then things start to improve. friday, mid-40s. saturday and sunday looks like a good amount of sunshine. temperatures ranging from the low to the mid-50s. not a bad weekend at all. that's a look at what is happening with the weather. now let's get an update on traffic and for that we go to julie wright. it's a mess everywhere. down in the 757 they have snow and we have the water main break. the weekend is looking good for everybody. we can't wait for the sunshine and good weather. and on going repairs for the 12- inch water main break we've been dealing with since yesterday. you can make the turn on to 23rd and turn left on to 23rd. if you turn left on the 23rd that will take you toward crystal but it will take you north which is where you just came from. so if you don't know the back routes, that may not be a viable option for you. but you can do it. the problem is you can't cross over the intersection here route 1 at 23rd. if you make the right turn it will lead you toward eaves. that is a good workaround or alternative to avoid the closure. northbound on the route 1 you can make the trip through the intersection and continue northbound. traveling out of d.c. or toward national airport, use the george washington parkway as the work around at this time. and on the brakes 395 northbound from duke street toward seminary road. heavy, slow and steady. more delays at the pentagon crossing over the 14th street bridge. 95 slowing at prince william parkway to lorton. 270 on the brakes toward the lane divide. that's a check of your fox 5 on- time traffic. metro has a new interim manager to replace john catoe. metro board leaders are expected to appoint richard sals tomorrow. the agency will still search for a permanent replacement. 2,000 workers are headed back to work today. the senate pasted a $10 billion spending bill to keep highways flowing. jim bunning from kentucky had been blocking the bill, trying to force democrats to finance it so it wouldn't add to the deficit. late yesterday he relented. the president has already signed the measure into law. and the president is set to explain he final elements of his plan for health care reform today. president obama says he is willing to consider some g.o.p. ideas but has said to be unwilling to wait or start over from scratch as some republicans have suggested. coming up, dramatic new video from the earthquake in chile. some people caught in a nightclub at the time. >> it was 3:00 a.m. back with more fox 5 morning news after this. you've got a strawberry pop-tart, but i've got a warm, fresh baked strawberry toaster strudel. see the difference? mmmm. i do. (announcer) pillsbury toaster strudel. the one kids want to eat. that, on the list of things kids love, our party pizzas have just passed toy robots. awkward. kids love totino's party pizzas. new video coming out of chile recording the massive 8.8 mnitude earthquake struck. this is at a dance club inside of santiago and everybody started running for cover. the debris started falling from the ceiling. sciencists are saying the quake is so powerful it may have shifted the earth's axis and that could create shorter days, not by much, but by 1.26 micro seconds. right now aftershocks continue in chile and the death toll is approaching 800. a town 50 miles north of the epicenter officials say nearly every store has been looted and set on fire. there has been no discussion of sending u.s. troops to the area. but yesterday hillary clinton hand delivered some satellite phones and promised to send water purification systems and a mobile field hospital. and a rate hike in the works for pepco customers. how much would you be willing to pay. it's a load of crock, is what daniel snyder is saying. what they say he purchased for his office. and remember climbing the rope in gym class. it was a dreaded exercise. but those days are long gone and now some people are voluntarily taking to the ropes. holly has this new workout trend coming up. here's to the believers. the risk-takers. the visionaries. the entrepreneurs... o put it all on the line to build and run their own businesses. at at&t, we know something about that. our company started out in a small lab, with not much more than a dream. and today, we know it's small businesses that can create the jobs america needs. that's why at&t is investing billions to upgrade and build out our wired and wireless networks. making them faster, smarter, and more secure. connecting small businesses to markets across the country, and around the world. we invest now, because we know it will pay off... with new jobs, new growth, from a new generation, putting their belief in the future on the line. now is the time for investment and innovation. the future is waiting. and the future has always the future is waiting. and the future has always been our business. at&t. one taste and you'll understand. delicious dunkin' donuts coffee -- pick some up to brew at home. mmm! america runs on dunkin'. if you live in the district, your electric bill will go up. a public service commission approved pepco's request for a rate hike. the company asked for a $50 million hike and it was awarded about a $20 million hike. it depends on the usage but the average bill will go up about $2.50 to $3.50 a month. toyota accelerator troubles may lead to a change in all vehicles sold in the u.s. obama is considering all vehicles to have brakes that can override gas pedals. toyota has recalled 8.5 million vehicles since september. more danger on the horizon for naomi campbell. she's accused of slappingand punching her driver. when he pulled over to call 911, campbell jumped out of the car and ran. now police are deciding to charge her witha crime. and well he says he doesn't own alligator shoes so why would he buy a gator skin desk and chair. dan snyder wants a retraction saying that he drop $600,000 on the alligator desk and chair but an employee at the store made it up. the owner said she's been fired. >> it's amazing that someone would make it up and i saw that on twitter yesterday. >> and i'm happy mr. snyder did not purchase a $600,000 alligator desk. >> and i'm happy that you stopped spreading stories like that about me. >> nobody really believed it, that's why. tony perkins, that's in the pro column. he's on role these days. >> you're in the pro column too. >> well i would never spend that kind of money. >> and you're in the pro column too. and here is a look at the satellite radar. and we have light precipitation. it's been dissipating. here is how it's going. breaking up quite nicely. we do have some continued rain shower activity across the chesapeake day. a little bit of light snow out to the west. here is your whole big storm system. a bulk of the storm off shore. we are getting some winds. i'll show you that in a moment. current temperatures around the region, we remain at 38 degrees, where we've been most of the morning. 