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Right now at 10, metro riders surrounded comby smoke on the platform at the gallery place metro during the height of thehe afternoon rush. One person taken to the hospital. Will the repairs affect morning commute. A bouncer at a dc nightclub says he was at taxed at a job. A Navy Commander was initially charged it seems the case c against him has gone away. Fox 5 is asking why. Plus, dcs minimum raise is officially rising to 15 dollars an hour. Hou the change that local businesses are bracing for. Right now at 10. We begin with developing newe in downtown dc commuters on metro once against experienced smoke in a station. This time inside the gallery im shawn yancy. They were inside on the platforms when that station started filling with smoke. Fox 5 Jennifer Davis. I know they are still working will they be finished in time fort morning commute. Reporter well, lets start with good newses, they tell status as they come up the escalator they just wrapped up the work things are better heret it was a rough rush hour, yet again for metro. At one point this evening t problems persisted well into the evening. As you mentioned the biggest problem today here was gallery place the heart of rush hour smack in the middle of it. A very small fire but it caused big problems for thousands. Tho take a look at some of the videos and photos people posted. Showing chaos that erupt haded. Employees that a one person was taken to the hospital suffering from smoke inhalation. Its not believed those injuries though are life threatening f tr all this happened just beforeefr six. Si metro was able to restore service about an hour later around seven. But then 30 minutes later atat 7 30 the heavily traveled greenn and yellow lines were cut down again because metro says it realized more emergency track ta re, pairs were needed related to that smoke incident. Shuttle buses were had were available. I did a hard day at work i w want to go home. Mime mad putter it like this imtt mad. Im tired i want to go home. I want to eat my dinner and this comes up im pissed. I think its a little crazy theyre doing safetrackingackg theres going on. I dont like it no more if ii could walk to work i would the thats how bad i feel about metro get off the train. Rain they tell us we got to take a shuttle bus to another bus. Thats too much. Reporter seems like too much nor a lot of people nat fans n they were able to i can if the t problem here and they say, green and yellow trains are running again although you should expect some residual delays. Just to show you how difficult things were for the system hits evening there were delays bothe ways on the blue line as well w when the train hit a dear at the van core renne station. Ore back to you guys. Thank you. Now to fox 5 exclusive a bouncer at a dc nightclub wentit home with a black eye an unrulyu club peyton hit bottled, is it person was a u. S. Navy commander fox 5 tisha lewiw is live in northwest what happened. Reporter shawn, you know what what happened asked us whad happens when a Navy Commander at tacks a nightclub bouncer, apparently nothing. Not this Police Report says that the brutal beat down happened here at the 18th street lounge hereng in northwest. St. Its closed tonight it was openw thisas pastor weekend during the independence, i spoke with the injured bouncers mother who says her son spent the day in theay emergency room recovering from o this attack take a listen to a what happened in the timeline of events. Navy commander is a freeman fre monday night after reportedly attacking bouncer fred smithth Early Saturday Morning accordin to arresmot documents he strucke him in the left eye with a glasa beer bottle, grabbed throat and cloaked him almostakd until he was unconscious. He was arrested and charged witt assault with a dangerous weapon. But 24 hours later, the District Attorneys Office says, there are no charges against commander bernie. Against the commander has seemingly vanished into thin air with no explanation. E even show, fox 5 local newsws learned the attack happened inside the 18th street lounge. And it was likely caught on camera. That were at least three peoplet who saw the beat down. Police report says brass knuckles a blunt object and pert weapons including hands and feet were used to at tack the bouncer the report retails plus witnesss attacks equal one vicious assault. Reporter district attorneyd office would only say there aree no charges and quote, we dont n comment on charging decisionsios and we wont comment particular matter end code. Responding officer fox 5 local news learned they were wearing w body cameras which means the attacks after math was likely cottoning tape as for this injured bouncer we are told he is still recovering stillecov nursing the wound including