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Right now at 10, enough is enough. Congressional democrats are Holding Meeting on capitol hill dealing with americans epidemic of gun violence. What will it take to make the lawmakers move. Will we see severe storms as early as sunrise. Are newly up stalled street lights making you sick. Health concerns doctors are raising right now on fox5local news at 10. And happening right now, lets take you live right now to the house floor live images of the sit in going right now in the house of representative representatives. Congressional democrats have been there protesting for hours and theyre demaping action on a vote on tougher gun laws. Thanks for joining us everyone im shawn yancy. Im tony perkins. Lawmakers entered hour ten of their slawrn live on capitol hill with the latest. Lauren. Well lawmakers continue to sit in inside a capitol hill. Were outside the Capitol Building where this large protest continues to grow. As folks got off work. More and more of them coming out here. As they continue to protest, periodically, House Democrats will take a break. Walk outside and then thank this group of citizens that gathered. You see some of them with candles demonstrating in support of gun control legislation cheering on the islamic. Take a look at video we shot earlier. No bill. No break. No bill. No break. You see the Congress Members coming out to thank the protesters and their message aft deadliest mass shooting in modern history its time for what they call common sense Gun Legislation. And this all follows filibuster and four failed votes from the senate which could address background checks and guns to people on terror watch listed. Now today, House Democrats literally sitting on the floor of the house refusing to move until Speaker Paul Ryan brings a bill to the floor. Republicans gaveled out of the proceeds and turned off the cameras which broad dooingt cspan and were relying on social media lawmakers using twitter and peri scope to give is a look of what is inside. Every anybody of the Democratic Caucus joined the sit in led by john lewis. This is some of the video lewis posted online. We lost hundreds and thousands of innocent people to gun violence. Students, and teachers mothers and marriages and signature aernz brothers and daughters and sops friends and neighbors. What has this body done. And the significance of this. This is going global. People are paying attention. Theyre understanding that there is a decision congress can make. Just give us a vote. Why would they not give us a vote. Thats the challenge theyre putting. We want to put this issue off the table not about politics or lessons or campaigns its about saving peoples lives lets get it done and we can move on to the election. Where do you see this going tonight. Well see. That was minority leader nancy pelosi. Again, just one of several dozen law make irz that came out to address the crowd here this evening. And were watching this and the democrats say they will continue to sit on the house floor. I saw one tweet from a law maker saying that they could be here as long as 4th of july. Well have a nice view of the 4th of july celebration. We know that the House Speaker has call the floor out of recess apparently beginning 10 p. M. Jus supposed to take up work on zika bill. But democrats say they are continuing sit in. Not sure exactly how that is all playing out right now. Well have an update for you at 11. Thats the latest on capitol hill, Lauren Demarco, fox5 local news. Lets talk about the weatherch the cleanup from tuesdays storms is not even over yet and now were preparing for another storm. Caityln roth is tracking a batch of bad weather headed our way. Caityln this is supposed to hit in time for the morning commute, right . Yes, shawn, its unusual we see overnight heavy rain and possible Severe Weather come through during the overnight hours. Thats what were expecting early thursday and were still recovering from the Severe Weather yesterday including con foyrmd tornado in howard count county. Right now couldnt be quieter. It as i georgous evening. Late day sunshine and comfortably warm. Looming this is a line of incredibly strong thunderstorms tornado watch out for chicago and leading edge of showers and thunderstorms east of ft. Wayn wayne, indiana and its a ways off and moving tornadic threat exists for the midwest and for us it will probably be more damaging wind and heavy rain. Still, very impact full. And all right, moderate risk of Severe Weather now ongoing across the ohio vaelly and d. C. Area its a slight risk including Northern Virginia and off to West Virginia and further west you go the higher chance of Severe Weather overnight tonight. Into early tomorrow morning. Flash flood watch out for extreme western counties northwestern maryland, virginia pan handle to morgantown and western pennsylvania for the heavy rain threat we sought flash flooding ourself tuesday in the Cleveland Park metro station. You see how dangerous flash flooding is. During the overnight hours its not until about 3, 4 a. M. This complex preaches rest West Virginia. 