38 in gaithersburg. quantico is at 37 and salisbury not showing up but they're at 37 in salisbury. winds picking up out of the north, northwest and they are wrapping around the big storm system. these are the wind gusts now so it will be another blustery kind of days. winds gusting up to 24 miles per hour in d.c. and 22 in annapolis and 22 ouat dulles airport. forecast for washington for today, a cloudy day with some periods of some light drizzle, maybe some light snow shower activity. no significant accumulation. high of 42 degrees but windy. five-day forecast, let's focus right in on the weekend. saturday and sunday look good. mild, highs in the 50s. yes, we love it. and that's a look at what is happening with the weather. now here is julie wright with an update on traffic. not an easy workaround at crystal city. route 1 is closed off between 23rd and 27th because of a 12- inch water main break. traffickic is forced on to 23rd street and eaves can be your work around. 395 northbound heavy and slow in both the h.o.v. lanes and the main line leaving duke street. and delays at the pentagon over the 14th street bridge. 95 at georgia for the slowdowns and university at piney branch for the crash. that's a check of your fox 5 on- time traffic. 2,000 furloughed transportation workers can go back to work. bunning has ended his blockade to extend unemployment and others back to work. joining us are peter fenn and jim innocenzi. good to see you this morning. >> good morning. >> jim, i'll give you first word on this. >> first word? >> only one word? >> jim bunning was trying to make a point. the point is everybody is talk about fiscal discipline but nobody really does anything about it. and so his point was, if we're going to go ahead and extend the benefits, let's figure out a way to pay for them. of course harry reid and the democrats said no, we'll worry about it later, but that's what we've been doing for years in this country and that's why we have a $13 trillion debt and whatever the budget deficit is today. so i think he made a very good point and frankly you started to see massachusetts hero scott brown, peter's good friend, going out there and saying this was a good thing. and so this was a good thing. because it shows the hypocrisy. >> we'll talk about the hypocrisy. he drove the republicans nuts on this. they were scared to death. and this is the reason. this guy may have thrown a mean curveball, but he was firing a really mean screw ball in this one. here is a guy who never stood up when we were paying off the books for the iraq war and when george bush stood up and turned things into budget deficits. and let me finish this. >> okay. >> the important thing about this is that he also voted against the commission to try to balance the budget. and this was hurting folks. it was -- 2,000 folks got furloughed and some of them were handling sensitive issues. >> the problem here at some point is that the point may have been about the unemployment benefits but the headlines were the furloughed workers and the stopping of the jobs. so in a nut shell, looking back, a good idea. >> it was a good idea because it didn't last very long. and peter is right there is a hypocrisy. and we ought to talk about it and point it out. but the past is the past and there is nothing we can do about it but we can do something about the future. >> and it seems like we talk about health care every week and there is always some new twist. the president saying he may do some things to try to appease the republicans. the question is will the republicans to respond. >> are we going to get republican votes on this? not a chance. >> we've already accepted 170 amendments, he's doing some very interesting things. he's going after medicare and medicaid fraud. he's going to do something about that. there's a section for you folks, you love this business of going after trial lawyers, so there is a program there. >> that's good. >> he has a plan for high deductibles, that the republicans support. so he is going to incorporate some things here. the real reason for this i think is to get democratic votes and to pass this legislation in the house and then with reconciliation of the senate. >> and i think peter is right. this isn't geared toward republicans, this is geared toward the republicans. it only passed by two or three votes last time but the question is what about the pro- life democrats because there is nothing there for them and they may -- and there are ten or twelve of them. and the strategy isn't for the republicans, it's for the democrats. >> and jim is right. if the solid group of pro-life democrats goes against this, they'll be in trouble. they'll have to bring that back in. >> better chance of happening, the easter bunny becomes real or they'll pass this? >> easter bunny is real. >> or one of you will date the supermodel in the green room right n. thank you for joining us right now. and speaking of the supermodels, coming up, a behind the scenes look at the life of a supermodel. chevy chase's own hillary roddick joining u 7:38 right now. how about over here? n-- let's go back to the left. waffling is back at dunkin' donuts. for a short time only, enjoy the return of the delicious oven-toasted waffle breakfast sandwich. america runs on dunkin'. hey bets, can i borrow a quarter? sure, still not dry? i'm trying to shrink them. i lost weight and now some clothes are too big. how did you do it? simple stuff. eating right and i switched to whole grain. whole grain... [ female announcer ] people who eat more whole grain tend to have a healthier body weight. multigrain cheerios has five whole grains and 110 calories per serving multigrain cheerios. try new chocolate cheerios with a touch of delicious chocolate taste in every bite. the risk-takers. the visionaries. the entrepreneurs... who put it all on the line to build and run their own businesses. at at&t, we know something about that. our company started out in a small lab, with not much more than a dream. and today, we know it's small businesses that can create the jobs america needs. that's why at&t is investing billions to upgrade and build out our wired and wireless networks. making them faster, smarter, and more secure. connecting small businesses to markets across the country, and around the world. we invest now, because we know it will pay off... with new jobs, new growth, from a new generation, putting their belief in the future on the line. now is the time for investment and innovation. the future is waiting. and the future has always the future is waiting. and the future has always been our business. at&t. so you know that music is not for me. earlier this morning supermodel hillary roddick joined us to talk about her rise in the international model world. and we like having her around because she's a local girl. hi. >> how are you? >> i feel like i need to sit up talking to you. so you'll make my posture better. but my question is you see glamorous faces on the magazine cover. what is life like? do you wake up and people are carrying you to your shoot? >> no. >> what is it like. >> i'm down to earth, growing up in d.c. i have my core group of friends in new york and are working there. and so that's nice to have your network of friends that you've known forever. i love working out. i work out every day in new york. i have a trainer in tribeca and we do dance cardio so that makes it fun. and i have an athletic background and so it's great. >> and i love that. i mean i'm so pleased with what you are doing and all of your success. for the girls out there who are playing lacrosse and field hockey and basketball though, it's nice to see that it's -- one is not isolated with the other. do you know what you 're an ath model. and so speaon that advice to girls that are watching