a cut and a swollen not to his h left eye. Tisha lewis fox 5 local news. Civil rights leader walterale fauntroy was arrested. D. Former dc goal fat ac caused ofc writing a bad check for 55 thousand dollars back in 2012t he had out standing arrest warrant in prince georgesn prin county. Off and on roy was arrested by Border Patrol officials while clearing customs. The 83 year old just got off a a flight. He is due to be arraigned tomorrow morning. Major victor for Supreme Court through hut his conviction. That wassian must. He was facing up to two ears 89s prison. He was allowed to remain free while the justices weighed his appealed. Prosecutors went too far in charging him and never proved what official act he p. M. Ine exchange for gifts and loans. Group says this ruling will make future bribery cases tougher to prosecute. Problem is this decisionis doesnt just protect constituents it protect anyone large doners and large ben phak torques all of these types ofe y people can ask, they can ask a Government Official provide official that prompt moats themt kind of helps them sets up meetings that type of sort of lower level favors is not at this point prohibited by the federal bribery statute. He thanked the court. Ourt minimum wage is officially going bowser signed legislation togiso raise it to 15 dollars an hourn by the year 200020. Small businesses are concerned about what this wage w hike could do to their bottom line. Sarah simmons is live with thehe story. Reporter it is a victory for those who are struggling to make ends meet. Eet. Minimum wage is going up. While thats good news for families who work in the district there are some small s Business Owners that are concerned about how they will accommodate the pay increase. Are you ready to give everybody affair shot . I know i am. Reporter after years of fighting to raise the min moment wage dc mayor signed the bill into law doing just that. When we come together as a a city theres nothing we cantnge do. Lets sign this bill. Reporter at least one Restaurant Owner is for it. A small local fingers crossed that whatat happens in the district does not stay in the district. But continues to spread all across the country. It is simple. Allow your staff to 35 and yourd company will drive. Reporter it will be graduala set to go from 1050 to 1150 ann hour in july. Then gradually increase to 15 dollars by p 2020. Some small Business Owners worried about the fall out evenn though the owner of indianandia restaurant is for the minimum wage increase he is worriedorri about other businesses will respond. We have servers and buskers some places they servers may take additional responsibility my worry is that i hope it does not affect the customer service. Reporter meanwhile the ownew that you just heard from who actually owns o numerous Small Businesses behind me says you will likely also see some of the business past costsa and to the consumer. D president obama also chimed inoc on the news today releasing ang statement commending theme district on passing this minimum wage increasing something he ha been pushing congress to do d since 2013 al be it unsuccessfully. 18 states and dc passed some form of minimum wage increase. Thats the latest here Cleveland Park Sarah Simmons fox 5 local news. Hundred of metros employees could see be out of a job. 500 jobs will be cut. Paul wiedefeld plans to eliminate jobs redundant. And jobs that are not essential they wont be filled. Laid off over the next several months. Surveillance is video coulde hold the key to solving a murder in Prince Georges County. Ges could this be the man who shot s five people in cold blood. Investigators need your help identifying this man. Plus Montgomery Elementary School teacher is ac caused of c sexually abusing two of his students. St why investigators fear there may be more victims coming up. Up. What started off as a good day turned very humid. Cold front across our area that will cause a few more showers s thunderstorms is likely foror tuesday ill have first look att the forecast for Tuesday Morning when fox 5 returns right after this. Welcome back. We want to check in on the forecast heres a live look outside. Some of you may have seen rainout night after our weekend weather. Lets get back to Caitlyn Cai Roth in the studio now with a look at what we tomorrow morning, caitlyn jostlc hey there, guys, it really was such a fantastic weekends. Turn over over most of day getting into the swing oven summer with the heat a little more humidity. We saw showers roll through here in dc it just moistened up the atmosphere weve still gotot showers we are dealing with. Storm tracker radar spotty a cluster of showers and a thunderstorms plenty of lightening. Pretty far south of our area down into stafford Spotsylvania County. Anywhere from port royal