8 a. M. Showers and thunderstorms heaviest north and west. I think we want to watch those areas in the Flash Flood Watch and watch Northern Virginia and Southern Maryland the most and if this is correct then just the heaviest amount of thunderstorms. Its not one round tomorrow. Planning forecast says after brief sunshine rater in the afternoon we could have a second around of thunderstorms also possibly severe. Much more on that ahead in the 7 day forecast. Tony. All right. Caityln. Thank you very much. More potentially Severe Weather on tap for tomorrow theres concern we could see about bought of flooding like this. Last night water went rushing down the stairs into the Cleveland Park metro station. Tonight work is underway to try to believe ept more problems. Fox5 Sarah Simmons is live in northwest with the latest. Sar after. Well, tony, it is hard to believe the video you can see on the screen is from Metro Security cameras and that is of that water rushing down here at the Cleveland Park metro stop and our fox5 weather teams tells us there was 1. 2 of rain that fell in 4 five minutes and that started 6 00 during the rush hour. In that rain came all the way down the stairs. And it was just rushing and so there are a lot of folks questioning now how could this happen . And now, here we are as you mentioned tomorrow morning we could be looking at additional rain. And during the rush hour time period. Z. C. Water was out here earlier today checking storms sewers and removing Manhole Covers and checking to see if there was anything blocking different lines. While d. C. Water says there was nothing they could do about all the rain people who lived nearby say this area has been plagued with flooding problems for years. Theyre at least four spots in the next lot where water shoots off whenever we have more than 15 minute of rain. I have called and complained and they dont seem to do anything. Thats what happened. When it rains hard like that the sewer lines are going to take as much water as they can and as much as they can. And when they cant take an anymore Everything Else will be backed up. Tre to go it will be stagnant and stay right. There. Now, of course, a lot of folks were telling us yesterday when we spoke with them, too, theyre used tom complications with metro and its another problem. Metro heres another thing metro says this is not their fault. This say flash flooding situation that drains away in about ten minutes so there really of course was not much they could do other than team were going to have to keep an eye on things once again and make sure that does not turn into a wednesday night commute. And thats the latest here at the Cleveland Park metro stop. Sarah simmons, fox5 local news. New at 10 it has been 7 years since one of the deadliest crashs in metro history two trains collided into each other killing two people and injuring dozens mor more. Some of the victims families are grading the rail service and the progress. We talked to fox5 tish alewi this say tough anniversary for them. 7 years later. Theyre shutting down metro to make improvements but its a little too late for me. It should have been done. Family Memorial Park northeast. They share painful memory of their loves ones deaths each day and today was no exception. Roses, picture, heartbreak here near the crash site where their loved ones were killed. Angling that the changes didnt come sooner when they had over 100 deficiencies. Ta wanda says it was june 22, 20 owe 09 when her daughter lavanda and seven others and train operator died on board a red line train. The train slammed into the back of a stopped train near the for the to theen metro station northeast. The message politics over people. It should always be people over the problem. Trapped riders could be seen escaping at the time electronic failures were to blame. Firm the problem and the people still ride the metro. In the 20309 crash sensors created to report the deadly collision reportedly failed. I was expecting something to happen much sooner but i am pleased today with the effort they are putting forth. She was a hard working woma woman. She was very devoted to her job you know to her spiritual life. Evelyn hernandez is talking about her mother ana also killed in the collision. 