who are involved in sports or ballet or want to get into modeling. >> i did ballet growing up and i played sports my whole life and i started modeling at 15 in high school and i was balancing going and doing a ralph lauren shoot with my field hockey practice -- so i think it's great. and having a healthy image and being a role model is nice. >> do you have any plans to maybe do some of that in the future. and i heard you talking about branding and doing some things and i think it would be great if the image what they see you it's not just a beautiful face but an athlete. >> that's definitely something i'm thinking about and that's just part of who i am. so it's easy for me to carry on the image because that's what i love. and we're looking at the picture -- >> so this was shooting sports illustrated. this is in india. and this is a elephant since they use them for pollo matches. and this thing decided to turn around and spray all over me. and someone caught the thing on camera and it was hilarious. >> and that's what happens. it's not all glamorous. >> no. >> and where do you go from here? i know you're taking down time. >> i'm going to the caps game on saturday night and i'm here until sunday. and then i leave next week for a shooting of estee lauder and we're doing some press out there >> and we wish you continued success and come back and see us any time. and congratulations on the swimsuit. >> thank you. >> hillary roda, everybody. i think, where are we going now? let's get the latest weather from tony. you didn't have a camera so it threw me. >> that's okay. >> but you're just such a supermodel yourself. hillary said so. >> oh, yes, okay. as people tune out. right now let's look at what is going on out there. here is your hd radar, folks. we're seeing considerable amounts or area of rain earlier. not so any more. much of the rain has dissipated, left cloudy conditions and breezy conditions across the region. we're seeing some rain across the chesapeake day and now across some portions of eastern maryland and into delaware as well. let's look at temperatures across the region. right now reagan national is 38 degrees. 37 in dulles, baltimore and ocean city. and anybody else? yes. frederick, patuxent naval air station. and your five-day forecast, not bad. today, not pretty. a lot of clouds around and periods of light precipitation and drizzle and light snow shower activity and maybe even a mix at some point. tomorrow, breezy, windy. 44 degrees for the high. friday things change for the better. 46 is below normal but more sunshine. and then saturday and sunday, saturday we believe we'll be at normal, 52 degrees, where we should be. and on sunday 57 degrees for your high. that is going to feel o so nice. and now we'll go to julie wright and find out what is happening with traffic. >> i was going to be a model once and they told me i was too short. even with my four inch heels i was only 5'4". but i'll never get to 5-10. it won't happen. >> you're fine as you are. >> thanks, tony. right now we're check out the roads ab our big story today is route 1, jefferson davis highway is closed between 23rd and 27. it's tied up because of the 12- inch water main break that occurred last night. traffic coming south can turn on to 23rd and working toward e. you can make the turn toward 23rd and that will go back toward crystal drive and back in the northbound direction which is where you just came from. so the better alternative route is the right on 23rd and over to e. and that's a good workaround. good toward national airport. 395 slowing toward duke street and e pentagon and more delays crossing over the 14th street bridge. that's a check of your fox 5 on- time traffic. it's 7:46 right now on this wednesday morning. so holly this morning has found et another new workout to try. she keeps finding them but she has another new one for us. >> reporter: at some point i should be really, really fit, right? well this just might be the workout to do it. it will whip you into shape because it's called the whip workout. it has everything to do with whipping the ropes around. exhale and get this girl some water. and we are in tysons corner and we'll tell you all about it. stay with us. go, go, go, go. 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(announcer) we all want to stay active. we don't want anything... slow us down. but even in your 30s... ...your bones can begin to change. overtime, you can begin to have bone loss. calcium and vitamin d work together to help keep your bones strong. and yoplait gives you... ...20% of your daily calcium... ...and is the only leing yogurt with vitamin d in every cup. keep your bones strong every day... ...with yoplait. >> reporter: good morning, everybody. i'm holly morrism and when you have a supermodel on the show, everybody starts thinking about swim seat season and looking good. and that means working out. and we've signed up for quite the workout on this wednesday. get ready to sweat because we are live this morning at equinox fitness club in tysons corner where the latest and greatest exercise craze has everything to do with whipping a whole lot of rope around. and whipping yourself into shape. it's called the whip workout. and the whip master putting everybody through the pace this is morning is paris taylor. here she is. >> good morning, holly. >> reporter: so give me an overview of what going on here. sure. total interval workout. ti. we have pull and push exercises, lower body. your heart rate goes up and for two minutes it's strength, core, strength core. it's a full body workout. >> reporter: and these ropes, talk to me about them. >> sure. time. let's go 30 seconds. the robs are cardiovascular. if you're wearing a heart rate monitor, it goes crazy through the roof. it's also upper body. everything is working. his core is tight, his upper body is working and down in a squat position and right now it's high intensity for 30 seconds effort so his heart rate will go through the roof. >> reporter: and you just started this after the first of the year. >> yes. we just started, class attendance is crazy. a lot of people are coming in and excited about it. time. >> reporter: wait. there is nothing like doing an interview after that. and so what do you like about the workout. >> i can see my heart rate between 170-180 for 45 minutes. >> and how does this compare to other workouts you've done before. >> it's challenging. you move from one station to another and we have partners. >> reporter: and this is not just a girly class. you see both sexes in here. everybody is getting their butt kicked. >> nobody is left out. >> reporter: very good. so i guess i can't put it off for too long. so para, shows me how this goes. >> i'll have you come over here and grab one rope. time. you're butt is going to come back and hold the rope with two hands and create a lot of weight and then go really fast. faster, faster. and once you get that, then you can start to add a squat, come up and go a little bit faster at the bottom. >> reporter: oh, you're right. >> because a little more slack on the rope. and then after 30 seconds, you're fatigued. and then you can start to try two, because you were so good at one. look at that. that's awesome, holly. five, four, three, switch. i think you might get to go next. >> reporter: it would be easier to