spotsylvania heavy heavy rainain far south of the district and ds this will continue to move south and east as we go through the overnight into northern next couple showers just popped upust knew montgomery one east of clarksburg and then now imm seeing on the topside even aven couple showershe wouldnt rule it out overnightvg hours. Ho it is very warm out there rightt now. Now. Temperatures are still in thehe upper 70s 79 dc dewpoints 70s down towards our south that is s serious moisture. Forecast tonight cold front still in place. Scattered thunderstorms towardsm our south just some showersme during the overnight hours. Heres what to expected when you step outside tomorrow morningw humid to begin, more showers and thunderstorms in the forecast. Seven day still coming up. Still thank you very much. Developing tonight fox 5 has obtained new video of the man wanted in connection to a triple murder in Prince Georges County. Police say the man was capturedd on a Convenience Store camera before going on to shoot fivehot people inside a home in district heights. Three of those people died. Ied. Two seriously injured. Lindsay watts is live with newew details about the killer and his encounter with the conveniencehc store clerk, reporter tony, earlierer tonight detectives were all oveo this neighborhood where the shootings happened. Ned. Handing out flyers and trying to generate tips. You can see the three murder victims right here they weree inside this home on orleans avenue friday night when they were killed. Now well show you some brande new video of the man police say is responsible and still on the run. They dont know who he is. Investigator have him on video. This was taken just before the killings at a store within walking distance of the home. I talked to a cashier that came facetoface her english wasnt good the man was aggressive with her, telling her to hurry up, hes pitchedly he boughtched cigarettes and left. From there he was caught on another surveillance you can see him holding the gun he went into the home on orleans avenue shot the victim then caught on camera again putting the gun away seems like hes pretty nonchalant after shooting five people which is disturbing to say the least. Reporter investigators donn know at motive was they believe it waswa a targeted crime. Police went doortodoor cabbinging neighbors and passinh out flyers asking for the publics help. We believe somebody out there knows who this person is. Distinctive hair, distinctive walk, distinctive clothing from that evening we look forward tod hearing from the community on this case. Reporter heres another loor for you at the three murderr victims a friend of allenn rowlett says he was a limo a driver who loved motorcycles, carlina grays sister said she s was concerning generous, sheer lived in the homeni with her boyfriend she was also shot but survived in a statement jan parks family says she last saw her mother 8 30 friday night ana hour later she was gone. It was sudden and unexpected. We learn today that police did f their investigation but they dont know if that had anything to do with the murder p again police are really hoping someonm in the community will come c forward and help them find the murder suspect. If you want to remain anonymous Contact Police at 1866411 tips. Were life in Prince Georges County Lindsay Watts fox 5 local news. A woman who fell off a boat a on marylands Eastern Shore was found a life. Lauren connor fell into theell water near the mouth of the Sassafras River around eight shawn wearing a life jacket, search boats, Fire Departments looked for her until about 2 30 this morning returned around 7 a. M. And found her on a near by island. Coming up next at 10 a 1 manning was caught on camera pointing his gun at a car in northeast and pulling the triggers tonight police need your help figuring out who he is. Goo yes third grade teacher from Montgomery County is facing charges he abused two studentsns and they are worried more victims could be out there. Amazing sleep stays with you all day and all night. Give you the knowledge to adjust for the best sleep ever. Dont miss the lowest prices of the season going on now, with our bestbuy rated c2 Queen Mattress now only 699. 