7 years later what grade would you give the trains. An e. Fernandez Harsh Criticism comes on heels of explosions, rolling shut doupz and amid metro surge this week impacting three lines. Have gone by everything seems to get worse. Tawanda brown was more for giving. In the 7 years the accident occurred this is the first general manager that has been agreeceive enough to shut down metro. It awanda brown giving credit to the general manager paul wheatfeldmany agree the work is overdue. Browns daughter leaves behind two sops. Evelyn fernandez mother leaves behind six childrench tisha lieu witness. Fox5 local news. More khainss for the top of metro they named a chief operator officer. Joseph leader will be in charge ever rail buzz and Transit Services and leader previously served as senior vicepresident of the department of subways for the new York City Transit authority and his first day on the job is august 1. Coming up next at 10 could d. C. Newly installed streetlights make you sick, marina . Yeah, tony, there are no new warnings about the new lext d lights that came into the district and 6,000 more come together city and coming up how doctors are saying they can affect you. Also ahead tonight, frustrations are running high over Dangerous Levels of lead found in some d. C. Schools bring Drinking Water. What parents are demanding before the start of the next school year. Plus, climbing telephone polls to steal whats inside. Strange crime one county is facing coming up next at 10 welcome back, everyone, live pictures now from the house floor were now congregational democrats stapling aid sit in for the past ten hours or so just a short time ago paul ripe came back in to start of bring the house back into session. Democrats shouted him down. You can hear them right now. They are yelling, no bill, no break. Just a short time ago, the whi whip, minority whip moyer from maryland tweeted and told reporters that until we vote to address gun violence in congress. One of the things interesting about this is the speaker in bringing the house back to order is attempting to move forward with other business aattempting to iing are no the sit in oing gone and chaptering and shouting that is taking place. Curious way to go about doing things. Thats what happened during the last several minute in the house. You know you can hear the chaptering it is getting louder and louder as they try to bring this moment they try to bring the session to order and try to move forward to vote. We heard Lauren Demarco report earlier they were trying to vote on a zika virus bill. You can hear the democrats Congressional Democrats yelling we will be heard. We will not be we will not he give indicate and we will win. Hoyer sweet tweeting out a short time ago with the hash tag hold the floor. This movement was led by civil lewis representative from the georgia area and he knows what its like and he did this sort of thing in the 60s. He knows the value of sit in. And this is provoked much conversation as you can imagine all day on social media. Some of it quite uninformed if youve been reading much of it. But, a lot of conversation about you know, what should be taking place and what is not taking place, et cetera, et cetera, and some people very upset with the democrats for holding a sit in like this and others saying this is what it has come to because the house simply refuses to accountable on any meaning full Gun Legislation and other legislation as well over the last several years. So heres where we are. Unique moment in our u. S. History as House Democrats continue a sit in. Theyre in hour ten now of the House Speaker just a short time ago and calling the house back into session and but essentially attempting to ignore the and of course, we will stay on top of this as another dramatic moment happens and we will bring it to you live here on fox5. All right. Meanwhile, new at 10. Doctors are warning people across the country about the dangers of led streetlights. Marina morocco is live in southeast tonight where neighbors living there are concerned about the lights. Marina, what are they saying. Reporter they are. And they say that if theyre going to affect their health then they want them gonech the American Medical Association putting out these via largeing guidelines. And theyre saying that if the cities are adopting these new lights and want them to dim the lights in order to not affect health of the citizens. I want to show you an example here to the left here, youll see the warm orange sodium vapor lights and just across the way here this is what d. C. Just implemented bright white blue led lights put in the district for safety purposes and to give you a better sense about this here you kelvin looking at the warm hugh this is what it looks like the warm older light system. These led lights theyre white and bright. 