hold the camera than do this. let me check in with this girl as she gets -- i'll let you talk and exercise at the same time. can you do it? >> do one rope. >> reporter: and now tell me what you like about this, the workout is awesome, because you're constantly moving its high interval and tara makes you go. she's a great instructor. >> and what other things have you done? >> i'm a runner, swmer, biker. really anything. >> reporter: and you feel it helps the other things you do. >> i've seen a difference only in two months and you can see the results. >> reporter: she gets the gold star for talking and doing that at the same time. we've only just begun but if you're interested in finding out more we have a link to the equinox club at but you can do more than just that. and we'll talk about that in a couple of hours from now. >> i'm worn out. i think my heart rate is at least 160 after looking at that. we'll talk about the best swimsuits for every type. from petites to athletic build to plus sizes. what will look best on you. >> i didn't realize how bright the lights are in here and how it adds to the workout? and sugar shea moseley is going to be here in our studios joining us in the 9:00 hour and getting ready to announce the fight with floyd mayweather. but we have him right now. >> sugar shack. [ male announcer ] how do you get your favorite toppings to stay in your taco? ¿qué si ponemos los frijoles refritos? [ male announcer ] old el paso refried beans. the tasty way to keep toppings in your taco. feed your fiesta. so warm and fluffy. make the most out of the most important meal of the day. ♪ how about over here? hmm... let's go back to the left. uh... waffling is back at dunkin' donuts with the return of the waffle breakfast sandwich. two oven-toasted waffles with a hint of maple, complete with fluffy egg, a slice of melted cheese, and now with delicious sausage. so hurry in today because it's only around for a short time. america runs on dunkin'. try our oven-toasted waffle breakfast sandch today, only at dunkin' donuts. this morning same sex couples in d.c. lining up to be among the first to apply for a marriage license. we are live on the scene. then yesterday d.c. councilman marion barry censured and punished by his peers. todayez talks to fox 5. and find out what the three blizzards may mean for the cherry festival. we'll talk with the folks in charge. good morning, i'm steve chenevey. >> and i'm allison seymour. and there has been snowfall to the and west so there are a handful of school delays. the following delayed to hours, page county virginia, grant and hampshire counties in west virginia and garret county, maryland. in frederick county, maryland. only concocton and theater schools on delay. and today we are helping you ladies get ready for the beach and the pool as we're going to check out the best swimsuits for every shape and size. that's coming up in about 45 minutes. and we'll do that at 8:45. and it's nice to think about warmer weather. >> and it gets you motivated on the treadmill or whatever. >> and for many people, myself included, you have to start getting ready this time of year. >> it really is fear. or either that which is wrong to buy. >> see, i can't get away with that. >> you could do a whole robe. >> on the beach? through is hugh heffner walking down the beach. >> i thought that was your dream, tony. >> that would be great. here is a look at our weather conditions around the region. hd radar, we have a little bit of rain off to the east. not much happening right now, but if you're in eastern maryland or even southern maryland, out toward the beaches, ocean city, just off the coast of oar oar -- ocean city there is a pocket of rain and if you have maritime concerns out there. and you can see the little blip of snow there in western maryland and the panhandle of west virginia. current temperatures at airports. 38, 37 and 37, 38 at reagan national, 37 at dollars and 37 at bwi marshall. and here is your forecast for today. cloudy skies and a little bit of light precipitation possible here and there. 42 degrees for the high. soy don't think we'll see much in the way of snow. might see some snow showers here and there but for the most part light rain off and on today. that's a look at the weather. more is coming up in a bit. before we get to julie wright we want to talk about one trouble st this morning, in crystal city where crews are still working to try to fix several breaks in a 12-inch water main on route 1 so it will continue to effect drivers on route 1 and this will effect folks getting to reagan national. julie joins us with more on the on-time traffic. >> that's going to be there for a while. it's a 12-inch water main break and again the detour is simple. it's a right turn on the 23rd and a left turn on to eaves. and headed toward national airport, your best bet is to stick with the george washington parkway and use that as the alternative route. southbound along 270, bumper-to- bumper delays out of rockville in both the local lanes as well as the main line headed south. again the delays are starting to stack up back at 370 toward the lane divide. university boulevard at piney branch, that accident is cleared. a crash near 198 and southbound slowing out of laurel. a live shot of 66 and those traveling eastbound in vienna, heavy slow and steady from 123 past nutley street and the beltway. beltway is tied up leaving annandale to merrifield. that's a check of your fox 5 on- time traffic. in less than half an hour, same sex couples can turn in this application and start planning their wedding. d.c. has approved same-sex marriages and couples are lining up at superior court and that's where sarah simmons is this morning with more on the top story. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, allison. a few couples were let inside at 7:00. there were a dozen couples waiting outside. d.c. court officials are expecting about 200 people to line up. of course with the weather being the way it is, they think that held the number down. but if you look behind me, there are people that continue to show up, people in support and people looking to fill out the application this morning. as you said the office itself will not open until 8:30 this morning. it's the application process only that starts today, since this is the day that the law does go into effect. there is a mandatory waiting period, this means after the application goes through, the marriage license will not be issued until march 9th and that's when the folks we talked to this morning are planning ceremonies. but one couple i talked to before they went inside said they didn't plan anything until the last minute because they were not sure that the law would go into effect. >> this came about rather quickly. >> it did. as soon as we knew. >> i don't think we had faith that congress would intervene and we didn't want to get our hopes up too high. and when it looked like it would go through we called immediately. calling limo companies a cake companies. we smashed this together in about a week. >> reporter: there were some last ditch efforts by those opposed. they tried to get the supreme court to stop it. yesterday the supreme court did not and giving the green light for same-sex marriage to go ahead here in the district. now there was a congressional review period and