99. Know better sleep. Only at a sleep number store. Into. New tonight dc police needc o your help finding a person in in connection with, take a gang look here at this newly released Surveillance Video you can see the gunman firing multiple shots at someone inside that car itt happened on june first brentwood road if you recognize the gunman call police. Montgomery School Teacher has been arrest attempted andttm charged with sexually abusing a mine no. John vigna is a third grade teacher at cloverly elementary school. El Police Arrested him us this thi morning. He inappropriately touched two students. Investigator wan other vick times might be out there. Fox 5 paul wagner has the story. Reporter up until februaryy john vigna taught third agree on brigs cheyney road in silver springs. Parents we talked to thought het was terrific are dumb founded by the allegations. I talked to him several times. Ti had Parent Teacher meetings with him. He seemed like a enough enough guy. Kids seemed to like him. He always had these interesting things that the kids liked to repeat and other teachers reallr seemed to like as well. Reporter he said there were rumors why he had been placed on leave nothing concrete untiloncr now. That is type of think happens from time to time kids trust somebody and they dont necessarily understand what is inappropriate or not. Reporter court affidavitte says the firstr victim to come forward told police inappropriate touching back in 2014 when she was just 11 yea old. Thats how long it took. The allegations started back in at least that we know of back ic august of 2014 up through thee school year. This investigation, theres no real crime scene. Theres no real evidence. Vide so, its a lot of digging using subpoenas, interviewingewin witnesses and piecing together all the facts and then we review wit the Montgomery County states Attorneys Office so we can coordinate the charges. A letter just sent home too parents says police asked the ak School System to keep the details of the teachers suspension on hold while they wi conductedded an investigation. It goes on to say, i know that t you agree that the behavior alleged in the charging document is both disturbing and business disappointing and, both have students and were astonished. I have a High School Students who had him as a teacher nice guy. Never felt he was inappropriate . Paul wagner fon 5 local news. Still ahead, raising awareness for Breast Cancer in the most unique way. A woman walked from mississippi to dc topless. No one said anything negative. No one said anything out of the way. Her journey incredible. Her story even more incredible. She explains how her journey is taking away the stigma associated with Breast Cancer coming up next right here fox 55 news at 10. Go ooh ooh. Hey they go ohoohooooh. Sitting, watching, waiting, wishing. I tell you one thing, you never knew it. At the back of the bus there is so much to give, so dream big. Yeah. And when they screaming get out, get out. Ll i wanna hear is t down, get down. Yeah. And when they screaming get out, get out. Ll i wanna hear is t down, get down. Get down, get down. vo you can check on them. You can worry about them. You can even choose a car for them. mom honey, are you ok . child im ok. announcer vo love. mom were ok. announcer vo its what makes a subaru, a subaru. T but you just had a big lunch it wasnt that big. Steve hey come back here steven, stay strong whwhats that . You. You want me to eat you . Honey, he didnt say that he did very quietly. Yyou cant hear from back there dont fight your instincts with each for 150 calories or less, try our chocolatey brownies, tangy lemon bars and creamy cheescakes fiber one. Go on, have one. Were back now with a look at tonights top stories. We begin with another smoke incident inside a metro station Jennifer Davis stappeding byer with the d latest. Reporter smoke temporary closed the station. It is now reopened. It was a very rough night. N metro says the problem was a a smolder ring bottle on the track an employee pit out it caused smoke to go not only on lower level tracks all through the t station. Been a rough night. They had delays on every line except the red at one time. What started as a preIndependence Day bar, Navy Commander being down a nightclub bouncer it happened here at the 18th street lounge the commander was arrested and charged with assault with a dangerous weapon now on monday the charges have been wiped away were searching for answer. Sarah. Into snow minimum wage is going up in the district. Mayor Muriel Bowser raisedd minimum wage raising it to 15 dollars by the year 2020. Right now the minimum wage is 10 dollars 50, set to go up to 11 dollars 50 cents then willll continue. Owners believe it b is a good idea. Od at the same time they say the cost will be passed on to the consumer. Dc kids may be considering careers as streetcar drivers s after really cool field trip tomorrow organization whorewhor tons kids visited the trainingg center in northeast. The kids got a behind seen looke at how the streetcars work theye also got the chance to pick the brain of a streetcar driver. D they all ask me wheres the ga not on the floor like your own vehicle. With my left hand the control handle which powers proper pole shun. Kids got a lesson in safety reminded never to walk in front of on coming streetcar becausear they cant stop as quickly. Uicky no your Status