5600 kelvin and this is what that light looks like. Now the ama saying, well, these new led lights go so far as causing glare and disrupt your sircadian rhythm which affects your sleep apple taking notes this and you see this is the blue lights on your iphone if you click right here thats the night shift and then it goes into that orange hugh one that helps you unwind and sleep better. Here in the district d dot saying theres roughly 300 led lights you see behind me here and right now theyre conside considering put in 6,000 across the city. Residents here that say if it affects their personal health they want them gone. We had the pole lights. Then we have these are much brighter. Very much brighter. So i dont sleep. Im like why cant i sleep. If a theyre going to hurtmy me my physical life me inside my heart and inside my life thats not good. I dont even know whats going on and youre quiling me and i dont know it. You would rather go back to the old lights even if it means compromising security. I would rather go back to the old lights to secure my physical health, my health mean more to me than anything. When it comes to sleep regulation sir okayedian rhythm and mel tone in, blue lights impact those the most. Whereas some of the other wavelengths and the more red color waved lengths seem to have less impact. Maybe you would not get the tradeoff may be that were not getting the same brightness when were trying to have a welllit area at night. Neurologist that says right now its simply too early to know what these led lights and long term affects will be on your health. Live tonight in southeast d. C. , marina morocco fox5 local news. Also new tonight at 10 police in Howard County are asking for help finding thieves who are obviously not afraid of heights. Police say someone climbed telephone polls, cut down verizon phone cables and ran off. Verizon reported six different incidents over the last ten days police think its because of the copper inside cables which can be sold at scrap yards for money. Theyre asking anyone who sees this happen to call 911. Gaink rear levels of lead found in water sources at d. C. Public schools the drastic measures city andle School District are keep taking to keep your kids okawhoa ady . [ explosion ] nothing should get in the way of the things you love. Rnet. Only from xfinity. D. C. Council is pushing for answers about the response to lead found in Drinking Water at some city schools and they healed a hearing to focus opt schools lead Testing Program and Council Members were visually frustrated that showed out of the 2400 drinking fountains tested 35 prosecution of them had lead levels not acceptable. They need felt rz by the start of the school year or the schools should be shut down. I believe the lead in the water is a significant problem. I agree with her scientific analysis of that. Any daughters own school had a water fountain that tested positive and water fountain at the library tested posz. As parents i get it and as counselor i know we need to make sure they have confy veps ever safe Drinking Water by their kids no matter are. D. C. Needs to establish environmental report card that would not grade the equaltivity water and also paint and anything else in a building that might harm someone. The Michigan Attorney general today announced a lawsuit against two private companies vixt oal and look woon and nunhav ham were responsible for the crisis in flint and responsible for the charges and there were charges against two state employees and today more criminal charges could be coming in the neat future. Z. C. Police tonight are beefing up security in certain areas as a result of metro safe track plan. Well tell you why officers are making an extra effort to keep late night riders safe hearing about any grandparents that was horrible thing the way they were murdered. A brand new project Holocaust Survivors a chance to share experiences with the public. Details coming up pals pa skl Congressional Democrats refusing to drop down in their 10 plus hour sit in. Theyre also pro testers outside of the capital that gathered here to cheer on the law maker. Lawmakers mixing it up with house Speaker Paul Ryan as he calls the house back into session. Theyre refusing to quiet and asking for gun control legislation on background tests and sale of gun people on terror watch well have a full update coming up for you at 11. 7 years later victims families are remembering loved ones they lost and one of the deadliest crashs in metro history. Two trains collided killing eight people and the trains operator. Dozens were inju some say the same problems then is this now and families say metro is still not making the grade. Sarah metro riders hoping they dont see a replay of tuesday evening commute. More storms and heavy rain forecast for tomorrow mornings rush hour. 1. 2 of rain fell in 45 minutes. Neighbors had issues with storm sewers backing up for years not to this degree. D. C. Water says the sewers with not built to with stand that amount of rain. Back to you. D. C. Police set up nighttime safe zones for reduced Metro Service caused by safe track plan. Those five zones feature more Lighting Signs and more patrol officers and commuters use it for at matt trachtion areas. Metro cut late night servic part of rebuilding plan located 8th street Dupont Circle u street and adam morgan. More details information on the exact location go to web site at fox5 d. C. Koxt. City of baltimore once again bracing for verdict in trial of officer charged in death of freddie gray. Officer Ceasar Goodson is the third of six officers to stand trial and only one though facing murder charges. And goodson was drivring the van when gray suffered that fatal spine or cord injury. Officer goodson failed to bubble him in or call for an ambulance. If convicted he could face up to 30 years in prison. Heres the story youll see only on fox5remembering the halocaust through count of survivor. 