that did end yesterday. so a lot of the couples that we talked to today say they are planning the ceremonies if they are not planned already. back to you steve and allison. >> sarah, thank you so much. ucla williams institute expected d.c. will prform same- sex marriages and bring in $5 million in tax revenue and bring in jobs and the study shows that there will be more than $52 million spent on the big day. and the punishment has been handed down for marion barry who has been censured by the council. this cames after the report that barry conflicted violation ofinterest laws by pocketing money from a contract given to his girlfriend. he responded to us when he joined us here last hour. >> it was inflammatory, it was accusatory, and very few facts in it and mr. grayson did it the wrong way. we should have had an opportunity to see what was in the report and answer it back and forth before it was made public. but this is just a temporary position as far as i'm concerned. the people in ward 8 love me and i love them. i'm make a lot of changes over there and i don't have to be chair to advocate for jobs. i don't have to chair to advocate for adequate health care and to try to bring businesses to ward 8. >> barry says the buzz about a possible investigation by the u.s. attorney's office is all hype and he will persevere despite the setback. is there is a new interim manager for metro replacing john catoe. richard solaris is expected to be appointed to the post tomorrow. he'll serve as interim gm while the agency searches for a permanent replacement. and a traffic alert for tysons areas. contractors working on the dulles rail project are testing the structural integrity today. it will happen between 10:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. near the exit for the eastbound dulles toll road. route 3 will be closed for about 10 minutes. a strike by bus drivers spared. the operator contract stopped at midnight but they allowed an extension to hammer out a deal. buses are operating on a regular schedule and regular fares are in effect. the senate passes a $10 billion spending bill held up last week by jim bunning. but now the kentucky republican says his decision to temporarily block an extension of unemployment benefits was well worth it. ainsley earhart with more details now. >> reporter: in the end, senator jim bunning lays off his fastball. the kentucky republican's decision to single-handedly hold up a $10 billion spending bill made him the talk of washington and forced some 2,000 federal employs to unpaid furloughs and putting job security in jeopardy for millions. and the one time baseball star relented and allowed the measure to proceed to vote. >> i say to my friend from kentucky, you made your point and you made it well. >> it was passed by 78-19 and quickly provided to president obama. despite little support from fellow republicans, bunning maintain it's was a fight he doesn't regret. saying he was hoping to force democrats into financing a bill that doesn't add to the deficit. >> i decided that we ought to try our best to get a compromise and pay for it. that the other side would agree to. >> in my view, it is immoral, it is obscene to say to those people, hey, we're stopping the extension of your unemployment benefits and you're on your own. >> reporter: bunning's etirement from the senate comes at the end of the year after he finishes serving the second term. the 78-year-old gave up plans to run for re-election. ainsley earhart, fox news. and the president saying he listened to the republicans at the summit and is trying to crack down on fraud by using undercover doctors, expanding health care accounts and expand medical malpractice studies. and it's now 8:10 and 38 degrees on this wednesday morning. up next we'll check out orange stories making headline this is morning. >> that includes more on an investigation into why a child was allowed to direct an airplane taking off at one of the busiest airports in the country. plus marcus, jeanne and jack are back for idol chatter. stay with us. >> it's nice to have them back together. >> hi, guys. >> we're ready. >> coming in, coming in. ♪ [ male announcer ] now the best seat in the house is in your house. in fact, with the fios total ticket, it can be in every room. unlike cable, only fios gives you a multi-room dvr that lets you record shows in one room and watch them in up to six other rooms. no one will ever have to miss their favorite shows again. and now you can get a multi-room dvr plus set top box free for six months when you sign up for fios tv, internet and phone. you'll get tv with three times more very satisfied customers than comcast, america's top-rated internet, and phone. get it all together for just $99.99 a month for one year with a two-year agreement. it adds up to savings of $299 for one year. fios totalicket is an awesome value that makes every seat in your house the best seat. so why sit still for cable? call now. 1.866.685.fios. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800-974-6006 tty/v. this is beyond cable. this is fios. now 8:14, as we look at stories making headlines this morning. in iraq 30 people are dead following three separate suicide bombings. one blew himself up riding in an ambulance. and this comes as they prepare for elections on sunday. and another trial for basally. he claimed he was denied access to evident during his trial but got the thumbs down for another hearing. [ inaudible ] >> contact departure. adios. >> did that sound like a child? well it was. but the question is how did the kid get in control. the faa is trying to figure that out. somebody took his son to work and let him handle five controls at jfk airport. somebody took their son to school. not too smart. >> i bet the young person will forget it. >> another will the young persons parent who took them there. >> they start the training young. get the kid some experience. kid is already working on the resume. speaking of kids. we have another cute child. it's time for the my first 5 photo of the day. >> i was like where is the baby? >> look at that face. >> she's doing a little doll baby. >> she is 21 months old and she is natalie and we're told her dolls go everywhere she goes. i love that age when they have to take -- whether it's a doll, a truck, whatever it is, a blanket. >> it doesn't end at that age. >> really? >> well natalie is adorable, so are your doll babies. to -- to send us your child's picture go to let's look at the weather conditions. our temperature has not changed all morning. 