National hiv testing day its a reminder. Center for disease chrome prevention says more than amore Million People in the United States are living with hiv h nearly 45 thousand will find out they have it this year. United medical sent was one of many places across the region that provided free hiv testing this afternoon. Noon people should know united helped sent can be tested notten only testing date but every day. They supply us so we can test and people couple find out in one minuted. Medical experts. Ts. Finished her topless journey fromou mississippi. Not only is she raising she awareness she wants to change Breast Cancer policies. Ronica cleary caught up wit sur 55 on capital here. Reporter walking a thousand miles. D she did the entire thing topless. I walked topless for many m reasons the number one reason ii to ticket stigma and the shame a away from women who have had the double mass second ma seconda tomorrow. My walking across the country topless with no shame has healed so many women. Reporter beyond removingor stigma shete wants to healthcare reform. R she was lucky to have a car to still and furniture to sell toll help cover the cost. She knows many women are not as fortunate as she is. She arrived today on her 50th birthday a milestone incredibly important to her. H is it this birthday is special because so many women didnt see 50 that fought thet same battle. B so im celebrating them and thats why it was so important for me to reach the capital you know on my 50th birthday. Reporter you may have noticed she was wearing yellow and not pink, now, she said that while pinks about promotingin Breast Cancer awareness, yellow is the color of healing. She said that we dont need more awareness about Breast Cancer. What we need now is a cure. Reporting at us capital ronica c cleary fox 5 local news. We have a heads up for those protein bars your box could be contaminated. General mills is recalling thosg flavors are honey and almonds with pumpkin seeds, peanut almond, roasted peanut and cash shoe and see salt. Sal if you own a volkswagon thats caught up you could be in for a major payday. Well have all the details for t you straight ahead tonight. Ton. 401k taking another hit. Worries about what it all means to the global economy. Meanwhile you you might want tot get an early start new report r saying nearly 43 Million Peoplep are going to be traveling for f thats a record high. Hig one big reason of course, its i cheaper to fill up the tank. Tom pump prices down nine days i in a row now at the lowest level in more than a decade for this time of the year. And pepsi creating a new cole la with an old classic, diet pepsi classic sweet never blend going to taken artificial sweetener. The company decided to bring itb back after fans of the originali drink campaigned about theca change inch flavor. Looking for a place toch retire you may want to look at arlington, virginia, new study naming that the top city for retirement walk ability access to health care some of the bigmo reasons why. Thats wishes im david as ton what if we made a paint that was so special that was such a jewel among paints that you had to seek it out. Nope, even easier than that. More like taking a left on that street where you usually take a right that wasnt so hard. Ding that paint made you and your walls beam with pride, is it still paint . Benjamin moore. Paint like no other. Find one of our 5,000 authorized retailers near you. Why should over two hundred years of citi® history matter to you . Well, because it tells us something powerful about ogress. That whether times are good or bad, people and their ideas will continue to move the world forward. As long as they have someone to believe in them. Tic cable that connected continents. And the panama canal, that made our world a smaller place. We backed the Marshall Plan that helped europe regain its strength. And pioneered the atm, for cash, anytime. For over two centuries weve supported dreams like these, and the people and companies behind them. So why should that matter to you . Because, today, we are still helping progress makers turn their ideas into reality. And the next great idea could be yours. New details today in the brexit vehicle us secretary of met we may to and eu officials. Hes working to keep us relations strong with britain bi and eu. Great britains exit wont be w quick the process will take at k least two years. British Prime Minister cameron says it should be left to the Prime Minister and their cabinet. Cameron announced his resignation on friday. Another hit for uk following the brexit vote standard stripped the uk or triple a rating and moved it to double a. Will he lead to a stable policy framework for the kuk. Volkswagon with settle a lawsuit it will largest pay outside in history. Last year they admitted 11 million had software to cheat emissions test. It required the german auto maker to repair or by back and pay each owner as much as 10 thousand dollars. A judge has to approverove settlement before it guess into effect. Tonight at 11 a Maryland County prosecutor charged withae indecent exposer what hes accused of doing in association city. A local rapper attended a pray for Peace Charity event one hour later he was developed details about the murderurde investigating. Caught on cam remarks aught scary car o crash with a celebry inside find out what happened, coming up on fox 5 news at 11. 