75 years ago today nawzyes invaded soviet union rounding up jewish citizens. Rita reuben maryland now is parts of them. Shes part of unique program at the Holocaust Museum called first person a series of conversations with survivors that allows an audience to hear first what happened ta halocaust survivors went through. Laura evans has more. Tell us what you can from what you have been able to gather and learn and what little fragment you remember. Fwhorn romania reeb areuben stein was a little girl can which she last saw her father. They put all the able bodied men in the army and my father was one of the able bodied men that was the last time ways to see him 4 1 2 at the time. Our happy family life changed. We had to close the store. I was no longer free to play in the streets the streets i saw death in the streets and sadness of people and hearing about my grandparents that was horrible thing and the way they were murdered. Her uncle discovered they were headed for a death camp and grandmothers quick thinking suing money into under gar meant allowed them to bribe a sold to help them escape. We were able to guy ourselves some time. And receipt aand what was left of her family spent the next years in the get owen during hardships and Health Conditions and eventually to a displaced persons camp in germany before immigrating to the united states. Reuben stein understands todays modern stay refugee crisis like she believes its essential that young people today learn about the history so this never happens again. But given the current state of world with organizations like isis and modern day antisem matic movement she believes it could happen again. I hate to leave my children and grandchildren with a legac legacy. Every muslim is not bad just like every german is not bad. There are a lot of good people. We all have some evil in us. But we have to conquer the evil and be good and be kind to one another. This program happens at the halocaust Museum Wednesday and thursdays through august and its annual program that runs march through august free and on to the public and as the survivor population aim its wont last forever. So take advantage of it while you can. And in washington, laura evans. Fox5 local news. And the war of words between our top two president ial con tend certifies getting uglier how trump came out swipinging to Hillary Clinton today after her claims that the republicans would be a menace to our economy. On the fence about buying a home, well, this might make you jump off a new report showing record 11. 4 million americans spend more than half their income on rent and more than 21 million are spending 30 or more of their paycheck. That is a record. And if you do ge ready to pay up. Median price for existing home leaping to its own record high last month now topping 239,000. And donald trump and Hillary Clinton better be listening new survey showing one in five americans say a president ial candidates pollties on housing and finance will influence their vote in november. And retirees rejoice. Millions of people on Social Security will get a bump in pay in monthly check next year after anyone to crease last year. Heres the catch increase will dont spend it all in one place. Thats a look at business im david asmonday. Your home can be perfect. Re, even when life isnt. The neighbors back. Oh, no. This is my husband, gibby i wanted to show him your furniture i like it you wanna come in . Oh no. That would be weird the 4th of july sale is happening now. Havertys. He called her a liar and phony one day after he said he would be a menace to our economy. Hillary clinton may be the most corrupt person to have seek the president s of the united states. Donald trump ripped Hillary Clinton record of secretary of state and blamed here for the disaster in benghazi and meantime Hillary Clinton made a Campaign Stop Raleigh North Carolina today speaking about the economy and promised to tighten regulations street and create infra struck tough to create jobs while rebuilding crumbling roads or bridges and used speech as an opportunity to take aim at donald trump. Donald trump overs no Real Solutions for the economic challenges we face. He just continues to spout reckless ideas that will run up our damages and cause another economic crash. For the first time berp bern acknowledge his may not be the democratic nominee. During a cspan interview his campaign is negotiating on a daily basis with Hillary Clintons team uming her to health care he can Higher Education and raidsing the minimum wage. Although sanders says he and clinton have real differents of opinion he said he is willing to do everything he can to defeat donald