38 degrees. relative humidity 79%s. winds have picked up, out of the north at 16 miles per hour. it will be a blustery day again today. here is a look at the national map. cold air in place. not cold enough for it to be snowing here though. out to the west, it's colder there. omaha, nebraska, 13 degrees. st. louis, 26 degrees. little rock, arkansas, well that's cold for them, 29 degrees there. and salt lake city it is 45 and l.a. 57. here is a look at the national satellite radar composite. rainfall across the northwestern states and northern cifornia getting some rainfall. and some we've had some light precipitation and now we're getting the wind. we could have a little more light precipitation and could be light because there is no significant accumulation. high today about 42 degrees and cloudy and windy. and tomorrow still breezy and 44. friday less of a beze and 46. and then the weekend, saturday and sunday temperatures in the 50s. and it is going to feel really good. that's a look at what is happening with the weather. now an update on the morning troubled traffic, here is julie wright with that. what are you laughing about? >> about you. because you are so excited saying in the 50s! >> i am. i am thinking it will feel really, really good. >> yes. and it's about time. and as you said, it has been trouble out on the beltway and around town, route 1 still blocked off in each direction between 23rd and 27th in crystal city. so the eaves is the work around. and toward national airport, use gw parkway. the trip along piney branch at university, still dealing with accident activity now that police are on the scene they're taking up a couple of lanes and it's causing a backup. outer loop slow from 95 to georgia avenue. 66 low downs from 123 into the capital beltway. we have backups on 95, woodbridge, newington toward the pentagon on 395. th your fox 5 on- time traffic. a scheduling change on american idol. last night the men performed instead of the women ter contestant crystal bower sack had to be hospitalized. insiders say she is okay and will perform tonight. and let's hope the girls do better than the boys tonight. kind of rough. and joining us jack diamond and the kitty of the city from wkys and marcus johnson is back. and we want to congratulate you. your album poetlyustified was was nominated for the best album and here you are with his wife on the red carpet. >> i'll all grown now. >> and over all, the show. >> it was better this week. keep in mind these are amateurs. and they're on idol because their careers need help. i thought it was interesting, casey who was the standout last time had a rough time this week. and i did like them having the guys go first this week. i think they should do that as a regular feature. then the girls can go to school on the guys and i realize because crystal was hospitalized but i like the fact that the guys went first. >> and the judges are talking about the idea of this, some people sounding karaoke, but they're doing cover tunes with a band, it is karaoke. so until you get into a groove where you can -- where you have more time to rehearse with a band and really form you'll ate a true arrangement, geyour production everything, it will rough. >> and they say to make it you're own and then you're smacked for doing that. >> i disagree with randy on that. >> randy was tough. and ellen was too. let's get into the performancey. they like to call him big sexy, but here is big mike. [ singing ] >> this is what i wanted from him. this is more of his lane. how far he will go, i don't know. but i think he'll end up back home with the wife and the pampers. but if he's going to do something at a local club, this would be great. >> and i like his look. >> he had good attitude and i like that he put the guitar down and focused on his singing and that's what was missing last week. the guy is loveable and has a great look and he has confidence, make i eye contact with the judges. >> and i like that he has a swag. that mic is just an extension of him. he's moving and he says -- if there is a circle they have to stay within, he was right there but yet he was in a grove. >> he could be my bodyguard. >> cool mike. >> and next up, i thought a great improvement from lee dewise. [ singing ] >> he could be on the radio, as far as i'm concerned, right now. >> allison, i agree. solid vocals and he's unbelievable. >> nice looking guy. i think he has commercial appeal. for this demographic, whoever would buy that. >> but it's tough when you change-up a well-known melody and that's a pretty -- a fairly simple song. i wasn't crazy about the arrangement but he pulled it off. and as the judges keep saying, make it your own and i guess he did. >> marcus, what did you think about his lips. quick, quick answer. >> i thought nothing about his lips. >> and i was going huh, but simon likes jim. i don't get it. i don't understand it. [ singing ] >> i see it. he has the marketability that needs to be worked on. you put this kid on glee, he's like a heart throb. >> he's rocking it. >> ellen said if he was an actor who could sing a little bit, he would be great. >> he makes me uncomfortable. i am so nervous for him. look at his lip. i find myself needing tums. he's a nice kid. there are a lot of nice people and we have our own segment going on over here. it is an amateur contest and we have to keep that in mind and they are here to learn and people are being rough on these kids. i thought tim urban should be gone last week and again this week. >> and i see somebody who potentially has that and nobody has that. >> and casey waspretty weak last night. >> i do like casey, but i like mike for what he does. >> he is the most legit in his own body and skin. >> well i think jermaine would take offense to that because in his mind he's already on tour. jermaine sellers. let's check out jermaine. [ singing ] >> it's too much for me. >> it's too much for everybody. >> he is over the top, give him love for the mohawk. >> they call that a faux hawk. >> and he wanted to take simon to church. >> he said he still wears onesies and i think he's still a kid and he's all delusional. he won't be around long. >> when he knocks on your record company door, would you let him do background. >> gotta go, gotta go. >> when you're right, you're right. >> and we have time for one more. and i love andrew garcia: all right. andrew garcia. [ singing ] >> but the judges, they keep holding him to the standard of that paula abduhl song that he did on the guitar. he's trying to do something different. >> at least his glasses weren't sliding off. at least i didn't feel like -- i've been eating fried chicken and mac and cheese as well. >> and there is something likeable about him. this is the most contrived part of the show. and until they can get on the big stage and get their groove, there is a whole thing with the monitor systems and everything, when you're doing a live performance, that most pple don't really understand with a live performance. and when you get to that point, then you can really rock. when you have the whole full production. i'm looking forward to the next four weeks to see who. >> and we need to get rid of a few styles. >> and get down to those who have a shot at it. >> and poppy will be around for a while. >> panel, we'll see you. tonight is the ladies. >> yes, ladies. girl power. >> back to you. >> looking forward to more discussion coming up. it is now 8:26 on this wednesday morning. up next, an update on how our three blizzards have effected the cherry blossoms. and the best swimsuits for any body type. from petites to the athletic build to the plus sizes what, will fit best for you. so stay with us. fox 5 morning news will be right back.  creeping up on 8:30 right now. i don't think anybody can forget the back to back blizzards. to fresh in our memories. and we hopefully won't talk about how city ruined our cherry blossoms. and joining us now to help us think positively from the tidal basin, cherry blossom festival diane mayhew and mark klein from the park service. good morning to both of you. >> good morning. >> and you are there in the shadow of the