12 pink tonight residents in West Virginia are favor ther th threat of more rain a waters already ravaged parts of the stated. The flooding killed two dozen people. Fox Garrett Tenney has the latest. Reporter West Virginia is bracing for more flooding. We already are in fact sending supplies, water, food to those areas that need it. Reporter a federal disaster has been declared in three of the hardest hit counts while state of emergency has been declared in more than wenter 20 other count due to the flood. Od. To see water this high this quick with this much deaf viach stations almost unheard of. Reporter more than 20 peoplh have died in the flood owing over the last few days, governor earl ray says people could still be missing. Flash flood washing and warnings remain in effect for much of the state. I just want to say that how sorry i am that have lost their lives instt this event. This this has been one of the largest drowninging and losses of lifefi weve have in West Virginia in many years. Reporter clean upest is noun under basement many resident lost everything, rest cross reports more than 400 people inn shelter. Sheriff of one county he received reports of looting. We will be stepping up patrols citizens have armed themselves. If you decide to loot and steale from people who have already alr been ravaged, youll be lucky if were the once that catch you. Reporter state officials arc still assessing the damage. The loss could total in then hound of millions of dollars. Ola im Garrett Tenney, fox news. Ene in california massive wild fires are destroying homes there. Ere. Governor declared a state of emergency. Fires have killed two people and the death toll could rise. Neighborhood with ka discovery k dogs. H temperatures tem and low humidity are fanning those flames. All right lets find outnd what weve got in store for our forecast tonight, tomorrow theot rest of this week. Caitlyn. Tony, tonyou shawn and amazing as we take a live look outside think about how we got that tiny grip glim ps a much a more widespread larger scary scale and unfortunately, the deaths are a result of that flash flooding incredibly dangerous. We are hoping for quick clean up for those in West Virginia. Unfortunately, we had more scattered showers and storms and throughout today. Flash flood warnings remain inai part for the southwestern part s of the state. St fours just a few showers. Tonight and then thunderstormsth e now the highest threat is north of us not wested of us in West Virginia they could still see some agent middle part of the week looks great. I think we m got a couple of fuy dry days. Dr into they Holiday Weekend well have your first look at what promises to be a very summery like weekend. W we head into july beginning on friday. Storm strack consider radar we had showers that wentck c throuh this evening it remained in cree belle mild outside. Mild we got plenty of moisture in place. Weve seen storms bubble up ovep the past hour or to write around district certainly the beltway. W one by beltsville, Prince Georges County right now, been drifting east ward. Road in these sees that scenes very very heavy rain sitting offer fairfax, kingstown, yougso guys saw heavy rain win the weight hour. Ht if you are under one of its pouring, if you are not you dont know what im talking about. Ab what has been tolding together a stronger clast, plenty of lightening south of dc, along 95 and east east of there, Spotsylvania County here, heavy lightening and heavy rain that will cross into southernther maryland p still showers and and storms out that. Started off a beautiful day. We had a lot of sunshine. It was warm. 87 was the high temperature. Empe 86 dulles. 