trump. It doesnt appear i will be the nominee. Im not going to determine scope of kong vengs we want to transform the Democratic Party so the super delegate swition is very, very undemocratic. Sanders has not only suspended his campaign despite Hillary Clinton already clinc clinching enough delegates and super delegates to give her the nomination at the convention and sanders plans to give a speech tomorrow announcing his next steps. And a change of plans for former republican president ial candidate marco rubio. He now says he will run for reelection for his Florida Senate seat. Rubio says hes reversing his plans to ri retire to continue with Public Service at a critical time rubio was facing pressure in hopes of gaining control in the senate. Were continuing to follow developing story on capitol hill. Lets take you live to the house floor right now a live feed from scott peters. He is one of the congregational democrats from san diego. This is his peri scope feed. Hes been doing this all day long. Congressional democrats are chanting and shouting for a vote on tougher gun control laws sit in in 11th hour well have the latest coming up at 1. Doctors worry a woman was showing sims tom of a stroke but it was a simple problem caused by her smart phone. Well explain at 11. Why should over two hundred years of citi® history matter to you . Well, because it tells us something powerful about ogress. That whether times are good or bad, people and their ideas will continue to move the world forward. As long as they have someone to believe in them. Citi® financed the transatlantic cable that connected continents. And the panama canal, that made our world a smaller place. We backed the Marshall Plan that helped europe regain its strength. For over two centuries weve supported dreams like these, and the people and companies behind them. So why should that matter to you . Because, today, we are still helping progress makers turn their ideas into realy. And the next great idea could be yours. Firefighter battling rainin raininging fires are getting a break from the heat two fires north of east loss ankle less. More good news in mexico the dog head fire is 50 contained and some residents were allowed to return to their homes today. All right. We want to get the latest on the weather forecast, were going to see some storms devrp early, early tomorrow morning. Theres caityln roth with that. Right, shawn, tony, strong storm way out midwest bringing Severe Weather to chicago and indianapolis and during the overnight hours looks like it travels quickly and be arriving just after sunrise here in the d. C. Area and so heres weather ad lines. Warm front approaches tonight from the south and storm west moving in from the south and those produceelly morning thunderstorms and thats looking more likely than possible at this poi. Looks like it could be a long day thursday, much like tuesday with the Storm Chances possible for Severe Weather and once its out of here good to go starting on friday. Quiet outside right now Beautiful Day and summer evening and that comes to an end with a severe line of thunderstorms moves through. Tornado watch out for chicago and reported funnel clouds there and many reports of damaging straight wind and hail and you see arches against indiana into hoe ohio and its a large scale storm system or at least a large band of Severe Weather but it is traveling quickly which also indicates there could be strong Straight Line winds within this band and by the time it arrives us to if unstable enough we could see Severe Weather ourselves. Flash flood watch issued through thursday night through western zones of our Coverage Area mainly hagerstown maryland through winchester, virginia to West Virginia and thats where we think the heaviest rain will fall with the complex moving in overnight tonight. We for tomorrow. Recapping today, beautiful out there. Nice respite from the storms in between yesterday and whats coming tomorrow and 86 Reagan National and 84 dulles and 2 at bwi its still warm out there and it will get muggier at we go into the overnight hours with warm front moving north ward. 76 washington and 66 gaithersburg and 68 dulles and 71 in culpeper and so we definitely have the warmth now waiting on moisture to come through. Heres how it all plays out. Fox future cast fast forward 6, 7, aex these storms out in the midwest right now it will take until the morning drive when we tart to see the rain which could be very heavy especially towards the west where we had that Flash Flood Watch through the morning commute. This model wants to say most of the strong storms and ever hade rain south of washington and Northern Virginia over to Southern Maryland and all of us should be on alert for what could be a potentially thunderstorms. Looks like we get a break even a few peaks of sunshine when the next round comes could Late Afternoon it may not be until at any time who the storm passes by and that could produce heavy