cherry blossoms and everybody wants to know with the rough weather we had, how are things, are the trees okay? >> absolutely. regardless of the recent snow that we've had, the cherry blossom trees came through with resounding flare. there have been some leaves and branches trimmed and there are a few that had to be replaced but we've had to deal with ten at most replacements so the great majority made it and we're looking forward to a great and fantastic cherry bross -- blossom festival. >> will the snow push back when they blossom? >> not so much the snow. it was sort of an insolator. what is very important is the overnight low temperature. if it's lower than 40 degrees consistently, that will slow down somewhat the ability of the blossoms to move forward. if on the other hand the rest of march we have warmer temperatures, if we do and the overnight temperature is above 40, that will move the cross he is along. >> well our guys are talking about the mid to upper 50s this weekend and so we'll keep our fingers crossed for more and diana, a lot of us are saying we had the lizards -- the blizzards and weather, now we're looking forward to this. >> we have three great weekend events coming. >> we want to hear about it. tell us about it. >> march 27th through april 11th and 16 days of daily performances at the target sylvan stage at the monument grounds. it will be a wonderful two weeks. >> what are some things that folks can enjoy this year. i know that you try to spice things up every year. >> the very first weekend we open up at the fashional building museum with lots of activities and we have an opening ceremony on saturday evening and in the middle weekend, fabulous fireworks at southwest water front and the finale weekend is the parade at constitution avenue followed by the largest japanese street festival in the country. and i apologize ann if you can't hear me directly. but i'll pass on the word. but we're also coming up on the centennial for the cherry blossom festival so there has to be excitement in the area about this year and what is coming up down the road. >> we have some fantastic things in works for 2012. we're celebrating 100 years anniversary of this magnificent gift of trees and you'll be hearing me of that in the months to come. >> and you talked about how the snow may or may not have an impact on the trees. but what about the other park lands you deal with here in the d.c. area? did we hold up okay and are you looking forward to a decent spring all around? >> we are. what i would say is rather than the cherry trees, the evergreen trees sustained the largest amount of damage. there is a large number of trees down along the clara barton parkway, along the gw parkway, but crews are out working on those. certainly there is other trees, elm trees on the mall have had some larger branches damaged but none to the extent that the trees will have to be removed. so our cherry tree crew and our arborists are out and working for the springtime. >> and that's good news. we're ready to warm things up. thank you for joining us this morning. best wishes as we move closer to the cherry blossoms that we all love here in the springtime. best wishes. >> thank you. >> we're ready for spring. >> you can say that again. and tucker, what do you think from what they were saying as far as the cold temperatures. >> old weather in the forecast for the next couple of weeks. generally speaking, as we get into the middle to the end of march temperatures will warm up and we do have the 50s in the forecast soon. >> we could end up back on track. >> i love that. >> and we don't have any bitter cold in the next 10-14 days and no more forecast after this morning. >> even better. >> but it did look chilly outside. let's get to it. satellite radar. snow hasn't amounted to much as temperatures are above freezing. but they fill in and fall apart and now the worst of it, the heaviest amounts are well off to the south and east. and another storm system. this is impressive stuff right here. a real impressive center of circulation across the carolinas. this will fade off to the east and the north during the course of the day and we'll be stuck with clouds but a few more snow showers in our forecast to start the day. temperatures i mentioned above freezing. that is good news. not going to warm up a whole lot today but don't worry about freezing on the roadway. 38 in national and quantico. fredericksberg has a temperature of 40 and 38 at dulles. sow get the idea. upper 30s and low 40s. the winds blowing out of the north and west. look for wind gusts here all day long with a cloud cover and temperatures about 40. it will feel colder than that all day song. so be prepared for another winter day and we're not concerned with any addtional snow and rain during the course of the afternoon. 42 out there. winds out of the north at 10- 15. looking for warmer temperatures. take a look. it will be nice. saturday and sunday daytime highs in the low to mid-50s. i think we're going to do 60 degrees by early next week. so real nice looking forecast into next week. that's a look at forecast. back to you at the desk. >> between the cherry blossoms and the forecast, that just made my morning. and we have more exciting stuff to come up. and more on why a local post office isclosed today because of something on the ceiling tiles. something we talked about yesterday. more details coming up. then he scored the winning goal and threw his glove and stick into the air but now his gear is missing and there is an international search on to find it. >> i'm suspecting a caps fan found it somewhere and got rid of it. stay with us. fox 5 morning news will be right back. is my map in the way ? 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[ male announcer ] instant weather and traffic without changing the channel and 2 times more very satisfied customers than cox. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800-974-6006 tty/v. just two days after doctors told the president he needed to watch his cholesterol, the commander-in-chief enjoys a lunch in savannah georgia. his table filled with fried chick and beans and potato salad. he told reporters he didn't want to hear any lectures about his cholesterol and ordered them to not tell michelle. and mcdonald's and weight watchers teaming up. the new zealand arm of weight watchers say they can enjoy a filleto fish or the chicken wrap for 6.5 points each. the director says it is to show you can enjoy life. however the australia obesity coalition says it's all about the sales. one sure fire way to lose weight is to workout. equinox gym using a new exercise call roped. we'll see if it's working because holly is checking it out. we'll check back in with her in the next hour. she's getting a work out on the next right. and gyms will get packed as people worry about swimsuit season. and elitia is with saks fifth avenue and she joins us to find the swimsuit no matter your body shape. and i love this because this is real advice you can use. >> it's that time of year. you want to get rid of the winter clothes and put on the swimsuit. spring break is right around the corner and so we have some tips to help your shopping experience. >> and with some different body types. this is long and lean. >> yes. we have kate. and the suit is playing up her natural curves and giving