87bwi. Noticeable change and humidity. Temperatures very mild. 75 gaithersburg p72 in winchester. It was a gorgeous weekend withih low humidity this is more reminisce september of late june in dc. We got humidity back thats definite physical stickingg around till tomorrow. Tomorrow morning we could be he is special p. M. South andm. East of washington where thiss moisture gets hung up during overnight hours. T i think we should plan on a a fairly active day tomorrow, thats not to say there wont be breaks and then a line of showers and storms is likely along the actual cold front that will swing back down through 95 corridor into washington, thats the final push behind that we clear out segue into realeal beautiful wednesday. Severe Weather Threat nearly off to our north. Philadelphia into new york, marginal risk here in washington. We are still concerned about heavy rain. Could have brief gusty wind with isolated severe weather. Severe Weather Threat is minimal here but it does exist. There will be thunderstorms before we dry out and see that nicer cooler air mass. Wednesday and thursday look fantastic perfect for the pool. Low temperatures overnight 70 here washington. W it is muggy. You need that air conditioning to be comfortable the next couple of days. High temperatures tomorrow t around 90 degrees we got the opportunity for self round of thunderstorms throughout the day just need umbrellas and plan or taking it easy morning commute. Storms likely tomorrow. Less humid wednesday really nice thursday. Kent high land that will be a wonderful friday morning trip. Heat humid might not have a, we not going following out of the whole Holiday Weekend whiteout a chance of showers so and thunderstorms. July 4th talk about the forecast looksorc like we clear out with sunshine 88 degrees. We will be taking look at that. All right a thank you r caitlyn. Remains of ancient maam moga have beencn discovered. Archaeologist are digging up the bones. Reminder are believed to be 14 4 thousand year old. Bones are scattered suggest humans may have cut it up. Scientists hope to assemble and put them on display. Coming up a fireworks display better than the district, the city ranked aheade of us when it comes to Independence Day celebrations. Ea line up for thighs years festivities on the National Mall well have that for you when we come back. They go ooh ooh. Hey they go ohoohooooh. Sitting, watching, waiting, wishing. I tell you one thing, you never knew it. At the back of the bus there is so much to give, so dream big. Yeah. And when they screaming get out, get out. Ll i wanna hear is t down, get down. Yeah. And when they screaming get out, get out. Ll i wanna hear is t down, get down. Get down, get down. Amazing sleep stays with you all day and all night. Sleep number beds with Sleepiq Technology give you the knowledge to adjust for the best sleep ever. Dont miss the lowest prices of the season going on now, with our bestbuy rated c2 Queen Mattress now only 699. 99. Know better sleep. Only at a sleep number store. We are a week away from the 4th of julyly celebrating. Every year crowds or entertained with live music and fireworks. Ew Nations Capital is just okayus when it comes to our fireworks displays. The best dc number four, seattle, orleans are all ranked ahead of us. Have you been to the other cities. For fireworks, no. This years capital fourth the national sim funny, smoky robinson, kenny lo against and ya rhonda adams. During president george bushs time in the white house he share his disdain for the green vegetable. I do not like broccoli and id havent liked it since i was a little kid and my mother made me eat it. And im president of the United States and im not going to eat any more. More than 25 years after that anti brock key declaration arati five year old boy is sharing hih love with the former president t child named cooper wrote this my grandma told me that to you do a want it served i just want you to know that i love broccoli, mr. President probingly is good four i wish you liked it like i do. I like it the into year old september zoo response proud ofs his interest in healthy eating. Un persuasive guess that meansaa the president is not going to eat the broccoli. Fox 5 local news at 11 starts right now. Right now at 11 a fox 5 exclusive. A Navy Commander arrested and accused of attacking a local nightclub bouncer but did the commander receive special treatment . Metro riders frustrated after more smoke appeared inside a metro station today. Im mad, tired, want to go home. Tomorrow mornings commute. A local rapper known for speaking out against violence gunned down after a charityter event what police are now saying about his murder. Your news starts right now. We begin tonight fox 5 exclusive thanks for joining us im shawn yancy. Im tony perkins a bouncer claims a u. S. Navy commanderomma attacked him with a beer b Police Arrested and charged thed commander but now is he off the hook. Tisha lewis is live with the the story tonight. Tisha . A . A. Tony that is a big question were here along 18th street where all the bars that you see on my right were participating in a preIndependence Day bar, it is when people hospital bar to bar to bar the navy candor actually ended up here at the 18ly street lounge. The bilyg question were asking

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