line of showers and thunderstorms some of which may be severe with hail and flash flooding and Straight Line whipped. Those are all probable for the Severe Weather threat tomorrow. Lucky everything moves out as we head to friday morning and that should be a nice day. All right. Thursday, severe. Potential rounds first in the morning and severe khans will be better to south and west and tornado risk low. Straight line wind damage risk is high. And hail risk is somewhere in the medium. Flash flooding a concern there and then we have the second around of Severe Weather possible later on in the afternoon. And like i said, though, lets get to friday. We say that every week. This time with the weather it certainly rings true. Get that front out of here and High Pressure in, sunny, dry, looking more favorable toen the workweek. Lows overnight, 71, thunder, after sun rise here in d. C. And high temperatures into the upper 0s and again late day thunderstorms. 7 day forecast strong storms thursday. We clear it out. Friday morning, might be cloudy to begin. And it will improve into the afternoon. The weekend all about the weekend. Just looks so, so nice. A late june weekend in d. C. And not really any humidity sunny, mid 80s. Looks beautiful. Turns sunny and a little hotter the rest of the week. Thats a look at the 7 day forecast lets go to brody logan with sports, roady. Thank you, caityln. Great warm for golf this weekend and quicken loans Golf Tournament is known as tigers tournament its been tigers tournament in name only this year marks fourth straight torn tourney he will miss due to i injury and the man one time was discussioned as best golfer of all times can watch as others play his tournament. Nice traditional tigers southernment is we surprise pour the hero tribute wall located near t gives players and fans to write a person fall message of thanks to the military. Ricky fouler highest ranksed player in this field along with tiger signed it today. This is tenth year for his tourney and once again he will not be plague the course but playing host. I need to get in more golf shape and try to hit nor golf balls things of that nature. Im working on it. Im still progressing. So far, and i just wish i could be here and playing and be out here and get it going again. Just miss playing. I want to be out there. I feel like i should be able to compete gets these guys miss playing against these guys and i have to sit on the sidelines like everybody else. He won the president trophy at the nhl awards added more hardware to the mental. Barry tros named jack adams winner as quoch of the year and braden hole by n 48 wins tied marty single season record. Hes third cap to win the award joining jim carey and olney kersick. 52 years of suffering came to end for title star clevelan cleveland. Hundreds of thousands lined the downtown street to celebrate the first nba champion shn rallying from three games to one deficit. In the finals citys first title since the browns won nfl championship in 1964 and speaking of browns greatest of them all jim brown handed to larry obrien and lebron james bridging gap from past to present and ending ceremony its king james third title and you know just as addendum King James Lebron james free agent again. Im just saying. Didnt he tell the crowd he was not going anywhere. He made promises he made promises. He better be careful if he tried to leave. What about lack of shirts. J. R. Smith gave his shirt to his dad after the game and hes not putting on another one. He has not worn a shirt since the game. Celebrate however you like. All right. Thats your happy be happy. Well be right back graduation is supposed to be a day filled with fond memories. That was not the case for one student all thanks to his dad. Take a look. Yeah the childs father was so proud to hear his son. Look wait did you see that. He fell out and alfalfa continues to celebrate in light of those in attendance. All right the news at 11 starts right now. [ laughter ] thunderstorms moving in overnight with rick of flash flooding and Severe Weather. Your forecasts ahead. Lawmakers lead a dramatic sit in on capitol hill no bill. No break. No bill. No break. The unusual show down over gun control. And what doctors wants to you know if you look at your smart phone while lying in bed. Your news start right now. We begin tonight with developing story more fire i works on capitol hill Congressional Democrats are in their 11th hour in protests on the democratic gloor. Im shawn yancy. Im tony perkins. This say look at the house floor the live feed is this live what were seeing yes, it is this is from scott peters peri scope account democrat from california and lawmakers continued to chapter and shout for tougherer gun laws despite paul ryan calling for order. Fox5 Lauren Demarco is liver outside the capitol with the latest. This is a wild night, lauren. It really is its been going on all day and

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