her a sense of curveyer shape and a larger bust and accentuate the bust line. this is a great way to give you the curbs you don't have naturally. a very flattering cut on kate. and next we have emily. which we are down playing the bust. but we can see it's really just keeping at traction away from the top. it's a very flattering cut with those with a fuller bust and gives you support and then the bottom is just a great little skirt and underneath is just a bikini bottom with a little bit of a boy short top so it compliments the top and bottom and black is always a very flattering color for swimwear. and next we have casey. and here we're accentuating the bust line. casey is wearing a mark jacobs bikini with the ruffle and sprints and this brings your eye up and the ruffle gives you the illusion of a fuller bust line and then the ruffles on the bottom keep the femin but it's cute. >> and it adds something so it doesn't matter when you look at the bust and you get something to look at the ruffle. >> thank you, casey. >> and now we have brianna and this suit gives you a great swim look all over. and you can see with the plunging v neck line and this gives you a curve. and the detail also brings your eye into the waistline and gives you the hourglass shape so it's overall lengthing the body. >> these chairs. i'morry. we're getting a workout on the chairs. so basically with a fuller figure, you want to create a little bit of a distraction, a little bit of bling. >> distraction. giving your eye a way to bring everything into the center and getting the v length look to lengthening the overall body. and now we have osy. this is the plunging neck line and the good color, the bright fuschia pink and it gives you an hourglass waist and works for most bust lines and the leg is not too high cut. and just a great all-around swimsuit. >> aleta, who can wear color? >> i think everyone can wear color. it's great for the spring. black is always safe and very flattering, but everybody can play with color. >> and as we bring everybody back in with just the different styles, let's talk about overall dos and don'ts, depending on different body types. is there a curvey figure, what should you stay away from, if your tummy needs support? >> go for reaching and stay away from anything that gives you a boy short fuller bod -- bottom look. you don't want to draw attention to your short comings. you don't want to over pad with accentuating your bust line. work with what you have. don't go for anything that gives you the look that is not part of you. >> for selfish reasons, what about curvey and petite. >> curvey and petite. that's great. that's perfect. that's t ideal body. >> what suit can i be in? i'm getting free advice. because i normally go for the one piece or the tank bikini. >> they are great. >> and are they still in? >> they are. and it is great for being petite and anything with a higher cut leg. that will give you the longer looking leg. and a v neck and longer leg elongates the body. >> and don't wear a pant suit like i have done on the beach before if you don't feel good about yourself. thank you, ladies. you look fantastic. and we're ready for the beach from aleta from saks fifth avenuement and this is a good blue print for when you're headed to the beach. >> that's right. to know what works for your body. >> thanks for coming in today. now as we take to you break, we'll be back for good news for bitter u.s. olympic hockey fans. some special pieces of canadian golden boy syndey crosby's gear is missing. i wonder where it is. we'll talk about that when we come back. here's to the believers. the risk-takers. the visionaries. the entrepreneurs... who put it all on the line to build and run their own businesses. at at&t, we know something about that. our company started out in a small lab, with not much more than a dream. and today, we know it's small businesses that can create the jobs america needs. that's why at&t is investing billions urade and build out our wired and wireless networks. making them faster, smarter, and more secure. connecting small businesses to markets across the country, and around the world. we invest now, because we know it will pay off... with new jobs, new growth, from a new generation, putting their belief in the future on the line. now is the time for investment and innovation. the future is waiting. and the future has always the future is waiting. and the future has always been our business. at&t. one taste and you'll understand. delicious dunkin' donuts coffee -- pick some up to brew at home. america runs on dunkin'. tonight there will be great maryland. and maryland teammates have won 11 out of the past 13. they are ranked 22nd and tonight a rematch with duke who beat maryland by 11 in durham back in february. now a mystery involving some missing hockey equipment from the canadian olympic hockey team. officials say the gloves and stick used to score the winning goal at canada's victory over the u.s. are now missing. canadian player syndey crosby flung the items up in the air after the win. they found the mouth guard but couldn't find the stick and gloves. and the redskin team owner demanding a retraction after reporting that dan snyder spent $600,000 on a pair of alligator leather desks for his office. he says that's plain false and doesn't have a office at fedex and claims it was made up by the owner of the furniture store. >> well that does it for me. coming up at 9:00, a no-no for faa. a kid at the control tower giving direction to planes. we'll have reaction. and a stun gun inside the home where michael jackson's children live. child protective services were called. and we have one of the best fighters in the country. >> sugar shane mosley coming up at 9:00. what's our favorite part of honey bunches of oats? the sparkly flakes. the honey-baked bunches! the magic's in the mix. my favorite part? eating it. honey bunches of oats. taste the joy we put in every spoonful. we call the bunches in honey bunches of oats the prize in the box. well, now there's a prize inside the prize. pecans! pecans! baked into crunchy oat bunches. taste the delicious surprise in every spoonful. honey bunches of oats with pecan bunches. beautiful. why choose between delicious or 100 calories? with yoplait delights... you can finally have both. it's the perfect parfait... ...with two indulgently rich layers... ...of chocolate... ...and raspberry yogurt... ...and only 100 calories. yoplait delights. get rid of the "or". much more ahead in this next hour of fox 5 morning news. i'm allison seymour. >> i'm tony perkins. d.c. gay marriage has history making as residents line up for marriage applications. and marion barry has been censured by the d.c. council and this has to do with the contract issue and bob bennett report. he joined us earlier on fox 5 morning news and we'll show you what he had to say. and two jewelry store robbers leave behind -- we'll tell you what they left. they left their child behind. and of course that child led the authorities back to his parents. we'll tell you how that all happened. >> and it has been a jam packed morning and it continues this morning. sugar shane mosley. >> sugar shane. >> one of the best boxers in the world and set to fight in one of the boxings events. he joins us live

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